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/illuminati/ reporting in. I want to grace this board with my presence for a moment, it is my Will, and I feel called to it by the thoughts of some posters here.

I check in once in awhile and you've all clearly only been seriously into the occult for 1-2 years at best. You won't be ready to REALLY begin to exercise your Will for a few more years yet under ideal conditions (maximum time, NEET, and not held-back by any major issues).

This board really bores me at this point. I'm not blaming the community or suggesting a better place on the internet exists. This is as good a place as any, in fact one of the best by virtue of the fact you can actually tell someone they are full of shit on here or do whatever else you want really and not just be hotpocketed by a mod. I used to read a lot more of the posts on /fringe/ when it was more obscure and populated by nothing but National Socialist wizards. In two ways; particularly the reading material and "outreach program" for neophytes on /fringe/, the board has improved massively. I think being a neophyte here and now ought to be easier except there's a lot of new people that have come in and started telling lies because the lies they tell make them feel good and they don't know how to shut up and study and practise and hold their silence until then.

The older spirit of /fringe/ in which the posters didn't act like dogmatic holier-than-thou know-it-alls was a better setting in which to actually develop occult powers. The worst infestation of posters here are the emotionally comfortable mundanes here to spread mundane-level knowledge or just plain condescension towards people with problems like: ( >>28163 ). I know that thread would have gone very differently on old /fringe/ and had a lot more actual discussion of magick instead of asswipes giving mundane advice and then feeling insulted when their shitty mundane advice was not well received. I didn't get into it in time to change anything there, the OP was already chased off the board before I could even respond to him. The most disturbing thing for me was the seeming consensus that formed in that thread, old /fringe/ was too chaotic to form consensuses on much of anything, and you'd get many replies in a thread representing many different approaches to an issue coming from people invoking many different mindsets. Essentially you'd have brainstorming going on. Now you just have butthurt faggot mundanes all saying the same thing as one another then getting upset easily and leaking loosh everywhere. It's no longer throwing ideas out and not taking it personally if an idea doesn't stick, it's no longer creative chaotic expression and funposting, it's a serious status-driven pissing match usually being held by mundanes who are projecting all the terrible things they accuse others of being rising in on their RHP horses. To you mundane faggots doing this, I suggest you create multiple personalities to post on here with, as it will help your spiritual development by literally raising you up above the plane of personality.

I don't need this board anymore in the way you mundanes and neophytes all need it at this time. I'm already fully initiated. I have transcended the need to use an imageboard in a serious manner. Serious discussions can be held in the higher planes of the astral.


Without all these neophytes there wouldn't even be much discussion on here. We initiates and adepts are too busy practising magick rather than talking about it.

Great suffering and seemingly insurmountable problems are common amongst sincere neophytes because this is what usually causes people to become deeply interested in the occult to begin with. They do not find answers in the mundane way of doing things to resolving their problems so they are driven to look deeper and consider concepts too unpalatable for others who are already comfortable emotionally and otherwise. The man who is already constantly suffering can't be made more upset so he will often listen where others would just become outraged and shut themselves off from the message. Discontent and desperation will push someone to the fringes of thought and inspire one to try out the most absurd things, sometimes for many years, until at last they stumble upon seeds of true understanding. Those who are content and happy to begin with as a rule will fail to develop far even though their problems are easier to fix and they would seem to have the advantage over others. They are stagnant – even if they do resolve their petty issues they don't have the lasting sting of past suffering to encourage them onwards to greater spheres of attainment as they do not fear the material existence they are so comfortable within.

You higher souls destined for greatness may feel great shame and mediocrity, this is common especially for those who have experienced life on higher planes even for a moment, but if you are unwilling to accept or even perceive the apparent flaws of material life you will be able to go much further than those who find contentment and happiness and rest at a low level of attainment.

