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Dearest /fringe/

I received a lot from you, so I want to give this:


Most of you know how important esoteric Yoga or a parallel to it is in occult systems. Even Masonry is based upon the same esoteric anatomy.

The techniques in this site (although not some of the surrounding rhetoric) are the best I've found. They do seem to transform you and awaken the Kundalini over time.


One thing I would add is that a Western magician should generally take a more active and tinkering approach to practices than the Indian temperament seems to incline towards.

What AYP says about it 'just happening' if you keep up the regular practice is true. But as an active-minded European Wizard you needn't stop the just-happening from happening via your own researches and tinkering and active notes about optimising your yogic practice.

So you don't need to listen to o much to the 'don't concern yourself with what's going on under the surface' line from AYP. It's right in the sense that it tells you just to carry on going and let the process transform you, though.

This type of process can take deeper roots if it has a deep meaning to your own tradition. Rosicrucianism, Masonry and really the whole Western occult run on old knowledge about Kundalini and the 3rd eye. Masonry has 33 degrees (the spinal vertebrae) with the awakened third eye (the shining triangle) at the top. Even if you're into, say, ONA, AL admitted to having done Yogic practices, although never recommends that for acolytes. So, there's a lot of meaning and depth and symbolism you can explore to enrich your mental landscape for this practice.


Thanks, man. I will definitely check it out after I'm done with my current reading material.

Could you maybe expound more on what info is written on the site?


Sure I will do.

Back in a bit though, starting another thread rn.


So on the site there is a course of daily Pranayama and Yogic Meditation practice.

It starts out quite simple, with Spinal Breathing Pranayama and Mantra meditation.

It progresses along an integrated course that includes some of the most advanced and previously occulted practices, including Kechari mudra and Samyama.

Kechari Mudra is a Mudra which rewires the brain and induces it to release Amrita, 'The Nectar of the Gods'. Possibly involving endogenous DMT. If you look at the physiology, Kechari approaches the ventricles which fill with spinal fluid and contain the hypothalamus, pineal and other glands, at the base of the brain and the top of the spine.

Samyama is like an ultimate hypercharged version of the power of attraction, or the power of Thought, or of what things like the Sedona method or Reichian psychotherapy would call 'releasing'. It is a way of processing and running through mental contents in a deep state of Yogic ecstasy.

The lessons run through these and other techniques, all as additions to integrate into a steady, unwavering twice-daily pratice of Pranayama and meditation.

It's a bit of time to commit, but not too much. I think it's just right. It takes real commitment to actually do that, but isn't so overwhelming and unrealistic that you'll stop it as life goes on and your interests develop.

And you can vary from just 10 mins spinal breathing pranayam with 20 minutes mantra meditation in a single session, up to a much fuller practice, depending on your schedule and feeling that day. The Kundalini process carries on happening so long as you keep up with the minimum.

Over time, doing this every day, somehow your entire emotionality and the normal patterns of emotion and mentality you swing between in life transform. And the process picks up pace the longer you keep the practice steady. The practice gets easier to keep stead the longer you do so, as well.

Right now my routine consists of:

10 minutes spinal breathing Pranayama
10 minutes spinal bastrika (rapid Pranayama designed to destroy karmic nervous system blockages)
5 mintues head spinning
20 minutes mantra meditation on extended mantra
5 minutes Yoni Mudra Kumhaka
10 minutes Samyama

One note on the site: try to just go to the lessons that have the techniques. You really don't need to read all of the interceding lessons. Only go to them if you need an issue answered or feel like it.

Here's a bit of a review lesson from later in the course:



Why is it better than other systems?

It's like the Franz Bardon of Yoga. Maybe better. It is totally focused on individual practice. Almost every other system focuses on the guru or says he's important. AYP says he isn't.

It released tonnes of information and practices never really made explicit in Western Yoga information before. The author says it is an experiment in what happens when you make really advanced material public.

To me, it seems to just work better than the Kriya yoga and similar I've found.

And it's a single, complete system that starts at the beginning and takes you all the way to full Kundalini awakening and, supposedly, enlightenment.


Nice, thanks again. This has really piqued my interest.

Kundalini awakening and repeated stimulation is what interests me most at this point. If Robert Bruce is to be believed it's not a one time thing, but so far I've found little useful info in some suggested materials. I've yet to finish watching his Kundalini videos, nonetheless.


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This seems like a good addition to my practice, thank you.

(Perhaps we'll have the Yoga flag soon?)


I'm happy it's of interest.

I'll note a few more things that might be relevant:

-Academically, David Gordon White seems the best author on the history of Yoga. If you read his 'Sinister Yogis', you see that Yoga was historically strongly associated with a very amoral kind of magic. The white-light image is a product of Blavatsky's Theosophy, that then got recycled back to Western consumers by the itinerant capitalist 'Yogi' market.

-AYP indulges in this image a bit, but its techniques are those of the NATH Yogis that Gordon White describes. This was a powerful sect of Warrior-Yogis in the 1600s/1700s and before who Kings often consulted with, and who had a strong impact on Indian affairs through magic. Their yoga was called 'Hatha' yoga. The naming of basic Asana yoga as Hatha yoga is a mistake and accident of history that arose in the West. Hatha is actually the full system of turning the body into a 'hermetically sealed' alchemical vessel where the fluids, electricity, and energy are driven upwards towards the head in a process of awakening.

