No.3016[Last 50 Posts]
Fedora tippers! Come tip your fedoras in here! Praise science and scepticism, jerk yourselves off to how euphoric you are, debunk everything, and continue to refuse to actually read a grimoar or to understand magick and take up an initiation into occultism, etc.
Keep your fedora nonsense shitposting out of the other threads and come at us in here.
Wizard bros, help me fight the fedora menace in this thread, and convert the mundane filth to the the doctrines of the greenpill!
>he actually believes in maya
>he defends in and has completely accepted the status quo
>he thinks the wizards are just joking around
>he doesn't know the true power of his mind
>he never went far in philosophy
>he doesn't realize he's a pawn of the demiurge
>he's probably an organic portal
>he's actually dumb enough to take psychiatric pills
>he believes in mental illness
>he thinks schizophrenia is bad
>he doesn't know about the alien loosh farmer conspiracy
>he's never seen a FNORD!
>he doesn't know the difference between the spirit and soul
>he probably denies them both
>he rejects the doctrine of reincarnation without reviewing the evidence
>he dismisses everything out of hand and claims there's nothing out there
>he shitposts in wizards threads interrupting their arcane discussions
>he expects proof to just be given to him
>he ignores proof when it is given to him
>he will never meet an alien grey and remember the encounter
>he will never travel the astral planes
>he will never have an undine, ghost girl, or succubus gf
>he will never pull of a successful spell
>he will never conduct a successful ritual
>he will never get into the fringe illuminati secret meetings
>he tips his fedora
What if they are wizards trying to extract loosh from us?
It's grimoire not grimoar, that's a site name. Read this Smiley
>>3031btw can illumined ones be board volunteers or is smiley the only board volunteer?
>>3032This board is being run by feudal lord Smiley alone at present.
>>3024God damned loosh thieves I bet they don't even have a good use for the loosh they're stealing and just want to blow it all on something stupid like their next visit with a succubus.
>tfw I've actually wasted too much loosh that way after so much hardwork collecting it>I took it from mundanes though, not fellow wizards No.3063
bamp for the newest fedora tippers to come around
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This quote here captures a lot of my wizard feels dealing with mundanes and fedoras.
>>3063Dude 30 isn't even a value in the cypher. Fuck it I'm posting the cypher on Illuminati.
I came here to tip my fedora but I tipped it so far it fell off. Now I can see clearly, I will soon replace it with a pointed wizard hat. True SCIENCE! is magic, hail the new dawn. The fedora shall never adorn this head again.
There is more to the world than our eyes can see, fellow distinguished gentlemen, as a former fedora I can guarantee it. My magical practise begins, to /illuminati/ & perhaps beyond. If I can have metaphysical blindness cured by the light of creation, anyone can. No excuses, no reason not to utilise all the power already within you. Realise your potential and be not enlightened by your own intelligence but rather illuminated by your highest self.
>>4484I've seen this code all over fringe. What is it used for?
If /fringe/ knowledge is the truth, how come modern medicine can successfully heal people, and how come people can be manipulated by altering the brain physically, for example by lobotomy?
I wasn't going to reply to this, but I'm feeling a little combative at the moment so why not.
>he actually believes in maya
holographic universe bruh
>he defends in and has completely accepted the status quo
fuck nah, mainstream closeminded edgelords piss me off
>he thinks the wizards are just joking around
no, I think they're more or less on the right track but they have to come up with stupid names for everything and make it look all fancy-schmancy for no good reason
>he doesn't know the true power of his mind
sure I do, that's why I'm a scientist
>he never went far in philosophy
farther than most
>he doesn't realize he's a pawn of the demiurge
I am a pawn to none except the relentless march of scientific determinism, as are you and everyone else
>he's probably an organic portal
depends on what you mean by 'organic portal'
>he's actually dumb enough to take psychiatric pills
bullshit, I don't touch them, they're pure poison
>he believes in mental illness
not as such, only deviations from the standard (which in and of itself is highly subjective and arbitrary, not to mention stupid)
>he thinks schizophrenia is bad
nope, I think 'sanity' is bad
>he doesn't know about the alien loosh farmer conspiracy
not by that description, I sure as hell don't
>he's never seen a FNORD!
you've never seen a Calabi-Yau manifold!
