didi 04/22/15 (Wed) 17:49:55 No. 34284
some people need to experience flight.
like 2100 years ago that dude figured out planet shape AND he aprox'd the size JUST by using 2 pillars and calculating the shadow difference from the angles received by the sun.
04/22/15 (Wed) 19:20:27 No. 34290
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Thoughts from an actual earther. Great interview
04/22/15 (Wed) 20:26:50 No. 34294
This is exciting.
Life seems new again
04/22/15 (Wed) 20:31:29 No. 34296
This is downright scary.
04/22/15 (Wed) 20:41:22 No. 34297
There's a lot of good information on this around but I suggest you avoid the disinfo shill site www.theflatearthsociety.org
04/22/15 (Wed) 21:35:46 No. 34301
Eric Dubay is a race mixer.
04/22/15 (Wed) 22:01:23 No. 34304
>Drink a drink smoke a smoke
04/22/15 (Wed) 22:45:14 No. 34307
Babylonian hedonism aside, the earth IS flat. That is just fact.
04/22/15 (Wed) 22:58:15 No. 34311
I'm still shocked. Can't someone just astral project above Earth?
04/22/15 (Wed) 23:11:45 No. 34313
Consider the case of the astral projector, believing himself to have arrive in his own home on the astral level, and seeing his thing, just as he remembers them in the place he remembers them being, endeavors to move an item from here to there as proof that he has been where he believes he has been and done what he believes he is about to do. The man moves a book from his office table to his bed. He feels with 5 senses and that sense which is extra sensory the response of his actions as he moves the book from his office table to his bed in that place he believes is the exact astral equivalent of his own home. Upon waking up the man looks about his bed and sees no book. Walking to his study he sees that the book remains on his office table. In like manner does the man who astral projects and perceives this thing or that thing and makes a logical leap rather than receiving information from that place of pure knowing deceives himself.
tl;dr I can astral project to an earth which is exactly like ours but round and I can astral project to an earth which is exactly like outs but flat.
04/22/15 (Wed) 23:14:04 No. 34315
I've thought about that, but why not just stay on "our" Earth? How difficult can it be?
04/22/15 (Wed) 23:16:02 No. 34316
You're asking the wrong questions.
04/22/15 (Wed) 23:23:25 No. 34319
So you're telling me that one can't check if this is true by the means of magic, etc?
04/22/15 (Wed) 23:38:54 No. 34322
I am saying you should not be seeking outward after truth but, rather, seeking inward that you might modify yourself that you will reside in truth always and be not deceived forever and ever.
04/23/15 (Thu) 00:54:58 No. 34326
This guy makes some pretty good points. Makes you think. It brings new thought to planes and spirits.
04/23/15 (Thu) 01:33:04 No. 34331
don't be so damn weak friend
04/23/15 (Thu) 01:38:41 No. 34333
First of all the guy who says that is just the youtube channel owner, not the flat earther explaining his VERY solid argument.
Second of all please leave this place you poor little demiurge slave
04/23/15 (Thu) 02:19:27 No. 34342
Flat is dependent on perspective.
04/23/15 (Thu) 02:28:03 No. 34343
A more interesting question, IF the earth is flat… What is on the bottom half?
04/23/15 (Thu) 02:37:33 No. 34347
I'd say that question would lead to something equally interesting. You haven't said something revolutionary. That's just, like, the next direct step of questioning about this thing in this thread.
04/23/15 (Thu) 03:06:44 No. 34351
Can we get some more pics, infographics and visual proof/info about this theory?
The thing is that my friend can't learn well from simply listening so i'm going to look for decent info available on the subject
For now i'm not convinced, i merely put this theory i couldnt have considered before on the mental folder of things that might actually be true, and its a whole new level from like the small grains fake landing and 9/11 would be compared to this
It would have to prove phyisics wrong, it would be a proof that "god" (most probably the demiurge and its matrix) exists and it would render all the big scientific organizations useless and im not even starting with the planets, stars and everything beyond.
Perhaps those things might be easy for people who've been on the fringe subjects for a while and first-hand experienced the paranormal but for the ones who are merely starting, this is such a radical theory it needs all the proof it can get (and im not talking about mundanes plugged to whatever the tv gives but people like my friend who believes in many things that would be considered illogical by some and heretic by others but having something thats the epithome of the physical and your home being so extremely different its, well, one big step)
04/23/15 (Thu) 03:20:33 No. 34352
04/23/15 (Thu) 03:51:15 No. 34355
04/23/15 (Thu) 08:52:13 No. 34379
>Justifies hedonism as something to not get away from really fast
>Accepts and uses le demiurge meme instead of searching for the one truth by himself
Eventually I will leave, of course, belonging to any kind of group is stagnating, and it puts a border in your mind
04/23/15 (Thu) 12:54:11 No. 34398
> too weak to maintain clarity when some guy on youtube says something mundane.
I can only imagine how quickly you degenerate around people.
>inb4 "I dont waste my energy hanging around mundanes"
Yes, because you are too weak to block them out
You wont survive
04/23/15 (Thu) 13:05:19 No. 34401
Hey, this is making me feel depressed. :(
04/23/15 (Thu) 13:09:26 No. 34404
Click this [–] at the top. It will make it go away :)
04/23/15 (Thu) 13:15:54 No. 34406
Don't worry, we'll put them all down soon I promise
04/23/15 (Thu) 14:15:51 No. 34413
S-Senpai… (They got killed in the next scene in which they appeared)
04/23/15 (Thu) 16:16:34 No. 34428
you do believe everything you read on the internet, eh?
04/23/15 (Thu) 16:39:25 No. 34433
You don't do the exact opposite, do you? :(
04/24/15 (Fri) 18:29:44 No. 34591
From one Smileberg cultist to another, the phrase you just spewed is absolutely fucking stupid, as it's quite impossible to "believe everything you read on the internet" as one surely comes across countless contradictions reading stuff online. Every man without exception is selective in what he believes.
>inb4 some Chaotee or Taoist tries to prove me wrongishly right
04/25/15 (Sat) 07:44:01 No. 34735
04/25/15 (Sat) 10:50:46 No. 34779
I read somewhere that apparently some penguins in Antarctica will just be like fuck it and walk towards the center of antarctica to their death
04/25/15 (Sat) 11:13:36 No. 34786
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>34290
Same interview but with added visuals
04/25/15 (Sat) 20:28:58 No. 34835
If the Earth is flat and the center of the universe, how are aliens related to all of this?
04/26/15 (Sun) 04:38:23 No. 34906
they're from 4d, not 3d
04/26/15 (Sun) 05:21:54 No. 34913
Interesting thing I noticed. I was aware of this site:
http://www.endalldisease.com because it promoted Ray Peat's views on nutrition (you will be aware of him if you have visited the nutrition thread). Then, on a fluke I visited the site today and saw that it was now full of flat earth articles? And pro-Hitler articles? Also if you read the comments of the last flat earth video posted in this thread the interviewer mentions he is pro-Hitler.
Liking Hitler and believing the earth is flat used to be the two most fringe beliefs you could hold and now it seems like those beliefs are spreading? Although apparently the Nazis actually believed we live on the concave interior of a hollow world, with our sky is in the center.
04/26/15 (Sun) 08:18:16 No. 34933
04/26/15 (Sun) 13:17:45 No. 34981
>Although apparently the Nazis actually believed we live on the concave interior of a hollow world, with our sky is in the center.
Rubbish! That's the Hollow Earth Theory, something a few people theorized, others believed, like Miguel Serrano. This theory was spread with the New Swabia conspiracy and the accounts of Admiral Byrd. No actual "nazi" believed in that or even knew of such a thing.
The common propaganda belief however was Hoerbiger's Glacial Cosmogony, as the "Germanic antithesis" to "Jewish science". Ironically, in the Flat Earth Theory we are surrounded by ice.
04/26/15 (Sun) 14:46:42 No. 34995
04/26/15 (Sun) 15:43:23 No. 35012
I don't like this whole "the bible says" in all these videos.
04/26/15 (Sun) 15:44:38 No. 35013
04/26/15 (Sun) 15:45:41 No. 35014
04/26/15 (Sun) 15:46:10 No. 35015
in all fairness the bible we know today was heavily manipulated and convoluted by romans
04/26/15 (Sun) 15:47:16 No. 35016
exactly, it's not a good source
04/26/15 (Sun) 16:08:12 No. 35020
Watch this and you won't have any doubt anymore.
Fucking absurd, they lie about THE FUCKING SHAPE OF THE EARTH.
04/26/15 (Sun) 16:13:28 No. 35022
Well there are two hollow earth theories. The more conventional theory is that we are on the outside of the hollow earth and there are openings on the north and south pole, they claim that there is a second interior sun in the center of the earth, etc. The much weirder one which the Nazis allegedly believed is that we are currently walking around on the concave interior of the hollow earth, that our sky, sun, moon and stars are all contained within this hollow earth. i.e.
>Several twentieth-century German writers, including Peter Bender, Johannes Lang, Karl Neupert, and Fritz Braun, published works advocating the hollow Earth hypothesis, or Hohlweltlehre. It has even been reported, although apparently without historical documentation, that Adolf Hitler was influenced by concave hollow-Earth ideas and sent an expedition in an unsuccessful attempt to spy on the British fleet by pointing infrared cameras up at the sky.
I have no proof that the Nazis actually believed this, it could just be propaganda to make them look crazy. But there are some people who still promote this theory today, i.e.
04/26/15 (Sun) 16:24:45 No. 35026
More about the Nazis supposed belief in this here, under the heading 'The Phantom Universe':
04/26/15 (Sun) 16:54:20 No. 35028
True. In it not is the mentions of the sex jesus has with women (mary magdalene and her sister) and boys/men (the bot in Jericho, the boy disciple he loved who stayed for his crucifixion).
And also we have the whole "Kill witches!" because a king was scared of them when it really was "Kill poisoners! Don't coerce! etc."
Erased was the sexual rites intrinsic to the enlightenment path christ brought to revelation those not-knowing.
>in all fairness the bible we know today was heavily manipulated and convoluted by romans
And the not-romans and the jews and practically ever secondary vehicle that laids its senses upon it without the intention of salvation in their heart.
04/26/15 (Sun) 17:02:49 No. 35029
Yes, I know there are both. It's just the first time I heard they would think we were on the inside.
The New Swabia conspiracy theorists believe in German moon bases, ufos, extraterrestial Aryans and likely theorized that we live on outside of the hollow earth. They would fantasize about Agartha/paradise on the inside and that Germans and Hitler fled to inner earth via the Southpole. This all stems from writings such as http://www.reversespins.com/byrd.html
didi 04/26/15 (Sun) 19:45:32 No. 35051
i have the funds, lets all just meet up north in canada and go check it out, use magick to summon funds and resources like i and many others did, if we find treasure and trinkets of value and occult significance we have gained loot from an adventure, if we go at it like 10-30 of us and all pool we could hunt down artifacts and treasures using magick divination and other means.
04/26/15 (Sun) 20:01:40 No. 35055
We should go to the south pole instead, if the earth is round and hollow we'll find the opening, and if it's flat we'll find out what lies beyond the edge of the ice wall.
04/26/15 (Sun) 20:02:55 No. 35056
Maybe there is no south pole.
04/26/15 (Sun) 20:05:26 No. 35058
Yes, in that case what we would actually be visiting would be the ice wall.
04/26/15 (Sun) 20:06:41 No. 35059
Won't you be shot on sight?
04/26/15 (Sun) 20:10:19 No. 35062
Well the concave earth theory definitely existed in Germany at the time. This link documents that:
But yeah the more conventional hollow earth theory has been associated with the Nazis too. You might find Norma Cox's books interesting, totally bizarre stuff:
04/26/15 (Sun) 20:18:16 No. 35063
Only if we don't shoot them with magic missiles first.
04/26/15 (Sun) 20:20:16 No. 35064
>And also we have the whole "Kill witches!" because a king was scared of them when it really was "Kill poisoners! Don't coerce! etc."
Have any links on that?
04/26/15 (Sun) 20:36:53 No. 35065
Nowadays, there is literally NO reason to think the earth is flat. Anyone that seriously believes the earth is flat is ignorant and deluded to a ridiculous level.
04/26/15 (Sun) 20:52:00 No. 35067
Truthfully, its something I read on /fringe/ that seemed to jibe very well with my intuition and knowledge of the humans and that context in space-time so I've accepted it and repeat it thus. I believe if you seek a source you will find it to state just as I have said it.
04/26/15 (Sun) 20:53:52 No. 35068
Plenty of reasons in this thread. You've not looked and so you've not found.
04/26/15 (Sun) 20:54:20 No. 35069
You haven't watched the videos.
Regardless of how the Earth is shaped, gravity is a mystery, NASA is obviously lying and fooling everyone, entering the south pole is not allowed and no planes fly above the south pole. Just let that seep in: there no actual pictures or videos of Earth and you dare call Flat Earthers ignorant and deluded? It may be not about the Earth being flat that's being covered up, but you're a fool to believe all these controversies don't stimulate the thought.
04/27/15 (Mon) 02:05:57 No. 35112
Anyone consider that the ice Wall in Game of Thrones/ASoIaF could represent the ice wall in flat earth theory? The Others who live beyond the wall would represent the Archons.
04/27/15 (Mon) 02:31:49 No. 35118
>It may be not about the Earth being flat that's being covered up
I've thought about this. It could be that the earth is actually humongous and the known earth world is as a lake in the middle of a large world and continent. I first encountered an idea like this in a manga called HxH , where all their known continents are like specks in a small lack in a MUCH larger, wilder continent.
I've also kind of thought of something like >>35112 describes but not much because, really, if I want the excitement of encountering fantastical, powerful, creatures I need only vibrate my awareness on the right frequency.
I'm still wondering about space travel. How is it possible? Through extra-dimensional vibration engines? I believe it. Certainly not with what spaceships have been seen by the public. And also, how are they faking the mars rover?
04/27/15 (Mon) 04:37:43 No. 35146
they're faking the rover like they're faking everything else
billions of dollars go to nasa
space travel is bullshit
"aliens" are demons/angels
i remember crowley channeled a grey and he said the same thing, they are called demons, bu they will be called something else in the future
04/27/15 (Mon) 04:45:14 No. 35150
How though? I'd like one plausible theory to go on.
04/27/15 (Mon) 05:03:03 No. 35153
Is there anyone here with actual science training who's going for any of this?
I know I just don't know enough to know. I'm so dumb. I know just how the economic system fools people, and many historical lies. But when it comes to this I just have no clue.
04/27/15 (Mon) 05:32:40 No. 35157
the god and heaven and jesus shit is fake but it is still good to listen to and consider quotations bc the bibles coded to fuck and full of prophecy and shite
04/27/15 (Mon) 05:34:54 No. 35158
hey man. you're not dumb, you just don't know. do a lot of research and only trust what you know about the world. consider aynythig keep an open mind, but be skeptical of everything.
04/27/15 (Mon) 05:43:41 No. 35160
this -> >>35158 EXCEPT don't be skeptical. Skepticism is about avoiding truth which can harm sense of self. Be cautious. Not extended yourself to far into anything without bringing your whole self. Make sure the ground is solid before thinking of your next step. Be aware.
04/27/15 (Mon) 19:32:20 No. 35252
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Have a playlist:
Some anon posted the last video on the playlist "Mars Hoax" here, but it got deleted for whatever reason.
