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Esoteric Wizardry


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Normalfag here, what the fuck is this board all about? I thought "magick" is just fooling yourself into believing your own bullshit to such an extent that your own body buys into it


>Look at the top of the page
>/fringe/ - Fringe
>Directly under that
>Esoteric Wizardry

There's your answer, anon.


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>I wasted satanic trips


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What if someone told you that magic is real and that you can learn it if you want to? What if someone told you that there are aliens, demons and other entities in the multiverse? What if someone told you that you can become a perfect being with power to create and utterly destroy?

We're that someone. Welcome aboard, mundane, you're going to have a long ride if you dare to.


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You've entered the rabbit hole mundane.
Are you ready to dwell deeper?


Normalfag here too, just like op. What's all this alchemy magic shit? They talk about it on /x/ but whenever I ask they say that I have to "find out more myself" which isn't very helpful…


What is your question? You wonder what alchemy is?

In short, it's the skill to transmute emotions into others, mental states into others, etc.

The Kybalion is a recommended read if you want to hear.



I thought sorcerisms was just a way to trick your brain, like lucid dreams in a way. Also, probably sounding like a absolute normalfag buuuut if magic is so OP why isn't it more widespread? Where do I begin learning said magic?



Forgot to mention, OP here.


>fooling yourself into believing your own bullshit to such an extent that your own body buys into it
No, it's fooling yourself into believing your own bullshit to such an extent that the entire universe buys into it.


Man you sure didn't spend any time reading around here before posting this thread did you?

Read the sticky. Read the threads. When you've spent a good hundred hours reading (not much time, that's about the time I spend to master a videogame) you should have more of an understanding then.

We're wizards, we're developing ourselves to superhuman levels, mastering ourselves and our surroundings, and achieving the "impossible".


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

READ THIS: http://montalk.net/gnosis/174/the-philosopher-s-stone

…and read the glossary too so you understand the terms.

Then read these: http://montalk.net/reading (the ones under the alchemy section)

and: (1909) the arcane formulas or mental alchemy


Video is partially misinfo but may interest you too.


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>I thought sorcerisms was just a way to trick your brain, like lucid dreams in a way.


>Also, probably sounding like a absolute normalfag buuuut if magic is so OP why isn't it more widespread?

It's very widespread (I'd say at least 1% of the population formally practises it, which means millions of practitioners everywhere around the world, and that a much bigger proportion of the human population has at least some experiences and low-key powers that they just don't develop further due to ignorance or being absorbed in mundane pursuits too much) you're just not too aware of it and absolutely dominated by a reality-construct created by black magicians and aliens and other beings who've found a way to parasite off of lesser developed humans for their loosh.

Magick is an extremely difficult and advanced practise too. Much daring, intellect, etc. and rare character traits are required. It's not for the lazy, the profane, the lustful, the cowards, etc. On the path of initiation you will encounter many obstacles that will have to be overcome to develop your consciousness and unlock higher powers.

Most humans are dominated by the beast nature (symbolized numerically by 666) and answer to their lower impulses (lust, greed, apathy, short-attention spans, and many other vices) and are unable to manifest the self-control needed to conquer their own shortcomings and be able to manifest higher powers.

>Where do I begin learning said magic?

Here on /fringe/. Go read the sticky, go read the books in the mega in the sticky, and when you have questions arising from your readings ask them here.


I want to say that determination and curiosity will help you a lot. If you think that you lack some traits, DO NOT GIVE UP! Sometimes people think they lack something or that they are not 'good enough', when in reality they aren't just aware of the powers they have!

During my initiation I have found out that I'm actually very intelligent and brave. With determination and WILL, you can perfect yourself and become not just a perfect human- nay, that is not enough! - but more. You will become a god!


>If you think that you lack some traits, DO NOT GIVE UP!
This, not sure why anyone would give up since through emotional alchemy and autosuggestion most human vices from a smoking addiction to an insatiable lust, can be fixed with dedication and time.


I made a bunch of sigils but none worked. I tried to forgot about the whole process. How am I supposed to do this?




You say meditation is the best technique to load a sigil? I thought orgasm is the best but it didn't work.


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Was this your first go?
It doesn't work always the first time.
you need to have the faith that it will work, think positive
Also don't brush magic off if you start with shit results, think about the light bulb that didn't work so many times until it did only one.
Find the right way for you, experiment.
Also do more research.
look in to:
*Emotional/Mental alchemy
*meditation techniques
*Theory of magick schools.


well, I made 4 or 5 sigils in total. I loaded them via different methods: masturbation, holding breath, staring at the sigil for a long time without blinking. When it comes to forgetting the whole process, it's pretty hard for me. Every once in a while I had a flash of the goal but every time I changed my thoughts so it shouldn't be the case here. Also, I use sigil generator from the net, not traditional hand-drawn.

