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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1427598306467.jpg (387.49 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, tumblr_nfdmzxPojv1u2898yo3….jpg)


Is there a way I can force my brain to release enough endogenous morphine to get high through meditation/magic so I don't need to spend as much money on heroin/pills.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: 1427600408918.jpg (205.69 KB, 625x776, 625:776, 1400364729288.jpg)



File: 1427600821913.jpg (54.09 KB, 450x332, 225:166, 1400397453425.jpg)

Everything will be okay friend!


I've goten high during meditation many times, I do it randomly by focusing on my heart or my throat or brain and sometimes I get an extastic feeling which lasts for as long as I stay there, it's so pure and awesome that even if someone distrubs my session I feel only love for them.


The pills are too expensive get the heroin. Also I've been working on this no success so far though.


Yes. I am fully capable of doing it. Only reason I don't film it is because I think people would think it's pathetic… I just don't think anyone would be impressed by my ability to invoke any emotion I want to any intensity.


I do usually do it by invoking extremely painful emotions connected to memories of humiliation, suffering, etc. that has filled up my life forever and then focusing on the opposite pole of them at the same time and causing a rapid alternation that changes the vibration of the negative emotions and transmutes them into extreme positive emotions fast while directing them towards a thoughtform I want to charge with it.

It's easy as fuck man, just don't waste your loosh, it has many applications beyond merely bathing yourself in it.


Autosaging this thread.


dang nabbit; meant to sage my post..


>tries to autosage a thread
>ends up bumping it
I hope your magickal skills aren't as good as your moderating ones.


That picture is making me want heroin. Fuck you op.

Although I don't have an addictive personality and am ok with it…

The full yogic breath from science of breath gets me high as fuck from a few breaths these days now I've got the technique down, I'd suggest that. It's simple and effective.



I really appreciate your response since I will be going through heroin withdrawals from probably Monday through Friday. I like heroin, because it helps me with my back pain from using computers and other physical labor. However, the withdrawals intensify the back pain. It might sound bad but its easier than quitting meth, which leaves you depressed and very unmotivated to even get out of bed. I realize withdrawals are entirely mental, and I used too feel none at all, but in the last few months I've started getting them.


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