-You can read White's works for descriptions of that process and the history. It was identical with the Alchemy of India at its point of genesis. The Hatha Yogis and Alchemists were the same people.

-This is likely similar information to the kind Europe could have gotten hints of from the Silk Road and similar. Either way, it completely matches the esoteric anatomy used in the Western occult hierarchy.

-And it runs on nofap, which I guess is another point /fringe/ can relate to. AYP advocates nofap (or at least no ejaculation). This is a part of the hermetic sealing of the fluids.

-If you're into Weor or OTO or the things that only get hinted at in Bardon and Theosophy, you'll see the relationship.


What I learned about other methods I'd tried by doing AYP:

-Reichian psychotherapy. If you go read Reich's 'Collected Works', you'll see he really did resolve the basis of Western psychotherapy, and that it led out into esoteric territory. The trouble is that what he tried to do to work with that basis involved new techniques, and he had no tradition behind him. He identified his Orgone Energy as Kundalini here and there. So it's better to work with the Aeons old tradition, or the tradition the politically successful and functional Nath Yogi order worked with. Not to rely upon the excessively muscle-focused (ignoring nervous system and its secrets) work of a man whose mental stability collapsed when faced with government pressure.

What you can learn from Reich is an intellectual model of how esoteric Yogic practice relates to Western models of the mind.

-New Thought: great, but the more you purify your nervous system the further you can go with it. Samyama works on this basis.

Also Mantras are auditory vibratoins. The Mantras of AYP work at different vibrations and different levels of the nervous system. So it provides a way to actually alter and use vibrations over time, to change the state of your nervous system. This is root main method of AYP.

-Sedona Method/Power of Now/etc./anything to do with 'releasing' blockages:

These usually help a bit but deeply transforming the nervous system and using Samyama seems to go further.


Kechari and Yoga are about permanently rewiring the brain so that it has access to the potentialities psychedelics release.

Whether DMT is released from the pineal is unsure. A recent study shows high concentration of dmt in rat (or some other rodent, can't recall) pineal glands. Either way, Kechari deals with Amrita, which flows down from the region the pineal gland is in. The Spinal Breathing Pranayama follows the course of the spine and these ventricles, then towards the Frontal lobes and the traditional location of the Ajna Chakra.

We know that attention increases bloodflow, which seems related.

-General self control:

Practicing this daily seems to enable the nervous system to begin directly regulating itself in a new kind of way. As I said, it also constantly draws attention to the frontal lobes, the regions associated with executive processes.

With time, the Kundalini process integrates consciousness of digestive and other systems, and a kind of merging with previously subconscious levels of the nervous system.


I practice magic alongside. I think the more sensitive and refined your nervous system, the better. AYP keeps a stable and steady process of ascent towards the goal of escaping limited reality in motion, which gives a kind of stability beneath the magical work.


I like Swami Satyananda Saraswati's writings on Kundalini, Swami Nityananda Giri's writings on Kriya Yoga and Frater Veos's writings on Hatha & Raja Yoga. I doubt this will be much better but gave the first book a cop. Which other ones are worth purchasing?

Nice write up btw, too bad others don't put so much effort into descriptions when introducing new information.



I've got the first two you mentioned, haven't looked at Frater Veos.

I find this more useful, personally. Just a better constructed approach than Giri's. Also it works by a principle of practice before requirement, implying that a lot that others treat as pre-condition for practice is actually an effect of it. Seems more durable to me.

No need to purchase. I think several are available publicly online. And all the info needed is in the free lessons. Books are just further info. I'd go for the main 'Advanced Yoga Practices - Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living' book first, though. I liked the Samyama book and Diet/Shatkarmas book a lot. Bot contain lots of esoteric techniques.


I think he sums up the different types of Yoga quite well near the end and the part about chakras is excellent.

I purchased that one already. Just did a brief search and couldn't find any PDFs online.



Scan them and upload as pdf and I'll put it on mega.


I got it for Kindle from Amazon, so I don't see how that is possible.



I might be able to get you the whole AYP collection for the Mega. Think I have them somewhere.

If you don't have them, I think I have all of Giri's books in pdf as well.



Page 25 bump



>Masonry has 33 degrees

No it doesn't.

The AAR has a 33rd degree, but it only has 29 degrees.


>esoteric yoga

>asking for demons


Anyone practicing these techniques should read these posts where this system is torn apart by people who actually know what they are talking about:



Stay safe.



You're wise.



any legit, accessible yoga sites for beginners then? kundalini seems like some heavy shit so I just wanna do this right





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What exactly are you trying to achieve with Yoga?

My recommendations would be:



Don't forget the Sun Salutations for warm up. I wouldn't worry about doing the headstand as a beginner, unless if comes easy to you.

The Tibetan Rites are also good:


The recommended reps are 3, then adding 2 per week til you reach 21. Some recommend standing up and performing two full breaths with exhalation through mouth, but I'm unsure how necessary this is. Include corpse pose at the end.


