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Esoteric Wizardry


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Check out this thread before I inevitably get banned for stepping on sensitive toes on /christian/ even though that's not my intent at all in being there.


I really need to screencap and make a collage out of all these posts by Christians who condemn magick and are scared of it.


The Hermetic View of Religion

There are two basic philosophies of religion: the first is the relative and the second is the absolute or universal. From the beginning of humankind to the present day, all those religions which belong to the relative philosophy of religion have gone through their initial stages, have reached their peaks and, during the course of the ages, have come to their end. Each relative religion has its own founder. I refrain from citing all the systems of relative religion; anyone who has studied religious philosophy will have become acquainted with a number of religious systems of the relative type. They are all subject to the same law of transitoriness, regardless of whether they have lasted for hundreds or thousands of years. The length of time a religion may exist always depends upon its founders and teachers. The more universal laws a religion contains, the more universal truth it represents and preaches, the longer it lasts.

Its existence will be shorter the more one-sided, fanatical, dictatorial, and authoritarian its doctrines are. However, each religious system has thus far had its good purposes and its special mission. Each has always contained certain partial aspects, however concealed, of a portion of universal truth and lawfulness, whether symbolically or as an abstract idea.

A true adept will see in each relative religion, regardless of the historical era in which it may have existed, fragments of some basic ideas that had their origin in the universal religion and which point to universal law. Therefore, the adept appreciates each religion equally, without paying any attention to whether it is a religion of the past or whether it still exists today or whether it will exist in the future, because he is aware of the fact that each religious system has followers whose maturity suits that of the religion.

From the Hermetic point of view, even materialism is a kind of religious system, one who representatives may believe in God but not in anything supernatural, and who adhere only to that of which they are able to convince themselves – in other words, to them it is matter which prevails. Since the initiate knows that matter is the symbolic representation of the divine appearance reflected in the laws of nature, he will not judge anyone who believes merely in matter. The more mature a man has become during the course of his incarnations and evolution, the closer will he come to the universal laws, and the more deeply will he be able to penetrate into them, until finally no relative religious concept will satisfy him. A person like this has become mature for the universal religion and is capable of approaching the universal laws in the microcosm and the macrocosm.

This is to say that any religion that does not represent the universal laws completely is relative and transitory. The universal laws have been unchangeable from the beginning of the world and will continue thus until the end.

The mature Hermetic may officially belong to any religion, depending on whether he really wants to do so and whether he considers it preferable in his dealings with people – perhaps to avoid drawing the attention of immature individuals to himself. However, in the innermost of his spirit and his entire being he will profess the universal religion, by which the universal lawfulness is to be understood. An initiate does not believe anything unless he can convince himself of its validity; neither does he believe in any personified divinity nor any kind of idol. Rather, he worships the universal law and harmony in all forms of existence.

These few words should suffice to demonstrate the difference between relative and absolute philosophies of religion.


>tfw so many replies


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Just posting, I like this symbol.


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Christians are race traitors.




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Matthew 6:22 "The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. 23"But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!

Matthew 7:6
"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces."

You are wasting your time and energy. Leave them be?






>You are wasting your time and energy. Leave them be?

What is it you think I am trying to accomplish and why is it you think my time is wasted or that it was a net energy loss for me?


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Just do your thing! lmfao


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The butthurt on /pol/ is reaching loosh-apocalypse levels.


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When I saw that thread I was happy because I thought you came to /christian/ to genuinely learn about things, not just troll :<


What is there of value in Christianity that I should learn about? I don't even read the Christian threads here on /fringe/ …


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
loosh farming 101



The values of being a good person. Strong in faith, willing to fight for what is right.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Stop getting your panties in a twist!


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It's true and I think it will bring you happiness if you're open to it, both spiritually and personally. I was extremely depressed and a NEET before I converted and now I am generally good-spirited and have the job I always dreamed about. God provides everything you need. But I am a new convert though and my IQ is also about 3 so this may sound like a weak argument.

I think you are very interesting and sometimes when I pray I remember you and I pray that you'll find Jesus some day like I did because you seem really depressed sometimes and I don't want you to feel like that.