It is comedy gold, have fun.
04/29/15 (Wed) 19:54:51 No. 35667
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Has everyone lost interest already?
Anyway, I am gradually updating the playlist at >>35252
I feel that this embedded video and its part 2 is especially important.
04/29/15 (Wed) 22:03:06 No. 35708
Silence jew shill "This book is worthless but if YOU find worth in it…"
You will find your providence.
04/30/15 (Thu) 02:16:02 No. 35725
the earth ain't flat y'all niggas stupit
04/30/15 (Thu) 02:22:44 No. 35726
but in all seriousness,
is correct.
SAGE! 04/30/15 (Thu) 07:34:53 No. 35802
Could another possibility be that the earth globe is much larger than has been measured? Therefore the 24,859.82 miles (40,008 km) is just large enough for people to believe and not fact check. Why wouldn't the video producers test the canal/flag experiment with a computer generated model? Why hasn't anyone who supports either popular theory?
Speaking of fact checking, how does this theory take into account the calculations used to keep satellites in orbit? What is the purpose of deception? Doesn't that just make life harder for astrophysicists? And how will private space flight affect this supposed deception?
I've only watched the trailer and will give the 1hr video an honest shake when I'm not tired. I like stories.
SAGE! 04/30/15 (Thu) 07:35:47 No. 35803
well the sage was meant politely, but it won't come across that way in text
04/30/15 (Thu) 08:36:04 No. 35808
nah, i just don't believe in the heliocentric model anymore
other than that, the earth is flat, it doesn't make any difference
04/30/15 (Thu) 08:41:04 No. 35809
Most of your questions will be answered if you watch the videos I proposed on the playlist.
If you find any other good videos post them here and I'll add them.
04/30/15 (Thu) 08:49:29 No. 35810
Well, ultimately, on an individual level, it might not matter much to a wizard, but there is most likely more land being hidden beyond the ice. I'd argue that anyone who says there's an edge is just spreading misinformation.
We're being contained here, saying there's an edge will play into the hands of whoever is orchestrating this. They don't care if you believe in the heliocentric model or not as long as you think it's finite.
I admit that creating an idea of a planet for this purpose is genius.
Who knows how many other "planets" they already have under their belt.
04/30/15 (Thu) 09:11:33 No. 35813
I like you. Keep talking.
04/30/15 (Thu) 09:16:04 No. 35815
yeah, i was thinking about this too
also, for what we know, the earth could be just a side of a great geometrical figure
each side with his own sun and moon
also, what about astrology? does this paradigm kill astrology?
04/30/15 (Thu) 09:46:52 No. 35819
“Our eyes and ears tell us the Earth is flat and motionless, everything in the sky revolves around us but when we cease to believe our own eyes and experience we have to we have to prostrate ourselves at the feet of the of the very pseudo scientists who are blinding us treat them as experts. Astronomical priests who have special knowledge only they can access like the Hubble telescope.
So by brainwashing us of something so gigantic and fundamental it actually makes every other kind of lesser indoctrination a piece a cake, earth being the flat earth center of the universe of which everything else and the heavens revolve, gives special importance and significance not only to earth but to us humans, the most intelligent of the designers design.
By turning earth into a spinning, thrown around the Sun, shot into infinite space from a God-less big bang, they turned humanity into a random meaningless, purposeless accident of a blind dumb universe.
So it’s like trauma based mind control beating the divinity out of us with their mental manipulations.
Now people are always asking us “why do they do this?”, Well other than the obvious profit margin motive, NASA being the biggest black hole, big budget in existence, sucking in more than $30 Billion in tax payer dollars for the fake Moon landing alone, and nowadays hundreds of billions of dollars, not just NASA but RASA, and all the other fake space organizations around the world giving CGI Images costing hundreds of billions of dollars.
So this modern atheistic, Big Bang, heliocentric globe earth, chance evolution, paradigm spiritually controls humanity by removing God or any sort of intelligent design from the mind and replaces purposeful divine creation with haphazard random cosmic coincidence.
And so by removing Earth from the motionless center of the universe these Masons have moved us physically and metaphysically from a place of supreme importance to one of complete nihilistic indifference.
If the Earth is the center of the Universe then the ideas of God creation and a purpose for human existence are resplendent, but if the Earth is just one of billions of planets revolving around billions of stars and billions of galaxies then the ideas of God creations and a specific purpose of for Earth and human existence become highly implausible.
By surreptitiously indoctrinating us into their scientific materialist sun worship, not only do we lose faith beyond the material we gain absolute faith in materiality, superficiality, social status, selfishness, hedonism and consumerism.
If there is no God and everyone is just an accident then all that matters is me, me, me. So they’ve turned Madonna, the Mother of God into the Material Girl living in a material world.
Their rich powerful corporations and slick sun cult logos sell us idol to worship to slowly taking over the world while we tacitly take over the world while we believe their science, vote for their politicians, buy their products, listen to their music, watching their movies all sacrificing our souls to the altar of materialism.
It’s a big deception!” - Eric Dubay
04/30/15 (Thu) 10:46:44 No. 35826
>does this paradigm kill astrology?
I don't know enough about astrology to tell you exactly, but we don't know what the stars actually are and represent- so it's not necessarily dead.
05/01/15 (Fri) 02:42:36 No. 35924
05/01/15 (Fri) 02:45:36 No. 35925
I love IRL Blane County Community Hour.
05/01/15 (Fri) 05:45:08 No. 35932
After going through a video and a half, the most compelling argument for me, is the mass conditioning out for our inner divinity and making us believe we are randomly assorted start dust.
That answers my question of the deception's intent. And even covers why the deception would be so well choreographed.
The earth globe was a part of my belief system that was taken for granted, and the manner in which this new information is presented gives me good reason to remain skeptical. Thanks to all for making my world a little more magical. I'm still going to check out some "debunking' types of videos and sites, but the question will remain.
05/01/15 (Fri) 07:01:59 No. 35939
don't forget about limiting your perception of the world
what's over the antarctic ice?
05/01/15 (Fri) 09:42:13 No. 35953
So all the astronauts are in on it? We've never been to space and we're not a globe?
05/01/15 (Fri) 09:58:25 No. 35954
05/01/15 (Fri) 12:28:01 No. 35961
Are all aliens now liars?
And what about the German ufo pilots?
I used to believe in both, now even these beliefs are deeply shaken.
05/01/15 (Fri) 14:24:39 No. 35968
>Are all aliens now liars
Maybe there's a certain universal code where they can't reveal certain truths to us.
Or perhaps if humans are truly the most powerful of all beings then by us believing it to be a globe all other entities are also forced to believe that.
OR maybe its like how a teacher will always try to nudge the student in the right direction but won't actually reveal the answer.
Regardless you should never fully trust any entity other than yourself. Take everything with a grain of salt as they say…
05/01/15 (Fri) 17:26:20 No. 35993
The Earth is not flat and is flat, it is a sphere and it is not a sphere; it is formless and yet formed. The exact shape it is represented in your mind does not matter it is maya.
05/01/15 (Fri) 18:44:19 No. 36028
It matters to me.
I must know and understand the world around me, in order to possess greater insight into myself: as above, so below; as within, so without .
Do not use the word "illusion" to discredit its importance and relative existence; you still live in that illusion- it is still real to you, it is the world you currently reside in.
The logic I apply here is similar to that which is written in The Kybalion: "The half-wise, recognizing the comparative unreality of the Universe, imagine that they may defy its Laws - such are vain and presumptuous fools, and they are broken against the rocks and torn asunder by reason of their folly."
Is it not the path of the Buddhist to discard all Maya, and to return to the Unmanifest from whence all came?
It is my perspective that one may transcend Maya by understanding it.
Such is the path I have chosen- I aim to understand illusion and overcome it, becoming the highest degree of Manifest.
Please do inform me if my view on Buddhism is skewed, I'm merely going by what little I have learned of it over the years.
05/01/15 (Fri) 19:31:32 No. 36053
>ctrl + f
>Highlight All
>0 instances of that word in my post
Buddhists don't agree on anything, different lineages of buddhism teach different things, it's a clusterfuck of contrary metaphysics just like how there's many different types of Christians infighting.
One interpretation of maya isn't that it's an illusion but that All is Mind .
05/01/15 (Fri) 19:38:07 No. 36058
That sheds light on things, thank you.
I had only seen Maya used as an equivalent to the word "illusion" before.
05/01/15 (Fri) 20:28:27 No. 36069
…that's because you're only reading the retarded posts of English-speaking Buddhists who have hiveminded on a certain interpretation of Buddhism that is influenced heavily by Christian and Materialistic secular thinking.
Meanwhile in places where Buddhism has been around for hundreds or thousands of years there's a lot more diversity of thought.
ProTip: Anyone who says Buddhism is definitively x doesn't know about the whole controversy of different lineages claiming different things and nobody knowing what the original teachings truly were.
Also, Buddhism has its own dogmas, corruption, and all that other shit that goes along with organized religion.
05/02/15 (Sat) 19:19:36 No. 36289
05/03/15 (Sun) 06:46:48 No. 36377
You know that you don't need any permission to explore the Antarctic, right?
The Earth isn't fucking flat.
05/03/15 (Sun) 09:54:28 No. 36385
You're free to explore it if you are ever officially accepted into the Antarctic Treaty System.
>All expeditions to Antarctica south of 60°S must obtain permission from the national Antarctic operator or the relevant government department (See Documents section below). Until recently yachts arriving without permission were tolerated, but this is no longer the case.
>There are some 50 Protected Areas in Antarctica, so designated because of the need to restrict human disturbance. They can only be visited with a permit issued under the authority of an Antarctic Treaty participating government. Applications should be made to one of the Antarctic national committees or institutes. The list of areas is subject to change and an up-to-date list should be consulted prior to one's visit.
>There are also unofficial restricted areas near the scientific bases and on the subantarctic islands; information on these should be requested from the bases. http://cep.ats.aq/cep/apa/index.html
>Entry into protected areas requires separate applications for permits and these would only be issued if there was an overriding benefit to scientific research.
As per the Antarctic Treaty:
Article I
1. Antarctica shall be used for peaceful purposes only. There shall be prohibited, inter alia, any measures of a military nature, such as the establishment of military bases and fortifications, the carrying out of military maneuvers, as well as the testing of any type of weapons.
2. The present Treaty shall not prevent the use of military personnel or equipment for scientific research or for any other peaceful purposes.
Article II
Freedom of scientific investigation in Antarctica and cooperation toward that end, as applied during the International Geophysical Year, shall continue, subject to the provisions of the present Treaty.
Article VI
The provisions of the present Treaty shall apply to the area south of 60o South latitude, including all ice shelves, but nothing in the present Treaty shall prejudice or in any way affect the rights, or the exercise of the rights, of any State under international law with regard to the high seas within that area.
Article VII
1. In order to promote the objectives and ensure the observation of the provisions of the present Treaty, each Contracting Party whose representatives are entitled to participate in the meetings referred to in Article IX of the Treaty shall have the right to designate observers to carry out any inspection provided for by the present Article. Observers shall be nationals of the Contracting Parties which designate them. The names of the observers shall be communicated to every other Contracting Party having the right to designate observers, and like notice shall be given of the termination of their appointment.
2. Each observer designated in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall have complete freedom of access at any time to any or all areas of Antarctica.
3. All areas of Antarctica, including all stations, installations and equipment within those areas, and all ships and aircraft at points of discharging or embarking cargoes or personnel in Antarctica, shall be open at all times to inspection by any observers designated in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article.
4. Aerial observation may be carried out at any time over any or all areas of Antarctica by any of the Contracting Parties having the right to designate observers.
5. Each Contracting Party shall, at the time when the present Treaty enters into force for it, inform the other Contracting Parties, and thereafter shall give them notice in advance, of
(a) all expeditions to and within Antarctica, on the part of its ships of nationals, and all expeditions to Antarctica organized in or proceeding from its territory;
(b) all stations in Antarctica occupied by its nationals; and
(c) any military personnel or equipment intended to be introduced by it into Antarctica subject to the conditions prescribed in paragraph 2 of Article I of the present Treaty.
All tourism is to follow specific guidelines:
The author of the video you presented ignores arguably the most important Flat Earth channel, TheNASAchannel.
He does say some truthful things, there are a lot of disinfo agents within the movement- which is why you must be careful when receiving information, and must not take for granted that which you cannot verify on your own. Take what makes sense, and discard what does not.
05/03/15 (Sun) 11:10:02 No. 36390
you can't really believe in anything if you don't experience/see it by yourself
grab beliefs when they benefit you, then discard them
05/03/15 (Sun) 12:35:43 No. 36399
'Esoteric Wizardry'=Esoteric Peasantry.
Welcome to neo-feudalism, bought to you by Prussian-corporate education.
05/03/15 (Sun) 13:01:07 No. 36405
05/03/15 (Sun) 13:38:06 No. 36410
>The earth globe was a part of my belief system that was taken for granted, and the manner in which this new information is presented gives me good reason to remain skeptical.
That is exactly the point of this thread. The purpose is not to make you adhere to the Flat Earth model, but to bring to your attention that which you have never seriously questioned before, that which escaped you. It is a valuable lesson on deception, making you rethink your perspective and everything you have thought certain until now.
Isn't that what I said?
Well, you do have to start somewhere. Is it not better to be a peasant who seeks the truth in earnest than a pretentious noble living a big lie?
05/03/15 (Sun) 13:59:58 No. 36413
better to live a happy lie than to realize you're living a lie, and being forced to live it too
ignorance is bliss
i feel like that cypher guy in the matrix
i seriously want to believe in magick, but until now, i think that it's just a psychotic delusion
secret societies? what if they are just mundane conspirators?
if magick is being used by the elite, why aren't they enslaving us through powerful magick, instead of bullshitting around via indoctrination and psychological warfare?
what if astral projection is just really advanced lucid dreaming?
disinfo is everywhere, you can't read something that isn't connected to some disinformation agent
ALSO, there are 7billion people on the planet, they say 1% of them is a wizard, that's 70million people
and not a single one of them uploaded some evident magickal video?
fuck this, i want to believe, but even with confirmation bias, i can't find proof
*tips magickal fedora*
05/03/15 (Sun) 14:33:31 No. 36420
Actually, I used to have a webm of a penguin ignoring its pack and wandering off to some unknown location from /v/, but I cant find it. It was from some nature documentary, if I could find it I'd post it.
Anyway, is the general consensus that there is no "edge-of-the-earth" but borders of ice? That's always the theory I subscribed to.
05/03/15 (Sun) 14:49:07 No. 36422
>what if astral projection is just really advanced lucid dreaming?
Anon do you even understand the astral? Lucid dreaming is literally projecting yourself onto the astral plane, you just asked if astral projection is advanced astral projection.
05/03/15 (Sun) 15:11:02 No. 36423
what if the astral is just a fabrication of your brain?
