OP, no offense, but your problem is that you haven't learned to think for yourself in the truest sense of the word and take your own consciousness in your own hands. You are still interacting with the frequency range of the modern mundane consciousness, which is why you are still operating on a black and white dichotomy with different sources.
You are also being lazy on your own independent research. Getting all your information from something or someone playing the role of primary external source of information is one of the biggest errors human beings can make. In addition, discrediting entire works of something or someone based on a difference of opinion or simply wrong interpretation or even wrong information is another error human beings can make.
>>how much disinformation is on his website
Why don't you find out for yourself? I could make a case for something on his website that I have found to be inaccurate, and I could lead you down that path, but why do you trust me? I could be a disinfo agent myself, so seriously ask yourself what you are asking for with this thread. You want a couple of people to agree with you and say montalk is not for real or tell you he is. But the real answer is that both parties are wrong and right at the same time.
I could give you an opinion on what I feel about montalk's work, but I think it would be more beneficial for you to be taken into the road that leads to thinking for yourself.
But if you must absolute know what another random stranger thinks about montalk, I will say he is an excellent source of information but there is a LOT of speculation in his articles, especially on the gnosis series, but an intelligent person will see this and I am certain montalk makes it clear with his writing that this is his own personal interpretation on the issue and probably encourages you to make your own conclusions following your OWN research.
If you take everything on that website as 100% accurate, you are an idiot and montalk probably doesn't even want you to go on his website.
Books to Read:
Mind Control 101 by Dantalion Jones
The Technicians Guide to the Left-Hand-Path