illuminaty 03/10/15 (Tue) 21:19:58 No. 26532
redpill me on the illuminty. i keep hearing about them but i believe you know the truth.
03/10/15 (Tue) 21:23:25 No. 26533
I was contacted by the media branch of the illuminati once. They play games with peoples lives using their power and influence.
03/10/15 (Tue) 21:34:53 No. 26536
03/10/15 (Tue) 23:11:42 No. 26545
It's just a bunch of rich Jews controlling Hollywood through the banking system. The money sets things into motion. Hollywood promotes something resulting in the populace being influenced by it negatively. They distract you from what's really going on in the world while at the same time working to enslave you. Many people believe the Jews are working to destroy christianity. This is wrong. The Jews in fact promote and push christianity onto the populace. Hollywood films being one major source. How many films out there with "demonic" possessions and all this bs how all evil Satan and demons are-some christian idiots pretend to get rid of everything with a few words and a cross? We've all seen these movies. Horror genre is filled with this kikery! They then have us fooled again once again, pointing the finger in the wrong direction. This is why all of them call us goyim, some fall for their tricks too easily. Illuminati was a front to infiltrate and subvert Freemasonry. ORIGINAL Gentile Freemasonry, having roots in Satan and this is blatant. Full on "serpent worship". Eventually like everything that advances the soul, the Jew must try to shit on it. Hinduism and Buddhism had already been heavily christianized. America already thriving because they rid their nation of Jewry, soon went from Satan's New World Order to reptilians Jew World Order which is what we have today. Like 1933 Germany vs 2015 Germany..
didi 03/10/15 (Tue) 23:58:01 No. 26549
old incestuous pedophiles who maintain ancient as fuck family tradition to wed within bloodlines who know this shit and use it without giving a fuck at all.
03/10/15 (Tue) 23:59:18 No. 26550
>>26545 Today Buddhism is about who can get the less pussy and Hinduism is about who can mistreat that pussy the best.
03/11/15 (Wed) 00:22:52 No. 26552
>>26536 fucking leah is master of masters tier
She understands things that your third dimensional mind will never breach unto
03/11/15 (Wed) 01:12:47 No. 26555
>>26545 so is satan really evil? cuz i heard some people believe he is good and its all just a trick to make people hate him.
03/11/15 (Wed) 01:53:51 No. 26557
>>26545 >Just read about Sir Francis Bacon >Alleged creator of Freemasonry dating back to the 1700s >He basically had full-reign of everything in the King James bible >Known alchemist, hermeticist, occultist >The actual author of Shakespeare along with other members of his society Do I think Bacon was a Luciferian like the Masons are now? No. Not at all. But it just sucks that this man worked so hard for something that started off genuinely good for humanity turned distorted and corrupted mainly by Jews (as it was infiltrated like you said).
And also, regarding OPs pic, I also unfortunately discovered the lead singer of one of my favorite bands has tattoos that are nothing but huge red-flags. The band is Incubus, his name is Brandon Boyd.
03/11/15 (Wed) 02:51:15 No. 26559
>>26555 No, he isn't evil. For years the Jews with their islamic and christian programs have duped Gentiles into believing these blasphemous lies.
He is the true creator.
>>26557 It does suck, I agree. Jews fuck up just about anything their greedy little hands can reach. There are so many smart people in the world the Jews fuck over. Like Nikola Tesla.
To make it in Hollywood big time, you have to be willing to give up your mind, body and all human rights. This is the whole idea of "selling your soul" to be a puppet of the kike agenda. Hollywood is a fucked up place.
03/11/15 (Wed) 02:58:38 No. 26560
>>26557 >Alleged creator of Freemasonry dating back to the 1700s He was hugely influential, but he wasn't the creator.
And it's cute that people think that the Craft has changed so much, or been corrupted by the Jews when it has failsafes against such things.
03/11/15 (Wed) 03:15:20 No. 26561
>>26560 Can't have failsafes against shit, as it was Jewish to begin with, and Jewish to this day.
03/11/15 (Wed) 03:17:05 No. 26562
>>26560 >>26561 When the Founding Fathers of America were Freemasons, it was corrupted as it is today.
>>26560 A 33rd degree mason today no longer has to have his kundalini risen. They don't give a shit about advancing the soul. Swearing oath on a bible? The fuck is this Jew bullshit? George Washington would be disgusted.
03/11/15 (Wed) 03:18:04 No. 26563
>>26562 typo.. meant it *wasn't as corrupted
03/11/15 (Wed) 03:20:40 No. 26564
>>26561 Well no, it was out of the builder guilds, and the Biblical elements were added in the 1600s.
English to the core.
>>26562 >Swearing oath on a bible? George Washington would be disgusted. Are you kidding? You know that an important American artifact is the Bible upon which George Washington swore his obligations in the Craft.
>A 33rd degree mason today no longer has to have his kundalini risen. They don't give a shit about advancing the soul. The AAR is all about that kind of advancement. Can't blame it for the members being ambivalent Yankee fucks who only care about numbers.
