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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1427617066855.jpg (82.87 KB, 582x396, 97:66, wade22.jpg)




fug, I got spam notification
good get




/sp/ does it again.


This is some cool CSS though.


File: 1427617551934.png (3.57 KB, 140x50, 14:5, 1427611498463.jpg.png)

I must agree


I actually had mentioned how cool the CSS was in my attempt, but I fucked up and got spamblock lol


My other attempt got blocked too where I said something like Wade likes this CSS or something like that.

Smiley are you blocking any new threads mentioning CSS?




File: 1427617695813.jpg (53.38 KB, 528x384, 11:8, 1427608032204.jpg)


It was completely my fault, I saged one too many times, it was just hard to tell and I wasn't sure if anyone would actually post too early.





This is like groundhog day gets. Are we in hell?


whoa, if you put your mouse curser over the "flag" it spins


why arent you using pee pee flag?


I got this one because I am a tripfag



Because technically /undina/ is water fetishism general, just haven't gotten around to posting anything else.

Also frog is worst mene spurdo moar danker


File: 1427618710610.jpg (100.91 KB, 268x400, 67:100, Groundhog_Day_(movie_poste….jpg)

Groundhog day: the gets addition
episode 54 : hell
season 1


File: 1427618725827.jpg (40.45 KB, 331x402, 331:402, butthurt-faggot.jpg)

smileyberg is going to have a fit


I remember back when this board first started I made a legitimate thread, and it was locked and I was banned because it was similar to another thread someone had made




Let him just try and curse me, I'm in great standing with /bane/ themselves and I have nothing to lose anyways.

My getpost was all about the triples loosh I farmed from him on /meta/ way back when and how /bane/ and urolagnia magic were the only real metaphysical powers.

(hi smiley i love you)


The power of GET can be very strong.
It has sent some people into madness.
/int/ for example


Oh fug /sp/ has stolen another one of our GETS.

A GET like this is a momentous occasion and must not be interfered with.

Why would I waste my loosh trying to curse you? I'd still have to learn psychomancy first before I could even do anything to you.


I just assumed you're a master of all forms of weeaboo fightan magic


File: 1427640952637.webm (3.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, sink music.webm)

I fucking hate you /sp/

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