Looking for a girl 03/07/15 (Sat) 17:17:10 No. 25934
So i have met this girl on /x/. She was perma banned before i could contact her my thread was deleted.
03/07/15 (Sat) 17:19:22 No. 25935
03/07/15 (Sat) 17:22:37 No. 25936
The elites dont want me to have a gf.
03/07/15 (Sat) 19:19:38 No. 25946
You deserved the ban (although is sucks that the hotpocket eating mods had to do this).
03/07/15 (Sat) 21:16:08 No. 25960
03/07/15 (Sat) 21:18:18 No. 25961
03/07/15 (Sat) 21:19:37 No. 25962
03/07/15 (Sat) 21:31:46 No. 25965
*Hanz Detected* We need a Hanz Flag. Hanz, what do you want your flag to be?
03/07/15 (Sat) 22:00:39 No. 25970
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
03/08/15 (Sun) 07:49:23 No. 26069
>>25934 OP, you shat up /pol/ with your batshit "ELITES ARE OUT TO GET ME."
Daily reminder to kill yourself.
03/08/15 (Sun) 12:27:09 No. 26111
Holy fucking hell, smiley, either get better mods or give me mod status so I can burn down the retard threads twice a day that don't even pertain to the discussion topic of /fringe/.
03/08/15 (Sun) 15:43:37 No. 26141
File: 1425829417077.png (786.09 KB, 1400x2700, 14:27, Demiurge Propaganda Rebuke….png )
03/08/15 (Sun) 18:10:35 No. 26158
Guys stop hatin on Based Demiurge pls
03/08/15 (Sun) 20:19:43 No. 26170
>>26141 Why did you re post the same comic?
☻ 03/08/15 (Sun) 22:37:42 No. 26189
>>26158 Fuck off demiurge lover, the lights are flashing around me, and my screen is bleeding, I'm coming for you nigga.
☻ 03/08/15 (Sun) 22:38:54 No. 26190
Down with the demiurge! Holy fuck …
03/10/15 (Tue) 18:45:24 No. 26508
03/10/15 (Tue) 19:01:08 No. 26512
05/13/15 (Wed) 00:05:49 No. 38210
05/13/15 (Wed) 00:11:55 No. 38213
05/13/15 (Wed) 00:59:57 No. 38222
Hanz how come you wont get laid bro? Just be yourself brah.
SAGE! 05/13/15 (Wed) 01:23:49 No. 38225
sage 05/13/15 (Wed) 03:55:42 No. 38264
It smells like a b8 response to me tbh.
SAGE! 05/13/15 (Wed) 07:38:47 No. 38288
fuck hanz consistent shit poster for years pls gtfos
05/13/15 (Wed) 21:00:25 No. 38417
i am florian. who are you?
05/13/15 (Wed) 21:07:03 No. 38424
Not the person you're seeking in this case, let me know if you see J.
05/13/15 (Wed) 21:26:20 No. 38434
are you looking for a julian?
SAGE! 05/14/15 (Thu) 04:15:08 No. 38503
Hey Hanz, why haven't you killed yourself yet you fat pathetic fuck?
SAGE! 05/14/15 (Thu) 04:16:47 No. 38505
05/16/15 (Sat) 20:25:22 No. 38917
It was just in my head..
05/16/15 (Sat) 21:57:50 No. 38932
How did you know that?
SAGE! 05/17/15 (Sun) 01:44:52 No. 38966
File: 1431827092628.png (28.58 KB, 541x122, 541:122, 2015-05-17 03_44_33-Report….png )
05/18/15 (Mon) 19:39:00 No. 39290
i have certain psychic abilities.
maybe you arent looking for a julian but for me?
05/19/15 (Tue) 20:50:11 No. 39524
05/19/15 (Tue) 20:59:38 No. 39528
No, I'm pretty sure I'm looking for Julian.
05/19/15 (Tue) 21:38:30 No. 39535
I got two questions. Where do you live? In general
And 2. did you have a dream where you gave someone your phone number to call you?
05/20/15 (Wed) 00:19:16 No. 39564
>Where do you live? In general
I'd rather not share this information
>did you have a dream where you gave someone your phone number to call you?
No, I gave him my e-mail since I was concerned that phone calls would be hard considering we live in different countries.
05/20/15 (Wed) 00:24:19 No. 39566
05/20/15 (Wed) 06:35:19 No. 39656
I see. Its probably not you then..
05/20/15 (Wed) 17:49:00 No. 39755
if you live near berlin in germany.. maybe we should add eachother on skype then. because if you do live in my area i think you would be the one who is meant to be with me.
do you?
05/20/15 (Wed) 18:13:09 No. 39762
I got your girlfriend for ya1!
05/23/15 (Sat) 03:17:57 No. 40638
I was playing galcon 2 and people suddenly talked in code to eachother. They are all part of a conspiracy in that game.
05/23/15 (Sat) 03:21:23 No. 40639
Also after they knew about me they went into hide mode and never appeared again.
05/26/15 (Tue) 12:34:28 No. 41138
There's no conspiracy, people just talk gibberish sometimes.
Just because they went into hide mode doesn't mean we're plotting against you.
05/27/15 (Wed) 17:52:07 No. 41388