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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1426371763797.jpg (316.09 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 9J44J8O.jpg)


sum up /fringe/ in 1 picture


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bite me


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Muh dick


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That feels much more realistic. High level astral planes are infinitely better than any physical existence.
The problem isn't "blaming the twisted ankle" but the fact you live in a fragile, decaying shell that corrupts/traumatizes your pure spirit for practically NOTHING. You can learn everything in educational dream scenarios. There is zero need to reincarnate on Earth.


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You win


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Don't you get it?

This is a dream.


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This isn't a dream.
Defining physical to be the same as as astral/dream to serve as basis for magical thinking is a recipe to insanity.


>hermetic quote combined with jesus pic.
Astral and physical influencing each other isn't equal to being the same.
I'm disappointed in this board.


>one random poster posts something stupid
>"I am disappointed in this board"

Some initiate you are.


You accomplish fuck all by suggesting that.

There's a quote in The Kybalion for people like you…

This is the Paradox of the Universe, resulting from the Principle of Polarity which manifests when THE ALL begins to Create — hearken to it for it points the difference between half-wisdom and wisdom. While to THE INFINITE ALL, the Universe, its Laws, its Powers, its Life, its Phenomena, are as things witnessed in the state of Meditation or Dream; yet to all that is Finite, the Universe must be treated as Real, and life, and action, and thought, must be based thereupon, accordingly, although with an ever understanding of the Higher Truth. Each according to its own Plane and Laws. Were THE ALL to imagine that the Universe were indeed Reality, then woe to the Universe, for there would be then no escape from lower to higher, divineward — then would the Universe become a fixity and progress would become impossible. And if Man, owing to half-wisdom, acts and lives and thinks of the Universe as merely a dream (akin to his own finite dreams) then indeed does it so become for him, and like a sleep-walker he stumbles ever around and around in a circle, making no progress, and being forced into an awakening at last by his falling bruised and bleeding over the Natural Laws which he ignored. Keep your mind ever on the Star, but let your eyes watch over your footsteps, lest you fall into the mire by reason of your upward gaze. Remember the Divine Paradox, that while the Universe IS NOT, still IT IS. Remember ever the Two Poles of Truth — the Absolute and the Relative. Beware of half-Truths.


File: 1426926488637.gif (874.56 KB, 476x618, 238:309, thought-force_intensifies.gif)

If I see that fucking half-truth one more time. . .


Explain, please.


**It's a joke based on the above-mentioned quote, the joke being that there's been a lot of posters here who've made comments along the lines of "we're God" and "all is dream" but Atkinson would probably say that they're only half correct.


Hey, the spoilers didn't work. But it doesn't matter.


Its not limited to him. Its the whole board attitude to physical plane as some kind of "bad dream" "Demiurge illusion" etc


Spoilers can't be separated by line breaks anon, lrn2h8ch


It's the Neptune's influence - they have "I don't want to be on Earth" syndrome. Which is why they identify with Montalk so much.

They understand that they have lost their connection to the divine and that our current society hasn't advanced enough to give them a place to work and develop themselves, so they attack all of reality for it. It's similar to what would happen if a great scientist incarnated into a tribe of Pigmies. The separation is much more severe to them because they are more sensitive to their connection to higher worlds, and unlike people with a strong Uranus their psychic perception is murkier and tends work better while sleeping and dreaming. (think Edgar Cayce).

They have a hard time fully incarnating into their body, which opens them up to negativity and even parasitic entities. They tend to lack a clear border between their environment and themselves, which in time where humans aren't overtly connected to higher realms is like torture to them. So they have to work on their ability to understand the difference between their own aura and ambient energy, how far it extends, ect…

It seems like most people on this board need better grounding and more fire so that they can get seated into their body and focused on tasks, and hopefully realize that communion with higher realms can be done on earth.


>loving your prison

I seriously hope you guys don't do this… and not it's not an illusion or dream.


You speak of planetary influences. From what source have you got this information? Are you willing to share it with me?


These are the classic texts that cover traditional astrology before Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were discovered and added:



For a modern approach that is less deterministic, see Planetary Force Alchemy & Healing by Samuel Sagan.

I'll probably photocopy the book here in a week or so if you just want to wait for that.



I shall wait. Thank you, /illuminati/ brother!


File: 1426962226861.jpg (35.59 KB, 402x447, 134:149, 320979.jpg)

You retards can't even follow simple instructions!

For fucks sake!

What were they???

LET ME FIND IT!!!!!!!!11


"sum up /fringe/ in 1 picture"


File: 1426976613363.png (194 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 1398708446177.png)

I'll sum it up for you in one picture.

Thanks for the loosh, mundane.




