National Socialism and /fringe/ 03/07/15 (Sat) 16:55:55 No. 25933
You can hardly be a Fringe Wizard and not also be a National Socialist . We all strive to perfect our own being and raise the consciousness of humanity. The doctrines of National Socialism reinforce the virtues and bring about the purification of the races. All the enemies of National Socialism promote degeneracy, mediocrity, inadequacy, mass man, stagnation, globalism, impurity, etc. and none of this is acceptable to a wizard. The world is being dragged down under the weight of all this vice. Only National Socialism can correct this situation in a permanent way through the improvement of the racial stock.
03/07/15 (Sat) 17:26:27 No. 25937
I do not care for politics as it serves to divide people and blind them from higher truths. This world, its inhabitants, this existence - it is temporal. The physical doesn't matter, the spirit does. Better to have one's body terminated than one's spirit tarnished.
03/07/15 (Sat) 18:39:21 No. 25943
>>25933 Is this the thing where you try to get a foothold in every small forum or movement in order to make yourselves appear relevant?
03/07/15 (Sat) 19:15:20 No. 25944
George Lincoln Rockwell was the greatest National Socialist since Adolf Hitler.
some of his pdfs are on
03/07/15 (Sat) 21:27:25 No. 25963
>>25937 >I do not care for politics as it serves to divide people and blind them from higher truths. What's wrong with being divided and fighting for your own people? Would you rather we be united under ZOG, everyone degenerating, the unique character of the races being wiped out and replaced by empty cosmopolitan mishmash that's all the fucking same everywhere? The world was a lot richer and more beautiful place when hierarchy and individuality reigned, not this disgusting egalitarianism reducing everyone into interchangeable parts.
>This world, its inhabitants, this existence - it is temporal. The physical doesn't matter, the spirit does.As above, so below; as below, so above. The physical is a reflection of the spiritual. The outer shell conveys the secrets of the inner-nature. I know this to be absolutely true. The physical matters very much. You can not just ignore the physical as the physical is MENTAL in actuality. It is a manifestation within the mind of The All.
"The half-wise, recognizing the comparative unreality of the Universe, imagine that they may defy its Laws — such are vain and presumptuous fools, and they are broken against the rocks and torn asunder by the elements by reason of their folly. The truly wise, knowing the nature of the Universe, use Law against laws; the higher against the lower; and by the Art of Alchemy transmute that which is undesirable into that which is worthy, and thus triumph. Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions and fantastic imaginings or living, but in using the higher forces against the lower — escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher. Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master." — The Kybalion.
>Better to have one's body terminated than one's spirit tarnished.The body is the temple of your soul and in resonance with your spirit. Your spirit is only tarnished by your wilful degeneracy. We must improve the vessels available for future incarnations here on Earth so spirit may further express itself. Create the Übermensch.
03/07/15 (Sat) 21:33:34 No. 25966
Adolf Hitler was a master of the Hermetic arts and was in close personal contact with many influential occultists that helped teach him to use his voice and emotions to make powerful appeals to the German people. Related: >Erik Jan Hanussen, born Hermann Steinschneider (2 June 1889, Vienna – 25 March 1933, Berlin), was an Austrian Jewish publicist, charlatan and clairvoyant performer who lied about his origins. Acclaimed in his lifetime as a hypnotist, mentalist, occultist, and astrologer, Hanussen was active in Weimar Republic Germany and also at the beginning of Nazi Germany. He is said to have instructed Adolf Hitler in performance and the achievement of dramatic effect.
03/07/15 (Sat) 22:30:42 No. 25980
>>25943 >Is this the thing where you try to get a foothold in every small forum or movement in order to make yourselves appear relevant? Talking about yourself SJW? Do you even know where you are?
03/07/15 (Sat) 23:44:55 No. 25998
>>25980 There's a good reason why Evola rejected the Nazis.
03/07/15 (Sat) 23:52:16 No. 26000
03/08/15 (Sun) 00:02:16 No. 26003
>>26000 Nazis are a product of the mass industrial system. They are plebian, not aristocratic. Hitler's focus was on demagoguery and moving the masses. They ripped off bits and pieces of occultism and Hitler certainly had occult charisma. That doesn't make them the traditionalists they pretend to be when it's convenient to do so.
