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Esoteric Wizardry


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I see a lot of talk, but no results among so-called "initiates" right now. Just circlejerking over tinfoil symbolism. What's Smiley been up to - has anyone else here transcended and gone on wacky 4th Density adventures? I had a few lucid dreams and wtf synchronicities that I can't confirm or explain, but /fringe/ seems to be going through a sort of magick winter right now. Let's fix that, wizards.


People are just focused on their on studies I guess.

This is a slow board anyway, we only have an influx of posts when fedoras decide to come here shit things up.



Im not really a "magician", I'm a Yogi. I've had a lot of success with my practice lately, but its nothing that translates well to an image board lol. I'm slowly gaining more of a direct awareness of the great unknowable "that", its a process.

Sometimes I don't even feel like I belong on /fringe/ but I've grown fond of all you wacky wizards. Plus there's not too many places on the net for serious spiritual practitioners.


Do what thou wilt

Not everyone has time/space/materials for rituals and magick every day. All you need to do to practice magick is just meditate and visualize things. You don't have to do all the advanced stuff constantly. I save the weekends for that kind of stuff, then throughout the week I invoke an element in the morning, and banish the element at night.


If siddhis (more powerful abilities than anything a modern 'wizard' can achieve) are mere distractions to the actual goals of Self-Realization and God, what does that make 'cool magick tricks'?


>Not everyone has time/space/materials for rituals and magick every day.
If you can't get time space and materials using magick you're not powerful enough for more advanced stuff anyway.

>people are too focused on practicing magick in order to practice magick
I hope you're just pretending to be retarded.


I don't see how playing show and tell here is the same as serious study, but feel free to correct me.


Muh Fourth Law of the Magus.


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>>28761 (OP)
All the aboves saw what the ebolites, purgers and ISIL were doing in August and decided to lessen the Human races' spiritual potential until things calm down in the more downward pointed illuminati networks starting with that Solar flare.

Baphomet is in a state of near panic right now because of how much people and higher spirits are tai chi-ing their sigil spirits back at them and undoing their networks.

Basically, all the ascendest spiritists from the Himalayas to Ethiopia to Constantinople to Athens to the richer districts of Philadelphia all agreed with their higher powers present that the Baphos and even some Asatrus were cheating by using too much Illusion magica on people with chemicals present and tricks when they didn't even take said chems and they basically stepped in as referees and called a fowl so the non-higher-mage plebs could have some rest (and yes, this includes chakra obsessed hippies, regular non-sigil using goth/punks and even Christians).

So if you browse bapho and use sigils against both tumblr blogs and other boards, you're the reason not as much "fun" magick tricks are happening right now.

Have fun next October 30th.

Yours truly - /asatru/-/cyber/-/pol/-/arcane/-/tes/-/christian/-/islam/-/starwars/-/philosophy/

Bathago delenda est


I've been having the best luck with meeting new people, attracting money, and having lucid dreams. I've come so super close to astral projecting. It's happening very soon.



can someone expand upon this??


It's because no-one was getting any brand new powers.
All my abilities are slowly improving, astral sight/remote viewing/psychomancy specifically but it's nothing really worth writing about.


>including /arcane/ in that list

Your whole post; I can now disregard it.


He's just an arcaneniggerfaggot and I spit on him and his weakness.


>hating on the weak
Looking in the mirror must be very painful for you


Fuck off lover of dysgenics, it is merciful to kill the weak.



And yet with all that tombfolery, the Ruinous Powers are on the rise.

Check >>29539

>But why is this so laughable?

The warp is just moved by the wills of men, and its still more power than anyone here can use right now. Hell, i have enough favor with them that i can use Siren even tough i worship Chaos Undivided.


>it is merciful to kill the weak
You're in the wrong board then, try >>>/suicide/


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No you're on the wrong fucking board, try >>>/sjw/

You wouldn't even kill pic related because of your bullshit jew-created dysgenic supporting morality.


Actively harmful to self and other.


It must be very painful to have to compare youself wiith a deformed 3yo in order to feel strong and deserving. I hope your situation eventually improves.


bumperino, need some personal stories up in here.

Been having some good lucid dreams lately and meditation has been going well.



>missing the point of what he said to play the moralfag position for a little more

he's right, you're not.




almost got me

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