I see a lot of…

>neophytes humble enough to admit they are learning (these ones are good)

>run of the mill immature bluepill egalitarian faggots wanting to change the world instead of actually doing it, usually here to urge others to make the world a "better place", because they are so weak
>people who have no faith and want proof of the occult (*tips fedora*) even though it is rarely the will of an initiate to waste time on people like this when they have better things to do with their powers and they know most people react badly to these overt displays of power
>occult theorists who've read a lot of obscure and useless shit that is only impressive to the mundanes but who wield no actual power because they don't practise


I want to deliver a message and see how you people react… there is a whole parallel world around you with amazing things happening all the time. Stuff many of you struggle to pull off even once like astral projection is as easy for some of us initiates to do as a 16 year old hornball getting an erection over every tit he sees. While you're still trying to get a basic grasp of how the mental universe works or fix up little issues with diet and posture and so on, there are initiates like me out in the world doing their own will and achieving what appear to be miracles to the uninitiated.

All this study and shit is just preparation for your real life. You are all dead men waiting to be born, waiting to begin living your real life. You're going to have a LOT more fun and experience everything in a much more deep, intense, and conscious way than ever before when at last the urges of your spirit to real awakening lets you do the "impossible". You might think you're pretty conscious right now but you ain't in the /illuminati/ and you've barely even glimpsed or dared to believe how incredibly powerful you can become.

I have some special advice for many of the question askers on here. Do not ask how to do specific things with magick. What you need is a whole new way of thinking. If you know how to think Hermetically you can solve every single issue by application of the basic principles. From One, Know All. If you figure out how to successfully apply magick in one way, it is a trivial matter to do a great many other things in the same way, provided you understand the underlying principles. Most question askers I see on this board, they create sooooo maannnyyy posts, but they are ignorant and will keep asking these silly questions because they just don't GET IT. In terms of computer science it is like a bunch of noobs asking more experienced programmers to just give them scripts for every little thing they need instead of just learning how to program so they can create scripts for anything they want themselves. If the noobs even get the scripts they are being given to work for them, it's working on an unconscious level for them for they have not the recognition of what is really going on, and so they struggle to keep progressing even if they do manage to meet with some success in one matter.

Clearly if you neophytes on here were all ready for what I am telling you now and would figure this out for yourselves the nature of the conversations being held on here will change a lot as you won't need to ask so many questions and you'll be able to discuss other stuff than the mere basics, in fact, you will be able to talk about your actual experiences practising magick for fun (if you feel like it) because you should be competent enough that you don't really need to "be in school" anymore.

Thing is you'd all discover that communications via the astral are a lot faster and better and you'd all start hanging out with us illumined in astral /fringe/. I imagine this board then would become mostly a place to shitpost while taking trips back into third density for awhile and a mindboggeling insanity would seem to flourish on the board to outsiders.

So it is that I recognize the purpose of the board and don't really mean to interfere. It is my intention to give a little encouragement for some specific individuals here we know will be joining our illumined ranks soon. We anticipate your arrival.

I am going to pick a random poster on here and start sending thoughtforms to fuck with you for keks. I will of course in so doing speed up your spiritual development.

Wow all this shit I just typed out is such a mess now. Fuck it, I'm going to post it anyways, and watch what reactions occur.


Concise summary of the above ramblings:

The community of /fringe/ is getting a lot of dogmatists embedded into it who can't think outside of the constraints of the only personality they possess. There is not enough creative thinking and brainstorming going on so shit is getting stagnant. Having to rigidly adhere to some stupid rules of social conduct or a moral code is limiting some posters here.

Egalitarians please just shut up or you know what come at me right in this thread so I can tear your stupid worldview down and show you why you're all wrong.

Stop treating people that come here with problems like shit. A true wizard can solve any problem and I don't mean this as an insult to the people trying to get help solving problems I mean this as an insult to the people who fail to help the person asking for help.

Learn to think Hermetically, apply the master keys to all problems, become a "programmer" and not just a guy who asks for scripts. Don't ask specific questions about how to do things in the occult when you could instead learn the axioms and thought-processes that make you a master problem solver.