03/08/15 (Sun) 00:44:54 No. 26008
>>26003 >implying the 2D and lower 3D humans can ever be taught occult truths >implying they don't literally exist as mass men for us to use
03/08/15 (Sun) 00:51:47 No. 26011
If dubs, National Socialism is the official ideology of /fringe/
03/08/15 (Sun) 03:45:57 No. 26035
>>25998 The National Socialists the world knew were in a transformative stage. The German people could hardly revert to Rome overnight.
Evola did not reject them as much as he expected his criticisms to help change the movement for the better, like he did with Italian Fascism.
03/08/15 (Sun) 03:49:44 No. 26036
>>25966 Erik Jan Hanussen was a jew and the man with the green gloves, responsible for the fall of the Reich.
03/08/15 (Sun) 03:55:17 No. 26037
>>25933 The Nazis did give the world some great things, such as a mixed economic system, and advances in medicine. But their ideology was flawed and was therefore eliminated from civilization. Such separatist policies could never be used in the modern era, which was proven by their demise. Think about the fact that we can communicate messages across the world in a split second or fly around the world in mere hours. Globalization is inevitable and cannot be stopped, this is because profit is the motivator behind almost all industries and technologies these days. Most people here probably don't even realize the stereotype as Jews being greedy came from the fact that in middle ages it was considered a sin for a Christian to turn a profit, but such a sin never existed in Judaism. Indeed, the Nazis and Jews both gave the world powerful individualist concepts that makes us stronger than we could be with the restriction of certain ideologies. That's why we should learn from our mistakes and keep the good things we've learned and toss aside the irrelevant stuff. To reinstall a Neo-Nazi agenda would just serve to set the world back to 194x. It may seem like your lives are hard today and we romanticize that period of time as being prosperous, but the fact is, people are better off today than they have ever been. Be an individual because any one philosophy will never work for the betterment of man as a whole. Don't be worried about race mixing because you see interracial porn or white people listening to rap, the people that participate things these things, other than those taking advantage of the opportunity, are buffoons and will be eliminated by natural selection. Besides they're whores, who cares what they do? If you want to protect your daughters from this degradation, treat them well and educate them. If you're a real opportunist, you should be able to see the stupidity of people and exploit it, which is exactly what the industries are doing.
03/08/15 (Sun) 04:15:30 No. 26039
>>25998 >>26003 >a /illuminati/ wizard BTFOing hitlerfags using Evola as referenceYou know I just got WAY more interested in joining you guys now.
03/08/15 (Sun) 04:23:51 No. 26040
>>25998 Evola was probably butthurt by their racial policies because he himself is a mongrol(Sicily = rape babies all Italians hate sicilians and almost all Italian-americans are from Sicily).
People are MUCH less likely to believe in racial realism if they themself are of a race that is percieved as "inferior" or even worse a heritageless shit skin mystery meat mixedrace mongrol that is bred to have no loyalties, but to Material consumerism and mass media.
Hitler was right about pretty much everything.
03/08/15 (Sun) 04:25:02 No. 26042
>>25933 Funny you idiots complain the world is too integrated when you chat on your computer conceptualized in America, designed in Japan and assembled in India. Stupid mother fuckers.
03/08/15 (Sun) 04:25:46 No. 26043
>>26040 >Hitler was right about pretty much everything. Fuck off back to hell Kubrick. Eyes Wide Shut wasn't even a good documentary.
03/08/15 (Sun) 04:30:00 No. 26044
>>26042 Where is your flag Schlomo?
And I am certain the OP is not against international trade, but against the blandaing up of all the cultures of the world so that the diversity of the world is replaced by a uniform commercialized shithole full of mongrels.
03/08/15 (Sun) 04:36:24 No. 26045
>>26044 He complained about Globalization, shit breath. Besides the Nazi's hated globalization. Read a fucking history book because you're talking like a fucking retard.
03/08/15 (Sun) 04:47:17 No. 26046
>>26043 >Eyes Wide Shut wasn't even a good documentary. >documentary JIDF doesn't even know proper english!
03/08/15 (Sun) 04:53:21 No. 26048
>>26045 Watch your fucking language, my son reads this site.
"hurr durr lets all lose out on the opportunities to enrich our lives with computers because their all assembled overseas"!
When opposition is grasping at straws like this(along with vulgar insults) you know they are fighting a losing argument.
