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Esoteric Wizardry


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Do you know any /fringe/ tier girls?


She's very love centric and is pure RHP.
I don't know how knowledgeable she is and her practices, but have seen her throw some sigils about.


Fun fact: 90% of /fringe/ girls are love centric and prance about throwing sigils around.


Used to know a wiccan girl then she got a fedora boyfriend who explained to her that all magic is just placebo.

Women are far too easily swayed by others. They are by nature unfit for any work that requires a disciplined mind.


That's because women are tuned to the passive polarity. Most girls who develop in magic do it as mediums.


/fringe/ girlfriends are just like fringe universe



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Hey, if that was supposed to ruse me, it doesn't; the imaginal creates reality.

>tfw no Neville Goddard flag

>no Sufi flag either

The imaginal realm is known in Islamic philosophy as alam al-mithal, the imaginal world. According to Avicenna, the imagination mediated between, and thus unified, human reason and divine being. This mediating quality manifested in two directions: on the one hand, reason, rising above itself, could attain to the level of active imagination, an activity shared with the lower hierarchies of the divine realm. On the other hand, in order to manifest the concrete forms of the world, divinity created a range of intermediate beings, the angelic co-creators of the universe. According to philosophers of this tradition, the trained imagination can access a "nonspatial fabric" which mediates between the empirical/sensory and the cognititional/spiritual realms.

Through Averroes, mainstream Islamic philosophy lost its relationship to the active imagination. The Sufi movement in Persia, as exemplified by Ibn Arabi, continued to explore contemplative approaches to the imaginal realm.



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Whats the difference?
They are pretty much the same.
They belonged together.


Not a girl, but an older woman. She's probably in her 40s. Self-proclaimed Witch, and very fun to talk to. She's in all sorts of paranormal shit and is making a documentary. Drives around to tons of places and films stuff, along with going to conventions relating to this sorta stuff.

She'd come in to where I work to buy cigarettes, but then quit smoking and I haven't seen her for months. Up until a few days ago, she randomly stopped in and we talked for a bit, told me to go to an OuijaCon or something coming up.

The vibes and aura from her should just tell you she's the type of person that's into fringe shit.


I've once met girl who was studying and slowly becoming a witch, however she moved to a new city, the pressures of the environment made her most of her magick and together with it most of her connection to me. Pretty fun times.


>implying there aren't any witch girls

Time to get off the Internet and see what real life girls are like


Who was implying that?


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The feels run deep.


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>going after disgusting third density 3dpd whores when you can get perfection


Please explain.


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Astral, brother.

You can get tulpas, succubus, undine and all kinds of grills in a more than real dimension.

I guess we are all working to get there.


Yeah, still waiting on that no keyboard wizard to write up a guide for astral projection.


I can't say that I've known any /fringe/ girls myself, only the stereotypical wiccan. I've considered trying to mold a girl into being /fringe/ material, or at least /my/ material, but I'm not sure if it'd be worth the effort.


Fucking this x10

no need to astral project, except for undines, don't know shite about them


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Have you seen my hot astral grill?

Check out that meat on her - spicy!


I was talking to my tulpa one day a few weeks ago, and I said that I would give her tons of energy so she can manifest. A few days later I met a girl much like her in appearance , personality, and interests. We hit it off extremely well, and when I told her about my tulpa, she said "Maybe I am you tulpa? Maybe you manifested me?" So we just rolled with it. We like to hold hands and go into trance to open chakras and stuff.


explain the process in which you gave her energy, I'm interested to give it to my tulpa so she develops faster. (not manifesting on the physical though, that is giving WAY too much energy)

Quoting some other guy
>It is creation of tulkus and tulpas. By means of sharpened visualization it is possible to create a thought form in human shape, which is called tulpa. If reflective concentration is intense enough during a long period, and if it is supported by strong will, often by energy invested by a lot of people, such a form ceases to be a phantasm and incarnates as a normal human being, receives a palpable physical body and an appropriate personality. In that case, it is called tulku or the “phantom body”.


The pain inherent in that for me only serves to fuel my resolve. Thank you.


