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Esoteric Wizardry


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I don't know if any other wizards feel it. But there's a tear in the protective consciousness shielding.
Other boards have started to grow interested in lesser and chaos magic due to the /bane/ plane crash (go to their board for information). And now /pone/ and the other boards have caught on and are wanting to get a piece of this.
This is the greatest opportunity we have ever been given to unleash novelty onto this world and change our timeline is right at our feet. We can only assume what horror can be unleashed if the knowledge is given to these boards.
But sometimes monstrous forces are required to grow, pain and suffering to learn. Chaos to complexify.
The question is do we give them the key?
We could collectively summarize chaos magic information so they can easily learn and access the abilities to collectively change reality.
What do you say /fringe/? are you daring enough to inflame the inner black magician and spread novelty?


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>The question is do we give them the key?

Uuh, you don't get to bring friends.


only way to do it nowadays is to make memes with numbered steps or pictures with simple colors and information as to not confuse too much and post them up on 9gag funnjunk and other bs social media sites.

I've noticed quite a few 9gagers being redpilled via those so i could imagine it could work.

but then again… do you really want to give a loaded RPG to a monkey?


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>do you really want to give a loaded RPG to a monkey?

It would be extremely painful


I believe it will accelerate humanities evolution. This could be exactly what we need. Give power to the people. Even if they will burn themselves with it. I can easily summarize methods like mantras, sigils, thoughtforms, evocation, and reality creation visualization in a single picture which anyone can use.


additionally.. with all respect and consideration… may you ask yourself who the f am i to decide who gets a key'' what ever the fuck that is even in this unfathomably unending existence. We all get here and leave because of prior circumstances.

If you want to be a catalyst, go right on ahead - you would probably gain favor from some and the opposite from others, personally i would like to see just how much fun could be had with such chaos :P


You understand my desire for chaos and novelty. Chaos is exactly what will propel us into the future.


The question is not should we give them the key but are they reading for the teachings.

"The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding."

"Where fall the footsteps of the Master, the ears of those ready for his Teaching open Wide."

"When the ears of the student are ready to hear, then cometh lips to fill them with Wisdom."

It has always been the case, throughout all ages and all times and places, that the master would arrive when the pupil was ready.

It doesn't matter where you are, how isolated, etc. there always provisions in place that you can find someone; even if you have to do evocation and learn from a master not incarnate in this world.

…and yes I want to unleash novelty on the world and tear it the fuck up under the forces of chaos. If the reptilians aren't going to stop me I will.


OP, do what you want. Nobody cares.

Also why do you burden yourself with humanities future anyway? It's not in your power to decide such matters. Do your part, everyone else will will follow eventually.


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Okay now I am VERY VERY VERY newbie in magick and ritual but here my thought(discard it or take it)

We need to make an eregore which will teach magick and lessen the mind of mundane into accepting it slowly, and this eregore will bend the will of the fedoras and influence them.This will be done as a preparatory phase, until their shells of specktism is broken and have cultivated in their mind the belief of "Nothing(everything) is True, Everything is permitted"".

But let be honest here there is no time for "preparatory" phase, we need to start on something big.

WW3 is happening and a lot of shit is going to happen in near future(let's not forget the alleged 30th of October).

>Do we give power to the masses?

It's already given and released the only thing now is to wait.As these robots start to awaken and create more and more massive thoughtforms the "hyper-dimensional negative overlords"(whoever that is) will sense it(and they are sensing it),and we need to get going before magick and path to enlightenment is strangled more.Reptilian,jew,Alien,Grays, and more of these "negative" entities are ready for us and they are probably making a plan to counter the spread of the thoughts form.We know how they encapsulated thoughtforms into "tulpas" with Belief System Bending of the Masses.This is unacceptable /fringe/,maybe I/you/we/fringe don't need to carry to burden of human future what so ever, but one thing we can all agree on is change for better.Do you love your current robotic mundane friends?your work?school?food?fluoride toothpaste?

