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Hey there /fringe/,

I haven't posted here ever but there's something that's been on my mind for awhile and I'd like some help on what exactly went on… I'll just get on with the explaining

So it all started while talking to a friend of mine. Let's call him Paul. Paul is a fun dude, who acts way dumber than he actually is. One day we were taking bong tokes and talking about nothing in particular and he starts looking at me in a very weird way. Like bedroom eyes but not really. It looked like the eye on the back of the american dollar . First it started to creep me out so I didn't look at him then when I got the balls to look him dead in the eye I was like, locked in, I guess. I was melting into the couch because DAT DANK KUSH, but I kept eye contact as he was moving around. He was moving into a position that my head couldn't actually go without my neck cracking. You know like when you wanted to look like a badass in middle school so you cracked your neck to show how sharp your edge was. Anyways it cracked but it sounded different. Like a BOING sound with the cracking sound. That's when my vision was going in and out like vertigo. Only I was see weird fractally images. Like iterations of the same rounded squares and rectangles. I thought I broke my neck and that I was going to die. I was way too high, right? I asked a couple friends there including paul and they told me to stop being a retard. So I just went to bed and decided, fuck it, I'll just snap it the other way. BAM! same images fade in and out. This time I tried moving to the bathroom and by the time I got there I was having trouble standing, getting the vertigo fractals again. But pushed through and went back to bed.

The next couple days got weird. I slowly started to notice some of my friends were talking to me in what I would consider a bastardization of language. This was a language that had two contexts with every phrase. Like an innuendo or a double entendre, but really personal things. Things that I've thought about that mean a lot to me that I never talk about. Things that eventually got very hostile towards me. Tried to convince to start changing my life thinking about things in a very materialistic way. Talking about marxism and stuff like that.The weird part is the would communicate with each other so effortlessly and left me to listen and pick everything up that they were putting down.

So they took me to a party. They would be my friend paul and another guy let's call him roy. Roy and Paul got me crazy high. Like 3 blunts and two bowls deep. Everyone was talking in this weird manner. I still struggle with it now so at the time I was completely retarded and frankly a little freaked out. They start saying odd things. Trying to get me to socialize. 3high5me. We meet up with another guy who I'm not at all even close to being friends with named Jack. Jack and roy are talking and paul went off somewhere. My mind was trying to keep up with them. They would catch my thoughts mid conversation, they would reply to things like "It's okay. It's genetic" making direct eye contact with me and pausing to fully make me understand it was for me to pick up. Because we were in a party situation they would keep telling me to "Choose a drug." They obviously intended me to see some deeper meaning in it. Me and Roy leave Jack to mack on some bitties, and meet up with someone very interesting. My old friend Will. Will greeted me in a more forward manner than usual and said "It's been awhile." It hasn't actually been awhile because I saw him at another party like a week ago. Then Will invite me and Roy to go another party.

If you want to tl;dr do it here

So we're at the party and I tell them I want to get plastered. So we go in the back. First we play a drinking game called five seconds. It's were I drink for five of their seconds then they drink five of my seconds. Now I think Will is going to fuck with me so I need some convincing. Luckily a bystander with a hookah pen helps to assure me that he will make sure they don't make me drink more than 5 seconds. So I start drinking and it went down easier than any liquor I've ever downed. "You wanna play another game?" Will asks. At this point I just want to get liquored up so I can talk to girls. So I say "Sure. Yeah. Let's get drunk."
"Okay, the game is called what's in the cup."
It's a very odd name. Maybe it has a laxative, maybe some sick ass psychedelic, maybe it tastes like shit.
"How do I play?" I asked
"I ask you what's in the cup and you say god and down it."
"I bet I have all the time in the world to play this game don't I, Will?!" I say with the biggest shit eating grin on my face.
"You sure do." He said with the most inviting smile.

So then I played and downed it. And had the most liberating feeling that's ever come from a Styrofoam cup filled with wop.

So tell me wizards, what the fuck have I gotten myself into?


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> what the fuck have I gotten myself into?
Nigger does this look like 420 chan?


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>Only I was see weird fractally images.


>Nigger does this look like 420 chan?
…how about does too much acid chan?

did I join a weird cult or did I just drink the blood of christ like a filthy catholic?


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You got bill cosbied, you nigger.


Well, how do you feel about it?

Just react naturally and trust your gut.

This sounds like something pretty personal and possibly unique.

