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Consciousness vore is a desire (fetish) to have one's will broken by a girl,
become submissive, have mind controlled by her, and finally be absorbed by her,
including both body and one's consciousness.

This seems very spiritual to me. Can you explain this fetish?
Does it have demonic origins? Do you know any related readings,
have any experience or explanations for this?


My story on this and similar fetishes.
>It started many years ago. Even when I was a child I was interested in giantess fetish,
>especially shrinking myself. I remember being turned on by cartoons that occasionally
>had episodes covering this topic. Than it started to be accompanied by a femdom fetish as well.
>It started as quite an innocent interest. Always a softcore, not really into vore,
>no pain, humiliation and the like included. But later developed it into a desire
>of being inserted into a girl's vagina and kept there against my will.
>Sometimes I wanted my body to be also absorbed by her.
>It also included being shrunk to nothingness inside of her.
And for the consciouness vore:
>Not long ago a new episode begun: domination by mind control.
>Basically I wanted her to break me and my will, and abuse me while
>looking into my obedient eyes. It was always associated with
>an itching in my forehead, as if related to the "third eye".
>Soon it started to be more spiritual. I imagined my consciousness
>becoming one with hers. As if my mind was being held
>physically within that of her. As if my soul being absorbed into her…
Why do I have it? I have no idea.


It may be succubi or demonic temptation. Maybe they want to claim your soul, and that's what you are feeling? Sexual desires are pretty powerful, so this may be the reason they use it in this form. Or maybe they just feast on your energy [too much]?


it might be exactly the opposite. what if it is a sign of spiritual ascension and a desire to abandon the concept of an individual consciousness in favor of being a part of the Oneness?


This seems to belong to a wider group of Annihilation fetishes. Maybe have a look at these.
>[…] It is highly complicated and it is rumoured and theorized it might have deeper but positive
>spiritual meaning and the sign of a evolved and more healthy sexuality…
>I can tell you, it seems to be the mark of ascention. […]
-> facebook.com/permalink.php?id=312298255447298&story_fbid=488393627837759
I have read more on this somewhere, but cannot find the source now. If anyone has something, please post.
>abandon the concept of an individual consciousness in favor of being a part of the Oneness?
Some more info on this? Not necessarily related to this thread's topic.


read OP's comment
opened the picture
those eyes… seductive, frightening…



Being stripped of will and absorbed to no longer have my own autonomy? That is not being absorbed into oneness, it is being subjugated to the will of another. No different from any other methods of control that are slipped into every day life.

Allowing yourself to be consumed in the name of fetish and desire is foolish, especially if you are giving yourself wholly to it. You may as well beg to be subjected to someones hell.

Being stuck in mindless gluttony is definitely a version of hell. You owe more to yourself then that.


Robert Stoller postulated that the first mental stage of an infant human of either sex was one in which they had no conception of the boundary between themselves and their mother, believing that they were a single entity. However, a failure to initiate the mental split necessary to move past this stage usually leads to effeminacy and asexuality in males, so this isn't probably isn't problem of stunted psychological development. Stoller's book "Perversion" (which i highly recommend, it has some very interesting perspectives on the development of deviant sexuality) puts forth the idea that fetishes are reactions to trauma, in which the traumatized person tries to find a way to gain power over a trauma by getting turned on by it, basically; "this doesn't hurt me at all, in fact it does the opposite!!! screw you, trauma!!!!!" So; maybe you have a problem with idealizing females.

Spiritually, your willingness to surrender your ego and sense of identity is a positive thing. Instead of applying it to sexual gratification you can use this trait in order to transcend life's petty worries, achieve unity with Oneness, etc.


Fuck Oneness.


Oddly enough…. that is actually part of what led me here, so in further consideration of my statement prior… if you develop an ego/thoughtform/fetishtulpa (*shudder*) specifically it has the potential of feeding you some profound truths. Or… just go role play. Self actualization and using creative energy is never a bad thing.


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those eyes, together with OP's description… made me cringe… but also gave me a boner…


what the fuck?
how can one be turned on by this?
can someone explain what the hell is this?


>to have one's will broken by a girl,
>become submissive, have mind controlled by her, and finally be absorbed by her,
>including both body and one's consciousness.
I also demand explanation.


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I think that's called abuse?


That seems to be just mindbreak + normal vore.

The name would suggest either soul vore, or the deviant in particular deviant considers the mind and soul separate and thus there is body/soul but no mind afterwards.

It's just a combination of two deviant snuff fetishes.


>soul vore
seems like a good name for this


Well, soul vore is specifically the absorption/ect. of the etheric component, leaving the body (and if one considers them separate, the mind) intact, treating it somewhat like a physical object in it's own right, which is why I hesitate to use the label in this case.

What is described in OP's post is multiple forms of snuff combined into one package that might not really need a new label.


I have just imagined this and well… it is quite appealing and tempting. To love someone so much to want to be one within her.
I'm sure OP's fetish is far from it.
As he says, it is very spiritual, and I can actually understand it.


It means you're a filthy degenerate and need ROPE.


What does it mean to want to be the one a guy is absorbed into?
Does that make me a spooky demon? <3



are you a gril?
I think that makes you a domme. a spooky one I guess, although as you can see there are people who want this.

since we are already in this topic:
could you please write some more on your reasons?
we already know OP's but I would like to hear the opposite side as well:
why? how is it attractive? do you find it spiritual as well?


>are you a gril?
Yea! Though there's a lot more I could go off on, but I don't want to be an attention whore.
>although as you can see there are people who want this.
See, I've never understood this. Same with vore in general. Its, like, the last thing I would want.

>why? how is it attractive? do you find it spiritual as well?

It's the ultimate form of domination, IMO. It's taking someone's chance at an afterlife purely to make them a part of me to fuel me, and for the fun of it.

It's the soul, so technically I guess. I know energy vampirism is a thing. I don't know if that would qualify though. And, of course, astral predators. But, I don't know if a physical person could actually eat another person's soul/spirit. Is that what you meant with the question? I don't think it has anything to do with "oneness."


>No female to have me lay down on the ground by force and lick/slobber/nibble/chew/etc all over me while telling me that 'I am getting smaller/shrinking.' over and over until I pass out and then have her play with my body until I wake up then have her smother me with her body weight for as long as she wants

Imma sucker for that this kind of stuff.


well I mean people who ERP as the prey in furry vore chatrooms are loving someone enough to want to be one with them.

But they're still being erased in the process. Even if it is loving erasure.

I would say its more about the ultimate form of submission rather than the ultimate form of domination. You're offering everything, and then everything after that. Absolutely complete surrender.


>I would say its more about the ultimate form of submission rather than the ultimate form of domination.
I mean, I can see that, but I don't really get it, if that makes any sense. Are you into it?


/fringe/: Magical masturbation and vore


>See, I've never understood this.
Well, it's just like I would never understand your willingness to absorb someone else into yourself. Same fetish, 2 opposite ends.
>Same with vore in general. Its, like, the last thing I would want.
I'm into this 'consciousness/sour vore' domination thing, but not at all into traditional vore.
I don't like pain, while this is more about mind control and absolute domination and control.
My story: >>28140
Although I think I would not really want to be absorbed and cease to exist - for obvious reasons.
What turns me on much more would be your ability to do this to me, so that I feel completely powerless and at your mercy, but you generously spare me making me see your greatness and worship you.
>to make them a part of me to fuel me, and for the fun of it.
If I keep my consciousness while being able to feel your absolute domination all the time, that could be 'fun' for me as well.
do want/10
That's pretty true, but I think we should not censor some even slightly /fringe/-related threads just because they are about sex. We are not children to avoid this topic.
This thread is an essence of my spirituality and there is no other place where I can discuss this aspect of it.


retards: the thread


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They just want a giant anime to abuse them.


>[…]Same fetish, 2 opposite ends.
True. Lol
>What turns me on much more would be your ability to do this to me, so that I feel completely powerless and at your mercy, but you generously spare me making me see your greatness and worship you.
I would love stuff like that! One thing I have always wanted was to have a whole group of guys at my whim like that lol.
As for your linked post, maybe intense introspection can help? I've been using dreaming/lucid dreaming as a gateway into my subconscious or "core" or whatever you want to call it.

Now, I thought it was kind of funny that people mentioned "demonic origin" and succubi. That's why I posted! It's a long story, but I don't think I'm the original person that was meant for this body. And, I definitely have a connection to Lilith in someway, but I don't know how yet. I first heard her name when I was 6 and have been drawn to her since. And, I've been receiving signs from her aswell. (Pre-cog dreams where notes were written, synchronicities, sudden dire urges to pray to her that corresponded directly with family emergencies, etc) I've really been needing to talk to someone about this shit, I can't to anyone offline.
(Inb4 schizo…)

Just want to see what you guys think :)


>to have a whole group of guys at my whim like that
Actually this actually a turn-off for me. I would like to be your only slave.
Not just selfishness here. Had you needed other people to serve you, that would mean I failed you and do not do my duty right, which would be very disappointing for me.
>maybe intense introspection can help? I've been using dreaming/lucid dreaming as a gateway into my subconscious
I almost never remember my dreams, and can't LD ;_;
>I don't think I'm the original person that was meant for this body.
I doubt I belong in this world as well. Humanity makes me sick. Whenever I think how this world might be fixed for the prosperity of all and mutual love, I discover next, even lower, level of human attitude and behaviors, which makes me feel it is all pointless.
I don't know who you are, but it seems you feel your soul pretty well, which makes you distance yourself from the material body into world of energy (hence your fetish).
a casual person would call everyone on /fringe/ a retard
now you are calling us names over things you do not understand
I guess you get the picture?
If it was for anime, we wouldn't be here, but in halfchan's /d/.
This is much more than just a freaky fetish, but you already know better, don't you?


>do not understand
Tell me what part of the set up I don't understand? The part where you willingly have your consciousness and power reduced for a morbid pleasure? The desire to be made lesser to a woman (and only a woman)? How is this shit not mother issues wrapped in spiritual diatribe?

>appealing to secret knowledge
You're a fucking retard.


>Tell me what part of the set up I don't understand?
Exactly the ones you mention next.
>The part where you willingly have your consciousness and power reduced for a morbid pleasure?
Which is pretty paranormal in itself. Sounds pretty demonic, doesn't it? And it's a very spiritual sensation, degrading and 'morbid' on the one side, but also very warm and inviting on the other.
I do not understand it as well, that's why I'm in this thread. But at least I know what I feel, and you do not know even this.
>The desire to be made lesser to a woman (and only a woman)?
I do not hide it is (also) a sexual temptation. And since I'm not gay, it must be a woman.
>>appealing to secret knowledge
>You're a fucking retard.
Where do I appeal to 'secret knowledge'?


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>I almost never remember my dreams, and can't LD ;_;
When you wake up at night, lay still. Focus on nothing but remembering the dreams you just had. Right down whatever you remember, no matter how little it is. If you remember literally nothing, right that Down to. This is the start of a dream journal. This should help tremendously :)
>Actually this actually a turn-off for me.
>Humanity makes me sick.
Sounds like you need to learn to stop giving so much of a fuck :) Don't worry about that shit.
>I don't know who you are, but it seems you feel your soul pretty well, which makes you distance yourself from the material body into world of energy (hence your fetish
Thanks! I know, I probably sound like an atention whore, but I don't know where else to talk about stuff like this. And, I didn't want to start a whole thread on it. There's a lot I didn't go on about, so I'm not sure what kind of a picture you got.
No need to sperg out, lol!


How do I even begin to explain how this idea has been both ruinous and freeing? The beginning of that particular chain is best explained from the beginning.

Now bare with me because it is going to be a bit of a tale.

I was first exposed to Playboy when I was 8 years old. My older brother found a stack in the attic of my grandfathers garage and thought it would be a good bonding experience, or I would enjoy it, or something. Speculation on the reason and rationale of another adolesecent aside, here I am, still a child, and fapping to playboy. Not a promising start for the beginning of a healthy sexuality.

I stole and hid my new found treasure trove of flesh and decadence with the genius of criminal mastermind, and for years no one ever knew of my secret childhood porn addiction. That was until the internet.

Now I was not a stupid child by any stretch of the imagination, for all the clichė of having playboy to read the articles, I actually did. My reading comprehension was beyond that of my peers and the adult topics (politics, international news, activisim) all titilated me as much as the pictures of titties and shooped/airbrushed assholes.

Now… the internet. I was 11 when we had out first home PC, and based AOL 3.0 Of course my parrents being reasonable and rational set my account premissions as they should have. So for awhile I was contented with talking to friends I made in chat rooms. From time to time I would scratch my itch with the Playboys. Soon enough the new introduction of Dungeons and Dragons to my intellectual repitore I began to role play.

The addition of role play naturally was adapted to this new medium, but all the other children in the childrens chat rooms bored me. I asked my parrents to increase my premissions so I could chat in more stimulating (hue hue hue) chat rooms. Being… not retarded they refused. My brother however, was some sort of mystical fucking gate keeper when it came to degenercy. (He always fancied himself a Khorne minion… but I know the truth!)

So now I am still a child and lost in the depths of the sea of endless indulgence of ADULT imagination. I blended in easily, so many convinced that some squeaker brat was a 20 something sex god… except I was dumb as shit and told people my real age. Well I opened pandoras box there. I wonder how many pedos used the image of me as a jizz rag while I did the same… mindlessly uncaring of what I was doing to my imagination. Throw in some abandonment and mommy issues (Yes yes.. pat yourself on the back now… take a deep breath… keep fucking listening) and you have the perfect recipee for a marginalized man child.

Well ultimately role play leads to the introduction of new ideas and new fetishes. Of course your standard array of fetishes was imposed upon me, and anyone who knew how to add a bit of athoratative context got me to do whatever the hell the wanted… So the list grew… and grew.

Vore was actually the only fetish that was not imposed upon me. Ever since I was young I used to have fantasies of being eaten whole (usually in a cartoon sense like 'The unfourtnate lion tamer' or something more comical then grim.) Vore was what I had chosen when all other thoughts or interplay of sexual arousal had been lost. It was something that allowed my child ego to have an engaging sexual encounter, and because it was so deeply entrenched in fantasy, I could enjoy it without any guilt, at least until I let that consume me as well. When I first explored vore it was curiousity, a sense of adventure, the desire to be coy and innocent, not debased by flagrant and burdensome sexuality. It allowed me to submit and give without the need to avail myself to conventional desires which I had become desensitized too.

tl;dr vore has the potential to be the last bastion of sexual/intellectual/social freedom to those whom have had their sexuality reduced to black poisoned husks.

But what the hell do I know? I'm just prey.


Yeah, as a somewhat passing interest. I'm kinda only into it by proxy. And it really depends on which end your on, pred or pray, and even then it isn't 100% because there could be other aspects, it depends on how deep you are into it, or how you initially got introduced ect.

There are really two levels of fetishes. The first is what you see when you go on a porn board and ask, and get links to f-list profiles with the thousand entry kink list. That's generally brought on via porn, ERP, and/or just the imagination when you fantasize about sexy things. When your desire burns out so do these. When you go cold turkey on the sexual these are the branches that get pruned if you starve your desires long enough.

Then there's THE fetish. When you get people who have clearly thought about their interest and their fascination with it. I'd say its less of the fact vore is a last bastion, as much as it is YOUR last bastion. It's not even buried with the roots, it's a root in itself.

Mine is transformation, and honestly I dunno if I could explain it.


>When you go cold turkey on the sexual these are the branches that get pruned if you starve your desires long enough.


>I'd say its less of the fact vore is a last bastion, as much as it is YOUR last bastion. It's not even buried with the roots, it's a root in itself.

An interesting point though not entirely sure what you mean it being a root. Meaning to imply I am missing some deeper causality in my fascination with it? Or that the 'root' is something that transcends the full extend of my understanding?