03/11/15 (Wed) 03:23:03 No. 26565
>>26564 America is not a nation built on christianity. America broke free from the European christian oppression. Why would people fight for a country to be free from such a plague only to them get involved in it?
03/11/15 (Wed) 03:36:04 No. 26567
>>26564 >>26560 Freemasons are full of old men. They're bending over backward to get someone in under the age of 50.
03/11/15 (Wed) 03:39:58 No. 26568
>>26565 I really don't see how that's related to this. But they broke free of puritanism, not Christianity as a whole.
03/11/15 (Wed) 03:41:51 No. 26569
>>26568 Jews love painting the good guys as something they weren't. George Washington was as much of a christian as Adolf Hitler was.
03/11/15 (Wed) 03:43:48 No. 26570
>>26569 He was plenty Christian, as were most of his social circle.
But yes, he was hardly a great chap. Shit general, and lousy politician, but they paint him as the best person ever.
03/11/15 (Wed) 03:46:57 No. 26571
>>26570 >Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."-Benajmin Franklin >"Gouverneur Morris had often told me that General Washington believed no more of that system (Christianity) than did he himself." -Thomas Jefferson, in his private journal, Feb. 1800
>The Founders stated it in their Treaty of Peace." "Treaty of peace and friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli, of Barbary," most refer to it as simply the Treaty of Tripoli. In Article 11, it states: >"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion…."To view the original document of Article 11:
03/11/15 (Wed) 03:55:00 No. 26573
>Lighthouses are more helpful than churches. Well they are. People can worship anywhere with anyone. Lighthouses don't work that way. >"Gouverneur Morris had often told me that General Washington believed no more of that system (Christianity) than did he himself.">As an adult, Washington served as a member of the vestry (lay council) for his local parish. Office-holding qualifications at all levels—including the House of Burgesses, to which Washington was elected in 1758—required affiliation with the current state religion and an undertaking that one would neither express dissent nor do anything that did not conform to church doctrine. > Washington paid for pews at several churches. Rev. Lee Massey, his pastor wrote, "I never knew so constant an attendant in church as Washington.">During his tours of the nation in his two terms as President, he attended religious services in each city, sometimes as frequently as three services in a day. >"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion…." Well yea, they wanted a secular state. Doesn't mean the absence of Christian principles, but the inclusion of all. And why did you suddenly switch tracks to Washington's theological views a few posts back, anyway?
03/11/15 (Wed) 04:15:39 No. 26576
>>26573 >Lighthouses Symbolic, not literal.
If this christian info you post is real, it was probably a front on Washington's part because christianity is Jewish and a plague on humanity and has no place in our world. Hitler did the same thing with fooling the church and clergy into thinking he was helping them but really he was using them to Germany's advantage and planned to remove them in the end.
>switch tracks to Washington's theological views You're the one saying how the craft and what not hasn't changed? I'm saying it isn't the same as it used to be. Freemasonry was originally a Gentile organization till the Jew got his hands on it and made Judeo christian a part of it's agenda.
>Washington is also seen in the image of a statue as the embodiment of Zeus seated, making the same sign of "As above so below.Would a christian really do something like this? Many christians would be quick to judge this as satanic and make a big deal about it.
The Bible in the book of revelations openly states Satan is the God Zeus-Dionysus.
>Revelation 2:12 "Pergamos. Where Satan's throne is."Peragmos was dedicated to the God Zeus [Dionysus] and the altar of the God was also the throne of the God.
>"The Pergamon Altar is a massive structure originally built in the 2nd century BC in the Ancient Greek city of Pergamon. The temple was dedicated to the greek god Zeus. The Pergamon Altar was shipped out of the Ottoman Empire from the original excavation site by the German archeological team lead by Carl Humann, and reconstructed in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin in the 19th century, where it can be seen alongside other monumental structures such as the Ishtar Gate from Babylon."
03/11/15 (Wed) 04:26:30 No. 26578
>>26576 >Christianity is Jewish False. The closest you can get is by saying that Jews are Christian apostates or heretics.
>You're the one saying how the craft and what not hasn't changed? I'm saying it isn't the same as it used to be. Yea, but I don't quite get how we arrived to this discussion.
>Freemasonry was originally a Gentile organization till the Jew got his hands on it and made Judeo christian a part of it's agenda. Also don't get what you mean here. It was purely Christian until 1813, now it's just mostly Christian, but there still hasn't been a lot of change along the lines you're saying.
>Would a christian really do something like this? Many christians would be quick to judge this as satanic and make a big deal about it. You know it's not a photograph, right? Both were made after his death, and just because some Southern Baptist moron thinks it's Satanic, doesn't make it so.
Hell, it's not even "As above, so below." He's pointing out that by the authority of Heaven (finger pointing upwards), power is given to the people (offering the sword).
You're also misinterpreting that Rev. passage by taking it out of context. That whole section is about the seven Angels of the seven cities.
To the Church in Pergamum
12 “To the angel of the church in Pergamum write:
These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword. 13 I know where you live—where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, not even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city—where Satan lives.
