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Esoteric Wizardry


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Ive noticed there isnt much on here in regards to Mesopotamian occultism. While I may not be an expert on such matters, Id love to begin a discussion of the shit in the Simon Necronomicon. Have any of you legitimately worked with the very basic but effective system in this alleged "hoax" book?


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Has anyone noticed the similarities between the Tree of Life, and the Ladder of Lights within the Simon Necronomicon?


Malkuth = Kia
Yesod = Nanna (30) Center pillar position
Hod = Nabu (12) Left Pillar
Netzach = Inanna (15) Right pillar
Tiphetreth = Shammash (20) Center pillar
Geburah = Nergal (8) Left pillar
Chesed = Marduk (10) Center pillar
>Daath (The Abyss) = Irkalla Center Pillar
Binah = Adar Ninurta? Left pillar
Chokhmah = Enlil?Enki? Right pillar
Kether = Enki?, Anu?
Ain Soph = Anu?,?


I guess Ain Soph could be Anna.

As Above (Anna) Zi ANNA Kanpa
So Below (Kia) Zi KIA Kanpa




Anu is King of Heaven. But there is more beyond his lofty throne. It is HERE God "resides". But God knows you are coming. To reach that place requires far more than the empty simplistic fake platitudes Abrahamic cultism can offer.


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One must first learn to escape the gravity of Kia. For we also have the blood of the mother Tiamat within us. The slaves we see about us, they are the slaves of the mother. There is a purposeful reason these people are in this state. Enlil has decreed it this way.

Unfortunately some of us remember our lineage. It is this connection that is a path to the grace of God. God wills civilization to be. So it shall. But not by the parasites of the bowels of civilization, in their various forms, but by us who are devoted to Order and a deeper understanding of the ways of Nature.


My suggestion is to get to know who and what Enki is. If you want to know him, getting to know Aranunna Name 39 of the 50 names of Marduk in the Enuma Elish fiirst.

If you want to begin to work the system in the Simon Necronomicon, I would highly suggest INVOKING Marutukku (Name 3) first. Vibrate his name (maaah roooo toooo kooo) slowly a few times, while drawing a pentagram should be enough to call him. Remember, you are INVOKING, not EVOKING. Marutukku will teach you to vital arts of astral protection.


Working the system in the SN (Simon Necronomicon) does require you make a real connection to the spirits and deities put forth in the book. To do it with the mindset of these being nothing more than "godforms" or whatever bullshit Atheist occults tell themselves there forces are is setting yourself up to not get jack shit from this system. It is NOT Ceremonial Magick (CM). It is more along the lines of a very refined and efficient form of voodoun or shamanism. You are putting yourself in that realm, so your senses need to bath in the astral. It is like existing in a flowing river eventually, or you will see those waters and understand.


So Kia is actually a Sumerian deity and not just a shitty car company? Is Kia the Sumerian god of hamster furfaggotry or something?


>Trying this hard to be a giant faggot

>no effort was needed to do this


>The best Spirits to summon in the early Rites are the Fifty Spirits of the Names of Lord MARDUK who give excellent attendance and who are careful Watchers of the Outside. They should not be detained any longer than is necessary, and some are indeed violent and impatient natures, and their task is to be given in as short a time as possible, and then they are to be released.

This is good advice here from the book itself. Being this in INVOCATION and not EVOCATION were dealing with, there is a relationship aspect that must be taken in account as well. The green texted part is correct when first getting to know what is going on. Dont waste their time with bullshit is the TL;DR version ultimately.


This is a long forgotten road. The trails LONG overgrown with the weeds of modernity.


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I thought Necronomicon was a literary fiction

Like all these books claimed to be in Vatican libraries


I just Googled "Sumerian Deity Kia"
And this post is the 7th result.

Just throwing that out there.

Also. Nice thread! I like.
Don't forget that Joy of Satan claims the Goetia and friends are Sumerian gods.


Okay this sounds pretty cool does anyone have any resources where I could learn more? Also which one of them can help me learn skills like programming if any of them? I dont want to spend money on a tutor.


There is the esoteric intepretation..

And there is the mundane one.

The sons of Anu, Enki, Enlil.. were aliens who came to earth for resources and created slaves while here.



There's the fictitious Necronomicon, and the book of Sumerian magick that westerners refer to as the Necronomicon


Its actually a mishmash of Sumerian, Babylonian (mostly) and Assyrian (second most) magick and mythology.