05/03/15 (Sun) 15:22:23 No. 36424
"THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental." - The Kybalion
05/03/15 (Sun) 15:53:03 No. 36428
that doesn't really explain anything
i think that we're actually in hell right now
theorically, if you can imagine it, it's possible
then, why do you have to abide to all these laws?
nature, physicality, is an insult to WILL
why do you have to suffer? why do you have to live here?
if we're here it means that we can't "ascend", we have to suffer until the end of our lives, and then what happens happens
why are occultists so powerless?
they all have lots of problems
bad health
drug addiction
sex addiction
the most "advanced" known occultists? they're either
successful salesmen
disinformation agents
people that still have to make a living, writing on how you can manipulate reality (for real? LOL)
people who write about sorcery, black magick, LHP and materialistic magick are not even rich!
people who want to believe say shit like "look at the elite! look at celebrities! they use magick!"
they don't realize that the elite is just a fucking incest based giant family, everyone's connected in some way
celebrities are just puppets for social engineering and economical reasons
the occult is used a marketing tool
worshipping satan? reptilians? aliens? seriously?
get the fuck outta here
oh, and LOOSH = SEROTONIN, MELATONIN and DOPAMINE, ever wondered why people who keep astral projecting are "off" and sad?
it's not because they use loosh or they lose parts of their souls like montalk suggests, but because they waste away serotonin and melatonin
"loosh farming" or getting your loosh through food works because trolling and eating release neurotrasmitters
astral projecting is a cool way to escape this prison of a reality
if you study the occult, you will be able to astral project well
just don't delude yourself into thinking you will gain health or financial independence by making a few mental tricks
you will still need to work you ass of for these things, like every single "succesful" person on this planet
lavey understood this shit
crowley understood this shit
after wasting their lives away studying the occult
it's all psychological, nothing matters, embracing 3th density nihilism and hedonism is the way to go
poor fat fuck degenerate, couldn't even use magick to stop his addictions
05/03/15 (Sun) 16:04:27 No. 36432
05/03/15 (Sun) 16:08:13 No. 36433
Do not look at others' failures and then turn them into excuses to stop yourself from evolving.
05/03/15 (Sun) 16:12:06 No. 36434
of course, self improvement and self deification is the only thing worth pursuing in this world
and you won't self improve by reading 1 book of half truths a day
as for the loosh, grab it, i've got infinite loosh
05/03/15 (Sun) 17:37:59 No. 36451
I've always wondered if one could feed their tulpa by taking meth.
If a mage believed that meth was not a valid form of loosh, perhaps that belief itself would stunt the process? I look forward to these experiments.
05/03/15 (Sun) 18:19:53 No. 36454
That fedora poster seems to be derailing other threads, could be another poster but that is unlikely since the things said are almost the same.
If you are a shill, go back to whatever hole you crawled out of. If not, this is not the thread to be posting that kind of content - use either the shitposting, questions or fedora threads.
This thread is for the discussion and presentation of content regarding the Earth itself, and all other pertinent information related to it.
Getting this thread back on topic,
The general consensus is that Antarctica acts as an ice border separating our known land from whatever else there is outside of it.
05/03/15 (Sun) 19:13:48 No. 36461
Sounds like you have exceptionally weak will power AND you've been lead on a path that encourages you to study the occult
kek you must have fucked up badly to be put in such a cursed life
05/03/15 (Sun) 19:30:47 No. 36463
what a strange concept of weak will power you have
realizing that you have to PUT IN THE WORK to get what you want is weak will power?
the weak willed are the people affected by magical thinking
thinking you just have to BELIEVE that you'll get it, and you'll really get it
call me in 5 years, when you'll realize magic is psychological and you can't "materialize" shit into this world
SAGE! 05/03/15 (Sun) 20:19:29 No. 36474
What is it that you are trying to achieve by posting here?
Almost all the users here understand that effort is required to achieve anything of worth in all endeavors, be they exoteric or esoteric.
Belief is a tool to be used and discarded as one sees fit, its purpose is to help achieve one's goal.
It appears that you wanted a "one-hit miracle button" , and it was that very mentality that excited you to learn the arcane arts. Unable to find that effortless and miraculous solution to all of your problems, you now resort to attacking what had once given you hope and all things to it related.
You are projecting your failures onto others, and attempting to take away their hopes and dreams, which are similar to what you experienced before.
This process aims to defend your shattered ego, it is a natural response to cope with thoughts of inability, inadequacy and impotency. You are afraid that other's success in this field will validate your thoughts of self-worthlessness, so you try to steer them away from it.
While this happens, you may delude yourself into thinking that you are doing the right thing by discouraging others from following the same path you did- disguising a selfish act through illusions of selflessness.
You wanted what you envisioned to work out for you so badly that it has now created a backlash effect.
Am I wrong?
Polite sage for off-topic.
05/03/15 (Sun) 20:51:10 No. 36477
nice psychoanalysis, you're partially wrong though
i found the occult because of existential depression, materialistic nihilism
if life was purely material, the life of an oyster wouldn't be more worthy than the life of a genius
life would be just suffering, and being born was a tragedy, as schopenhauer put it
buddhists try to eliminate all suffering, trying to commit suicide without actually killing themselves, as life is suffering
i was searching for meaning, and as albert camus put it, i choosed the leap of faith
faith in what? faith in trascendence
thinking that you can actually trascend from this material world
the reality is, you still have to wait to die
why waiting, though? i understand there's no reason at all to keep living in the physical world
i'm desireless
my only desire is the return to primordial chaos, anti-cosmic luciferianism, as they call it
other's success in this field would only fill my heart with joy and hope, since i just want to know i'm not deluding myself
i wrote this shit only for someone to prove me wrong
i don't care about this world, i don't care about the astral planes, i don't care about THE ALL.
I want total destruction
i just want absolute, pure, CHAOS
the true form of eternal bliss
how to achieve it?
SAGE! 05/03/15 (Sun) 21:28:51 No. 36481
I was exactly like you when I started to venture into the esoteric. In fact, most people reach the Occult by desperation - in a last ditch effort to find meaning in life or to fix their current one.
I was nihilistic at my core and, no matter how much meaning I tried to attach to my life, nothing seemed to matter. Everything seemed lackluster to its very essence. I could write a whole essay about it.
I did not care for life or death, existence or non-existence, to move or to stop.
However, as I studied the Occult and started observing my life, my thought process slowly changed. I began to create meaning.
The taint of nihilism was still present but I could slowly reach out into the light at last. It was a arduous process that required hours upon hours of introspection. I dissected my very being and analyzed its every thought, desire and expression.
I reconstructed myself.
Before, the Occult told me that I was as God but I did not understand what that meant.
Then, through intuition, logic and reasoning, I made the right choices in my life. I finally understood RIGHT and WRONG. I began to develop, nurture and mature. I began to come into my senses.
But some pieces of the puzzle were still amiss.
Then, I found out about the flat earth theory and I started questioning those beliefs that escaped me.
When I saw the error in the heliocentric model, I realized deeper truths within: no longer was I a disposable byproduct of a "cosmic coincidence", I AM; I WILL; I DO; I am the son of God and Man; I am the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I am what was, is and shall be. I am able to create and to destroy. I am not powerless. I am free. There is always a choice. I chose to stand up and overcome the challenges set before me. They exist only to make me stronger, in my eyes they are divine providence.
With this resolve, I move forward. It is the path I have chosen. All nihilism has vanished.
Do not throw in the towel, a lot of people go through that. If I was able to do it, then so are you.
Will you let yourself be defeated by some random guy on the magic section of an anime image board?!
05/06/15 (Wed) 21:47:58 No. 37038
just found this when I got a feeling that I should see what /int/ was all about
SAGE! 05/06/15 (Wed) 21:52:35 No. 37039
05/08/15 (Fri) 11:35:53 No. 37332
>35029 is correct
given that matter is holographic in nature then there is untold possibilities as to how nature manifests
05/10/15 (Sun) 21:06:37 No. 37763
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. There was a huge rise in interest in the Occult by the populace of the West in the late 1800s - early 1900s.
Authors like Atkinson were forgotten due to the World Wars, right?
It makes sense.
05/11/15 (Mon) 02:04:02 No. 37806
The synchronicities are off the charts! here's a podcast I did that deals with underground/hollow earth stuff: https://archive.org/details/SkykingRadioEpisode1
05/11/15 (Mon) 03:15:55 No. 37813
Hi peeps, so does all this mean the world government and school/education system have been lying to us the whole time ? Guess its true what they say about saying a lie loud and long enough and people will believe it as if its the truth
05/11/15 (Mon) 04:46:01 No. 37835
I don't want to believe in a Flat Earth. I refuse to review the evidence that contradicts a Spherical Earth. To me a Spherical Earth is simply far more beautiful; it's the way things should be. This makes me a bluepill but so be it; fuck the very idea of a Flat Earth. If the Earth is flat I will make it into a sphere!
05/11/15 (Mon) 13:19:32 No. 37879
strange that there is another such burst of interest about a century later.
I wonder if this is a cyclic phenomena as everything else in history seems to be.
05/11/15 (Mon) 21:53:48 No. 37954
Seriously? Is this thread just here as disinfo or to make this board lose credibility? There ample videos of camera + weather balloon setups available on the internet that clearly show the spherical shape of the earth from different starting locations.
If you don't trust these videos then you could always conduct this experiment yourself. If you carry out the experiment and review your own evidence will you then claim that your video feed has been hacked? Critical thinking should not be abandoned in the quest for truth, not everything is a conspiracy and not all scientific facts are wrong.
05/11/15 (Mon) 22:04:27 No. 37956
go have a look outside someday kid
05/11/15 (Mon) 22:15:37 No. 37957
05/11/15 (Mon) 22:42:45 No. 37958
Alright /fringe/, you have to understand how the Earth was deemed a sphere before you start contesting that it's actually flat.
The flatness is the illusion; not the sphere.
05/11/15 (Mon) 23:03:26 No. 37965
the Earth appears to be flat so to say it is not flat would require proof to be taken as fact
05/11/15 (Mon) 23:55:12 No. 37968
Please explain why an ex NASA employee is a flat earther
05/12/15 (Tue) 01:55:45 No. 37986
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>37968
You're so fucking gullible if you think that guy is actually an ex NASA employee.
He's doing an act to fuck with dumbass people like you.
You're just not in on the joke because you WANT to believe.
Did you even google the supposed planets that he made up?
I used to watch all these sorts of videos because I'm fascinated by people in deeply delusional states.
Steven Christ is my favorite.
05/12/15 (Tue) 02:01:43 No. 37988
Things appear to fall at different speeds. Yet, in a vacuum they fall at the same speed. Which one is the illusion chump?
Your appeals to "common sense" are extremely ironic for someone on an occultist board.
05/12/15 (Tue) 11:08:32 No. 38084
where is this "gravity" in the vacuum?
must be on vacation or something
>nasa vacuum is not a real vacuum
05/17/15 (Sun) 15:41:00 No. 39045
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>37954
>is on fringe discussing fringe theories and magick
>Is this thread just here to make this board lose credibility?
I doubt it
On the disinfo part, I speak for myself when I say that it is not my intention when I post more content here. This thread isn't necessarily exclusively for the Flat Earth, it is to be used as a debate for various other related theories so feel free to contribute as long as you don't merely provide conditioned responses.
>Critical thinking should not be abandoned in the quest for truth, not everything is a conspiracy and not all scientific facts are wrong.
You are correct, which is why we should tread carefully.
SAGE! 05/17/15 (Sun) 15:53:18 No. 39049
05/22/15 (Fri) 04:06:23 No. 40330
>film in desert
>edit the video with a redish filter to make it look like "the red planet"
05/25/15 (Mon) 20:52:53 No. 41038
The Kybalion speaks of the "solar system". Is the Kybalion now disinfo?
SAGE! 05/25/15 (Mon) 21:54:18 No. 41040
>le kybalion is absoute
06/13/15 (Sat) 17:04:26 No. 43808
IMO the flat earth theory was intentionally disseminated information to lead people astray from the true "fringe theory" about the earth's structure, that is, the hollow earth theory. If one can be fooled to believe the earth is flat, they will never consider the hollow earth theory.
06/13/15 (Sat) 17:10:25 No. 43810
In much the same way "alienz" is a theory disseminated by govt. to throw human experimentation subjects off the trail.
06/13/15 (Sat) 22:06:20 No. 43852
A vaccuum means there is no air. Holy shit, you need to open a science book.
06/14/15 (Sun) 00:34:59 No. 43856
seems like bullshit to me. the earth being flat goes against the universe's tendency towards things that are circular/spherical.
06/14/15 (Sun) 09:10:01 No. 43895
Jeez guise, haven't you ever heard of squaring the circle? Take a square, now increase all four angles from 90 degrees up and up until they become 360 degrees. The square expands and then turns inside out and becomes a circle. Tada! Flat earth = spherical earth. They are just seen from opposite sides of the Warp Bubble (merkavah).
06/26/15 (Fri) 21:22:45 No. 45060
>weather balloon cameras that use fish eye lenses which artificially curve the image
>proof the earth is round
Pick one and only one.
06/27/15 (Sat) 01:40:31 No. 45081
Very intredasting.
Also, related to this is the idea that on a flat plane, all men are equal counterparts of the greater system of mankind, whereas with a globe, every person is standing on top in the center of their own little world with the rest of everything around them beneath them
06/29/15 (Mon) 23:24:43 No. 45269
I watched some of the videos and I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm at least partially convinced.
How does gravity work if the earth is flat? What's on the bottom? What's in the center? Is there air everywhere? Why would the NWO want everyone to think it's round?
06/30/15 (Tue) 01:46:28 No. 45279
>How does gravity work
you mean how does the THEORY of gravity work
that means it has yet to be proven
a simpler explaination is resistance of objects with other objects
just a theory of mine that the earth is just one of many planes that are stacked
the van allen belts or impassable fields high up in the sky is like a barrier
the super saline layer deep in the ocean is also like a barrier, the ocean itself can be seen as a barrier or even the sky
the "tunnel people" who live underground
high energy rising and low energy sinking, hot and cold air as an example, hot air (higher energy) rises and cold air (lower energy) sinks
this all seems to mix well with what is said in a lot of /fringe/ books
just think about your questions for a while
06/30/15 (Tue) 02:36:55 No. 45280
Then what's beyond the ice wall?
06/30/15 (Tue) 02:53:05 No. 45281
There are a lot of facts that are given out by a lot of people, yet there is no real way to prove anything… if the powers that be have technology that ensures things happen to their liking, going out in the field and doing the measurements yourself would mean nothing because they'd have meddled with it in some way. I can't verify anything. I enjoyed listening to the talk very much, especially for reminding me of the nature of information about anything other than Self.
All that said, it is sort of fun to believe in this theory if I had to believe in a theory.
06/30/15 (Tue) 03:14:27 No. 45285
think about this for a moment
the sun is rotating around the earth warming the day and changing the season
in places that the sun is not as present there is cold weather such as arctic/antarctic
the sun being somewhat present near the arctic means there is some warmth (north star may be a sun like object that makes a small area in north pole hot)
the sun being somewhat present in part of the antarctic means there is some warmth but as you go out further there would be less and less warmth
while that does not explain what is beyond the wall it does lead to the conclusion that it does not matter what is beyond (chance this thinking may be a trap)
I was out at a spot today that overlooks the land and I could see a large amount of the horizon, it looked very flat
someone can tell me the earth is flat or round or pear shaped is the new one but if my eyes tell me that it is flat then I know it is flat or at least appears to be flat
your own senses should be considered above all else
also it would be more accurate to say that a globe earth is the theory and flat earth has yet to be disproven
06/30/15 (Tue) 22:29:03 No. 45351
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. New video, also added to the playlist.
Talks about the distortion of information related to this topic.
Also, the font on the post fields hurts my eyes, why the change?