03/11/15 (Wed) 05:03:20 No. 26580
>>26578 >False. The closest you can get is by saying that Jews are Christian apostates or heretics. What the fuck is the Therapeutae? The first christians were Jews. The bible is full of Jewish supremacy over Gentiles. Jehovah is a human hating parasite seeking the destruction of Gentile civilizations. The buybull is a blatant blueprint for global communism. Fuck, there are so many parallels between the bible and the communist/marxist/liberal ideologies. "Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism"- Oswald Spengler
>I don't quite get how we arrived to this discussion.This is all relevant in the Illuminati agenda. Jews fool and manipulate the masses, causing all this commotion, then heaping it on the Satan train. Jews from the start were out to subvert and destroy us. They started where it hurt most. Our spiritual roots. Primordial tradition all around the world was destroyed by their programs and false prophets. Jesus is actually a concept of the serpentine powers when the serpent is fully risen. All gods in mythology were symbolic of this, the serpent worship. Only thing is, mythology was a symbolic explanation for the sciences behind the Magnum Opus. When they came up with the concept of Jesus, it was then easier for us to accept it as it was a way of representing all we believed in the pre-christian world. Like changing the wine but keeping the label. It was a nasty thing they did.
The first picture there is filled with paganism. From the Trimurti, to the caduceus, to the rainbow symbolic of the chakras being perfected, which Washington is sitting above showing spiritual superiority.
>just because some Southern Baptist moron thinks it's Satanic, doesn't make it so.You literally realize this is the mentality of almost half the populace? Go to any JewTube vid of something talking about "As Above So Below" look at the comments and see how many fools throw around "satan,satanic,demonic,evil" etc.
>That whole section is about the seven Angels of the seven cities.>7 Seven is everywhere in the bible. This was taken from the seven chakras; 7 lamps, etc. shit like that.
>13 I know where you live—where Satan has his throneHe lives where Satan has his throne; Pergamos.
03/11/15 (Wed) 05:22:24 No. 26582
>>26580 >The first christians were Jews. And the ones after that were Roman pagans, or Druidists, or whatever. They disagreed with the Pharisees and Jewish teachings, and embraced the New Convenant.
>This is all relevant Can't even pick where to begin with that conspiracy clusterfuck.
>The first picture there is filled with paganism.Indeed it is. But again, it's not a photograph. The artist decided to use symbols pertinent to what he was painting. Because that's what symbols are; the easy representation of a message.
>Go to any JewTube vid of something talking about "As Above So Below" look at the commentsThat's not as compelling as you think it is. A handful of vocal morons, largely from the group i was already disparaging, doesn't change that.
>Seven is everywhere in the bible. Of course, it's a very holy number. Same with 3 and 10.
03/11/15 (Wed) 05:38:41 No. 26584
>>26582 >>26582 >They disagreed with the Pharisees and Jewish teachings, and embraced the New Convenant. There have no so many reformations, christianity is still a damn Jewish yoke.
>conspiracyJIDF shill detected. You really are a Freemason. Jews duped ya good.
At the end of the day, Jesus is a Jew and doesn't change the fact christianity is a crock of shit that tried to destroy something by stealing from it.
03/11/15 (Wed) 05:42:31 No. 26585
>>26584 >Christianity is still a damn Jewish yoke. Except no. At this point it's more German and Irish than Roman as it started.
>Jesus is a Jew God has no religion.
03/11/15 (Wed) 06:18:37 No. 26586
>>26585 Lol, you are fucking ridiculous.
03/11/15 (Wed) 06:37:52 No. 26587
>>26586 Says the man who thinks seventeen hundred years of religion, which has been used to unite and exemplify Europe is actually a conspiracy to bring it down by people who are incredibly powerful, but can only do very little.
03/11/15 (Wed) 06:39:10 No. 26588
>>26585 Just because Christianity has been morphed by many rulers for many different purposes you can't take it too far away from the originals or else people start to question the integrity, whether it's christianity or baptist christianity, or orthodox etc it all has its origins in being Jewish and thusly having Jewish concepts and ideals throughout. Just because empires have groomed the tree into their own it doesn't change the tree's roots.
03/11/15 (Wed) 06:42:13 No. 26589
>>26587 Kek, read between the lines much?
03/11/15 (Wed) 06:46:53 No. 26591
>>26588 >you can't take it too far away from the originals or else people start to question the integrity, Well, people have always questioned it.
But also, have you not read some of the original Gospels? They don't even mention the Crucifixion or a lot of other points we consider important.
You're also blinded by prejudice. Yes, there are some Palestinian aspects, but simply being from there doesn't make it wrong, especially when they predate what we now consider Judaism.
03/11/15 (Wed) 07:05:48 No. 26593
>>26591 I never said anything about it being good or bad just that it is inherently Jewish which seems to be the main point that you're dismissing. I'm not bringing light to anything good, bad or etc just saying that if a person of French origin were to go to England and read both bibles in both languages and find them vastly different they would throw up arms and find it abysmal and there would be even larger tension between christians. To even sell the doctrine of Christianity to those who haven't seen but have only heard of it you have to retain the theme that has been passed ear to ear or else why call your new brand of religion christianity? You modify it to intensify control of people who already have some idea about it but do not have a complete understanding and in doing so must retain the original flavor of the text, which in terms of the bible is Jewish.
