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An axiom or postulate is a premise or starting point of reasoning. As classically conceived, an axiom is a premise so evident as to be accepted as true without controversy.[1] The word comes from the Greek axíōma (ἀξίωμα) 'that which is thought worthy or fit' or 'that which commends itself as evident.


Keep it short.

1 - For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
2 - No one can serve two masters.
3 - Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.


As Above; So Below
Everything has its tides
There is no train like the rapetrain


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Aphorism i. “The Law is.”

>Aphorism ii. “Beyond The Law there is Not. Higher than The Law there is Not. Elder than the Law there is Not.”

Aphorism iii. “The Law is the Absolute. Existing beyond Time, and Space, and Change; transcending the Three Principles and the Seven Laws; It ever hath been, ever is, and ever shall be. Ever Unique; Unconditioned; Immutable; Self‑Existent; Self‑Sufficient; Independent; Abstract; It dwelleth Unknowable, Unthinkable, Ineffable.”

>Aphorism iv. “The Law is the Efficient Reason of All‑Things; and is the Supreme Power and Causer.”

Aphorism v. “Other than The Law, there is but Infinity, which is Nothingness. But in that Infinity of Nothingness, there is Unmanifest, the Latency, Possibility, Futurity, Potentiality, and Promise of Manifest Everythingness. It is the Chaos from which, under The Law, emerges the Cosmos. It is the Womb of the Cosmos.”

>Aphorism vi. “During the aeons of the Cosmic Night, The Law dwells Alone, in solitude; The Cosmos remains resolved into its condition of the Unmanifest—the Infinity of Nothingness. Then comes the dawn, when The Law superimposes the Infinity of Nothingness, and causes the Unmanifest to become Manifest; the Nothing to become Everything; Latency to become Activity; Potentiality to become Reality; Promise to become Fulfillment.”

Aphorism vii. “From the bosom of the Unmanifest, arises that which men call the World‑Spirit; the One‑Life; the Universal Being; the Life‑Principle; the Logos; the Demiurge; but which in Truth is but the Cosmic Will from which arises all life, and action, and shape and form, and change, and appearance, and variety, and manifestation. The Cosmic Will is the One which becomes Many—the Unity in which is Diversity—the First‑Born from the Womb of Infinity,—the Cosmic Egg from which hatches the Universe. But this too, is under The Law.”

>Aphorism viii. By the Law of Analogy the Manifest Cosmos may be known. “Ex Uno disce Omnes”—From One know All. Like unto a World‑Brain is the Cosmos. Its brain‑substance is the Substance‑Principle; its thought‑energy is the Motion‑Principle; its Mind is the Consciousness‑Principle. Its will is the Cosmic Will. Its spirit is the Cosmic Spirit. Its laws are the Seven Laws. Its Sovereign is The Law.

Aphorism ix. In the World‑Brain of the Cosmos arises and is manifested all natural phenomena. All natural phenomena is but the perpetual action and reaction; combination and re‑combination; distribution and redistribution; of the Three Principles, in the World‑Brain, by the Cosmic Will. As in the human brain material changes of form, shape, combination, character, and degree, result from mental activities—organic structural changes accompany mental states—states of consciousness are embodied in forms of material brain substance—so in the World‑Brain, by the Cosmic Will, do Thoughts become Things; Desires take on Material Form; Ideas become Manifested; Mental Images become reproduced in the Material and Physical Forms, Shapes, and Appearances. Mental States precede Material Form—Mental Images precede Materialization.


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>Aphorism x. What men call “Matter” is but the countless centres produced by Will in the Substance Principle, through the action of the Motion Principle. What men call “Force and Energy” is but the action of the Motion‑Principle upon the Substance‑Principle, induced by the Will. What men call “Thought” is but the action of the Will upon the Consciousness‑Principle, employing the Substance and Motion‑Principles in the operation. In every action of the Cosmic Will all Three Principles are employed and involved, in varying degrees and combinations. The Will is the Motive Power behind all manifestation in the World‑Brain of the Cosmos.

