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Esoteric Wizardry


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Read the rules before posting. Go to freedomboard if 8ch.net goes down.


My name is Sejong and I will be a new janitor. I am from Brazil and I am also buddhist. That is all.
Post last edited at 2015-03-11 18:55:26


Question thread reached post limit, fix pls.


How can we backup /fringe/ so that just in case any of my new janitors I have appointed turn out to be fucktards and annihilate the whole board we can repost all the good content again easily?
Post last edited at 2015-03-11 18:57:15


>be /fringe/ owner
>understand multifarious ways existing to verify people's identities
>channeling, traveling, divination, gods, God, angels, etc.
>lackadasically just hires someone random
I'd still make a backup


I know who most of them are and I honestly don't expect them to fuck up but all the same you never really know…

We need to get to archiving good threads regularly and saving copypastas and stuff anyways, what if 8ch.net itself goes down for example?

We need to make our greenpilling movement invulnerable. The library is good but we don't seem to be in the habit of saving good material for resposting of important threads.


>wasting loosh doing all that while I still have higher priorities for my loosh at this time



>We need to get to archiving good threads regularly and saving copypastas and stuff anyways, what if 8ch.net itself goes down for example?

I'm willing to log things on the mega, maybe not whole threads as I don't have the time for that but if someone emails me good material I will upload it. My email is in the text files of the A1 and A4 folders.

I also just made a post in the other sticky suggesting people with knowledge write their own occult texts to share in a dedicated /fringe/ userbase folder so we can create and share our own material.

This is the mega I'm referring to btw:



aeeeww cumprimentos da terra do hue. Representando a bandidagem aewo. huehue.

Pergunta seria. Se socar e picar sao a mesma coisa, nao é reduntante dizer que a muriçoca soca e pica?


File: 1426117808648.jpg (28.59 KB, 403x403, 1:1, 1423788403764.jpg)

G-ddamn smiley, first a hippie pseudo-pagan, then an underage satanist, now a fucking brazilian. buddhist

When are we going to see an actual strong-willed, morally upright aryan moderator?


When it stops becoming about the titles which your ascribe to spirit and more about the spirit its self?

Just Sayin


>implying that which is above is not like that which is below


You can just use Archive.today – just remember it only archives everything up to the point you initiated the archival process. It will not add further posts made in the thread to the archive of the thread you made. You will have to request archival again to get more of the thread archived.

If we're going to save stuff, I hope it's actually useful and good shit, and that it is well written and tested by the author. I don't think anyone wants a bloat of shitty texts that nobody ever wants to actually read through.


>When are we going to see an actual strong-willed, morally upright aryan moderator?

None ever seem to apply also I'd be afraid they'd abuse their powers.

>tfw Provur did some retarded shit as a janitor

>he was strongly redpilled and NatSoc


File: 1426123852360.jpg (54.09 KB, 620x330, 62:33, Alchemical-Symbols-And-Tat….jpg)

Do you guys like the Montalk CSS or no?

Should the cursor be changed? Maybe smaller? Maybe bigger? Maybe a different cursor? Maybe simpler? Maybe more fancy?

Is the comment box OK? Maybe the buttons should be a different colour than the generally black background of the board?


I like it. The buttons on the comment box might be the same color as the posts background. And I prefer to have the flag and password options without need to expand.


File: 1426124395166.gif (476.98 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1426048042487.gif)



I enjoy the theme. I would also like another CSS, though. I feel like this board should have its own identity that is reflected through the theme, instead of seeming like a direct extension of Montalk.


Also, this animated gif is making the browsing experience laggy.


shit lol.

Well, when I get back, I will fix this shit. Going to bed right now. Oh god it's lagging me as well.


Fuck I keep forgetting flag because of that fucking hide flags thing the cripple added.


File: 1426125335774-0.png (158.24 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1426013731109.png)

File: 1426125335774-1.png (1.79 MB, 1920x1079, 1920:1079, 1426019076357.png)



There gonna leave it like this for a day and come back to fix it all up and probably restore it to the montalk look tomorrow.


>If we're going to save stuff, I hope it's actually useful and good shit, and that it is well written and tested by the author. I don't think anyone wants a bloat of shitty texts that nobody ever wants to actually read through.

This is why I created a thread for it, so that what is produced can be discussed and improved upon.