I'd compare it to how a lot of occultist texts these days are being edited slightly to remove their biases or their harsh words about certain types of lifestyles or actions, this does not mean that they aren't still of Occult origin and that they don't serve Occult purpose but rather that some new author has instructed their idea of how the text should be presented or what ideals from it should be enforced in comparison to others. In some forms these Occult books can be modified largely to reflect someone elses opinion, same goes for the Bible. The Bible is still however the Bible as Franz Bardon's Intiation Into Hermetics is still the Initation Into Hermetics even after its vast amounts of edits over the years. So in this way, the bible is and always will be a Jewish text. Maybe Jewish with Roman accents or Jewish with British accents but nonetheless Jewish.
03/11/15 (Wed) 07:07:23 No. 26594
>>26559 >No, he isn't evil. For years the Jews with their islamic and christian programs have duped Gentiles into believing these blasphemous lies. >He is the true creator.that sounds like something satan would say. can you atleast provide evidence?
03/11/15 (Wed) 07:40:07 No. 26599
>>26594 The closest thing I can call proof is Sanatana Dharma. The Eternal Religion. The original name of the spiritual system before it was labelled, "Hindusism". Today, not much of use is left in Hinduism, along with Buddhism, because they have been heavily christianized. Whenever/wherever christians and their ilk took hold of a place, they destroyed it's roots and culture replacing it with Jesus fiction. Sanat is an anagram for Satan, vice versa.
Satan at it's root is not Hebrew like many are led to believe, but Sanskrit. Both Hebrew and Sanskrit have very different definitions. In Hebrew, Satan means "adversary; enemy" because Jews see Satan as an opponent. In Sanskrit Sat means Illuminated or true essence. Sat is the root for many words such as satya(truth) and sattva(pure;truthful). An happens to be the prefix of Ananta(without end). Ouroboros symbol of a snake clutching it's tail is the symbol of eternity, without end. Perfection. Completion of the Magnum Opus or the Great Work. Reaching physical and spiritual immortality, Godhead. The snake is a very ancient symbol and has been associated with Satan for centuries.
03/11/15 (Wed) 15:28:46 No. 26633
You mean greenpill? Illuminati are the illuminated ones. That's us. We can manipulate the subtle forces of reality and restructure everything how we want.
03/11/15 (Wed) 19:13:36 No. 26669
>>26633 Thats funny considering
>>26567 If you are bending over to try and pull members clearly your power is in wane. You claim illumination as a structure of your power (through age?), A concept which the tantra has taught me is an aspect of incomplete love. You rely on it being the way it has always been now when you need more then ever. 400 years, 2000 years makes no difference. You have the illusory delusion of age and power while the world stands slowly under the crippling weight of your uselessness. You are only a structure of power unto yourselves, and as more people realize it, soon you will be begging for any member under the age of 60… 70… anyone with a pulse to let you cling to the beautiful delusion that you are whole while you wish to enslave and destroy. Your power will burn when one day when you desire to empower with every seed you plant instead of casting them with the intention of taking root to smother and destroy.
03/11/15 (Wed) 20:38:35 No. 26684
>>26669 ProTip: That other Illuminati flag poster is not me.
ProTip 2: I'm not a Freemason.
Freemasons are not the Illuminati. If you want to know the truth about Freemasonry it is simply this; it is a club full of people who are used by the higher ups to forward an agenda.
It is a secret society within a secret society. The vast majority of Freemasons being simply henchmen to a very few illuminated members at the top.
Now all that said, Freemasonry isn't fucking everything, and I am not a part of it.
…and I do not recruit people. People come to me and I part knowledge to them but reserve the more sacred teachings for those ready to actually comprehend them. Some stupid New Age woman for example I'll just tell them very basic things because they simply are nowhere near ready to do anything more advanced. Some people, who genuinely are driven and have natural talent and would make a good neophyte; well then how much I part to them depends on how much my ideals match with them. If they are against me, I don't divulge much to them, and instead insist they cultivate the virtues and qualities that would make me become fond of them.
>You claim illumination as a structure of your power (through age?)No wtf. I am not even part of an organized group at all, I am a rogue wizard, however if I were to join the military I would be immediately brought into a secret organization and if I were to join Freemasons I would immediately be brought into the inner-society, and so on… but I'm not interested in them; they are interested in me. For them to acquire my allegiance would require a lot.
>You rely on it being the way it has always been now when you need more then ever.I don't need anyone, people need me. Well, strictly speaking, there are a FEW rare individuals worthy of my association who I can benefit from partnering with. The majority however are so beneath me that all I can do is is help them; they can't help me. I don't exploit mundanes much as there isn't much I need from them.
>You have the illusory delusion of age and power while the world stands slowly under the crippling weight of your what the fuck are you going on about you silly mundane?