Don't be afraid to rock.

You are the centre.


Well since this is a shit thread anyway. Might as well post my 2 spoopy.

Since I have gotten in touch with some entities in the astral, hooded figures that sucked a part of my consciousness from my skull. I have never been the same. I am permanently altered.

Now every time I go into a relaxed state I have a seizure, everytime (emphasis). It's like slowing my brainwaves brings me back to their plain.

Now the rally strange things, these seizures are not just normal seizures. I would call them seizures of the consciousness. My perception of what I am and who I am gets squeezed and contorted to where it feels like My consciousness itself is begin strangled or punched. If you could punch a ball of electricity, that is what it feels like except i am the electricity. I get smacked upside the head.

I can feel these bits of electric consciousness crawling over me.

Now the most spoopy part. last night i was laying down for bed, well aware the seizure was going to come. i prepared for it. Than, something I cannot describe happened. Both of my eyes turned into video cameras. In a flash! I now had two perceptions left eye and right eye. Symbols appeared above my eyes, in a strange alien symbolic language in such a uniform format it could not possibly have been a precept of my own consciousness. I can see the symbols turning with the time and recording. i realize my eyes are now being hacked by aliens and they are recoding my vision. Shit is spoopy beyond belief.

I don't even know guys. I think I went too far has been. I'm afraid to go to sleep tonight.


Don't be afraid.
Every little thing is gonna be alright.


I get what you're talking about OP, you're lucky people are being nice to you with it. I've mostly only had people being assholes, to the point of old best friends having sex in the house next door to me in earshot with some woman moaning about how mean he is.

I'd like to think I'm above curses but…


Thank you. But really what is alright? I feel like a rat in a scientific experiment. My only consolance is I may soon pass. I feel like humans are experimenting on rats. Aliens are experimenting on humans (me). And god knows what is experimenting on the aliens. Where does it end. Everyone is stuck in a cycle of scientific experimenting. Everyone is trying to grasp the ungraspable truth. I just wandered into their lab as a convenient patient.

Well I can honestly say shit is weird as fuck and the only consolance I have is the aliens, I hope, understand ethics and have not subjected me to any real painful torture yet. I am hoping they understand the ethics of putting lesser beings into painful torture unlike humans.



What magical practise do you do and for how long? Has this stuff been going on for longer than you've been involved in magic? Have you told anyone you practise?


>What magical practise do you do and for how long?

Astral travel. OOBE. Trying to contact entities. Some minor chakra work, but not skilled at it. Heavy into philosophy of consciousness, binding problem, and mathmatics, not really magic, but seems related.

>Has this stuff been going on for longer than you've been involved in magic?

Not the seizure part. That started pretty abruptly. Really nothing like this remotely happened while I was mundane. Also I am a no drugz fag. Never even went near any of this stuff.

>Have you told anyone you practise?

Only over the interwebz, or possibly in the astral.


ohh how long? 2-3 years


What is your method for astral projection?



Do you do much protection work? I'd suggest creating a strong link to a protective deity, get a statue and set up an altar and doing some offerings. Maybe getting into some kind of healing system like reiki could help.

Look for the offering ritual in this book, its pretty early in: https://mega.co.nz/#!m9ZHiTbS!0oIgNWx2TQcVZwN1PmJf3XeLfxHE21qLcQa0k-mh1uA

Also this exercise: >>26346

If you're having seizures its most likely a good idea to see a doctor too.

(also this post >>26613 was also directed at OP)



>Do you do much protection work?

No I usually welcome whatever comes. I did use sea salt once that worked. I hand't considered using it again, don't really want to use it again because it is overly effective, ends all my other efforts.

>I'd suggest creating a strong link to a protective deity, get a statue and set up an altar and doing some offerings. Maybe getting into some kind of healing system like reiki could help.

I'll try that if It comes to that, thanks.

Relax breathing, relax pulse, focus energy through chakras. Look deep into my vision and hearing. Wait for things to slow. Focus on hallucinations appearing. See things appearing in vision, hear sounds turn into voices, whispering. Grab onto the senasations and let go while remaining cognoscent .



>I'll try that if It comes to that, thanks.

It's better to start before things get tough to be honest, you tend to build relationships with deities and gaurdians slowly, you want them already on your side when shit hits the fan and they'll sort things out like a friend rather than like a stranger. You don't necessarily have to have an alter to them or a statue, but finding a deity to relate to, commune with, pray to etc will help a lot if you get into trouble in the astral.