It seems to me to be a desire of a certain state of ego, but I am open to further interpretation.


I'm just saying that it's very, VERY deep seated.


>[…]And it really depends on which end your on, pred or pray, and even then it isn't 100% because there could be other aspects, it depends on how deep you are into it, or how you initially got introduced ect.
You're right about that, lol. It's basically different for everyone. By proxy, you mean it's a thing that goes along with another fetish? And, how did you first get into it?


>This is the start of a dream journal. This should help tremendously :)
Thank you. I will try it, although I have never believed it could work. But if you say so…
also: what do you think about these: >>28140
Which of them do you like most?


>Which of them do you like most?
Hard to pick, lol! The first sounds amazing, assuming prey-boy is unwilling :p Especially if you're squirming around in my hand, trying with all your might to get away, as I put you in. Then, you know, feeling you kick and scream inside me. ;)

The second works willing or unwilling for me. Hm, either way, you'd end up willingly handing yourself over for it if I break you down enough, right?
>But if you say so…
It is! It may take a bit, but all it takes is determination and awareness. There are whole forums dedicated to it. Look up Dream Views, they have a pretty good bit of knowledge on it.


>assuming prey-boy is unwilling
that might be a problem…
>Especially if you're squirming around in my hand
being hand-held is also quite a nice thing now as I think about it
>feeling you kick
well, I think you wouldn't feel much especially after shrinking me more into nothingness
>and scream inside me
I would more like worship you than scream.
>you'd end up willingly handing yourself over for it if I break you down enough, right?
unfortunately you are right…
>It is! It may take a bit, but all it takes is determination and awareness. There are whole forums dedicated to it. Look up Dream Views, they have a pretty good bit of knowledge on it.
Thanks, I will check it. Hope it works.



>that might be a problem…
lol, true
>well, I think you wouldn't feel much especially after shrinking me more into nothingness
>I would more like worship you than scream.
I could always keep you from shrinking to much to fast. I'd put you to work before absorbing you, lol! You said you'd want to serve me, right? ;)


>I could always keep you from shrinking to much to fast.
Well, technically speaking, I would belong to You, so You could do whatever You like with Your own property.
>I'd put you to work before absorbing you, lol!
It might be though, but I wouldn't call it work. More like pleasure, both from fulfilling my fetish, and being able to satisfy You (which would also make me happy). Quite rewarding.
>You said you'd want to serve me, right? ;)
MS = Mississippi? Just about 5300 miles away from where I live :)

As for the thread's main topic - the spiritual context of this fetish:
Why would you like to absorb somebody's soul?
Energy? Domination? Something else? Isn't it wrong/demonic?
Maybe I can find my motives for this fetish by understanding yours.


>You could do whatever You like with Your own property.
Very true.
>MS = Mississippi?
Yep! Mississippi. It's not nearly as bad as people say lol.
>Why would you like to absorb somebody's soul?
That's a hard one, lol. Energy and domination, like you said, I think. I haven't really thought about the why much. Um, it's like, permanently claiming a person, you know? Just imagine what kind of a pure, blissful feeling that would be!
>Isn't it wrong/demonic?
It depends on a person's morals imo. I mean, I'm sure most people wouldn't want their spirit/soul eaten.
And, this is where the whole "not being the original in the body" thing I mentioned comes from. It either happened before birth, or when "I" died as an infant. From what Lilith haas shown me, the later seems to be the case. But, there was a chain of them that led to my birth certificate a while ago as well. The time of birth, to be exact.
Like, what would have happened to the original? Does that mean I already ate someone's spirit? I don't know lol.


>This seems to belong to a wider group of Annihilation fetishes.
I'm of this opinion; the fundamental desire to dissolve the boundaries imposed by the ego may be manifested within the ego as a subversion of desire, such that negative consequences for the ego such as destruction are subverted into being considered no less desirable in an emotional sense than otherwise traditionally desired outcomes. The interplay of sadism and masochism is an uplifting one so long as it is understood to be such, and not simply caved into as an apparently random whim of the ego which has stumbled into strange territory.

It is of course hardly the only way to go about subverting the most destructive impulses of the ego–that is, to recede its boundaries into itself until one is totally separate from one's surroundings and choked to death–but it is a possible route if you are capable of going into it with understanding rather than just jacking it to giant people eating you.


>permanently claiming a person, you know? Just imagine what kind of a pure, blissful feeling that would be!
I can imagine that. And I absolutely agree that can be a pure and very spiritual act in itself.
Also seems fine from my perspective: being claimed in such way, permanently, and submitting myself to You forever…
And strangely I see no difference here in absorbing someone or being absorbed - like both create some form of oneness or unity, that, if pure, seems beneficial and almost equal for both sides. It may sound strange, especially considering my clearly defined side of this fetish, but that is how I feel it.
>"not being the original in the body" […] or when "I" died as an infant
Now that you say this, I remember noticing something similar long time ago. I didn't think about this for a while until now.
I remember my childhood well, but it seems very distant to me. Like, I remember facts and events, but absolutely no feelings related to them. As if I were a totally different person then, and all the events that happened 'before' are just video recordings, not real memories.
And there is a certain moment that starts the series of very vivid current memories I have about 'my' life.
Is it possible that one could claim human body while not really belong in here? (Although you seem to like it and want more :) And I, contrary, might subconsciously feel bad about it and expect a form of spiritual punishment.)
If so, for what purpose? Are all humans like this, or just some?


>going into it with understanding rather than just jacking it to giant people eating you.
I'm sure there is more than this simple and earthly manifestation of this fetish.
It must have some cause much deeper, in the spirituality and the very soul.
Because to you it may look degenerated and dirty, but I find it a very pure feeling.


>like both create some form of oneness or unity, that, if pure, seems beneficial and almost equal for both sides
I can definitely see that. In your opinion, at what point would eating someone's soul become impure? And, how exactly do you think it's equal?
> It may sound strange
A bit lol. But everyone has a different outlook on everything.
And, I like how you always capitalize "you" <3
>Now that you say this […] And there is a certain moment that starts the series of very vivid current memories I have about 'my' life.
Interesting. What kind of moment was it?
>Is it possible that one could claim human body while not really belong in here?
I don't know really, lol! I'm still learning all this. If so, I don't know what the fuck "I" am. (Maybe a child of Lilith)
Lol, yea! Would that mean you ate someone's spirit?
>If so, for what purpose? Are all humans like this, or just some?
I have no idea. Kind of interesting to think about though, right?


>In your opinion, at what point would eating someone's soul become impure?
What I meant is the absorption of me with pure intentions. Not to hurt me, or be needlessly cruel. Rather to spiritually dominate me, use me, accept my sacrifice, understand my place as a 'soul-slave' with some kind of respect (like it is a natural symbiosis, and not a degenerated cruelty).
>And, how exactly do you think it's equal?
I see the equality in mutual acceptance of each other roles. Like it is ok for You to be a predator and ok for me to be Your pray. And we both seem to spiritually profit from this.
Of course being absorbed would make me far from equal to You, but I think it would not be an end, just a beginning of a different and new existence within Your consciousness. Very insignificant, yet also part of an infinite You.
As >>28149 said here, this is begging to be subjected to someone's (Yours) hell, as You would have absolute control over me, but if I could do it with trust in You, that would be absolutely pure.
>And, I like how you always capitalize "you" <3
Well, this fetish is part of my identity. And since You have already triggered it and broken me a bit, I find it natural to obediently show You my respect and submission. It's the least I can do to serve You now. I'm glad You do not mind it (and even like it).
>Interesting. What kind of moment was it?
It was sometime in the beginning of the high school. Can't remember the particular day, but I'm sure it was sudden.
I remember not being a nice person before. I had always been seen as a very polite person, but I secretly tended to be malicious, to annoy people, make stupid pranks on them, tease weaker children, even almost hate some of them (can't really remember that feeling itself, but I remember it was wrong).
And then suddenly I become totally different person. I even noticed I could not understand why 'I' could have behaved the way I remembered.
Everything changed, I become much more spiritual. I started somewhat meditating on many things I didn't even noticed earlier.
People around could easily notice this as well. Parents, friends.
I remember never getting along with my cousin and totally not standing his company, and suddenly we become very close friends and soul mates, and I could understand him easily (he is also quite a spiritual person)
I was never listening to music before, and suddenly I started to listen to very selected few metal bands. Almost like I already knew which albums to listen to.
I also remember always having a very short hair and could not stand having them even a bit too long - and since that moment I started growing long hair, and I found it absolutely natural for me to have them like that (and still do).
I currently can easily identify myself with the second 'me' (since that moment until now), but absolutely not with the previous 'me'. It seems like an entirely different person, who I only share memories with.
>Would that mean you ate someone's spirit?
It feels more like I replaced it.
Maybe something was wrong with the previous 'me' and I got replaced?
>Kind of interesting to think about though, right?
Well, this is very interesting topic: 'who are the other people?'
Am I the only real person here, and all others are bots?
Are there only some real people, and others are bots?
Is there only one soul in the entire world, but in different incarnations (like, different versions of yourself)?
Maybe there are several souls divided into groups of people (most obvious: men and women)?
Or maybe it's an entirely different case.
Interesting, but also very futile. Because we will probably never know.
And quite an off-topic here.


>Rather to spiritually dominate me, use me, accept my sacrifice
I'd accept that! Though, I do tend to lean towards the sadistic side of things. But, I would keep it tame for someone so willing <3
>Like it is ok for You to be a predator and ok for me to be Your pray. […] but if I could do it with trust in You, that would be absolutely pure.
I see what you're saying. And, you're right about not being equal. Though, your place is being a part of me. That is quite important in its own way, no?
>And since You have already triggered it and broken me a bit, I find it natural to obediently show You my respect and submission.
Good boy <3

>[…high school part…]

Interesting. Maybe you came to some kind of realization? Perhaps you found your true self with that realization. Shit, I don't know lol. I'm not you.
>It feels more like I replaced it.
It sounds like you were modified in someway, maybe. You are your spirit, you know? Possession could be a possibility (don't quote me on that though.) What would happen to a spirit if it was replaced/kicked out? Would it be stuck in the astral?
>topic: 'who are the other people
Good point. It's all objectively unprovable.


>Though, I do tend to lean towards the sadistic side of things.
If You do, than this:
>But, I would keep it tame for someone so willing <3
would probably not work well… Because eventually I would ask You not to hold yourself back and I'd accept Your hell - just to make You feel fulfilled and happy.
>Though, your place is being a part of me. That is quite important in its own way, no?
To You it may seem like a degradation and becoming insignificant, but I see it as a distinction and would be honored to become a part of You.
From my perspective You would become literally everything that exists, so being part of such a powerful entity would truly be a blissful experience.
>Maybe you came to some kind of realization? Perhaps you found your true self with that realization.
Maybe this was the case, although it was quite a big change in me. Such enlightenment would more likely make me think that I should change, rather than just become a different person at once and find it natural to do so.
Unfortunately I do not know much on this topic, so it is quite pointless for me trying to answer this. Maybe one day I would understand. So it may not be related to Your case at all, and it is even more pointless for me to try to investigate this.
I must say for some strange reason during the several last days I remembered all my dreams when I woke up. Unfortunately I didn't wrote it down yet, so I almost do not remember them now :/ (And, yes, I know not starting the dream journal although I promised to asks for a punishment.)


holy shit just exchange skypes and get off with each other already


>would probably not work well… Because eventually I would ask You not to hold yourself back and I'd accept Your hell - just to make You feel fulfilled and happy.
And, I would accept the gesture. I would hold back as a show of kindness and respect. Why would my prey be so ungrateful?
Though we should tone the rp down like >>31015 said lol.

>and it is even more pointless for me to try to investigate this.

I wouldn't says its pointless. It just takes introspection. Or, Maybe research on the soul or something as well


Fuck off faggot, you're ruining the drama, I want to see these two lulcows keep going at it.


>implying it's any worse than the rest of this board.


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>I could always keep you from shrinking to much to fast.


>And, I would accept the gesture. I would hold back as a show of kindness and respect.
Thank You, Goddess.
But I think I would feel bad about You holding back just because of me.
My desire would be to make You feel happy and fulfilled, and this might not happen if You were to hold back.
Your enjoyment would be much more important than my apprehensions or even me myself.
>Why would my prey be so ungrateful?
I would not dare to be ungrateful in any way. See above.
>Though we should tone the rp down
I don't think this is a role play. This is exactly how I feel and there is no playing.
Although I'm sorry if You do not like it or find it improper. In such case I will not continue.
Thank You for Your sincere posts and especially for the tips on dream journal and introspection.
I would just like to know Your name. My name is Peter.

>Fuck off faggot, you're ruining the drama, I want to see these two lulcows keep going at it.
Sorry, I'm not writing this for you to enjoy.
It is posted only to give you a picture of my feelings.
And if anyone is to enjoy it, it's only Her.


My names Vera <3

Thanks for the chat. I'm glad I was able to help!
I was needing to mention the things happening with Lilith somewhere, lol. Thought it would be fun to mention it here.


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this thread


Autists shitposting their fetish and calling it spiritual


> Autists
do you throw this shit at everyone who says something you do not understand?
> shitposting
it looks more like you are the one who is actually shitposting in this thread
> calling it spiritual
from what I have read so far it seems to be very spiritual
please continue
I'm now intrigued and I want to fully understand how you feel about your fetish
and most importantly: why? what makes you desire to absorb him/be absorbed by her so much?


Retarded degenerate hiding behind faux worth. Please, then, explain to me why this isn't anything more than a base fetish? The whole thread is nothing more than retard enabling.

>Wanting to be absorbed by someone on a material level

Explain it to me you won't



> >Wanting to be absorbed by someone on a material level

> >Spiritual
> Explain it to me

I think you stopped 'reading' at OP's picture

they clearly say it's about absorbing his soul/spirit and becoming a new spiritual entity within her or becoming spiritually one
and she also says to be guided by Lilith in this (am I getting this right?)

plus, apart from what they say, the demonic origin of this fetish is also worth considering
no matter how improbable this may sound, she might be an incarnation of a succubus, demon or similar energy-harvesting entity
and he might have already been possessed by another one that gradually created this fetish in him to use it as a powerful energy source


faggot jealous about other people's rich sexuality while being a 30yo+ wizard himself


>calling others autistic while legitimately using "degenerate."
Totally Pot calling the kettle black. How's virginity?
(am I getting this right?)


Can someone, for the sake of further discussion, sum up what was said so far and what are the remaining questions?
Also it would be nice to hear some more independent opinions on the spiritual aspect on this fetish (based on what was said about it).


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>tfw you will never be shrunken down and placed under girl's foot
>tfw you will never experience the feelings described in this thread
>tfw this world limits your soul ;_;


It must be horrible to have a desire that is never possible to obtain


I have confidence I can personally attain it. I already went to a realm of giants in the astral before upon first seeing this guy shitposting about this.

He can too especially if his desire is strong enough. He just needs concentration and a couple other skills…

I'd recommend OP reads the standard suggested books + Psychomancy.


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I want those two anons, Vera and Peter, to continue.
this is the best thing I have read in (at least) several months.
not sure why but I find it beautiful and heart-warming.
like some kind of a fucking paranormal love story.
it is interesting, informative and simply great. and it is OC.
somebody screencap this thread for the future generations.
so if you two don't mind, please continue.


I don't know if there's much else to say. At least not from my point. It's cool that you enjoyed it <3 I didn't see that coming!
What are your views on everything? I'm interested to hear other people's views on the spiritual aspect of it.
And, I was hoping someone would have some info on what I've been experiencing. (I'm Vera)


Peter here.

