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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1427302110633.jpg (1.65 MB, 1011x1893, 337:631, MithraReliefvert.jpg)


hey did you know that there's this astrological board that has sounds of the planets on it and various esoteric puzzles for you to solve and REAL astrological tests and questions for you to complete to see if you're worthy for some occultic wisdoms and powers watered down from a certain date when a significant astrological event happened around half a year or so ago?


>btw it's a star to HIS right and a moon to HIS left, not a moon in both hands, douchbag edgetards


File: 1427302290023.jpg (59.87 KB, 640x480, 4:3, bkdae_statue_azura.jpg)


File: 1427311887148.jpeg (95.39 KB, 590x590, 1:1, MellonCollie.jpeg)

oh and Billy Corgan songs




your board sucks


dats great. I'll be over there doing decent astrology to do stuff besides predict my daily horoscope.

You're from asatru or grunduscorp or w/e right?


>>>/grundescorp/ is superior


not really.

Lilith a shit.


File: 1427345322684.jpg (21.46 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0.jpg)

Haters gonna hate


What would be the best planets to invoke for a secret fertility cult? Nothing perverted. Only for propagation and the greater good.



dat cow b coo

bul be dull

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