Come join us on astral /fringe/ when you're ready!


nice read, its even good advice if magic wasnt real. at least i think that.

would you answer me a question about 3rd D.?


>would you answer me a question about 3rd D.?

Maybe but I not be willing to really meditate upon the question and make sure the answer you get is a good one. Depends on what the question is and how worthy it is.


I understand that the final key to me going forward is me managing to astral project. But why is it so hard and why are there so many factors blocking me?

I have a split consciousness, I can project but my image is shit. But I can't leave my body sometimes because the moon is in the wrong position or something fucks with me.
I know AP is easy for you, but what was your main principles you were going for just before you managed to project naturally?

Thank you for coming by.



>there is a whole parallel world around you with amazing things happening all the time.

How many people?


there is a corporation called mega holdings ltd. operating in germany.

it started several decades ago, in polynesia, i think.

they offer a flatrate website toolkit+hosting for 3 years dues paid up front(750 $)

its member based marketing, everyone who bought the product can marketeer to another, with provisions for every "sell". if that new member sells the product again in that hierarchy, all members above receive provisions.

i think its a snow-ball system or ponzi scheme.

i was approached by dennis o. (echelon germany) in wiesbaden where he operates with 10 or so members who seem to be controlled by him in a sect like environment. he certainly schools them to sell more of that product. some of the members also claimed to have magical powers.

my question is: what are their motives/who is behind them and do they really have powers?

i got a second question, too :) : what shot down plane 4U yesterday?


feels pretty motivating


Tons of people. They are literally everywhere and found even where you don't expect them. I'd say a good 1% of the population has some reasonably well-developed occult powers. Read this post, you will find it insightful: >>29608


Make a persistent thoughtform that acts as a kind of soul abductor gravity ball thing and use it on yourself to pull your astral body out whenever needed. Problem solved and it can also be used on other people then too with further programming. Just keep the thoughtform well powered up so it doesn't dissipate or you'll have to make a new one again.


Got ya. I didn't even think of that idea. That will take me 5 minutes.



I honestly feel like everyone I know is more advanced in an occult sense than I am.

I feel like we're the 1% of idiots who just don't get it and get laughed at for elaborate systems on how to suck eggs.


Thank you. That was way too easy. Sometimes I wonder how blind I am to things I yet haven't realized.


If you need more ideas along those lines read Chasing Phantoms by Carissa Conti (Tom Montalk's GF).

The way the aliens do things in that book is highly efficient and practical. Just apply your occult knowledge to doing the same things they do.


Yeah I got it. I got a Gravity-Man that looks like a video game item. Thing sucks my conscious body really hard even when I was making it.

I feel confident to leave soon.
How will I know to find you guys when I make it out?


>How will I know to find you guys when I make it out?

Chances are someone will find you before you find them. Confidently expecting someone to find you will increase the chances of it happening too. If not then you're going to have to get the hang of navigating the astral / doing psychomancy.

Try examining 8ch.net/fringe/ itself from the astral and follow those thoughtclouds around that are attached to this site.


That's a lot of investigating I would have to do to answer your questions.

I think a more interesting question concerning the 4U plane is whether it was the intentional creation of some dedicated occultist shitposter or the accidental creation of shitposters who reached such a high level of concentration and excitement practising their shitposting that they created the event unintentionally.



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By just reading your rambling I feel energized. Thank you.


I have also been inspired. Brothers! together we can all figure out how to perform astral projection and join the ranks. Together now we can achieve it!


APing is one thing, navigating the astral is a whole new matter that is very difficult.


>Stop treating people that come here with problems like shit. A true wizard can solve any problem and I don't mean this as an insult to the people trying to get help solving problems I mean this as an insult to the people who fail to help the person asking for help.