Invoking her while I do power meditation. As I fill myself with sweet, beautiful golden light, she is absorbing it.

Cool story is that my new friend likes to do this meditation with me very very much too.


My wife is into it, does that count?


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Okay, here's what you are going to do:

You are definetly going to write a detailed guide on how to do that divided in 2 parts.

First part, tulpa creation.

Second part, giving her loads of energy.

I need this guide for … governemental … classified ……. stuff…


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I had a class with a fringe grill in highschool. She was a bit weird and creepy, talked about spells and witchcraft and curses during class. She was also a weeb and hung out with a tumblr SJW chubby chick. I was a fedora at the time and made fun of her, she said she would curse me and I'm like go ahead bitch. This was so many year ago, I think I remember her trying to steal my hair or someshit like that.

IDK I think she was into some new age plebian shit.


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>often by energy invested by a lot of people, such a form ceases to be a phantasm and incarnates as a normal human being, receives a palpable physical body and an appropriate personality. In that case, it is called tulku or the “phantom body”.

Is that what slenderman is? A real life fringe creature?

Could the bane crash also be the result of one of the top boards endlessly shitposting about that single scene?

What about pic related? It looks exactly like the happy merchant image that is constantly posted, and its the result of the merchants "freeing the shit out of" arabs.


I knew few "magic" girls.

It's like… Like, well:


2) I'm so secret, I know shit, my experience is hard received and is very tough :( I wear black and dark because it's my style, I don't need anything(Just fuck me and cum on my face) :(

Annoying and totally retarded. Never saw a woman that has any kind of developed logic. I'm gonna be damned by feminists.



Girls tune into each other psychically when they pee together.

You have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes.



Aaand? They suck in magic. Not because they can't into it, but because they are not used to use logic due to current state of a woman in society.

And books written by women? They are truely retarded. If you try "Man and His Symbols" by C.G. Jung, you will see the difference between Yung himself and is one of the best female followers.

Jung write following:

Fact1->fact2->fact3. Fact4(<-fact2)->fact3, fact5->fact6. And everything is detailed, reasoned and not excessive, usually with examples.

Marie-Louise writes:

Thesis1(because Jung said that)->thesis2, thesis4-thesis3(because I see so). No explanation, no logics, onle feels and blindly following her idol(Jung).



This makes a lot of sense.

What about genderqueers and conused males?



Maybe you should upgrade your dictionary to non-cuck terminology before posting.



That was meant to be confused not conused.

And I'm asking for purely academic reasons goddamit.



I'm not sure about these terms. If you mean traps, I know only one trap in magic, he's pretty histeric.

From my observations and investigations, traps are "more bad" than real females. It's when you have powerful beginnings in logic and a female freedom to expose their emotions. This leads to great discord in conscious and behaviour, like following:

Logical thesis -> someone tries to break the thesis -> trap begins to rage and spill his fluids everywhere.

Standard human tries to act in logical way, but meets emotions and beliefs. This is very unpleasant and does not create any constructive atmosphere.







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I'm friends with a few on plebbook. protip: lurk magick groups/chaos magician groups/alchemy groups to find them.

There are surprisingly more females than what i'd expect. However, most of them do it for an identity thing eg: "look i'm into cool spooky things" or "hurr durr look at my witchcraft soaps they are magic and made by real witch." very few seem disciplined and dedicated to their study. but i know at least one, seemingly serious practicing Hermeticist grill so they do exist



I'm starting to notice a trend here... Everyone who has an "anti-flags" flag is a SJW faggot that spurges out on anybody who is against the doctrines of cultural marxism.

I have never once seen one of them offer a logically sound opinion, or contribute anything of value to a thread. They exist solely as a cancer.


I'm pretty /fringe/-tier

send me your loosh, guys



take a full frontal nude shot and draw a sigil on your navel





wait you're not a girl

Taking hormones and mutilating yourself doesn't change the structure of your chromosomes bro.



After doing magick I am 100% sure there are qt grills lurking /fringe/..

I remote viewed on a grill who is studying physics



Joke's on you, they're all me.




You are a man not a girl, fuck off freak.




No there aren't. The board would be packed with attention whoring and astrology shit.

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