Aphorism xi. The Cosmic Will, as the World‑Brain, seeking Consciousness through its appropriate Principle, manifests the natural phenomena of the universe. From a state of Unconsciousness, through many stages of Semi‑Consciousness—through many degrees of Simple Consciousness; Self‑Consciousness; Super‑Consciousness; and states still higher in the scale, undreamt by mortal mind, on toward the highest states of Cosmic Consciousness—Spirit conscious of Itself; the Cosmic Will proceeds. Consciousness, in all of its phases, proceeds through Change—Consciousness depends upon Constant Change. Consciousness always produces Activity, and manifests Motion. Consciousness always manifests objectively in Change and Motion in Substance—in substantial shape and form. In this, then, is to be found the explanation of the phenomena of the involution and evolution of the Cosmos, with all the incidents thereof—in this is found the answer to the Ultimate “Why.”

>Aphorism xii. Know ye, that in Truth, there is but One Life and not many lives. Separateness is but relative and partial—illusory—the creative fiction of the Cosmos. Who teaches otherwise, errs. In the Cosmic Will there is the One Life in which, and by which, is manifested the Many.

Aphorism xiii. Know ye this first Truth of Metempsychosis: The Ego is evolved from the Personal Self. Every living thing possesses a Personal Self, but even among men, many fail to reach Egohood. Egohood is earned, not bestowed as an universal natural gift. Many personalities are born, but few Egos are evolved. Personality perishes in the Astral World, after the death of the physical body—Egohood persists in Re‑embodiment and Rebirth.

>Aphorism xiv. Know ye this second Truth of Metempsychosis: Persistence in Egohood in Rebirth or Re‑embodiment, is but the Recollection or the Memory of the Cosmic Will, in the World‑Brain. As the mortal brain recollects (and thus embodies) an idea, or thing—so does the World‑Brain recollect (and thus embodies) the Egos. This is the Truth of Metempsychosis, and the phases of Life beyond Metempsychosis.

Aphorism xv. Know ye this third Truth of Metempsychosis: In recognizing and knowing the “I,” the individual recognizes and knows the Cosmic Will—and the Cosmic Will knows and recognizes the individual. Egohood is mutual conscious recognition—all below this phase belongs to the sub‑conscious plane of the World‑Brain.

>Aphorism xvi. Know ye, that Fate is but the distorted image of Law, Order, and Sequence. The wise know that Fate, if existent, would be an exception to Law—a twin‑error to Chance. Law there is; Order there is; Sequence there is—but Fate there is not. Fate, Destiny, and Predestination would imply the existence of Decree and Foreknowledge in the Cosmic Mind. There is no such Decree; no such Foreknowledge. When the Cosmic Mind “knows” a thing or event, it knows according to Law, and the knowing and the manifestation are simultaneous. Fate, Destiny, and Predestination, are but names for half‑truths—imperfect visions of Law, Order, and Sequence.

Aphorism xvii. Know ye that, under The Law, the Cosmos is governed by Law. Each and every thing, and all things, proceed in Orderly Trend. In the Cosmos there is no Chance; no Disorder; no Inharmony. The Three Principles—Substance, Motion, and Consciousness‑are equally under Law. Those who teach otherwise, err.

>Aphorism xviii. Know ye that each and every event, and all events, proceed in Orderly and Logical Sequence. There is always a Something Before and a Something After, which men mistakenly call Cause and Effect, but which, in truth, are but relative stages of the Cosmic Sequence.


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Aphorism xix. Man on the personal plane always acts and chooses strictly in accordance with the nature of his personal character. His personal character is determined by the nature of his psychical organism resulting from heredity, environment, and experience, and consists of a collection of mental states the motive principle in which is Desire (including Fear, which is but a form of Desire). The personal man, like the lower forms of life, always acts and chooses: according to the sum or average of his desires and fears, the strongest motives always dominating and determining the choice and action.