I'm not sure what you expect.
More facts and feelings on our fetish?
More 'role play'? (only if Vera agrees to this)

BTW: Nice picture! I would love Vera to hold me like that :) Or keep even smaller me between Her fingertips, applying enough force for me to feel Her absolute domination with my entire body and beg Her for mercy, but not enough to crush me. And, well, actually not crushing me would be a perfect reason for me to thank and worship Her for being so generous towards me. She might probably do this just for fun or to kill some time when She is bored. I'd still be happy to be useful for Her…
So, is this spiritual? May not seem so, but I really think pure sadism/masochism on the very level of consciousness and soul is free of degeneration and very spiritual. It's like a clear and honest desire to become one with somebody else's soul (for us: not 'quite' on equal terms, but anyway).

After starting the dream journal few days ago I begin to remember almost every dream I have when I wake up. Worked like a charm. So I would like to thank You :)
It's not very useful yet, but I will try to use the dreams to better understand myself.
And this might be a good start into Lucid Dreaming that always interested me but I never had any successes. It would be great to be able to 'talk' to my subconsciousness within a dream, ask questions and receive some meaningful answers.
Could You share any own tips on Lucid Dreaming (apart from the standard guidelines that can be found on the Internet)? Thanks!

>And, I was hoping someone would have some info on what I've been experiencing. [Lilith case: >>30264 >>30684 >>30865]

Also bumping for answers, clues and discussion on Vera's question.


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I feel significantly better about my dumb fetish.

>Preggo, belly expansion, soft vore, feederism (fat bitches are ugly though)

But I still don't want to indulge in them because they are so unrealistic and unhealthy.

>I definitely have a connection to Lilith in someway, but I don't know how yet

Same I get these intense lust filled dreams revolving around what seems like being a snake copulating with other snakes in a big dark pit. Or meeting these female entities that are very sexual in nature. (can't disclose more I'm still working on gaining full consciousness in dream to remember all of the details)

I guess my fantasy is about being an apex predator; stalking and consuming lower life forms to the point of gluttony or capturing them and feeding them to a queen like figure that would make me my sons and they would spread out and do the same.


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Pic related about sums up what want to do with you <3
Until I absorb you, that is.
>Could You share any own tips on Lucid Dreaming
Sure! Basically, intent is one of the most important parts. If you actually think you can't LD, then you won't. One thing I like to do, at night, is to "write out" something about me achieving a LD in my head. I visualize a mantra like "I will lucid dream tonight" or "I will reach awareness in a dream tonight" being written in the back of my head.
And, for the WILD version, at least for me, I lay in a position where my arms are in uncomfortable positions. I've tried sigiling the intent to become lucid. I sleep the sigils under my pillow after a little meditation.
And, keeping a list of goals is also a good thing IMO. It gives a nice sense of accomplishment when you get to mark off each goal. And, that helps with the intent. I don't know if any of that is mentioned in the guides.
>So I would like to thank You :)
No problem <3
I'd like to hear more when your dream memories get better.
Whats that pic of, btw?


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>Pic related about sums up what want to do with you <3
To be looking into Your eyes while You put me in there… priceless.
I would probably meet my end fast, but I would do everything I could to stimulate and please You while I'm in there - well, which is pretty much what You'd expect from Your personal slave and toy, isn't it?

>Until I absorb you, that is.

My pleasure. To surrender to this and become one with You, unconditionally, on Your terms, and forever… I simply cannot imagine a better end.
I hope that, besides the sadistic pleasure and energy absorbed from me, You would also enjoy the awareness that You are making me feel happy and fulfilled as well.

Also this picture >>31949 is awesome. Makes me feel so powerless, absolutely at Your mercy, and urged to automatically become totally obedient. This size is exactly how I see myself when compared to You.
How do You feel about it from your perspective?


>I would probably meet my end fast
Don't worry, I'd keep you alive till I've thoroughly enjoyed you.
>which is pretty much what You'd expect from Your personal slave and toy, isn't it?
You definitely know your place!
>I simply cannot imagine a better end.
Of course you can't. Why would anyone want to go any other way?
>You would also enjoy the awareness that You are making me feel happy and fulfilled as well.
Don't worry, I acknowledge this. Your sacrifice will bring me great joy!
>How do You feel about it from your perspective?
I wouldn't be able to feel you in me. I'd save that for after I've had my fun. Id expect you to be totally obedient to me no mater what your size.


>>I would probably meet my end fast
>Don't worry, I'd keep you alive till I've thoroughly enjoyed you.
Thinking only about Yourself… Just as expected from a Goddess playing with Her mere toy.
>Why would anyone want to go any other way?
No idea. Maybe You could tell me, because I would never understand people with no giantess/shrinking fetish :)
>Id expect you to be totally obedient to me no mater what your size.
By looking at Your attitude, I suppose it would probably take You only a few seconds to break me into total obedience.
Also You already know my weakest points.
I guess I cannot ever reveal that much of my fetish to a girl in RL unless I could trust her completely. Otherwise it will be a one way ticket into slavery and abuse for me.


Doesn't wanting your dick shrunken makes you a cuckold?



>However, a failure to initiate the mental split necessary to move past this stage usually leads to effeminacy and asexuality in males

interesting. i was born late and have a far lower sex drive than most dudes i know, but i'm not effeminate.


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i like the idea of playing with a giantess. i wouldn't want her eating me, shitting me out, stomping on me, walking among her public hairs… i suppose i don't want to be dominated per se. i just want the goddess to…overwhelm me. crawling on a giantess and sucking/groping/fucking various parts of her would turn me on maybe more than her.

too bad most of the fetish images for this are shitty.


>Thinking only about Yourself… Just as expected from a Goddess
I don't ONLY think about myself.
>Maybe You could tell me
I wasn't just thinking the shrinking part. More along the becoming part of me part.
>I guess I cannot ever reveal that much of my fetish to a girl in RL unless I could trust her completely
True. But, wouldn't slavery make you happy?
More importantly, will you worship me forever?


Silly mundanes and their absurd fetishes.


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>I don't ONLY think about myself.

>>till I've thoroughly enjoyed you.
(Please, don't punish me too severely for daring to question what You say)
You tell me not to worry about *my* end, because *You* would enjoy me long enough for Yourself…
The only way this is not thinking only about Yourself is that You know my desire to serve You with my life, and by doing this You allow me to fulfil it.
Not that I mind it. I would be happy if I could cause You to forget about everything (including me struggling for my life inside Your vagina) and just enjoy Yourself. After all that is my very purpose as Your toy…

>I wasn't just thinking the shrinking part. More along the becoming part of me part.

Sorry I omitted this part in my comment, of course I meant this as well.
And seriously: being able to choose the way to go, without pain, fulfilling one's dreams, going in ecstasy, etc…. it's pretty tempting even without the whole fetish thing.

>But, wouldn't slavery make you happy?

Back-to-reality answer:
I can trust You because You cannot abuse Your position over the Internet, so what You say is most likely honest and true.
But that could not be the case in RL. A girl could just want to cheat me and use my fetish against me. While I totally accept my role as a slave, I also expect some kind of positive feelings towards me. I would like to be Your most precious toy, not just rubbish.
I really believe such sadistic practices can be a result of an unequal form of spiritual love and a true and pure desire.
Unfortunately if someone learns about my weak points in RL, this may be easily abused for shameful materialistic motives. For such reasons humanity makes me sick, as I've said before. Humans just cannot be pure and follow their hearts. They always must be greedy and try to abuse other people's trust for their own gain. Sad reality.

>More importantly, will you worship me forever?

I think 'forever' would not mean long for me since You'd absorb me pretty soon, wouldn't You :)
Or would You let me live within Yourself in some form? Could Your consciousness become a new infinite universe for me to live in (and worship You)? Possibly forever…
Short answer: of course I would. How could I ever stop worshipping my Goddess?

Also: I attach a sacrifice for You in form of a picture showing what You'd probably like to do with me.


>not understanding anything
>calling other people silly


Tell me, Peter, why should having any sexual fetish at all be a good thing?


What am I supposed to "understand" and what "understanding" that I am to have is supposed to make me not regard fetishes as silly?

I am completely transcended beyond any trappings of sexuality and when I read your first posts about giants it was no problem for me to go and immediately visit a giantess in the astral just for keks and describe the whole thing for you.

All the stuff you desire, I can easily attain for myself; it is a trivial matter and a distraction.


That fetish and sexuality have an emotional root. The deeper you ask the questions the deeper you delve into the individual experience. Sex magic exists right? Would this not just be the far end of the pendulum swing for sexuality/reproduction? (or a different point on the spiral?)

Could it be viewed as a trend towards metamorphosis? Another branch of reincarnation? Becoming energy itself? Looking at the constant change and motion of any energetic force, it's just another point within all possibilities.



I don't say it is good. But for me this is a pure and vivid desire, which has it's roots in something spiritual. So it may actually be good. But I need to understand it first.
Also: read below.


>it is a trivial matter and a distraction.

It's a manifestation, not a distraction.
Obviously giantesses, submission, slavery and whole this fetish, they are just a primitive human layer. But it is put over something spiritual that I would like to understand.

And you cannot understand my feelings about it. You may even visit astral giantesses world (leave alone if you did) and simply do not see it.
Like a child visiting a WW2 museum and being bored, while a veteran would have tears in his eyes. You may even like a plane or two, but you still would not get it.

It's not about the sexual act itself, but about the underlying desire to become one with someone and be absorbed (or the other way around for Vera). I can feel this even without actually fulfilling my fetish (which is obviously not possible in this reality).
So how, by just travelling to the world where it is possible, do you suppose to understand my desire without actually having this fetish?

And that desire of having your soul absorbed or absorbing someone else's soul is what thread is all about.
Can you comment anything on this? It's origins, reasons?


You seem to get it.
And what you say is very interesting. Could you say something more about your hypothesis?



>Another branch of reincarnation?

This is interesting. Actually after being absorbed I would not reincarnate in this reality any more.
As I said earlier >>32285 I would enjoy living in Vera's universe created by Her consciousness. Which would mean Her being everything that exists for me and technically becoming my god.
Could this be actually be a different branch of reincarnation?
However this seems to forever becoming a lower form of spiritual being, submitted to a spiritual being (Vera) that was reincarnated before on my level (human). This doesn't seem like a progression in self development.
On the other hand, it may be a desire to serve others in allowing them to understand themselves. Becoming a slave to Vera's consciousness and allowing Her to experience spiritually owning me, until She understands Her own spirituality and moves on. I wouldn't mind this :)

>Becoming energy itself?

I guess you always have some kind of body if you reincarnate. So that would mean no reincarnation at all.
If I become energy itself, I would be just used by Vera. But maybe this is exactly what is energy's purpose and fulfilment?

>Would this not just be the far end of the pendulum swing for sexuality/reproduction? (or a different point on the spiral?)

Please write something more about this. Are there also any readings on this?

>Could it be viewed as a trend towards metamorphosis?

I cannot imagine this for my fetish. So either this is not my fetish, or, if you could describe it more, maybe I could see the picture.


I am unaware of any writings on this, but take the time to talk with other people. You will find those who have delved deeply enough into their fetish to find it is more then just a means of excitment. There is a driving emotional force behind it, and it is different for everyone. In example, a fatal vore fetishist may find it preferable to live in an imaginary world where death is an overwhelming part of the order (some sort of hyperactive death/rebirth cycle) This may be the case due to any number of experiences, these could be anything from past life karma, psycho-social devlopment, psycho-sexual development, and so on. Neckbeard A could like being prey due to abandonment issues and finds it better to be desired as a food source (and the preamble of sexual foreplay) to being left alone. Neckbeard B could use it as a imaginary model that parodies reality in a political/social sense, he uses it to reconsile his level of poverty and feelings of inadiquacy and feel better by either submitting to it or overcoming it.

Sorry I do not have time to post more thoughts. My battery is almost dead so I will cut this short for now, come back with more later. Try delving into your own emotional need for it and see what comes up.


If it's just your sex drive and not target of sexua attraction that's different from your peers, it probably isn't related to a failure to split yourself psychologically from your mother. Anyway, good on you for not focusing too much on flesh pleasure.

Vera x Peter is the ultimate OTP, btw.


I DID bring some of your own wishes into mind. I agreed to hold back a little on you. Are you not grateful for the fact that I don't think of you as trash?
>I can trust You because You cannot abuse Your position over the Internet,
You still wouldn't trust me to keep my word :(

I can't really say much about you not trusting people. I don't trust anyone, as a rule of life. Just don't miss out on enjoyment in life because of it. What can I say, I can't live without people!
Remember, you have to let people use your weaknesses.
>Short answer: of course I would. How could I ever stop worshipping my Goddess?
Then I will be your gracious goddess. Will you think of me during your daily life? Will you pray to me and my name and imagery? Human/succubus/ what ever I am, I have big plans. I would love the help <3
>Could Your consciousness become a new infinite universe for me to live in
Not going to happen <3 oh, thx for the pic, btw.

>I am completely transcended beyond any trappings of sexuality
This is only relevant to the individual.
You summed it up quite nicely, IMO. I'm still looking into my aspect of it. Maybe there's a sense of familiarity to it? I should probably say that I'm more into straight up cannibalism/blood/vore when it comes to pure arousal. I've been interested in that since I was a small child. (I've never done it irl, don't worry) perhaps it's just a domination thing.
(I love being able to talk about this!)


The point of this thread being?


To make you wag you cock around in hopes we are hungry.


Furthering the idea of it being a stage of evolution, if we hold the idea that a lifeform/consciousness/soul continues, you would still be a part of Vera. Like any thought that exists within reality, after being absorbed, you would become what she puts into you or does with you. Being consumed as energy for her work depends on what work she intends on doing and if that coensides with your morals. Weither it is a magic of creation or destruction, even as a form of energy it would stand to reason that you carry the karma of the intent of your use. If you find it disagreeable, then you walk away (hopefully) with knowledge. If you find the intent of your use agreeable spiritually/morally, then you have gone up the emotional spiral/evolved to a higher form.

Please bare in mind, I am not a trained professional in behavorial studies. If you are feeling suicidal please seek professional assistance. These thoughts are my own on an esoteric topic. I do not condone any form cannibalism, vore, violence, or sexual abuse.


>Vera x Peter is the ultimate OTP, btw.
>implying Vera is a girl
>implying Vera is not just a roleplaying guy
>implying there are girls on the Interwebs
>implying there are girls on such boards like this


>That fetish and sexuality have an emotional root

No shit. Master emotional alchemy and thought control and pull out this problem by its root.

>Could it be viewed as a trend towards metamorphosis? Another branch of reincarnation? Becoming energy itself? Looking at the constant change and motion of any energetic force, it's just another point within all possibilities.

It can be viewed as degenerates make up excuses to engage in lust.

You're pathetic.

>It's not about the sexual act itself, but about the underlying desire to become one with someone and be absorbed (or the other way around for Vera).

You can do that without this stupid fetish though. Just do step 5 of IIH together.

>which is obviously not possible in this reality

Why not? If it can be imagined, it is possible.

>So how, by just travelling to the world where it is possible, do you suppose to understand my desire without actually having this fetish?

…because I understand desire in itself?

>And that desire of having your soul absorbed or absorbing someone else's soul is what thread is all about.

No it's two degenerates making up mystical excuses to cyber each other while justifying it by what you've just said.

>Can you comment anything on this? It's origins, reasons?

Do you even yoga?

You know I can tap into your mind and feel your thoughts and shit and be you for awhile right? In so doing I get all the insight I need about your silly fetish.

Everything you want to do I can do.

>I do not condone any form cannibalism, vore, violence, or sexual abuse.

I condone cannibalism and violence. I don't know what vore is and I don't like sexual abuse.



>I DID bring some of your own wishes into mind. I agreed to hold back a little on you.