Something I'm realizing about modern Gnostics, at least the ones on this board, is that they're people who just have yet to upgrade to Hermeticism. They dwell on relative half-truths which leads directly to this self-imposed angsty anhedonia, or as >>28658 says, "'I don't want to be on Earth' syndrome." If you color reality with miserable connotations - "it's all an illusion," "I'm in a prison," "that fucking Demiurge…" - then you will be miserable as a result, which very much seems to be the case with them.
It's kind of like they're the metaphysical equivalent of a spoiled brat. They look at the physical world and say "This isn't good enough, I deserve better. I want the 720p to this 240p." I don't doubt the higher realms are far superior to this one (I don't have experience in this sense), but this is the very attitude that prevents someone not only from attaining inner bliss, but probably from reaching those higher realms as well, and for some reason they think this is an enlightened state of mind to have.


>to hermeticism

Top fucking kike. Gnosticism was banned in hedonistic Greece for a reason… History, like Hermetic philosophy was written by the victors… (hint hint kikeslaves)


I won't argue historical details because I'm ignorant of them, but my essential point still stands that it's a stagnating, self-defeating attitude. I'm not trying to cheerlead for any group or ideology.


File: 1427160032411.png (1.56 MB, 1772x2036, 443:509, 1414458088667-1.png)


You've been vocal about your dislike of hermeticism on several threads now, what is your alternative?


He's a fedora, his alternative is tipping his fedora.


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Terry Pratchett RIP.


But how did we end up in the demiurge?

Or did an unfeeling, anti-life entity create us?

I'm fine either way.


File: 1427269621117.jpg (940.36 KB, 2448x3264, 3:4, afterwatchingFMA.jpg)


The problem with this is the jump to the spiral galaxy


Wait, what do you mean?

Your sentence made no sense.

"astral and physical influencing each other isn't equal to being the same."

the "each other" part of that sentence makes no sense.

You could say that the astral and physical isn't equal to being the same, because in that sentence astrala and physical are to non-dependant nouns.

But when you say that these two things influencing each other isn't equal THAT MAKES NO SENSE, because now you are talking about one thing, not two things. One thing (the influence of the astral and the physical on each other) cannot be compared to itself in such a way that saying "isn't equal to being the same" makes sense.

What the shit are you talking about.


Let me be clearer, if you had said, "astral and physical influencing each other AND x and y influencing each other is not the same, than you would have made sense. This is because you would have said that TWO things are not the same, or equal to each other. But in your original post you said that one thing was not equal to "each other." There was no "other" in your sentence.



File: 1427272515604.jpg (78.3 KB, 480x506, 240:253, JO-crystal.jpg)


>Terry Pratchett RIP
I had no idea ;_;


File: 1427273109733.jpg (25.73 KB, 460x276, 5:3, terryp.jpg)


Terry took Death's arm and followed him through the doors and on to the black desert under the endless night.

>The End.


except thats a faggot end because death after life is the same as life but there is more of it. Mountains are more montainy and deserts are more deserty. So your line makes sense if for some reason the first place death took terry was a desert. ot like death itself is an endless repetition of sand upon the horizon.


It's a reference to the Dark Desert, which is the state between death and afterlife (limbo) in Terry Pratchett's fantasy book-series called "Discworld". Death is a character in the series.

The text in >>29375 was copied from official Twitter post announcing Terry Pratchett's death, if you're interested.


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some humorous & some symbolic images


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Ooh, I can feel the butthurt that went into the making of this image from here!


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I'm glad wageslaves like you willingly sacrifice yourselves to keep society going so I can pursue the higher calling of developing my consciousness to amazing heights.


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>calling of developing my consciousness to amazing heights


take the high horse you rode in on
and go fuck yourself with it
you nigger


what? no, really… what?


Thanks for the input.


File: 1428761715182.png (3.3 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, apothecary.png)

This is how I see it currently.


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>All these pseudo-gnostics
>muh prison
I hope you realise ,that you're like a cattle,raised in a small barn,running into the wild because you heard that freedom lives there.
There's no granted freedom you desire,this freedom is not for YOU,it's safer for you to stay here,after all,this is how primitive you are meant to be.


You are a lowly ordered shill.


>If someone is against my ideas about who I'm, he's a shill
>If someone tells me I'm not as good as I'm ,thou must call him a shill,and he shall be gone
>If someone puts your powers under the question,your freedom, your significance he's a shill and so shall be banished ,as an unclean spirit who he is
Let me ease your job for you,first thing you will write after i will post this,is that I'm a jew,then,after we'll settle that never had any semites in family,majority will start screaming about brainwashed,sjw's,kikes ,like a "new™/pol/-flavored"-brainwashed hyperactive teenagers with "youthful idealism" and "bipolar world",who are majority of this board population,unfortunately.





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