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Esoteric Wizardry


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Reflecting on my past experiences I can say every single woman I was ever with has left me more lifeless than I was before I met her. I'd appreciate any input on how to prevent this and filter out the problematic ones. Feel free to share your own experiences.

I've had several girlfriends and a few long time hookups. Whenever I felt great and full of energy they usually (coincidentally?) were depressed and feeling bad so I would cheer them up, spend time with them and so on. Over a few days this would make them feel better but usually it would drain the living soul out of me to the point that I became severely depressed after this up and down shit had continued for four entire years with one girl. Those girls would also want to fuck -all- the time. The four year relationship girl used to wake me up with blowjobs every single night I spent with her and initiate sex at every slightest chance. Yes sure it's cool at the time "hurr bro look at you begging your girl for bj's and I'm getting them three times a day" but that also made me feel even more lifeless. It's literally like they were farming me.

That has been a few years ago, I've since stopped fucking women as easily as I used to back then. I go on dates, they go well, but I see the same pattern again. Easy women and I just know they would drain me once more. What the fuck is going on? I just want a girl that isn't a real life succubus. Am I damned to live as an ascetic monk?


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>tfw gay wizard
>Closeted but in long term relationship with best bro friend
>Lift together, study together, game together

>Sluts often try to hit on me at parties & Work

>That hilarious, pathetic desperation when I ignore them completely
>Tfw the harpies can't leech my energy

I've honestly never met an woman who could keep up with my philosophically/intellectually. They always end up being a drain or reinforcing bluepill ideas I'm trying to ditch.

Are you able to go gay, OP? Fap to traps or something and see if it's possible for you.

I'm doing great now after cutting almost every women out of my life.


They're all succubi man, it's natural duality.
Women take from the man and hardly return anything. Even if they "pay" you with their vaginas, they still leech on your sperm and drop your energy levels.

Having emotional discussions with them is even worse and is pure waste of energy. They stir up your mind and destroy the harmony. Also notice how mad they get if you keep your calm in their emotional dramas. In these moments they don't get your energy and that sucks for them.

However, I do not know how to deal with that. Just get a girl if you plan on having offspring, I guess. Or get one if you have to much energy, I don't give a fuck, do what you want.


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I do not understand le funny meme.


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Stop giving yourself away to douchey people who you feel are undeserving of you in the first place? Why do you hate yourself? Why do you waist your time? Why do you run in circles?


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top kek women


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Nope not even a tiny bit gay. Congrats on your situation though, sounds great.

If all of them were like this we wouldn't have even been born. This shit isn't normal.

> Stop giving yourself away to douchey people
That's exactly what I did as stated, I live like a monk now. It's alright but I miss women and eventually want a family.


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>If all of them were like this we wouldn't have even been born. This shit isn't normal.
Why do you deny it?
There might be women that aren't succubi, however they wouldn't be the normal ones.


>all woman are parasites

>fuck guys instead

Great advice by /fringe/ once again.


Did you at least do what I do and never pursue women?

'cause if you pursue women, then part of the problem is yourself, lel

If you're not doing that and women are still trying to seduce you though, well, it's unfortunate but you may as well talk to them if they are nice people…

It would be much better to simply work upon oneself and create a tulpa than seek out any mundane women.

You can also magickally influence women and reform them with your magick, maybe possess one with your thoughtforms.


>representing /fringe/


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Everyone's all 'Renouncing Lust' and nofap for maximum loosh… but that's the fuckin easy way out mate.

Like us dudes, the wimmen are part of the world and divine - it's all natural and part of the system. We don't belong alone, we belong with them.

Look into Tantra. Qi Gong - ie, Mantak Chia's 'the Multi-Orgasmic Man'

Also, it's your mindset on how you fit into the peg-hole of a 'relationship' that may be skewed. As per the hermetic principles, what's in your mind creates your world, and women are not what men believe them to be. There is a vast disinformation campaign - try /r/theredpill/ for understanding better the man/woman dynamic.

It is entirely possible to be in a relationship and be energized by the girl, and have her energized similarly by you.

Also, I read somewhere, that men give energy in bursts, ie, ejaculation - but women give it only over a period of time, but constantly. They both have different systems. But can work together.



Agree but FUCK masturbating.

Its not about making your dick forbidden fruit its about gaining the will power to become "horny" on command, not just by environmental stimulus.


>TFW no /fringe/ bf.




That's a good way of looking at it.

I can vouch for a balanced relationship being a great source of spiritual energy. When things were good between me and my ex I had ungodly amounts of energy and clarity of mind, not just from sex, but the intimate connection with that female energy is like getting struck by lightning (in a more subtle, constant form).

Be nice to females, they're people too lol.


It's really too bad that I wasn't seriously practicing yoga back then, I could've made serious progress.. But that's what happens when you're in a relationship with a materialist!


If becoming horny on command is your goal why don't you fap to imagination?
It specifically has to be your original scenes and examples of feminine beauty instead of memories of porn.

You're not falling bait to the ZOG porn industry and bring pleasure to your lower self while exercising the mental faculties of the higher self.
Both are a part of you and neither should be ignored.


It doesn't matter if you spend energy on sex or masturbation. It releases endorphines and addicts you for another dose. Its like an internal heroin factor. Plus you have thousands of common foods that mildly "boost sex life and potency"(aka aphrodisiacs), which increase pressure for release and the unending stream of free porn for visual stimulation.
If you want to be a wizard, you'll have to redirect and reject all of these impulses. Don't fall for sex magic/tantric sex stuff as it always ends as habitual masturbation and elevated sex drive(slips to a mundane monkey-brain state which is "normal sex-drive") exactly opposite of energy-preserving/transformation practices(it still can activate and powerup chakras though).


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Same here i'm prob younger then you. I want a family but I look at women in society and have accepted to wait until I find her. I guess i to shall be living like a monk until then.


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Wrong Quote.

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