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Esoteric Wizardry


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THIS is the REAL redpill…

White or black, human or cockroach and everything in between. You, we, are all worthless and the lives we are living are pointless and it would be better if we never existed, and the best future would be NO future.

All life is just being robotic puppets to genes.

Everything we do is to either bring about pleasurable chemical reactions in our brain, or to prevent unpleasurable chemical reactions in our brain.

Our genes are baiting us and trolling us with these chemicals in our brain that make us do things that cause us to survive and procreate. So we can pointlessly spread our genes.

Human beings being ability to conceive of their own death creates a suffering unknown to other animals. We can see the game for what it is. This creates unpleasurable chemical reactions in our brain (fear, anxiety, depression), in which humans need to create/adopt complicated "meanings" and "goals" in their lives. But these things are nothing more than delusions created in a futile attempt to try and fool ourselves.

When we have the courage and clarity of mind to strip down all the delusion, humans have the ability to comprehend that life is a pointless, ultimately unwinnable game, and that further, it should be ceased in order to eliminate unnecessary suffering.

The one tangible way we can solve this problem is to END LIFE. To stop living as an individual (suicide) is a difficult thing to even accept as a thought, let alone carry out for most humans, due to our nature of being evolved to survive. But it is also difficult due to cultural conditioning.

What we can do is promote NON life affirming values (antinatalism, efilism).

STOP celebrating life.

STOP persecuting those who want to end life.

STOP having children

STOP being a puppet to your genes


I kind of want to believe that, OP.

I know you posited it as the 'HARD' truth that nobody wants to hear. But often the only thing that's stopped me killing myself is the fear of what you said not being true.

My intuition has always led me places in a strangely complex and ordered way. Like complex patterns are predicted in advanced in it. And magic brings this kind of complexity under some kind of control.

And all of that suggests to me interface with a level beyond. Like we're flatlanders. The sharpest people I've found talking about these complex experiences like mine, these strange synchronising patterns, portray a reality that actually does operate like a Tessaract. The most rigorous traditions of thought going back through human history seem overwhelmingly to tend towards this perspective. With our individual life here being a sub-level effect of a longer process we will continue to partake in.

This isn't argument from authority. I'm not arguing for it even. It's just that a faculty (intuition) which has proved right so many times points also to this. Those who make sense of that faculty point to this.

So I worry that if I exit this game wrong, something bad happens. I lose memory, go somewhere worse, whatever. I've had terrible experiences and premonitions that I sometimes think suggest that. It's smoke and mirrors, perhaps, but it's been enough to stop my very genuine wish to end the pain of my existence.

I kind of agree with you though. I so often want to say fuck you to the whole game by taking the power to end it. And it seems most people would be so much more beautiful if they took this option.


BTW anybody looking for a Philosophical exposition of OP should read David Benatar (Better Never to Have Been), John Gray and Schopenhauer. I heard Ligotti's Conspiracy Against the Human Race is good as well.

And Buddhism, obviously.


BTW what is with all the different pills in the flag box?
And I have also heard of the Black pill. What are all these things?


You want the good goys to explain it to you?



Bait harder. If we are puppets to our genes, who is the puppeteer over the genes themselves? If we are the expression of the programming of our genes, who is the gene programmer?

Praying for you, anon, I hope you come to The Light.


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>All life is just being robotic puppets to genes.

Dark Matter doesn't exist and neither do extra m-theory dimensions.

You are only 3 dimensional experiencing the 4th and about as alive in terms of spirit as my fedora.


This is some stupid shit. If there's no meaning to any of our actions, then what meaning is there in the action of killing ourselves, you edgy fag? You're taking the word "meaningless" and attaching all these dark, woe-is-me connotations to it - in other words, attaching meaning. Funny that. Go eat some psilocybin mushrooms.



It's so easy to tell who on this board is under 20.


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please, pic related



I'm 23 and I'm a total idiot.


hurr durrr muh materialism


>>When we have the courage and clarity of mind to strip down all the delusion, AUTISTS have the ability to comprehend that life is a pointless, ultimately unwinnable game, and that further, it should be ceased in order to eliminate unnecessary suffering.

>>STOP celebrating life.

Life (i.e. Motion) is the fundamental form of existence.
>>STOP persecuting those who want to end life.
It is a choice which every soul has.
>>STOP having children
Agreed in the case of degenerates and undeveloped souls (more room for the enlightened)
>>STOP being a puppet to your genes
We're not. And it is impossible if your assumptions are true anyway.



Again, bait harder. Ad hominems are laugh out loud funny on an anonymous image board.

Or you could engage with what I said. Who or what is the unmoved mover, anon? Or are you too scared to even consider that life actually does have purpose? What is your true self?


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It's funny because your meaningless search for purpose is actually a fruit of genetic conditioning.