I'm thinking if people write their daily routine of practise and instructions on how to do what they do, which is likely gleaned from several different books and developed and improved upon themselves to make it work better in say one or two pages with no babble we could cut through a lot of the fluff that comes with magical books.

Another motive is wanting to move away from having all pirated material, I want there to be quality material that we ourselves produce to balance out the negative karma of piracy.


Just leaving the full Montalk CSS as before the raid is better. And if you insist on using these shitty backgrounds, at least make it like /asatru/, where it moves with the screen, and not these sequential images. And use one that's not so fucking pixelated.


>Implying that wasn't the joke.



Hue.. Huehue..


Dice rollRolled 61 (1d100)


Hey Buddhist bro!

Lets teach these Samsaric Acendency-fags a thing or two.

Theravada or Mahayanist?

Cap those cankers nigga!





File: 1426182060626.jpg (106.92 KB, 845x403, 65:31, true aryan buddha.jpg)

Whether racially upstanding or not at least he has good taste in a teacher to follow:

An extensive and colorful physical description of the Buddha has been laid down in scriptures. A kshatriya by birth, he had military training in his upbringing, and by Shakyan tradition was required to pass tests to demonstrate his worthiness as a warrior in order to marry. He had a strong enough body to be noticed by one of the kings and was asked to join his army as a general. He is also believed by Buddhists to have "the 32 Signs of the Great Man".

The Brahmin Sonadanda described him as "handsome, good-looking, and pleasing to the eye, with a most beautiful complexion. He has a godlike form and countenance, he is by no means unattractive." (D, I:115)

"It is wonderful, truly marvellous, how serene is the good Gotama's appearance, how clear and radiant his complexion, just as the golden jujube in autumn is clear and radiant, just as a palm-tree fruit just loosened from the stalk is clear and radiant, just as an adornment of red gold wrought in a crucible by a skilled goldsmith, deftly beaten and laid on a yellow-cloth shines, blazes and glitters, even so, the good Gotama's senses are calmed, his complexion is clear and radiant." (A, I:181)

A disciple named Vakkali, who later became an arahant, was so obsessed by the Buddha's physical presence that the Buddha is said to have felt impelled to tell him to desist, and to have reminded him that he should know the Buddha through the Dhamma and not through physical appearances.

Although there are no extant representations of the Buddha in human form until around the 1st century CE (see Buddhist art), descriptions of the physical characteristics of fully enlightened buddhas are attributed to the Buddha in the Digha Nikaya's Lakkhaṇa Sutta (D, I:142).[82] In addition, the Buddha's physical appearance is described by Yasodhara to their son Rahula upon the Buddha's first post-Enlightenment return to his former princely palace in the non-canonical Pali devotional hymn, Narasīha Gāthā ("The Lion of Men").[web 17]

Among the 32 main characteristics it is mentioned that Buddha has BLUE EYES.


>negative karma of piracy.

lol you fucking kidding me? Piracy gives you positive karma if anything. Besides, all of William Walker Atkinson's shit is in the public domain, and the other authors… well fuck them, we're NEETs, we don't have money.


>tfw my own body is disgusting

Gonna get a new one this year I hope. Just need to wait for that cripple to finish up the features for this site and to finish the last few books…



Still, I'd appreciate it if some people did the offering I wrote, you don't have to but it might ward off anything negative, some occult authors have magical gaurds against piracy, especially. Even those who don't care about piracy all that much will have spirits they work with that will care about their finances. The offering ritual is here https://mega.co.nz/#!Gs4CXTLD!c7cbMmh3ggjbZXPqq014j4RPMNUD9ICmyghoDqlqVcc if anyone wants to read through it and make suggestions.

Regardless of the piracy thing I'd still be interested in corresponding with and working with people to create our own collection of occult works. Personal logs of your progress, how long you've practised, what you've practised, results, what works and what doesn't, recommendations for others, that sort of thing. If you're advanced enough new information, techniques you've come up with or developed yourself would be great.


Franz Bardon is dead, William Walker Atkinson is dead, Robert Bruce is alive but he's a nub.(Rule 4 - No Flag)


How is he a "nub"? His energy working system is the best public one and Bardon has contacted him on the astral.

that feel when started his Kundalini course yesterday. Kundalini properly raised can give all siddhis and liberation. If it is not your major spiritual goal I have some bad news for you…



Damn expensive though ;)


>Bardon has contacted him on the astral.

