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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1425622099042.jpg (37.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Wiccan raven.jpg)


Can we have a Wiccan bashing thread? Shit's cancerous to all humanity.


File: 1425622417525.jpg (10.39 KB, 251x210, 251:210, 142043379058.jpg)

pls go on…


Why do you say this? It's just another path to the same place.


File: 1425624422658.jpg (38.12 KB, 500x350, 10:7, Tyler.jpg)

What place is that? FaggotXxHARDxXcoreXx420 consumer shallow land? It's about as deep as evanescence and hot topic.


There is no need to generalize.


I think anyone interested in the occult arts is a potential ally, instead of banishing them we could welcome them to higher learning.


>>>/mlp/ is that way


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File: 1425627116745.jpg (68.71 KB, 460x550, 46:55, 1400445738754.jpg)

Occult > Hot topic
Choose wisely


File: 1425628075519.png (849.16 KB, 714x880, 357:440, 1400373726623.png)

Who? We're each INDIVIDUALS here! Oh friend you have much to learn!


Lost potential is what comes to mind when browsing this board.


File: 1425636292003.png (228.47 KB, 624x468, 4:3, Quantum-Mind-Power-The-Uni….png)

Maximum human potential is what comes to my mind.


File: 1425641711579.jpg (16.12 KB, 184x192, 23:24, ohyoubodhidharma.jpg)

Silly OP you can only be cancerous to yourself.

What does it say about you if you're getting so affected by Wicca?


Depends on the number and the power of established members to rectify their bullshit and remove problematic influences.

Entryism can really mess up communities/movements.


>a path to anywhere

NO. It's just entry-level bullshit that can not lead you anywhere. Any smart occultists quickly move on from Wicca into a real occult tradition instead.



In a esoteric way or in a materialistic way?

In the case of the latter, gtfo.



If I am not wrong, I believe Wicca worships feminine and earthly deities, those lead to very different path compared to the spiritual and transcended hermeticism.

The so called "enlightenment" is a description of the latter not the former.


Everything can be exploited for money. Fringe clothing has become popular over the last few years, mainstream hip-hop going on about occult-type stuff too.

I really don't get the exclusivity you guys are after. It makes you seem like a closed-minded religious sect rather than a group of people working on ascending.

I guess humans are the same anywhere you go. The cause itself could be anything. It's like nobody actually loves each other (or themselves) and just bounces from group to group to maximize self-righteousness.



Wicca is some kosher, neopagan bullshit that takes a huge shit on the old pagan traditions by mixing everything up. Not to mention that 90% of practioners are feminists while the other 10% are homosexuals. We do not need to be associating with these people


How in the fuck is exclusivity in any way damaging to our "open-mindedness"?

We're exclusive because of the nature of our work. It takes a lot of fucking dedication to develop yourself in the occult, dedication the majority of humans simply do not have.

Literally anyone can become a Hermetic practitioner, if they could just overcome their vices. We don't hide knowledge anymore. Everything is out in the open, everything is there to be learned. Nobody is being denied the greenpill.

We are an exclusive group in the same way being a part of the olympics is exclusive as fuck. We are just really exceptional humans.

I love ideals and that's enough for me. I don't need your guilt-tripping.

…and I am a lone practitioner and not part of any group.

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