>Are you not grateful for the fact that I don't think of you as trash?
I'm absolutely grateful and honored by You thinking of me as well.
In fact your generosity makes me feel even smaller and weaker before You.
But I just don't mind having it Your way anymore. Whatever makes You happy.
>You still wouldn't trust me to keep my word :(
I would. In fact I can trust You because Internet does not give You a chance to abuse my trust, so You are honest in what You say.
And I would accept anything You would like to do to me.
If You would keep Your word I would be honored and worship You with love.
If not, then it would be a powerful act of domination and would trigger more submission in me making me worship You with fear.
It's up to You to decide how do You want me.

>I don't trust anyone, as a rule of life.

I think it is a great rule. Too bad I often catch myself not following it…
>Remember, you have to let people use your weaknesses.
In fact I do exactly the opposite. I try to be seen as perfect as I can, so that nobody can find even a scratch in me to use it against me.
I guess it may be hurting me in a long run, but I cannot live/work any other way. It's just how I am.

>Then I will be your gracious goddess.

Thank You, Goddess. My pleasure :)
>Will you think of me during your daily life?
Well, I already do this for many days now visiting this thread.
I surely won't forget You :) Too bad I have never met a girl like You in RL. And probably never will.
Also: see below.
>Will you pray to me and my name and imagery?
I would be happy to make some form of sacrifices or rituals to worship You :)
But I pretty much abandoned prayer long ago. Not that I do not believe in God. In fact I know the Creator exists, but all religions are most likely wrong about Him and make a ridiculous portrait of Him. Still I think prayer is reserved for God only, and I don't want to act against it.
>Human/succubus/ what ever I am, I have big plans. I would love the help <3
What are Your plans, if I may ask?
And how can I help/serve You?

>>Could Your consciousness become a new infinite universe for me to live in

>Not going to happen <3
So You want to fully absorb me until I cease to exist and become a part of You?
I would love to be able to worship You forever, but if this is Your desire, I would sacrifice myself for Your pleasure.
Of course I would use my last moments to satisfy You and prove me worthy of becoming a part of You.
Just for my last wish: Please, look into my eyes with absolute domination when putting me inside Your vagina. I want to remember the overwhelming feeling of being Your property and a powerless toy.


>Master emotional alchemy and thought control and pull out this problem by its root.
>do step 5 of IIH together.
>If it can be imagined, it is possible.
Either you know something or you are a full of shit roleplayer.
Please prove this is actually the former and explain these to me.

>No it's two degenerates making up mystical excuses to cyber each other […]

If I would just like to cyber, I wouldn't do it here.
I really would like to know about the spiritual aspect of this fetish, and I feel there is one.
I just try to describe my feelings about this fetish in this thread.

>You know I can tap into your mind and feel your thoughts and shit and be you for awhile right?

Can you now? How? Prove it.


>I'm absolutely grateful and honored by You thinking of me as well.
>In fact I do exactly the opposite.
lol, I was saying you have the power to prevent that. Like, if someone picks up on your weaknesses, it's up to you on how you react.
>ad I have never met a girl like You in RL.
I mean, how many would be open about stuff like this. The only person I've mentioned I've mentioned ANYTHING about the relations to Lilith is my sister. Everything else is secret from everyone.
>I surely won't forget You :)
Thank you :)
> but all religions are most likely wrong about Him and make a ridiculous portrait of Him.
Most likely, They're all right in some way. Just, none of them are creators. The gods that are claimed to be "the creator" are lying/lied about to gain follower. My bet is that "the creator" isn't self aware.
>I would be happy to make some form of sacrifices or rituals to worship You :)
Thank you! That would help me more than you can imagine <3
>What are Your plans, if I may ask?
And how can I help/serve You?
There's a lot to explain. And, I can't tell all of it. Honestly, I'm not sure HOW to say it. I plan on having many more followers, though. You're my first, so you're the most important! <3 Maybe I'll tell you more later?
I will draw up a sigil! A multi part one that will power me and help me reach my goals. Like, it won't be attached to my body, but "me." Things will be more likely to fall into place.
>So You want to fully absorb me until I cease to exist and become a part of You?
Yes. I can't have you in my mental world. Though, I think it would be a while before I'd absorb you. Lucky for you, I guess? :P you'll have plenty of time to worship me.
>Please, look into my eyes with absolute domination when putting me inside Your vagina.
Don't worry, I will.

That's a whole fucking lot of sperg you got there! >>32491
Get him, Pete <3


Smiley is not wrong about emotional alchemy. I am a neophyte, but already starting to get a grasp on it. It is just having control over your emotions to the point where you decide how to feel. Appearantly acheviable in a number of different ways. Vore being a small part of what taught me it, but that itself is rooted in personal experience too deeply to prove as a guide. All I can suggest is read, think, and try to let go. Also, if it is strongly a lustful HABIT, try a no fap/no porn and see how you feel about it after two weeks. If you already go weeks with spilling seed… well I got nothing.

It seems like you reject intimacy in any manner in which it appears, do you feel in good conscience you can back this up past personal dogma?
>It can be viewed as degenerates make up excuses to engage in lust.



>I plan on having many more followers, though.

And probably absorb them too?
Well, I can't be surprised. You deserve to have us all in You, Goddess.

BTW. Would You like to absorb all the humans in the world?

Recently, while meditating on this topic, I had a short vision of some kind of 'soul-stones' that were able to seal souls, one in each of them. They were small, like typical rubies or gems.
My vision was somehow related to Ancient Egypt (I could tell by the clothes and outfits).
I saw a queen or a goddess playing with a dildo studded with dozens of these soul-stones. In a single act of pleasuring herself she was able to absorb tens of souls at once.
It was an awesome feeling seeing how dignified she looked during this, how she sacrificed all these souls for her pleasure. I felt really small and powerless compared to her…
What do you think of my vision?
Would You like to have such tool?
I think a Goddess like You deserves it. And You probably already know I would willingly be sealed in one of these gems placed there just for Your pleasure.

>Maybe I'll tell you more later?

I would love to know more so I can surrender to Your plan and follow it for You.


>having to do anything to feel a certain way
>not just having so much control over your consciousness and your bodily processes you can by a simple act of the will produce and release whatever feelings you want into the body

I guess many a man is not yet ready to be moved by internal motives alone and lives to serve his habits.


>Well, I can't be surprised. You deserve to have us all in You, Goddess.
Thank you <3
>BTW. Would You like to absorb all the humans in the world?
I never thought to do that. But, if I absorbed everyone there wouldn't be much need for my plan, you know? You would like that, wouldn't you :)
>What do you think of my vision?
>Would You like to have such tool?
Hm, that flashy dildo sounds like something I would own. (If I had the money lol)
It sounds like you're eager to please! And yes, I would use stones like that. Assuming I could get my hands on something like that. Where the souls aware of being trapped in the stones? I can imagine that it must be quite humiliating for them to go in that way. I would have to think of something special to do with you in a stone. Id make sure it's extra degrading if I have to have you in a stone. ;)
>I would love to know more so I can surrender to Your plan and follow it for You.
I may be your goddess, but I definitely don't have godhood. I won't lie about that. I've actually only recently learned what I am recently.
But, I plan on growing spiritually. With the help of a cult built around worshiping/empowering me. I will also build a paradise where my followers will be taken to. I do intend to absorb those I deem unworthy/are sent there against their will. Or, like you who want it <3

I also need the means to set this up and run everything. So, I plan on picking the right followers to manage businesses (that I own) to help fund it. This will eventually lead to economic domination if I play my cards right. this isn't going to start me off though.

There's much more to it than that, but, you're place is worshipping me till I absorb you. You don't need to know much more, right? Do you need my sigil?

You should be happy! You are my first, and most precious <3


File: 1429063151648.jpg (30.51 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1358485340564.jpg)

Degenerate filth.


Love you to <3


question for the goddess vera, would you purposely make life miserable for some people so that their only option of finding happiness is to be absorbed/dominated by you.


>imagine a really sexy god swallowing the entire Earth like a pill.



>Where the souls aware of being trapped in the stones?

From what I remember, yes. At least I felt it that way. But they were absolutely helpless and obviously couldn't do anything about it.

>I would have to think of something special to do with you in a stone.

>Id make sure it's extra degrading if I have to have you in a stone. ;)
It would be an honor to me to be singled out like that by You.
Being 'extra degraded' by You would be quite rewarding for me, You know? :)
I would love to be degraded to the point when You are infinitely greater spiritually than me, and can just contain and absorb my spirit with ease.
And just before I disappear in You, I would like to see that sparkle in Your eye and a grin of absolute dominance in Your face. It would be a perfect way to go…

>you're place is worshipping me till I absorb you.

I know my place, Goddess.

BTW. How do You imagine a perfect day of me worshiping You?
What would You demand me to do and what would You like to do to me?
Also, when would You plan to absorb me, and how?

>Do you need my sigil?

Yes, Goddess. It would be a good way of worshiping You.


You are pathetic and I ought to exterminate you myself.


File: 1429123129408.jpg (Spoiler Image, 224.33 KB, 1030x1168, 515:584, image.jpg)

>From what I remember, yes
That makes it all the better!
>Being 'extra degraded' by You would be quite rewarding for me, You know? :)
I know.
>I would like to see that sparkle in Your eye and a grin of absolute dominance in Your face.
Looking up at me like that will be the last thing you remember.
>BTW. How do You imagine a perfect day of me worshiping You?
Id have you groveling at my feet while I sit on my throne above you. Id have you tell me how grateful you are of me. Hm, Id make sure to put you in all my nastiest places. You're my little toy, right? I'm sure you'd know what to do.
I haven't decided when I would absorb you. But, it will be when you're original use has run out. Hmm, you can go anyway you want to go, since you've been so willing and will be of so much use <3

>Yes, Goddess. It would be a good way of worshiping You.

Good! Here it is! Focus on this during your day, meditate on it, mastarbate to it, draw it in public places, etc. show your love for me <3

It would depend on the person and what that person might have done. (Most of the time)
I have principals, you know?



Fuck all day I've had some intense boners for no apparent reason and have been feeling extremely aroused and I come into this thread and finally my dick calms down and shrinks in fear and disgust at what is being discussed in here.


So it was just one person trolling?


File: 1429134534475.jpg (147.15 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, image.jpg)

Nope. He's a troll.


Your screencap is fake.

All the posts appear to be from one guy using a VPN. Each post is from a unique IP. The probability that it is a samefag is very high.



Archived in case OP deletes his thread in shame.


File: 1429147072830.jpg (13.43 KB, 233x336, 233:336, autism.jpg)

>this fucking thread


not sure why I answer to this bait and why I care at all
Vera and I know who was posting, nothing else matters
no more fake than your ID :)
check again and learn 2 reverse IP lookup
protip: network pools
you will see that all my IPs are dynamic and come from a single, very popular ISP
and Vera's IP must be unique if she claims to be from MS


To help you out with that >>33248 use this tool: https://who.is/
I'm waiting for your confirmation of my words
and your apology to Vera for calling her screencap fake.


Ok, I admit it, she isn't real. SHE ISN'T REAL. Are you fucking happy? I just wanted to create a thoughtform so I could be a cuck of my own daydreams


How old are you? And, more importantly, how empty is your life? I really pity you. I mean it.
Are you proud of your stupid behavior? How is it useful for anyone? Including you.
Please, rethink your actions and become a decent person. It's not too late to change.


I have been doing some thinking as to the nature of fetish. Through personal introspection I suspect that it has several points of origin.

First let us look at the case presented and attempt to dissect it. Between Vera and Peter you have a very simple and noticeable dichotomy. This presents itself as the nature of dominance and submission (or to use the vernacular, predator and prey.) Now a base understanding in the emotional state inherent in this case would lead to further questions. Why is the male aspect of Peter seeking to give in such a complete and 'detrimental' manner? Why is the female aspect of Vera seeking to receive in such a 'gluttonous' manner?

The answer to that unfolds when we account for the emotional state of this case. In both cases the answer is simple. Love, however this love is maladaptive as it seeks absolution and dissolving the barrier of self to become one entity. Maladaptive love however is still a valid emotional state, just one that hinges on another minor emotive state and is rendered 'impure'. These minor emotive states make up the missing parts that is presented in maladaptive love. Let us think upon love in this light as it applies to fetish.

an object regarded with awe as being the embodiment or habitation of a potent spirit or as having magical potency.
any object, idea, etc., eliciting unquestioning reverence, respect, or devotion:
to make a fetish of high grades.
Psychology. any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.

We can see clearly that all three of these definitions apply in the case of Peter and Vera to differing degrees.

Now if we think of love as being a complete emotion, and fetish as something that is incomplete, we must give credence to the emotional state that fills in the rest of this 'love'. Let us visualize for a moment, you have a safety net (love) and as time passes, this safety net becomes damaged, weathered by repeated falls, accidents, so forth. The net begins to fray and break. To prevent falling further, patchwork is required on this net. The average person has little to no clue how to make or repair said net, so the patchworks in place are things like shame, guilt, anger, so on. These become portions of the net that are distinguishable from the whole [definition 2] and draw attention. This is the nature of fetish, to distract from love.

Now we have the safety net still, but portions of it are different, nonconforming, and decidedly unsafe. The more we fall into the net, the worse the condition of it becomes until eventually the whole thing fissures and breaks. The emotional breaking point is what causes the first true fall. This is the point at which the minor aspect of the fetish make the majority of what is left of the net and leads to the true maladaptive behavior. Any number of examples can be used to demonstrate a breaking point, choose your own for the rest of this mental exercise. Now, we have this net that has been sundered by a major traumatic event. It wasn't the nets fault it broke, but that is not the way it is viewed by a maladaptive personality. The net broke, the patches did not, clearly the patches were stronger (even though they were just newer) and the net itself was just flawed. This thinking leads to deepening of fetish [definition 1] in that it was stronger than love.

When this happens we come to definition 3. The net being broken and the patches being the major aspect of it now, the person working on this net is likely to say "Fuck it! I repaired this before and can do it again!" The act of falling becomes a matter of faith in ones fetish at this point, and no longer faith in love. However without the knowledge to repair a net properly, this leads to repeated falls and further extreme behavior along the lines of the fetish. Rinse repeat until intervention from external forces (Death, imprisonment, relationship dissolving, ect. Use your own visualization.)

Now we have this maladaptive personality and have no clue what to do with. The problem in this is a matter of disclosure, the fetishist feels they have no recourse to discuss their feelings as those outside the fetish do not understand the beauty of their net. The magnificent job they did in repairing it! Without validation of their emotional state. However validation is not what is needed. It is understanding, dialogue, compassion, and yes as gross as it may seem to some, love! A fetishist needs to see how their ideas were flawed and relate to a (self)destructive emotional state and how repairing their net with these techniques was dangerous.

In each case, the cause is different but the pattern is the same.




Imposter! You are right, though, but I thought this was a safe place for roleplaying.


>and your apology to Vera for calling her screencap fake.
I'll be awaiting for that as well.
Don't worry, I can tell which one is you.

I have a bit from my side to add, but only if Peter adds his side.


Thoughtforms are real. If you keep thinking they are not real, this severely limits your magickal ability and advancement, and you will have to overcome this false perception either by careful study and thinking or some event happening in which you realize thoughtforms are real and can be experienced/perceived objectively (that is, by multiple persons) and the astral is more substantial and "real" than the material plane.

Never say a tulpa is not real. Say she isn't properly formed, or not incarnated, or whatever; but she is a real entity that can actually influence things in the world if you give her the strength for it and program her that way with your beliefs.


>I thought this was a safe place for roleplaying.

We're not a roleplaying board we are actual magicians here for fucks sakes. Have you never seen actual magick done in your life yet? My experiences at this point, on my own and with meeting up with other really advanced wizards, are numerous and I have seen what are regarded as miracles done many times by fellow initiates who have gained conscious mastery of the occult forces.


