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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hi Fringe

Ever since I was a kid I have had "hallucinations" of mechanical looking devices and entities floating around my bedroom like there's zero gravity, usually just after being woken from sleep.

I am a very light sleeper so often I feel completely lucid while watching them go about their business, usually for 10-30 seconds before they fade away.

I used to be very afraid of them, but they don't seem hostile towards me, just menacing and creepy.

There are at least a dozen different kinds, and they are so real seeming that I have begun to suspect I actually am seeing into some other reality, slightly "behind" this one.

Ever since I've started believing that they are real, I have been seeing them more vividly, for longer, and more consistently (Saw them 3 times last night).

If I try to sit up and touch them, my hand goes right through and they eventually fade and vanish.

Sometimes they appear to react to me watching them, other times they ignore me.

Anyway, I've decided to start documenting and drawing these "entities", and would love any information or opinions /fringe/ might have as to what they are. (pic related, 3 of the most common ones)

Any idea what I'm dealing with here? Aliens? DMT entities? Ghosts? Other dimensions? Or just simply hallucinations?


They aren't "hallucinations" they are thoughtforms.

Btw, post with a flag.


>There are at least a dozen different kinds, and they are so real seeming that I have begun to suspect I actually am seeing into some other reality, slightly "behind" this one.

That's the astral planes (also less ambiguously called the mental planes) idiot.

Others like me can see and interact with them also if they can adjust their FRV to tune into the same realm and plane you are tuned into btw. It works a lot like a radio.

How new are you to /fringe/?

…and they are in fact REAL you know. More real than this reality. If you astral travel and go full fledged into this higher realm you will understand in time why it is more real; everything is more intense, vivid, greater depth, etc.

Go read the books in our library that are suggested at the start of the questions thread + Magical Use of Thoughtforms which is also in that thread.

All you are doing is seeing into the astral. I can do this as well. You are at a really high level of conscious compared to the average mundane to do this btw, but a highly developed wizard sees into 4D all the time.

The greater mystery to me OP is where you picked up these thoughtforms from. The most likely answer is you created them yourself, however, probably without conscious intent to do so since you're not a trained occultist. You could just as well have picked them up from someone else or they could have just been hanging around in the immediate etheric environment of your home for some reason. Only way to find out for sure is to use psychomancy (there's a book in the library about that).

I assure you they are not ghosts, aliens, DMT entities, or "hallucinations" which is a retarded concept on materialists subscribe to because they don't know better.

You should really read up and learn more and begin to find out what you can use these thoughtforms you've got with you because they probably have some really fucking useful functions that could give you an incredible edge over the majority of humans today once you start actually using them for your own benefit.

Personally, I am creating an infinitybook and some other thoughtforms myself, to be used for many functions that will massively extend my abilities.


>also in that thread

I mean, also in the library.



OP you are going to want to read this glossary to understand our terminology. Read the sticky too, it has all our shit in there, including yet another glossary just for the terms relating to astral dynamics.


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they are as above said, thoughtforms or lower entities from the astral, leeching off of your energies, be they negative or positive.

please do describe them in as much detail as possible, what you feel they do and how they impact ypu, you them.

Here is something i want you to try and come back with a report about; destroy them.

theyre leeches.

do this by either surrounding yourself in white/golden aura that burns away the entities.

or toy with your imagination and use lances of fire or palms of energy/thought to crush, try poking holes in them and see how they respond.

What is your lineage? male or female? medical conditions? blood type? eye color? religion of the house, personal beliefs?

what other strange things happen to you? are you strongly clairvoyant? do you astral project without effort? ever been abducted?

ever done meditating or chakrawork?

do you see auras?


>implying they are leeches

Why the fuck would you destroy them? They could be useful. Fuck, I banish and destroy a lot of thoughtforms but only because they are an obvious nuisance aka they sap me of my energy reserves, annoy me, sicken me, etc.

That doesn't mean all astral entities are leeches though. I've had some entities literally come up to me and transfer lots of energy into me, heal me, and help me.

…and a few that just observed me and then left.

>do this by either surrounding yourself in white/golden aura that burns away the entities.

I use an astral pulse that just goes out like sonar and incinerates everything… but only when under attack by actual negs.


i expand my aura from bottom up layered according to the nacci sequence and then flash overload it, removing everything and xreating a large safe area of calm that can be felt by others.

pulsing you say?


