Working on a project !giiMcpCzGI 03/24/15 (Tue) 12:23:01 No. 29203
As we awaken inside and find the light, people around us also awakens and find the light. Or so we're told by the disinformation that this is how enlightenment works. And as you've probably noticed by now, less people are interested about enlightenment than they are interested about Lady Gaga's latest meat dress (Madonna falling off stage). I share with you a project I've been working on that I intend to materialize in fully. It is simple A4 prints, using a simple font in black with white background and a single vector image in the middle. The intention is to provoke thought, spark the light within and make the individual question more than what is on its facebook feed for at least 10 seconds. However, this project is not done. So I share my idea here together with the PDF that contains 20 pages of posters. If you have an idea for a contribution, submit your line of text plus attach the image you want to be used and I'll make it into one of the posters. If enough people are interested, the Indesign template will be shared allowing more contributions to be added. The idea is that these posters can be printed: 2 on A4 paper, 1 on A4 paper or 2 on A3. Because there's a chance we want to laminate the posters for outdoor use, they are slightly smaller than the paper itself which allows cropping. Target audience: Young and old, people that knows memes/people that doesn't, people who can read English. Do you have anything you'd like to say about the project to help shape its future, please do so. (If the link fails to embed to the pdf, it will be linked in the second post)
!giiMcpCzGI 03/24/15 (Tue) 12:24:26 No. 29204 Here's also a sneak peak of page 15 in JPG so you can read it on your phone if you don't have a pdf viewer.
03/24/15 (Tue) 13:10:23 No. 29205
nice, i REALLY had some thoughts in that direction a few days ago, but you are much much farther in the manifestation. i have some vague ideas for posters and i hope they are interesting to you: -Anti-Drug: If you cant stand your life,job and society without alcohol or drugs… well, thats why i want you to stop -Medicine is making Ill, School is making people dumb, Food is Poison. maybe its time to rethink. -A hamster wheel looks like a carrer ladder from the inside -last idea: a burning banknote as the pic. im not sure about the caption though, maybe something anti-consumerist or pro-spiritual… keep up the good work
03/24/15 (Tue) 13:13:45 No. 29206
>not putting links on all of these posters so people seeing them come here.
03/24/15 (Tue) 13:15:06 No. 29207
>>29205 >-last idea: a burning banknote as the pic. im not sure about the caption though, maybe something anti-consumerist or pro-spiritual… Fuck that noise. Money is power and useful. It's the way people use money that does harm.
!giiMcpCzGI 03/24/15 (Tue) 13:23:11 No. 29209
>>29205 I will make some of these into posters. Except an update within 3 hours.
>>29206 My idea is that there's no organization or group of people behind these posters. As soon as there is someone behind the posters, there's also criticism to be found for that group. The gamergate scandal and 8chan's publicity in media is proof of that. I do not wish to have media write about these posters as "Right wing radical wizards put posters up in town, crippled jew known for stormfront community /pol/ helps support more racism on our street".
>>29207 I'll think of something.
03/24/15 (Tue) 13:26:16 No. 29210
>>29209 >wanting to greenpill individuals who are against our race
!giiMcpCzGI 03/24/15 (Tue) 14:05:21 No. 29212
>>29205 The pdf will be updated shortly, but here's the update so far.
!giiMcpCzGI 03/24/15 (Tue) 15:26:54 No. 29218 It's the same link. I update the file on Dropbox so it's always the same link.
Added 10 new posters. Updated some captions to make them more straight forward and added some conspiracy info.
03/24/15 (Tue) 15:32:58 No. 29219
I like it. These should be posted for the public. I also think that there should be missing page numbers, so that even if all of them are found the viewer is left with the desire to search and uncover more.
03/24/15 (Tue) 15:48:47 No. 29220
This reminds me of the discordian Operation Mindfuck.
!giiMcpCzGI 03/24/15 (Tue) 15:52:13 No. 29221
>>29219 Good idea.
>>29220 That second picture will become a poster.
Good stuff.
03/24/15 (Tue) 19:59:38 No. 29236
>>29218 I will put this on the mega in the original content folder if you want
!giiMcpCzGI 03/24/15 (Tue) 20:15:31 No. 29240
>>29236 Lets wait until it's done, I still have some ideas and I want to hear some more ideas.
☻ 03/24/15 (Tue) 20:30:00 No. 29243
These are getting increasingly lame, read them all, some of it is not very insightful and is literally shit that I hear bluepills spewing all the time. Some of your posters you're making fail to really cut through the maya into the essential nature of things.