[citation needed]

Does anyone have the complete and up-to-date works of Robert Bruce in one PDF or PDF package?



I'll check my external HD in a sec to see how much if any of his work I have.

In other news would anyone be interested in a kind of weekly course where we compare experiences of a set of magical mp3 guided meditations, its wicca based but I had good results trying the first in the series, it was a basic introduction into visualisation and creating a hand gesture trigger to enter meditative states, not sure of the quality of the rest of the material but there's quite a lot of it so we could run it weekly, or every few days or something.

After joining other courses (paid for) which run weekly with forums discussin the work I feel we could benefit from doing the same kind of thing without the paying for it.



I have a set of mp3s on astral entities, a set of mp3s on mastering astral projection which includes new energy ways, a brainwave generator program, sleep programming mp3s, treatise on astral projection pdf, mastering astral projection pdf, online works of RB and training to see auras

I may have more but this is all that showed up from a "robert bruce" search, there may be books without his name in the title in my collection.



Uploaded all I have found by searching for robert bruce in my ext hd


If anyone can list all his books I can search for them more easily.



Never mind, I checked amazon and I'm pretty sure that's all I've got,

Just added his psychic self defence book from another source though.


If it instructs you how to safely awaken and raise Kundalini it is priceless.

Kundalini Tantra is the best book I've read on Kundalini and Chakras.

On his forum. Don't have time to find where I read it. He answers people all the time and gives lots of good info. He recommends IIH a few times and mentioned he has considered doing an updated magical training book similar to the style of IIH, but I don't see that happening for a while.

The Penczak stuff? I think the posters here fancy themselves too advanced and pure to listen to that 'degenerate'. He has some decent stuff though.

Energy Work (2011) is better than NEW Energy Ways (literally over 15 years old) and I've read the updated Astral Dynamics is better and like a whole new book.



Will check that kundalini tantra book out.

Yeah, the pennczak stuff, I've not read his book or listened to any of the mp3s bar the first one but it was fairly decent so far as guided meditations go.

If you got any links for pdfs of the new improved books i'll gladly replace em.


File: 1426232696044.pdf (3.9 MB, Swami-Satyananda-Saraswati….pdf)

Nice tip. Just to clarify, you mean the Swami Satyananda Saraswati book Kundalini Tantra, right?

pdf related


>worrying over material expenses over knowledge
It's like being a christian that praises satan


Saudações Brazuca! Tenho muito interesse por budismo, venho me aprofundando mais na prática theravada, mas tenho interesse por mahayana. Voce pode me indicar algum texto ou sintetizar a sua crença? escutei em alguns lugares que mahayana seria o "lado ocultista" do budismo, isso faz algum sentido?



That course costs hundreds and I need to eat, pay rent and build an altar.


Cara, o mahayana é quando você aprende para o bem de todos os seres, theravada é quando você aprende por você mesmo, eu comecei por Teachings at Tibet.


Are you mahayana guys really serious about staying in samsara until every sentient being is liberated? That could take until the end of the universe.


You can come there and come back later if you want.


Flags that don't save, but it still shows the icon as if it is selected.


File: 1426258446029.jpg (12.88 KB, 206x346, 103:173, training the mind.jpg)

I have just started investigating mahayana practice and thought, if curious about the rationale behind some of their strange paradoxical self-sacrificing/effacing behaviors find and read the book Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving Kindness by Chögyam Trungpa.

Sadly I cannot find a pdf of it, you can purchase it here: http://www.amazon.com/Training-Cultivating-Loving-Kindness-Chogyam-Trungpa/dp/1590300513/

On the subject, there seems to be a general lack of Buddhist texts in the occult library.




If anyone ever has any spare money buy a mega voucher and send it to derpmongler@hotmail.co.uk costs about $10 for and boosts limit I can upload from 50gb to 500gb for a month


Yup, it jumped out at me at a used bookstore a few weeks ago. It's a shame that pdf doesn't came with the beautiful, detailed pictures of each chakra before their chapter. A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya is also very good as a comprehensive book on Yoga.