The offering rite in the book I linked is directed to all sorts of spirits of good and negative intention, gaurdians, satyrs, etc, the aim is to please them, reinforce positive relationships with positive spirits and a peace offering to any negative spirits you may have attached to you. Again its about building positive relationships with unseen forces so that when you get in trouble they see you as a friend in need of help and will support you freely.


Uhh well there's some things going on I really can't talk about other wise I would look into it. But at this point, it just is not possible, and probably never will be. But if it comes to it than I will try.



Would you be willing to discuss it over email? I have talked with a few people from /fringe/ over email before and it has been useful.



I should add I've been through similar thingss and now things have settled down somewhat offerings etc have been useful.


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OP you almost definitely have drug induced psychosis

source: had drug induced psychosis

Prepare to go really high, all the while losing your mind, then people will have had enough with you and you will probably end up in a ward for the mentally ill for a month followed by some nasty depression.

If this does happen to you only take the meds until you stop having visions then just lie. You will soon recover from the depression and then you may begin the path of enlightenment.

I just wanted to tell you this because I didn't have anyone to tell me.



I've been through this too.

It's not ALL insanity, at least not insanity as you wouldnt normally think of it as in delusions, but insanity over truth is still insanity. Delusions happen too, but there is truth in there.

I lost my guides, visionary ability and personal power, magnetism, speed of thought, academic ability and good looks to medication, don't let this happen to you.

Take your practise seriously, ground yourself, arm yourself, protect yourself. Meditate daily, do offerings, invocations, leave the heavy stuff like astral projection, possession and evocation alone until you know you can deal with it, leave drugs alone too. Keep a hand written log of EVERYTHING.

I'd recommend the book here >>26617
and banishing ritual here >>26618 as starting points for daily practise.


>as you wouldnt normally

as you would normally




Also, after banishing make sure to invoke something positive, banishing creates a vacuum and once its over shit will come back unless you invoke something positive to replace what you've banished.


Oh yeah I didnt mean to imply psychosis was all insane bullshit. I'm just saying take it as an eye opener, recover from it, and go from there.
Definitely concur about cutting out the drugs too. The stronger your mind gets the more susceptible you will be to having another episode.



>The stronger your mind gets the more susceptible you will be to having another episode.

What do you mean by this? I would've thought it'd be the other way round.


It all boils down to your perspective on it.

One way to expand your perception would be to mentally assume humanity in each of these individuals and then see their circumstance of being fitting within that mindset. Doing so paints your own consciousness within that realm automatically as your own subconscious casts judgement upon your mental connection.

Continue to grasp and have the composition of emotion and perspective fuel this creation and again, the feedback of judgement cast from your subconscious will further define it, resulting in changes in your reality.

Do this while continuously circulating energy throughout your perceived body.

Work as you will, observe the growth, be fearless, act beautifully.


Sorry I have to do this alone.



How do you know you have to do it alone?

I'm going through similar things and have no idea whether I'm supposed to do it alone or not.



I don't have the answers, I have been pretty intuitive but I can't know the purpose. I got the answers from the flow. It flows through me, energy I feel it pulling me. I have always felt it. It pulls my mind apart.

Division is necessarily. Solid is analogous to a void without contextualization. Contrast creates. There is a story, but the story needs to be unread. It's what I know I have to do. I have never been more sure of anything in my life. I have devoured materially, spiritually I am to dissolve. The balance will be grown, to unleash entropy. My purpose is to make chaotic so other might spring forth, I am supposed to make my path, to take but not give, to destroy to create. I am almost finished on my work. But you are not to know, only to reap.



>I don't have the answers, I have been pretty intuitive but I can't know the purpose.


>I got the answers from the flow.

almost same, flow of things rather than energy

Second is too cryptic except maybe for
>I am supposed to make my path, to take but not give, to destroy to create

What has your work been?

And am I reaping shit or wheat?


How exactly do you go about making offerings?

I've offered libations to Hermes because I always felt that I had something that warned me when I was going to get caught stealing as a teen, and I recently decided to start making offerings habitually instead of in retrospect.



I use the offering ritual in this book:


It's quite near the start under the regular practise chapter.

The bornless one invocation is worth doing too as well as the pillar and spheres meditation. I normally do all three at a time.