People like OP who see life as the exercise in futility it is usually don't have kids, have higher suicide rates and generally engage less in behavior that's helpful to the dissemination of his genetic material. Therefore, by natural selection, they become rarer and rarer.

Over thousands of years of natural trial and error we've been tuned to avoid thought processes that might lead to the extinction of your genes. So I don't expect to convince you for your response is not rational, it's a rationalization at best.

But it's highly amusing how even you denial of the influence of your genes is a product of the same phenomena.

>tl;dr: life is purposeless and then you die.


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psssh…nothing personnel…kid…



This is absolutely retarded. At best, your line of thinking means that we've been genetically selected to not be nihilistic or suicidal. That in no way implies we've been selected to search for meaning. Searching for meaning has zero influence on passing on genes. Most mundanes never even give it much thought, they take the blue pill offered by their parents religion and don't give it a second thought. /fringe/ itself is proof of this, how popular is this board compared to instant gratification boards like /b/? Or porn sites? People who are genuinely interested into digging into the real meaning of life are as rare as their counterparts, like OP.

The very fact that the universe is moving from a state of low intelligence towards higher intelligence, DESPITE entropy, should be telling to you.

But whatever, keep jerking off and telling yourself nothing matters and it's all going to go away when you die. Self improvement is masturbation, right? It's all just polishing brass on the titanic, right?



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I was a teenager once! I feel your pain op!


The use of evolution as a way to rationalize angsty nihilistic ideas takes me right back to my atheistic teenage years when I felt ultra enlightened because I understood a few materialistic scientific theories. Those were stupid fucking times, as the OP has made evident.


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Nigger nihilism is the bluest of all blue pills learn some basic philosophy


Go far enough down the Rabbithole, and you eventually realize that the ultimate and final redpill was actually the bluepill all along.


Winston Smith is that you?


You suggest an absence of thought to reality; does that validate your thoughts towards absence - are thoughts towards absence equal to an absence of thought, in other words?


OP if we are puppets and have no choices to make why do you tell us to stop having children etc. knowing full well that reaching us is impossible?


We are mindless mirrors, laughing and screaming as we parade about


>White or black, human or cockroach and everything in between. You, we, are all worthless and the lives we are living are pointless and it would be better if we never existed, and the best future would be NO future.
There is no objective worth. "Worthlessness" is itself not a worthy concept. The entire notion of being worthy of existence, of proving to be of some use, is totally bunk, because there is no cosmic qualifier for use, it lacks any ultimate meaning. It is only on a human scale that the concept of "use" or "meaning" has… well, meaning.

>Everything we do is to either bring about pleasurable chemical reactions in our brain, or to prevent unpleasurable chemical reactions in our brain.

True, which is the way of the world. There is nothing at all wrong with that. I am biased as a neurochemist, but I do not see how that's supposed to be a bad thing unless you look at it from a point of total ignorance, making the emotional mistakes of the hardline nihilists before you.

>Our genes are baiting us and trolling us with these chemicals in our brain that make us do things that cause us to survive and procreate. So we can pointlessly spread our genes.

Apparently you have nothing better to do.

>We can see the game for what it is.

Well, apparently not. You can see that it is a game but emotionally you appear to still be caught in the trap of believing that it has some ultimate meaning behind it, some special significance. You say you don't but emotionally you betray yourself by despairing over something which has nothing whatsoever to do with despair or hope or anything of the kind. You despairing over this is like me asking you what time the color blue is going to arrive and you say that my question is meaningless, and I somehow interpret that as horrendous. It's a waste of time.

>But these things are nothing more than delusions created in a futile attempt to try and fool ourselves.

Because we want to. It is illusion propagated for fun. You must be a real buzkill at parties; "I won't play this game because I know it's a delusion! I haven't really purchased Boardwalk! It's just a game, don't you get the horrible trick that Milton Bradley has played on you? Damn you, Monopoly Man!"

You come at philosophy like a teenage girl writing in her diary. Being hard isn't the same as being genuine or having a real insight and on a place like 8chan of all places, your edge is neither appreciated nor useful. Come back with something that you actually thought out instead of something you took from a Slipknot album.


Yes, but once you figure it out, it's a fun ride.


Friend you are literally a victim of social autism. I suppose it is partially your own fault but im sure you will eventually find some sort of salvation


This. People who CHOOSE to hate the game deserver their suffering.


I'm playing that game too.
i wish i didn't have to adapt.


your gene is making you post this
>ultimate kek


OP and any of you other faggots that might believe or agree with this shitpost that OP crapped out, please read Prometheus Rising and don't come back until you've practiced and understood the exercizes

If you're using "green pill" flag and haven't read this book, do yourself a favor and read it now.

>tl;dr: life is purposeless and then you die.

