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/fringe/ I need your help understanding time and space. I've been having some weird synchronicities and everything is pointing towards the need to understand time.

I've got as far as considering time as repeating itself but honestly that is not very far at all, I need to go further into the rabbit hole.


How long is a second? How long is a millisecond, etc. . Time is an illusion and can only be a illusion. Because physics shows time and space are the same thing, everything is an illusion. But then you realise illusion is the same as what you thought of as reality, therefore reality and illusion are one in the same.

Jaden smith, despite the weird shit he says has essentially claimed that because he has realised time is an illusion, he can make it go as fast or slow as he wants. This does make sense.

Also i am interested in why spirit guides seem to always make time a priority in understanding. David icke says that he was told to really understand time


>physics shows time and space are the same thing

wait how?

I realise our ways of counting time are imaginary sort of like our ways to count everything else. Seconds might not exist however time does, just like our perceptions of slow and fast are imaginary that doesn't mean time isn't a thing, or better yet, has its own nature.

I'm interested in the nature of time. I relate it to space not because I know them to be the same but because I am aware of time through changes in space, so what exactly is that? If anyone can at the very least point me towards a direction here I would be deeply thankful



Time and space are not the same thing. They combine to create gravity. Space + time = spacetime = gravity

Traveling at the speed of light in space brings time to a stop. Going into an infinite gravity well brings time to a stop.

Traveling at the speed of light = infinite gravity = stopped time

gravity = space time

That is why photons have no rest mass because if they did they would actually be black holes.

In reality gravity does not pull anything. It is just space being curved on itself by variable time, time is going faster above the earth than on the surface, so you fall towards the slower time. You are kinda being sucked by the time to think of it another way. Slow time pulls you in, fast time pushes you out.

Stopped time= Infinite curve = no path for exit (including light) = black hole

So from this we can see gravity is an expression of time. The faster I move, the more mass I gain, the slower time goes the more space curves.

However for your experience of time mentally. It is variable and seems to be dependent on your brain waves. my personal belief is time is a function of the plasticity of your consciousness. When you are young everything is new and brain connections are forming everywhere so time slows down. When you are old all the connections are formed and it is hard to change or effect your habits with your consciousness, so time speed up.

Experience of time is your free will. Without free will there is no perception of time and no consciousness.


Time is like a fields of decay, flowing towards event/mass concentration in material plane.


Time is elastic and subjective.

An eternity can be a second or a second can be an eternity.

Read some puranas or vedic texts, there is a lot of reference to the subjectivity of time.


muh flag


You gave me something to think about anon. Thank you.

I know it can be experienced personally in many different ways. What I am curious is about is the thing which we call time, not the name itself.

For instance water might be experienced in many different ways, so it is subjective but there is an actual thing the word water is reffering to. Same goes with time, just saying "it can be experienced differently" is not enough for an actual understanding of it.

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