Become comfortable with the full yogic breath, then start with Nadi Shodhana. This will purify the Nadis, making for a relatively smooth Kundalini experience.

Pic is one way to do it, here is another: http://livingthelema.com/resources/pranayama-demonstration/.


Japa is good for a beginner, if you can find a mantra that appeals to you. There are many other things to concentrate on though, with the breath being the most popular.

Here is a fairly legit post on Yoga, however it's probably not very accessible for beginners:


Kriya Yoga is the most legit form of Yoga available to the public, which is relatively accessible. Read about it here (skip to second part if you want to get straight to the practices): http://www.kriyayogainfo.net/Eng_Downloads1.html



Thanks brother. Ill look into these in more detail when I get a chance tommorow.

Ive heard kundalini, rightfully harnessed, allows one to experience higher states of consciousness. I dont want mystical escapism but genuine shifts in consciousness away my lower nature and into something light, free, and pure.



Consider the following review where AYP is again ripped to shreds:

"Liberation" is essentially "Jnana Yoga for Dummies," by a dummy of sorts who doesn't fully understand, and is unqualified to elaborate upon, the subject. And this is evident whenever Yogani attempts to go beneath the surface of the Self-realization, or En-Light-enment, process.

I could write pages deconstructing the faulty and incomplete information in this book, but because this is just a review, I will limit my critique to just several examples of the problems I find with this book.

First off, Yogani's definitions of yoga terms are pathetic and dumbed-down. He defines "bhakti" as "spiritual desire," and it really means devotional yoga, or worship of God. But because Yogani seems allergic to terms like God and Spirit, he avoids using these important terms. Yogani defines "sushumna" as "spinal nerve." The sushumna is not a physical nerve; it is a non-physical subtle-body, or etheric, channel through which Kundalini flows. And speaking of Kundalini, Yogani has no real understanding of this Energy, reducing it to neurobiological energy. Moreover, Yogani only has knowledge (and wrong knowledge) of the "lower," or ascending, Kundalini, and none of the "higher," or descending, Kundalini, which is tantamount to "Shaktipat," the Divine Power that descends into and through one's body.

Yogani indiscriminately conflates terms that should not be conflated. For example, he writes: "Abiding inner silence, stillness, pure bliss consciousness, sat-chit-ananda, the witness, etc. all of these add up to the same thing." No they don't. For example, reducing Sat-Chit-Ananda, Being-Consciousness-Bliss, to mere stillness is farsical.

Yogani talks about "divine outpouring," but he doesn't explain what "divine" means, probably because the term pertains to "Spirit." And unbeknownst to Yogani, true divine outpouring is impossible without one's first experiencing divine inpouring, the descent of Spirit, or Shakti, into one's Heart-center (Hridayam, not Anahata), located two digits to the right of the center of one's chest. And Divine outpouring can only originate from this Heart-center, which Yogani never mentions.

Much of this book focuses on Jnana Yoga Self-Inquiry (as the means to Liberation), but Yogani has only superficial understanding of this practice, and no understanding of the esoteric mechanics involved in the Self-realization project. He has read the great sage Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950), the foremost expositor of Self-Inquiry, but has not grokked him. For Yogani, Self-enquiry never goes beyond realizing stillness. Exactly how Self-enquiry leads to integral Self-realization is never detailed in this book. A true Jnana Yoga teacher, which Yogani isn't, provides these details."

Then considering reading a great introduction to Ramana Maharshi's teachings called "Be As You Are". Ramana is probably the most respected and realized well known modern spiritual teacher. His story is more magnificent than any 'green-pill' I've read here. His method is deemed the direct method to Self-Realization and requires not set time or any of the practices I list above.

His method of Self-Enquiry works as follows:

"One's thoughts are traced from the subtle to the causal, not from the gross to the subtle. The root of the causal body (where the Bliss Sheath intersects one's soul, the root of one's psyche) is the Hridayam, the Heart (distinct from the Anahata Chakra). And in accordance with Ramana Maharshi, I say the Self cannot be realized via Self-enquiry unless one's spurious, ego-based `I' thoughts are traced to their Source in the Hridayam, the spiritual Heart-center, where they are obviated, or outshone, by the true, transcendental `I,' the radiant Self, whose locus, relative to one's body, is two digits to the right of the center of one's chest. One's thoughts, the products of one's samskaras (karmic seed tendencies), originate in the spiritual Heart and travel to the brain, where they crystallize as one's mind. A Jnani must practice Self-enquiry and thereby pull the mind into the spiritual Heart, where the false, or ego `I' is spontaneously dissolved, and supplanted by the true, or transcendental `I,' the Self."



Part III from page 72 on wards should clear up your confusion


>I dont want mystical escapism but genuine shifts in consciousness away my lower nature and into something light, free, and pure.

In that case I would recommend you read Initiation Into Hermetics, which is mostly comprised of Tantra Yoga practices.

The articles on this site may also be your cup of tea:


Good luck.



>What exactly are you trying to achieve with Yoga?

Superpowers like shapeshifting and teleportation

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