>You are only a structure of power unto yourselves [blah blah blah…]Do you not even read the books here?
ProTip: The bankers, the politicians, and all public figures have a role to play and their role fucking sucks. I would not want to be them. Having to dedicate so much of my time and energy to such mundane shit. I am glad I am not one of them with all the burdens they have. They have to answer to others all the time and get assassinated when they do not.
The power I wield is the very best source of power, it is power over mind and matter, pure spiritual power. I an not bounded by responsibilities like the puppet men that take all of the blame and have to be the public face of things.
>Your power will burn when one day when you desire to empower with every seed you plant instead of casting them with the intention of taking root to smother and destroy.What an unbalanced view kek. It's just a matter of spiritual evolution and survival of the fittest that is playing out on all planes of existence. I'm not explicitly trying to suppress or destroy all of humanity just to be a diabolical edgelord fuckstain. I am just growing my consciousness and surviving while animal men continue to degenerate on their negative spiritual path towards union with matter. I am not responsible for you all as I don't have enough power to influence the evolution of an entire planet. I am responsible for myself only and for my actions towards those who I cross paths with. You want someone to blame? Start looking within your own heart. Also read
The Stellar Man for a better idea of who the illuminated really are.
The Illuminati is internally divided into many splintering factions btw. I am relatively benevolent as far as illuminates go even though I could kill and destroy with impunity if I was so inclined. Not that Illuminates are stable at all, men of a lower order are more fixed in their habits, whereas the illumined ones are constantly changing.
03/11/15 (Wed) 21:02:52 No. 26689 This here is linked to in the secret Fringe Illuminati and is quite accurate. /fringe/ itself is a branch of the Illuminati related closely to the
Hermetic Brotherhood of Light while /x/ is more related to Fraternitas Saturni.
Fringe Illuminati goals:
>exterminate and enslave inferior races including degenerates in the white race>select out of the general population those individuals worthy of illumination and bring them in >create an illuminated monarchy led by a divine king Why should you oppose the Fringe Illuminati? You shouldn't. The mass men are just stupid animals that get even more out of control and more perverse when not ruled over properly, like Africa when white colonialists left: Mass men have less purpose in life. They are content watching television, doing their jobs, sticking their dicks in wet holes, dying and being obliterated. They honestly do not feel a higher calling because it simply doesn't exist for them and most of their complaining is stupid and frivolous. They are barely conscious and were created to serve us. If you become fond of one of them, you can with a lot of effort make improvements to specific individuals, and even seed them with the divine spark (even if they are like 40 years old upon receiving it)… but you are only attracted to those like you so that is exceedingly rare thing to happen. Most people that will feature prominently in your life are either there as support characters that keep human society running by doing the boring mundane shit not fitted for higher minds and those that you actually grow close to are probably from your same 6D soul complex / are kindred spirits.
This announcement brought to you by… ──────────────▄▀▄───────────────
03/11/15 (Wed) 21:06:27 No. 26691
>>26689 I'd agree with this if it weren't for society stamping down on people who could flourish into absolute gems. It happens now and I can see it happening again under this system.
03/11/15 (Wed) 21:11:10 No. 26692
>>26691 What's your alternative? A perfectly efficient system is not possible, you can't really wish away the negs and STS beings, there's always going to be entities out there making the choice to do naughty things and fuck things up for others.
03/11/15 (Wed) 21:18:09 No. 26693
>>26692 A lifelong occult system started from a very young age where everyone is put through various trials to judge their perception, intuition, ethics and to develop their character and magical ability. All this guided by decentralised groups of adepts who enact a dynamic magical moral law.
The STS beings will be put through enough trials to begin the path to STO.
03/11/15 (Wed) 21:25:16 No. 26694
The true Illuminati is far more concerned with Ontological Mathematics and The Holy Grail, not the outdated "New" Thought knowledge plastered on this board. They are Gnostic. Their symbol is not the eye in triangle, but the pentagram.
If you want to believe that you have a soul that survives bodily death, if you want to believe in OBE and NDEs, you have no option but to start learning about Fourier mathematics and holography.
Your "will" is actually just a disguised version of mathematics. When we mentally will something, it's mathematics that allows our idea to be translated into a physical action in spacetime.
You can fly, walk through walls, summon incredible power, move at unbelievable speeds, see everything in the world - all if you have a sufficient intuitive grasp and control of mathematics. If you can link objective mathematics to your subjective words and ideas, you can literally do whatever thou wilt.
The Great Work is to extend the range of our will from our own body to everything in the physical universe. If we can use our mind to master the atoms in our own body, we can surely use it to master any atoms at all! And the great thing is that we don't have to use mathematics directly, but merely intuitively.
>>26689 Misleading. Not at all what the true Illuminati teaches. Fringe "Illuminati" is a bunch of aryan nonsense.
03/11/15 (Wed) 21:35:52 No. 26695
>>26694 This guy, I love this guy.
03/11/15 (Wed) 21:44:08 No. 26697
>>26694 >Misleading. Not at all what the true Illuminati teaches. Fringe "Illuminati" is a bunch of aryan nonsense. As an /illuminati/ member I'd have to say this is true, the best post on there was when someone posted a bunch of tripcode passwords for /x/ tripfags.