Also again, I'd recommend everyone do the offerings, it helps to have spirits and such on your side when shit hits the fan. The more offerings you do the more of a relationship you build with them andd the more willing thyy will be to help you as they will see you as a friend or ally.



Also if you build a connection to gaurdians who are includd in the offering ritual, they will often help you without you requesting it, in response to curses and everyday situations.


On the 18th of march you will feel it. it wail release. Look up to the midday's sun. This is the final communication.



Looking into the sun will hurt his eyes, though.



I don't have to look with my eyes ya know.

Will report back.

Or not.

Depending on say so of the solar transmission.



Sorry for commandeering a dead thread, but it's my first time posting on /fringe/, and I didn't want to unwittingly violate any rules by creating a new thread just to ask questions - and my question is technically similar to the OP of this thread.

I've just recently started taking esotericism and magic(k) seriously as an avenue of spiritual inquiry (having previously been a relatively certain but open-minded materialist/agnostic-atheist), and I'm beginning the process of reading as much material as I can and forming my own opinions and connections with it, but I have lingering concerns regarding visions and encounters I've previously seemed to experience during my half-dozen or so goes with psychedelics over the last couple of years or so.

I've tended to be more strongly-affected by these than the friends I've taken them with - being left with pretty overwhelming impressions of a greater spiritual unity from which I (and others, or possibly all others) are incarnated and shall return to, group-consciousness, and non-linear time, right from my first trip - so when I started seeming to have (particularly after the second or so time I tripped) meetings and actual conversations with entities which impressed or implied that they came from a reality exterior to my own, I waved them off after-the-fact as being particularly sophisticated hallucinations - potential insights into my own psychology, at best. The more meaningful they've seemed to become, and the more I read around /fringe/-ish material and testaments, the less certain I've become of that fact. I'll probably be tripping again soon when I meet up with my old sixth-form friends, so I'll try to remember to ask anything I should (seemingly) meet for a name, that I might research in case there are any actual connections to be made with recorded entities/forces. But in the meantime, I'd appreciate any sort of advice from any lurking wizards - even if it's just that I should not take conversations with psychedelic-induced hallucinations seriously.

The first two entities I seemed to encounter might be one and the same, but I'm not sure - the first, when I meet it, seems to have some kind of loving familiarity with me and persistently wants the best for me, and to help me remember and reclaim (and I run the risk of sounding self-aggrandizing here) some sort of personal power or realm that I forgot by being born in this body, and which is hoarded/ruled in my stead by a callous and selfish entity to which I might have some sort of relation.

The second entity, in contrast, seems personally vindictive, and persistently implies that I commit some sort of crime against it that I am unable to remember but must suffer/pay for (I've received impressions that this was a rape, or a theft, but nothing definite - and this entity has admitted to being a liar, or a con-artist, so I am inclined to think this crime is fabricated). At the culmination of a particularly emotionally exhausting trip, I felt as though I was tricked into consenting to some kind of agreement with this entity (it may have let me think that it was the first entity to reach this end - or it might have been the first entity all along), and was left feeling physically and spiritually drained, and as though something important or unique (I want to say 'magical') had been taken from me.

The former entity I associate with the form of a blue doe or deer (although it's mentioned repeatedly that it takes this form because it's easier to get my attention, and I think this association was made because of pic related; the wallpaper of a friend's laptop which was left displayed on the television screen on the occasion of the trip when I first seemed to be contacted by this entity), and the latter with the form of a blue wolf - although I've confused the two in the past. My impression of both has been built up over about three or four individual trips.