Come on

This is our time (Ikr I got carried away)




>Do you love your current robotic mundane friends?your work?school?food?fluoride toothpaste?
I do not plan to remain in this materialistic shithole-plane, so I don't give a fuck.


shut up cunts
4 U
>since no one will


I like this meme!


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A free-for-all you say?


That is the 144k's guardian.


people like this remind me of kids who are 14 and hate their life and existence meanwhile they live in a comfortable suburban household with 2 vehicles and a stocked fridge. Once he reaches around the age of 20-25 he starts to travel and realizes that it wasn't his life that sucked, he just had a short concept of what the world really is.


*mundane with a limited understanding of the nature of suffering detected*

I assign to you the task that you are to meditate upon the nature of suffering for people from every walk of life and shall endeavour to understand for yourself as deeply as possible their suffering by imagining intensely being them until you are convinced you are them for awhile and forget yourself as you are right now.

I also assign to you the task of understanding the development of consciousness and its relation to the capacity for suffering and how the intensity of suffering increases for the more highly developed persons.


Two vehicles and a stocked fridge won't make up for a lifetime of abuse by my parents and really bad health that I'm too poor to get fixed and my parents too uncaring to fix.

…and those fuckers dragged me around the world too as I was growing up and I fucking hated it. I hate travelling so much. I despise the decadence.

All I want most right now is good health and I am unable to attain it, the occult is my last-ditch attempt to fix my really broken body up, and if that doesn't work then all that is left for me is intense despair.


I better don't mention how 14 year old your worldview is.

>around the age of 20-25 he starts to travel

Seriously? I mean, seriously? Pictures of hipsters start floating in my head, it is amusing.




I'm currently creating a multi page manual that we can spread over the chans like wildfire. This is jam packed with lesser magic so the mundanes can burn themselves out with it. Get ready to change out very timeline with novelty!


Maybe this is his part


Had a bunch of wierd negative Photoshop synchronicity. Something does not want this out there.


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what's 'negative synchronicity' ?


Think of it like reptoids trying to ruin your day. Negative entities subtly trying to manifest problems in your reality. There are some good Montalk articles if you would like to read more about it.


If you guys like it then spread it. You can add your own little twists or ideas. The purpose is to bring knowledge to those few neophytes who are stranded out there and without resource and aid.


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A fun thought I had that could potentially cause a lot of chaos: make cute guides like the ones in this thread with Madoka and Sailor Moon characters on them for tumblr.


I agree. Moe melts the frozen heart. We could start up some pictures to physically consolidate the egregore.


I know nothing of the realms of tumblr - i decided to stay away after i had an idea of what the 4chans reddits and all that other bs was about. Sure go ahead.

I had the idea to just making random step by step rage comics or instructional pictures like those how-tos or those % of this does X in the world type pictures with flash built art - idk, just like basic pop magick shit but even poppier, like sigil magick in 15 seconds, etc.

now that i think about it tho - doing what hollywood does could work too for those who are more lhp (ironically counterproductive ) like heres a bs funny jone meme + oh and do this or that or look into his and voila magick type deal.
Again, if true NOVELTY is your goal, then the means shouldn't be an issue - you could even go ahead and cater to the basic needs of folks… but then you're just marketing it - so you're just looking to make good advertisement incentive for mundanes to practice a magickal experiment and kickstart the catalyst phase - *do these 5 easy steps and you WILL get pussy and cash bro!* the fucked up part would be that they would be initiated to magick via a means they would ultimately regret and deplore the most tho once you really fully get the next steps after you fully realize self..

do what you want, anyways, i may have influenced you slightly - oh well… c'est la vie.


I believe we can cause a lot of chaos and novelty by tapping into the degenerate hive known as tumblr. We just need to find a worthy snitch who can get inside and spread out objective.


I hardly know anything about magick, I am a mundane that just likes to lurk this board sometimes because I find the people here interesting. I just think spreading the idea that you can be a "real life" magical girl to that crowd, where saying things like "I'm secretly a magical girl! ♡" is already very trendy, would be extremely interesting.

I am pretty familiar with tumblr's culture but I no longer blog there myself.