I hate the fact the book is called the Necronomicon, but I suppose Herman Slater had to sell the books to make a profit. I use the book as nothing more than a reference guide (or book of formulas). The other shit is just fluff to entertain the uninitiated.

The name NAMRU may interest you. Here is a quote from the Nerconomicon Spellbook (it is a separate book that shows how to work with the 50 names as a beginner).

>9.The Ninth Name is NAMRU.

>Dispenses wisdom and knowledge in all things. Giveth excellent counsel and teaches the science of metals. His Word is BAKAKALAMU.

>One reader writes to us and says, "Although I am excellent in most of my subjects at (a college on the East Coast), I am a general failure at science. It was then that I got a copy of your NECRONOMICON and my eyes fell to the seal of NAMRU. I prayed the night before an important Chemistry midterm exam to NAMRU and carried his seal into the classroom. I passed a test I thought I would never get a 35 in with an astonishing 85. Suddenly, it just seemed that I understood the subject for the first time in my life."

Important note, DO NOT RELY ON THE POWERS OF THE SEAL ALL THE TIME. The spirit will take this as you being a lazy faggot and abandon you to your fate. If you show a real interest in learning and improving, it will help. Otherwise it will be a one and done effect.


KIA in sumerian is one of two things:

A variant of KI, meaning "earth"
A variant of KI.AK, meaning "of the earth" (often in written sumerian, the final k of the genitive case is truncated such that KI.AK would become KI.A')


Just like the name ENKI would translate to Lord Earth. Funny considering he is actually Lord of the Absu, the waters and magick.

I suspect his name is a title given out of respect due to his influence on the shaping of civilization.

A side note, AN, or ANNA is also in relation to Anu, King of the Gods. Anu is considered Lord of Heaven.

As Above, So Below


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ah come on, you can find transcriptions and translations of authentic clay tablets on the web, some have pretty cool rituals on them too, but, oh well, mang, revise fringe's pov on religion, like, really, do it now.


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For astrologyfags, Babylonian counterparts of existing planets

Sun - Shamash
Moon - Sin
Mercury - Nabu
Mars - Nergal
Jupiter - Marduk
Venus - Ishtar

Any propositions for Earth or Saturn? Neptune, Uranus and Pluto weren't known to ancients.

And for people who are into Planet X thing, European counterpart of Nibiru is Nemesis, no idea about Tiamath the same book claims.

Don't mix up Akkadian (Assyro-Babylonian) and Sumerian gods fagits


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There's no God but pappa Nergal!




So bringing this thread back because these last couple of weeks have been weird. Not magical weird but still weird enough that i cant ignore it and it seems to have to do with Mesopotamian occultism.

I am going to read three books on it

The Magic of New Istar Power
Astral Magic in Babylonia
Babylonia Scared Words of Power

If you know of any books that could help or related please tell me.


Same guy as before,did the exercises in Chapter 1 in New Istar Power. I thought it kind of strange that I was nervous to do the ritual with the star but after I was done I felt good not amazing but good. Will post other results as they come.


OP here.

I will look into these books. Always looking for more info on the matter. I basically used the SN and Golden Dawn materials with much experimentation to get the results I have gotten.

I personally feel to get the best results tapping into this long forgotten current requires direct and personal communion with the entities involved.



guy who originally posted this finished reading the books and did the rituals for a month. Nothing extraordinary happened, my luck has taken a turn for the better which is weird for me cause usually I have shit luck.

As for the books I read I wouldn't really recommend them.

I only read new istar power because of some synchronicity and got what I needed from it but I would't recommend it.

I didn't finish reading Astral Magic in Babylonia it's a bit dry and doesn't have any real practices but if your interested in history of magic in Babylonia then I say read it.

Babylonia Scared Words of Power was OK. It caught in the mind set that my words do carry power. but other than that I wouldn't bother reading it.

I should have done what >>33761 said and tried to communion with the spirits but I don't really know how to do that. If any one got some advise I would appreciate it, thanks.



got not caught, fucking up today sorry.



As what so what?

Enki influenced life (DNA) here most in the recent age and rebelled to protect Humanity.

I've used the name of the 'gods' in the Necronomicon to empower chakras. Now I know better meditations and wouldn't necessarily do that, because it can let these unknown entities enter and reside in the body.