03/08/15 (Sun) 04:56:49 No. 26049
>>26048 Fuck your son and fuck your failed ideology. If you let your kid on this site, you are the shittiest parent in the world. Your kid will probably grow up to be a cuck just like his old man. Nazis didn't believe in global trade and would have North Korean style technology, if their backwards ideas were allowed to continue.
03/08/15 (Sun) 05:18:31 No. 26052
>>26040 >People are MUCH less likely to believe in racial realism if they themself are of a race that is percieved as "inferior" or even worse a heritageless shit skin mystery meat mixedrace mongrol that is bred to have no loyalties, but to Material consumerism and mass media.Just a reminder that Evola wasn't against racial realism, he just says that the existence of this materialistic perception denotes degeneration, you wouldn't really care about races in traditional world, because mixing wasn't really common (or even possible, if you analyze it further), also, even caste mixing persons were subjected to death penalty on sight.
If you read
>>26003 , you'll notice that racism wasn't the worse part of Hitler's materialistic delusion.
But I understand you guys, compared to today's decadence, he's a saint.
>>26048 Why is your son here?
03/08/15 (Sun) 06:20:28 No. 26056
>>26049 thanks for the loosh, mundane
>>26052 he is obviously baiting
03/08/15 (Sun) 06:53:56 No. 26060
>>26056 Kek, you called me an adjective. I'm done here
03/08/15 (Sun) 07:54:53 No. 26071
The reason Jews dominate the money and culture in most of the world is because they are smarter and more advanced in general than any other race on earth. This has been proven repeatedly by IQ research and real life success standards. They are, materially and magically, superior. Perhaps the best thing to do is not trying to exterminate them, but to convince them to work with us and, under their rule, build a better world for everyone
03/08/15 (Sun) 08:06:36 No. 26075
>>26071 They are magically shit and only succeeded in matter doing what other nations avoided due to immorality. Their religion was inspired by true doctrine, but soon had its spirituality killed off, mainly by their rabbis. They are an instrument to keep others and themselves fettered to matter. They only exist in parasytic conditions in relation to other cultures. They are the type of people that are only allowed to exist in the Kali Yuga.
03/08/15 (Sun) 13:41:01 No. 26118
>>26039 Anyone can use the illuminati flag here, he probably doesn't actually have access to our /illuminati/ board.
03/08/15 (Sun) 13:44:19 No. 26120
>>26037 >people are better off today than they have ever been. Yeah fucking right.
03/08/15 (Sun) 13:46:55 No. 26121
>>26042 >implying my computer was not conceptualized, designed, and made in America Fuck off kike!
03/08/15 (Sun) 13:47:32 No. 26122
>>26044 Where is your flag?
03/08/15 (Sun) 13:50:46 No. 26123
>>26052 >Why is your son here? >implying his son didn't introduce him to
03/08/15 (Sun) 15:20:58 No. 26135
>>26118 So if you don't mind, can you give your opinion on Hitler and Evola?
>>26071 >schlomo flag>progress.png >they are, materially and magically, superior. kek, I bet the hylics will bite.
03/08/15 (Sun) 17:05:57 No. 26153
>>26152 Flag didn't work for some reason.
03/08/15 (Sun) 18:07:36 No. 26157
Hitler was an athiest
03/08/15 (Sun) 19:15:22 No. 26165
>>26120 I guess if you're a redneck (the niggers of the Caucasian race) with no education, on welfare, and poor verbal skills, then yeah you are worse off.
03/08/15 (Sun) 19:24:18 No. 26166
>>26071 > >The reason Jews dominate the money and culture in most of the world is because they are smarter and more advanced in general than any other race on earth. Rally, then why don't the Dutch rule the world?
03/08/15 (Sun) 19:40:06 No. 26167
>>26165 Nah, actually only people who want a meaningful life and some type of evolution are worse off.
Rednecks are the ones who are fine since they can watch Nascar or whatever in each time higher resolution. And the ones who are spiritually like them, but for some reason consider themselves more civilized, and instead keep waiting for fancier smartphones. The education is reduced to propaganda. The large amount of information is each time more meaningless of content. Computers are a substitute for a life, and the Internet is only an escape from the destruction of the local community, not primary options.
03/08/15 (Sun) 19:55:56 No. 26169
>>26157 He was a christian.
03/08/15 (Sun) 22:40:16 No. 26191
>>26169 No he was a Hermetic wizard that saw religion the exact same way Franz Bardon describes religion in the Golden Book of Wisdom:
03/08/15 (Sun) 23:07:59 No. 26206
>>25937 >I do not care for politics Yes you do. What you don't care for are views other than your own.