I suggest that you should read the Atkinson books in the question thread as they will help you develop your magical knowledge. Also practicing basic lesser magic to get real life understanding and experience of it. If you get any questions about magic feel free to ask them over the question thread.


Funny how most of /bane/'s first page are sliding threads currently.


I think the powers of magic are far more powerful than most can see. It is very much like a drug, or a reality enhancement. At first, the use feels playful, but in time, using it without proper discipline leads to a lot of distress and confusion, and you will eat yourself from the inside. Very dangerous for weak minds.


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It is nice to use Madoka to bring cuteness to magick, but it is more important to keep in mind that PMMM has lots of winks to Goethe's Faust, and that in fact PMMM teaches a few things, pic related.

Being meguca is suffering.

Though I always write clearly and never hide shit, and I hate the ancient magic cryptobooks. Now there's no church trying to burn us if we act in the open, and we can pull off weird lifestyles. As far as you pay the bills, no authority gives a fuck unless you live in some ultrareligious zone.


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>I think the powers of magic are far more powerful than most can see.
Unless you start shooting fireballs from your eyes and thunderbolts through your ass I will remain skeptical that magic is anything more than manipulating butterfly effect towards a sometimes remarkable effect (if you are very skilled and even more lucky).


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Ketchup Catchup

Respect each others authority and roots.


Pro Tip: Your physical health is a projection of your mental health. Being unhappy about looking shitty is literally the reason you look shitty. Not saying its entirely your fault but that's the way it is.


Most people can't change themselves, it's the worst thing that can happen to them.


What you say is not true.

The reason I look shitty is not enough time spent embodying in my thoughts the state of health.

Being unhappy with how I look is NOT the reason I look terrible. Becoming happy with how I look would just keep me the same, I'd still be ugly, except I'd be like one of those delusional hambeasts that go around saying "fat is attractive" and whatever except my problems have nothing to do with anything so easily fixed and pathetic as a weight problem.


Correction, the reason I continue to look shitty.

The original reason is the ignorance and abuse of my parents.



It's not that so much that, more so it's that you're giving them the raw materials, the machining tools, and the blueprints. Much less likely anything productive or long lasting, to any one else it would seem as just a bit more 'background chaos' but on a more mesocosmic scale. Also all that practical experience would just mean you level up faster.



he's right >>29814

can confirm with personal experience in healing practice.

I used to be avarage to bad looking, now with enough time and practive i've managed to slightly change the shape of my nose and generally look better and be more attractive.

Too bad it's too late for me to use beauty in my advantage.



Would you share the exercise with us, brother?


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(Not him)

I've used it to change my hair color (well mostly my beard).

I just visualized it changing with affirmations while willing energy there to execute my will. My wife has also used to to alter her physical form as well.

If I start to feel bad/negative emotions (for an extended period) my (and some times, our) body will will start to get unwell, it may manifest into actual dis-ease or I/we might just feel like crap for awhile.

Sometimes, I/we will meditate on being well, being pure of form, ect.

If what ever it was manifested into an acute, but minor injury I can heal by grounding the negative energy/and sending love programmed to heal/to perfect the from. Depending what ratio it's an energetically un/dis-ease, or physical problem, it will either begone, or the healing process will accelerate.

Last time I was camping I cured poison ivy in <20 mins.

Since I also share this freely it's quite an instant, hard to swallow sometimes, greenpill.


I wouldn't. Pony boards have shitposted about astral projection and tulpas for years. Probably has something to do with their Peter Pan syndrome. That's most likely part of the reason tulpa waifus became more mainstream. People you think caused a plane crash shouldn't be handed anything. And everybody else would dismiss you as a crazy person for challenging their beliefs. The truth is power is literally right here for them if they ever want to learn. You don't have to hold their hands like kids when they'll probably just get angry or mock you. Its really nice that you're willing to help people though.



I would say if they are bringing down planes, then the best course of action is to give them the resources to educate themselves.

And, getting laughed at is nothing. The very fact that this is being done, these images, these easy to digest instructions, means that there are people out there who are ready for them.