You two remind me a lot of a friend I had. We'd go around as kids and pretend we have superpowers as well.


no losh from me friend :^)


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>How new are you to /fringe/?

I usually post on /pol/, and have only occasionally lurked here. I've taken passing interest to occult concepts in the past but never really studied the literature. I tend to have a good instinct for this kind of thing though, e.g I self taught lucid dreaming before I even heard the term.

>A highly developed wizard sees into 4D all the time.

Seriously? how is it possible to function in every day reality while seeing things like this?

>Personally, I am creating an infinitybook

What is this?

Thanks will have a look.

>Here is something i want you to try and come back with a report about; destroy them.

I've tried that. Focused willpower (not sure if you guys have some other term for what I mean).

I tried to crush them, like I would crush something in a lucid dream by thinking it, but it had no visible effect.

>do this by either surrounding yourself in white/golden aura that burns away the entities.

I'll try this.

>What is your lineage? male or female? medical conditions? blood type? eye color? religion of the house, personal beliefs?

Are these things important?


My personal beliefs are completely unique, to explain them would take a long time.

>what other strange things happen to you?

Quite a few things, but most of them while high on some kind of drug (So I tend to end up integrating/dismissing them as delusion later) I could go into more detail if you are interested.

>are you strongly clairvoyant?

I'm a good judge of character and intentions, and can read between the lines well, but I can't directly read minds or anything.

>do you astral project without effort?

Not by choice, it usually just happens, and usually I just "Astral project" into my bedroom which I'm sleeping in.

>ever been abducted?

Nope, never seen a UFO.

>ever done meditating or chakrawork?

Passing curiosity in both but not really. Seems like you have to actually believe in Chakras for work on them to effect you.

>do you see auras?


Nice picture by the way. I have a similar one which I saved because it reminds me of a drug trip I once had.

Anyway, I'll go read the sticky thread (I had been meaning to for a while anyway)


>>"how is it possible to function in every day reality while seeing things like this?"


>function in every day reality
pick one and only one


its important because you obviously have an affinity for this and we want to study you.

clairvoyance meams seeing things in dreams that are about to happen, what yoy describe is an active and powerful third eye, strong intuition.


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now tell. also, age?


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and what drugs have you taken, after which did this start to happen?


>Seriously? how is it possible to function in every day reality while seeing things like this?

By keeping shit under control and learning to tell what is an actual physical manifestation and what is not fully materialized.

>What is this?

A book thoughtform that stores and displays infinite text. One such book can store all the text I've ever looked at in my life as well as be hooked up to the akashic records.

>I'll try this.


These thoughtforms aren't trying to do you harm, they are obviously passive as fuck, don't destroy them. You're acting like a savage who destroys a computer because he's afraid of it.

>Seems like you have to actually believe in Chakras for work on them to effect you.

Nope. You have to know what they actually are though to make use of them.


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>Why the fuck would you destroy them? They could be useful.

How do you know if they're useful or not though? How can I tell what they even do when I only see them, not by choice, for mere moments?

I don't have hours a day to study occultism and the resources you guys use, or hours to meditate. Everything I know is from personal experience and my basic understanding of philosophy.

I don't even have the money to fix my diet or filter my water.

>now tell. also, age?
>and what drugs have you taken, after which did this start to happen?

I don't want to share personal info here.

Could tell you a bit about my drug experiences though.

Taken most classical psychedelics, and occasionally smoke weed, but it was synthetics and 25I-NBOMe which really changed me.

For example, on 25i I could consciously speed up or slow down time by focusing (very uncomfortable, would not recommend).

Also became aware of the feedback loop that creates my perception and almost went fully 4 dimensional for a bit (kept walking down the same street endlessly, and then began experiencing time backwards as well as forwards) - Pic related, what it looked like.

I don't take drugs anymore though, it was just too scary and I feared for my sanity.



>These thoughtforms aren't trying to do you harm,

But how can I tell? They have an incredibly menacing presence that makes me uncomfortable - isn't this harm? at least in the psychological sense.

>they are obviously passive as fuck, don't destroy them. You're acting like a savage who destroys a computer because he's afraid of it

At the moment I am trying to live as a "mundane", and fix my situation before I delve deeper into this stuff.