The only magick book I have read is Liber Null & Psychonaut.


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Try hand drawn and magic square based sigils.


if you're having a hard time not forgetting do 40 at once, write the symbol and their meaning separately in a notebook and check it in a month to see if any activated


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Not the one you meant these, but these are great if you like geometry; I got some peculiar shapes with it.


I don't get it, what's so dangerous about box #53?
My curiosity is killing me, if I don't figure it out I'll try it out on myself.


>During my initiation I have found out that I'm actually very intelligent and brave. With determination and WILL, you can perfect yourself and become not just a perfect human- nay, that is not enough! - but more. You will become a god!

Hmmm I know that I can become an extremely powerful being on the same level as those aliens but fuck being a god seriously being a god is kind of terrifyingly abstract.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Sigils aren't very useful unless you do energywork and other practises beforehand. Otherwise they're basically just doodles.

Here's a video on how to do it though.

ProTip: You need trance.


Meditation is to develop the mental faculties you'll need to empower a sigil. Actually loading the sigil requires energywork.


Hey anon I made sigils for about 2 years before any of them worked. They were really shitty and then one day it all changed when I got the emotional inspiration to really go at it out of a challenge. Suddenly I intuitively discovered a new way to make my sigils and do them better and managed to fire of a whole bunch of them in quick order and cause actual results to happen, I did them for other people mostly and it actually worked, and a few on myself and those worked too.

My ProTip is: do lots of them, whenever you feel like it, and don't worry at all if they fail at all. Just do them for fun and with no lust of result and suddenly one day something might click and you'll start making effective sigils with immediate results.


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ProTip 2: do them in really fucking large batches. Like a hundred at a time, for any random little thing you might want to happen, for anyone.

If you think you need to forget them, it'll be easier when you made a large batch and can't remember what it was all for.


what's that? a sigil for me? what does it do?


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I've never had anything even close to a paranormal experience

when will I experience it for myself instead of just reading about it?







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I felt that feel for the first 20 years of my life. It's maddening how rare the paranormal is and I honestly get really pissed to read about exorcisms and other efforts aimed at removing the paranormal from the world. We need more hauntings, more anomalies, more possession, more aliens even if they causing trouble, more of it all.



Dude paranormal isn't rare at all. I've had otherworldy beings come to give me messages, room been haunted, pierced the veil with waking eyes.

Stop being afraid and ask people for their experiences. Ask the universe. Ask you and shall receive.


>magick" is just fooling your mind into believing your own bullshit to such an extent that your own brain buys into it

this is more accurate




>I thought "magick" is just fooling yourself into believing your own bullshit to such an extent that your own body buys into it

It is. Your "body" is just a lot bigger than you think it is.


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>Normalfag here, what the fuck is this board all about?

occultism and the paranormal

> I thought "magick" is just fooling yourself into believing your own bullshit to such an extent that your own body buys into it

yeah. then you shoot bullets out of your asshole and the going gets weird.


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much sexual imagery


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> What's all this alchemy magic shit?

alchemy is a branch of magic

>I thought sorcerisms was just a way to trick your brain

maybe but then your brain (or rather your mind) is able to do magic shit

this. And more. Your mind is one with the universe and that's when you are fully aware of and realized along that fact that you can wring Magic.

>We're wizards, we're developing ourselves to superhuman levels
Uh not all are tempted by the delusion of grandeur path. Some know what's up and practice asceticism and service.

> Where do I begin learning said magic?
Frankly it's not learned. There's an awakening first, or you have kept your child intuition and either way you innately know what's up. Then you can learn stuff but it's not magic, it's tools.


>used to go on /x/ on half-chan
>occasionally hear about Magick and the occult, but close not to participate
>come to /fringe/ on 8chan
>read this thread

I guess no more jerkino off huh?


At least now we know what this board is for.


Also a normalfag here. I have always felt some attraction to the mind and it's power but never got into it.

I read this thread but don't undersstand shit. So im just wondering if the basics are in the sticky? like all the words you are using and stuff?
Also, are there any danger in this?



You can literally die, though that is unlikely to be the end of your journey. Death, as they say, is only the beginning.


Has anyone ever gotten to the apex you speak of? What should I be cautioned of? What kind of "branches" are there in magic?


This board is a game, just like /x/ people come here and post about supernatural shit they don't actually believe in for the purpose of fun. When the rare occurrence of somebody actually believing the stuff posts it's impossible to tell the difference between the two posters because the ironic posters do so to such a level that while they are aware, in the moment of posting they are not. This bizarre type of mentality or why anybody would take part is found in few places but when found is paired with mental illness and/or severe depression. After reading remember you are posting on a chan and suddenly everything will make sense. You're dealing with weapons grade autism.


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Much symbology is related to sex, not because of physical attraction or pleasure.


Right. Symbology is fun.