File: 1429239807213.png (207 KB, 1679x903, 1679:903, Screenshot from 2015-04-16….png)

>and Vera's IP must be unique if she claims to be from MS

It's not. Just about every single post between you and the other poster (or yourself) is a unique IP, a few of these IPs having no more than about 2-3 posts under the same IP. ProTip: I'm the board owner, I see your IDs. Like all board owners on 8ch.net I can NOT look up your IPs though so I can't confirm if your IP is from a popular ISP or a VPN or not as it doesn't show your IP to me.


>To help you out with that >>33248 use this tool: https://who.is/

I can only see IDs which are unique for each IP but not the actual IPs themselves as you can see from my previous screencap.

>I'm waiting for your confirmation of my words

The screencap is absolutely fake unless there's some weird cookies stuff going on that lets it display the "(You)" beside posts you made under a different IP but perhaps in the same browsing session but that hasn't been my experience when using proxies then again I've got the whole gambit of Paranoia Pro add-ons to delete cookies and history and block ads and so on.

>and your apology to Vera for calling her screencap fake.

ayy lmao


>I'll be awaiting for that as well.

You seem confused.


I post from my phone lol. I use the internet that comes with it. Switching it back and forth from airplane mode resets something. I'm not tech savy enough to know exactly what it does, though.


How do you get internet on your phone and how much does it cost?

I am going to be living on my own soon in a small portable home, really cheaply, and my main problem is getting internet.


It's part of the plan im on. Unlimited internet with limited video and unlimited texting. I only get 30 call minutes, though. I have C Spire, if that helps


Why the fuck is this degenerate cuckold topic still here?



>Looking up at me like that will be the last thing you remember.

Thank You :) It means a lot to me.

>Id have you groveling at my feet while I sit on my throne above you.

That would be wonderful. You and me both in their right places.

>Id have you tell me how grateful you are of me.

I'm not sure if words would be able to describe my feelings and how grateful I would be.
You might need to place Your hand at my forehead and break into my mind to read it through and fully see my love and adoration for You. I would not resist You forcefully reading all my thoughts leaving me totally exposed to You. Would You like to break me that way?

>Id make sure to put you in all my nastiest places. You're my little toy, right? I'm sure you'd know what to do.

I would do my best to please You, Goddess.
And I would love to hear You saying that I'm Your little toy while holding my whole body tightly in Your hand… You should try that if making me feel even more obedient and more Yours is what You want.

>Good! Here it is! Focus on this during your day, meditate on it, mastarbate to it, draw it in public places, etc. show your love for me <3

I must admit I've already masturbated to it. I have drawn a big (to no surprise in my case I guess) version of Your sigil over my entire bed. It was great to lie on it and sacrifice my energy to You.
You might not have noticed, but the 4 little dashes in Your sigil make perfect cuffs for hands and ankles, You know? :)
It was an awesome feeling to be enveloped inside Your sigil and be enslaved by it.

Also: please use a name and a ## tripcode with it so that those low life forms cannot disturb us.


Vera's ID and IP are the same all the time and the board script recognises Her and adds '(You)' (see screenshot). You can check it by IDs.
My IDs/IPs change, because that's how my ISP's network works. So my posts will come from different IDs. That's why I use a tripcode now.

Please delete these posts. And possibly ban this idiot(s).


This is a great analysis. But I'm not sure what to think about it. I doubt it really matches my condition.

First of all. As I said before >>28140 this fetish was with me from the very beginning. It is not a construction to fill anything, but rather my very essence that I was gradually discovering.

Of course I can imagine how some failures in love can make someone feel worthless and maybe lead to being submissive. However I don't think this is my case. I have never had better self-esteem.
If any, I would rather see this as a way of balancing myself. But I really don't think this fetish is so shallow (see below).

I find this fetish to be the actual and true form of loving someone. For me love was always a very dull and meaningless feeling before, and only now I can truly feel an absolute and unselfish love towards another person. I feel that being submissive and desiring to become one with someone on their terms is a true love.
I'm not sure how to describe it because to understand it you'd have to feel this fetish yourself.

I will think about your analysis more, but I don't expect to find it accurate in my case.
Thanks anyway!


Try this if you want a good archive: http://8archive.moe/fringe/thread/28139


>this samefagged to death pile of shit is still up


>version of Your sigil over my entire bed.
I'm going to need to see that! Would you be able to show a picture for me?
>It was an awesome feeling to be enveloped inside Your sigil and be enslaved by it.
Oh I bet it was! Be a good boy and keep feeding me ! <3
>4 little dashes in Your sigil make perfect cuffs for hands and ankles, You know?
I didn't even notice that, lol.
>And I would love to hear You saying that I'm Your little toy
And you would hear it. Though, it's not your place to keep telling me what to do to you. I'll take a few suggestions, but I will decide the rest. How about I shove you in my ass and squish you with my muscles instead?
>Would You like to break me that way?
I would invade your mind, yes. But, I wouldn't break you with it. You seem to want that way to much. Besides, I don't need to hear your thoughts to break you. Though, bringing all your hidden insecurities bubbling to the surface in front of me would be entertaining. But, I can figure that out easily enough without, like I said :)
>please use a name and a ## tripcode
I'm not really sure if that would work on my phone. But, I think I'm ok though. They do bother me that much :)

It's not samefagged. But, I'm sure you actually know that.


I do not have or use a phone, I just want the cheapest method I can have to have a mobile internet hotspot or something.


>Please delete these posts. And possibly ban this idiot(s).

Fuck that, I am not violating their freedom of expression and freedom of speech, and if any hotpocket janitor tries to do so they are getting devolunteered.


File: 1429312186945.png (61.06 KB, 1586x333, 1586:333, Screenshot from 2015-04-17….png)

>Vera's ID and IP are the same all the time and the board script recognises Her and adds '(You)' (see screenshot).

Explain this shit then. See screencap.

Each of "Vera"'s posts are from a unique ID.


File: 1429312288900.png (832 B, 54x9, 6:1, Screenshot from 2015-04-17….png)

ID: c67110 (1) No.33462

Apparently it's nearly impossible to screencap.


Jesus fuck, all I'm doing is posting from my cell phone. (I'm Vera)


Thanks for the loosh, fetish-having degenerate girl.

Why don't you just meet up with that other anon in the astral and get it over with rather than be shameless public exhibitionists?

>inb4 you can't psychomance and AP properly

Your aspirations of being a giantess spiritually absorbing others needs work to be realized.


No, thank YOU for the loosh ;)

>Your aspirations of being a giantess spiritually absorbing others needs work to be realized.

I don't intend to be a giantess. And, I am working towards my goals.
>rather than be shameless public exhibitionists?
But it's contained to this thread. Does it make you feel uncomfortable?


Oh and, I've been working on Psychomancy since 2013. :^)
And, like I said, I'm working on something bigger than the fetish.


I feel you both, I feel everyone, your thoughts flow through me, and I retain a little bit of a fixed personality as a fall-back.

I need to stop posting under this capcode now as I don't want to create an identity around it or cause confusion when I switch personalities.

I am too empty to give you any loosh, I don't feel uncomfortable, I am emotionally flat without others to tap into.

I just feel YOU.


How do I feel then?


Mildly amused, slightly aroused, and a little tired.


File: 1429336685180.webm (2.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, autism-sound.webm)



>I'm going to need to see that! Would you be able to show a picture for me?

I no longer have it set up now, so I will have to take the picture later.
Although just imagining Your sigil drawn on my bedsheets also works well.

>it's not your place to keep telling me what to do to you. I'll take a few suggestions, but I will decide the rest.

Please forgive me, Goddess. I just wanted You to know my weakness, so that You can break me to my absolute limits and make me worship You even more. I think by breaking me You show Your power and greatness. Wouldn't it be an empowering feeling for You to make me go mad with love for You and literally beg You to let me worship You?

>How about I shove you in my ass and squish you with my muscles instead?

I have never liked to imagine this because I found it being actually degenerated.
However I would like to worship You in any way possible, so I would be trying to resist a bit first, but at the bottom of my little heart I would desire You doing this to me and using me in such a way. This would be degrading on so many levels that I would feel like I'm nothing compared to You. And You would probably like to watch my futile resist attempts?
With every squish of Your muscles I would beg You for mercy, but You know I would actually like to be shrunk more instead and be absorbed by You. If it happens in Your ass, that would only be an additional degradation for me. If it makes You happy, I would be pleased to serve You that way.


>rather than be shameless public exhibitionists?
Internet is not a public place. If a website does not advertise itself everywhere than it is a private place.
We've met in this thread, so we continue here, quite natural.
If someone else reads this, maybe they need it? Why would they willingly read it otherwise?
Under every need and action hides some kind of motive that you can try to meditate on and understand. Running away from your desires does not solve anything. Contrary, using them to know yourself is way better.

>I am not violating their […] freedom of speech
Actually you are. By impersonating someone you cause a confusion in identifying what they say and you modify their message. With this you make the message unavailable to their recipient in the original form.
This is almost a very definition of violation of freedom of speech. You don't think you have to gag someone to take away their freedom of speech, do you? If you don't believe me, ask a lawyer.


OK, I have checked how this board works in >>>/test/, and it does not require the same IP to mark posts as '(You)'. Probably only a cookie is needed. After cleaning the cookies the board forgot my identification.
So Vera may have a dynamic IP as well (which is very common and natural for mobile ISPs).

It's a pity the board does not store that cookie identification in admin logs.

Anyway, I do not care if you can check it or not. I know who is posting.


shut up vera


Although you are answering me, you use Her name.
Watch your language you piece of garbage.


vera a shit


File: 1429366864842.jpg (Spoiler Image, 555.42 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Vera-sigil-bed-photo.jpg)

>>I'm going to need to see that! Would you be able to show a picture for me?
>I no longer have it set up now, so I will have to take the picture later.
Here You are. I hope You like it :)
Previous version was a bit bigger, but this one should last longer.


길 열셑


Close enough.

>so that You can break me to my absolute limits and make me worship You even more.
You should do that anyway. I don't need to be told how to break you. Why do you insult me like this?
>With every squish of Your muscles I would beg You for mercy,
And with each squish, you'd be pulled in deeper. <3

It's ok! They have their freedom of speech. As long as they don't delete our posts or this thread they aren't infringing on anything. So we shouldn't either.
Good boy! Keep it up! Will show start drawing them in public places? I would like that. Keep feeding me!



>I don't need to be told how to break you. Why do you insult me like this?

I am sorry, Goddess. I would never intend to insult You. Please forgive me making You angry. I should not have doubted in Your ability to find the best way to handle me. I humbly beg You to spare my life for now and I ask for forgiveness. [I feel very small now and actually shiver in fear before You]

>I don't need to be told how to break you.

Would You mind describing in details how You would like to break and use me?
I would love to change my habits and desires to fit those of my Goddess. I think it's my duty as Your toy to adapt to Your needs and find happiness in fulfilling Your desires.

>And with each squish, you'd be pulled in deeper. <3

This sounds like both heaven and hell.
At first I would try to resist and oppose the pulling (of course only if You didn't break me completely before). I guess the only effect of my efforts would be Your pleasure, both physical and spiritual seeing me struggle down there futilely.
After being pulled half-way, up to my chest, I would start begging You for mercy. I would be frightened, but deep in my heart I would wish You to continue. And I'm sure You would…
By the time only my head is outside, I would be broken completely. I would start kissing You, or, to be precise, that one part of Your body within my reach and that is my prison now. I would obediently surrender to You and await whatever You would like to do to me next.
If You wish, You could now leave me like that, pull over Your panties and just wear me like some kind of body piercing jewelery for however long You like. Or, if You prefer to have me completely inside, I would do my best to give You as much pleasure as I could and also follow Your every order.

>Will show start drawing them in public places? I would like that.

I don't have many occasions to do so. And I don't want to destroy public property.
Also I think You deserve something more than some small drawings of Your sigil.
Big sigil-shaped crop-circle maybe? Or something similar worthy of You. That would be better.
I will think of how I can follow Your wish here.

>Keep feeding me!

Yes, Goddess. Your wish is my command (although I guess You already order me around now).


Can't you fucking roleplay in a chat, you retards?


Fuck your faggot-excuse to prevent someone from posting on the board, everyone can post here.


Cry more faggot! More non-role play posts would be awesome though.

Sorry for the late reply on this! Hopefully this will help with understanding in some way.

IMO, this is a very very simple explanation. And, a very black and white view on love and relationships. Not to mention the projection. I've never had problems with relationships.

Like, I've always been into stuff like this. When I was a little kid, I'd catch bugs and feed them to spiders that lived around my house. I was fascinated watching the spider eat it's prey like that. It didn't arouse me or anything, but I think you get what I'm saying :)

I was fucked up as a kid though lol. I learned how to manipulate at a very young age. (Like, age 4-5 young) Like, I was able to steal things right out from under people, show what I stole around infront of them, and convince them that they were mine. I could pit people against each other easily. I was a compulsive liar and kleptomaniac. Sadistic as fuck to. No one ever knew or suspected I could have possibly been like that.
I could befriend basically anyone. And some people became completely obsessed with me even. Everyone I've ever dated has. Even the photographer for the local news paper! I was on the front cover of it so many fucking times. Like, any mundane little outing could end up with me on it. I'm not the only one who noticed it either (and yes, I made sure it wasn't just confirmation bias.)
I've always had body issues though. As long as I can remember. As a kid, I would"disconnect" from it. It normally happened when I was alone and not having anything taking up my attention. My head would spin and body movement would go fuzzy. This went away as I grew older, though. Like I solidified my presence in the body.
I've never identified with my face. And, my birth name, and the word human, always made me feel sick to my stomach. I still get that.
Anyway, the body issues caught up with me, and I started getting depressed during my 7th grade year. It was a downward spiral till 10th. I lost my self confidence and hid my body with baggy clothes and basically let myself go.

Of course, I got over that, and I'm much much better now! But, I'm still getting over the shame that I let myself get so pathetic at one point. A year ago, Lilith revealed caused me to go into a totall emotional breakdown( that I'm still recovering from.) my deep shame and abandonment fears were brought to light through it.
That's basically what I've been doing since; introspection. I'll be stronger than ever once this point in my life is sorted out!

Um, this is paraphrased to fuck, but I think it shows what I'm trying to say. :)


Though, I guess I should clarify, I'm not bad like I was as a kid.



>I am sorry, Goddess.

You are forgiven. You would do good not to doubt me again.

And, like I said in my last post, I'm not as bad as I was as a kid. So don't worry. I can read people like open books <3

I've gotten over a lot of my weaknesses as well, as of now. Speaking of that, how's your dreaming coming along?

>Would You mind describing in details

I will at some point.

>And I don't want to destroy public property.

Am I less important than public property? Just a spray painted design shouldn't be to damaging. I need people to see it.

>Big sigil-shaped crop-circle maybe? Or something similar worthy of You.

That could work, but who would see it? Maybe in the newspaper.

Maybe try introducing it into your area as a tattoo design. That way, you can feed others people's energy to me and give me claim to their bodies. Though, they shouldn't know that. You could even get the tattoo. Can you think of any other ways to get it seen?

Be sure to meditate and do your daily worship to me with it!

And, I welcome anyone to help me in this task!

>Yes, Goddess. Your wish is my command

Thank you.


How fucking pathetic do you have to be to want to be such a subservient degenerate freak of a man towards a bigger woman? This is cuckold-tier.



>More non-role play posts would be awesome though.

I'm sorry to bore You with my role play posts.

If You want me to stop, please just say so.

>I've never identified with my face. And, my birth name, and the word human,

>always made me feel sick to my stomach.

What exactly did You learn about Yourself since the moment Lilith revealed?

