What if you link it with LS/Linking SIgil/Ellis?
''1 The original intended use- whatever magickal working you’re doing, be it sigil, or ritual, or glamourbomb, or whatever, Utilize the LS as a side component. Make your spell just like you would normally. If it’s a ritual, put the LS on a piece of paper and stick it in the circle with you or on your alter, just like you do with your other magick geegaws and symbols.
Or for Sigils, make your sigil like ya do, and stick the LS in a corner of the page. You can incorporate it more deeply in either, if you feel called to do so, but really, it does the thing just fine just slapped on there. There are myriad theoretical reasons for this, but basically, it just puts some extra pepper on your efforts.
The Entity Ellis- Yes, you can deal with her. Do not forget that she’s pretty much a Trickster Deity of Magick. She can be quite fey and capricious. She doesn’t take well to be bossed around, or invoked, or evoked to physical appearance, or demands. Pretty much, that sort of thing ends in failure, or clusterfuck, if you manage to get her attention in the first place. She’s doing her own thing. I’d suggest you be polite, say hi, and wait for her to come to you, should she choose to do so. Just deal with the sigil and that whole concept, unless she decides to put her hand in, which she will, from time to time and you’ll know it when it happens. Just my two bits after ten years of experience. Some may disagree. Either way, caution, in this regard, is called for. I promise.'' ~Arjil(Creator of LS sigil)