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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1425680661144.png (384.18 KB, 392x466, 196:233, Untitled.png)


Post your gains if so. Or attempt to argue why you think a good diet is all that is necessary.

I want to gauge how many people here aren't deluded by the notion that being physically fit and exercising regularly isn't vital to magick use and loosh storing.


I have scars all over my body and don't want to post my body. I am fit but it doesn't look good, I look like a corpse. These are not aesthetically attractive scars.

Also OP your body looks average and not impressive.

There's a lot that goes into getting GAINS. Mentality is a big one. Diet, how well you breath and sleep, etc. also matters.

I consider my body a WIP and don't really want to post images until I find out how to consciously dissolve scar tissue and just make my body look nice and normal and not like some horrible corpse.

>I want to gauge how many people here aren't deluded by the notion that being physically fit and exercising regularly isn't vital to magick use and loosh storing.

What exactly are you trying to say with this sentence? That physical fitness is beneficial to magickal development or not?


What gains faggot, you look like you haven't picked up a single weight your entire life.

He means that it IS vital to magick nigger, There is no ambiguity in his sentence, how do you expect to master alchemy to the point of changing your body if you can't even read simple text?


>He means that it IS vital to magick nigger, There is no ambiguity in his sentence, how do you expect to master alchemy to the point of changing your body if you can't even read simple text?

I re-read it multiple times and it's fucking weird that he uses "aren't" and "isn't" as opposed to "are" and "is".

I can read most of my occult books just fine.


If he use both are and is the sentence would have the opposite meaning. The fact that you still can't understand it after it was pointed out for you shows just how dense you're.




Oh look you didn't post a pic

wizard gains aren't about being big friend


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File: 1425683846005-1.jpg (1.15 MB, 1952x2592, 61:81, IMAG0152.jpg)


I like to charge myself up with these two quartz crystals, one in each hand for about 20 minutes before I lift. I also use a mouthpiece to make sure I keep my jaw relaxed to keep the energy flowing while I lift.

I haven't been to the gym in a few weeks though, just been doing bodyweight exercises like pullups.


Are you trolling me? Do you even know what a double negative is?

>how dense you're

Come on man.

Your English is shit not mine.

Here, I'll correct his sentence:

I want to gauge how many people here are deluded by the notion that being physically fit and exercising regularly isn't vital to magick use and loosh storing.


>his gains aren't about gaining anything
You don't look particularly lean or muscular in any way, what are your stats?

When you meant "in shape" I thought you meant something other than shaped like a weakling.


Oh god your body is even worse than mine.

>man tits

>protruded gut

Man I look like a Spartan compared to you, albeit one that has been shot in the chest and had the bullet extracted, and is corpse-like.


lol Why bother cutting when you can just gain?

nice dubs


His sentence is not a double negative, otherwise you could remove both negatives and still have the same meaning.

Also, the phrase you posted is not equivalent to what OP posted. On his, he wanted to know the group of people that aren't deluded by the notion. On yours, you'd take the group of people that are.

I hope you don't need more details because I'm terrible at explaining basic concepts to retards.

Perhaps if you kept your jaw relaxed more often you wouldn't be a fatass :^)



I suppose thanks to prolonged chan exposure I now see the word "gains" as another way of saying "your physique".

> You don't look particularly lean or muscular in any way, what are your stats?

After reading that coupled with still no pic, i'm just going to leave you be


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File: 1425701539159.jpg (5.93 KB, 300x300, 1:1, asdff.jpg)

Rate muh gains


Forgot my flag.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What the hell is up with these shit threads, there's already a relevant thread no need to spam with this.


Didn't realize this was a necromancer board, so many skeletons.


I dabble in whatever aspects of magick appeal to me. I consider myself kindhearted at my core and have always admired the athletic physique over being stacked.

Also wing chun is a hobby of mine and low fat + speed is way preferable to bulk + strength when doing it.

However I will admit I am not quite at the size and fat percentage I want but after some recent setbacks i've really started making progress and am all but certain I will soon attain my goals.

Also I strictly do body weight fitness which is much harder to bulk on than using machinery and free weights.


That's a nice bulge. You should definitely show more of it.




Post on /cuteboys/ please.


>using that flag
>being a homosexual

Rope! Rope! Rope!


Pulled 450 two weeks ago at a bw of 157.5 (manlet)


File: 1425904128820.jpg (55.1 KB, 468x483, 156:161, true physique of ascended ….jpg)


Get on my level, you level one wizard twinks.


>Any other in shape wizards?

Skeleton shaped? No.


File: 1431477000522.jpg (340.3 KB, 1936x1936, 1:1, image.jpg)


This isn't even my final form



you look fucking disgusting man

fucking take dnp and stop being a lazy ass piece of shit

ps dnp is not a "poison" or a "brain frier". it is a mitochondrial UNCOUPLER

like aspirin

totally legit if you don't go over 250 mg/day



fatass detected



/fringe/ wizards need that passive unholy AOE damage from their edgy bones.

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