Is failure in regards to anothers development within our scope of control. Right now I feel as if everyone I interact reprisents a tiny aspect of myself, future potential or past (in frightening similarity.) These acting like unresolved aspects of self. Do I need to help them (as I feel I should?) or accept they are as I part of one and inherently their own creation? I love people and hate myself, I know hippies, and new age gurus, self helpers, and every feel good pansy says it is not possible. I do all the time though, giving my best to everyone around me until I am numb… in this way I don't need to feel the hate for my Self. I go to sleep dreamless if I even sleep at all. How do I remedy this? What am I missing?

I seem to live in this constant air of shame, doubt, and despair though I have fewer reasons to feel it every day I move forward. Who designed this fucking ride?


Everything is a stepping stone. I'll cross that bridge once it comes.


Thanks for coming by, I am encouraged to keep going.


That was quite motivational, illuminated one. Hopefully I won't take too long to join you all for the next step of this magical adventure.


Does this thoughtform take an absurd amount of energy? I'm trying to debug my problems for making it.


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Change people in the same way you change and make modifications to tulpas and you will have far greater success.

Eventually you will see how trivial a thing personality is and maybe desire less to meddle with others perhaps simply because you will have beat the game and can look at the world like it's an RPG. When your creative power becomes so intense you transcend all these limitations you can look at man as you would lower animals and appreciate the notion of just leaving them to their own devices and seeing how things play out.

I feel personally you only need a few companions, a small community, of individuals at your same level of development and the rest of the world can go fuck itself and burn. That's usually all that's needed to give a man peace of mind. A lot of people on the internet are completely out of place in their own communities so they're reaching out and trying to make conversions of others in order not to be so lonely. The need to make others like oneself or uplift them to one's level is the need to know ones self through a mirror. It brings a lot of happiness to find oneself in another as it expands the feeling of self, it is like an expansion of your consciousness.

You don't need to "help" anyone. You can help yourself by seeing that you are in a great cosmic game of living memes, all trying to perpetuate themselves. Then you can relax and have fun. Stressing yourself out trying to paint on the canvas when you're not ready to really exercise your will on others is a vain and impotent thing. There are men who can kill others without even being in the same room as them or who can make people fall in love without the couple being any the wiser to what's going on. Treat all actions as rituals, like you're a dancer, and the activities of your life is you dancing.

>I go to sleep dreamless if I even sleep at all. How do I remedy this? What am I missing?

Just become more conscious. At some point you will reach the state where you dream while awake, always. You can also send out mental pings to higher beings to take you to their planes in the astral. Eventually you might lock into a state of resonance with one and they will bring you to their realm. This must sound vague as shit to you though. The books on here should help you…


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Well, that's a strange error.

Here are the two missing pictures…


Thank you for your words and suggestions.

I guess I have been to easy, where I am capable enough to start actually do more serious work. Move beyond pure training.

``Chasing Phantoms`` has been bumped up my reading list now.


What constitutes an "absurd amount of energy" depends on your level of development.

Find out for yourself by trying to make it.

For the Montalk anon it was easy, trivial, a matter of 5 minutes of concentration.

For me it's no problem either.

For you? It'll be easy if you have the confidence to think it will be.

If you are having trouble making it, take a moment to project your astral hands, and then use those hands to touch and feel things around you for awhile. Try to feel with them the ground, objects around you, etc. as best you can.

Then try again making the ball. You should have more success. Unless your problem is with another element. The exercise I give you mostly addresses the Earth element.

I don't think you will have trouble though if you do as I say.


Thanks I'll give it another shot. I did not want to ask questions for making it because of what has been said in the thread. But sometimes you get into that vicious cycle which I think a lot of other neophytes are in where they can't astral project to get a better hang on magic and such.


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ProTip for you: those who focus on astral projecting with no idea as to the destination are best off sending out calls at random to whoever may be listening to take you to their realms.

AP is easier if you aren't "trying to AP" but rather trying to do something and go somewhere by AP. If you wanted to go to Veelox say, you'd probably succeed more than if you "just want to AP" with no idea in your mind of what plane you want to vibrate on and what realm to go to.