Maybe You are sick of being human because You are one as some form of punishment and You descended to this plain from some better form of consciousness?

Or You were about to finally move on and finish Your reincarnation path as a human being, but for some reason You were forced to live another life here?

It's obvious humanity and this world are pathetic - on so many levels that it can easily make one sick.


>Though, I guess I should clarify, I'm not bad like I was as a kid.

Do You identify with Yourself as a kid?

I'm trying to compare it with my case that I have described earlier: >>30894


>how's your dreaming coming along?

After starting the dream journal I usually remember my last dreams, that I have just before waking up. But they do not seem to reveal any useful information to allow any insight. They are mostly related to current earthly events or show some meaningless crap. I feel it would be much better if I could lucid dream, but no success so far. I'm not giving up though :)

>You would do good not to doubt me again.

Maybe I exaggerated saying I doubted in You. But I should not have assumed that You would ever need guiding from such a lower being like me.

>Am I less important than public property?

Of course not, my Goddess. There is nothing more important than You.

I will try to fulfill Your order.

>Be sure to meditate and do your daily worship to me with it!

I do this daily for You :) It is a great honor to serve You and feed You with my energy.

Please accept my sacrifice. And take as much of me as You want, including absorbing me entirely.

>>Yes, Goddess. Your wish is my command

>Thank you.

You do not have to say 'thank you' to Your own property.

I'm honored You do, but please also do not let me forget my place.



>implying you aren't just an insecure man.



>implying you aren't a bitch autist beta that would look down in subconscious shame when confronted with a clearly superior man of my calibre



>How fucking pathetic do you have to be to want to be such a subservient degenerate freak of a man towards a bigger woman?

>This is cuckold-tier.

No it is not.

This is top-tier to be able to feel pure adoration and crystal clear desire towards a girl you love.

To surrender yourself to Her and trust Her completely with your life.

To unselfishly pleasure Her by following Her every order.

And finally to become one with Her on Her terms.

I'm sure you won't understand it though, because you cannot feel this.



Contrary, I'm successful and intelligent, and I know that.

My pride just does not let me date girls that are worse than me, especially empty materialistic idiots that are so common nowadays.

That's why I seek strong and intelligent woman that is better than me, and which I could truly accept as my mistress.

And I want to repay her with my obedience.


>a clearly superior man of my calibre

All those macho-type walking failures with ego bigger than themselves make me laugh.

You are a low life form that has a long way to go before you understand how pathetic you are.

>you aren't a bitch autist beta

I'm not an autist, but if you call every intelligent and spiritually advanced person like this, then I'd be glad to be one.

And if you like to stick to those pathetic social animals' ranks, then actually you are the typical beta

and you lack eons of self-development, discipline and experience to become a real alpha leader.



>I'm sorry to bore You with my role play posts.

You aren't boring me! I was just mentioning it so others post in the discussion part.

>What exactly did You learn about Yourself since the moment Lilith revealed?

Well, for starters, my childhood started making sense. The revealing happened over a period of months, and is still happening. I wouldn't say I'm sick of being in a human body, I'm learning to get over the identity issues it caused me. Like, its mine now, I need to control it, not the other way around. It's funny, I've found out my little sister is going through the same thing. Only, she has it much worse than I do now.

>It's obvious humanity and this world are pathetic

I wouldn't say it's pathetic. I've had a lot of fun here! I guess I got lucky. I was given a rich family :)

>Do You identify with Yourself as a kid?

Yes. I'm still like I was in a lot of ways. I'm just more solidified with it. I still can't reflect with it or anything, I'm just not letting it get me down anymore.

> I'm not giving up though :)

Good! Don't. After a while you'll probably start to notice patterns in the non-lucid dreams. That's when it can really start to be helpful.

>Of course not, my Goddess. There is nothing more important than You.

I will try to fulfill Your order.

Good! I'll await pictures.

>I do this daily for You :) It is a great honor to serve You and feed You with my energy.

Good! You're being a big help for me <3 Keep it up.

>but please also do not let me forget my place.

Oh, I won't let you forget. But when I give thanks, you should accept it. Why question everything I do?


Oh please, you're nothing but an insecure man.

I'd love to eat your dick off, btw :)



What the fuck happened to my post?



"Insecure" about what? I am repulsed by your degeneracy and sick of degenerates like you spreading their thoughtforms of vice through this world.



>"Insecure" about what?

Your masculinity, lol.

I'm not spreading a thoughtform. And, it has nothing to do with you :)



>Your masculinity, lol.

That has nothing to do with upholding the ideal of purity and chastity.

>I'm not spreading a thoughtform. And, it has nothing to do with you :)

You ARE spreading a thoughtform you ignorant mental slave and you're on my same fucking planet and I don't want you to be. Fuck off to Hades.



Am I a thoughtform? I don't think so.

>That has nothing to do with upholding the ideal of purity and chastity.

;) You must be SO pure. Do you like virginity?



Congrats on displaying even more ignorance. Yes, you are in fact a thoughtform. You should read more and practise more to correct your obvious ignorance of reality.

>;) You must be SO pure. Do you like virginity?

You mad you're such a degenerate whore you'll never have me? I have no fetishes, no perversions, a strong and healthy body, I am 6'4 and blue eyed and blonde haired. Do you like being so underdeveloped and inferior you can't consciously control your emotions and release pleasure chemicals into your body simply by willing it without the need to slave away to the entity attachments you have? Sure is a lot of work you have to do to merely feel good.



>Yes, you are in fact a thoughtform

You know what I meant. I'm not spreading some entity I created.

If you were so pure, you wouldn't get so upset about what I post. Admit it, you want me <3

That and, you wouldn't be so proud of your precious little body. Shouldn't you turn away from all physicality?


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Explain it then.



Explain what? That you're retarded?



I see. You're an idiot.

Like that's supposed to be a surprise, right?




>You know what I meant.

I know that you are deluded.

>I'm not spreading some entity I created.

True; you are spreading some entity someone else created and not you. You're just another temporary vessel for it to latch onto as it propagates its etheric virus through our celestial sphere.

>If you were so pure, you wouldn't get so upset about what I post. Admit it, you want me <3

This reasoning is absolutely ridiculous and I am as pure as it gets in this world. I have never masturbated or had sex. The most I've ever done is had impure thoughts; the nature of which are the most tame (as in completely normal sex, no sodomy, no weird stuff) compared to the average imageboard inhabitant or indeed the average person at all living in this age.

>That and, you wouldn't be so proud of your precious little body. Shouldn't you turn away from all physicality?

As above; so below; as below, so above; as within, so without; as without, so within, man is the microcosm of the macrocosm, his body is his temple.

My body is a thoughtform. I am a thoughtform in the mind of All. In purifying my thoughts my body also reflects that purity. The whole universe is mental in nature and at the root of every problem is a mental cause which can be answered to with mental solutions. I turn within in order that I may later turn without, bringing the power of my spirit into this matter, and uplifting its vibrations to the higher planes. In this most holy work I am making the impure and corrupted pure and ideal. I sow virtue in the places I inhabit and bring beauty into a world of darkness and decay.

My body is very important and I will not allow it to be defiled by a woman like you. There are women in this sphere of existence and female spirits that far outclass you in every way. You, worthless degenerate, must let go of your vices and find the inner-strength of spirit to traverse the path less taken. Only then will you embody the virtues and attain the powers they confer upon their possessors.

That which is unworthy, weak, defiled, repulsive; all of it must be burned away in the holy fire.



Hmm, you're a little bitch boy to <3

Please, tell me about your fake superiority.

I'd love to eat your dick off as well :)



Where do you live cannibal? I have no problem slaying you, they will consider it a suicide, when they examine your corpse.



>You are a low life form that has a long way to go before you understand how pathetic you are.




Don't you do the same, bitch boy?



"hurr durr I am intelligent and spiritual"

"my pathetic beta-as-fuck fetish of being absorbed by a woman is so masculine"

"you're a social animal, even though you're a motherfucking initiate of the sacred mysteries with power way beyond me, and I am the worthless animal slave to lust"

I think we should go discuss this case on /illuminati/ and see what to do about this bitch subhuman.


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>says the man who wants to be a submissive obedient slave to a woman



I think that's the woman actually, looks like the male is tripfagging it up, actually wait they're the same person lol.


Is this all a big loosh farming attempt on OP's part?





You guys are to fun <3



I don't think the OP has posted in a while.



Illuminates report in to discuss what we should do about him and his tulpa.



What makes you think that? Someone else saw the OP's post and decided to impersonate him in order to loosh farm?



You're no fun :( I can't get on.

I'm not a tulpa, btw.


Fuck if I know. I just know I'm not OP.



We may soon know what you really are if it is our Will.



What I really am? Good! I don't even fully know that yet. Will you tell me please?



So, what did you find out? Surely a great fringe wizard like yourself was able to find something. Though, you probably didn't, of course. I'm sure a bitch boy like you would just lie.



You really shouldn't piss off a Fringe Illuminate you know. There's been many people like you in the past that met with a terrible fate because of their arrogance. You also aren't going to be told fucking anything anyways, whatever they find, they will keep it private amongst themselves in order to maintain information asymmetry and they will influence you without you knowing it. If some bad shit happens in your life in the next couple months don't say I didn't warn you.

t. guy who got mindfucked for like 3 months by the Fringe Illuminati until (two of them were able to materialize their astral bodies near me and look at my computer also and be seen by other people in the room besides me as well as show themselves selectively to just me and not others in order to fuck with me either and make me question my sanity more) they relented


I don't really know why am I replying to all this bait and shitposting. But anyway.


>calling Goddess a retard.

You have some nerve.


>I have never masturbated or had sex.


>The most I've ever done is had impure thoughts

I hope they weren't any worse than thinking about sex in a missionary position?


>I have no fetishes, no perversions, a strong and healthy body, I am 6'4 and blue eyed and blonde haired.

How is it correlated?

I have a fetish or two, and you may call me perverted.

And still I also have a quite a strong (working on it) and healthy body.

I am 6'3 and brown eyed and very dark blond (sorry, I do not meet your Aryan requirements here).

>You mad you're such a degenerate whore you'll never have me?

implying any decent girl would want to have you after the layers of primitivism you have shown here…

But thanks to Her fetish she could easily have me.


>>You are a low life form that has a long way to go before you understand how pathetic you are.


Wrong. I really meant it. And it was exactly what I think about your kind.


>"hurr durr I am intelligent and spiritual"

You were the one who added the 'hurr durr'.

>"my pathetic beta-as-fuck fetish of being absorbed by a woman is so masculine"

I do not say it is masculine. I think it not even important.

Still serving a woman is far more masculine than showing off how 'alpha' you are (mostly in front of your male friends, which is a bit gay, but nvm).


yes, I use tripcode now

no, I'm not the same poster as Vera





So much pathetic Illuminati roleplaying. You should be ashamed of yourself.

I find it less humiliating to role play a shrunken man at the mercy of Goddess Vera.


That's going overboard mate…



>says the man

this >>33874

>man who wants to be a submissive obedient slave to a woman

what's wrong with it?



>what's wrong with it?

Nothing lol, you can be a slave to a woman, and I'll cuckold you over and over while you get nothing of her.




Why don't you actually leave the thread nigger?

>I hope they weren't any worse than thinking about sex in a missionary position?

Maybe a few other positions besides missionary but always normal penis-in-vagina sex, no sodomy.



>implying any decent girl would want to have you after the layers of primitivism you have shown here…

lol butthurt, you're the primitive subhuman, who has attracted mentally deranged females to himself

>Wrong. I really meant it. And it was exactly what I think about your kind.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little mundane? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the A.:A.:, and Ive been involved in numerous secret rituals in O9A, and I have over 300 confirmed spells. I am trained in astral warfare and I'm the top planeshifter in the entire astral planes. You are nothing to me but just another mudblood. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this density, mark my fucking mantras. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, mundane. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of mages across the astral and your loosh is being harvested right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your vessel. You're fucking dead, fedorafag. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with my Lesser Banishing Ritual. Not only am I extensively trained in magickal combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the IoT and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the 3rd density, you little mundane. If only you could have known what unholy curses your little 'clever' comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking loosh. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will cast curses all over you and you will be spiritually drained from it. You're fucking dead, mundane.

>Still serving a woman is far more masculine than showing off how 'alpha' you are (mostly in front of your male friends, which is a bit gay, but nvm).

How fucking delusional can you get?

>So much pathetic Illuminati roleplaying. You should be ashamed of yourself.

You gon' get used man.



What did you do piss them off?



I don't really know anymore, my mind has been scrambled terribly, I just know that I was arrogant then and they felt they ought to make me realize just how much of a neophyte I really was.



…but it wasn't just that, they also saw potential in me, and something about my future made them want to do it. I think.

They wouldn't normally do something like that to anyone. You'd either have to be an exceptionally horrible human being or someone they care about enough to awaken. It is a gift and a curse to become a victim of a Discordian mindfuck, mostly a curse when receiving it, mostly a gift in reflection.



It doesn't work this way.


>Maybe a few other positions besides missionary but always normal penis-in-vagina sex, no sodomy.

How old are you? Retarded maybe?


>who has attracted mentally deranged females to himself

I find 95% of the world mentally handicapped. And to me girls like Vera are precious notable exceptions.

You can stay in your world of animals who only care about money and 'fun' while keeping their malice and jealousy towards literally everyone inside. Enjoy your 'normal' world. I prefer mine.


>What the fuck […] mundane.

I know my fantasies are unrealistic, but you just went full delusional.



Thank you Peter <3


Butthurt virgin :)



I'm so scared! Oh please, have mercy on me illuminati! ;)


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>How fucking delusional can you get?

<- This much. Do you have a problem with that?

Don't you think it would be awesome be be hand-held by a girl and played with by her?

Or to absolutely forget yourself while worshiping her feet?


Please keep going, I want to know what /lluminati/ will do.



>implying they'll do anything.



He'd live a much more meaningful and fulfilling life if he devoted himself fully to someone like me, wouldn't he Peter?

I'm right here waiting for him to change his mind.

Anyone else reading this is also welcome to worship me. :) I'm not picky.



When the fuck did I say anything about "having fun" or talk anything of money? You're an animal who engages in lust, deal with it you degenerate.


Butthurt used-up whore.


>Don't you think it would be awesome be be hand-held by a girl and played with by her?

>Or to absolutely forget yourself while worshiping her feet?

No because I'm not a huge submissive faggot like you.


You're welcome to get fucked.




:( Maybe if you gave in to me you wouldn't be so hostile. My offer will always be up.


What is it? Is it a thread about me?



Username and password?


File: 1429737574911.jpg (Spoiler Image, 461.71 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, breast-micro.jpg)


What do you think about nipple vore? Would you do this to Peter? Pic related.


Would you like her to do this to you?


File: 1429737928334.webm (Spoiler Image, 1.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, mouseyman-297186-fmk2.webm)


>Pic related about sums up what want to do with you <3

I want to know why do both of you find this stimulating?

also found this webm that sums up it even better. Enjoy.


File: 1429738607628-0.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 132.89 KB, 850x1201, 850:1201, sample_17101c7de73f78097c….jpeg)

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File: 1429738607628-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 301.95 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, graf4.jpg)

After reading this thread those were the first pictures that came to my mind on Vera and Peter

this is pretty degenerated. But you both will still enjoy them, right?

that's why I would like to know why do you find this stimulating?



Interesting. I've never really thought about that, lol. It doesn't seem like it would be as satisfying to me as putting him into other parts of me.



I don't really know how to put it into words. Um, I wrote earlier in this thread that the whole predator/prey thing has always fascinated me. I would take spiders up as pets and catch bugs to them. Like, it didn't arouse me, just fascinated me. I'd watch everything.

