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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1425785405905.jpg (1.9 MB, 2473x3106, 2473:3106, Johann_Heinrich_Füssli_053.jpg)


There are many of us, who unknowingly coexist with symbiotic entities, who in various ways use us for our loosh… Obviously, this is a bad thing.

I am one of them, I believe. As I have various symptoms and suspicions… And these entities limit our progress up the wizard path by exerting influence on us to distract us…

If people can post guides and help on how to identify symptoms and remove these loosh draining entities, this thread could help many others out there.


My reasons for believing I have a negative entity attached to me…

1. I used to go ghost hunting at a young age, and I definitely have met some real entities, who encountered me at my weakest (fear) - and at one occasion, I was followed home. I got an exorcision at a church but I still felt its presence for a long time afterwards.

2. I used to have dreams where I encountered an entity, and it would latch on to my throat, making me recoil and jolting me awake. At one occasion, I managed to ask who it was - They gave me a name before immediately latching on to me.

3. I am exceptionally sensitive to people putting their head into my neck - especially while hugging - it is an involuntary recoil.

4. I try to establish daily routines, for energy work and yoga, banishing, etc - but although I have tried for years, I am ALWAYS unaccountably distracted, discouraged from continuing - and I slip into laziness. I think now, entities are working on distracting me, so they can continue to drain my loosh unimpeded.

5. I saw ghosts in my own bedroom, and my house usually has a ghostly presence, noticed by others sometimes. I saw two ghostly figures sit on the end of my bed, and touch my legs when I tried to ignore them under the covers - After this, a presence started to touch me in the mornings to wake me up, I can feel them touch my leg or feet - like a gentle yet insistent prod to 'get up'.

6. When I do energy breath work - breathing in white or gold air/energy and distributing it throughout my body - and on the outward breath, I imagine thick black smoke leaving, taking negativity out - and lately - I've started coughing and epulsing forcefully, like there is something I need to get out - and I sense a resistance. I sense something hiding in my body, not wanting to leave.


>After this, a presence started to touch me in the mornings to wake me up, I can feel them touch my leg or feet - like a gentle yet insistent prod to 'get up
Doesn't sound malicious, sounds like it wants your attention.

>4. I try to establish daily routines, for energy work and yoga, banishing, etc - but although I have tried for years, I am ALWAYS unaccountably distracted, discouraged from continuing - and I slip into laziness. I think now, entities are working on distracting me, so they can continue to drain my loosh unimpeded.

Just because you're a lazy faggot doesn't mean it's some imaginary entity fault's. Perhaps you just are a lazy faggot.

>They gave me a name before immediately latching on to me.

And what was the name?

>I've started coughing and epulsing forcefully, like there is something I need to get out

Go see a doctor



> Perhaps you just are a lazy faggot.

I did think so for years.

> Go see a doctor

Not that kind of coughing, silly.

Anyone else, who knows about this actual stuff is welcome to contribute.




I get sleep paralysis regularly.


I used to have a haunted house myself. It would move shit around all the time.
I asked it politely to stop fucking with my shit but it continued to shit up my moms stuffstuff.


File: 1425812172993.pdf (590.25 KB, Eric Berne - Games People ….pdf)


By making interactions a conscious choice, instead of a reaction. And keeping in mind that people have a reason behind everything they say, not all of which is necessarily what YOU think it is. Trolls don't care about you personally, for instance.

This book, is excellent for gaining knowledge of social games - and giving you conscious choice of interactions or not - which controls your loosh in the end.


Thank you

I moved the question to the question thread if anyone is reading your post and doesn't know what you're responding to



One thing you can do is to create your own banishing water. Grab some water and put good quality salt in it, pink, sea, black, no table salt. Then you want to put this outside to energize it if you're not comfortable with giving it energy yourself. Put your hands into it and funnel desires to destroy all negative entities and demons which it touches, fuel this emotion and intent into the water. Rub it into your temples with both thumbs and then drink the rest, start to chant, vibrate or read out a prayer to banish and eviscerate any remaining waist. Try to feel the water seeping into yourself and washing it clean.

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