It's also easier if you know what AP actually is and how it actually works.

…and you can also just use the gravity ball I mentioned. I suggest once you're out of your body not to approach too close to your body again or even trying to perceive your physical body in its position in the physical plane as doing so has the tendency to snap you back into it.

Also do not focus on any sensations you may be experiencing in your physical body while attempting to AP. Doing so keeps part of your awareness in your body and hampers AP. Say you're getting feelings of vibrations if you're doing that really silly "AP by paralysis" thing absolute noobs do? Then you wouldn't want to focus on those vibrations and be distracted by them.


Thanks again for that. I would like to ask about the "It's also easier if you know what AP actually is and how it actually works." part. It seems everyone has different views of how it works and what it is. Do you have any books or resources that are of good quality for this?


Former lurker here, just posting to say that you gave me the motivation(inspiration?) to start reading through the book list and start taking this whole thing with less of a sceptics attitude.


Dear /illuminati/ wizard,

I have a problem for magical practice I'd truly appreciate your advice on.

I've always felt immense potential but unable to fulfill it out in the world, and my life seems to have piled up with more and more insurmountable problems that keep me locked into extreme distress. The potential comes in elusive waves, writings, rare feats of magical brilliance. But my body and poor mental balance always drags me down. I'm always searching. I haven't done anything else except search intensely for a way to reach the potential since I was born.

Anyway, it's come to a head with health issues. I'm worried that resolving one might block my magical progress in this life. I have some kind of nerve damage or something unknown to a testicle from a routine operation. All I really feel now is intense pain from it, day after day for over a year, which blocks all subtle sensations and balance in body or experience. The pain and dysfunction from it has slowly broke everything else apart in my body and behaviour, as I failingly tried to heal my body by non-surgical means.

It makes discipline really hard because there's such baseline pain in every moment that any indulgence that would lessen it a little seems so tempting. I used to do nofap for half a year at a time, and altered whole social groups and brought big things into my life with magic. I used to be able to make or break others' fortunes and existences, at my best. But I feel like nothing more than a wounded animal now.

Anyway the doctor said I might need to have the testicle removed. I'm just wondering from a magical perspective whether having one removed would be fatal? Would it destroy esoteric anatomy and prevent Kundalini building or anything like that? I feel like the pain being gone would make me a lot more powerful, but I'd really appreciate insight or intuition from somebody who's living magically.

I just want to remove it and carry on progressing, appreciating every moment more because of past pain. Medically they say normal function continues with only one, but you know they don't take esoteric stuff into account. So if I have to bear the extreme pain to make esoteric progress, maybe I should do that. Or maybe I should kill myself and start again in a new body? I've heard that's bad though, and I think I'd be destroying massive things that could result in this world, and leaving people dependent on me behind.

Btw astrologically relevant: crazy strong and occult-related birth chart but riddled with a whole blindness/lack of discipline complex along with the esoteric gifts and power. And I'm under like 30 years of everything being in Saturn from a couple of years ago, with progressions or something like that. Also Moon under Algol (star of evil) and born under Antares, both of which occult related but apparently can cause great sickness.

Apologies to all who read for boring rambling. Just didn't want to leave anything out. Want to progress magically so much.



You've likely moved onto bigger and better things since last night, but on the off chance you check back into this thread, I'll leave this here.

You mentioned having a destination in mind for AP, and then mentioned Veelox. Is there a good resource for the various locations in the astral plane, the denizens present there and the dangerous areas to avoid, or is it all a learn as you go type thing?

Either way, thank you for coming. I've set my sights even higher than the were before, and now so many different things seem laughably attainable in comparison.


