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Esoteric Wizardry


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Today I met a reptilian for the first time.

I was wide the fuck awake in my bedroom at night trying to sleep when all of a sudden a fucking reptilian appeared to me and I was shifted into full 4D.

Just prior to that, I had been reading one of Atkinson's books, when I got stuck on a page where he was talking about the etheric body double and having seeming flashbacks / memory recalls if you will as if from a previous life of manipulating etheric energy to reconfigure matter and it being extremely dangerous and capable of stopping organs and making nearly any object potentially very dangerous.

I was convinced that I knew how it was done and could do it if pressed to do so by using the 7 hermetic axioms and some of the aphorisms in The Arcane Teachings and use of the elements.

I put down my tablet, forgetting to turn it off, but it turns off anyways in 2 minutes of inactivity. I was thinking about this when the reptilian appeared before me and gravity seemed to have become a lot lighter around me, as if I were on the moon.

The reptilian was not like in the pictures I have. I had not been thinking about reptilians at all that whole day btw, not a single thought, so the arrival of this reptilian was completely unexpected and unanticipated.

It was an extremely intense encounter. He was a kind of a forest green colour and his face was sinewy but still obviously reptilian. His auric field was extremely powerful and he had a dark brown coloured cloak on and looked like an occultist reptilian. I felt intense energy pour through every part of me just being near him and I was like oh fuck, I ain't even done my reading, I ain't ready for this, fuck my power level is way too high, got to finish up shit in third density. So I got away from him and got lost in the astral for awhile feeling some psychic pull on me like something was calling upon me, trying to evoke me, which I resisted. My vibrations were way fucking high and could have gone way higher still but I had to get back to third density. So I tried to find some entity to give away excess loosh and just threw out loosh fucking everywhere into random thoughtforms and shit. I eventually made an extremely fucked up looking servitor and just instructed into find me my body. Then I finally got disconnected and came back to my body and it seemed no time had passed in third density while all this shit took place.

The reptilian felt dangerous and intense but it wasn't quite as horrible as encountering a grey.

I feel like I can go back any time now but fuck I need to finish my reading and wait for the cripple to add the inheritance system so somebody is lined up to inherent the board if I go full 4D for long stretches of time.


I can't really find an image of a reptilian like the one I saw anywhere.

The one I encountered had loose skin compared to the ones in these pictures.


>tfw I am more tired than fucking ever right now and it's day time again

So … tired … of this shit. I'm always fucking tired during the day then wide the fuck awake at night.


God damn I just look over the threads on /fringe/ and I can't fucking read them right now, I just want to go lay down and sleep, but for like maybe a whole week now I have forced myself to be awake during the day and to sleep (poorly) at night. My body just seems to want to be nocturnal though, the sun light seems to tell it go to sleep.

Should I just do it and give in? Go to sleep? …or am I going to end up receiving a whole lot of programming and shit if I give in?


You know, I think you should go sleep. Get some rest, then practice and study hard.

You can always disable all programming, but you'll stress out your body for good if you don't go sleep.



>go sleep and risk programming


>don't go sleep = more stress = low vibrations = risk of programming increases = something might hijack your body for good


i feel like the arcane teachings and the hermetic philosophies are extremely on point with there info they have opened many doors myself but nothing like that


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If he was anything but benevolent you would have known. I'd be grateful for having someone so powerful keeping watch for you. He clearly intended to keep you from harming yourself with that shit.

Beautiful race of people though aren't they?
>dem eyes


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I'm gonna read these arcane teachings tonight

Gotta find a quiet place. Hopefully I'll meet this reptilian too, so I can talk to him about smiley


Hey op did the being in your encounter happen to have like large greyish dirty white eyes, almost wrap around and possibly spotted skin on it's front lower half?


i thought you guys said reptilians where inherently evil. are greys evil?


A race can't be inherently evil, but the reptilians are supposedly mostly STS, so "evil". From the description that smiley gave, it's more apparent, that the lizzy was out more to harm him than help him. I get the feel he was trying to overload him, get him out of 3D permanently and then deal with him more brutally.


Grays are "organic robots", so they cannot be neither "good" or "evil". All mechanism and no essence.


I have met one as well op. They seem to exhibit the opposite traits I noticed from some angelic entities. Truly frightful beings.

Let me ask you did you notice any peculiar dimensions about the snout / nose. If you could sketch the nose for me i would like to compare it to my own observation.
Also when he moved did he approach you? What setting did you meet him in? Did he face you physically or look in another direction.


Also what garments did he wear if any.



All greys are bad news. Almost all reptilians are evil. Like half of Nordic aliens are evil.

I looked right into his face. The rest of him was clothed in robes so I couldn't see anymore of his body than just his face. I saw his eyes and face and everything in incredible detail.

It's been a few days now. I don't have much to say about his snout / nose other than that it wasn't at all a prominent feature.

Cloak. Like monks wear.


Today I had to go outside and be near some mundanes and it was fucking awful, felt like they were tapping into my energy and draining the fuck out of me, revolting… when I got home I just splashed water all over my face in a vague effort to get rid of the unclean vibes they sent me. The condition of my skin also right now is fucked and I am so tired again, I really need to do a healing ritual to patch up my skin, I look so diseased right now.


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>Almost all reptilians are evil. Like half of Nordic aliens are evil.
aren't you in for a surprise


Hey smiley just want you to know you inspire me to keep digging for the truth. When stay away from esoteric research too long I begin to stop caring about higher truths.