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/2hu/ here. Are you saying that if I show this to the rest of the board we could summon Yukari and open portals to Gensokyo?



Thank you. Let's see if it works for eye colours.


Changing the form of the body is simply a matter of imagining the new form the body is to assume so intensely that you can no longer perceive the old form and the new form becomes the reality for you (and you will find, indeed, everyone else will witness your new form unless you specifically programmed yourself with the idea of changing your form only in your own mind and not in the shared reality).



It should. I've known others IRL that did that.



Probably nothing as dramatic, perhaps a girl that looks and acts like your waifu will appear in you life but will anons at /2hu/ be able to settle for the 3D incarnation?



You can literally astral travel to anime worlds and make a home in them and start living your life there while your body here is programmed to run on auto-pilot or is given to some other spirit to inhabit.



Make Touhou real anon. All otaku are counting on you.



this guy>>35982

Is pretty much right and precise on the matter, for example: a long period of time passed in hatred will stiffen your body and make it less prone to flexibility and plasticity, the same happens with the internal organs which would in the long run bring several illnesses (hatred is a very deep wound in a soul that's infinitely deep. don't play with it bitches).

Anyways, yes, i think his method is good.

Also don't forget this, don't confuse the word Love for the what's commonly described as love, i don't actually know how to explain it, but consider it "generally positive expression towards what you feel is undoubtly good" as love, more than the "lustful" version of love.

Also i'd like to give away a little trick:

Bless your own water, trough your own, or divine, or methaphysical, or whatever rightousness, it's just like resonating intent into something that will keep echoing into your veins what you ordered.


Casting pearls before swine.



without cult there is no culture

without strength there is no use for power

life may only be lived by fighting entropy

do we allow entropy to erase everything?

or do we allow unsung heroes to challenge decay?



I can see changing hair or eye color, or rapid healing for minor injuries, but this wouldn't work for everything would it? Say you've had teeth chipped or knocked out, not really a viable replacement for dentistry is it?


I did a very naughty thing


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You ate doughnuts?


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I sowed seeds


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and I knew exactly what it was I was doing


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm not here to be liked



being liked was never a requirement


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>yfw you can't ignore what I typed and replied to it anyway



learningkike you aren't celtic pls stahp


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When the day comes that you can make me I will have no choice but as it stands I have no choice and where I am I must also shitpost



Can this repair nearsightedness so I no longer need glasses?



I feel it too brother, the fire is rising.

We must thread lightly though, imagine the horrors if the common "SJW" got ahold of this shit. They are massive in numbers, and loud, the useful idiot of the merchants. We are a minority here, and we should remain that way.

A couple of new boards have sprung up focusing on memeic warfare after the bane incident, and I'm one of the newfigs who fell down the rabbit hole and lost my fedora on the way down.

I'd say we don't advertise. That can only end badly. What we should do instead is visit these new boards and subtly guide them on the right path.

Try to give advice to /BMW/.



What happens when the blue pilled majority starts practicing this shit and become an army of teal-pilled lunatics parroting their marxist doctrines and mass summoning privilege checking enforcers or some disease to kill off the European race?

That is an extremely foolish idea, we should keep this contained in infinity, and only on the boards that show potential.



>massive in numbers

fuck no they aren't, it's just an incredibly vocal minority



I agree. /pol/ is a sleeping giant, but a powerful influence nonetheless. The first step is already completed. They hate da joos and want to do something, but for whatever reason don't. Green pilling /pol/ will definitely pay off in the end.


Lol… wtf is this shit, meme defense force?

>lesser chaos magic

Is that some sort of oxymoron?



Bluepills are too vicefilled and lazy to succed in magick.



OP you're a fool. You can't give just simply "give the mundanes magik".

The masses are will-less pawns. When you spam this shit to tumblr and reddit-teir faggots all you'll accomplish is a bunch of idiots parading around and spamming the board with new age "muh human family" 60's style drug filled hippy degenerates.

There's already enough cancer around here to begin with.

The teacher will appear when the faggot is ready.

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