The Star of David was first called the Seal of Solomon, If you look at the word "SOLoMON" you see it literally means Sun + Moon. Masculinity is solar, Femininity is lunar.

The equilateral triangle is known as "the blade" and symbolizes the phallus. The inverted equilateral triangle is known as "the chalice" and symbolizes the womb. The two combined together make the Seal of Solomon, the archetypal symbol of the balance of the sacred Masculine and Feminine within us, or the "chemical wedding".


Care to explain a bit more? What type of death? I don't want to be haunted and stuff like that


Dying is not the end of existence, the same as being born is not the beginning. Your were born to die, so at least make your death worthwhile. Nobody should wish to be one of the goyim trampled to death in a stampede on black friday.

As for being haunted, it is not so bad. Haunting differs from possession, being possessed is what you ought to avoid. If you're dead, you might be the one doing the haunting too.

No need to fear anything, dying is inevitable anyway. Risking your life crossing a busy road or messing with things beyond your comprehension is similar in potential to be fatal but guess which is more fun.


It does sound like a desire to escape this life. I think that what awaits at death is to be met when one dies. We all die so there's no reason to rush things. The point of this life is to live this life. Cue the book of Ecclesiastes.

I believe that even the Buddha in the Mahaparanirvana sutra didn't give an answer when asked directly about what happens when one dies. (If I'm wrong on this please correct me.)

I'd draw the line at lucid dreams as they have been scientifically verified.


>I'd draw the line at lucid dreams as they have been scientifically verified

What do you mean?
Verifying something is one thing, explaining it is another.


I realized that to live is to die some time ago. I just don't want to go too soon lol

Haunting sounds like fun but being haunted not so much.
Also i have been wondering if being haunted is anything similar to what you see in movies. Like things jumpin on you and stuff

Wow. When you said that it's potentially fatal i thought i was more serious.


Movies are obviously designed for entertainment and are therefore not necessarily accurate portrayals. The inspiration for them bears some similarity though. You have to understand that no haunting is really identical to another. These dead folk are still people too, they have individual quirks and such. They don't follow a set pattern from some rulebook.

Though commonly shown aspects in media are possible, like: voices/whispers & disembodied laughter, unseen hands touching you, electrical malfunctions, objects moving, seeing anything from a speck of light to a full body apparition. That is the basic hollywood stuff, a real haunting has personal touches which will set it apart from the film versions.

An example of a personal encounter not specifically shown in a movie could be interaction via video game. It can be done. You may lose control over the player character because they are toying with it. Mocking laughter perhaps would be heard, seemingly from the game but not part of its actual collection of sounds. This has happened to me and was very weird at the time.

Effective techniques are like that usually, not so scary but rather mind-boggling. Some do scare people though, I just don't scare easily. Living people tend to prefer acknowledgement that does not come from fright and I reckon most of the dead are the same. They might scare someone to get noticed but they are probably just lonely, looking for someone to interact with.


But can they hurt you if you are being haunted?

What is a good thing to get started with? Note that i have absolutley no idea of anything


They're going to need a reason to cause you harm. More than likely you'll just be messed with, not hurt. Haunting has a negative connotation to some it seems, when it can be a very nice experience.

If you are looking to get spooky ghosts to hang around you though you need to develop your senses for this type of thing. The majority of people have a very poor conscious awareness of the other world. Otherwise, you will have to rely on the dead themselves to instigate any interaction. It is better to meet them halfway, share the burden of making the contact work.


>Has anyone ever gotten to the apex you speak of?
Only Enoch, Moses, Elisha, Elijah, and Jesus. Also Muhammad was near the apex, however he couldn't stop the words of the Djinn, which hindered him, which hinders many.


Some ppl are genealogically predisposed to paranormal experiences.
However, your geographic location can have much influence on your experience or lack of experience.
If you want ghosts, check out (google) most haunted places in your nation.
If you want miracles check out places like Bethel in Redding California for example.

Sometimes you have to go to the paranormal.


>I believe that even the Buddha in the Mahaparanirvana sutra didn't give an answer when asked directly about what happens when one dies. (If I'm wrong on this please correct me.)
You're wrong. In so saying it is my hope that I have corrected you in believing you are correct. It is not my prerogative to find scriptures or sutras to delineate what is correct. It was only my prerogative to tell you you are not correct.


>tfw I'm haunted by a ghost that just messes around with me by making farting noises and pulling various pranks on me all day


*tips fedora*


What do you mean by "words of the Djinn"?


>is fedora
>still browses this board after being revealed on meta around 1 month ago
either l00sh c0nfirmed.. or you believe the shit on a deeper level


>making own sigils and failing
>drawing over magic squares lol

Stop playing games and start seeking Truth.


>why isn't it more widespread?
Because the vast majority of those intrigued by magic become immediately discouraged when they realize it isn't the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, and "wizard battles" don't involve magical, air-melting laser beams.

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