Temple of /jesus/ 03/12/15 (Thu) 08:28:55 No. 26782
>>>/jesus/ temple bro here,
our flavor of worship and spirituality is a bit more mystical than the dogmatic witch-burners of /christian/
we also have a Buddha Shrine
come visit and be blessed!
03/12/15 (Thu) 14:43:34 No. 26810
>>26782 Go away kike worshiper
03/12/15 (Thu) 15:39:37 No. 26818
>>26810 >be on earth >one of the final planets before galactic ascension >decide this galaxy must not be good enough or something Have fun with self-punishment
03/12/15 (Thu) 20:18:55 No. 26846
>>26810 If you lack the ability and good sense to appreciate the spiritual value of the life and teachings of Jesus then that's fine, but there's no need to be such a vulgar unenlightened edgelord.
03/12/15 (Thu) 20:34:40 No. 26850
If magic exists then magic is love, and God is the highest form of love therefore God is the highest form of magic; since one begins to embody that which one worships, to worship God is to embody the highest form of magic, that which is the source of all creativity, inspiration, wisdom, power etc.
03/12/15 (Thu) 21:14:45 No. 26862
Forward march christian soldiers. Hehehe kill those muslims for the jew god. Secure Jerusalem for God's chosen hehehe.
03/12/15 (Thu) 22:06:14 No. 26874
>>26862 Nice try Satan, your evil ignorance is impotent.
Necro Grizzly 03/12/15 (Thu) 23:48:53 No. 26882
03/13/15 (Fri) 04:03:14 No. 26912
Why would I want to waste time on the corrupt tradition that is Christianity? Esoteric Christianity is just a transitional stage from primitive religion to cosmic understanding. In other words, "spiritual but not religious" reporting in.
03/13/15 (Fri) 04:46:30 No. 26917
>>26912 Even though Churchianity is corrupted in many ways, there is still a lot of spiritual value in Christianity insomuch as it reflects the true life and teachings of Jesus; Christianity is still the greatest major world religion, even despite the many pitfalls of insitutionalized religion.
Institutions like the Catholic church focus on the religion ABOUT Jesus whereas esoteric or mystical Christianity is focused more on the religion OF Jesus.
03/13/15 (Fri) 06:30:04 No. 26925
>>26917 I really do not care about Jesus or any other historical figures that founded religions. I don't want to waste my life trying to emulate another man, I just want to focus on the pure philosophy, without the historical background.
03/13/15 (Fri) 07:13:30 No. 26932
>>26925 There is a reason world religions sprung up around the teachings of these great persons, it is because of the spiritual truths that they taught; and as the essence of philosophy is the love of wisdom, a true philosopher would recognize and highly appreciate the enlightened wisdom of the greatest religious leaders.
And in my opinion and many others Jesus is the most exalted and most illuminated teacher, so thats why the focus is on him. But the lover of truth loves the truth no matter what teacher it comes from.
03/13/15 (Fri) 07:58:20 No. 26939
>>26932 It matters not. In the end are little more than a tool that is necessary to advance you further. If all you need is pure philosophy to grow, good. If you need to emulate a great master until you've grown into the understanding and love for pure philosophy, so be it. The end goal is the same.
03/13/15 (Fri) 08:07:40 No. 26941
>>26939 Its not about emulating a great master, but rather appreciating the spiritual truths that they share or embody; you do not need to reject it or devalue it in order to practice pure philosophy, and if it is true philosophy it will embrace and expand upon the truths they revealed.
03/13/15 (Fri) 13:11:57 No. 26955
>>26917 I'm still pretty sure that Mystical Christianity doesn't have summoning of tulpas, succubus, shapeshifting, talking with reptilians and other shit like that.
In fact, i'm pretty sure there is a number of good reasons you should NOT do that.
03/13/15 (Fri) 13:21:59 No. 26958
>>26955 John Dee was pretty much doing that, he just called them angels to fit with the religion at the time.
03/13/15 (Fri) 13:29:50 No. 26960
>>26958 Nice hot opinions you got there.
Also, did you ever read the Malleus Maleficarum? Or The Bible? I'm pretty sure that it's unambiguously against any kind of sorcery, if the Nocebo effect you call "sorcery" deserves the to be called that.
03/13/15 (Fri) 13:44:06 No. 26966
>>26960 >Nice hot opinions you got there. Was that a jibe? lol I can't tell.
I've not read either of those books, plan on reading the bible at some point, but then to be honest I plan on reading damn near everything under the sun on philosophy, religious texts and occult and metaphysics.
I have heard that the bible is against sorcery, magic, divination, people who read omens etc. This may have been a power grab by the priest class or something but I can equally see it being a genuine warning as sorcery can bite you in the ass, I'm too ignorant to say for sure.