>he doesn't know the difference between the spirit and soul
one is force, one is meaning
>he probably denies them both
in name only, consciousness is quite real, as is pure willpower
>he rejects the doctrine of reincarnation without reviewing the evidence
I do no such thing, stop with your filthy wizardfag assumptions
>he dismisses everything out of hand and claims there's nothing out there
au contraire, but there is! far more than you could ever hope to imagine (just not some shitey old space wizard)
>he shitposts in wizards threads interrupting their arcane discussions
only on occasion, usually it's to make comparisons and see if we mean the same thing but are using different descriptions/methods/whatever
>he expects proof to just be given to him
nope, I look for it myself
>he ignores proof when it is given to him
not if it's actual empirical evidence or even a sound theory, I don't
>he will never meet an alien grey and remember the encounter
perhaps not, but that proves nothing in and of itself
>he will never travel the astral planes
if by astral planes you mean dimensionally and/or spatially incongruent regions of the multiverse, then I sincerely hope you're wrong because I have PLANS
>he will never have an undine, ghost girl, or succubus gf
who needs those when I can have an AI gf?
>he will never pull of a successful spell
you will never master FTL travel, EM weaponry, or any form of fusion
>he will never conduct a successful ritual
you will never colonise another planet, construct an orbital elevator or dyson sphere, or build and ignite new stars
>he will never get into the fringe illuminati secret meetings
you will never understand M-theory
>he tips his fedora
I only tip waiters and waitresses (10% minimum)
it really speaks volumes of you, OP, to assume that every single person arguing for science - especially fringe science - is a fedora. All I want is to spend an eternity exploring the many layers and variations of all existence in a mechano-computerised probe-body, discovering new knowledge and gaining new wisdom and understanding.
>>5866>modern medicine>good at actually curing peopleOh lawd you really think that?
>>5867There is no need to be combative; I don't believe this thread was intended for you. Based on your response, you don't appear to be a fedora tipper; you seem to be here to learn or discuss fringe related ideas that the "average scientist" would quickly dismiss (or even judge you for thinking in what appears to be a strange way). The fact that you are even on this board indicates that you realize there are aspects of human consciousness that cannot be adequately explained by modern science- thus these areas are very subjective in nature, and we can only describe them based on personal experiences (and those of others). Despite our inability to objectively prove these concepts with present-day technology, it would be wrong to dismiss the concept entirely as a product of imagination or insanity. The fedora tippers this thread refers to are the ones who refuse to expand their boundaries and are merely polluting the other threads.
>>5876Thank you for a reasonable reply, based wizard, and I apologise for my combativeness. I was decried as a fedora somewhat recently, so I am feeling a little testy. Are there any other /fringe/ scientists here, or am I alone amongst a sea of the arcane?
Because that would be lonely, but kind of fitting, I suppose.
>>5868can confirm this(med school), the most medicine can do after you are 40 or something is delay symptoms but barely treats anything
meds have so many side-effects I'm personally scared of them
surgeries can go all sorts of wrong and it's just controlled butchering for the most part(I had 8 surgeries when I was little)
they do save lives, no one can deny it, but it can never actually completely cure something
>>5867Holy shit a reasonable /sci/entist. Now I've seen fucking everything.
>>5877>5876I wrote this. I'm studying biomedical engineering at the undergraduate level at the moment; I'm trying to pursue a career in biomedical research. Despite this, I am an actively practicing occultist. I assume there are other scientist/occultists on this board as well.
>>5877Chemistry undergraduate here. I only do it to live with modern society, though. At least until shit hits the fan or when I'm ready to live somewhere else, physically or not.
Are you acquainted with Hermeticism? There are reasons why it gets named the Divine Science.
>>5879I will admit I am wrong about things when evidence is presented. Apparently that is almost unheard of, despite being an important part of being a scientist.
>>5880Well, when someone says the shoe fits….
>>5882>>5889Good to know I'm not entirely alone here. No, I'm not acquainted with hermeticism. I'll have to look into it, I suppose.
>>5877Biology Undergrad inna UK.
I've always been interested in the occult and science.
>>5867Holy shit, what a based scientist.