I only did so because I was led to such techniques by disciples of Enki and he is Chief of the Gods. The Necronomicon was written in code, contains some power because it is suppressed, and has a great backstory.



Try what I posted here >>29916

Draw up MARUTUKKU's seal, star at it for a bit, then slowly vibrate (low slow speaking) his name about 10 or so times. Then do the same, while drawing out a pentagram with your finger, a knife, or hand in the air in front of you. Burn the image of the seal in your mind as you do this.

Remember, this is INVOCATION, not EVOCATION. So youre doing a sort of voodoo type rite here, not ceremonial. This is how this system operates.



I do this ritual. Your comment reminded me of it:

Part I: Bring down the current through the 7 gates and through ENKI

*NOTE: I draw down an orb and pull upon it sideways to expand it as I recite each line. At each "Chakra" expand the orb's light.

Ia Zi Dingir ENKI Kanpa! (Above the head)

Ia Zi Dingir NINIB Kanpa! (Forehead)

Ia Zi Dingir MARDUK Kanpa! (Eyes)

Ia Zi Dingir NERGAL Kanpa! (Mouth)

Ia Zi Dingir SHAMMASH Kanpa! (Chest/ heart)

Ia Zi Dingir INANNA Kanpa! (Upper abdomen)

Ia ZI Dingir NEBO Kanpa! (Lower abdomen)

Ia Zi Dingir NANNA Kanpa! (Genitals)

Ia Zi Dingir ENKI Kanpa! (Feet)

**NOTE 2: You can replace ENKI at the lower end of the process with NINHURSAG if you so wish. I believe I did change this part later on, this is an original copy of the rite.

(This is the step process of drawing down the current into your body, ENKI has his place twice to represent the keeper of the current, and as the Lord of Earth (En =Lord, Ki= Earth))

Part II: Cleansing the Current and Yourself

To the North-

Facing North Trace the Pentagram, starting at the lower left “leg” of the Pentagram. It is important to actually draw down the current through you, like water, while tracing this pentagram. Vibrate this slowly and deeply while you are tracing the Pentagram:


Then after this, while imagining yourself charging up, like gathering fire, say with force

while open hand attacking the center of the pentagram:


To the East-

Facing East Trace the Pentagram, starting at the lower left “leg” of the Pentagram. It is important to actually draw down the current through you, like water, while tracing this pentagram. Vibrate this slowly and deeply while you are tracing the Pentagram:


Then after this, while imagining yourself charging up, like gathering fire, say with force

while open hand attacking the center of the pentagram:


To the south-

Facing South Trace the Pentagram, starting at the lower left “leg” of the Pentagram. It is important to actually draw down the current through you, like water, while tracing this pentagram. Vibrate this slowly and deeply while you are tracing the Pentagram:


Then after this, while imagining yourself charging up, like gathering fire, say with force

while open hand attacking the center of the pentagram:


To the west-

Facing West Trace the Pentagram, starting at the lower left “leg” of the Pentagram. It is important to actually draw down the current through you, like water, while tracing this pentagram. Vibrate this slowly and deeply while you are tracing the Pentagram:


Then after this, while imagining yourself charging up, like gathering fire, say with force

while open hand attacking the center of the pentagram:


Part III: Sealing Each Direction


Starting North once more say:

Ia Zi Dingir Kia Kanpa

Then vibrate slowly while tracing the pentagram:


Then put you hand palm facing towards the pentagram and “charge” the Pentagram, giving it true life.


Facing East say:

Ia Zi Dingir Anna Kanpa!

Vibrate slowly while tracing the pentagram:


Then put you hand palm facing towards the pentagram and “charge” the Pentagram, giving it true life.


Facing South say:

Ia Zi Dingir Girra Kanpa!

Vibrate slowly while tracing the pentagram:


Then put you hand palm facing towards the pentagram and “charge” the Pentagram, giving it true life.


Facing West say:

Ia Zi Dingir Enki Kanpa!

Vibrate slowly while tracing the pentagram:


Then put you hand palm facing towards the pentagram and “charge” the Pentagram, giving it true life.

Part IV: Sending the Current Back up Through the Spheres

Starting from the ground below start pulling the Current up through your body while saying these lines:

NOTE 3: Just reverse the process from the beginning, this time contracting the orbs energy back into its original orb form while move the energy upwards thru your body again.

Ia Zi Dingir ENKI Kanpa!