>Aphorism xx. When man attains Individuality—Egohood— he enters upon the plane of Will, and rises above the plane of Desire. Desire and Will are the opposite poles of the same Principle—the Centre of Balance being Reason. On the plane of Will, though one still remains under Law, yet he may learn to use Law instead of remaining passive to it. He may learn to oppose Law to laws. He may learn to create Desire by Will, as well as to restrain and master Desire by Will. Furthermore—and this the greatest of all—he may learn to Will to Will. He may learn to complete the Circle of Will. He may learn the Secret of the Excluded Middle. When this last Secret is learned, man is well on the road to Mastery.

Aphorism xxi. Every thing in the Cosmos has its opposite. Every quality, attribute or condition has its opposite. Every thing and every quality, attribute or condition is one of a Pair of Opposites—and yet contains within itself a Pair of Opposites. Polarity is inherent in every thing. Every thing has its Two Poles; and also is, itself, one pole of something else. The Pairs of Opposites—the two Opposing Poles—are but phases of the same thing. In the union of the Two Poles, or Pair of Opposites, there is to be found the “thing‑in‑itself” of a thing. There is always a Reconciliation and Agreement possible between Opposites—always a possible Synthesis of Opposing Thesis and Antithesis. Every thing “is” and “is not” at the same time, in its qualities, attributes and conditions—and the Reconciliation, Agreement and Synthesis reveals a new “Is.” And yet the Reconciliation, Agreement, or Synthesis—the new “Is”—is but one Pole, or one of a Pair of Opposites, of a new and higher Polarity or Pair. And, so on, to infinity.

>Aphorism xxii. In the Cosmos every thing moves. Everything is in constant motion. Every thing is undergoing constant change. Every thing “beats time.” Vibration is universal, and, manifesting according to the Law of Rhythm, constitutes the difference of degree existing between things on all planes. Every thing moves to‑and‑fro in Rhythm, between its two poles. Every thing rises and falls, in Rhythm, within the limits of its nature. Every thing advances and retreats, in Rhythm, within the limits of its power.

Aphorism xxiii. Cyclicity is akin to Rhythm, and arises by reason of it. All events tend to move in Cyclic Trend—in constant circular movement of continuous recurrence. The only escape from Cyclicity is found in the process of transmutation into Spirality. This is accomplished by Advancing the Central Point of Motion. The conversion of the Circle into the Spiral is one of the highest forms of Mental Alchemy.

>Aphorism xxiv. Know ye, that in the Cosmos every thing is Counterbalanced. Every thing is set‑off and offset by other things. There is always Check and Countercheck in every manifestation, on every plane, of the Cosmos.

Aphorism xxiv. Know ye, that in the Cosmos every thing is Counterbalanced. Every thing is set‑off and offset by other things. There is always Check and Countercheck in every manifestation, on every plane, of the Cosmos.

>Aphorism xxvi. Poise is Power. Poise results from Balance. Balance is secured by adjusting and maintaining the Centre between the Poles of the Pairs of Opposites. By Balanced Poise the Master neutralizes Polarity and Rhythm, by resolving them into Unity. In the Heart of the Storm is Peace. In the Centre of Life there is Poise and Power. Seek it ever, O Neophyte—for in it thou shalt find thy Self.


>them arcane aphorisms

Based Atkinson is Based.


Someone please narrate all of the Arcane Teachings Aphorisms and upload the narration to youtube. I'd do it but I sound like an autistic piece of shit NEET loser.


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The Principal of Mentalism- "THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental."

>The Principal of Correspondence- "As above, so below; as below, so above."

The Principal of Vibration- "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."

>The Principal of Polarity- "Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."

The Principal of Rhythm- "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."

>The Principal of Cause and Effect- "Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law."

The Principal of Gender- "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principals; Gender manifests on all planes."


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1. I am (Tao).
2. As above, so below. The universal axiom, able to be discovered relatively easily from independent inquiry, it is nearly as fundamental as Tao, and Tao is fundamentality itself.
3. Artifice is the mandala about awakening; the two are inseparable.
4. There is only the present, which belongs to itself.