03/09/15 (Mon) 01:49:52 No. 26228
>>26206 Egalitarians and other filth that love the status quo do not care to get involved into politics because they don't need to. They aren't truly apathetic though. There are genuinely apathetic nihilist types but these people aren't, they get butthurt as fuck by politics, thus they care.
03/28/15 (Sat) 14:03:55 No. 29805
03/28/15 (Sat) 17:06:32 No. 29816
>>25933 If you had the faintest clue who your people actually were, you could be raising their consciousness themselves and not have to beg like a dog for the barest scrap of political power. They are not yours until they are yours, and no amount of wishful thinking is going to make the racemind any stronger, because you've provided no incentive to anyone who doesn't believe in your values, and certainly you have not proved incentive to the common man.
Whatever you may feel about the common man, if he is not on your side in any discernible sense and you are not yet in a position of power, you have essentially no political power. You have not yet learned to provide incentive like modern globalist technocracy can provide incentive, and all the posturing and anger will come to nothing if you cannot solve this most simple of issues.
The original national socialists came to power because they were better. They could provide incentives like no other; they were intimately familiar with their own people and it showed in everything they did. Does that mean they were always loved by everyone in Germany ever? No, certainly not, but they by necessity had solid popular support, they were populists. The concern with purity was genuine but the driving force behind their success (lasting a total of twelve years, their brevity must be pointed out) was an expansionist ethos. It has been argued that such an ethos is inherently unsustainable (an economic bubble in political form), but it had something really going for it, which was that it dragged Germany out of a horrendous period in its history into economic and social success within only a few years. It had a very sharp program of improvement that produced fast, reliable results.
If you cannot provide the same thing and if you cannot market yourself, if your people truly loathe what it is you do, you aren't actually of your people even if you state that you're doing it out of a sense of tough love for them, or saving them from themselves, because you won't in fact be doing anything whatsoever except probably being an edgy fuckwad who talks a big talk and can't back it up politically or magically.
So really, it doesn't matter what you believe. If you do not have the ability for insight, if you are parroting points uselessly, you will receive your just rewards soon enough.
03/29/15 (Sun) 08:55:53 No. 30042
>>29816 Missing the point nigger.
SAGE! 04/02/15 (Thu) 00:04:21 No. 30691
>>30042 You're missing the point of what I'm saying if your only response is to state that I'm missing the point.
04/02/15 (Thu) 03:33:21 No. 30762
>>25937 The physical matters quite a bit.
04/08/15 (Wed) 08:26:28 No. 31906
Bumping, I want to know more about esoteric National Socialism
04/08/15 (Wed) 09:32:09 No. 31911
>>31906 The Third Reich didn't lose the war.
04/08/15 (Wed) 09:34:34 No. 31912
>>30691 Seems somewhat harsh, the last bit.
Did you just mean something like his actions having their reciprocal effect?
Maybe some risidual venom that made him shield up?
Probably just cognitive dissonance.
I agree with your statements and enjoyed reading it.
04/08/15 (Wed) 11:50:53 No. 31919
>>31911 The international jewry is still at large so they didn't win it either.
At the very least their ideals live on through us, and at best there are still living successors to the 3rd Reich who are in hiding.
04/08/15 (Wed) 13:34:42 No. 31931
Just because NS has so many good points that you resonate with doesn't mean it's a perfect fit. It's inherently flawed and will never set foot again in this world as it requires populism and the will to sacrifce yourself for the masses, absolute devotion and obedience. The motto "You are nothing without your folk and your tribe" should tell you exactly what NS entails. I figured national socialism unfit for superior beings and will continue to reject it. Miguel Serrano's books were the most romanticized things I have ever read (there are some cool quotes though). Every true NS rejects occultism, and you can throw all the Himmlers, Weisthors and black suns at me, but it's common knowledge they were sneered at. Yes, NS was founded with occult roots, uses symbols, etc. The people who invented the flying saucers were scientists, not national socialists. The Vril Society was never NS to begin with. NS gets more credit than it deserves. I will not discuss it. If you can't figure for yourself why the old NS is incompatible with occultism, today more than ever, a quick glance at any renowned NS forum should tell.
04/08/15 (Wed) 13:48:12 No. 31932
>>31919 They will win. The war hasn't ended. Jews will lose.