Ia Zi Dingir NANNA Kanpa!

Ia Zi Dingir NEBO Kanpa!

Ia Zi Dingir INANNA Kanpa!

Ia Zi Dingir SHAMMASH Kanpa!

Ia Zi Dingir NERGAL Kanpa!

Ia ZI Dingir MARDUK Kanpa!

Ia Zi Dingir NINIB Kanpa!

Ia Zi Dingir ENKI Kanpa!

While you are saying the last line imagine the current pouring out of you and back into the aether from which you pulled it.

This is a good ritual to perform daily to exercise your magickal muscles.

***FINAL NOTE: This mustve been the original version but you get the jist of it. Feel free to alter as you see fit. This is the base form of this rite.


The goal is to escape Tiamat. But we are Tiamat.

What to do then?

De-Tiamat yourself.

Most Double up on Tiamat who touch upon the river.

They poison the waters.



Once the river is tapped into, this is when you given responsibility. How do you direct the waters? How do you "flavor" the water, and who do you nourish with those "flavored" waters?




Very ancient bump


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This thread is an enkisend. The old gods of Sumer landed on my lap and they've been leading me, place to place, to learn more about them. Is this what synchronicity is?

Thanks for all of the info brothers, bump for more.


To be honest the book is rather boring, and not very captivating, and the cheesy intro was a terrible idea. The whole thing feels cheap, like something somebody cobbled together with their knowledge of Lovecraft over a weekend.


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Everything is pointing me to research Sumerian occultism, annunaki, reptilians, Nibiru.

I wonder what's at the end of this pursuit.



this >>55929 and this >>56011



>tfw might be possesed



Bumping an important thread.



Important indeed heh e



The Simon Necronomicon (the version pretty much everyone thinks of when the name Necronomicon is mentioned) is really a compilation of notes from someone who was doing hands on work in regards to the old way. It is definitely a mishmash of Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian and Chaldean lore and ritual.

All the Lovecraftian bullshit in there was, in my humble opinion, put in there purely to garner interest and sell copies. I use the book strictly for the rituals and as a reference for certain rites.

One thing the "Mad Arab" said in the book which does ring true is there is in fact far more to what was laid down in the book. In order to discover these things, you must work the system as laid out in the book. After that point, you will understand the 7 gates were just the beginning, or the process of opening the floodgates of the soul and the mind.



You may come to find out that all we think we know is just what is within the "bubble" we exist within.

Outside the "bubble", one can only guess as to what is without the barrier.

To know the Elder Gods is to take the steps towards being able to defend against that which seeks to destroy the "bubble" we are within.



The master works in interesting ways. Sometimes when were not paying attention he (or others) say things to us via a myriad of means. Over time, you will recognize these messages.

Also remember, when the cup overflows, it is time for a bigger cup.


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I have come to realize the climb up the "Sephirot" was really a climb out of "Qliphoth". Once you hit the Abyss or Daath, the Tree rotates. It is upon these horizontal "Trees" where you go from KIA (Earth) to ANNA (Heaven).

The Abyss (Daath) is a gateway spot. It is the entrance to the "borderlands" between Qliphoth and Sephirot.This domain is vast.


These "Trees" are of Water and Fire. To the right is Water. Once the trials of the waters are complete, you can go into Fire with far lest chance to be engulfed by the fiery flames.



Remember ANNA is wind, and KIA is earth.


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Mesopotamian occultism is Satanic

Enki is Atum/Tammas/Tammuz/Melek Ta'us/EA/Shaitan/Satan



Satanic is to occultism as racist is to the current year.



They were White.


11.3 Questioner: You said yesterday that Maldek was destroyed due to warfare. If Maldek hadn’t destroyed itself due to warfare would it have become a planet that evolved with self-service and would the entities have increased in density, gone on to say the fourth, fifth density in the negative sense or the sense of self-service?

Ra: I am Ra. The planetary social memory complex, Maldek, had in common with your own sphere the situation of a mixture of energy direction. Thus it, though unknown, would most probably have been a mixed harvest — a few moving to fourth density, a few moving towards fourth density in service to self, the great majority repeating third density. This is approximate due to the fact that parallel possibility/probability vortices cease when action occurs and new probability/possibility vortices are begun.





Tammuz is Damuzi, SON OF ENKI

Lumping a bunch of important gods together under one umbrella is definitely a Semitic type thing to do though.

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