/fringe/, if there is a god, how come the universe(which has a total energy of zero due to its euclidean geometry) was created ex nihilo by quantum fluctuations?
Check and mate!
(Apart from the silliness in this post, how do occultists explain this? Does it merely relate to the "forming" of the third, second and first density? As i understand it, the densities are eternal and so is the universe according to gnosis/hermetics)
>>6548Kabbalah is literally a magic system based off of the idea of everything coming out of the void and being manifested into reality.
As for hermetics (or at least the Kybalion version of them), it doesn't deny the void, but rather says that it is not as it appears. The kybalion talks a lot about vibration and claims that the void is at such a high vibration it appears to be still, but that its level of energy is actually incredibly huge.
I guess you could think of it kind of like the vacuum catastrophe.
>>6548The universe itself is our god and the universe is eternal and uncreated.
>>6632But that's wrong, you silly goose!
>>6654If the universe is not eternal and was created then something created it which is eternal. That thing would be rightly called God.
New to all this but i am curious and open. I see things posted in here claims of extraordinary things. is there a place i might go where I could witness others preform these feats? Or is there a simple demonstartion I can do with my self that would convince me enough to persue the interworkings of what happened?
Of all the occult communities I've been apart of/lurked, this one is the least critical of sources, and seems to take montalks theories as truth. Whereas in any other occult community you'll have active criticism of even the main occult celebrities(crowley, regardie, etc). Which lead me to believe that /fringe/ is very small, and somewhat circle-jerky.
>>9858>no criticism of crowley hereThat fat faggot degenerate was worthless scum. Thelema is trash.
>he rejects the doctrine of reincarnation without reviewing the evidence
lol, what evidence. There are zero peer-reviewed studies supporting this doctrine.
>>4482I suppose it would be rude of me to point out that all Galvani found was that nerves carry electricity, right?
>>9858>active criticism of even the main occult celebrities(crowley, regardie, etc)We criticize the shit out of those losers constantly.
>>9895*tips fedora of ignorance*
Do you even iisis?
>>9916>implying IISIS conducts any studies>still ignoring the fact that you cant directly link a single study that shows evidence of reincarnationSure is retarded here. Saying that the poorly made website is somehow a substitute for rigorous peer-reviwed studies is like saying that the Randi challenge is absolute proof that nothing outside of what we know exists.
>>9923Have you read the reincarnation thread and the books in there yet?
As an outsider to /fringe/ and an old /x/phile who has been alienated from these boards in the recent years I just thought I'd pop in and share some thoughts about what initially made me spend less and less time on paranormal boards. You guys would probably call me a fedora, because I'm generally skeptic if there's no proof, but I assure you I've always been and always will be open to change my views and I don't dismiss anything outright.
The main issue I see is that there's a lot of prejudice, hypocrisy and arrogance which you guys might not realize. Categorizing everyone who doesn't think like you into stereotypes is the same shit these fedoras would do, just a different flavor. When someone asks for proof I often see people claim that "no proof would be enough for you" or "we already gave you proof but you don't accept it", but you have to realize that people are different and what goes for proof is not the same for everyone. These people are often sincerely searching for answers but just want to be absolutely sure before they base their worldview on something.
It really makes me sad when people start throwing around *tips fedora* and just call it a day. It feels like trying to deflect questions you can't answer when it's done all the time and it doesn't help dialogue or build bridges, it only tells people that you either have to believe everything or you can get the fuck out.
I don't consider myself a fedora, I think the stereotype/meme is stupid and reeks strawman and I'm still honestly interested in /fringe/ topics and willing to change my views if there's evidence for something. At the moment the general attitude of the userbase is just somewhat off-putting, which is a shame.
>>10275Thank you.
There is a lot of prejudice and arrogance here, and, now that you mention it, it really strikes me as odd considering that the people here should aim to perfect themselves and "turn vices into virtues"; calling-by-names is not virtuous. And making and using stereotypes is not really wise. However, there's place for growth and I am an optimist. Do note that /fringe/ is a young community, and quite spectacular in it's agenda; there is, however, a lot of work to be done to improve it.