07/14/15 (Tue) 12:24:03 No. 46622
Believing that the earth was the only world, that it was a vast circular
plane, and that it was the fixed and immovable center around which
revolved the celestial luminaries, the ancient Astronomers, in conformity
to the requirement of the doctrine of future rewards and punishments, as
inculcated in the Egyptian Version of the Exoteric Creed, divided it into an
upper and an under, or nether world, which they connected by a sinuous
and tenebrious passage.
07/15/15 (Wed) 02:27:29 No. 46702
I like your perspective on that. Not the approach I would have took, but true, nonetheless.
07/15/15 (Wed) 04:00:12 No. 46716
>flat earth
Jesus christ, you can send a high altitude with a balloon attached to a camera (and an optional dildo) and witness for yourself the curvature of the Earth.
All other planets and celestial bodies are curved and spheroidal, why? Because when there is such a heavy mass as the formation of a moon or planet, when it becomes so dense and so massive it naturally acquires the easiest shape that can be maintained at such a high mass and that is spherical, with the most dense elements and matter usually at the core.
The fact that there can be anyone today who still believes in the concept of a flat Earth is depressingly sad and shows just how little science and space public education and outreach awareness there really is.
And finally- http://www.ustream.tv/channel/live-iss-stream
07/15/15 (Wed) 04:07:02 No. 46727
And here are screens I took from the ISS live field as the station orbited around our planet
>Since the station orbits the Earth once every 90 minutes, it experiences a sunrise or a sunset about every 45 minutes.
07/15/15 (Wed) 04:29:11 No. 46732
>muh paintings and weird lenses
07/15/15 (Wed) 15:39:46 No. 46763
Flat earth was never a seriously believed theory though. Hollow earth and underground domains are all throughout the holy writings of various peoples.
07/15/15 (Wed) 16:09:38 No. 46769
>muh fantasy stories
07/15/15 (Wed) 17:09:34 No. 46775
It's seriously believable though
07/15/15 (Wed) 17:43:25 No. 46779
Yeah, when you watch the videos it's really convincing. That, and the whole deal with NASA's fake images and the secrecy about the "South Pole".
07/20/15 (Mon) 22:18:24 No. 47280
One of my "masters" is a firm believer in the hollow earth theory, as well as the fake moon. I have no idea what to think of this but he was the one to teach me about the jews so I don't know, maybe he is right.
07/21/15 (Tue) 03:28:33 No. 47311
>over 6 million miles away
>ayyy lmao
07/21/15 (Tue) 21:12:00 No. 47365
thanks for the video
07/22/15 (Wed) 05:00:12 No. 47423
This video was very refreshing.
07/22/15 (Wed) 20:59:18 No. 47485
>the god and heaven and jesus shit is fake
>god fake
>heaven fake aka upper dimension
>jesus fake
07/23/15 (Thu) 12:17:08 No. 47594
Yes, you will undoubtedly see the convex if you are using a fish eye lens. Here is a video without one.
07/23/15 (Thu) 23:54:33 No. 47638
Holy Shit!
just found this, someone used the ley lines on the flat map.
07/24/15 (Fri) 00:17:08 No. 47641
what does that mean
07/24/15 (Fri) 00:21:02 No. 47642
in the first image we see 90 degrees, in the second one the Pi number.
07/24/15 (Fri) 01:00:26 No. 47647
Weird. I got the Images from /x/ while lurking a Thread. Post seems deleted and they going full "Listen and Believe what NASA says"! wtf?
07/24/15 (Fri) 02:59:35 No. 47669
fantastic, thankyou for that. Probably one of the most important things I've ever read
07/24/15 (Fri) 03:28:30 No. 47671
Why are shills the only ones who still use these corny 'mfw' reaction images? It's like they are using a 2013 edition shill playbook, with outdated memes.
07/24/15 (Fri) 14:33:58 No. 47712
>doesnt understand centrifuge force
>doesnt understand plane flight
i think i'm done
get high school physics classes
07/24/15 (Fri) 14:54:30 No. 47714
gtfo disinfo shill
07/24/15 (Fri) 15:50:45 No. 47718
ok, getting even more weird. Notice how the first nummber in the top is the 1 when shifting the flat earth model into the position of these ley lines!?
07/24/15 (Fri) 16:05:51 No. 47720
well wow… Im starting to believe this flat earth thing. sad to think the prison globe we're stuck in is closer to us, more so than I thought.
07/24/15 (Fri) 16:19:58 No. 47722
> prison globe
well, it looks more like a prison pyramid to me, if the ancestors rly knew more.
Also, notice that the maya temple is called the sun temple.
And in Xi'an is the moon temple
and in th emiddle are the great pyramids.
from the perspective, it looks like they knew were the top is of the pyramide globe.
It should be easy to calculate how far it is now.
07/25/15 (Sat) 00:33:26 No. 47766
>if you are ever officially accepted
>if you are ever
>if you
there is that word again.
07/25/15 (Sat) 02:43:08 No. 47792
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Holy Shit
The Earth, is 'Flat'
07/25/15 (Sat) 15:18:23 No. 47837
Attention Anons
>banned for posting information about how to spot a shill!
eric dubay is censoring on his ifers board information on 'how to spot a shill'
He seems to like hi slittle sheeples!
Be aware when going into the hug group ifers. They are in a echochamper on purpose! They are aware on how to shill or shill a shiller!
seems flat earth is a huge bait
07/25/15 (Sat) 15:25:42 No. 47838
you were asking to be banned and now you spout your disinfo nonsense here
07/25/15 (Sat) 15:26:34 No. 47839
posting ionfos about how to spot a shill is disinfo?
07/25/15 (Sat) 15:28:48 No. 47840
you were heavily implying him being a shill with that post
07/25/15 (Sat) 15:29:49 No. 47841
no, i just wanted to do a thread about 'how to spot a shill' so th eifers could better spot shills on the board. After the post, i got banned, without reason.
07/25/15 (Sat) 15:31:11 No. 47842
ok i was just speculating
one hour ago he wrote:
Update!: The New Quickest way to get banned from this forum is to do what many new members keep feeling the need to do on their first or second post - start a new thread for a subject that is already covered in an existing thread and/or start a new thread without significant research/content put into it. Please don't start threads, for example, with just a sentence or two and a video. I only want new threads which contain significant research/content in the opening post, thank you! Peace
07/25/15 (Sat) 15:35:33 No. 47843
the bread i made was huge , filled with infos from GG and how to spot a shill with all tactics. that was damn important info. He could at least take a look into it.
i linked all teh infos from the pastebin 'how to spot shills' and the COINTELPRO Tactics.
i explained why i had such knowledge and what we had to face within gamergate.
so, it wasn't a 'one sentence' thread or just a video and two sentence.
sorry for my bad wording.
07/25/15 (Sat) 15:51:34 No. 47846
that's what you should have said in your first post
that's kind of repulsive, yes
07/25/15 (Sat) 16:04:20 No. 47847
and yet, i'm still banned.
This kind of information i gave to ifers is uniqe. We may aware of shills overall but since GG we were able to disassemble these groups and categories in different groups. This infos or these infograpics/pastebin knowledge didn't shared so far with other groups who also suffer from shills.
When ever there is a hot topic about a controversial theme, there are also shills. paid or not. But also, we should never forget that 'shills' play both sides.
means, by withholding important information about this it only gives one group on one side of the shills the power.
Since this info got censored on the pro-FlatEarth side i have to put 1+1 on my own together.
They have breads about shills but only breads taht call out users as shills but do not go deeper into this topic!
It was not a one sentence bread
it already had significant research
>cointelpro is nothing new and is already documented!
07/25/15 (Sat) 16:28:07 No. 47854
>reading the ifers threads
it seems ifers only know about FB shills, that's it.
time to drop this topic
stuff like this makes me very skeptical
07/25/15 (Sat) 17:36:22 No. 47858
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>35118
>I'm still wondering about space travel. How is it possible? Through extra-dimensional vibration engines?
Video related has a solution to your question, also he believes the earth is hollow but he states it as: "Using logic, the earth has to be hollow".
Interesting vid none the less.
07/25/15 (Sat) 21:03:32 No. 47887
>start a new thread for a subject that is already covered in an existing thread
>i got banned, without reason
>i have to put 1+1 on my own together
07/26/15 (Sun) 02:38:22 No. 47903
> /thread/544/cointel-protocol-infiltrate-internet-forums
but anon, that's just images? Do you even know how much infos gamergate has!
what a fucking newfig are you? You Damn IFERS Shill!
07/26/15 (Sun) 03:12:42 No. 47904
I don't even know what gamergate is.
07/26/15 (Sun) 03:41:37 No. 47906
"i won't even attempt to refute the solid case anon has againt me so I will insult him instead" - faggot (you)
you should know that you only serve to bump a thread that has some infos in it and your sliding will not affect most people on this board
07/26/15 (Sun) 07:48:57 No. 47908
True, although, the old testament is a pretty good "blueprint" to the physical world.
07/26/15 (Sun) 07:49:19 No. 47909
And as we all know, that which occurs on the physical, indeed is mirrored from the metaphysical.
07/26/15 (Sun) 13:01:00 No. 47919
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Hypothesis:
(If) all planets, have their own orbit and their own pace around another planet with different distance to each other. Also with different size.
What i should see:
I expect, something like, many little or huge Storm formations of Stars. Sometimes slow, or fast.
How comes it that a timelapse video of the night sky shows us an Image that looks like a painting without the movement of the different planets who should all different to each other?
07/26/15 (Sun) 13:33:03 No. 47920
Because the earth is not a globe and there is definitely organized evil in the world who would dumb you down into nothingness, enslave you economically, and castrate you spiritually.
07/26/15 (Sun) 13:47:53 No. 47921
look, i said:
'How' would a round earth (who would spinning) work, compared to this Hypothesis.
07/26/15 (Sun) 14:09:05 No. 47923
It seems pointless to speculate.
1. Tell everyone they're on a ball flying through space
2. Make up some shit about gravity
3. …
4. Marvel at how smart people are easier to control than dumb people. Steal souls, etc
07/26/15 (Sun) 14:11:57 No. 47924
it is about >>47919 my question
How comes it that a timelapse video of the night sky shows us an Image that looks like a painting without the movement of the different planets who should all different to each other?
with the model of a round planet:
(If) all planets, have their own orbit and their own pace around another planet with different distance to each other. Also with different size.
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 07/26/15 (Sun) 14:16:44 No. 47925
I might be able to answer this question.
>How comes it that a time-lapse video of the night sky shows us an Image that looks like a painting without the movement of the different planets who should all different to each other?
that what you see is actually a light coming from million of light years away from you, it's basically a "flash" from the past(time machine), because the star you see might be actually dead/exploded/non-existent and all you see is this "still image" that update slowly overtime shinning new star each time and replacing the old lights.The movement on nearby planet is far more observable than let say a planet far away, and even planet far away aren't observable because they don't reflect enough light so that we may even see them.
07/26/15 (Sun) 14:25:46 No. 47926
>that what you see is actually a light coming from million of light years away from you, it's basically a "flash" from the past(time machine), because the star you see might be actually dead/exploded/non-existent and all you see is this "still image" that update slowly overtime shinning new star each time and replacing the old lights.The movement on nearby planet is far more observable than let say a planet far away, and even planet far away aren't observable because they don't reflect enough light so that we may even see them.
thank you.
Also, the observer is in the "Hypothesis model" on a fast moving body (earth), that may explain why the starts seems fixed.
07/26/15 (Sun) 15:26:41 No. 47934
>disinfo shills first reduce magic to psychology and now ridicule probably the greatest secret of Earth
07/26/15 (Sun) 15:40:02 No. 47939
just posting this useless post to state that the OP's game cards have mostly been true, if not all been true. I'm starting to doubt NASA version of things I never really trusted them anyway.
==SAGE== 07/26/15 (Sun) 15:41:42 No. 47940
>bread infested by ifers shills
07/26/15 (Sun) 16:18:04 No. 47943
>natcuck calls others shill
Sorry that your Hollow Earth Hitler hasn't reemerged yet.
07/27/15 (Mon) 02:26:27 No. 47992
Ok, I'm sold on this.
What does this mean to us?
07/27/15 (Mon) 02:32:44 No. 47993
I just had a walk outside and noticed how the moon was lighting the clouds in a spotlight like fashion.
So once again this comes into play.
Wish I had a decent camera because the night sky tonight is very pretty.
07/27/15 (Mon) 06:54:47 No. 48018
07/28/15 (Tue) 02:46:48 No. 48093
I am much more interested in the implications of this.
Suddenly astrology and phenomena like falling stars appear in an entirey different light.
How can we make use of this knowledge?
07/28/15 (Tue) 10:18:09 No. 48120
Trips confirm flat earth is truth.
07/28/15 (Tue) 14:09:28 No. 48127
but he want you to buy it!
07/28/15 (Tue) 14:10:31 No. 48128
go to http://ifers.boards.net/
way better then here!
And don't use this mega link!
07/28/15 (Tue) 18:06:07 No. 48150
I already used it. What do? :(
07/28/15 (Tue) 18:13:29 No. 48152
Disinfo shills are in full swing today.
07/28/15 (Tue) 21:02:13 No. 48176
disable the addBlock on his board and watch his monetized videos.
07/28/15 (Tue) 22:22:12 No. 48181
07/29/15 (Wed) 02:19:22 No. 48196
07/30/15 (Thu) 17:16:45 No. 48380
What about the seasons? We know seasons exist right? Only a tilted spherical earth would explain those. Summer in the Northern Hemisphere = Winter in the Southern Hemisphere.
What about the tides? A spherical earth (in conjunction with the moon) explains those as well.
Furthermore, if the earth were flat, the sun would be visible all over the earth disk during the same day. Just call someone at 12 pm on the direct other side of the disk and ask them if they can see the sun. Of course, it would be night there, thus disproving the flat earth theory.
Flat earth doesn't hold up.
07/30/15 (Thu) 17:31:53 No. 48381
07/30/15 (Thu) 18:04:48 No. 48384
i've flown many times. and seen pictures from higher. there is no curvature.
07/30/15 (Thu) 18:14:56 No. 48385
Then i have a few questions for you.
1. Why would the sun be flying in circles above the flat earth? Orbits around points of mass can be understood, but orbits around nothing with the north pole as center? Can someone explain? What makes the sun move in circles?
2. I get that the seasons can be explained by the sun moving up and down the latitudes, but what is the force that moves the sun towards the north pole and back again? Nothing in this reality moves by itself, it is always set in motion. Furthermore, this spiral model is very inefficient energy wise.
3. What blocks out the sunrays from the other side of the earth disk? In this video, it is explained that the view of the sun is blocked by the land, or it is the distance. The sun would be 'flying' above the earth right? Then how can the land be an influential factor in the view of the sun? If you live in the middle of a steppe in russia, you're basically fucked. Sorry, no sun for you. And for distance, how does distance factor in the fading out of EM radiation?
4. Wouldn't the sun fall towards the earth? The sun in this model is subject to the earth's gravity 100% of the time (well, as always), and would fall towards the earth. According to the current model, we fall towards the sun all the time, but miss it each time because we are going so fast. We will not fall IN the sun. The sun on a flat earth would fall on the earth, right?
It doesn't seem credible enough for me.
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 07/30/15 (Thu) 18:29:19 No. 48386
Every single one of you should read the chapter in Prometheus Rising
"The Thinker Think and the Prover Prove."