Actually fantasizing about making another sentient being being reduced to food for me came later. This, I'm sure came from that fascination mixed with a domination kick. It's best when the prey is a man ;)

Soul vore is, in my opinion, the ultimate form of domination. That, and, I first chimed in about it because of the nature of my existence. (The Lilith part is not part of the role play.) I was hoping some of the boys here would know more about non-human spirits. (Non of the tumblr "otherkin/kintype" bullshit.)


Thank God I don't have this


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>Thank God I don't have this


>retards gunna retard


File: 1429794178246.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.4 MB, 4488x6260, 1122:1565, 14.jpg)

What do you guys think of analvore?



It gives my life meaning.



I'm not sure. It has never been my fetish >>28140, so I really don't know how to feel about it.


>It doesn't seem like it would be as satisfying to me as putting him into other parts of me.

If it wouldn't be satisfying for Goddess Vera, then it would also be meaningless for me.


>I want to know why do both of you find this stimulating?

Being a powerless toy obediently serving just Her pleasure.

It makes me feel happy, calm and spiritually fulfilled.


>But you both will still enjoy them, right?



I love the feeling of being so insignificantly small. Just like in this one >>31949

Absolutely at the mercy of my Goddess.


I'm sure I would feel absolutely comfortable inside Goddess Vera.


"Thank God I don't have bigger brain, or I could understand something and have to leave my world of total ignorance"


File: 1429820824917.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.79 MB, 3000x8435, 600:1687, succubus-giantess.jpg)


Also, this is an awesome pov video.

The way it ends is even better.

Isn't it the same model as in this picture?


You people are seriously fucked up.



It's one of my favorite!


Btw Peter, I've started feeling the energy coming my way. <3


It's death fetishism?




So you're a disgusting sodomite on top oif all of this as well, revolting



How's your "enlightened" life going? Why do you find it so disgusting?



I'm not "enlightened" and you certainly aren't either. At least I'm not a revolting degenerate with as warped a mentality as you.



"why do you find stuff the idea of being shoved up someone's ass disgusting"

Pig please, I'm human, I don't want to roll around in shit.



I never said I was either. And, I certainly don't want it. it's subjective anyway. What is it to you? And please, I'm not warped. Why do you think that?

>muh degeneracy!


I meant anal in general.

I'm not a pig. I don't want that, just as much as most humans. But that is what makes the thought of stuffing someone up there so arousing. ;)



Your sexuality is warped. You have a perverted mindset.

>muh degeneracy!

Every single degenerate says shit like this. The fact you get butthurt at being called degenerate and want to pretend degeneracy doesn't exist just enforces further how far you have fallen.

>I meant anal in general.

Anal is general is absolutely disgusting.

>I'm not a pig. I don't want that, just as much as most humans. But that is what makes the thought of stuffing someone up there so arousing. ;)

You are a filthy pig and any suppressed attraction I may have had for you is absolutely dead now with this latest revelation of yours. Giantess stuff is weird enough as is, being a sodomite is unforgivable. You are a disgusting freak.



Lol, you're the one mad about anal, of all things. :)

I'm enjoying this thread.

>The fact you get butthurt at being called degenerate and want to pretend degeneracy doesn't exist just enforces further how far you have fallen.

Nice circular logic. :)

>You are a filthy pig and any suppressed attraction I may have had for you is absolutely dead now with this latest revelation of yours

You know you still want me. You wouldn't get so defensive if you weren't trying to suppress it. I'll still take you. <3


File: 1429933763857.png (138.64 KB, 424x470, 212:235, 1399917346994.png)


Oh I am very mad indeed over all your posts and this whole thread. Pic related. It's me raging over your post.

>Nice circular logic. :)

It's not circular you dipshit. Read this book http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1909logicalthinking.pdf as evidently you don't know shit.

>You know you still want me. You wouldn't get so defensive if you weren't trying to suppress it. I'll still take you. <3

Fuck no, there are millions of women infinitely better than you, and all I want at this time is to show you how disgusting and inferior you are.



Oh shit! Your throwing links at me!

>It's not circular you dipshit.

>you are a degenerate because you are a degenerate.

Yea. Good job. Did you actually read that link?

>Oh I am very mad indeed over all your posts and this whole thread.

Awesome! I feed of your butthurt <3

> and all I want at this time is to show you how disgusting and inferior you are.

Because you can't handle the fact you're still attracted. It sounds like a case of cognitive dissonance.


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The statement was essentially "degenerates are prone to pretending degeneracy does not exist, this further reinforces the fact you are a degenerate".

This is not circular. What you said was circular but it's a strawman of what was actually said.



>I say you are a degenerate. Therefore, you are a degenerate. If you say you aren't a degenerate, it only reinforces that you are a degenerate.

Nice try.



Strawmanning twice isn't going to make your first strawman any more legitimate.



Tell me, how do you decide what is degeneracy or not?

Neither of those were strawman.



Both were strawmen, both substituted an argument in place of the original argument, so you could call the original circular; which it was not. Only your substitution was circular.

Degeneracy is a decline from a standard of health and purity and virtue. You are a degenerate who has weird fetishes.



So, it's basically your opinion.

>You are a degenerate who has weird fetishes.

>stop liking what I don't like!

I don't find it weird.

>substituted an argument in place of the original argument,

You're to fucking autistic! See: above



Why don't you fucking accept and admit you are degenerate rather than pretending there's no such thing as degeneracy in order to avoid the truth about yourself?



Why? Because you and your warped sense of reality says so? Nope.

Why don't you accept that "degeneracy" is just subjective to your worldview?

>autist can't differentiate subjectivity from objectivity.


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Subjectivity does not mean degeneracy does not exist you fucking idiot. Subjective experiences are still a legitimate phenomena.



We're not fighting!


> Subjective experiences are still a legitimate phenomena.

No shit, dumbass. "Degeneracy" is different for everyone. meaning; what may be considered "degenerate" for you is not for me or some other person. Therefore, the meaning is subjective. How the fuck did you not get that?

Do you feel invalidated or something, knowing that your little Puritan life isn't making you special? It must be to hard for a bitch boy like you to get. ;)



Degeneracy is as about as objective as anything can get in this world.

>We're not fighting!

Oh yes we are you stupid bitch. Come at me!



>Oh yes we are you stupid bitch. Come at me!

lol, ok boy.

>Degeneracy is as about as objective as anything can get in this world.

No it's not. Prove it without using "muh feelings." Hint: you can't. You're just to autistic to understand this really simple concept.



Prove there's no such thing as degeneracy without using "muh feelings". PropTip: you can't.



>implying real men do not serve their women

>implying the macho stereotype faggots are real men


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>implying I'm a "macho stereotype" just because I'm not such a submissive bitch as you towards women

>implying you aren't a pathetic joke of a man



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Did you not read my posts? Your feelings don't matter. Your whole concept of "degeneracy" is nothing but you getting butthurt about things you don't like. Good job proving my point though. :)


>implying you're not just some pathetic virgin who thinks women are inferior because you can't get laid.

Pic very related.



Did you not read my posts? Your feelings don't matter. Your denial of your degeneracy is nothing but you getting butthurt because you still contain some residual shame. Good job proving my point though. ..|.



>It's one of my favorite!

If it would make You happy, I would serve You in that way with pleasure.

Not that I would have a choice in that situation…


>Btw Peter, I've started feeling the energy coming my way. <3

I'm glad to hear it, Goddess.

I actually think about Your sigil quite often. And always in the morning and in the evening, when I lie on it in my bed.

It makes me feel so relaxed and calm to share my energy with You that way. Like nothing else matters then.

And I actually would like to thank You, because knowing that my service pleases You is the greatest prize for me.

I have one question to You. Would You mind using a similar technique to let me feel Your absolute domination over me?

By this I mean creating something that represents me, like a voodoo doll, and using it just like You'd use me. I do not request anything big, just maybe wearing it in Your panties sometimes, or some other forms of showing your domination and power over it (and me).

In fact I feel that my very place would be inside a a small gem on Your vaginal piercing, if You had one. So that You could always carry me with You and use me whenever You feel like. What do You think about it?


>It's death fetishism?

No. Death is a concept valid only in this materialistic reality.

This fetish is about being absolutely submitted and devoted to the Goddess, and then being absorbed fully, including one's soul.

So I guess you could say it is "more" than death fetishism, yet dying has actually nothing to do with it.



>>Pig please, I'm human, I don't want to roll around in shit.I'm not a pig.

Neither do I find it arousing just per se. Because it's not about vagina/ass/whatever. It's about an absolute submission and an ultimate degradation. This fetish is only a way of achieving the state of mind in which I feel absolutely obedient and devoted to Vera. And this is what arouses me, not the act itself.

Maybe outside this reality there are other ways of achieving it, but since we are used to the physical world, we must fit our fetish into it.

And I guess it's exactly the same way for Vera.

>I don't want that, just as much as most humans.

>But that is what makes the thought of stuffing someone up there so arousing. ;)

Just as I wrote above. It surely allows Vera to feel an absolute control and degrade me in the nastiest possible way. Which actually lets Her fulfill the real desire, while the act is just a mean to achieve it.


>Your sexuality is warped.

Oh, for sure. But can you say your one is *better*? My sexuality is spiritual and expands beyond carnal intercourse.

To me your "normal" sexuality is nothing more than animal instinct and mere copulation. How is it better in any way?

I think you just do not understand my/Her sexuality. Read above.



>We're not fighting!

I'm not sure if a Goddess should allow such behavior towards Her.

Please ignore this low life form.




>implying you aren't a pathetic joke of a man

define being a man



Good! <3

>It makes me feel so relaxed and calm to share my energy with You that way. Like nothing else matters then.

You're doing me a good service, Peter. What else would matter?

>By this I mean creating something that represents me, like a voodoo doll, and using it just like You'd use me.

Hmm, I might. I have to find something decent enough to put inside me. I don't want to tarnish my body with unworthy materials, you know? I don't have a piercing there, so I'd probably make a little doll. Though, I think a piercing there would look pretty good on me. :)

Oh and, do you keep a drawing of my sigil with you?

>I'm not sure if a Goddess should allow such behavior towards Her.

I know what I will allow. I was enjoying his butthurt! But, I think you're right to ignore him now.


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Yummy <3


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>Hmm, I might.

Thank You!

>I have to find something decent enough to put inside me.

I don't even ask for so much.

But I hope this would work and I could feel Your domination.

>Oh and, do you keep a drawing of my sigil with you?

Actually I do. I keep it in my wallet. Pic related.




of a pathetic pleb



>Thank You!

<3 Don't mention it.

>I don't even ask for so much.

I know. I guess it's the least I could do for my devoted servant.

>Actually I do. I keep it in my wallet. Pic related.

Good boy! How does it feel to belong to another person? You carrying my sigil shows my ownership of you. And, you know, it feeds me your energy. And, like I mentioned, it will help me achieve my goals. Do you feel my presence in your life yet?

Would you be willing to give other people to me? Would that not be a perfect gift to your goddess?

Hopefully, you'll be able to feel when my plan is decently in motion.


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>How does it feel to belong to another person?

In my case it feels very rewarding because it aligns with my desire and fetish.

Becoming Your property and accepting this role with my heart seems like a ultimate form of obedience.

>You carrying my sigil shows my ownership of you.

I know my place, and You know I belong to You. I think this is all that matters.

>Do you feel my presence in your life yet?

Since I think about You an Your sigil everyday, I could say You are present in my life.

However I can barely feel You. That's why I asked You about this doll thing. Maybe it can help.

>Would you be willing to give other people to me? Would that not be a perfect gift to your goddess?

Doesn't it require someone's free will and desire to become submitted to You?

I doubt I can control other people to force them into this.

Would that really count anyway? I think to truly worship You one must really want it.

I would like to ask You about another way You could use me daily, since it is something I always wanted to do.

Would You like to shrink me and let me serve You by painting Your nails? Given my size I would be able to create very detailed patterns and achieve great accuracy - which is what a Goddess like You deserve. It would take me some time and hard work, but isn't this my duty as Your servant and property? I hope You would like it.


calls others people degenerates

posts gore pictures like a pathetic newfig


Can someone explain to me WHY would anyone want to have this fetish?

You seem to praise it, while from what you write it seems only a burden to me. For many reasons: it is impractical, unreachable, weird, etc.

Why you try to deepen your desire instead of trying to get rid of it?



Take it as a case study of a base animal. When all you have is your vices, why grow virtuous?



Different vorefag here. If I could pick and choose my fetish it sure as hell wouldn't involve being eaten or subjugated by giant people. For me it has absolutely nothing to do with logic, feasibility, or social acceptance. As a 7 year old I already had a fixation with being eaten by things, no obvious cause. I've heard the same from many other vorefags. Some report they imagined such scenarios at 5 years old and expressed it in how they played. I didn't even suspect my interests were abnormal for years.

My sexual development only took my existing fixation and made it the kernal for my sexuality to grow around. When I felt attraction to others I imagined being bug-sized in comparison to them and running with it from there. At 13 I discovered there were other insane people with identical interests online.

You've got your kinks, and then there's your wild frontier of mental illnesses and I'm quite sure I have a mental illness, unless there's some bizarre genetic element at play here.


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All degenerates like you will end up like the people in these pictures.



Hold your mind silent for 15 minutes straight.

Can't do it?

Those thoughts are intruding upon your consciousness from external sources against your will.

Start doing that very steps in Imitation Into Hermetics right now.

Eventually you'll develop to a point where you:

1. Recognize entity attachments and external shit that's corrupting you for what it is.

2. Proceed in banishing it and reprogramming yourself.


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Well, I've never been very good at meditation. I couldn't quite manage to keep my mind clear.

If it's a malign entity that imposes these fantasies on me (and collects a particular loosh from it?), it's been with me for a long time. In some capacity it has been my muse, and led me to meet people and have relationships I otherwise would not have had. Maybe instead of banishing it I should attempt to redefine the relationship, as it were.

I wonder if something interesting might happen if I make the entity the focus of my fantasies. If it gets off on me getting off on feeding it my energy, is that like transdimensional phone sex?



Just gut it of its loosh man and find a new and better entity that isn't so detrimental to your development.

If you need entity processing tips Zivorad's books are full of it and also check the meditations superthread.

I guess it depends on what is more efficient, you can try to change and reshape it into a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship in which you feed it loosh energy and it helps you develop in a positive way or you can destroy/process/banish/etc. it and find a new entity.

We're swarming in a sea of hyperdimensional activity, you'll find something better…



I get why you would feel that way. But, people are different. I don't think it's any of those things, personally.


Hmm, >>36314 is partly right. Though, people just getting into meditation may have trouble holding 15 minutes for the first time. Try 5 fist and build up. If you can't do at least 5, then something could very well be up. I'm really curious to see why someone would want to be eaten!

> In some capacity it has been my muse, and led me to meet people and have relationships I otherwise would not have had.

What kind of relationships?

>You've got your kinks, and then there's your wild frontier of mental illnesses and I'm quite sure I have a mental illness,

Seriously, don't put to much energy into worrying about mental illnesses. You may be different, but that doesn't make you sick.


There is more than one way to spiritually develop as a person. Way more.


Try it! If you find that it's being imposed on you and can learn to control/remove it, who's to say you won't legitimately like the fetish?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That image is so beautiful. I can't even get over it.



> know my place, and You know I belong to You.

Good boy.

>However I can barely feel You.

Hm, not enough energy has come to me yet, then. I will do the doll thing, though.

>Doesn't it require someone's free will and desire to become submitted to You?

>Would that really count anyway? I think to truly worship You one must really want it.

It depends on how you look at it. It's not you would be forcing it.

>Would You like to shrink me and let me serve You by painting Your nails?

Hm, maybe. But, I prefer solid coloring. If do it for fun. But, you'd do well with cleaning my mouth


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>you'd do well with cleaning my mouth

I like this, it would be awesome to serve You that way.