Life can only be "purposeless" for people who reside in a mind that entails a belief in purpose vs. nonpurpose. e.g. the mundane fedorites who are doomed to reside in a hell of their own creation at the 3rd and 4th circuit levels, eternally decapitating the hydra of infinite reality tunnels that others create.

becoming a reactionary to one point of view you've caricatured in your mind that you hate has the nasty habit of creating a polar opposite reality tunnel for yourself that is equally purposeless and meaningless to an outside observer.

this cycle must be transcended if one is to liberate their mind.

i like ur post friend. this is a good post.

nice trips man. 4 arms = 4 ages = 4 elements


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>please read Prometheus Rising
Might as well read Curious George, you'd get about the same level of occult knowledge.


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We can go deeper

What happened to Purple Pill? If it's not in use I claim it for the Eurasian ideology



>the same level of occult knowledge.

gotta crawl before you can walk newfriend :^)

surely you understand that?


It got renamed Indigopill.


>fur pill
Go die in a fire, degenerate.


may your edges never dull


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— jew warning —
— anti-white racism warning —
— white genocide warning —

>White or black, human or cockroach and everything in between.

Yet this message is targeted at intelligent, mostly white, people who actively search for answers.
Otherwise it would be printed in a tabloid for niggers. And, guess what, I didn't see any there.
Magazines for retards actually celebrate life and hedonism. How strange…

>OUR genes are baiting US and trolling US with these chemicals in OUR brain that make US do things that cause US to survive and procreate.

In the sentence above I have just marked the words that directly refer to your SOUL.
You are not your body, you are not your brain.
'Strong AI' is bullshit and a lie. Complex neural network or a machine is still just a machine, and does not magically become self-conscious.
You are more than this body, and ALL you have to do to know it is simply NOTICE IT.

>STOP having children

Considering the above:
>intelligent white people, stop having children and commit suicide.
>so we can go on with our white genocide.
>– yours, the jews


>trigger warnings



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You are a fucking retard. Nihilism never considered retarded shit like races, or flags. All life is meaningless, and giving your life for a piece of paper, a piece of land or for a different gene to prevail is the dull fight of a retard with still nothing better to do



>I do not see how that's supposed to be a bad thing unless you look at it from a point of total ignorance

>You can only claim that I am wrong if you are wrong

>Because we want to. It is illusion propagated for fun. You must be a real buzkill at parties

I puked.


Go back to 4chan. As an hedonist that can't even form an argument without hollow buzzwords, you'll fit perfectly



Good. Then spread your nihilism philosophy among blacks FIRST.



Hey do, you need to graduate from Pseudo-Nihilism into Doing Your Will.

There is no reason not to do anything. So don't question shit, it's useless anyways, just act without reason.



Not predicating nihilism, just saying that conspiration of races have nothing to do with it.

>There is no reason not to do anything. So don't question shit, it's useless anyways, just act without reason.

Even if I almost feel like this sometimes, I still can't accept it, just as I don't completely accept nihilism (I would be here then) or existentialism. You are imprinting your sensations into your view of reality and letting them to affect the way in which you perceive reality. Quite pointless to conform to any of those if you want a pure epistemological answer


Have you considered stopping taking the pills?

The background inspiration for the whole pill metaphor in The Matrix is a DMT trip. The whole worlds within worlds and fractal transitions are a dead giveaway that the writers were high as fuck.

Nihilism is a mechanism that purges you of false beliefs, nothing less nothing more. It's a sickness that when overcome will make you more immune to your minds trappings of depression and ultimately frees you to decide on what you want to do with your lifetime and what you want to experience.


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After mastering astral projection, can you "flee" from this universe?



You obviously don't understand Nihilism. Nihilism doesn't purge false beliefs, it gives up on the hope of ever knowing truth.


>Quite pointless to conform to any of those if you want a pure epistemological answer

Nigger, a nihilist does whatever the fuck he wants, for inaction is just as worthless as action, and only chaos may reign.



>Nihilism doesn't purge false beliefs, it gives up on the hope of ever knowing truth.

the two are the same, after that real knowledge follows

>nihilist does whatever the fuck he wants

not in absolute terms, everything is bound by restrictions




>the two are the same, after that real knowledge follows

Not nihilism.

>not in absolute terms, everything is bound by restrictions

They do whatever the fuck they want and are capable of.


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Ah, little kids and their meimeis trying to fit in



too bad the earth is flat and humans are bound to earth



How is the mars rover done?



>mars rover


nasa is fucking bullshit




You misunderstood. I actually want to know the answer of the truth of how the mars rover is done within the context of the TRUTH that the earth is flat and does not spin and the potential truth that space travel as NASA project it is an impossibility. I know how they fake space flights and space stations are studios. But the mars picture are done where and how?

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