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File: 1426258204272.jpg (575.14 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, sigil1.jpg)


wHAT is behind this sigil???
recently posted on /x/


artwork from reddit.com/r/occult


Looks like stars to me.



I'm interested, but i know better than to trust a random persons sigils. For all we know it could some loosh farming experiment.


Hey guys, I'm the person who created the sigilum system, SAELSTRUM. I'll post the information I wrote for it:

The background to SAELSTRUM is pretty recent. I've been a long standing magician of sorts and was really out of my game for a few years. I have been slowly getting myself back into the scene by heading into various IRCs, etc, and decided I wanted to do a project. This bore the idea to what I had started here. SAELSTRUM really came about when I thought about what could I use for a sigil system, what would benefit my practice. I'm very into sigils and thought it'd be a great idea to do something more. To really push the boundaries of what I thought I could do. I decided I wanted to have a system that acted like an upgrade to the human psychic system. I wanted something that worked extremely well and had simple ways of continuing to work.

The thing is I'm a man of Buddhism and Chaos. I love both equally. I needed something more advanced. I decided I would attempt something I haven't seen before. A system of 8 sigils connected by 1 more to process someone's intent as if it were one of those old school punch card computers. You insert a said function and it processes that function. I realized during the development not more than a week ago that I'd have a few tasks to hurdle over. These would start with who would be using it. If anyone used it at any given point, it'd need to break down their intent and neutralize it. It'd have to rid the intent of any malice or even happiness, as those can be used for or against the person at large. I sat down just a few days ago and decided to develop the grouping. The input, the cleanse, the maximization, the caching of that intent for others if they have the same thing, the manifestation of that target and it being able to direct it wherever the user wanted, etc. It took a few hours to develop the sigils, but I have my methods. The methods at large are a mix of Grant Morrison's pop magick and my own way of handling sigilum. It's really a customized method per each intent and how I create a basic thoughtform to go with it.

As I said, I wanted to accomplish something I haven't done. I believe that with the combination of all the symbology (Chaos Star + Buddist Dharma Wheel) and individual work I did on each sigil, as well as the astral development I will "push out" in another "update", that I would be onto something much bigger than I had originally anticipated. Just today, I have been hard-off on money, even for things like food, etc. I just pushed all my intent into the system and wrapped it all up with the last of the money I had. I went to take a nap as the system really takes a lot out of you during use. I'm talking massive energy. It will make you want to puke… And that's not just me. When I woke up, my aunt had gotten back and without me asking about food, gave me money for dinner and told me to do whatever I wanted with it. That I feel is the start of a tumbling effect, just as I planned with the system. It's new right now that I can't speak for everyone else, but it does what it says. It truly magnifies the individuals intent and pushes it out into the world.

In later revisions, I'm hoping to create two more nodes. The astral "cloud" and a forthcoming website designed to act as the physical form of the sigil. I've never seen a website act out on it's own or do anything of the sort, so this is all new territory for me. I'm not even sure how I'm supposed to create the astral "cloud" correctly, as if there's any correct fashion, but I'd like each node to be plotted on it's on floating island, connected by huge chains or some sort of clouding you can cross. I want this system to truly become a hugely diverse system. As if it were a metaphysical ion cannon, blasting your manifestations to you, I'd like to develop this to an ultimate hypersigil. Way beyond the norm.

In short, SAELSTRUM isn't just a simple hypersigil, it's going to become an experiment to what we can truly do with our spirit in communion with it. And truthfully, what it can do against the realm we're in at hand.



And it's not just artwork, it's a hypersigil.


No shit…


OP - You could've just asked me these questions in /x/!


generators iover citiessurgerybtrainimplant


altergenmes drugs purify ichor. i feell sick



Wtf are you going on about?


Probablly a coincidence, but when focusing on your sigils, my brain see associations very different from your descriptions. It as if sigil acts as key, really powerful, Are you sure you made the sigils on your own? like you just took old sigils and random combining with other sigils OR someone passed you instructions on their content? For me it looks like a blueprint for domesticating a civilization or some kind of secret symbolic program encoded as sigils. It could be that sigil unlocks something in my brain, but having this sigil seen is something like seeing secret documents in public and aliens i'm in contact with don't like it or me focusing on it.
From top clockwise,center=surgery/operating table
top=alter genes
top-right=change food
right=unclear/command/control related
bottom-right=drugs/transfer liquids/channel energy
bpttom=telepathy/thought insertion
bottomleft=generators over cities/control zone
left=purify ichor/filter blood/brain liquid(purification/healing procedures)
top-left=brain implant(network connected)



I made these all by hand sitting outside of my Aunt's house on a nice day.