I suppose this could just be them heavily influencing my mind in order to stop me from going any deeper but I even find that to be a hard truth to swallow.


What? Do you suggest that they are benevolent? …or are you suggesting the majority of them are neutral? I already know the majority of them are neutral – however those ones do not concern us really. Of the ones that actually interact with us and have some kind of agenda concerning us, many of them seem to be hostile.


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I'm going to lay down a formula for getting pretty much anything you ever want to do done.

>“Earnest Desire—Confident Expectation—and Firm Demand—these form the Triple Key of Occult Attainment.”

You may as well write that shit down and repeat it to yourself before every magick operation and every time you get up (although not immediately, when you get up first recall what you were doing in the astral, then when you've sufficiently recalled all the details of that and are getting up to go and actually start your day that is when you can recite it).

>The Master Formula of Attainment is as follows: “(1) Definite Ideals; (2) Insistent Desire; (3) Confident Expectation; (4) Persistent Determination (5) Balanced Compensation.” Reduced to popular terms, it is as follows: “You may have anything you want, provided that you (1) know exactly what you want, (2) want it hard enough, (3) confidently expect to obtain it, (4) persistently determine to obtain it, and (5) are willing to pay the price of its attainment.”

Personally, I'm going to print this shit out, probably on the back pages of the papers I've already printed out for Montalk's reality manifestation stuff (PDF related). I'd write it down but my hands for my current body are HUGE, shaky, and just no good at all for writing with any pens or pencils. I guess you can write it down or paint it or something.

Now if you want to do some shit, get an idea of what exactly it is you are doing, and what is involved. Read the relevant occult books on the topic and then keep within your conscious mind the gist of the thing. The main purpose of all that reading is to sink a lot of shit into your subconscious so it's there and will be available to you again provided the right conditions exist to call it fourth… but you'll only have to really strongly memorize and begin using the technique as it can be understood "in a nutshell".


For example, if you want to get good at memorizing shit, Atkinson has a huge fucking book on it (you can find it as an audiobook too) and it's worth reading. However memorization basically comes down to fascination and investing loosh (that's "memorization in a nutshell". If you are really interested in something or you have very strong emotional release corresponding (Muh 2nd Hermetic Principle) with the event it burns strongly into your memory and can easily be accessed and recalled. If you want to practise memorizing lots of shit, become extremely fascinated by absolutely everything, and unleash tons of loosh while doing so. You will end up creating astral memories of everything. Practising a lot will help… but then it should be apparent there are several other things you will want to know.

…now of course everything is interconnected. As you know you need loosh to memorize shit. So techniques to develop the will, to manage your loosh, etc. are other shit you're going to want to learn to get better at memorization. So you'd read Atkinson's books related to that.


The desire section of the personal power book appears to be about loosh generation. A subject only briefly touched upon it seems in his other books such as Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic. There's also a section on Will and Atkinson also has a whole book on just will.

Anyways, I'm getting distracted here, but if you want to figure any shit out just use the Master Formula of Attainment, read the relevant books, remember very strongly the "how do it in a nutshell", and then break it down by the 7 hermetic axioms. I identify how each of the 7 is used. I do this for everything. It also helps to know the aphorisms given in The Arcane Teachings as they expand upon how you use the 7 hermetic axioms. If you're going to do anything involving elements too, you will want to know that shit, and clearly conceive of how you are going to do something along elemental ways.

In a few hours of intensely thinking it over in bed or whatever, you can come up with a solution for anything then, and do amazing things. The hermetic knowledge seems to some useless, theoretical, etc. but in reality it is extremely powerful and essential knowledge to solving any problems you might ever be faced with.

I also found this picture here at random while searching around for any images that might exist pertaining to the transmutation of the circle into the ascending spiral by movement of the central point upwards via the union of the opposites through the excluded middle…. and it is very true and useful thing to keep in mind.

Really, you could probably do some mindblowing shit right now in your room, if you just use the principle of rhythm, vibration, polarity… well all of them at once and then set your mind to generating some strange mental phenomena at a high level of intensity. You could for example go to the astral right now. I should write instructions for that in another thread. Getting to the astral is really easy if you have the loosh and can concentrate (no annoying music looping thoughtforms or other bullshit like that draining and distracting you).


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>TFW Smiley was watching me read Arcane Teachings tonight.


Will be awaiting that astral projection tutorial.


About 24 hours ago I met someone in the astral who talked to me near a badminton court and who was very lovely and had blue eyes (in their astral form anyways) with a slight bit of some other colour right near to the pupil.

She said that "I would be a good father" and kissed me.(Rule 4 - No Flag)


For accuracies sake I guess I will just admit that I kissed her but after we were looking at each other and drawing in close in such a way that made such intimacy inevitable.

>tfw feel guilty about this for some reason


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Why not make it then, friend?


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Improved one. . .


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Still improving. . .


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>tfw can't remove my posts
>tfw keep forgetting flag

No spam.


Kinda unrelated, or maybe not.
I had a dream a few days ago, scene taking place at a badminton court, and blonde girl blue eyes there. There was a coach and he was training quite a few teenagers. ( no kisses tho, but I was offered bread and egg custard, which was nice.)



I wouldn't worry too much about it. You don't have to tell me she is lonely, she has been telling me for a long time now.

We'll all be together soon.


That is exactly the same as my encounter. He wears a cloak covering his entire body.

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