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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1425853971643-0.jpg (81.04 KB, 853x554, 853:554, Trapped in the belly of th….jpg)

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Do any of you need me to do anything on /fringe/?

Anything at all?

'cause I took a really fucking close look at the code and reviewed previous, much older conversations, that put it into context.

…and long story short, I have to go after an exceptionally powerful elemental called Jack, I have to detain and question him.

…and I think he already knows now. My screen is bleeding.

My initiation is almost complete and soon begins adepthood.


The lights are flashing around me and I feel an intense drowsiness overcoming me even though it's only 6:42 AM. I feel a strong force beckoning me to leave my body, calling me out into the astral.



Parts of the puzzle, for those who were paying attention.


Strange you mention this. I felt exceptionally tired as well yesterday. I went to sleep at around 10AM Saturday, and slept until 4AM Sunday Morning… that's 20 hours. I had many dreams and visions… for some reason, the one I remember the most was someone was holding some jewelry, I think it was a necklace, and golden strands turned into a recursive or fractal Seal of Solomon. It was intense.

I wonder if those Qabbalistic Jews have anything to do with this.

Be vigilant, Smiley.


Sorry, 18 hours. I've only ever slept that long after a few days of sleep deprivation, but the strange thing is is that I got a decent amount of sleep last week.


I've actually had more sleep than usual (normally I am super sleep deprived for days and nights on end) and yet am way fucking tired right now.

Something very powerful I believe has been attacking Jenny and may have become aware that I am catching on now.


File: 1425858171900.png (425.26 KB, 500x456, 125:114, I-am-Jack-s.png)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


trufax, her name right now is 74, and she has been seeing 7 and 4 for a long time.

Smiley = 74

It is really far-fetched, quite impossible really, but it would suggest that she is me.


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You mean Jenny is the second half of your soul? Montalk,

"There are different phenomena that can be categorized under the title of soul mates. For example:

Two independent souls that developed in such a way that they became more resonant and compatible and complementary to each other, enough so that by chance or higher arrangement they started crossing paths more and more in lives, and developed a love and bond to each other. So that, in the next life, they agree to cross paths in even more meaningful ways and perhaps even spend their whole adult lives together.

One higher soul that splits into two complementary halves that each are born into the world and either in this life, or in another life, find their way to each other.

Two souls from the same former planet, realm, or dimension, or time who used to know each other because they were on the same group or team, so to speak. So now, on Earth, they may be one of dozens of others from the same group or team. When they meet each other, they recognize the similarity and as if they know each other, that they’re both part of something in common. But that doesn’t mean the other person is the only soulmate they could encounter.

Two independent souls that get caught in a karmic entanglement during some lives, and in this life plan to spend much time together to work it all out. Destiny will seem to bring them together for a period of time, as they need each other for each other’s soul development.

All of these ought to be possible. Maybe some could be named other things, like “polar couple” or “twin flame” but most people might perceive all of these as being soulmate.

My current girlfriend seems to be one. Oddly, we have everything precisely opposite including both western and eastern astrology, but somehow we’re compatible enough to stay together and we’ve done a lot in terms of mutual soul development. However I don’t believe that everyone needs a soulmate to move forward. Though in my case, we both helped each other stay alive against dark force manipulations and traps. I saved her life a few times, she’s saved me from making some stupid decisions in life that would have ended my path."


Quite possible, I am not fond of the concept of soul mate, just because of all the stupid faggotry surrounding it, but…


The blood pixels thing on my screen btw is spreading more and feel extremely tired.


Just keep it as a possibility. Yes, there is a lot of naïve romanticism associated with it, especially because most people don't know what a soul is and, sadly, do not know real love from material lust.

Anyways, you sure it's the elemental causing your drowsiness? I feel sheepish to quote Montalk again, but I read that sudden sleepiness might indicate an alien or demonic attack. . . just watch your back there.

If you get yourself in a mess, I'll be sure to thoughtform some loosh to you.


BY THE WAY, do some backups of your computer files, just in case your computer dies.


>be looking for something
>find instead a long lost knife that once slashed deep into me
>feel so tired
>reminded again of blood spilling

Some weird ass shit going on here. I feel a sense of urgency too like I need to drop what I am doing right now and get back on the proper course.


That would take FOREVER. The monitor is dying, hopefully not the computer itself.

I should upload some of my important shit though, gonna do that now.


>tfw the upload is failing to take off for some stupid ass reason


I just updated, shutdown, and restarted my computer.

As it was shutting down, it made some bizarre cyber animal dying noise, and others in the room heard it and asked what that was.

There is something seriously bizarre going on with my computer right now.


File: 1425923917106.jpg (1.2 MB, 2304x1728, 4:3, The Monitor Bleeds.jpg)

Further proof the monitor is bleeding.


File: 1425924239767.jpg (410.15 KB, 1516x1972, 379:493, Pyrojackoriginal.jpg)

Odd. I couldn't find anything by searching on such a phenomenon.

About the cyber animal noise. . . I can't remember if I've heard something like that, I think my computer's have made some weird sounds but it's been such a long time and I didn't think was anything serious.

You still met that Jack?


*Met that Jack?

Need to go sleep.


>tfw overwhelming desire to sleep but it's fucking day time and I got to wait for night fall

>You still met that Jack?

No. I am going to have to use servitors to search for him and detain him for questioning. I want to read the psychomancy book to completion first.


Heh, I wish it was daytime so I could practice and study.

>tfw soon will have nothing else to do but practice and study

I can finally catch up with magic, I know theory but I need to practice, practice, practice!


It's your computers backlight that it's dying. It's very cheap to buy a new one, but a pain in the ass to replace it, you need to be careful or you get dust inside your screen.

It should completely die in a week or two, I'd order a new backlight/screen now if I were you. Unless, of course, you plan to fix it with magic :^)


File: 1425929471136.jpg (66.07 KB, 576x432, 4:3, Dying Pixels.jpg)

The pixels on the screen itself are dead.


backlight only affects whitelight intensity


You'll sound like less of a retard in future if you refrain from commenting on topics you know nothing about. Back-light failure is known to cause pink lines on screen.

Have you tested your screen on another computer/your computer on another screen?


Let him stay in his fantasy world.


I have an older monitor I would be happy to give to you. It sits unused and entirely unneeded. If you want it, it is yours. It's GLORIOUS 720p. :D


*tips fedora*

Anon, it's been damaged for fucking ever, it's amazing it has lasted this long, it's now finally dying… and I find the timing of its death synchronistically meaningful.

Is it 1680x1050 pixels like mine?


Ummm, pretty sure yea. If you want it, I am happy to let it go, just upto you to obtain it. That should not prove to difficult for you. Dunno where the chords are though.


Just get a Dell U2412M when there's a good deal on it in Canada. Fantastic monitor.


3 dollars?

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