>>29209 If it catches on people will inevitably find out the source was /fringe/ anyways.
☻ 03/24/15 (Tue) 20:31:25 No. 29244
>>29221 Missing pages will just make people think it was amateur and sloppy.
!giiMcpCzGI 03/24/15 (Tue) 21:18:36 No. 29250
>>29243 >>29244 For a guy that whines about mundane girl friend relationships in DEDICATED threads, you sure do know how to criticize actual work that will be actualized and put up to do something to make people think and question their "waste of human potential" life style rather than sitting on an image board circle jerking over said mundanes never starting the hard work and always bringing wizards down.
How about you do this project yourself if you think you can do it better. I think you are lame. Go eat some more activated coal and clog up your blood.
>Can't multiquote.Protip: Click multiple post numbers before you reply.
03/24/15 (Tue) 21:30:13 No. 29252
>>29250 Nice work OP. I like there. I might print out and put a few up.
!giiMcpCzGI 03/24/15 (Tue) 21:33:23 No. 29253
03/24/15 (Tue) 21:40:31 No. 29255
>>29253 OP, this is a kinda off topic question, is it possible to create a thought-form which will tell me all the answers in a test? Some kind of super calculator?
03/24/15 (Tue) 21:41:53 No. 29256
>>29250 Smiley doesn't realize how much he's shooting himself in the foot. Say when Hitler was leading Germany, did he expose his deepest fears and regrets to the public? Does any leader? It's a sign of weakness especially when its immature whining about a girl as you guys say. Smiley follows a very LH path and believes he knows one thing but the next second doesn't. He tries to give diet advice, telling everyone how wrong their diets are and what they should be doing then someone "enlightens him" via "synchronicity" of how his diet is wrong, suddenly he turns 180 degrees and now he's following something else to try and fix his "physical issues" instead of just embracing love and acceptance, he must have POWER over his body instead of letting his body be in harmony with himself; too much power not enough love and compassion and/or acceptance. a good little write up on how lacking humans are in love, remember even "human" breaks down to hu-man meaning "less than" + "man".
!giiMcpCzGI 03/24/15 (Tue) 21:46:06 No. 29257
>>29255 There are ways to create a spiritual book of knowledge that only you can see. It takes some years to perfect. How about you study and find something interesting in the topic?
>>29256 Enough attention to a person crawling all over the floor. What do you think about the actual topic?
03/24/15 (Tue) 21:53:45 No. 29259
>>29257 I really think it's something great. Great little insights to help those with questions open their mind more. The fact you haven't attributed a location or organization with it makes it all the more respectful in my point of view. I want to ask you, are you doing this project out of love for others? Just make sure you keep them to a high quality or else someone might be interested to a point, read one that they didn't properly agree with and then disagree with the rest thereon; I guess that may occur anyway though but these will be great pieces of "food for thought" for those who have some questions already, which seems to be more and more people so keep up the good work!
03/24/15 (Tue) 21:53:58 No. 29260
!giiMcpCzGI 03/24/15 (Tue) 21:57:22 No. 29261
>>29259 It's part of my vision for the future. How am I supposed to help people wake up if I'm just going to sit at home and look at the events unfolding?
Yes, it is for love. For the love of their future selves that will at some point be happy that they saw that one poster that day that made them think about something outside their realm of thought.
If but one person has found my work helpful, it will have been worth it.
I'm also at a perfect location to make this happen as I have access to top grade printer machines and different types of paper. This will be done very professionally.
03/24/15 (Tue) 22:15:00 No. 29265
>>29256 Thanks for this, brother.
☻ 03/25/15 (Wed) 03:58:58 No. 29337
>>29250 >mundane girl friend relationships There is absolutely nothing mundane about my relationship with her, a lot of magick is involved.
>all that incredible butthurtWould you rather your works do not go through critical review and thus you turn out a shitty message to the masses?
You'd accomplish more by learning mental influence than printing out a bunch of vague shit normies will just throw in the garbage or recycling after a glance btw.
Unless you do something dramatic enough to get media attention most people won't even know those flyers ever existed and were distributed.
>Can't multiquote.I can. I just respond to a post in the thread right away then continue reading and respond to another. If this upsets you; more loosh for me.
☻ 03/25/15 (Wed) 04:08:48 No. 29339
>>29255 It's possible to do that. I made a thoughtform for telling me how much a given object was to be found in a box at a glance. It would output a number I'd see and then I'd count it manually to check the thoughtform was right.