The third entity I met and communicated with in only my most recent trip, but I probably have the most clear and distinct idea of it of all three - although it was also the most confusing to me. It seemed initially surprised that I was continually aware of it's presence and influence in the room, and I felt as though, by it's nature, I had to maintain concentration to avoid forgetting it was there (in fact, repeatedly, I became disturbingly aware of the noise of cattle which would phase into inaudibility if I lapsed in concentration, as though it were supposed to have the effect of making me docile). When I stubbornly refused to stop regarding it, and made it clear I wanted to know more about it, it seemed pleased and forthcoming (it said something along the lines of not minding those that 'tap on the glass', as long as they are prepared for it tapping back at them), and gave me what seemed at the time to be almost a lecture on it's own anatomy and vivisection, complete with accompanying visions and even fucking diagrams (at several points, the sheer amount and quality of information made me feel as though my mind was going to defensively shut down, and it was a constant effort to keep paying attention). I didn't retain the majority of the information (and it sympathised with my assertion that, as far as I know, it could just have been feeding me misinformation), but the impression I got was of an immaterial entity comprised of a grid/matrix of sacs filled with energy or ideas, that drifted (I got the impression that it was whale-like, both in it's movement and it's sheer overwhelming size) through a space or dimension overlapping ours (bypassing differences in space or time), projecting itself into the shared environments of groups of people having psychedelic or other varieties of hallucinatory experiences, and enhancing their experiences with blended images/ideas/energy from it's own accumulated stock of such material, while passively taking in new images, ideas and energy from participating parties in order to sustain itself, and expand further. There was an added situational element that went slightly over my head, as though each group of people temporarily occupied or corresponded to one of these 'sacs', and from which ideas and impressions from different times and places could diffuse across the membranes, accounting for the emergence of entirely 'new' information in a respective group's trip. And, finally, there was the impression that, as this entity coasted across the surface of our reality farming energy and redistributing small amounts of it, it could alter minor details in our physical universe to alter cause and effect in favourable or unfavourable ways for those it wanted to help or hinder (or those who assisted or resisted it). This might impression might have come along with the suggestion that I had the potential to act as a sort of shaman for it.

That's about everything. Some (or many) ideas may be indistinct or inaccurately recalled, and a great deal are probably more attributable to 'I was tripping balls' than 'I made contact with something from outside', but that's the bulk of what currently makes up my 'what if?' file of past drug experiences involving alleged hyperdimensional entities.

I've read conflicting viewpoints on whether some drug-induced visions may be attributed to actual transjective experiences (as in shamanism), or simply subjective constructions reflecting one's own anxieties, desires and subconscious, so I suppose what I'm looking for is some advice from more experienced practitioners than I on how seriously I should take these encounters with alleged 'entities' (and, if at all, then how I should approach these situations in the future, and how I should act on what I've already seemed to experience). I'm open to the very real possibility that all, or the greater proportion of, what I seemed to experience was false and meaningless. I'm just looking for a bit of outside insight, and there aren't all that many people or groups I can turn to for a reality (or expanded-reality) check.


With all that shit you just typed out it would have been perfectly acceptable to create a new thread.

It's the people who just ask a question while starting a new thread that break the rule.

People that have a fuckload more to say than merely a question won't be subject to any sort of moderation.


I've also had drug induced psychosis and I knew right away that's what you're going through OP. What these two anons said is true.

You have to grab control back. Understand that you have psychosis and be as rational as you can. If you do end up in a ward, take that anon's advice. Stop taking the drugs as soon as you're back in reality as you knew it.


Smiley, how about not being such a shithead and help the guy out about what ever question he had?


I don't mind; from the sound of it, he just wanted to clarify and assuage my concerns about posting conventions on /fringe/. He might not, personally, have anything to contribute on the matter of my drug trips.


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Me again. I'm back because, having gotten a bit further into my reading, I've already started recognising certain parallels and patterns in different fringe texts I've been reading that could correspond in some interesting ways with what I may or may not have encountered in these psychedelic states, and I wanted to voice them. I should also clarify, as I think I forgot to say, that I had no real knowledge of any magical doctrine or other /fringe/ matters when I had these trips.

The 'enormous' energy-sac whale-thing, I'm beginning to suspect could have been (if not a hallucination, obviously) some sort of fourth-dimensional being solely of the ethereal plane, heavily occupied with the mass-farming of loosh. I'm thinking particularly of it's interest in avoiding notice and just quietly going about it's admitted goal of accumulating energy, the sound and imagery of livestock it seemed to employ as an attempt to pacify me before giving up and simply trying to satisfy my curiosity instead (symbolically appropriate, as our concept of livestock and factory farming is the closest human equivalent to the way certain higher-density beings harvest loosh from the world) as well as the impression that it could reflexively manipulate probability and the timeline upon it's departure (a principle I had trouble wrapping my head around at the time, but which is alluded to multiple times from what I've read as a capability easily attainable by an entity that preoccupies a plane or dimension above ours that may perceive and manipulate not only different times but timelines at once).