03/13/15 (Fri) 15:49:32 No. 26988
>>26981 >Doesn't realize that all the Christian kings of Jerusalem were all Jewish Lel.
/jesus/ 03/16/15 (Mon) 19:46:16 No. 27542
>>26955 >summoning of tulpas, succubus, shapeshifting, talking with reptilians Thats all nonsense. What you do have is invocations of God, Jesus, angelic beings, and spiritual shapeshifting into your Christ-self/Genius-self.
03/16/15 (Mon) 20:12:59 No. 27546
>>27542 Do you have any recommended books or websites?
03/16/15 (Mon) 20:18:49 No. 27547
03/16/15 (Mon) 21:14:45 No. 27552
>>27547 I meant more practise rather than theory
03/16/15 (Mon) 21:22:01 No. 27553
>>27552 >expecting good practice from a christfag So… the Christian copy pasted from the jews, who have kabbalah, which is copy pasted from Egypt. Would you rather drink water straight from a spring, or water that has been processed, had chemicals added, and is then bottled? Christianity is a distortion of a broken Abrahamic sun cult. They offer half truths, and no practicing Christian will ever cross the void. Another thing, is it's a very limiting tradiiton. It raises a lot of walls around what you "can" and "can't" do (both literally, in terms of practice, and in its twisted version of ethics)
TL;DR have fun evoking names of the Sephira while I chill here communing between the dual trees, watching the masks of the energy you are attempting to utilise.
03/16/15 (Mon) 21:34:47 No. 27559
Christianity, from what I have read, seemed to have been pretty cool in the early stages, but was quickly hijacked by sectarianism (which is evident in the books of the New Testament) and the ambitions of secular rulers. Which makes sense, considering the political and theological environment Christianity rose out of. So, whatever feelings I may harbor for the megachurch down the road, among others, I find it difficult to judge the faith as a whole.
03/16/15 (Mon) 21:35:40 No. 27560
>>27553 I meant more along the line of invoking christ to attain christ consciousness.
I do think christ was a boddhisitva at least.
Invocation /jesus/ 03/16/15 (Mon) 21:44:11 No. 27592
>>27560 By the Grace of God and Ascended Master Jesus Christ,
may I have permission to receive the following:
I ask for the Christ consciousness to be awakened within my body.
I ask that my “I AM” presence be consciously activated in every part
of my total being, now and for the eternal life of my Soul.
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Beloved Holy Christ Self,
which I AM, and which I had and used with you in the Great Central Sun
before the world was, and which I now draw into myself for use and action
for my greater freedom from all limitations and for my greater capacity
to serve my Father and the Light in all!
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Beloved Holy Christ Self,
I AM asking that the atmosphere around my physical body
be now the substance of Immortal Innocence, Purity and Love
of my Higher Mental Body. I ask that my outer self be infused with the Immortal Christ Perfection of my Higher Mental Body. I AM asking that I
be constantly raised into the full mastery and freedom of my Higher Mental Body.
I AM that Immortal Freedom and limitless, moment by moment allow the full mastery of these powers to remove all limitations wherever I AM.
So be it. I love you.
03/16/15 (Mon) 21:52:23 No. 27619
>>27592 Thanks christbro
The I am reminds me of whats written in the arcane teaching:
The word be is derived from the greek word phuo meanin to bring forth to produce to be born, signifying beginning in time and existence of a preceding course..
Greek philosophers used the term be to denote the relative existence of the phenomenal or manifested universe not in the sense of absolute existence
The word is on the contrary is derived from the word etsi which in turn was derived from the sanskrit word asti both of which denote existence in its absolute sense without reference to bbirth or prodduction. The word is is analogous to am, which had its origin in sanskirt asmi signifying absolute existence which significance was also imparted to analogous words in hebrew, egyptian etc.
The word 'is' has the significance of the word am in the following quotation from exsodus iii 14, "and god said unto Moses, I am that I am" and he said "thus shall thou say unto the children of Israel I am hath sent me unto you."
This then is the sense in which the arcane aphorism employs the term is, in the sense of absolute existence.
In Tune With the Infinite Ralph Waldo Trine 03/19/15 (Thu) 09:29:07 No. 28258
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>27619 >Moreover, the time will come when in the busy office or on the noisy street you can enter into the silence by simply drawing the mantle of your own thoughts about you and realizing that there and everywhere the Spirit of Infinite Life, Love, Wisdom, Peace, Power, and Plenty is guiding, keeping, protecting, leading you. This is the spirit of continual prayer. This it is to pray without ceasing. This it is to know and to walk with God. This it is to find the Christ within. This is the new birth, the second birth. First that which is natural, then that which is spiritual. It is thus that the old man Adam is put off and the new man Christ is put on. This it is to be saved unto life eternal, whatever one's form of belief or faith may be; for it is life eternal to know God. "The Sweet By and By" will be a song of the past. We will create a new song—"The Beautiful Eternal Now." As one comes into and lives continually in the full, conscious realization of his oneness with the Infinite Life and Power, then all else follows. This it is that brings the realization of such splendors, and beauties, and joys as a life that is thus related with the Infinite Power alone can know. This it is to come into the realization of heaven's richest treasures while walking the earth. This it is to bring heaven down to earth, or rather to bring earth up to heaven. This it is to exchange weakness and impotence for strength; sorrows and sighings for joy; fears and forebodings for faith; longings for realizations This it is to come into fullness of peace, power, and plenty. This it is to be in tune with the Infinite.