That thoughtform dissipated though, didn't put enough energy into it for to last long.
>>29256 You're going to be sooo BUTTHURT when I finally obtain an absolutely perfected body while you have to settle with loving and accepting a shitty body. How revolting it is to love something which is not perfect.
>>29257 He could create an infinitybook like I've been working on and program a whole ton of functions into it.
>>29259 Have you ever once picked up a flyer in your life and found it to be anything but rubbish? I've seen many flyers distributed around places near me many times and people just pick them up and throw them out, nobody ever reads them.
If you are gonna make em' though, put them on those boards you can tack stuff up to, which around found in some public places. Such boards usually have stuff like livestock and pets for sale, furniture for sale, yardsales, job offerings, etc. on them. Keep it short and simple but also please have a url or a book name or something that someone interested in it can search for to learn MUCH MORE.
That's the best way you can reach out to people. Trying to distribute them to people in public just doesn't work. Putting it in peoples mailboxes also doesn't work. Putting it on people's cars pisses them off. Putting them in the streets and people just walk by and ignore it. Those boards with the job offerings and shit though are a good place, lots of people pause and look there.
>inb4 my advice is rejected because I'm voicing it with my symbol on instead of as an anon
☻ 03/25/15 (Wed) 04:09:37 No. 29340
>>29339 Oh fuck I fucked up and multiquoted I forgot that I wasn't supposed to do that and should have been making each post separately in order to cause a loosh extraction to take place.
☻ 03/25/15 (Wed) 04:11:44 No. 29341
>>29261 >It's part of my vision for the future. How am I supposed to help people wake up if I'm just going to sit at home and look at the events unfolding? Why do you care about the future of this world and waking other people up? Isn't this frivolous? What do you even want to wake them up to?
☻ 03/25/15 (Wed) 04:13:19 No. 29342
>>29261 >Yes, it is for love. For the love of their future selves that will at some point be happy that they saw that one poster that day that made them think about something outside their realm of thought. Someone once directed me to and that changed my life a lot. They actually talked to me a lot and went about convincing me of things before I went there. No silly flyers, songs, or other mass media stuff has had any sort of effect on my life like that. I doubt you flyers will be important for even one person.
☻ 03/25/15 (Wed) 04:15:27 No. 29343
>>29261 >If but one person has found my work helpful, it will have been worth it. Pfft. As if that will happen.
☻ 03/25/15 (Wed) 04:16:14 No. 29344
>>29261 >I'm also at a perfect location to make this happen as I have access to top grade printer machines and different types of paper. This will be done very professionally. I don't have anything to say here, I'm just trying to make a lot separate posts to respond to your one post, so ummmm… nigger nigger nigger nigger jew nigger nigger jew jew jew nigger nigger jew jew spic nigger cocks jews niggers niggers jews jews kikes chinks faggots. Nigger nigger piss abort nigger nigger. NIGGERS.
03/25/15 (Wed) 04:39:29 No. 29346
>>29344 Smiley your anger and rage is the cause of your non perfect body just as it reflects your non perfect mental state. Even Crowley was not a perfect person and he developed far more than you, as with most people who waste their life following hatred and power instead of love. Mostly early deaths or a life of more pain and suffering you won't get anywhere with this attitude but further stuck in your ways and all for the what? A viscous aggressive ego which doesn't even realise the person it's following is as flawed as itself. You could be reborn in heart and actually be happy!
☻ 03/25/15 (Wed) 04:53:45 No. 29350
>>29346 You know, as concerns anger and rage, I am not capable of raising my voice and getting angry with anyone in a hot way. Only cold hatred.
The cause of my imperfect body is shitloads of abuse and my latest plans to fix up my body appear to be working so far.
03/25/15 (Wed) 05:00:34 No. 29351
>>29350 Even from a mundane perspective, bottling up negative emotions is a killer for you down the road. It's called a Type C personality, and if I'm not mistaken, puts you at higher risk for things like health disease and cancer.
03/25/15 (Wed) 05:00:55 No. 29352
03/25/15 (Wed) 08:13:23 No. 29366
I assumed for a while that this Smiley thing must be some character played by a group of people in on some joke, just for loosh or whatever. /fringe/ couldn't actually revere somebody that immature and riddled with obvious personality disorders (weaknesses). But it turns out he's for real. /fringe/ is a joke. There are real illuminati out there, being illuminati. Think how laughable this place is to them. And the hatred and rage isn't that of real LHP strength. It's like the overwrought growling of a crippled beast. No strength, no nobility. Smiley has a lot of potential but he needs to seriously change things around to realise it. /fringe/ had a real aura back around the ebolachan period and before. But it's lost it because of the poor development and mundane-level psychological complexes of people not equal to their own spirits. Anyway, I recognise some greatness in Smiley. That's the only reason I'm using harsh words. People need to stop indulging him in his failures.