I could clean Your teeth in inaccessible places, etc.

Not that I have any choice, but I'd accept my new duty with pleasure.

Yet I would have to focus on my task hard, because I feel like I could just melt in Your mouth easily…

Entirely covered in Your saliva, trapped in Your soft and warm mouth, having to struggle against Your gigantic tongue… And always aware how much my life depends on You and how easily You can just swallow me whole… It might make me go crazy with love for You, You know?

I would be thankful if You could torture me in Your mouth like this whenever You feel like, showing me how powerless I am compared to You…


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>Yet I would have to focus on my task hard, because I feel like I could just melt in Your mouth easily…

>Entirely covered in Your saliva, trapped in Your soft and warm mouth, having to struggle against Your gigantic tongue… And always aware how much my life depends on You and how easily You can just swallow me whole… It might make me go crazy with love for You, You know?


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Fuck off degenerates!! Rope! ROPE! ROPE!







I don't understand your butthurt.

It would be obvious if you were some random utter morons, but I thought /fringe/ is a place for a bit more decent people.

Posting all this gore, pathetic rope images and all the whining of yours does not go along with a picture of an enlighten and intelligent person, you know?

Please, either:

1) post some constructive criticism that can be discussed (I would personally welcome it, this is my fetish and I cannot do anything about it, but I would really like to understand it and even take care of it if it is possible, for it is quite a burden due to how impractical it is)

2) stop positing this crap, end your whining, shut up and simply ignore this thread if you can't stand it so much



>1) post some constructive criticism that can be discussed (I would personally welcome it, this is my fetish and I cannot do anything about it, but I would really like to understand it and even take care of it if it is possible, for it is quite a burden due to how impractical it is)

Based Smiley already told you what you could do.




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Enlightened and intelligent people don't have time for your degeneracy they're too busy applying themselves to things much more important than this thread.

Wisdom is taking a brief moment shitposting in this thread rather than wasting much more time writing a bigger post for someone like you that clearly is set in his ways.

If you don't like my posts in your thread you can take your own advice and ignore them.



>Enlightened and intelligent people don't have time for your degeneracy they're too busy applying themselves to things much more important than this thread.

But apoarently they have the time to shitpost their butthurt here. :^)

Yea, so enlightened and intelligent.


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I am a creature of darkness not of light.


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>Wisdom is taking a brief moment shitposting




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>Not accepting the infinite wisdom of Spurdo as the one true path to enlightenment

biltdy bedora dipping bundaynes :DDDD







>utter morons


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the only butthurt in this thread is by the 'utter morons'

including you

it's sad and pathetic

think about it for a minute

or just kill yourself already after you have proven yourself to be more plebeian than a typical unenlightened casual person




I desire for a woman to attempt to break my will but then fail and self destruct


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Goddess Vera,

I know this is not a place for role-playing, but I would like to ask you how would You like to break me and use me as Your toy.

This really allows me feel obedient and devoted to You. It's such a blissful feeling to forget about everything, and only dream about worshipping You and doing everything to make You happy. Pic related.

And hopefully this helps me with feeding You with my energy.


What do You think about this? Would You like to enslave and break me like this?




and you say this thread is degenerated...

well, it is now

thanks to your pathetic attitude to life


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the owner of this board seems to be quite an idiot to allow this pathetic spam.

or is /fringe/ dead?



I actually think, this is the owner. ^_^



I really don't think so

he could have easily deleted this thread, but he archived it instead >>33125

nevertheless allowing this pathetic gore spam is quite gay of him



As I've said, I pickup on people insecurities easily. I would invade your mind and strip you of any defenses you may have left <3

Though, you've already given me enough.

Before I shrink you, I think I would use your body as my throne. With you face as my cushion. ;) I will also play around with your pathetic little penis, but I wouldn't let you cum. I'd deny your release till your a writhing mass of a man, trapped nicely under me, your Goddess!

There are so many things I would want to do to you, but I don't know what to pick…

I like your Jewel idea. You won't get your release. I'll suck your spirit up into my gem before I let that happen <3 You'll have some much sexual energy built up by then, you'll fuel me for days!

And, just for you, I'll absorb you slowly. That way, you'll be aware of your fate as spiritual food. And, I'll probably eat parts of your body aswell, while you watch from your prison. You'll be powerless while I enjoy your body's succulent meat!



Lol, I wouldn't be surprised.


Oh, and Peter. I want you to build an altar to me! Show me how dedicated you are!


File: 1431386067244.pdf (2.34 MB, Vorarephilia_ A Case Study….pdf)

Found this in another vore thread

tl;dr: Vore fetish comes from a desire to never be alone again

Also here's a response from one anon

>They do hit on some points, but the two major cases they use in that article are cannibals and a guy who seems to be as into women's feet as being eaten. They do differentiate vore specifying being eaten whole and alive, but that only takes up a small part of the paper.

>They also don't cover third party vore at all. I usually imagine having sex with the prey or predator before/after they are eaten, or just watching. I rarely insert as predator or prey.





You can literally post whatever the fuck you want in any pre-existing thread and there are no rules against it. All the rules only pertain to the creation of new threads. Janitors may also spoiler unspoilered pornography at leisure if they wish to but are not required to do so. We have a very extreme degree of free speech here.


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So…can we spam gore in a bunch of other threads?



Yes you can.



And how is that not considered shitposting? Does free speech mean everything may be spammed? How is that different from allowing retards to breed?



it's not free speech

it's simply spam




and, by spamming, you effectively take away this freedom of speech from people in this thread

what is more, this is your sole purpose: shitpost so much that this thread dies and nobody can post in here anymore

you pathetic hypocrite, just go kill yourself already



Shitposting is OK. Freespeech can not have limitations put on it or it's not freespeech.


lol butthurt





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Quick! Spam the rest of the board!



>not wanting to be eaten by giant cute girl

>not wanted to be breathless while her feet stand on your chest

Enjoy having pleb tastes


why hasn't this general shitposting thread died yet?



Why should it?



because it contains some information, much shitposted gore, but also lots of pure love.

my question is: why haven't you died yet?


+1 to autosage


Taking a shit in a shit thread. Cybering is not /fringe/


>pure love

Degenerate please, you are ruining the English language by claiming your degenerate lust is "pure love".



*slaps your face with astral penis*

now it is



Your butthurt is delicious :P

And what would you know about love?


>implying there won't be a 2nd thread.



I know enough about love to know your lust is not love but a perversion of love.


Now that ilerminaty is open for all, can we discuss the plans to take down our lord and savior Peter with a curse?

I think we should be protecting him from the butthurt wizards that can't deal with the purest expression of love.


bump for this awesome thread


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It doesn't feel like I'm on /fringe/…



This thread is a model, every other thread on /fringe/ should mirror it's glory


Is Peter going to come back? :(



He's dead.



Fringe Illuminati finally got him.


this thread = wtf



>>are you a gril?


extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence



>extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

This. *tips*


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I mean, I have a guro fetish and that has no special spiritual meaning



we really need an answer to this one


this thread is finally dead



It was until you bumped it.


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this thread


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This page sould explain this http://www.lawofone.info/results.php?c=Sexual+Energy+Transfer . Read the 26.38 session and you should understand the nature of this fetish. If this or something similar was already posted I would like to apologize since I did not read any of the other replies.



I'am kind of dumb but what I'am getting from this is that this fetish is the result of blockage of sexual energy between the orange and yellow ray. Or am I missing something?



It is not a blockage people who serve self don't have any rays other then yellow and orange active. That is normall if you choose this path. Sex is then 1 entity being the dominant one and the second one enjoying the humiliation. This is my opinion on the matter. The rays are pretty much energy centers or more comonly known chakras. If you want to understand which ray is what chakra just read more of the material.



tl; still read it

yet it is not very clear

how is it related to the predator and pray roles itt?



mind blown?



So the person who is the predator doesn't respect free will enjoys beating, humilliating or doing w/e else he likes to the other person. The other person doesn't resist but rather enjoys the torment, pain and humiliation so they call that person prey. You could try reading it more slowly and trying to understand everything you are reading as you read it. If you already read slowy I apologize. Ideally you should read from the first one to the last one and not start at the middle.

If you alredy practice the occult this should be mostly light reading and explains how certain things work. If not it is a good start.



>So the person who is the predator doesn't respect free will enjoys beating, humilliating or doing w/e else he likes to the other person. The other person doesn't resist but rather enjoys the torment, pain and humiliation so they call that person prey. You could try reading it more slowly

this is obviously obvious

how are rays and energy transfer related to this?



The sts people only have the ability for yellow and orange ray transfer. But the sto has the ability for green, blue and indigo ray activation. Energy transfers can occur trough many activities sex being just one of them. The green ray activates if there is a desire to serve a other self in an infinite number of ways. It also couses joy in those that have activated it. The blue ray activates if you can propery express yourself to others meaning no lies but pure honesty. The indigo ray is the one all ocultist strive to activate. Through it one contacts intelligent infinity.

Now in sex there is a guranted red ray transfer. Then if you are sts a yellow and orange ray transfer too. In a sto individual there can be a green,blue or indingo ray transfers if the individual activated those rays.

Rays don't couse a person to act in this way it just depends on his beliefs and how he treats others. Then the apropriate rays are activated depending on the choices of the individual.



So many people have reported this image for illegal content or whatever lol. There's nothing wrong about a dead baby. It's just the sad cycle of life and this one just happened to end tragically. Chill the fuck out moralfags. If it's illegal where you live, you shouldn't be viewing this board because /fringe/ and freedomboard is notorious for morbid posts like this one. Just putting that out there, it's not going anywhere.



Fuck off, nobody asked you.


Where are Vera and Peter? ;_;


Out of pure curiosity, how many people would be willing to invite an entity into their body and let it or the creator of it "eat" them. Or really, any of the other things mentioned here?


why the fuck would you bump this shit

but i guess it's no worse than the usual crap



I'm a deranged fetishist with nothing to lose, so sure.


how on earth is this thread alive for so long?



This is the best thread ever made on this board




It's alive after you bumped it from page 15 after being dead for 1 month and 4 weeks by asking a meta ironical question how the thread could be alive for so long.

No, this thread is dead, and it should stay dead because right now it's just used to slide other more useful threads than a thread on a fetish that helps the sexual loosh farms milk people.



>a fetish that helps the sexual loosh farms milk people.

what if some people desire to be milked?

this is not as stupid as you may think and may possibly also lead to knowledge


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>Indulging in selfish sexual perversion leads to knowledge



have you tried?



I used to be a good for nothing perv who fapped to hentai everyday just like every other chanfag. The only knowledge you get is that it's a dead end, you wasted a shit ton of loosh, you hate yourself more, and wish you never started doing it in the first place. Also you wish you would of just gotten a gf instead.


>371 replies





calling everybody around autist, you must know autism first hand, don't you?

this is the best thread on /fringe/ so fuck off.



peter pls


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>it's just used to slide other more useful threads



LOL, this is just a roleplay board for people with mental illness, no need to take things here so seriously



It's degenerate fetish shit.


I hope you have protection running.

There is a group out there who are cleaning up people like you.



this thread is very old and OP hasn't been heard from since a long time, so he probably isn't here to read your warning

could you say more about that group though?

who are they and what are they motives?



Well there's at least one /fringe/ related group running experiments in hexing for lulz and knowledge.





sounds like shit and roleplay



Say that to the rape demons.



either describe your statement properly and with enough details

or just stop your boring roleplay


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>says 'fuck this thread'

>where is sage?



>implying sage does anything


I control someone who thinks like this, who feels like he doesn't exist, and gets off on his own failure. I've basically weaved an artifical reality tunnel around him, such that he thinks I'm the most benevolent being that's ever come into his life to help him do something with his life, but in actuality I take all his loosh and very subtly, outside of his awareness, create situations in which he'll fail and internalize his own helplessness.

It's pretty much awesome. He sees me as a benevolent friend, always there to encourage him to get over his shit, but not there to push him. All his failings are his own, and as long as he fails, I'll just keep raking in the loosh, outside of my own awareness. Middle pillar for the win.

Let this be a lesson to everyone on /fringe/, don't trust anyone, not even your best friends, because this kind of shit does happen :^)



tooting my own horn aside, though, i've explained pretty clearly to him that it's his own ego that causes him to be the way he is, and we've both sort of mutually agreed that he should destroy what he is and attempt to internalize my superior ego.

He tells me that my presence is a positive experience, that he gets something out of it, even though he's made zero improvement at all. I think that the mentality of a consciousness vore (and of my friend) is that they may entertain some kind of delusive life fantasy or something they'll never actually pursue, but they mostly just care about experiencing the pursuits, presence and ego of others.

Seriously /fringe/, you should try should try mentally dominating people for their loosh. I'm already off the wheel, and I didn't have to lift a finger.




Are you not worried about any karmic repercussions?

Also, what can I read to learn how to do that?




>Look, I captured a mouse and just look how much more powerful I am! Look!

pathetic spoiled brat

>even though he's made zero improvement at all

and so have you

mind blown?


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Controlling more people does, in fact, make me subjectively "better" than them. That is the difference between an archon and a mundane. It is fundamentally the same way that any mystery school, religion, or political construct functions.

Forming a Word and shoving it down someone's throat, convincing them to forfeit their loosh to you and perpetuating the resulting egregore is one of the fundamental applications of Magus-hood.

Don't piss where you walk, you're just pissing on your own shoes.


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Controlling more people does, in fact, make me subjectively "better" than them. That is the difference between an archon and a mundane. It is fundamentally the same way that any mystery school, religion, or political construct functions.

Forming a Word and shoving it down someone's throat, convincing them to forfeit their loosh to you and perpetuating the resulting egregore is one of the fundamental applications of Magus-hood.

Don't piss where you walk, you're just pissing on your own shoes.


When I think about it in terms of the LHP, I do have that concern, but in truth, my being around does benefit him a lot, and I do also hold RHP convictions which benefit him and make the whole thing work. If he didn't know hardship, he wouldn't know success, and I do wish for his success. I largely just leave him alone, I want him to fundamentally understand his own incompetence, so that he stops over-estimating himself, to walk down the hallways of wisdom until he's positively sick of it, to strive to better himself, and every few weeks to a month or so I'll gently remind him that's what he ought to do. With this sort of thing, he'd just as likely buy me a Ferrari as cast me out and tell me to never come back… It's all just how you look at it, what teachings you have to tell through your lies, what you choose to embody in the moment that decides these things.

I'd personally love to see a few people come back with stories of their own success with this. Has anyone else tried a working with the pretense of consciousness vore since this thread went up? Can't let Smiley have all the fun, can we?

and to answer your question,

If you can understand the formula for the philosopher's stone, the means by which civilization is structured, and labour from within the Oroborous is transmuted into gold, then you can surely find a means for your Word to take flight.



>If you can understand the formula for the philosopher's stone, the means by which civilization is structured, and labour from within the Oroborous is transmuted into gold, then you can surely find a means for your Word to take flight.

You're telling me to figure it out on my own. Alright, thanks, I'll do some research and practice.







I am speechless, not only does this mean I can't have any wizard friends. But this also means that I'm going to have to start murdering them too. Thanks for showing this enlightening information. Hopefully for your sake, these actions don't lead to your own demise, though I honestly can't say I would ever feel sorrow on such news in your particular case.


Dice rollRolled 9, 9, 6, 4, 12, 7, 11, 6, 6, 3, 11, 13, 6 = 103 (13d13)


I disagree on the wizard friends bit, but on the latter I find it hard to disagree.

Subjugation is reprehensible to me.



You sound very ego-based. I can't see an end other than someone else breaking your ego.

Do what you will, but you seem to be perpetuating negativity.



>Consciousness Vore

>soul vore

sounds satanic

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