Personally I think illuminati is too much of a multifaceted term to have a "true" illuminati. To say a group are true illuminati is just to say that you hold them in high esteem.
03/11/15 (Wed) 23:50:42 No. 26712
>>26697 >he still doesn't post on the astral /fringe/ illuminati ayy lmao, look at this neophyte
I bet you also didn't notice when videos of high magick were posted on /illuminati/ for a little while and then deleted.
03/12/15 (Thu) 00:07:10 No. 26716
03/12/15 (Thu) 00:08:16 No. 26717
>>26693 >A lifelong occult system started from a very young age where everyone is put through various trials to judge their perception, intuition, ethics and to develop their character and magical ability. All this guided by decentralised groups of adepts who enact a dynamic magical moral law. >The STS beings will be put through enough trials to begin the path to STO.…but that's the reality we already live in.
William Walker Atkinson 03/12/15 (Thu) 00:38:10 No. 26718
>>26694 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little gnostic? I'll have you know I was an influential teacher in the New Thought movement, and I've been involved in numerous secret collabs with other successful occultists, and I have over 100 published books. I am trained in mental magic and I'm the top occultist in all of Chicago. You are nothing to me but just another charlatan. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this plane, mark my fucking thoughtforms. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, gnostic. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of New Thought initiates across this board and your Vril is being harvested right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your "true Illuminati". You're fucking dead, swine. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with my thoughtforce. Not only am I extensively trained in arcane magic, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the International New Thought Alliance and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the Material Plane, you little gnostic. If only you could have known what unholy thought vibrations your little 'clever' comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking Vril. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will cast curses all over you and you will be spiritually drained from it. You're fucking dead, gnostic.
03/12/15 (Thu) 01:18:18 No. 26723
>>26694 I think there's only a handful of us here on /fringe/. Though I've yet to reach out to any of you.
I've been in the game for years now. If you're interested in correspondence, give me a throw away email along with the answer to this question: From low to high, what was Leibniz's Will and Logos?
03/12/15 (Thu) 01:22:03 No. 26728
>>26599 what about lucifer does it refer to the same entity? i heard it was related to promehteus or is that kike propaganda too?
03/12/15 (Thu) 02:28:42 No. 26751
>>26723 I have posted a thread on the AC site here and have recommended it a few times to people here, with decent response.
Are you an actual initiate? Why would such people waste time on this dump? What would correspondence involve? I accept most of Illuminism (which I believe you are referring) to to be true, however I am more interested in attaining Gnosis through Kriya Yoga, Kundalini work, and unconscious exploration via mastering lucid dreaming, rather than spending lifetimes studying Illuminism.
I believe the website and first three books cover most of what is needed that is available to the public. It is a shame they are not sharing the practical techniques they use to the public. I assume you'd need to be highly meritocratic and have genius level accomplishments to gain access to these. Perhaps when I am able to make full use of my neo cortex via amygdala work, unlock far greater intelligence + talent via Kundalini raising, and am able to receive guidance from by Higher Self regularly, I will try getting more involved with them, if still needed.
>>26718 It would not surprise me if WWA was a member of the Illuminati, considering his access to the Arcane and other hidden teachings and mysterious "death", which implies certain things.
03/12/15 (Thu) 02:35:41 No. 26753
>>26717 That was kinda the point of saying it
03/12/15 (Thu) 02:48:07 No. 26754
>>26723 Can you see yourself contributing to this project: >>26699 ?
I don't know the answer to your question I've only just recently started studying philosophy and have only heard of Leibnez's law in relaton to philosophy of mind and Descartes. My path with the occult has been "unique" and very separate to anything I've read in books or heard about happening online anywhere, mostly based on a surprise initiation by an unnamed group of occultists who included A listers from the media helping put me through a shock based initiation turning me on psychically. I've turned to more public practise to get a handle on the current I've been brought in to.
If you're interested in either producing material to add to the mega or correspondence I'd be up for it, my occult/throwaway email is linked to in the thread I linked to above.
Same goes for anyone else, providing you actually practise or have knowledge you want to share. Personal correspondence can help a lot, I've already started communicating with a few people here through email and its been mostly positive.
03/14/15 (Sat) 01:08:11 No. 27103
>>26728 Satan has been called many names over the years, Lucifer being one of them. Those who are close to Satan and work for him, call Satan what they choose as long as it's respectful and relevant.
The only kike propaganda there is, is that Satan is a liar and deceiver when it's really the Jews to begin with.
03/14/15 (Sat) 02:24:13 No. 27113
>>26751 >insulting /fringe/ and calling it a dump You're the only one taking a dump here on the board. If you think a board can be better start posting on often enough to change its quality for the better. The posters make the board.
03/14/15 (Sat) 02:48:19 No. 27116
How am I taking a dump here on the board? I've made many quality posts here. Here is one I've made today: >>27076
I think most people would agree this board has degraded in quality since it moved to this site. Most of the posters and posts here aren't great, so I'd rather spend my time practicing or studying, however I help out when I can.