07/30/15 (Thu) 19:04:33 No. 48388
The Earth is flat, you disinfo agent.
07/30/15 (Thu) 19:32:15 No. 48390
asking questions
>disinfo agent
07/30/15 (Thu) 20:42:02 No. 48392
The Earth is flat!
07/30/15 (Thu) 20:43:20 No. 48393
This is the last post I will waste on you chaim.
>orbits around points of mass
What is the "theory" of gravity? An absolute force that is not always absolute and is completely unprovable.
>nothing in this reality moves by itself
What moves you? Why are you alive?
>what blocks out the sunrays
Despite what you may think there is substance in the air. If you point a laser at a distant object the beam will grow and diffuse as it travels. At some point it will not be visible to the eye.
>wouldn't the sun fall towards the earth
What is the "theory" of gravity? An absolute force that is not always absolute and is completely unprovable.
Why does the sun need to have mass?
Your questions reek of ignorance and/or misdirection.
>Furthermore, this spiral model is very inefficient energy wise.
07/31/15 (Fri) 00:35:45 No. 48404
07/31/15 (Fri) 06:03:44 No. 48443
>Muh scientific illiteracy
Jesus christ no wonder the kikes are doing better.. Ignore anything you want, you're keeping yourself deluded.
>Gravity cannot be proven
It can. Read about the mountain experiments. Schiehallion for example. Although inaccurate, the principle works. Masses attract each other. Though gravity cannot be explained, it works.
>It's just a theory!
So is the flat earth. Why don't you test the theory of gravity by jumping from a building? I'm sure you'll be fine.
>What moves you? Why are you alive?
jewish blood magic
Biology. We get the ability to move from energy released by biochemical mechanisms. Just see if you can move well after months without food.
>Sunrays diffuse!
True, but diffused light would still be visible. Diffusion does not mean the complete blocking out of the sun. Absorption fades out sunrays, as happens in the deep sea. Air is way less dense, and would not absorb enough light to block out sunrays on the distances of flat earth.
Science works, deal with it. Your car or computer is not possible through magic, but through science.
Pick up a good science book, learn the concept, challenge it, disprove it and come back with sound logic, not counter-questions.
07/31/15 (Fri) 12:28:03 No. 48464
07/31/15 (Fri) 13:40:59 No. 48466
>Although inaccurate, the principle works. Masses attract each other. Though gravity cannot be explained, it works.
You say it yourself, it cannot be explained. You can witness an effect, the consequence of some phenomenon, but you don't know what the cause actually is. Therefore the concept of gravity is not a necessity, it could be something else entirely.
>Why don't you test the theory of gravity by jumping from a building? I'm sure you'll be fine.
I think you're referring to density. When you're denser than the fluid around you (in this case the air), you fall. When you're less dense, you rise.
>Biology. We get the ability to move from energy released by biochemical mechanisms. Just see if you can move well after months without food.
Of course if you lack sustenance and therefore energy you won't be able to move. But the energy itself isn't what makes you move, it is you who decides to make use of that energy to move around. I believe the concept of will here is fundamental. And in the case the sun doesn't have its own will, something else can act on it to make it move, such as laws. Some have brought up the idea that the sun circles around the magnetic North, but as I'm no expert on the topic, I'll leave it at that.
>True, but diffused light would still be visible. Diffusion does not mean the complete blocking out of the sun. Absorption fades out sunrays, as happens in the deep sea. Air is way less dense, and would not absorb enough light to block out sunrays on the distances of flat earth.
I am not certain concerning this, but I believe it has to do with perspective. The horizon is the line of convergence of what is below the eyes of the observer and what is above them. There are many examples around illustrating this, such as in a long corridor where the ceiling and the floor converge in the center of your view. So I would speculate that with this in mind, if you cannot see the sun as it goes over the horizon, you cannot see the light it produces either. Just a thought.
07/31/15 (Fri) 13:48:11 No. 48467
Why would the sun be flying in circles above the flat earth?
Quantum locking of the sun and moon's magnetic fields holds them there.
07/31/15 (Fri) 18:14:21 No. 48507
>the day i see shills on /fringe/
>newfig s should go back to their flat shit board
07/31/15 (Fri) 18:35:41 No. 48508
You raise some good points.
The density part could explain a floating sun and falling people.
I won't sidetrack into biology, it is not related to the topic.
>Gravity is not a necessity
True, the concept of gravity is entirely arbitrary. However, we can observe that mass attracts mass. That is fundamental to the theory of a flat earth. If the earth were flat, wouldn't we be attracted to the center of mass, the north pole?
>Convergence of light
Interesting thought. The perspective of a long hallway can be explained through the angle of the beams of light entering your eye, in my opinion. A close by object would reflect beams at a large angle in your eye (red lines), a far away object would reflect light at a small angle (black lines). Thus, The far away object would appear smaller.
A light source emits light (in case of the sun, in all directions), including towards your eye. It should go straight on, implying you would see the sun indefinitely (black line).
The line should be bent (red, though very improbable, think about glasses), diffused(grey), or reflected/absorbed (blue) in order to NOT reach your eye. In case of a curved earth, the light would be blocked by a curvature.
You can test the diffusion explanation with a light sensor and a laser. The light shouldn't reduce greatly in density with increasing distance. If it does, flat earth would sound a whole lot more plausible.
08/05/15 (Wed) 00:17:22 No. 48878
Empowerment through truth. Delicious.
08/05/15 (Wed) 21:10:41 No. 48998
dumpin some FE materials
didi 08/05/15 (Wed) 22:58:47 No. 49040
a 1000$ plane ride up high enough would shut most of the retardation up.
>2200 years ago
08/06/15 (Thu) 01:24:12 No. 49059
08/06/15 (Thu) 02:36:25 No. 49066
Very nice info dump.
This morning around 10:30 I looked up and saw the moon, which is not unusual in the daytime but not an everyday occurence. The thing about it was a part of the moon was cut off/not "lighted". Since the sun was in clear direct sight of the moon, if anything the moon being a "reflector" as some would say, it would then be a full moon. A clear impossibility for a globe Earth.
A simple look into the sky and I had proof against a globe Earth. Then a look to the horizon for proof of a flat Earth.
08/06/15 (Thu) 03:08:15 No. 49072
fly that high without looking out of curved glass
08/06/15 (Thu) 03:54:33 No. 49079
Don't forget the distances of sun and moon. Can you make a drawing of this?
08/06/15 (Thu) 04:26:42 No. 49083
I could make a drawing and did consider it but for many reasons I don't want to install a drawing program.
From where I was the sun and moon were both about 30 degrees above the horizon and almost in opposite sides of the sky. The sun was "rising" and the moon was "setting".
There was no Earth blocking the suns light from the moon.
SAGE! 08/06/15 (Thu) 04:34:57 No. 49084
I was posting this while listening to todays "Ball Earth Skeptic Roundtable" and the guest mentioned (1:04:00) how in Canada you can see the sun and moon at the same time and the moon is eclipsed even though there is nothing to eclipse it. Just what I was talking about mearly minutes after I posted.
I am in Canada.
didi 08/06/15 (Thu) 06:37:54 No. 49094
You can convince me that magick exists, you can convince me that conan is a good show, you can convince me that everything is made of chaos….
but fuck on off with the flat earth bullshit - at the center of this fucking planet at the poles are entrences to the inner earth, where you will find other races of beings.
earth is not a full solid piece of rock, it's a living entity, not a fucking flat warhammer board
>wonders why every flat-earth believer and pusher also appears to be skiny-fat or obese white idiots with terrible hair upkeep or die-hard hardcore extremist muslims.
08/06/15 (Thu) 06:58:39 No. 49098
Everybody should just block didi. Such an idiot.
08/06/15 (Thu) 08:38:49 No. 49123
>>skiny-fat or obese white idiots with terrible hair upkeep or die-hard hardcore extremist muslims
>mon visage upon trying to understand this projection
08/06/15 (Thu) 10:35:35 No. 49128
The flat earth is hollow.
08/06/15 (Thu) 19:40:59 No. 49162
The glass isn't curved and he's lying. You can't even see the curvature from a balloon in space.
08/06/15 (Thu) 20:25:44 No. 49164
holy fuck why is this cuckoo shit the top thread on this board? for fuck's sakes
08/06/15 (Thu) 20:45:32 No. 49168
Thanks for bumping it. Try entertain the idea and look at the proofs before you comment
08/06/15 (Thu) 21:33:56 No. 49172
08/06/15 (Thu) 21:50:27 No. 49173
08/09/15 (Sun) 00:55:34 No. 49385
I thought there was something strange with one the mods on the ifers.boards.net forum so I posted something that I knew he would have trouble with. Even putting a disclamer so as to not get attacked.
The result was my post being partially quoted, replied to in a jew-like slander way, post removed, forum ban, and ip ban.
There should be no need for many of you to know the mods name as a quick look through the forum should show who it is if you are perceptive enough.
ifers is the claimed leading forum for flat earth and they have what I can only describe as something worse than a channer irc hugbox clique.
There is something very strange going on there, use caution.
08/14/15 (Fri) 14:29:00 No. 49969
idk the truth about the shape of the earth but be very careful of the "mainstream" flat earth shit. it came out of fucking nowhere and blew up in 12 months, that shit does not happen unless they want it to. there is disinfo
SAGE! 08/14/15 (Fri) 14:40:58 No. 49972
we all know. let it sage.
SAGE! 08/14/15 (Fri) 15:00:34 No. 49975
ok im glad, just posting for the newbies (i am a newbie)
08/14/15 (Fri) 16:19:48 No. 50009
Nice discovery OP!
08/14/15 (Fri) 19:20:23 No. 50019
Most of that article is like 'X person associated with flat earth is bad, because he is associated with the occult.' well this whole board is associated with the occult, how do you figure that fearmongering will fly here? also the article completely ignores flat earthism prior to the 16th century, and ignores all of the flat earther's actual arguments, focusing solely on impugning their character.
08/14/15 (Fri) 20:16:49 No. 50020
I think he's a psyop but I also think its still flat.
08/19/15 (Wed) 08:04:12 No. 50490
I see a lot of evidence ITT for a flat earth, but unless I skimmed past it or it was in a video I haven't seen the answer to this question:
Why on earth would there be a conspiracy to lie to us about the shape of the earth? What possible motive could there be?
08/19/15 (Wed) 13:36:06 No. 50519
Control of resources which aren't as scarce as they seem.
08/20/15 (Thu) 12:42:37 No. 50717
08/22/15 (Sat) 19:29:12 No. 51055
>Inception music
His voice makes me giggle.
09/02/15 (Wed) 20:28:52 No. 52631
Ok you flat earth dinguses, explain the sunrise and sunset. Now I imagine if the earth was indeed flat the sun wouldn't just pop behind the horizon and disappear so quickly from view.
09/03/15 (Thu) 05:08:13 No. 52675
dubay is probably a psyop or he's mistaken on some issues, but that article didn't do much to expose him or flat eartherism
agreed I think
09/03/15 (Thu) 07:18:53 No. 52676
>his critics scorned him, calling him Beta
That happens to me as well.
09/03/15 (Thu) 21:54:04 No. 52751
09/06/15 (Sun) 21:13:27 No. 53018
I am going to make a pair of wings made of wax and feathers, and then go see up there with my very own eyes!
The Meme S !upremeK28A 09/06/15 (Sun) 21:17:48 No. 53019
Good luck to you sir.
09/07/15 (Mon) 00:51:44 No. 53034
I was thinking on the story of Icarus some days ago in relation to flat earth.
>don't fly to close to the sun or your wings will melt
There may have been more to that story.
09/07/15 (Mon) 07:52:37 No. 53053
So I was just looking at the night sky and pic related is what I saw. Now I watched Eric Dugoy's documentary and he said that if people just looked around they'd naturally figure that the earth is flat, as is the truth, or so he claims. Yet I looked myself and it seems the light from the moon is being reflected from the sun which is over the horizon. If the earth was indeed flat why the hell would light be coming from downward. It would only be shining horizontally. But I guess you can claim the moon is actually giving off it's own light and is programmed to give the impression of a spherical earth, at which point I'll disregard anything you further say because that's fuckin ridiculous.
Still, those Illuminati cards are rather intriguing, and if it's true that the flat earthers know something I want to know what it is.
09/07/15 (Mon) 07:56:41 No. 53054
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. The Earth is a flat plane, just as everyone has always known before the Freemasons indoctrinated everyone with science fiction and faked some moonwalks in a studio.
09/07/15 (Mon) 08:02:00 No. 53055
The Flat Earth society is the oldschool controlled opposition
IFERS is almost as bad
Just stick to the evidence
Not at all, in my opinion it makes it more plausible, since the planets are no longer just other balls of rock/gas in a random universe, they are celestial luminaries.
Any theories of astrology that use the 3D solar system model would have to be discarded, but the ancient ones were not like that
09/07/15 (Mon) 08:02:28 No. 53056
I'm supposed to listen to a guy who believes in the Holohoax?
09/07/15 (Mon) 08:05:04 No. 53058
Well no one's perfect.
09/08/15 (Tue) 01:03:00 No. 53129
Dubayous flat out lies in his models, that is why the arguments are convincing. False premises - False conclusions
09/08/15 (Tue) 01:31:46 No. 53131
That guy is a childish retard. I do agree that not all of Eric Dubay's arguments are valid but a lot of them are, and he's only one of many sources of information on Flat Earth.
Also disproving Flat Earth - if you were to do that - doesn't prove the Earth is a ball.
There are two important facts that must be understood:
FACT 1: There is no measurable curvature, from the ground or high altitude
FACT 2: All NASA photography from space is fake. Moon landings, space walks, mars lander, ISS, it's all fake and it's easy to demonstrate and see.
There's obviously a ton more to consider than that, but those are two extremely pertinent facts that must be reconciled with whatever worldview one wishes to hold.
09/08/15 (Tue) 09:07:33 No. 53190
Truthiracy should have stuck to making funny satirical videos about the dubious "vast conspiracy network" presentation instead of becoming the obsessive mundane autist they are now.
09/09/15 (Wed) 13:07:58 No. 53385
Yeah Truthiracy is very childish but it dosn't change the fact that doubious outright lies. Also none of his arguments stand scrutiny which the aforementioned wanker debunked.
It doesn't matter if NASA photography is faked (I agree most of it is rather obvious) Dubays models don't work with any astronomical functions, his arguments about views from the a plane are blatantly false and his arguments based on sun rays ignore refraction.
If we want to discuss alternative world views at least cut any arguments that are provably false
09/09/15 (Wed) 16:19:07 No. 53404
Truthiracy brings up valid points in his flat earth videos, but holy hell does he talk really fuckin weird. If I was forced to listen to him all day I might go insane.
09/09/15 (Wed) 18:42:56 No. 53409
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>53385
Ignore Dubay if you like, there's endless sources of information on this topic (and yes you have to wade through some disinfo shills)
Consider the view in this video. This is over 100,000 feet, much higher than a plane. The horizon is flat, still at camera level, and the sun clearly very close over the surface of the Earth, not 93 million miles in the background.
09/09/15 (Wed) 18:45:31 No. 53410
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. And check out this video, the moon is tiny and visible when it should be on the other side of the so called globe. This makes sense if it far away over the flat earth.
09/09/15 (Wed) 19:39:36 No. 53413
>This is over 100,000 feet
Yeah, 20 miles, so what. That's not really significant when we're dealing with a planet with a circumference of 25000 miles.
