Well I genuinely came here to make a thread about shadow people but since this
shit one is up I guess I'll just post it here instead.
What I know about shadow people (this is experience off the top of my head based off of 2 people I have personally known who could see them + research);Shadow people come in many different forms. Most people agree that they can 'feel' the presence of them, and tell whether they are good or bad. Most of them are silent silehoutes, some of them talk some times, some of them hats (like shitty OP mentioned) and some have red eyes. One person even told me they have 'shown' them things like frightening images or skeletons. Another person has had nightmares every day since she started seeing them.
People who see them usually had some form of early childhood trauma or another, and usually start seeing them around age 5-9. They are more often then not female, and sometimes their mother saw them too.
Reception to shadow people varies between every one who has it. Someone can see them full on for extended periods of time and some can only see them out the corner of their eyes or only feel them. Most agree that shadow people usually prefer to occupy cramped and indoor spaces; I have heard unconfirmed rumour that they like to go in crop circles however.
A method of attempting to see them I was taught involved blackening the room, burning incense to cleanse the room and attract them (sandalwood and dragon's blood I believe) then attempting to see them by accepting they were there and opening your mind to them. I tried this three times, the third time resulting in a flicker in the corner of my eye followed by a long night of nightmares. I ceased my efforts after that.
Everyone has different feelings towards them; out of the two I knew personally, one wanted to help them somehow and found them company, and the other hated them and viewed them as only out there to scare her.
A simple google search can show the forums full of hundreds of people who see these creatures. The main theories are:
-Spirits from the dead that only the receptive can see
-Creatures that live in another dimension, but the effect of them casts a shadow in this dimension only some are sensitive too
-Mental illness
I have looked into the mental illness side of things and thought it unlikely; hallucinations of this nature would usually come from schizophroneia/psychosis which usually begins affecting people in their mid 20s/30s, shadow people are seen much earlier. Moreover, the fact that so many people see this same halucination in similar circumstances seems like too much of a coincidence.
Nevertheless, I'm determined to find my answers and won't stop til I do. I have a more extensive set of notes on this spread between an external hard drive and old textbooks.
In regards to OP
>>29763 the drug you took being mainly a sedative could have relaxed your mind enough to become receptive to it, but if you don't see any shadow people without drugs it's more likely not the same thing.
Also, pretty decadent mate.