04/08/15 (Wed) 17:54:20 No. 31961
I'd highly recommend reading Aristokratia, it is a collection of essays on philosophy of society mostly inspired by Nietzsche's theory of advancing society based on a new aristocracy based on merit of the ubermensch rather than birth right or wealth and a criticism of democracy as a system that breeds mediocrity.
04/08/15 (Wed) 18:38:43 No. 31971
>>31961 Also I should add from what I've read so far there is nothing to do with race or nat socialism, but that shouldn't stop anyone on either side of nat soc from reading it, the principles hold true regardless of your position.
The principle of a certain type of individual setting themselves apart from the crowd to further culture and how society functions is definitely in line with /fringe/ wizardry whatever your politics are.
04/08/15 (Wed) 23:58:37 No. 32003
>>31931 >today more than ever, a quick glance at any renowned NS forum should tell. Lol you mean such as Stormfront?
While most White Nationalists are certainly more "aware" than your average pleb, the great majority of them are also misinformed with things such as Christianity
Just because most modern so called "national socialists" know nothing about the occult doesnt mean the real national socialists didnt.
04/09/15 (Thu) 07:55:01 No. 32069
>>25937 People are divided by actualized reality. Denying actualized reality for higher reality is foolish, since they are intimately tied. This is the fallacy of gnostics.
04/09/15 (Thu) 10:30:15 No. 32075
>>31961 >>31971 Got a PDF?
>>32003 This was true and Hitler knew it in the 1930's. That's why he appealed to the lower class and promoted "positive christianity"
04/09/15 (Thu) 10:41:54 No. 32076
>>32075 Don't think so, the one I found was a virus and I don't have AV on my laptop so don't feel comfortable looking for one atm. I bought a physical copy of the book, was quite expensive, £18, but worth it.
04/09/15 (Thu) 11:04:00 No. 32079
>>32076 >£18 >expensive How much of a neophyte are you if you can't even project enough influence in order to be comfortable financially?
Why are you even here? Go back to practicing.
04/09/15 (Thu) 11:18:17 No. 32082
>>32079 It's expensive for a book, and considering most people here are NEETs the comment was more for them than me.
tfw paid by the government for being schizo-illuminated
04/09/15 (Thu) 11:21:32 No. 32083
>>32003 You're not funny. Try
>Just because most modern so called "national socialists" know nothing about the occult doesnt mean the real national socialists didnt.The real national socialists were down-to-earth darwinists. A few oddities like Heinrich Himmler who was called a crackpot by his peers don't represent the movement as a whole. SA-chief Röhm was gay. Do his personal "interests" now make the NSDAP a party of faggots?
Let's quote a modern day national socialist who actually researched:
>NS has nothing whatsoever to do with the crazy writtings of 19th century lunatics.The Mazdaznan-Society was outlawed, same as the Thule-society and Ludendorff-sect. Founder of the "Thule" Rudolf von Sebottendorf had to emigrate after NS took power and his book "before Hitler came" was outlawed. Lanz von Liebenfels was forbidden to speak, his "New-Templar-Orden" outlawed and his writtings put on the Index. Oh how "esoteric" those Nazis were!
04/10/15 (Fri) 20:30:14 No. 32268
04/10/15 (Fri) 20:50:50 No. 32272
>>32268 Are you sure these are good sources?
I only skimmed but the second book on page 52 of the PDF, there is a large photo of Himmler with the caption "Goering" under it. I'm sure it has some good stuff, but definetly read with caution for the disinfo.
04/10/15 (Fri) 20:59:53 No. 32275
>>32272 I've not read either, I think the first is likely to be more reliable than the second.