03/25/15 (Wed) 08:44:25 No. 29374
>>29366 >character played by a group of people That was project ChaosVoid!
03/25/15 (Wed) 09:02:04 No. 29376
>>29374 Yeah that was cool. Then there was ebolachan, and old fringe, and when /illuminati/ seemed to have actual mystique, and that massive ruse involving /fringe/ and /pol/ and NRx and ONA. There was so much amazing stuff and /fringe/ seemed the center of vortexes of energy and grand conspiracies.
Now we just have an endless therapy session for some guy from wizardchan.
It's just not magical anymore.
03/25/15 (Wed) 09:07:44 No. 29377
>>29376 If you don't like it here, you're free to leave anytime. Don't let the metaphorical door hit you on the way out!
03/25/15 (Wed) 09:33:47 No. 29380
>>29377 So said every mundane challenged for wasting his potential through history.
03/25/15 (Wed) 09:44:53 No. 29383
>>29380 People go through shit. He isn't your entertainment toy! If you want to help out the community, then do so. You help make the community, don't you? Do you want to help? Then ask how? Take action. If you have nothing more to add, you are free to leave. You're an adult! No need for others to spoon feed you. Try not to be such a whiny baby! You call others mundane, when you are so mundane you can't even entertain yourself!
03/25/15 (Wed) 10:03:43 No. 29386
>>29383 You don't know how much of the actual stuff that happens on the chans I've done, mr. 'if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything!'.
And that's all I'm doing now. Playing a part so that it might actualise certain processes in motion.
Initiatory progress doesn't happen via indulgence and groupthink hugboxing. It happens via inversion, shifts, and negative mirrorings. Have you even read Montalk, Smiley's favorite author? Does Montalk say we learn by happy panglossian therapy sessions?
You want me to play the part of one more 'helpful' fellow traveler? The magical path is about adaptation to challenge. Indulgence often stagnates.
You think more softness is what some guy who sincerely thinks his homebound trolling is all about 'loosh farming' needs? He's got lots of soft people around already, humoring him. He's not getting any more inspirational.
You're just playing out the script any robot does when challenged. 'He's being negative to something I associate with, so I'll be negative back!'. You picked up on some thing you thought you saw in what I said (about entertainment) and try to make some kind of parry, as though this were a contest?
Learn to magic. You're acting like a robot.
03/25/15 (Wed) 10:11:38 No. 29387
>>29386 There is some miscommunication going on. You're not getting what I am saying AT ALL. I don't know if you are trying to ruse me? You just projected a bunch of shit on to me. You are putting words in my mouth. You are making assumptions. You are taking shit and running with it. That is why this community is shit. It's shit because of people like you. Go fuck yourself.
03/25/15 (Wed) 10:21:12 No. 29389
>>29387 Awww don't cry.
Surely one of your platitudinous images has something to say about why you don't need to be upset by the mean hater?
Your robot scripts are showing.
Maybe I'm responding to what you are saying, not what you think you're saying?
You're flailing because you came up against some negativity. You tried to tell me why I shouldn't be negative. And I told you why I was doing what I was, and why your 'just be helpful!' was dumb. Nothing in that that missed the point of what you were saying. Only one projecting here is you. You have a robot mind.
03/25/15 (Wed) 10:23:03 No. 29390
>>29389 I don't have time for bullshit. I don't like to pussy foot around. Sorry you have a problem. It's not my problem.
03/25/15 (Wed) 10:27:28 No. 29391
>>29390 You really showed me, Mr. Just shrugged it off like you're above it.
Aren't you forgetting you're the one who started talking to me? Sticking your imperceptive head into business you're too crude to engage accurately with.
Seems to me like you have the time. Until you think it will preserve your silly little robot mind to pretend you don't.
03/25/15 (Wed) 10:37:52 No. 29393
Oh come now, you're being negative!
Give us more of your facebook-feed tier posters instead. Really, they'd tell you you're being a bad bad little mundane!
