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Esoteric Wizardry


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Madness in the Fast Lane - Swedish Sisters (full)


At present this video and the related material written about it is the strongest proof of the occult powers being manifested in full force.

We really ought to save this video and the related material in case it ever gets taken down by that the powers that be.

If you ever feel like magick is weak and lame, just watch this, and think; those two women could do all that, why can't I?


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You're a moron.


So… can you get run over by two trucks at 70 MPH, successfully fight off several cops try to restrain you all at once, get your leg broken and healed up completely in just a single day, get a 5 year sentence and yet just walk out of the jail in a few days and not be heard from again, and when examined by psychologists deemed not a threat? Oh and murder several people and get away with all that too.


testing anonimoose flag


Are they using their powers for evil/badness? Killing people. This is bad, right?


…and lets not forget these are women doing all this not men.


Depends on your perspective and your role and your reason.

We don't know why they did it. I wouldn't be so quick to jump to the conclusion they are acting out an evil agenda.

…and besides, the dead are released into the astral.


Do you have idea yourself of what they are doing?


They are probably Nordic aliens on some sort of mission.


Should this be the default flag for people too lazy to pick a flag or should the other one be it?


>mfw browser crashed when i tried to open it
>mfw the beginning music is a Fuck Buttons track

is this the universe speaking to me or have I gone insane



>is this the universe speaking to me or have I gone insane

If you think that's what the universe speaking to you and/or going insane is like you haven't listened to the universe and/or gone insane enough to realise how silly you sound.


A very interesting piece, though the cinematography seemed a bit over the top. When they show shots of her walking with the hammer, the perspective wobbled as though it were a dramatization instead of CCtv. I'm also a bit skeptical of the psychiatric response. It seems so ridiculous to refer to it as "a puff of madness", that I can't take him seriously.


Could be a synchronistic occurrence.

>Do you have any thoughts on numerology?

Numerology is normally used as a means of divination and reading hidden meaning in words and phrases. The way I see it, our reality is rearrangeable in many ways by intelligences outside of linear time. If they are beings who respect freewill, then the less some change violates freewill, the more easily they can make it. Thus they can very easily change or mold from the very beginning anything that doesn’t really matter to us whether it’s one way or another. Meaning, the things we overlook, or don’t know any different concerning it.

Here’s an example. The language you know was taught to you since you were a kid. You don’t really question why yellow is spelled with “ow” instead of “eau”. Same with your name, what if your name was Harry instead of Barry? I don’t think that would violate your freewill. Thus I think these kinds of things are changeable by beings outside time, at any time.

Alright, now what if you devised a system of interpreting the small details, reading meaning into them? Then that allows these forces to embed decipherable meanings in otherwise small details that people overlook. Hyperdimensional steganography. I mean, who normally cares about what number a name or word or phrase adds up to? No one who doesn’t know about numerology. It makes no difference to them. But if you make it have meaning for you, then I believe the very spellings of words can change in order to ensure it has the right numerological result to communicate the appropriate meaning. The same can be done with anagrams.

Another aspect is the internal structure to numbers, how they seem to have a meaning behind them. Considering that numbers are internally rigid in their relationship and structure, and not like human language which is subjective, I think the order there was instilled by the very founder of our reality. Maybe the Creator, or the Demiurge if you go by the gnostic system. I think it’s this being embedding clues in the very structure of existence, of its own existence. Dropping clues that our reality is intelligently constructed and giving clues on the intended purpose of things.

This is a tough question… as we know from playing around with numerology there is something to it, even with anagrams… but trying to figure out how it works, why, and who put all that order in… I can’t be certain…



The shrinks are no nothing mundanes that think they can explain away shit with "lol, they're just mad".


>capable of magick



Most of them certainly are, and if they prescribe medication that likelihood increases; however, I think that there has been some very useful, legitimate research carried out in the field of mundane psychology. If you take the time to browse through a few journals, I think you'll be surprised by the number of green-pill confirmations there are. It's actually part of how I came to appreciate /fringe/ material.