You say that you're a light sleeper. Halucinations are typically connected to a lack of sleep. Your visual cortex is probably caught up in removing a bunch of waste that it really needs to get rid off, when you wake up. Your brain goes "Fuck it - we need to get this shit out of here, whether he's wake or not." and your optic nerve catches the waste, portraying them as halucinations. Try getting some good sleep. Sleep in a comfortable bed, in a dark and silent room, and try to sleep continuously for 10-12 hours. If you can't, try taking sleeping pills as a last option. I bet the halicinations will go away after just a few nights of good sleep.


In addition to this, these experiences sounds remarkably like hallucinations caused by sleep paralysis, which is a state between sleep and wakefulness which seems hyper-real, yet often troubling dream like entities bleed into your bedroom. I believe it is also possible to enter between states without being paralyzed.


So the fedora explanation would be: your brain is in a weird state so you have altered consciousness (entities are just your brain derping out and humans have a tendency to turn weird phenomena into human like entities in the mind), like after having taken a deliriant (do not recommend).

The greenpill explanation would be you are experiencing entities exterior to yourself, who are either clinging to you due to their delusion or are consciously parasitic. You can see them since you are cultivating a state of heightened insight.

The less worrying greenpill explanation would be that these are thoughforms generated by exhaustion and worry created with the assistance of the the altered state. If you are non-emotive about them they will disappear or at least be rendered harmless.


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*tips fedora*


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>How do you know if they're useful or not though?

Create a thoughform to analyse them and tell you of their functions.

…or do it yourself. Take a good look at it and try to move / extend your own consciousness to penetrate the thoughtform and realize its functions.

>How can I tell what they even do when I only see them, not by choice, for mere moments?

Well maintain the connection then and stay in 4D and you can examine them closer and start messing around with them.

>But how can I tell? They have an incredibly menacing presence that makes me uncomfortable - isn't this harm? at least in the psychological sense.

Oh so you're getting some really bad vibes from them? In that case, break resonance with them, or gut the fuckers of their loosh and assimilate it into your own being.

>At the moment I am trying to live as a "mundane", and fix my situation before I delve deeper into this stuff.

You could possibly use them to fix your situation. If they are giving you bad vibes I recommend enslaving them or consuming them. If you enslave them you should be able to make them do your will.


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>In addition to this, these experiences sounds remarkably like hallucinations caused by sleep paralysis

I have had sleep paralysis in the past, however in these recent cases, I am fully mobile, to the extent I can sit up in my bed, and put my hand through the "entities".

Also my thought process is very lucid when it's happening. Although admittedly the more awake/lucid I become, the quicker they fade and vanish.


These are etheric alien devices, you're being monitored and manipulated. Your room is synchronized to some etheric dimension.If you somehow destroy them they'll put new ones.
I'm speculating its as follows:
Orb device is probably the one
used to perform surgery on etheric double, spindly holds items and your body, the rotating thing is stabilizing the synchronization of the entire room.
You have third eye chakra open during the transition between sleep/wake cycle, its fairly common.


Sometimes I see things taht are blurry and I try to focus on them and they go from an unrecognizable blurr to ultra sharp images. I'm not sure how a hallucination could be an unfocused blurred image and then become laser like and clear. Seems that would require some incredible mental gymnastics.

Not to mention the fact i've seen all this shit here on fringe, reptillians greys and the like even before knowing what the fuck they were. Never mind the descriptions match up exactly with what other people have seen. I find it unlikely I just came up with this and it's a big coincidence.

Never mind the time aliens hacked my brain and turned my eyes into their own portals and i was reading their fucking language on my eye screens.


I have been experiencing some weird shit just a few hours ago where I was seeing extremely hyper detailed layouts of what looked like extremely complex microchips or some other advanced technology and seeing random people come into view in perfect detail after focusing on them (they being blurry at first) and a lot of what appeared to be some alien language.

I feel like I'm receiving some sort of upgrades.


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Jesus fucking christ. If this is the case then what should I do?

>I was seeing extremely hyper detailed layouts of what looked like extremely complex microchips or some other advanced technology

Pic related?


Nah it was more complex than that picture and not like glass-holograms, more like it was made out of metal, like regular computer parts.


Nothing you can do now.
They're not going to harm(actually they fix health and spiritual problems), except they might cause pain during etheric surgery.
Your best bet is to cooperate(improve diet, ignore etheric movement/cuts/energy flowing under skin, don't abruptly move when they are operating with your etheric body,etc ).
Fighting them(entire alien civ) is harmful to health(mental included) and aliens(many species) already control Earth:We're living in a giant Real-life Sims game and they are the invisible players.

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