03/14/15 (Sat) 03:03:50 No. 27119
>>27116 The number of good posters has increased. The number of shitty posters has increased more but that doesn't matter, just ignore them, and let them pick up some residual enlightenment. The actually good occultists are still more numerous here than ever before and that's who you should focus on.
NecroGrizzly 03/14/15 (Sat) 19:13:02 No. 27215
The illuminati is not real, what we mistake for the illuminati is just a bunch of unorganized greedy pigs trying to own everything
03/14/15 (Sat) 19:39:22 No. 27218
>>27215 The illuminati is a multifaceted term. There's the 18th century group, there's troll illuminati (this is how discordianism started), modern troll illuminati, spiritual illuminati and people who might as well be the illuminati with the amount of power they've got, three different types: socially, financially and in terms of political string pullers.
03/15/15 (Sun) 00:21:01 No. 27245
>>26589 >>26586 >>26584 >>26580 >>26576 >>26571 >>26569 >>26565 >>26563 >>26562 >>26559 >>26545 >Rank (Magus)right, and I'm a USB flash drive
>Satan is the true creatorfucking shill, here, take my loosh, since you're obviously so desperate for it
it fascinates me how basically the only method these people have for loosh farming is upsetting our supremacist sensibilities with their infinite idiocy.
Thanks for pointing out what I have yet to perfect, Self
03/15/15 (Sun) 00:29:44 No. 27247
>>26692 You're hilarious man. You imply your own and Fringe Illuminati's STO status, yet you say your goals are to "exterminate and enslave" the planet. Doesn't sound live you're servicing others, only your selves.
03/15/15 (Sun) 00:53:13 No. 27251
>>27247 STO is really "Service to All". We are doing god's work by exterminating the inferior lifeforms on this planet and thus raising the quality of the remaining populace. Spiritual Evolution, mo'fugga. We are doing a great service to the whole world. Imagine how much better Earth would be without millions of niggers crawling over it. Humanity is getting an upgrade to the new model; the h'wite model. 14/88
03/15/15 (Sun) 01:00:59 No. 27256
>>27251 You can rationalize your hate for other races as much as you want by hiding behind the STO label. But anyone with true spiritual understanding will be able to see through your intentions. You want to kill everyone to make the world better for YOU and your ilk. The lack of love for the "Other" (those not of your race/level of development) is obvious and its what gives you away.
03/15/15 (Sun) 01:42:36 No. 27265
>>27245 >loosh Nobody wants your fucking "loosh" I can raise my own energy, faggot.
>loosh farming You sound stupid as fuck. Your entire post is garbage. You didn't prove shit either if that was the whole idea of your reply.
03/15/15 (Sun) 02:18:22 No. 27274
>>27256 Fucks given:
0 We're just wiping out the thought-patterns that result in inferior forms and lots of suffering.
Y'all niggas gonna be forced to reincarnate in perfected beautiful healthy bodies in the future.
…and there ain't shit you can do to stop it.
No more genetic diseases, no more ugliness, no more inferiority.
Deal with it.
>>27265 Dude, nobody here deserves to call themselves a Magus, unless they can psychomance me and come visit me in my room via any of a number of magickal techniques.
Neophyte if you're learning, initiate if you've already learned a lot and practise a lot, adept if you are practically done learning and have become exceedingly proficient in magick, but magus? No man. That rank is reserved for people who've gone full 4D and mastered practically everything.
Prove you deserve that rank. I would consider myself an initiate and I have been studying intensely for 2 years and I know and do basically everything but I'm humble and I'm not going to claim a higher rank until I've developed much further.
03/15/15 (Sun) 02:24:19 No. 27276
>>27274 Your knowledge of grades is disgustingly short. Magus is the grade of Chokmah, and is one of the 3 paths of crossing the abyss. I don't know why so many of you retards see the abyss as a destination, it is the Malkuth of the Duat…
>I know and do basically everything>am humble And I'm a red blueberry… Get over yourself, false humility is a bigger flag than blatant arrogance. (chose this flag just for you babe)
## Board Owner 03/15/15 (Sun) 02:52:03 No. 27277
>>27276 What the fuck ranking system are you using?
Our ranking system is based off of the Illuminates of Thanateros.
See: Other occult groups have different ranking systems.
>crossing the abyssAre you a Thelemite or something?
03/15/15 (Sun) 02:58:03 No. 27278
>>27274 >nobody here deserves to call themselves a Magus There are four rank flags under "rank" I chose Magus because I thought it was the same as "Master" listed under the sticky.
>reached a level of consciousness where he is assured not to fall back into ignoranceThis isn't even relevant to OPs thread.
03/15/15 (Sun) 02:59:56 No. 27279
>>27277 Crowley said a magus comes only once every thousand years, so that'd make it even more extreme.
Nice dubs btw.
03/15/15 (Sun) 03:03:07 No. 27280
03/15/15 (Sun) 03:11:16 No. 27281
>>27280 Who do you want to listen to on thelema then?