>implying they aren't being acted upon by higher forces / secret occult organizations

Just because women can't do magick doesn't mean they can't be enhanced by those that can.


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Didn't they just take PCP and run out into traffic?


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Women can't do magic? What if they try really hard?


I see no reason why women wouldn't be able to do magic.

Don't get discouraged!


They don't do magic, they have magic done through them. They are the passive side of the principle of polarity.


This. Why are there more women mediums, oracles? Why are there more old waifs that have knowledge of mysticism or witchcraft? Women are naturally more in tune to these currents, because they flow through women more easily. Men are more capable of control and direction, using their will. That's why they say "only men are capable of magic". It's not impossible for a woman to become proficient in it, it's just that they would be going against what their incarnation feels is natural.

If you want to do it, do it and see how far you can go, but don't act as if muh gender equality will suddenly turn off the principle of polarity.


what about all those medieval witches? what about circe? what about the universal archetype of the wise crone?


Universal? That was invented in CE, not even BC lol… fuckin plebs…



File: 1426965895746.jpg (86.34 KB, 394x549, 394:549, Kali_by_Raja_Ravi_Varma.jpg)

>They are the passive side of the principle of polarity.

muh sides

for an intro to the sinister kind of feminine magick, you guys need http://into-thedarkness.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/demonsoftheflesh.pdf



Thats very interesting. I'll need to study some more. Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement.


Kali actually confirms what we are saying, you just can't realize it yet.


I was talking to a female on Skype before (Dwarf) and she told me herself that magick is "something done to her" and that "magick practises her" furthering confirming the water theory.

However, while this is the default condition for a woman, perhaps in theory they could practise balancing their elements like The Universal Master Key suggests and thus become very capable of using the Fire element as well.

That or simply pairing them with the right male could bring them both together to a very high level of achievement.
Post last edited at


Men can project their thoughts better, women can read minds better.


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shut up
my dad can beat up ur dad


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Remember the Divine Hermaphrodite? I believe that means balancing the active-passive polarities of our being and becoming 'a whole being'.

What I've read of channeled material, beings from higher densities are both male and female.

Then again, the sacred marriage of male and female polarities can be understood as Kundalini.


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It doesn't matter what you "realize". The feminine as a magickal, destructive force is central to many traditions of sorcery. (Not to mention its universal mythological significance.)

Just read the book for an overview if these subjects interest you. http://into-thedarkness.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/demonsoftheflesh.pdf

The feminine does have a gentle and receptive meaning in the RHP, but that is not all.


Spooky leave…


My dad is old, obese, and frail.

That's no accomplishment.

Also I do not love my dad and wouldn't care if he was executed in front of me.

So whatever.


>says the Fedora

So, you're here to troll us because you're a butthurt egalitarian?


Maybe I'm tipping a bit hard but couldn't this be the result of some sort of Military drug experiment? Something like MKUltra?


Nice greenpill thread, guys! Instead of presenting convincing material of the reality of metaphysics in the third density, you devolved into a circlejerk about the potential for magic within females. Why dont we talk about something neat, like the ridiculously superior method of medicating people's ailments with herbal mixes of varying methods of administration. Maybe some yogis performing jaw-dropping super-human feats? I remember fringe even talked about that medieval black dude who could handle white-hot metal with his bare hands and suffer no injury. Even some god damned Wim Hof would help some of these skeptic initiates with their journey. This board has gone down-hill. Anybody who's been around for a few months can see that. If I could make more sense of this material or cut out my distractions, I'd write books and manifestos for you fucks, and I wouldnt even need to touch on this trivial shit you guys squabble over uselessly. May my thoughtforms push me into self-sufficiency for the sake of myself and others.



Here's a greenpill that I don't think has been posted before.


Start posting greenpills like me then nigga, just added a greenpill here: >>29165


File: 1428200575335.jpg (10.83 KB, 251x147, 251:147, 1277438408191.jpg)

I got a greenpill for you. check this out.

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