On another note, I asked a 40+ year Bhakti Yogi Swami about Chakras and Kundalini last night and he told me they aren't spiritual and don't cause real transformation…
>mainstream 'Yoga'


>Energy Work (2011) is better than NEW Energy Ways (literally over 15 years old) and I've read the updated Astral Dynamics is better and like a whole new book.

Please give me this new Energy Work book as I have read NEW Energy Ways in full and am not satisfied with that system. I spent a lot of time on New Energy Ways just doing all the techniques and thinking of how much better it could be.

I also got some PDF from someone awhile ago which is only my Tablet and is supposed to be the complete works of Robert Bruce but it might be composed of outdated material.

What I'm looking for is only the new, up-to-date, and comprehensive material from him.


Something else I am keenly interested in, if anyone wants to put it together, is a folder that contains all of the recommended reading that Montalk suggests on his site all in one place



It is not available online sadly. His most recent work would be his Kundalini video course (8 hours long), which I am considering sharing soon with a few people that will not pass it on and would be respectful enough to purchase it if they get results and are able to afford it when they are better able. I do not want to make such an expensive work easily available, as I like the guy, among other reasons.



I bought the new energy work book on kindle and didn't get very far due to time constraints but I wasn't overly impressed, I think energy work is something you can figure out intuitively when you reach a certain stage.


What a faggot.


Bruce's kundalini course is here, enjoy. I recommend downloading it in case it gets removed, I already did.

I once began doing that, I might do it now.



How do I download the videos?


I used jdownloader. I might upload them when I get to the Montalk recs as well.


>I do not want to make such an expensive work easily available, as I like the guy, among other reasons.

Why wilfully engage in such jewing?

>tfw it's probably not even that great a text but I can't get access to it because of you shekel goblins and I am a NEET



Get demand moneys.



I don't get the put your arms out to your sides and twist your wrists with your eyes shut looking forward technique. I see two blue orbs on either side of my vision but thats it, no hand shape.


Him, Bardon and another fat white occultist are my virtual Gurus. I don't want to be a naughty student by costing them cash that would help them provide more teachings.

Sounds like you don't need it anyway. Advanced people shouldn't need books, rather they should get their teachings from Masters and guides of the inner planes.



I thought bardon was dead? who is the fat white one?


Franz Bardon, Robert Bruce, Jason Miller are all overweight and white. Bardon is with his serious students in spirit.



Do you communicate with bardon much? What's he like?


I want to read his book though anyways. My goal is to read everything from Robert Bruce, Franz Bardon, and William Walker Atkinson with a peppering of material from a few other authors.

I can't afford it though as you should know I'm NEET.

…and yes I don't really need it but I'm trying to collect all the knowledge that is available in third density into my mind before going full on 4D.



Download a kindle app for your computer if you can and get kindle versions of the books, they're usually a little cheaper.


Anon, I do not have ANY money, if it costs me anything at all, I can't get it.

>implying I can even get Kindle on Linux

Even my OS is free, kek.



comrade pls


What a faggot

You on the other hand, are totally my hero. Thanks for the link! Here, have some loosh.



Here is everything I've found in Montalk's recommendations. Some books are missing, I've put empty txt files for them tagged as missing. If anyone has got any of them or has a better version of one already in the folders, please post. Some books are online pages, for them I've posted a txt with the link, just to have the folders complete. The René Guénon book has a different name but it's the same book. Joseph Murphy has many books, I've put all that I've found, since Montalk does not specify any. Atkinson's folder is empty because his books are already on the main /fringe/ folder. One of the books (Infinity Self) I've only got in audio-book. And that's it.

The kundalini course is also in the mega.


File: 1426317616343-0.pdf (604.12 KB, Ouspensky-The-Psychology-o….pdf)

Sweet, thank you.

I'm in the middle of reading Ouspensky's Fragments, and you can see how The Stellar Man has been influenced by the Fourth Way philosophy as espoused by Gurdjieff and Ouspensky.

The following work, attached I mean, might be of interest, too.

4th Way is an incomplete system, but it can offer something new. I cannot comment on Mouravieff's work yet, though I have understood that it is more complete a system, (so-called "Fifth Way!").

I've already recommended the Ra Material and Cassiopaeans on this board, but it does not hurt to mention them again.


This should be interesting.


You are fantastic, man. I love you.

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