03/25/15 (Wed) 10:48:25 No. 29394
>>29393 >negative "Life is like a camera. Just focus on what's important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don't turn out – take another shot." - unknown
03/25/15 (Wed) 11:06:53 No. 29395
>>29394 Yet you're still here trying to argue with someone who has literally put you in your place over and over again, then you go and quote some hipster tumblr tier stuff to try and prove a point. If you can't even construct your own argument and thoughts no wonder he's claiming you sound robotic - you are! These quotes are at a level known as the most mundane of mundanes. Why not point your life in its own direction and not rely on cheesy quotes? A quote is something that you like how it sounds while in a certain state of mind because it relates to you. How can you even grow or develop if your mind is then stuck at the one point because you keep rehashing back to the quotes and never break your programmed train of thought.
/fringe/ quality has lessened to a disgusting level.
03/25/15 (Wed) 11:07:57 No. 29396
>>29395 To add to this, thank you once again OP as this is some of the more quality stuff that has been posted on this site in a while. I really respect that you're doing it out of love for your fellow-man, keep up the good work!
03/25/15 (Wed) 11:09:11 No. 29397
>>29395 >>29396 I like feeding you! I am enjoying this!
03/25/15 (Wed) 11:20:30 No. 29399
>>29397 Could you please explain how you're feeding me? I just hate people so clearly programmed and stuck in their ways who will never allow criticism or truth to enter because of large egos.
03/25/15 (Wed) 12:17:04 No. 29402
ITT: Agents trying to make /fringe/ look like idiots!
03/25/15 (Wed) 13:07:37 No. 29405
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
!giiMcpCzGI 03/25/15 (Wed) 14:08:47 No. 29407
>>29339 >If you are gonna make em' though, put them on those boards… To quote myself:
>>29203 >The idea is that these posters can be printed: 2 on A4 paper, 1 on A4 paper or 2 on A3. Because there's a chance we want to laminate the posters for outdoor use, they are slightly smaller than the paper itself which allows cropping. They are posters, not fliers. Your criticism is not whether or not an individual poster is good or bad or how I can improve it, my idea is hopeless and I should adhere to your LHP and just force it unto people using thought projection.
So that's what you are doing all the time? And that's what people have done to you? Sad man.
>>29340 And now you're just being a jerk.
>>29341 Because people like you don't.
>>29342 Your opinion is noted.
>>29344 >Admitting you're spamming just to make multiple posts. I came here to share an idea and get some opinions on how it can be improved. What I got was first hand experience with smiley being smiley.
Can I haz ontopic now?
03/25/15 (Wed) 17:12:06 No. 29423
Sylph 03/25/15 (Wed) 23:13:05 No. 29458
>>29423 >sitting on Smiley's dick this hard HEY MAN, YOUR LOOSH IS LEAKING EVERYWHERE.
☻ 03/27/15 (Fri) 15:17:30 No. 29627
>all this butthurt in the thread >read the whole thread >don't give a shit about any of it be emotionally affected >feel proud of myself for my latest magickal works and CSS stuff for /edgy/ >know that all the people disgusted with me gonna be mad jelly in the end
!giiMcpCzGI 03/27/15 (Fri) 16:28:01 No. 29636
>>29627 The fact that you don't even understand the implications of your ego in your own post and personality and have to write a post like that is more sad than any future post you will write to try and boast your ego.
If your purpose is to make people look retarded on this board you are indeed very successful, including yours truly.
Discuss the topic in the thread.
☻ 03/27/15 (Fri) 16:35:35 No. 29637
>>29636 Thanks for the loosh mundane.
!giiMcpCzGI 04/17/15 (Fri) 08:50:58 No. 33394
The project is on its way to being actualized. The last step is to laminate the pages as to prepare for outdoor use. If anyone is interested in the inDesign document used for the project, hola and I'll share it. Also bump.
04/17/15 (Fri) 15:25:50 No. 33420
>>33394 hello.
good work.
i have some questions:
-how did you print the posters, your own printer or a company? can you tell me about the prices?
-are they uv-degradation safe?
-how did/will you laminate them?
the indesign data would be pretty nice, please :)
sunny greetings
04/18/15 (Sat) 00:00:40 No. 33492
>>33394 Nice exercise in futility there.
!giiMcpCzGI 04/18/15 (Sat) 10:46:43 No. 33598
>>33420 I printed them on a glossy 100g A4 paper type using a Canon laser printer that has 1200 DPI resolution. The price per paper is roughly 10 cents and with lamination probably 25 cents per piece.
The ink is normal laser print ink so I would reckon it's not uv safe.
I will laminate them using a cheap laminator at work but do my best to eliminate bubbles and texture.
This is the project folder with all the files: You will need Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC and InDesign CC for full compability.