>The horizon is flat
That's totally easy to tell with the fish eye lens that camera clearly has and the fact that you're looking at blurry fuckin clouds with shitty resolution. Funny though, because even though the the top half of the camera view should be curving up at the ends there still a little downward curvature noticeable.
>still at camera level
No it's not, and it's clear the camera is tilted down slightly.
>and the sun clearly very close over the surface of the Earth, not 93 million miles in the background
I don't presume to know at what intensity the sun should be shining but science has told me that the sun is absolutely fuckin huge. So whether it's millions of miles in circumference and millions of miles away or 3000 miles away and smaller it makes no difference to me because either way it's still bright as fuck.
09/10/15 (Thu) 03:38:48 No. 53446
^An elaboration of what >>53413 said
100,000 feet is nothing
>The Earth Is Flat!
>100% Video Proof
>Globe Earth Debunked
Hurmm must be bullet proof evidence since he asserts it so strongly in the title, this must be the last video I ever need watch on the subject!
>Epic movie memes
>Edgy music
Ow wait, this video doesn't prove shit, its clear in the video he dosn't have exact times so its all just speculation.
He gets out a neat little daylight calculator so people can work out how dark it is on the other side of the world and pretends that the moons visibility is limited to where the darkness is on the globe using the time he pulled out of his ass.
He doesn't zoom in when he brings out the 3d model because he doesn't want people looking closely.
So as far as I'm concerned the guy is a publicity whore making big claims for attention on his youtube channel and doesn't deliver.
Is this the sort of character who we should even contemplate giving our trust?
09/10/15 (Thu) 03:45:50 No. 53447
Also the 'fish eye lens conspiracy' attitude you get from all they videos is getting pretty old. Fish eye lenses are attached to light weight action cameras because they offer the largest perspective with minimum footprint. Sending one of said cameras into space without modifying it to be rectilinear also makes sense since the modification would reduce the perspective you get on your expensive rocket launch.
09/10/15 (Thu) 06:17:51 No. 53467
"20 miles so what" is significant because any time there is a discussion about curvature, people always say "you're fucking retarded you can see the curvature from a plane". Then you show them a flat horizon way way higher than a plane and they go "oh well the Earth's so big you wouldn't see any curve". It's ridiculous man. I challenge anyone to prove the Earth is a ball.
You can see things that are 100 miles away on the horizon in some cases on clear days, there have been many such examples if you look, something completely and utterly impossible on a ball.
Consider the fact that you're spinning at 1000mph at the equator. That means in 12 hours time you're going 1000mph in OTHER direction, yet we feel nothing and cannot measure it. If you start off in the north where the Earth is rotating much slower and then head south in a plane, you are moving to where the Earth is rotating faster, so the air and the ground below you should get faster and faster towards the East. This doesn't happen. Everything about planes and physics behaves exactly how you would expect if the Earth were motionless. I could go on for hours about the inconsistencies in the spinning ball model.
Also Coriolis Effect works on bullets (allegedly) but doesn't affect planes or hot air balloons. If it did you could get in your hot air balloon and wait 12 hours and you would be on the other side of the planet.
Now I don't expect to convince anyone but I really think you should continue to research with an open mind if you care about the truth.
It was the morning on the date stated, the person who shot up the rocket confirmed this in the comments. The moon was over Australia at that time.
09/10/15 (Thu) 07:34:14 No. 53475
>The Erie Canal is a canal in New York that originally ran about 363 miles (584 km) from Albany, on the Hudson River to Buffalo, at Lake Erie.
They accounted for less than 600ft of elevation. They did not account for the 87,000 ft curve. Ask an engineer or architect or builder if they take into account curvature of the Earth. They don't.
09/10/15 (Thu) 07:40:29 No. 53479
I am open minded, and I would support the notion of a flat earth if I could see footage from a rocket that keeps flying away from the earth beyond a distance at which the entire earth should be visible revealing a continuous landmass instead of a sphere, or even simpler, areal footage of Antarctica either being much larger than it should or abruptly ending.
>Consider the fact that you're spinning at 1000mph at the equator. That means in 12 hours time you're going 1000mph in OTHER direction, yet we feel nothing and cannot measure it.
You just explained why you don't feel it. To understand more easily, scale it down dramatically, to one of those centrifuge rides at a theme-park or carnival. It spins around, holding the occupants against the walls with centripetal force. That ONLY works because you're changing direction rapidly. If it took 12 hours for the ride to make half a rotation, you wouldn't even be able to tell you'd been moving at all. The fact that it's 1000 mph looks like a big number doesn't actually matter when you have to travel 12000 miles before the direction reverses.
As far as it being measurable, it is. You can measure the force of gravity at the equator and compare it to the force at the north or south pole (where there is no centripetal force acting on you) and if your tools are sensitive enough, you'll see a difference.
And as far as structural engineering is concerned, it's not common for a structure to need to take the curvature of the Earth into account, because most structures don't have load bearing elements so far apart that the curvature matters; but when they are long enough, the curvature of the Earth is taken into account:
>Because of the height of the towers (693 ft or 211 m) and their distance apart (4,260 ft or 1,298 m), the curvature of the Earth's surface had to be taken into account when designing the bridge—the towers are 1 5⁄8 inches (41.275 mm) farther apart at their tops than at their bases; they are not parallel to each other.[3][14]
>he towers, although both vertical, are 34 mm (1.3 inches) farther apart at the top than the bottom due to the curvature of the earth.[10]
Do note that the distance adjustment of 41 mm and 32 mm is tiny, so even similarly scaled public works sometimes ignore the curvature of the Earth, if two load bearing structures end up leaning toward each other 15-20 mm, they'd still be well within safety parameters.
(I'm not suggesting that taking the curvature of the Earth into account proves that the Earth is a sphere, only that the practice does in fact exist.)
09/10/15 (Thu) 08:12:03 No. 53480
Mate we are talking about a Canal here, the water is self leveling over the (curved) surface of the Earth so all you need to consider is the relative water pressure.
If I made a enclosed stream that looped the entire planet all I would need to do make sure that one end was above sea level to a degree greater than the section to the left of it (looking down from the north pole)
Now since I'm not coming from a Flat Earth paradigm I could see the obvious explanation as to why the engineering argument based on a canal is invalid.
If the proponents of flat earth had any integrity they would remove all cases of a false argument once a more simplistic/logical(Cartesian) argument has been put forth.
But they don't because the proponents of flat earth lack integrity.
09/10/15 (Thu) 08:13:42 No. 53481
>If I made a enclosed stream that looped the entire planet all I would need to do make sure that one end was above sea level to a degree greater than the section to the left of it (looking down from the north pole)
so that the water would flow in said loop*
09/10/15 (Thu) 10:27:36 No. 53490
The Earth is flat and there is nothing you can do to disprove this fact, fucking shills.
09/10/15 (Thu) 18:04:59 No. 53546
This question has been asked before. Read the thread, iirc it has something to do with latitudes and the distance to the sun.
विष्णु !BuddhaV9os 09/10/15 (Thu) 21:20:31 No. 53569
Your entire argument is quite biased and has no foundation. It is strikingly obvious that you are throwing a 1 sided debate without having looked at any other side other than the version you have been indoctrinated into believing is 100% undeniable fact. This typical, yet perplexing behavior is that of a woman who only wishes to do what every other woman does without regard for the very essence that is science. You have fallen into a deep hole with many strange faces who tell strange stories, and yet you believe them to be true. Your central refutation itself is based on an unknown fact, and yet you consider it to be the objective decisive factor stripping away all other arguments. You use mundane logic in an attempt to solve the dispute, without understanding that your very own logic is irregular and flawed.
Omran 09/11/15 (Fri) 06:17:23 No. 53590
Stephen Mace begins his epic essay, Making Worlds, with the following comment: It's better to make your own experience than to let your experience make you.
The Quarter Experiment
Vividly visualize a quarter (or a pound or euro, etc.), and imagine vividly that you will find that quarter in the street. Look for that quarter in the street every time you are out while still continuing to visualize it, and see how long it takes you to find it.
Next, explain the experiment using “selective attention” hypothesis—that is, of the bounty of lost quarters everywhere in the street, you were bound to find one sooner or later discover one. Then explain the experiment using the “mystical” hypothesis. In other words, you believe that you made the quarter manifest into this universe.
Now go looking for a second quarter. Compare the time it takes to find it using the “selective attention” hypothesis with the time it takes you to find it using the “mystical” hypothesis.
This experiment is designed to help the reader understand the role of thought and belief in structuring the universe. Whatever it is that you think, your mind will immediately set about proving—the existence of God, the sovereignty of the American President, or any number of conspiracy theories. Your mind will find proofs of those things everywhere.
Alternative News Sources
If you are a progressive, spend a week reading nothing but conservative or libertarian news sources like The Drudge Report, The Blaze or Reason. If you are a conservative, spend a week reading nothing but progressive or socialist websites like Think Progress, The Daily Kos, or Jacobin. If you are a spiritual person, read nothing but the skeptic and atheist subreddits. If you are a free thought rationalist, follow the /r/psychonaut subreddit—or read Ultraculture’s Consciousness archives, or even take a class on Chaos Magick.
Do your best to convince yourself and your friends that you sincerely hold these alternate beliefs. This exercise will help you break your reality tunnel—Wilson’s oft-used term that means a worldview conditioned in the individual through biological programming and socioeconomic factors. We are all trapped in reality tunnels, and every single one seems totally crazy except for our own.
~Stephen Mace
I would like to say that the flat earth/Globe earth/Mobius Strip whatever model was a fun time for me to believe in, after I changed my limit of vision to flat earth I felt something, like heaven and earth met together it felt like my mind stretched a whole lot more, felt like it doesn't matter which model you choose rather enjoying life and playing with the models.Every man takes the limits of his field of vision for the limits of the world.
09/11/15 (Fri) 06:32:03 No. 53592
>Whatever it is that you think, your mind will immediately set about proving
True, that's why when testing a theory you search for discrepancies with what actually happens.
>after I changed my limit of vision to flat earth I felt something, like heaven and earth met together it felt like my mind stretched a whole lot more
Indeed it's fun to probe the limits of a model, it makes you understand an actual phenomenon a lot better.
>it doesn't matter which model you choose
It's not true. Some models are just better than other because they give more accurate predictions.
09/11/15 (Fri) 06:37:35 No. 53593
>Some models are just better than other because they give more accurate predictions.
09/11/15 (Fri) 06:39:46 No. 53595
btw is me Omran.
it just my browser.
09/11/15 (Fri) 08:23:09 No. 53600
>>it doesn't matter which model you choose
>It's not true. Some models are just better than other because they give more accurate predictions.
But does it matter on a practical level in one's day-to-day life whether the Earth is a sphere or a flat disc? No. This flat Earth thing is just another perpetuation of the divide and conquer bullshit that has kept humanity enslaved for millenia. Idiots waste their time arguing about the shape of the planet and other inconsequential nonsense while not paying attention to things that have real importance in their lives.
Omran 09/11/15 (Fri) 10:32:42 No. 53604
:/ probably in 5-10 day anyone who post here will forget what I and you just posted here.
09/11/15 (Fri) 12:20:35 No. 53617
Yes of course it matters, you dumbfuck.
09/11/15 (Fri) 12:28:20 No. 53620
Firstly I would to thank you for Looshifiction
Secondly why does it matter?
09/11/15 (Fri) 13:16:06 No. 53622
it's self-explanatory
09/11/15 (Fri) 15:17:30 No. 53625
09/30/15 (Wed) 11:12:17 No. 55492
This is the stupidest shit I've read on the internet in a long fucking time.
"It doesn't matter whether the earth is a finite globe like we're taught or whether it's flat and has more land than 99.9% people are aware of because of partisan politics"
Did I paraphrase you accurately? Are you happy with how fucking stupid you are? How the fuck did you even find this board?
10/01/15 (Thu) 02:06:29 No. 55594
One of the "proofs" the earth is flat says that if the earth was a ball, water would have no flat place to rest because it… wouldn't?
Do you people understand what gravity is?
10/01/15 (Thu) 02:29:43 No. 55595
Can any of you flat earthtards explain gravity?
I'd expect some of you esoteric peeps to at least have an understanding of basic physics before attempting to change material reality in any way.
10/01/15 (Thu) 02:30:48 No. 55596
If the earth is flat, how do you explain it being dark in some places and light in others? How so you explain the Moon being present in some places and the Sun present in others?
10/21/15 (Wed) 11:46:53 No. 57706
Trust me they don't understand the physics, the Earth is definitely round I know from my experience with military commander equipment.
10/21/15 (Wed) 15:44:42 No. 57723
SAGE! 10/21/15 (Wed) 17:11:47 No. 57744
I still consider the Earth to be round. How can one circumnavigate it without falling off?
On an unrelated note, what card game is that?
10/21/15 (Wed) 23:58:05 No. 57785
now that's just silly
SAGE! 10/22/15 (Thu) 02:44:07 No. 57794
I find it strange that people would think the earth is flat when every other thing in the galaxy is round and circular. The fucking moon and sun we see everyday is fucking round.
SAGE! 10/22/15 (Thu) 03:12:35 No. 57795
>How can one circumnavigate it without falling off?
Did you even look at their argument? I'm not a flat earth shill but at least look at their evidence before you criticize it.
10/22/15 (Thu) 15:35:58 No. 57834
I don't believe the earth is flat and even can answer that… When you look at the moon you only think of it as a sphere because you were told it is a sphere, you might very well see it as a circle
10/23/15 (Fri) 00:36:43 No. 57886
This is not true, once that radio stations loose the range on the electromagnetic wave because of the curvature of the earth, radio stations scape that problem making the radio waves reflet on the ionosfere.
10/24/15 (Sat) 09:02:58 No. 58093
I find it strange that people like you shitpost without even reading.
SAGE! 10/24/15 (Sat) 09:49:05 No. 58097
This entire thread is a shit post reptile cock guzzling faggot.
SAGE! 10/27/15 (Tue) 23:16:14 No. 58448
This is /sci/ence related not esoteric wizardry
11/25/15 (Wed) 01:56:41 No. 61886
File: 1448416601787.jpg (Spoiler Image, 131.35 KB, 698x987, 698:987, tits nipless 1346952595177.jpg )
>what is the centrifuge force?
what a moron
11/25/15 (Wed) 13:15:37 No. 61925
are you saying because the object's shape (in this case the earth) has not yet been defined, astral projection would be unable to define the probability of what shape it has into a certainty? wouldnt that mean astral projection cannot be used to measure as it 'does not collapse the wave form' ?
11/25/15 (Wed) 13:16:47 No. 61926
are you saying because the object's shape (in this case the earth) has not yet been defined, astral projection would be unable to define the probability of what shape it has into a certainty? wouldnt that mean astral projection cannot be used to measure as it 'does not collapse the wave form' ?
11/25/15 (Wed) 13:26:56 No. 61930
are you saying because the object's shape (in this case the earth) has not yet been defined, astral projection would be unable to define the probability of what shape it has into a certainty? wouldnt that mean astral projection cannot be used to measure as it 'does not collapse the wave form' ?
11/25/15 (Wed) 13:27:32 No. 61931
sorry about that, it was not intentional
11/30/15 (Mon) 00:19:26 No. 62459
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. I'm deeply concerned about this live feed from nasa. It is indeed suspicious. (Unless they wanted to cut costs.)
and then you have this:
Bill Nye, a mason ranting how this is it and there will be no space travel and all that jazz.