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It's true and I think it will bring you happiness if you're open to it, both spiritually and personally. I was extremely depressed and a NEET before I converted and now I am generally good-spirited and have the job I always dreamed about. God provides everything you need. But I am a new convert though and my IQ is also about 3 so this may sound like a weak argument.

I think you are very interesting and sometimes when I pray I remember you and I pray that you'll find Jesus some day like I did because you seem really depressed sometimes and I don't want you to feel like that.


The Universal Master Key by Franz Bardon gives me that in the most clear details. It's the ultimate text on ethics I know of and teaches you all the virtues you need.

Meanwhile, Christian texts are all fucking tl;dr while saying very little all in veiled terms that are hard to interpret.

This isn't an age in which we are subject to religious persecution anymore. There's no need to veil things in poetry and allegory.

Christianity is a lot of noise with a very unclear signal.


Oh lawd that one deformed freak from the smeagul meme is in that vid.


You know, I saw a wizard called Michael call upon Jesus and receive miraculous healing on a webcam before after he fell over backwards manipulating electrical energy with his mind and landed on some glass that broke and embedded itself in his back.

…but even then I am afraid of evoking Jesus as much as Satan. I've only met Satan though (unintentionally).

I just don't trust him. I don't think I can count on Jesus to have my back or to help me.


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>he fell over backwards


There are English translations of the bible that are easier to read if you find the ones you've tried too hard to understand when you just want to get to the meat of what they're saying. The KJV and Douay Rheims have beautiful language so they often get recommended but I wouldn't pick either of them as my first choice as a total beginner reading for understanding. You might want to try a translation like the NRSV (more "liberal") or the RSVCE (more "conservative.")

Evoking Jesus doesn't really sound like a good idea… You might end up evoking that fake ascended master Jesus that people always seem to get in contact with whenever they try to channel Jesus or something. Just pray to him by talking to him, like you're having a conversation with him.


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I am holding my tongue.


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What in the fuck am I reading here? Is this someone's clever subversion attempt or what? Tricking the dumb ass Christians into looking into Hermeticism by pretending the occult isn't the occult?


I wonder if Christians ever read the Gospel of Thomas, or if they consider it 'heretical'. . .

I think GNOSIS by Mouravieff could be a good starting point for possibly interested Christians, because it's based on Esoteric Orthodox Christianity but it has things on organic portals, food-for-the-Moon, I AM-consciousness, etc.

Another synchronicity, I thought of checking out that book yesterday when reading this thread but it didn't seem to catch my interest enough.

I remember the author of that book was an occultist but he converted into Catholicism during his last years. Perhaps it was fear? Sincerity? Who knows.


How about this. Fuck the Bible, it's tl;dr, and I've already burdened myself with reading a big list of books. In fact I was going to post all my books when I got interrupted about 32 hours ago. Look forward to that thread when you see it.

The Bible is vague shit. The only people that would read it are ones embedded in Christian communities who are pressured to read it.

I'm not going to read the Torah, the Quran, or even the old Hindu texts. Fuck even most old Hermetic alchemical texts are just a lot of shit.

We have new books that cut to the meat of spirituality without all the dressings.

When I rise up in the scale of spirit, I will learn far more profound truths anyways than what book like that has hidden in it. I don't want to go through all that painful effort to find hidden truth in an age where all secrets are laid bare for anyone who can unhook themselves from the television long enough to seek it.

>Evoking Jesus doesn't really sound like a good idea… You might end up evoking that fake ascended master Jesus that people always seem to get in contact with whenever they try to channel Jesus or something. Just pray to him by talking to him, like you're having a conversation with him.

Literally no difference. I honestly do not want to be involved with any famous religious figures. I intentionally avoid calling upon any demons from the Goetia, any gods, etc. that are too famous. Sometimes entities claiming to be these famous figures will come to me regardless of their own accord.

I prefer to instead channel and evoke the unknown. When I do magick, the only thought I tend to have before is "to see something beautiful" or I don't even think any words at all I just feel with my heart and KNOW that what I need will come to me at that time. I feel that doing anything less would lead me to something impure.