I. Kill out ambition.
II. Kill out desire of life.
III. Kill out desire of comfort.
IV. Kill out all sense of separateness.
V. Kill out desire for sensation.
VI. Kill out the hunger for growth.
VII. Desire only that which is within you.
VIII. Desire only that which is beyond you.
IX. Desire only that which is unattainable.
X. Desire power ardently.
XI. Desire peace fervently.
XII. Desire possessions above all.
XIII. Seek out the way.
XIV. Seek the way by retreating within.
XV. Seek the way by advancing boldly without.
XVI. Stand aside in the coming battle; and though thou fightest, be not thou the warrior.
XVII. Look for the warrior, and let him fight in thee.
XVIII. Take his orders for battle, and obey him.
XIX. Listen to the song of life.
XX. Store in your memory the melody you hear.
XXI. Learn from it the lesson of harmony.
XXII. Regard earnestly all the life that surrounds you.
XXIII. Learn to look intelligently into the hearts of men.
XIX. Regard most earnestly your own heart.
XX. Inquire of the earth, the air, and the water, of the secrets they hold for you.
XXI. Inquire of the holy ones of the earth, of the secrets they hold for you.
XXII. Inquire of the inmost, the one, of its final secret, which it holds for you throughout the ages.
XXIII. Hold fast to that which has neither substance nor existence.
XXVI. Listen only to the voice which is soundless.
XXV. Look only on that which is invisible alike to the inner and the outer sense.”

I don't know why all the roman numerals here are fucked up but lol.


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I must insist that you read Schopenhauer. If you have already done so, read him again and see past the pessimism, not to the level of Nietzsche, who made the mistake of interpreting Schopenhauer through an ironically religious lens, but simply without emotional attachment to the concepts themselves, which Schopenhauer seemed unable to do.


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We find that there are five successive steps or stages manifested in every complete and completed act of Will. These steps are as follows:

>1. The perception by the mind of some action to be performed. This perception may be caused in two ways, viz., (a) By the presentation to the attention of some object outside of the minds of the individual; (b) By the presentation to the attention of some object which has been impressed upon the memory from former experience with outside objects. This phase or stage of the operation of the Will involves the Attention, the Perception, and the Memory.

2. The operation of feelings, desire, or similar forms of emotional motive force, which sets into operation the process which, if uninterrupted, leads to volition. The word “emotive” well describes this mental activity. This phase of Will involves the feelings and emotions.

>3. The forming of the mental picture by the Imagination, which gives the mind its pattern, mould or general working plan of action, which is followed by the Will in its subsequent stages or steps.

4. The operation of judgment, reason and thought, in the direction of weighing and deciding upon the merits of the proposed action—the striking of the balance between conflicting desires, memories and other motives. This is the decisive stage of Will.

>5. The manifestation of actual volition or “will to will,” which is the final act of Will—the pulling of the trigger of action—the releasing of the spring of outward manifestation.


"He who has freed himself of the disease of "tomorrow" has a chance to attain what he came here for."

>"The energy spent on active inner work is then and there transformed into a fresh supply, but that spent on passive work is lost for ever."

"One of the best means for arousing the wish to work on yourself is to realize that you may die at any moment. But first you must learn how to keep it in mind."


Good-not post. 0.0


Real axioms are not formulizable in language.



>Reason is man's biggest downfall. When it comes to having to take his chances, man's reason will inevitably intervene with all manner of doubts and fears. Reason has no sense of adventure and no sense of humour. Instead it is a dour and jealous faculty. Reason is so jealous of attention that it cannot even tolerate man taking notice of his other faculties, such as feeling or intuition. Whenever reason finds its authority being threatened, it will always resort to the incomprehensible act of trying to make man admit to defeat, normally through confusion.

>By throwing up a fog of confusion, man's reason usually succeeds in forcing him to adhere to the so-called reasonable approach. This inevitably terminates in man becoming timid and frightened, and under such conditions he never takes his chances. What man never realises is that thanks to his reason he always misses the boat by choosing the safe way out. It is a strange quirk of reason that it will rather admit defeat than relinquish its control. Therefore the reasonable man will always seek excuses for not acting rather than seize his fleeting moment of chance.

-Theun Mares, Return of the Warriors



I understand what you mean but an axiom is part of language. Therefore every axiom must exist within language but referring to something in the universe in a way that makes the truth about that something self evident.

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