Here's everything I got


Each sigil in the "curriculum" has it's purpose. When you propose your intent to the sigil, just like a bigger cell to a smaller cell would do, it "digests" your intent. It clears it of any negative or positive connotation. It maximizes that intent in the most neutral fashion. It proceeds to cache that intent as if it was a harddrive. It manifests that intent. It resets the system back to 0. It also has functionality of charging from both conscious and unconscious thoughts or perception, so no matter who uses it, who sees it, it charges. It also has a battery!
You send the intent to the sigil, it basically magnifies whatever you throw at it. It's powerful.

Receive User Intent
Ground User Intent
Maximize User Intent
Cache maximized intent
Manifest Maximized Intent
Restore System Default
Random Access Sigil Charging
Sigil System Battery
Activate Sigil System


1. is the top one.
9. is the central.


How do we trust you on this?
Anyone could whip up a few sigils for his own gain and then coax others into using them. Especially since you decided to post on /x/ first, a hive of people who don't know any better. I'm just asking you to prove your legitimacy.



I actually posted it on Reddit's /r/occult. At this point, I don't care if you guys charge it. I wasn't the one who brought it to Fringe chan.



I meant - I posted it on /r/Occult first, then /x/.



I like the way you use sygils dude.
Gonna print this and try it out, any special instructions on how to use it?



Usually here's my method:
I pretend I am growing a bubble of intent in either my head or my hands. I begin to let it fill with all the feelings associated with the intent, possibly like joy, freedom, etc. I continue to fill that "bubble" with the intent as well, saying the intent while simultaneously thinking of the end result, feelings associated, etc. Once I feel like I've put enough thought into the intent, I feel it move onto the activation sigil and imagine it begin to glow bright as if it were combining with it. This can be done also physically, if you choose to make a physical "bubble" and then push it towards the activation sigil. Either method works for me. You can also think of it as sending signals to the sigil and each signal makes the sigil glow.


That gives me even more reason to distrust. So far you've given us no tangible evidence that this is not a malicious project. Multiple people charging a sigil can cause drastic effects on reality.



Except, how I designed it was to combat just that. Listen, if you're going to call it malicious, that's fine, I don't care, I've given all my background on the hypersigil. If you discredit that, there's nothing else to say. I don't really care if you use it at this point.

For others - Sure, go ahead, have fun, it's worked for me and a few others so far, so there's proof in it's use. >>27408


File: 1427738113402.gif (1.6 MB, 288x229, 288:229, 1427595010174.gif)

Today, I printed an A3 piece of paper with this image and I have stuck it to my wall. Will it have any passive effects?

Also, how do I use sigils and in what ways can I use them?


>advanced eough in magick to make a super-sygil
>still has to ask his aunt for money
Your needs for even the most basic mundane materials show how little power you hold. You still have a long way to go.


Inji! Glad you're here commenting. You're work is awesome, many thanks.



Inji abandoned this thread. I had to hunt him down on reddit to speak with him.



Ah, that sucks… I'd hoped he would stick around to contribute some more. Another example of that really soft, easily bruised, egoistic Reddit mentality.


File: 1439569493109.jpg (86.14 KB, 550x674, 275:337, Ellis_Sigil.jpg)

What if you link it with LS/Linking SIgil/Ellis?

''1 The original intended use- whatever magickal working you’re doing, be it sigil, or ritual, or glamourbomb, or whatever, Utilize the LS as a side component. Make your spell just like you would normally. If it’s a ritual, put the LS on a piece of paper and stick it in the circle with you or on your alter, just like you do with your other magick geegaws and symbols.

Or for Sigils, make your sigil like ya do, and stick the LS in a corner of the page. You can incorporate it more deeply in either, if you feel called to do so, but really, it does the thing just fine just slapped on there. There are myriad theoretical reasons for this, but basically, it just puts some extra pepper on your efforts.

The Entity Ellis- Yes, you can deal with her. Do not forget that she’s pretty much a Trickster Deity of Magick. She can be quite fey and capricious. She doesn’t take well to be bossed around, or invoked, or evoked to physical appearance, or demands. Pretty much, that sort of thing ends in failure, or clusterfuck, if you manage to get her attention in the first place. She’s doing her own thing. I’d suggest you be polite, say hi, and wait for her to come to you, should she choose to do so. Just deal with the sigil and that whole concept, unless she decides to put her hand in, which she will, from time to time and you’ll know it when it happens. Just my two bits after ten years of experience. Some may disagree. Either way, caution, in this regard, is called for. I promise.'' ~Arjil(Creator of LS sigil)



Hey, if you're still around, we would love your help with making our logo. No pressure or anything, but the logo would probably get a bit of exposure




You are seriously self-inflated if not roleplaying. You magic is incompetent and it is expressed through shallow ego boasting.



interesting connections. It is entirely possible, based on the shallow form of expression used by this supposed magician, that this could be cooked up by simply observing the occult and assembling random sigils.

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