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Jewish Psychiatrists make wanting to eat Healthy food a mental disorder


Clinicians are actively diagnosing patients with orthorexia nervosa, the extreme desire to eat pure food.

This is not a parody. It's actually happening.

According to the Guardian: Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating. Refusing to touch sugar, salt, caffeine, alcohol, wheat, gluten, yeast, soy, corn and dairy foods is just the start of their diet restrictions. Any foods that have come into contact with pesticides, herbicides or contain artificial additives are also out.

Doctors and mental health professionals are very concerned, of course, as orthorexia nervosa seems to be 'on the rise.' Ursula Goldstein, chairperson of the British Dietetic Association mental health division, was quoted as follows:

I am definitely seeing significantly more orthorexics than just a few years ago. Other eating disorders focus on quantity of food but orthorexics can be overweight or look normal. They are solely concerned with the quality of the food they put in their bodies, refining and restricting their diets according to their personal understanding of which foods are truly pure.


Welp, I have a very pure diet and am quite obsessed with it, looks like the jews want to make sure I'm getting my dose of fluoride and crap still.


Psychiatry needs to be striped down to the floorboards and rebuilt. Literally everything is classified as a mental disorder because they never bothered to define what a normal mental state is. It's meaningless garbage spewed out to trick people into thinking they're broken and paying a Jew 300$ an hour to do nothing but nod their head as you talk and pretend to take notes.


they are just going to make themselves look stupid and overpowering if they do anything with it, how can you say someone with "orthorexia nervosa" is dangerous or anything bad for wanting to eat pure, they will just expose themselves like the stupid kikes they are


From the makers of: orthorexia nervosa 2015, comes these new blockbusters:
orthorexia Aqua destillata nervosa (Distilled water bias),
orthorexia Homeopathus nervosa,
orthorexia nidor sequor nervosa (Vapor trails anxiety),
annotataphob (fear of surivellance).

Starring characters such as:
STFU and Eat your damn food,
Be a good Goy and Serve God's chosen people,
[Rubbing Hands Intensifies],
Sweaty Merchant,
Special Vaccines for Rich People,
No GMO in Kosher, and notorious:
Pay us shekels so that we can save shekels to poison you and your family.

By famous directors:
The Rothschild family (known for "Earning profit on every conflict since Waterloo"),
Bilderberg group ("Taking away your rights one drop at a time"),
Bill Gates ("Vaccines for Africa"),
John F Kennedy ("Back to the gold standard, bam, jk"),
Larry Silverstein ("Pull it"),
"Robbie Parker" ("Are we on? [Crying intensifies]"),
Crisis Actors (The dead teacher, James Holmes' lawyer and mother of dead children),
Sandy Hook elementary (Also known as "St Rosa of Lima School"), and best award winning:
New World Order: Divide and Conquer tactics from a time before Jesus walked the earth.


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Every fucking time



That's the thing. The mind is nothing but the spirit; they are the same thing. 'Mental' disorders are spiritual ones. This can be proved many ways; I'd suggest reading and listening to Malachi Martin's books and when he was on Coast to Coast AM. He was an ex-Jesuit Vatican exorcist and has said after an exorcism, 'diseases' or behaviors we consider mental disappear. Alcoholism and addictions are the two he said. There's another article I read regarding an ex-cop turned priest saying the rates of demonic obsession and possession are skyrocketing, which goes hand-in-hand with the rate of those diagnosed with mental disorders.

Psychiatry, being a materialist view on the world, only attacks 'issues' with the mind with material solutions. The mind isn't material; it's spiritual - it's spaceless, formless, and weightless. They thus require spiritual solutions.

In my opinion, since I've been through the Psychiatric system long ago, I believe it to be a form of Spiritual control. I was at one point on 5 different medications, yet none of them actually changed anything with me. Fedoras here may laugh but every affliction I had left my being one day when I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart, which is why I'm now on /fringe/; to continue learning.

tl;dr Psychiatry is spiritual control, because it's created to control the mind. Control the mind equals controlling the Spirit and also the Will.


It's the Jews job to label everything that is natural in the world, unnatural.


Only the insane would make such a diagnosis.

Psychologists are the ones who are really insane.




The idea is that if you eat nothing that is just "considered" "unclean", touted by media media as "unhealthy" because they shorten your life or poison you (carrots, salad, fibre, protein, carbs, fats, salt- the last four things that you cannot live without) you'll end up eating practically nothing or a severely imbalanced diet. Naturally, the media is shit at interpreting such things, as they are with this.

As such, it's a valid diagnosis, albiet with a presumably fairly limited prevalence, and so far very muddy diagnostic criteria with a small but not nonexistent potential for misuse.



When it because a true obsession is when even the healthiest of food is suspicious and the person's well being is put in danger because nothing is good enough for them.

And of course it's definitions are particularly shitty. The "we know it when we see it" attitude is because the kinds of people this is supposed to apply to are people who are going without food because they tossed out all their produce after figuring out the neighbor's cat shit in their garden, obvious harm and all that.


becomes a true obsession*


I know who is behind this trend. The aliens plan is to change the food we eat,
The want to make food pure and then(after we spiritually advanced enough) feed us nectar through implants.
Its all essentially very good for health, but this is so we produce better ichor that could be harvested without much purification.
see threads here:


That's like saying "psychologists want to make dieting a mental disorder, they call it anorexia"

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