04/10/15 (Fri) 21:01:57 No. 32276
Anyone interested in the Caroll Quigley's (went to harvard, taught at georgetown) account of political powers behind the scenes that would rather stay private should read this:!6ggyGJpK!cOt44Rr0zTOYwTC40i6eLRR2-lvaG6CXRbXY9ureasw
04/11/15 (Sat) 02:08:28 No. 32329
Hitler was against occultism: "National Socialism is not a cult-movement– a movement for worship; it is exclusively a 'volkic' political doctrine based upon racial principles. In its purpose there is no mystic cult, only the care and leadership of a people defined by a common blood-relationship…. We will not allow mystically-minded occult folk with a passion for exploring the secrets of the world beyond to steal into our Movement. Such folk are not National Socialists, but something else– in any case something which has nothing to do with us. At the head of our programme there stand no secret surmisings but clear-cut perception and straightforward profession of belief. But since we set as the central point of this perception and of this profession of belief the maintenance and hence the security for the future of a being formed by God, we thus serve the maintenance of a divine work and fulfill a divine will– not in the secret twilight of a new house of worship, but openly before the face of the Lord…. Our worship is exclusively the cultivation of the natural, and for that reason, because natural, therefore God-willed. Our humility is the unconditional submission before the divine laws of existence so far as they are known to us men." -Adolf Hitler, in Nuremberg on 6 Sept. 1938. Hitler was also totally against paganism: "It seems to me that nothing would be more foolish than to re-establish the worship of Wotan. Our old mythology had ceased to be viable when Christianity implanted itself. Nothing dies unless it is moribund." -Hitler's Secret Conversations, 1941-1944 And, consider the above sentence of Hitler. "Nothing dies unless it is moribund". National Socialism died, so even according to Hitler himself it would be foolish to try to resurrect it, even if it were not totally at odds with wizardry. It is also idiotic to think that nations such as the US and Britain that sacrificed millions fighting the Nazis will ever decide "Gee, maybe Hitler had a point!" So what is the point of any of this? I mean go ahead and go LARPing in your swazi armbands if that's what makes you happy, but what is the point? Fringe wizardry can have an effect on the real world that fringe politics will not, so put your focus on that.
04/11/15 (Sat) 02:39:36 No. 32333
>>32329 Anyone can quote Hitler in any way they want to paint him as an Atheist, a Christian, a Pagan and many other things but I think only the
Enigma of Hitler article really captures his true position on this matter. National Socialism is definitely a race first doctrine and everything must be made to serve the race but that doesn't really mean Adolf Hitler wasn't an advanced occultist himself or that he didn't say just what various people wanted to hear in order to get them on the NatSoc bandwagon. He would say stuff to Christians to appease Christians and he would say other things to followers of other paradigms. Regardless, NatSoc Germany was remaking and recasting all the religions and every institution of society to become racially based.
Also, what was it the SS had to be? Were they not pagans? Did they not represent the future of what was intended for all of German society?
I've read a pretty good article before about how NatSoc were basically subverting and destroying Christianity to replace it with a new Germanic religion.
05/19/15 (Tue) 07:31:38 No. 39402
>he doesn't think the cultural marxism is dividing and conquering Europeans into small groups: all the "sjw" groups, which constantly in-fight, women against men(feminism), men against women(MGTOW), etc.
05/20/15 (Wed) 17:57:11 No. 39758
National Socialism is the ultimate anti-cuck ideology you retard.
05/27/15 (Wed) 12:01:21 No. 41349
the more similar 2 gene pools are, the quicker degeneration occurs. diverse gene pools produce the strongest bodies. this is fact. if you want a healthy child then have them with someone very different to you genetically. when its similar gene pools (white+white+white) (black+black+black) then it just quickly becomes a copy of a copy of a copy..
05/27/15 (Wed) 12:04:17 No. 41350
i even think that if someone with defective genes (eg downs syndrome - extra chromosome that is defective) were mixed with healthy genes it could purify the extra chromosome and make for even more advanced bodies
05/27/15 (Wed) 12:07:36 No. 41352
in genesis + book of jubilees the first humans have very long lives and are very tall but it slowly degenerates. (after cain slew his brother he took ewan his sister as his wife and she bore him enoch) there was a lot of incest in the book of jubilees and i think that explains why weve degenerated so much since then
06/22/15 (Mon) 08:01:40 No. 44599
>You can hardly be a Fringe Wizard and not also be a National Socialist.
That's a bit of a stretch anon, Hitler was autistic and therefore a mundane. He also sent millions of his own people to certain death, pretty UNvolkisch
06/22/15 (Mon) 08:03:31 No. 44600
is that why /pol/ can't stop obsessing over cuckokd porn and spams it on other boards?
SAGE! 06/22/15 (Mon) 16:28:38 No. 44634
That's bullshit, if you go too diverse you cause mental and physical issues. Hybrid vigor comes from anyone further away than your first cousin.
You don't want very different, you want slightly different.
Not even mentioning the thousands and thousands of different types of white people, going back to homo erectus is simply genetically irresponsible.