03/23/15 (Mon) 04:27:39 No. 28995
What happened?
03/30/15 (Mon) 23:42:21 No. 30295
04/26/15 (Sun) 07:12:01 No. 34927
nice try, christwuss but at least as Krishna-Jesus similarities are concerned, you're a false-flag atheist
04/26/15 (Sun) 17:42:18 No. 35036
Lots of people talk about Christianity without knowing shit. Christianity may have its roots in Judaism, but its flowers are in Paganism. Justin Martyr walked around Greece in the garb of the philosopher preaching the message of Christ. The truthfulness of the Trinity is an objective fact, and is reflected in many paganic traditions additionally.
It is impossible to separate the Mystery schools of Egypt, Israel, Greece and Rome from Christianity.
04/26/15 (Sun) 21:28:16 No. 35077
>we also have a Buddha Shrine
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other."
(Matthew 6:24)
04/26/15 (Sun) 21:49:40 No. 35086
Yes, fuck the modern Church. And the old Church for that matter, I could never be a genuine Christfag.
04/27/15 (Mon) 00:13:58 No. 35100
>And the old Church
Bump the breaks anon. How old are you talking? A thousand years? 2 thousands? The old church had sex rites and unity.
04/27/15 (Mon) 01:47:43 No. 35109
How old doesn't matter to me, it's all dogma. The real point is that Christ was clearly an exclusivist, though moderns don't have the balls to make up their mind and follow an "avatar" in a principled manner (at least, if that avatar is native to their culture and not something exotic).
04/27/15 (Mon) 02:05:11 No. 35111
Don't say that inclusivism is a good quality. There are those people who are not about enlightenment and they should not be mixed with those who are.
Christ was no an exclusivist. He hung out with prostitutes and unsavory people and told everyone disciple and non-disciple their vices and merits exactly as they were. Are you mad that some people had more vice than virtue and thus were cast away from christ? Don't be so foolish or the pains of folly will fall on you. To know whom to invite into you life here-and-now and whom to send away as unworthy here-and-now is the province of one who has mastered himself and thus sees all.
Would you invite a demon into your body? Would you not-invite and angel to your table? If you answered yes to either question you are a fool and should reside in silence. If you answered no to both questions then you are of the very exclusive character of which you accuse christ and it is so that one residing in that character is wise. And it is so that wisdom is the chiefest treasure in existence.
I hope you have read and kept my words.
SAGE! 04/27/15 (Mon) 02:52:32 No. 35122
I never said it was. Christ was a religious exclusivist - these "mysticalists" pick and choose from his words when they don't commit to him alone, that's the point. I don't see how you could possibly miss the entire point I was making.
SAGE! 04/27/15 (Mon) 02:53:16 No. 35123
Dubs confirm truth. Anyways, I'm not getting more of my loosh robbed explaining this.
04/27/15 (Mon) 03:18:54 No. 35130
>dubs confirm truth
Dubs confirmed concurrently numbered posts. Also
>saying that to your own post
Oy vey!
04/27/15 (Mon) 14:19:05 No. 35214
What should I read to know more about Gnostic Christianity? Can someone post legit sources?
04/27/15 (Mon) 17:14:13 No. 35233
Are you really implying that commitment to a single man is required for divinity?
Have you learned nothing from his words?
04/27/15 (Mon) 17:16:18 No. 35234
galactic peace has nothing to do with worshipping judaism
04/27/15 (Mon) 17:17:12 No. 35235
yes but that doesn't meant that christianity is the truth
you're making radical jumps here. That, or I am. either way, christianity is horseshit.
04/27/15 (Mon) 18:18:15 No. 35245
If it involves not sex then it is not gnostic.
05/02/15 (Sat) 06:31:55 No. 36179
The new Temple is at >>>/goodchristian/ since thats what we are; everyone is welcome regardless to post anything whatsoever and the board owner promised he will not delete or ban anyone.