It's also why I reject using other people's rituals practically all the time. I read those rituals sure and may derive some inspiration from them but I do what we might term "my higher self" wants only. I assume that my conscious mind perceives so little of reality that to choose with it what to do is wrong and will lead me down paths I don't want to go.

Doing this has taken me on a remarkable journey. Amazing things keep happening. All I have to do is unfold, become more conscious, vibrate with the higher planes… and into my mind will be poured the most wonderful experience.

If Jesus wants to come visit me of his own accord then whatever. Jesus amounts to just a personality anyways. There's a lot of Jesus's all over the place and they are all JESUS. You can be Jesus too if you want.

Most magick I do, it just fucking happens, because I trust something deeper than the barrage of words and surface level shit in my mind to carry me forward. There is a greater intelligence abiding within me that knows best and sees beyond the foolishness of that limited expression of my being whose words you are reading right now. One day, soon after I'm done dicking around with all this reading, I will Will to consciously embrace even more of that greater part of my mind the conscious level of which is only the tip of the iceberg. Words, actions on this plane, it's all just a dance, a series of rituals.


I don't know why I do a lot of what I do. I do many things and I think about why I must have done that and I do not really understand why. I invent reasons after the fact. Sometimes I invent reasons before it; but then I find those reasons to just be guesses in themselves. I feel myself to be connected to everything around me, partaking of a great stream of consciousness, emotions pooling around and about me animating and giving life to everything.

Christianity at best can be source of inspiration for some. I don't need inspiration, I am already inspired, and I already partake of something astonishingly beautiful that I suppress only to tread the path forward carefully, gradually acclimatizing myself to the great mystery, rather than throwing myself too far and deep forward and losing control or being lead into delusion.

I so fucking wish I had someone I could just show what I feel and what I can do. Like holy fuck, I've never shown anyone from this plane any of it. Chances are I will just have to leave /fringe/ as my legacy and hope others will walk the illumined path too. The only people immediately living around me are so incredibly far below me that they can only fear what I do.

It probably has to be this way though. If I linger for someone here it might only stunt my development. It's a huge temptation that keeps me rooted here for now. At some point perhaps I will just have to make up my mind that I did enough while here and I can move onto the glorious achievements that await me when I decide no longer to hold back anymore, no longer to think of the welfare of humans in third density. I have the strong sense that someone is waiting for me anyways behind the veil, calling me, waiting that I return to them.

Every few days I find myself so strongly drawn into intense ecstatic states that even though I try to avoid this to stay grounded here in this plane in order to continue what I'm doing here it practically pours into me and tears stream down my cheeks as I am immersed in a state of perfect harmony with the thoughts and scenes of a much higher plane.

tl;dr I am euphoric as fuck and don't need no bible, I am closer to God than the vast majority of people to ever read that book will be in this incarnation.


All the christians on that board are in denial about what the occult is and the fact they are pracitising magick.

What I would think most probable is it's a case of a Hermeticist desiring to infiltrate Christianity. He probably lived around a lot of Christians and found it easier to work within that system then to do so from the outside, just like some have done with Islam (Sufis), and other illumined souls have done in every other major religion.


way to go Spartacus



Anyways, I gave them a link to the GNOSIS. I am not going to bother with them in any other way, I think.


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>I so fucking wish I had someone I could just show what I feel and what I can do. Like holy fuck, I've never shown anyone from this plane any of it.
But don't you have a lot of friends on Skype? I've seen you saying you get propositioned for homosex a lot from them… you can be my friend though if you want to be friends, I like you. And I guess I can respect your reasoning but I don't think it'd hurt to give Jesus a chance. Why not ask him to show you something beautiful? He doesn't want to mess you up so it seems like a safe bet. Maybe something interesting will happen…?


Calling upon famous entities is a recipe for delusion when some elemental jumps in at the opportunity to pretend to be them.

The "real Jesus" surely has better things to do than answer to the endless spam of millions of prayers on Earth.