I'm still feeling a curvature though and thinking it's just a trick of light.
But me guts are shaking a bit. I admit.
12/02/15 (Wed) 21:23:22 No. 62751
File: 1449091402906.jpg (96.52 KB, 964x552, 241:138, article-2546864-1B07A3AB00….jpg )
I honestly that this was a complete bullshit theory. Whether a psyop decrediting like "gangstalking" or just one of thousands of random new age bullshit cons, I was certain this was wrong.
I'm honestly starting to wonder.
Let's say the world rotates around an axis exactly as we've all been taught. We all know the idea that when you throw a tennis ball up, it doesn't land offset due to rotation because the air, floor, everything is all moving at the SAME rotational speed, right?
At the equator, this rotational speed is 1040 MPH and at the north pole it's 0 MPH. It scales between these as seen in the attached image. So, here's my question:
If a plane is lifts off from the equator, it is thus automatically traveling west at 1040 MPH due to rotation, same as the rest of the equator. The plane flies north at 500 MPH and as the plane travels north, isn't the environment below and around it rotating at a decreasing speed? So, isn't the plane traveling westward at a faster speed than the environment around it? Thus, if the plane travels north, doesn't it drift west as well? If not, please tell why. Thank you.
*I know, I know… this sounds totally crazy. But, so was the denying the Holocaust before you swallowed the red pill. If you evaluate the Holocaust solely on the basis of whether the official authorities SAY it happened, you cannot possibly deny it. That doesn't mean the flat earth theory is true, it just means you can't base your belief on it just on what the official authorities tell you. Remember, until a few hundred years ago, nearly everyone in the world believed the world was non-spherical.
SAGE! 12/02/15 (Wed) 22:39:20 No. 62762
The plane is traveling at whatever speed it's traveling within the earth's atmosphere.
12/03/15 (Thu) 21:49:00 No. 62824
Yes planes wouldn't get anywhere in a heliocentric model.Go to ifers. Every related video, explanation and resource can be found there
12/04/15 (Fri) 00:00:43 No. 62836
if you look with your eyes you will see a flat plane
if you look with your ears you will see whatever the speaker wants you to see
this "proof" of ball earth comes from the fuccboi's over at nasa and their "photo" of curvature
if you can believe in them then it might as well be a ball or whatever
Khan 01/07/16 (Thu) 10:45:56 No. 66745
01/07/16 (Thu) 11:07:50 No. 66746
Personally, I tried to sit through it all but when I can call bullshit to two of his arguments within 11 minutes while being stoned it's hard to continue. The only thing within those minutes that actually made me possibly consider it is how deep the free mansions are in NASA but that can be said about a lot of the government branches.
01/07/16 (Thu) 15:41:08 No. 66765
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Flat Earth is truth and gives great credit to the Aryo-Slavonian Supercivilization.
01/08/16 (Fri) 09:05:00 No. 66852
Enjoy the flat earth trolls you tards.
/fringe/ apparently can't be focused enough to dispell them
01/08/16 (Fri) 14:33:47 No. 66873
stfu flat earth is real
01/09/16 (Sat) 01:10:19 No. 66933
I really have to praise the imagination of the artists who came up with the images seen of the Sun. Like, solar flares you know, watching them coil up and eject at high speeds. Who came up with such a vivid detail? A ball of plasma hydrogen and helium with intense magnetic coils flinging off the mass of Mount Everest with so much energy. What a random little trivia to make up and get thousands of artists and computer modelers to create. All in order to make the lie more believable.
We have excellent world builders in charge, it makes me feel a lot safer knowing I'm in such competent hands. I think we should just trust them, they obviously care about us a great deal to put such passion and creativity into their work.
Good blessings and strength will come to you but ONLY if you say
In this thread!
01/09/16 (Sat) 02:51:40 No. 66954
>literally retarded
01/11/16 (Mon) 12:57:03 No. 67252
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Is this thread autosaging?
01/11/16 (Mon) 14:45:38 No. 67257
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. IFERS board is now banned from the internet. They're getting scared.
sage 01/11/16 (Mon) 14:55:43 No. 67258
Nope. Other threads are just faster.
>implying anyone is going to watch a 5 hour long audiobook.
01/11/16 (Mon) 17:03:45 No. 67265
>implying anyone is going to watch a 5 hour long audiobook.
I did. While doing other things. Scrub.
01/12/16 (Tue) 20:31:15 No. 67376
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. This space shit is a joke but the truth will never be mainstream in our lifetimes
01/12/16 (Tue) 23:11:49 No. 67384
>implying anyone is going to watch a 5 hour long audiobook.
>Not watching hundreds of hours of lectures video info while playing video games on mute.
Are you even trying?
01/24/16 (Sun) 06:02:33 No. 68926
Buddhist Theravada (master race) here…
The thing with been a lot of disagreements its because buddhism its not an organized religion, and its unorganized on purpose, the only thing we al share are the 4th noble truths, the seek of 'the middle way'… thats it. everything else its because the practice of meditation and the search of enlightentment are Individual journies. I mean sure, anyone values spiritual frienship, but if you walk trought someone else door, then you fucked up.
The set up of temples and are just a start up guide, since really only few people can achieve spiritual grown soleli on their own, speciall now with all the distractions you can get, both painfull and pleasure ones.
the old scriptures from the last buddha are all the things you suppousedly need, but again going all by your own means that you will need more time meditating and less time living, in the 21th century thats no fun, so its ok to entrust some monks to do the research and then just listen to their short version. thats what ajahns are for.
but still there are no 'holy books' no ultimate unbreakable rules, some ways of buddhism practice the 5 Precepts, the most well know been a celibate life, others go full cave man and ad 3 more, things like dont listend to music, masturbate or watch tv/movies.
and then other buddhist ways (like the zen in japan) adbovate for searching love, get married. and have children (that you can afford).
There is even one type of buddhist that just like the goetia practices evokation and magik, but i forgot their name now (drunk af, also forgive typos)
And then you have the shaolink monks who are focused on keeping their bodies /fit/.
That been said, i guess another thing all buddhist have in comon is what the other anon mentioned wich is that it resembles the right hand path (except with the one who do evokations) and look to return to the source by doing good here and shit, you know the drill.
As for Mara, the old non english scriptures say, that he its not Evil, but it does focused more on creating temptations like "i need more of X thing, otherwise i will never be happy" or "If D person got Y toy, then i deserve one too even though he work for it and i didnt do shit".
Its not an ilussion, but more like what this boards call the Demigure in overload mode, personally i think earthly pleasures must be enjoyed, but practice a lot of self awareness of them so they dont limit you like an adiction.
01/24/16 (Sun) 16:23:56 No. 68956
the further this flat earth thing goes on the more co-opted it seems to get
while this is true of all things, the flat earth seems to be co-opted much faster than others
the direction it is going in does not look good and it is probably best to distance yourself from it while you can (dont tweet or facebook about things you cannot prove like that tila person)
I have found one personality on youtube that call himself a "ball earth skeptic" (john le bon) which seems to have the right idea
01/25/16 (Mon) 19:15:48 No. 69044
Unless any of us can get a probe sent into space and send pictures back of whatever we live on, I don't see how this matters.
01/26/16 (Tue) 08:31:52 No. 69095
That assumes that the only way to prove the shape of the earth is the way NASA already claims they've proved it, with their 'videos' from 'space probes'. There are many proofs for the flat earth that you can verify for yourself with simple experiments, read the thread and watch the videos. As for whether it's important or not, if they did pull a hoax this big you can be damn sure they have an important reason for it.
01/26/16 (Tue) 09:26:45 No. 69101
I am mostly curious about what truly lies beyond our scope, up, down, beyond the icewall. A spheric Earth just doesn't make sense to me anymore.
I was also wondering why OOBEs never report that which is what baffles me the most. :(
01/27/16 (Wed) 04:57:58 No. 69163
01/27/16 (Wed) 04:59:10 No. 69164
deja vu. I swear I read this comment already but i was here earlier.
01/27/16 (Wed) 04:59:29 No. 69165
01/27/16 (Wed) 11:33:38 No. 69190
Seems like anyone who seriously believes this claptrap should replicate this experiment for themselves. Seriously, spend a few hundred bucks and save yourself from your brain melting from a very bizarre and retarded MK Ultra style psyop to discredit "conspiracy theorists"
01/27/16 (Wed) 14:19:44 No. 69199
That's obviously a fisheye lense. There are two balloon pictures of the horizon from high up. Videos from cameras with known fisheye lenses like gopros https://gopro.com/support/articles/curved-nature-pictures-videos and unknown fisheye lenses and videos with flat lenses with flat horizon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lchtwf5Fvhc&feature=youtu.be&t=20m16s
01/27/16 (Wed) 15:36:19 No. 69202
Can someone who believes in flat earth explain to me how planes fly to the west and land in the east?
SAGE! 01/27/16 (Wed) 16:02:32 No. 69204
Flat earth is one of the dumbest theories out there.
Honestly if you entertain this for a second you are just plain stupid.
01/27/16 (Wed) 16:23:27 No. 69205
Yeah. Earth's continents are arranged in a concentric circle around the north pole at the center so if one wants to circumnavigate it by plane all they would have to do is travel perpendicular to the north pole (i.e. east or west) and they can travel around the earth and arrive in the same spot from the opposite direction in which they traveled.
It gets trickier in the souther hemisphere because it is much longer than the southern hemisphere and plane routes move within the framework of the flat earth map. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdoGTeM0koQ&feature=youtu.be&t=31m4s
Thanks for sharing.
01/29/16 (Fri) 12:13:50 No. 69338
Ok how do these flat earth retards explain the various hours of daylight experienced by different parts of the world in seasonally?
01/29/16 (Fri) 14:37:47 No. 69341
01/29/16 (Fri) 19:37:48 No. 69351
Mark Sergeant is a damn shill planted to direct people's minds from facts and steer them to speculation and outright bullshit.
01/30/16 (Sat) 01:05:47 No. 69372
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Just got this video in my subscription box, it debunks that the earth is flat:
If you wanna know the real truth set up your own experiment.
Idk about the real shape of the planet but spherical seems the most logical. The earth might be flat for our subjective experience but from galactic perspective it's a sphere. Both of truth's are half-truth's.
01/30/16 (Sat) 02:19:37 No. 69375
all his points are incorrect if you look into flat earth theory.
things actually don't disappear from the curvature of the earth regardless of how far they are. They might get out of your line of sight but it you take binoculars they reappear. The experiments he talks about about measuring shadows would work both on a spherical earth model and a flat earth model with a sun a 32000 miles, those shadows would be identical
01/30/16 (Sat) 03:57:51 No. 69378
someone please answer this
Khan 01/30/16 (Sat) 04:30:27 No. 69381
Many occult books will speak of a heliocentric model simply because they too knew no better as the resource was simply not as abundant in their time. It does not mean we are to disregard these books, but to convert and alchemize the useful information within them.
01/30/16 (Sat) 08:43:29 No. 69385
this is a fair assumption and a good way to approach this, the issue is to know what's still applicable and what isn't if the flat earth turns out to be true. The implication if it's true go way beyond government conspiracy, it changes everything… I'm amazed no one has managed to make any footage of beyond that Antarctic wall, I wonder if they would shoot people on sight over there
01/31/16 (Sun) 19:41:49 No. 69446
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>69372
Got another video about the flat earth theory in my subscription box. The synchronicities are real.
This video calls the whole flat earth conspiracy as a psyop to undermine the 'truthers'. But this video could likewise be a psyop to stop people questioning the shape of the earth.
Idk like I said. You should not just accept any theory as ultimate truth. Just keep a mental folder of possible theories and if you're not a lazy basement dweller start doing your own experimentation.
01/31/16 (Sun) 20:55:30 No. 69447
>spherical seems the most logical.
Have you actually looked into the globe earth model or the flat earth model. The globe earth model has more holes than swiss cheese.
02/01/16 (Mon) 15:34:03 No. 69513
If the earth is flat, why can't the sun be seen at all times with some powerful telescope?
SAGE! 02/01/16 (Mon) 15:58:53 No. 69514
This is the biggest problem with the theory for me.
Most the arguments for it are just 'no I'm right' with no evidence.
02/04/16 (Thu) 01:39:48 No. 69637
Yeah. Why is it not possible to see all of the constellations in the sky?
02/04/16 (Thu) 02:45:22 No. 69641
If the earth was flat, why would every other planet still be a sphere? Doesn't the current "fake" science surrounding the earths shape apply to those spherical planets as well?
02/04/16 (Thu) 12:50:09 No. 69685
the sun rises and goes beneath the horizon. let that sink in fucbois.
« 零 » !Ry9.FWKNDY 02/04/16 (Thu) 20:18:09 No. 69700
02/04/16 (Thu) 20:25:10 No. 69701
>being this mad
looks like the flat earthers are winning :^)
SAGE! 02/04/16 (Thu) 22:06:33 No. 69704
Fuckin this.
Sat through two hours of flat-earth drivel where a guy spends all his time explaining how a flat-earth model could work but at no point does he provide actual evidence for flat earth or counter evidence against the globe.
02/04/16 (Thu) 23:03:10 No. 69710
First of all, take a chill pill breh, and release shift or turn off the caps lock.
We're not just disproving that the earth is not a sphere, as you can see in my vid related it says '200 proofs earth is not a spinning ball', it doesn't say '200 proofs earth is flat.' Your ego is trying to convince you into being open minded so that it can close your mind all while making you think you're the opposite.
we're also proving the earth is a flat plane and things like gravity and relativity doesn't exist (again you'll see in my links there are videos specifically devoted to proving gravity and relativity doesn't exist) and things that can only be explained in a flat plane.
Please take the time to watch those vids.
02/04/16 (Thu) 23:04:45 No. 69711
You do realize that 90% of all flat earthers are controlled oppositions and planted agents to act stupid and make discredit the whole movement?
You probably came across a shill. Look for Eric Dubay, he's the real deal.
« 零 » !Ry9.FWKNDY 02/04/16 (Thu) 23:28:42 No. 69717
02/05/16 (Fri) 00:05:29 No. 69718
There's this thing that anyone who has done any study in math or physics is aware of called a frame of reference. When an observer sees something, this has to be taken into account.
Let's say you lie down and have a ball thrown over your head, you observe a straight line path; thus you know for sure that the ball traveled in a straight line.
If you lie down on a merry-go-round, have it spun, and have someone throw a ball over your head (just creating the same conditions except now the observer is moving) the ball still moves in a straight line for the thrower, but not for the observer. Instead it appears to travel in a hyperbola.
You can literally prove the entirety of basic physics and astronomy with a high school education, if you want to disprove what science says, learn how it works and find flaws in the logic rather than trying to have a psuedo intellectual emotional argument.
02/05/16 (Fri) 00:15:57 No. 69719
Regardless of whether it's electromagnetism or gravity, all forces that function as inverse squares of distance behave similarly.
If we lived on a disc, there would be bizarre behavior at the center point and outer rim. Being that F ~= 1/r^2, we would see an asymptote at the center point (effectively infinite force) and a full drop off of 0 force at the outer rim.
For our observations of roughly uniform force due to gravitation acceleration (or if you want to claim gravity doesn't exist, F due to electromagnetism) to hold with a disc one of a few things would have to be present in it's topology.