05/02/15 (Sat) 07:53:05 No. 36180
File: 1430553185743.png (43.99 KB, 950x967, 950:967, holy-spirit-dove-symbol-ho….png )
05/02/15 (Sat) 12:28:29 No. 36213
>Restricting your mind to any single institution
05/02/15 (Sat) 18:29:57 No. 36283
All mystical paths can give you union with your hga in one lifitime. While the occult path can give you power over the 4 elements in one lifitime. There is no point to practice any religion they are all mystical paths with a few exceptions. You need to gain power as quickly as possible in this place and not waste time practicing for one lifetime possibly in pain and anguish. Since you can't fight back. Since you will quickly regain your occult powers in the next life you will never be a slave again. After a couple of concious reincarnations you will finish your mission here. I think its much smarter to start with the occult becouse most people won't even achieve anything following a mystical path becouse it needs a lot more discipline.
05/02/15 (Sat) 21:52:05 No. 36303
True, such is pluralism/universalism/syncretism:
05/02/15 (Sat) 23:17:57 No. 36317
Very much agreed, most strict mystics are wasting their time.
05/07/15 (Thu) 00:37:50 No. 37059
Hello dere gind sir XDD XDD XDD
Do u habe a momend do tolk aboud Jesuz chrisd our lord adn sabior? X((
07/12/15 (Sun) 06:44:01 No. 46356
>Christianity may have its roots in Judaism,
>Lots of people talk about Christianity without knowing shit.
You are one of them, as Christian preceded Judaism (Talmud)
07/12/15 (Sun) 11:36:14 No. 46365
07/12/15 (Sun) 11:44:56 No. 46366
this. I've heard that Christianity initially had things about reincarnation. Now, I heard that from "some dude", so who knows, but still, unless you're advocating something other than Christianity, I dunno if that's a good path.
TBH Buddhism, some eastern religions, and meditation and stuff seems the "best" since they actually emphasize that stuff rather than dogma and prejudice.
I'm speaking of these as institutions of course, rather than a pick and choose specific things you like. But is it really "christianity" or "religion" then?
07/12/15 (Sun) 11:58:10 No. 46369
seems to be human god avatar?
07/12/15 (Sun) 15:02:53 No. 46391
holy gaurdian angel
07/12/15 (Sun) 20:15:47 No. 46470
07/12/15 (Sun) 21:37:21 No. 46478
You realize that Jesus is a 3rd part of the Demiurge, right?
The non-corrupted part.
07/12/15 (Sun) 21:39:24 No. 46479
The Jews don't worship Jesus. They worship "Satan" The Demiurge aspect of the trinity.
07/12/15 (Sun) 21:43:07 No. 46480
May I ask who you think the serpent is?
07/12/15 (Sun) 22:31:50 No. 46482
Which culture are we speaking of?
Do you ask literally, symbolically, or metaphorically?
07/12/15 (Sun) 23:01:58 No. 46483
Literally. I'm assuming for Demiurge you intend YHWH, right? And if he's what you say then who is the serpent supposed to be assuming that part of the bible was literal? Even if it's just a metaphor give your idea, I'm sure you must have read a lot about the argument.
07/12/15 (Sun) 23:09:47 No. 46484
The serpent, I'm not to sure about. It could be a snake, it could be a "snake like" being, such as the mesoamerican traditions.
Metaphorically I can see "The Fall" as the need for "material procreation" after having lost the higher densities, the "serpent" being the male phallus.
I'm not too sure on the "serpent" to be quite honest.
07/13/15 (Mon) 06:01:36 No. 46510
Are people over there knowledgeable on enochian magic?
07/14/15 (Tue) 03:59:01 No. 46600
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Reminder, the temple is at >>>/goodchristian/ now
-HIGH MYSTICISM Emma Hopkins 07/14/15 (Tue) 04:07:17 No. 46602
From the Divine Heights there has been vouchsafed to all ages One Heavenly Edict. All the everlasting pages struck off by men under the white flames of inspiration, have been the result of knowing or unknowing obedience to the Soundless Mandate of the Lofty One inhabiting Eternity:
"Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth."
>A clearly unified instruction runs in almost verbatim language through all the sacred or charmed books of the world. It is the live wire insulated by absurd dogmas and ungodly imaginations. It is the footpath of the immortals. It is the mirific science. Whoever can read its supernal lines, undiverted by their company of errors, is in the way of salvation. It is that swift, subtle faculty possessed by us all, whereby we look whithersoever we will, to the Deity ever beholding us, or to the dust beneath, without the aid of our physical eyes. "Thou canst not behold Me with thy two outer eyes, I have given thee an eye divine."
This fleet, subtle sense is our incorporeal eye. It is the one faculty of our immortal soul which we continually make use of. It is the creature made subject to maya, not willingly, but in the hope of redemption of the body, as Paul wrote to the Roman Christians.
>The exaltation or lifting up of this sense toward that Vast, Vast Countenance ever shining toward us as the sun in his strength, is our way of return to the Source whence we sprang forth.
07/14/15 (Tue) 05:08:00 No. 46609
except they weren't