I don't want to bother Jesus anymore than I want to bother the dead in general (see LifeBeyondDeath by William Walker Atkinson for why necromancy is annoying as fuck to spirits in the astral).

If Jesus wants to come visit me of his freewill than he's free to go ahead and so any time.

I'm not going to spam him.

The cosmic mind will arrange for me the perfect companion, teacher, and anything else I want anyways and is capable of handing and processing all requests made to it.

I don't think you live anywhere near me so I'll never get the chance to do elemental magick around you and evoke aliens and shit.


I don't think Jesus would be annoyed with you trying to talk to him, I think he would be happy if anything. Jesus always likes to help a nigga out, especially if you're really suffering. I suppose that's an understandable reason for not wanting to bug him though if that's the background you have. But maybe try it out if you start getting a lot of Jesus synchronicities or something?


There are many planes above this one with many wonderful things to be experienced there that go totally beyond what is possible here in this realm.

Jesus has surely moved on. It's been 2k years. Why would he linger around so fucking long on Earth? What for?


Because he's God in human form, and he loves humans. This might not mean anything to you because it's a bible quote, but:

>“For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16)


Ok good luck with the retardation. Come back to me when when you've studied philosophy for awhile and got over your Christian brainwashing.


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*me tipping my fedora after I can't handle Christian idiocy any longer*


I don't even know why anymore I got the idea I should tolerate other religions. There must have been some non-retarded Christian occultist I talked to awhile ago that made me respect Christianity somewhat.


smiley jesus loves u why are you sinning against him so much

come to christ :^)


it may have been me, sorry. jesus was loved by everyone and for good reason, but he was just a man, not a god and worshipping hip would only detract from the value of what he had to say by treating his teachings as orders to be beaten into the unwilling rather than methods of personal improvement.


I find the idea of worshipping something so limited as Jesus as a "god" offensive to my reason.

Jesus is not the absolute.


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>Matthew 7:6
Going to re-quote this for maximum Spurdo.

"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." - Matthew 7:6

"Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." - Matthew 7:14

"When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."" - John 8:7, Jesus

>"nice loosh for my friend smiley.gif"


>Christian Hermeticism
Maybe they listened to this?
Then again.. I would not know why they would return to Christianity rather than ennobling themselves. Plus the video is simply about not affecting others unjustly and to be cautious.

"But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." - Matthew 5:28

"Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, "Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts?"" - Matthew 9:14

"Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." - John 14:12, Jesus

"When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty, and it is you who are that poverty." - Nag Hammadi Libraries, Lambdin Translation, Jesus

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;" - Corinthians 6:19

Seems like Jesus is a consciousness (by these quotes).


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The mods at /christian/ are a bunch of feeble-minded theological cowards fyi.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
It has nothing to do with judging them. If there minds are narrow, they will not hear. The teacher appears when the student is ready. If they are in slumber, let them rest. Trying to talk to people with tunnel vision, wont get you very far.


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He never wanted to be worshiped. In fact he wanted to stay anonymous!

Mark 5:9
Then Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" "My name is Legion," he replied, "for we are many."


>It has nothing to do with judging them.
Of course it does.. Smiley is trying to show them something new and they will not listen because they are dogmatic/indoctrinated/deluded/brainwashed. He then judges them because of this.

>If there minds are narrow

also lrn2grammar, fgt

>tfw jewsus was an0nym0use


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> judges
Luke 6:37
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
>top kek
Jesus was a total bro!



The hip hop group binary star had chan memes in their music before the memes became memes and before 4chan existed.

Sirius is a binary star system.



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*is a total bro


Smiley is trying to show them something new and they will not listen because they are dogmatic/indoctrinated/deluded/brainwashed; he then judges them.*

You should sage your post if you are correcting a previous post; like this.
(click "Show post options & limits" > check "Do not bump" OR put sage in the email field)


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top kek
I was just talking about the verses you were talking about! I was not talking about Smiley!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Christianity is a lot of noise with a very unclear signal.

Quit being a mundane, Smileberg. It is time to learn about the mystic power of XPICTOC

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