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Esoteric Wizardry


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Alright /fringe/, I need some advice on how to deal with something.

About two years ago I went on a walking trip in southern france when I encountered a fucking monster, it was a 7ft tall humanoid with ghostly pale skin, glowing orange eyes, and teeth like those of an angler fish. I had encountered it while walking in the mountains south of carcassonne. It was in the evening a little bit before sunset when I had first seen it, from a decent distance, maybe around 200ft behind me, although all I could see were two small orange lights. Later on, when the sky was twilight, i had started to hear high pitched howls and grunts in the distance, i wasnt too sure what to make of it, until i had realized i could still see two small orange lights in the distance, watching from a treeline on the other side of a small field. At that point I figured the best thing I could do was stay on the trail, and keep moving forward. I didnt actually get a good look at the fucker until I stepped off the path, which is when it fucking came rushing towards me, so like just about anyone else would, i noped the fuck out, right back onto the proper path. I would of been outta there faster than lightning, but this was my first long distance trekk, and I had around 90lbs of poorly packed supplies on my back, and my legs were sore from walking all day, so the best i could do was stick to the trail and keep moving forward. The night carried on like this, with the fucker rushing me everytime i took a wrong step, until I came to an inn, where I promptly rented a room for the night, and passed the fuck out.

Now, regardless of whether or not you believe any of that, I need some advice on warding that thing away for as long as possible. I know a fight is unavoidable, but this trekk will be far longer than the last in the same region, so i will be sleeping in shit fuck nowhere for the most part, and need something to keep it away as i sleep.

Sorry for the wall of text, and thank you for any replies.


Why don't you just bring a nice long blade with you, do some rituals to endow the blade with helpful energies, and get ready for a glorious battle?

We'll sing songs telling of your righteous conflict for hundreds of years.


Would totally do that if I could legally have a blade in france, really the only option weapon wise is a hiking staff or my fists


Make a staff and then imbue it with a fuckload of etheric energy to make it much more solid and powerful of a weapon and test it out for yourself.


Are you sure that it was a physical creature?

It's interesting that it didn't want to attack you directly, just keep you on the trail. Sounds a lot like a sasquatch type of creature (alien)


This guy has the right idea.

I don't think it's trying to kill you (yet)
It sounds like he is protecting his territory if anything.
Be prepared for a fight so he won't rape you if it comes to that. But Try to communicate with him with spoken language or thought forms next time you see him.

On a somewhat related note, us Americans have a shortage of forest monsters because when we are usually strapped up with a gatt when we are Rollin in da woods.


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Alright, I guess i'll imbue my hiking staff later today, and every day until I depart.

Honestly, i wasn't sure whether or not to include the rest of it, but i might as well tell you what happened within the next few days

Day 1

The morning after stopping at the inn, i almost immediately set out again, within a few hours I came to a town built just below one of the cathar castles, and I rented a room at a local inn, so that i could explore the surrounding mountains, and avoid being left in the open at night with that thing again. I decided my first stop would be the local castle, at this point there were two ways to get up to it, follow the paved road, or use the old trail through the woods and hills. Of course i chose the trail in the woods, it was a nice and peaceful 30 minute walk all going up hill, the only odd thing even remotely odd was that I could feel something watching me, and the woods were quiet, very quiet. Later on, after checking out the castle, now heading back down the hill, I noticed a flash coming from the off trail, heading down hill, me being either sorta brave or an idiot, decided to follow it. As I did so, it would move further away whenever I got to close, luring me further down hill, it stopped once I reached a near dryed up creek, clearly formed by rain runoff. the hills surrounding it formed a steep wall, it was a good 20 minutes before I noticed that flash again, this time going uphill. It was another 20 minutes before I managed to fucking climb up that steep ass wall, and another 20 to get to an unpaved road. I stopped, looked around, and noticed it moving further along the road, i followed again, until it led me to a small trail heading up yet another hill. A fucking terrible stench filled my nose, like for real this shit was horrid, at this point i noticed a number of shadows and flashes heading uphill. I followed, it felt like i was walking on a rope, above a bunch of spikes, i cant think of a better way to describe it, it was like it was draining my very willpower, i couldn't continue, or at least thats how I felt, I then looked up to the sky, and noticed the sun was setting. I decided to get the fuck out before I got my shit pushed inn, it was pretty dark out by the time I got back to the hotel.


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Damn son, you need to read Chasing Phantoms before they go all out abduction on your ass.


Day 2

The next day was fairly uneventful now that I look back at it. I think for the most part i had just wandered around the woods looking for something, I searched around the dry creek, and contemplated heading up the trail, got drunk, and besides that i honestly don't remember.

Day three however, was different. As soon as I got my ass outta bed and fed myself, i was off towards the trail those things had led me to. Of course when I got there, i noticed there was a fucking dead baby deer, laid out directly in front of the trail. I took it as a warning, but I didn't heed it, because I was fucking pissed that this poor thing was killed, so i figured that whatever was here was going to come at me, and i was alright with that. I made it up the path, to a small clearing with unlevel terrain. there were two paths from here, one which felt ominous and was covered in branches and plant life, and another one, which was barren, but had no real feel to it. I took the barren path, but a few moments later, I heard the movement of plants behind me, what I saw was odd, it was a huge mass of brown fur, its head, and any other defining featured were hidden by the flora. I thought to myself "fuck me sideways, its one of the whole three bears in south france", it stood there silently, i took out one of my bottles of beer (fucking kronenberg is the shit man) took a swig, and gave the closest thing to a roar I could (admittedly i felt like a loon, honestly, i mustve looked ridiculous), and made as much noise with that damn beer bottle as possible. The bear or whatever stood there, silent, still partially concealed by the flora, I turned back around and continued up the barren path. I later reached a small field of flowers (and thorns god fucking damnit) which lined the top of this large hill, I continued forward until i found myself heading down the hill, where I got lost for a while. Of course the sun was starting to go down, me being the cautious dude i am, decided to head on back to the hotel. It was again twilight by the time i made it to the woodland trail leading down the mountain and towards the town, I nearly broke my ass tripping over a line of rocks, someone had oh so kindly placed along the trail.

The next day I had to leave, to head back home. I understand if you all feel like this doesn't really correlate with the OP, I felt that i should post it though, as if it could give you guys a better idea of the situation or something. Honestly theres a lot more to this trip i could tell, but i feel like it'd be a mistake to say to much.

Oh yeah, two questions guys, does anyone know what the fuck the image in the op means, if anything at all, its a scribble of something i had found, and if there is ANYTHING i can do, to make sure i don't get ambushed in my sleep.


Yeah sure, I suppose i'll check it out


And no, i cant say for certain it was.


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Sounds like a skinwalker

Aka yi naldlooshi

Weird it has the word Loosh in it's name

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