No, it is not vague and I appreciate the input. I understand it to the extent that you intuitivly were able to make each point in a manner I could understand. That in and of its self is more helpful than you may ever know. I will continue to read, dream, and improve. The manner of improving others is foolish at this point. I have been beating my head against trying to improve myself and my relitionships at the same time (while not problematic) doing so to the same INTENSITY (trying to green pill/awaken others) has been killing me. I agree with the few friends sentiment, I have never been the super popular type, content to have a few good friends over many shitty ones. I keep hearing about 'reality checks' in lucid dreaming… perhaps something like 'quality checks' while waking would be helpful. Is there any sort of material on this? I have been reading "Games people play" this weekend. Again my gratitude to you and the wisdom you offer.


One of Samael Aun Weor's coachings for AP was to go to the "Gnostic Temple" the "Great White Fraternal Lodge," or also the "Heart Temples of the Cosmos" wherein the Archangels or some shit lives.



Hello Illuminated Wizard

I feel as though I should be asking my Self these questions, but it has been a long time since I have been in contact with Him, and I have grown quite desperate here, thinking I may possibly die in this density without completing my mission and thus be forced in it's cycle of reincarnation.

To completely embody the One Cosmic Will is my only goal, but the million small steps leading to it's completion are mentally daunting to me and I don't know where to go, what to do, how to start, or anything.

However, I suspect the answer lies in a complete shift in perspective and mindset, and thus your "thinking Hermetically" comment rang true in my heart. So now my question is this, how do I go about instigating this change of thought? How do I learn to think Hermetically? How do I begin to apply the 7 Principles into my daily life and habits? Please help, for I think you may be the one who makes the difference for me at this moment.

Thank you and be well


Just another fellow who just happened to glance by this post.

I've become rather ill lately, so excuse me in advance for my type.

This one knows what he's talking about, he's done what he needed to do and now he's reveling in his rewards. I too, as well as all of the /illuminati/ are at this level.

Desire is a powerful tool and conflicts are there to teach.


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I don't even want your help.

I'm going to find the same hills you climbed and climb them quicker.

I'm going to find the same streams you swam and swim them faster.

I'm going to find the same rocks you've scaled and scale them higher.

I don't need your help.

WE don't need your help.

You speak of the egoists who post on their own accord trying to be something more than they are? Well look at your own self. Forcing will and "convincing" one's self that they are something greater are two completely different things.

There is a fire in me, and I don't need people like you to spread it. I'm doing a fine enough job on my own.

Cast your pity on a different wretch. By the time you see me, it will be eye-to-eye but only for a split-second.


I don't have anyone else to ask and I think I've mostly got enough practical knowledge laying around to figure out how to get closer to your levels, but I want to know, from your perspective:

Is pure desire for power (or empowerment) a good thing? I feel like the only thing I want out of magic and self development is easily describable in sense of power for powers sake. Being more capable than anyone else just because it's good to be. Most things that are described or could be done interest me simply because I want to try them, like looking at powers as toys for my own enjoyment. And the learning process as well - entertainment which fill one with joy because it's neither a waste of time nor debilitating and degrading.


It is not a good thing. It degrades the soul.


Reported for faggotry.


>You speak of the egoists

Yet another faggot hating on ego.


Reporting you both for faggotry.

Power is based as fuck. You can identify slaves who are NEVER GOING TO MAKE IT by their fear of power. He who would deny you power either wants it for himself or wants everyone to be a slave.


A good thing? Morally? Beneficially?

If your desire for power is as intense as pure desperation, then you will achieve what you want to achieve.

While I cannot speak to the one who you're talking to, the next density will teach us of love and compassion. The only way you would not accompany into the 4th Density is if you're of a luke warm polarity. Not predominantly positive nor negative.


This is not the OP.


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Hi everyone! I am new to this site and would like to say it is a pleasure to be among the elites. I was referred here by an individual whom i met during my adventures. So far I really like what I am reading. I do not see anything wrong with everyone sharing the same mindset because after all we are all working towards the same goals, Different paths for sure but same destination. I just think it's very important to just have along the way. I hope I can contribute to the board in the near future but for now I will be exploring and getting comfortable with the environment :)

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