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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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Hi, I am a new janitor.
What I do or believe isn't important.

Personal Messages:
Stop shitposting, E and M (You know who you are).
To the one fedora that is posting on here about being smarter/better than others and showing general conceitedness (You know who you are), I recommend you pick up one of the books. Try picking up Advanced Magick for Beginners (Chaos Magick book).




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He does it for free.


>3 stickies

We gettin' real noisy up in here.


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Why we seem to have so many janitors and mods lately but the shitposting keeps leaking from its designated thread? /fringe/ isn't that big of a board.

Nothing personal Sylph, it just seems counter-productive.


Nice to have you here


>What I do or believe isn't important.

But I like people telling what they do and believe!

Anyways, if you don't want to tell, I'll still welcome you.


Please contact me.



He's on irc.occultminds.com sometimes, check #here #fringe and #arcaneacumen

Also any chance of putting the #fringe in the sticky?


what the fuck did u say about me you fucking bitch


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it's not my Shane!


New janitor, could you teach me how to be cuter?


I have multiple methods of contact, which do you prefer?


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>We gettin' real noisy up in here.

>tfw I read that in an Italian New Yorkian accent

This thread is no longer a sticky.
In 24 hours I will autosage this thread.

Not you.. lol.. I see how you got that confused though (I figured you would know that I wasn't talking about you).

You could try putting a flowe… wait what.. gtfo o' here.


Why autosage it? Just leave the thread alone, it'll probably end up pretty far back in the pages naturally anyways.


>Why autosage it?
Autosage it because Provur and someone else are communicating; I do not want the thread to be bumped because of that.


Hey janitors, could we get some cleanup of the shitty spam in this neoreaction thread? schlomo is at it again


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