1. Infinitesimal mass or modular gravitational/electromagnetic constants at North pole.
2. Infinite mass at the edges or a similar sign swapped modulation of gravity/EM forces.
3. A conversion of mass of mass to energy with an increased amount of energy the closer the object is to the North pole.
Since the above aren't observed, it's highly unlikely we live on a disc.
02/12/16 (Fri) 08:04:46 No. 70163
The sun is really small
02/12/16 (Fri) 08:20:52 No. 70164
Nether those who push Globe Earth understand gravity, we all know it exist but how it works? none one really knows… yet
02/12/16 (Fri) 14:27:10 No. 70172
Wrong you stupid faggot, the observations only make sense on a level plain
02/12/16 (Fri) 15:09:17 No. 70173
Questions to the FlatEarthers:
1) Why are you proving the Earth is flat?
2) Why would the "government" and "historians" lie, stating that the Earth is a sphere?
3)What would change if humanity finds out about the Earth being flat? What will humanity gain except the knowledge of the Earth being flat?
honest questions, i want to know.
02/12/16 (Fri) 21:58:31 No. 70196
>Why would the "government" and "historians" lie, stating that the Earth is a sphere?
To hide the land beyond the ice wall. The ice wall is essentially a prison wall fencing us in. Our world leaders are descended from the Archons (white walkers) who trapped us here. They are farming us for loosh. They don't want to let us escape beyond the wall and meet the free folk who live there, or free the other prisoners who the Archons have trapped behind other walls, in other 'worlds'.
02/12/16 (Fri) 23:05:14 No. 70201
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So what happens after winter comes? how can we defeat the white walkers?
02/13/16 (Sat) 00:47:27 No. 70211
Let me explain to you dear friend why convincing us that the Earth is a spinning ball among other infinite amounts of spinning balls, and that existence is but a cosmic coincidence and there's nothing meaningful to life, that there's no higher purpose is. Also let me explain why most people fail to see what difference the flat earth knowledge will make.
Let's start with the latter, the reason why most people can't understand why Earth being flat can effect us is because the issue deals with your subconscious mind and not your conscious mind. Subconscious mind deals with things that we're not aware of, but the subconscious makes up 95% of our perception. The manipulation is on a subconscious level, so naturally people can't see it.
Ask yourself, what would your perception be about yourself and the existence around you if you allow yourselves to believe what they tell you to believe which is: Hey, you're just a cosmic coincidence born from some random explosion. You're only a spec of dust compared to the universe, living in some random ball in some random solar system in some random corner of the universe that even the God forgot. Oops did I say God, yes, he doesn't exist you see, everything comes from meaningless material. Atheism is the way to go, be a nihilist on top of that! Material came first, then the consciousness came from it. This life your living is a mere accident, it doesn't mean anything, once you die, you'll cease to exist. So don't pay attention to politics, philosophy and irrelevant stuff like that, you only live once so have as much fun as possible before you die and cease to exist. Don't look into stuff, believe what you see on TV, listen to mainstream music, have materialistic pleasures that don't have any connections to spirituality BECAUSE SPIRITUALITY DOESN'T EXIST!. You're not special, you don't have a purpose, life is meaningless. Don't care about your fellow man, don't go exploring , there's nothing to explore, it's a ball, you'll just come back out the other end. Oh, why do we have ships and guard patrolling the Antarctic? Don't worry about that, your favorite team is about to play!
How do you think this will make you fell? If you believe that you're insignificant, you'll behave insignificant. You'll be okay with your slave job, you'll want to just get this existence over with, you won't want to try to change things.
Flat Earth tells you: Forget about all the space shit they told you at school. Forget about what they told you about you not being special and being a spec of dust in the entire existence, that even God forgot about you. You're the fucking starring role, this existence is created for you, so that you can become a better consciousness. All eyes on you. There IS a purpose, there IS a meaning, there IS a goal. Don't play the experiment, transcend it!.
And how does this make you fell? Compare the two and you'll see. They're trying to keep in in the the matrix, they don't want us to go to the edges and see what beyond the wall .
02/13/16 (Sat) 01:52:50 No. 70221
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>70201
Apparently they're vulnerable to certain crystals/minerals. Dragonglass/obsidian in Game of Thrones, kryptonite in Superman, etc.
02/13/16 (Sat) 03:22:56 No. 70226
>like 2100 years ago that dude figured out planet shape AND he aprox'd the size JUST by using 2 pillars and calculating the shadow difference from the angles received by the sun.
webm related
02/13/16 (Sat) 13:27:44 No. 70237
>>Hey, you're just a cosmic coincidence born from some random explosion. You're only a spec of dust compared to the universe, living in some random ball in some random solar system in some random corner of the universe that even the God forgot. Oops did I say God, yes, he doesn't exist you see, everything comes from meaningless material. Atheism is the way to go, be a nihilist on top of that! Material came first, then the consciousness came from it. This life your living is a mere accident, it doesn't mean anything, once you die, you'll cease to exist. So don't pay attention to politics, philosophy and irrelevant stuff like that, you only live once so have as much fun as possible before you die and cease to exist. Don't look into stuff, believe what you see on TV, listen to mainstream music, have materialistic pleasures that don't have any connections to spirituality BECAUSE SPIRITUALITY DOESN'T EXIST!. You're not special, you don't have a purpose, life is meaningless. Don't care about your fellow man, don't go exploring , there's nothing to explore, it's a ball, you'll just come back out the other end. Oh, why do we have ships and guard patrolling the Antarctic? Don't worry about that, your favorite team is about to play!
Yeah, but i asked about WHY they don't want us to know about the "walls" and the Earth being flat or to go beyond the edge/walls/arctic, i didn't ask about a description of being blue pilled.
Also, how does not knowing about the Earth being flat fucks with my spirituality and occult practices?
Let's just say for a moment that i have accepted the fact that the Earth is flat, now, i ask myself what changed and how i feel and the answer is still the same: "I am the same Yogi i was 5 minutes ago, i still want to complete the Magnum Opus and reach the Godhead status/Gnosis and i still want to explore the world, universe and their mysteries"
!giiMcpCzGI 02/13/16 (Sat) 17:50:07 No. 70253
The idea or paradigm of the flat earth does not concern you at your level. Everyone who's already broken through the veil and are actively pursuing a spiritual lifestyle and the truth of reality, for them it's not important whether or not the earth is flat, because they can eventually reach a point where they can find out.
For the mundane, the people that blindly follows science like people before them blindly followed religion, or those that conform to authority and allow their liberties to be taken one by one, the flat earth theory might be their first awakening. The realization that everything they've been taught might be false. Because if they can question the flat earth/heliocentric model, they can eventually question 9/11, and eventually question the bankers, and eventually question the world.
Only very few are privileged to be born and raised in a home with Varg Vikernes or a father deep into a religious cult like masonry, Jehovahs or the Mormons. Some of the children in these families might be forced to realize the red pill early on before they are teenagers and it helps them later when they learn about the occult.
For the rest, learning the truth and taking the Nazi red pill might be the beginning to the road to becoming a green or brown pill. Some people end up in satanic groups and learn magick first, then find the truth later.
My own opinion on the flat earth seem to be that it's a parable to the double slit experiment. When you observe the earth from space it's a sphere, but when you do the laser across water experiment, it acts like a flat plane and sometimes even concave. I frankly do not care about it's shape, but I'm curious about the Antarctica expeditions and the military patrols protecting it. If anything, the Earth might be hollow, which gives hope for finding Agartha one day.
Stay curious.
02/13/16 (Sat) 18:41:49 No. 70255
>I frankly do not care about it's shape, but I'm curious about the Antarctica expeditions and the military patrols protecting it
>Some people end up in satanic groups and learn magick first, then find the truth later.
Define "truth" and "satanic groups".
Thank you for your answer.
02/13/16 (Sat) 23:32:22 No. 70275
>Yeah, but i asked about WHY they don't want us to know about the "walls" and the Earth being flat or to go beyond the edge/walls/arctic
I don't know what's beyond the wall but I know that they know and they don't want us to know, which means it is significant and us not knowing it helps them control us.
Also, how does not knowing about the Earth being flat fucks with my spirituality and occult practices?
Again, whatever that information is, it's important. If it didn't mean something they wouldn't hide it.
02/14/16 (Sun) 04:04:48 No. 70286
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02/14/16 (Sun) 04:35:27 No. 70287
Knowing that there is such an immense universe, and that we are so far the only intelligent beings that we've found, that makes us pretty special. Life is the most rare thing that we have encountered, and that makes it inherently precious.
>random coincidence
14 trillion years of this universe and billions of years of evolution to lead to you; does that make you seem insignificant or special?
There is a purpose to life, and that's to explore. To explore the universe, ourselves and logic. To build upon the work of those that came before us; paving the way for our offspring. The only way that this makes an individual insignificant is they choose to make themselves as such.
I like conspiracy theories because of what you allude to in the whole
>don't look into stuff, believe believe etc.
I was nearly a physicist. The nice thing is that they gave me sufficient tools to be able to check all but super crazy ass high level stuff. If you genuinely believe what you claim, then I would advise you to pursue as much training in logic and math as possible and use it to verify your beliefs.
I've made this
post in the vast majority of flat earth claim threads. No one even touches it, nor is willing to acknowledge similar logical flaws in the theory.
You're right in saying that there's a denial of truth; a matrix that is trying to contain us. We break through with the thing that has brought us from living in our own filth to being able to shitpost on the internet; our minds.
02/14/16 (Sun) 07:03:21 No. 70291
Shut the fuck up, disinfo shill. Floating discs in space is NOT what Flat Earth is about.
02/15/16 (Mon) 08:47:57 No. 70377
The sun is 3000 miles up and 32 miles across. It works out the same.
02/15/16 (Mon) 08:50:58 No. 70378
Satanic groups and truth are self-difined.
02/18/16 (Thu) 05:49:08 No. 70585
The only way in which this works is if there is a medium that slows light to about a millionth of what it normally is. We know how fast light moves, we know how many photons hit an area in an arc from the sun, therefore we know it's 8 light seconds away.
Aether theory is neat and all, but that sort of medium would have to be incredibly thick. Even someone who denies the Earth as a sphere must agree that the air thins as one increases altitude. This continues thinning into space.
So, either, 1. There's a property that we haven't experienced or cannot explain about space, 2. Aether is real and there's a giant conspiracy spanning literally everyone involved with Astronomy/Astrophysics/Geology/Space Travel/Every nation and many corporations that have launched satellites into orbit, 3. You're choosing to confirm a bias rather than look objectively at facts
02/18/16 (Thu) 12:26:06 No. 70594
>trusting info from the science jew that you haven't personally observed and confirmed
02/18/16 (Thu) 21:54:17 No. 70613
I almost went into Physics before I decided I liked Biomechanics more. I did 3 years of Physics undergrad. It's a part of the curriculum of every Math and Physics course I was in to prove every major theorem we took for granted.
In one of the Astrophysics classes I took we derived the distance to the sun by taking into account only the photon density in a set area of space and the rate at which light moves. There's myriad experiments demonstrating the speed of light and means of modifying its velocity that I've read. Basically it's high amounts of electromagnetic radiation that manages to dampen the wave nature of light and slow it down. If you'd like to confirm the speed of light you can watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fSqFWcb4rE (photon traveling through coke bottle at 1 trillion frames per second) and do a v= distance / time calculation yourself.
I don't like when people make assumptions even less than I like when they are just out to confirm their biases. If you don't try to lift your own veil, you're going to stay in the dark.
02/21/16 (Sun) 01:07:58 No. 70883
If I can refute some points mentioned here
1) It is possible to see the curvature of the earth from lower than space. I've met one person who's been to the top of the everest, and the footage he's shown me shows clearly the curvature of the earth. It can be seen by many people not associated with NASA and masonry, through mountaineering or some planes.
2) Pythagoras is often associated with the Orphic mysteries but that connection is not that substantial.
3) They actually do take into account the curvature of the earth in some particularly big architectural projects.
4) They rely in most arguments on empirical evidence, as in "they say it's round but you can't see it", and "they say the earth is pear shaped but the pictures they show us are a sphere", while by "pear shape" it was probably meant that there is an incredibly slight variation from a perfectly spherical shape.
5) I think they underestimate how big 25,000 miles is.
6) The motivation he gives for making people believe the earth is round, that
7) Vacuum isn't impossible. It can be created fairly easily here on earth with sufficiently solid materials. It doesn't exist only in space. You can go in altitute and experience for yourself the air rarefying.
8) There are some satellites you can see with telescopes yourself, and even with the naked eye.
9) It's hard to believe every single physicist and engineer who actually understands the math of earth sphericity and needs to use it in their research and projects are all masons in on the conspiracy.
10) You CAN see variations in the orientation of the constellation throughout the year.
11) Their argument for the sun and the moon each being their own light source is absolutely stupid. The temperature of moonlight is lower than that of sunlight because light travels further than heat. This is observed in your everyday life. The fact that it's warmer in the shade at night can be attributed to a lot of other things than the moon having a cold light. a) places in the shade will often be correlated with places shielded from wind. b) the ground emanates heat. c) placebo effect. This is the shoddiest argument in the interview and compromises everything else that's been said.
12) Look at the moon with a telescope and you'll see the texture of the rock. It's not transparent.
13) The interviewer gives some good arguments that aren't actually answered himself.
And if I can add some more arguments for a round earth
1) The moon has a different angle from different zones of the earth. This can be seen for yourself upon traveling
2) How the fuck do you explain time zones with a flat earth? Is the sun going in a straight line over the earth? That would create some drastic temperature changes
3) I've been close to the north pole myself, and the days vary in length at different parts of the years because of the globe's orientation. During the winter you get multiple days of constant darkness and multiple days of constant daylight during the summer.
4) Your retina is spread accross the inside of the retina of the occular globe. Your eye distorts things. It doesn't see things as straight line. Everything has a slight curve because of how light is registered by the eye, and you still perceive flat lines. Case in point, when you're next to an extremely high building, it seems to you like it curves. I've experienced this from the bottom of the CN Tower. You have the impression it bends over you.
5)If the earth was actually flat, you could see the highest point on earth from a virtually infinite distance, until it became too small to be seen. Reality is I can't see beyond a few kilometers, and I couldn't observe mount everest even with my telescope.
6)At the horizon, the bottom of objects disappears before the top
The one point I'll give them is that most people actually are just following what they've been told and haven't put some thought into these things for themselves, and I hadn't myself before writing this post. You can say it's a waste of time to try to confirm everything for yourself instead of trusting "experts", but it's by being rigorous and skeptical, especially about things taken for granted, that we grow, and that some of us awaken the the intricacies of reality, and end up on places like /fringe/. :)
03/30/16 (Wed) 06:31:55 No. 73708
no fucking way they are serious… this must be some false opposition devised by the counter intelligence program, at least in its original modern revival of the theory… people had so little intuition to believe that in the past, it seems some still do today.
05/01/16 (Sun) 04:10:44 No. 75050
If the earth is flat and the planets like Mars are just 'wandering stars' and not habitable… perhaps the images we have seen that are supposedly of Mars are actually images of other lands beyond the ice walls. There seem to be a lot of amazing structures portrayed in those pictures, the face on Mars, pyramids, tunnels, etc., and they correspond to sacred geometry.
05/01/16 (Sun) 04:30:37 No. 75052
BTW anyone know anything about Anaximander? He apparently taught a 'cylinder earth theory'.'