03/15/15 (Sun) 03:12:50 No. 27282
>>27281 >Thelema No thank you
03/15/15 (Sun) 03:16:44 No. 27283
>>27282 Just comparing the different conceptions of a magus, you faggot.
noko 03/15/15 (Sun) 05:41:47 No. 27307
!!77KWo6C/jE 03/15/15 (Sun) 08:09:58 No. 27320
The group you refer to as illuminati is probably just some elite cult(the same ones you refer to as satanic), not connected to medieval mystics and their enlightenment ideas. Its absurd to connect symbology,which can be reused by any group, charged as sigil and repurposed by energy manipulation to a 300-year old group. Illuminati were an occult group which were researching how to modernise/advance our society spiritually(abolishion of state power for example). They were not some edgy satanic cult that sacrificed goats every tuesday. They were more like Gnostic sects, except more modern/scientifically minded.
>>26555 Jehovah/God/Demiurge is the good cop, Satan/Lucifer/Devil is the bad cop.
>>26689 The desire to exterminate,murder, kill and destroy is hate, and you think you're spiritually advanced? Hate is inner emotion, it poisons your soul with negative vibrations. You get more animalistic and emotionally unstable state "consumed by hate" if you focus on it.
03/15/15 (Sun) 08:30:25 No. 27322
>>27320 >Illuminati were an occult group which were researching WRONG. Adam Weishaupt was hired by Jew Rothschild to subvert and undermine Satanic Gentile Freemasonry. Illuminati is Jewish! Jewhova is Jewish! YHVH(JHVH) is a system of Jewish magic. Satan means enemy in Hebrew. Jehovah is all about hate that's all Jews are capable of.
03/15/15 (Sun) 08:32:05 No. 27323
>>27322 And they also didn't want to abolish state power, they wanted to usurp the power and make it each time more and more centralized in their hands.
03/18/15 (Wed) 03:57:03 No. 28053
>>27322 >Satanic Gentile Freemasonry. >Satanic >Gentile There's a lot of iffy implications there.
03/18/15 (Wed) 10:59:40 No. 28087
>>28053 Freemasonry in the beginning was a Gentile organization. Before Jews came into the picture of Freemasonry, it was Satanic at it's core. Not Christian.
To the average dumpling, satanic is synonymous with evil. This is probably one of the farthest things from the truth.
03/18/15 (Wed) 20:55:09 No. 28133
>>28087 I doubt Satan, as in the Christian Satan, was honored as entity
03/18/15 (Wed) 21:21:22 No. 28134
>>28133 >Christian Satan There never was a Christian Satan
03/19/15 (Thu) 03:18:14 No. 28172
>>28087 >Before Jews came into the picture of Freemasonry, it was Satanic at it's core. Not Christian. Well, no. It was originally Christian in that the guilds passed on their knowledge and performed plays about Christian events like Palm Sunday.
When it became more speculative, it was still done in a strict Christian sense. After 1813 union, the Craft became non-sectarian, but the core was still Christian.
Also, Satanic is a term specifically reserved for bad things. Were you thinking of Luciferian?
03/19/15 (Thu) 05:58:23 No. 28224
>>28172 Freemasonry was never Christian. Freemasonry at the start was all about godhead, reaching immortality, kundalini type stuff hence 33 degrees. Kundalini is satanic.
03/19/15 (Thu) 06:49:53 No. 28235
>>28224 You might want to read some actual history of it before spouting moronic crap like that.
And protip: the 33 degrees allude to the years of Christ's life on earth, but more importantly, they weren't written until the 19th century.
03/19/15 (Thu) 07:00:14 No. 28240
>>28224 You keep mentioning that things are satanic never specifying:
>What "being Satanic" means (and don't just answer of Satan) >Who this Satan entity is and why anyone should care >Whether he is, in your opinion, above the absolute and why I should care >If he isn't just some alien/demonic entity farming humans for loosh just like the reptilians according to your cosmology Otherwise all you do is "negate" every thought written here with a "nope, Satan".
03/19/15 (Thu) 07:44:44 No. 28250
>>28240 Satan is a Nordic extra terrestrial. Demons are of the Nordic race also. Reptilians and Nordics have been at war for a while. The Reptilians are above Greys and work to enslave us. They created the Jews for the sole purpose of doing their dirty work for them. Jews are merely agents of the reptilians, like greys. Worker ants.
Satan is the father of humanity, our creator god. Mythology is actually symbolism of the science behind the Magnum Opus. Odin/Wod/Shiva/Kali/Ptah-Osiris/Zeus-Dionysus/Viracocha/Enki, etc, these are all aliases of Satan. The kundalini serpent is his working and symbol. Without him there would be no occult knowledge. We wouldn't even be discussing the topic we are right now.
He isn't farming loosh, he is the reason we are breathing.
05/18/15 (Mon) 09:56:16 No. 39239
lmao i think most celebrities just realise if they put random occult symbols in their videos it causes a stir and makes more people watch them. ignore the plastic singers and actors; celebrate the people that deserve to be celebrated.