Finally, a moment from the trip that I left out of my account for it's relative brevity and dissonance with the rest of the encounter occurred just after I made it clear that I wasn't going to disregard or forget the entity's presence, and just before it gave me the lecture on it's anatomy and some of the mechanics of it's interactions with beings of our density; for the duration of about a minute, it very clearly and unsubtly attempted to scare me into compliance by way of (essentially) triggering a bad trip. It came on so suddenly, that it was distinctively as though it could have just flicked a switch to make it happen, and it stopped just as suddenly. The music I was listening to became grated and distorted, shadows in the room deepened and became more threatening as the dimensions of the room shifted to be more uncanny and warped - and I distinctly remember seeing as my wallpaper at the time (pic related) became a scene of macabre carnage. Gore, blood, blades, spikes, in patterns that didn't really make sense as a cohesive scene - and an overall impression like a combine harvester running over a sea of people in some sort of death factory (again, that agricultural imagery). I think it was a last-resort effort to test my resolve (as well as check again if I could be forcibly dissuaded so it could gather loosh at originally planned), as well as to demonstrate it's capabilities, and I've heard of entities on the astral planes scaring travellers as one technique of deriving loosh from them. Well, I was actually far too intrigued and stubborn at this point to actually bother being scared, and instead I just marvelled at the change, and examined all the details with a sort of scholarly fascination. It was only after I once again made it clear and apparent that I was still not going to be persuaded (or intimidated) into passive ignorance, and that I wanted to know more about it (regardless of whether it ultimately just told me lies) that it 'switched off' the horror show, and started with the lecture.



As for the blue wolf; yeah, if she was more than a simple hallucination, I was probably conned out of my loosh that evening - and how I felt physically and emotionally afterwards would seem to corroborate that. I'd already begun to suspect this the last time I posted in this thread. Hopefully I didn't lose anything else I don't yet understand at the same time, but I'm going to be optimistic and say it was just the loosh. I remember at the time freaking out at the feeling that something was almost-literally being drained from me, and I felt like my very veins might have been tightening from the force of some ephemeral 'life-blood' of mine being sucked out.

The blue deer and other, smaller presences I associate with it: still no clear idea, but it might just have been a form or minion of the blue wolf - a part of the ruse for my loosh. I didn't mention this before out of juvenile embarrassment; but despite my being gay, there was a very strong (fairly uncontrollable and involuntary) sense of sexual desire I associated with the blue doe, which itself seemed to encourage the idea by suggesting it already belonged to me, or that I was entitled to it, and that it wanted me, and so on - and impressing upon me all sorts of suggestive images and concepts. I wander if it was something similar to a succubus, in that case. I was far too lethargic and sofa-bound to follow on any of it's suggestions, at any rate - perhaps prompting the intervention of the 'blue wolf' in later trips, which seemed to resort to pumping me with a sense of guilt and confusion, and a desire to recompense for whatever it was I had supposedly done.


alright everyone its been awhile but now I know whats goin on. im just meeting niggaz from past lives talking through synchronicities with eachother. some of us are aware of it some are not. I figured out a bunch of what i call soul names of these friends. now i must find my past and future lovers and bed them, because I can.

Now for the occult to answer questions. Do we move backwards or forwards in time? Or do we just pick and choose where the next body will be in time? Do I have control over my next body or is that just The One deciding my fate?



>Do we move backwards or forwards in time?

Forwards as I can tell. The idea being that you rest in the astral and being more developed than the average man you wait for humanity to catch up to you. Seems counter intuitive that you'd reincarnate in the middle ages to learn whatever's the next lesson on your path of spiritual evolution.

>Do I have control over my next body or is that just The One deciding my fate?

Normally you have little control over your next incarnation, but people say that if you gain enough lucidity(consciousness) you'd be able to decide for yourself the conditions of your incarnations such as parents etc.


that first thing you smoked sounds like salvia divinorum



Originally my plan was to reincarnate back so that my power would be relatively stronger than my surroundings. What I mean by that is that I'm only conscious because the collective masses subconsciously agree that I exist but they are slowly believing less. If I go back to pre-christ eras I might be able to do some crazy shit with the power from the masses. People in the dark ages were just as conscious as we are now, its just that we have different and many more distractions. These distractions are my competitors and I dont want them to distract the masses more than I want to distract them, because that distracts them from being distracted by my distractions which in turn give me mighty powers.

… I'm just waiting for a sprite similar to me to pipe up and join this discussion, because I haven't seen many talk about this on the interwebz.

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