On proof, then, this is a tricky one. I feel the best proof would be the one that you would experience yourself, however, it would take time and actual interest from the one-who-wants-proof to earn the proof. This is a fact. I understand your view, but it cannot be helped that one needs "to do to see".
However, I wish to compile some basic practices that people could try out, maybe basic energy-work so that a seed of thought saying, "There might be something to it," will start to grow.
To say, I hope you will hang around here and read the material people here have gathered. It has improved my being and I refuse to quit.
It is spellt "madgucc," ewe pleb.
> tips ten gallon fedora
>>10275Thanks friendly skeleton.
Everyone who "believes" in magic probably has had a peculiar experience that set him on this path, or has accumulated enough "fringe" knowledge over the years to make him believe.
And then the occasional "fedora" comes here, with no occult or paranormal background, with an absolute bias against everything "irrational" and demands to be proven "magick is real" in one post. That can't be done.
And you can't even condense all the knowledge which changed your mind that you accumulated over the years into a single thread.
This stuff is not for the casual "wonder-seeker", the curious guy that comes here to find out how to create a tulpa-anime-waifu or learn "how2summon succubus guise". While that may be the reson you are attracted to magic in the first place, you will soon discover there's much more.
This is a self-developement path, and the people who are serious about it and who are putting their time into studying and exercising are justified when they call the stupid "skeptic" that's not willing to listen a fedora.
However you are right, some people here are awfully arrogant, and that's surprising to me, considering the path of the magician is all about self-improvement.
>>10275I don't start posting /fringe/ stuff in /sci/ and /sci/ /atheism/ /fedora/ shouldn't start shitposting in fringe.
Nobody takes someone spouting nonsense at /sci/ and sits them down to explain why they are full of shit. it is just ban on site for good reason.
It's because it makes the board unejoyable, and quagmires discussion for those who wish to use it. If these visitors want questions answered or resources to start leaning so they ca participate /fringe/ has made it available for them.
>>10284Arrogance is a trait I INTENTIONALLY cultivate and whenever someone tries to attack the ego or whatever I try my absolute hardest to be as arrogant as I can push myself to be without overdoing it.
I am simply infinitely better than you in all ways.
Deal with it.
>>10275I'm sincerely interested in developing my powers, I have shown some of my powers to a few people and greenpilled them, but every single time I ever come onto an imageboard there is ALWAYS a new fedora asking for proof. If I took my time and energy away from my own self-development as a magician and put all towards proving magick for these fedoras (often for them to just dismiss it anyways after the fact) then I will never get better as a magician.
The amount of work I put into a major magical operation may involve hours of meditation, changing my diet to eat a certain way, collecting energy, etc. just to prepare for the ritual I do and might take an ENTIRE WEEK to complete.
Meanwhile fedoras want on-the-spot proof, don't seem to understand what I'm sacrificing time, energy, and possible money too in order to make my magick work, and think they deserve to have a proof given.
Just fucking do it yourself. All the material you need to get started is here. Fedoras never want to actually read shit and do anything for themselves though.
>>10275>>10279Hey fedoras.
Magick is not real.
I spend all day reading about it, meditating, practising, etc. for no reason at all.
I just like to waste my time!
Now go away; there's nothing to see here and no reason we believe in any of this and dedicate so much of our lives to it.
Oh and btw,
>casting pearls before swine>wise>wasting your time on others instead of enabling your own ascent>wise>using stereotypes>not efficient>calling-by-names>implying you don't need to stop being butthurt and leaking loosh so easy that mere labels set you offkthxbai
and thanks for the loosh mundanes. No.10291
>>10287>Arrogance is a trait I INTENTIONALLY cultivateWhy?
>>10291…because my default state is the very opposite of it, total lack of confidence, not sure of anything, very polite, never offend. It takes a lot of effort for me to be as much of a big jerk as I can be.
Also another thing – enlightened people do not necessarily coddle you and behave nicely to you. What matters in emotional alchemy is NOT behaving a certain way but rather whether you are doing so by impulse or reaction or if you're doing it mindfully and willfully.
A person who decides to behave angrily towards you vs a person who gets angry with you uncontrollably are quite different.
One "can't help his behaviour" and "doesn't want to get angry but his emotions get the better of him". The other "intentionally decides to express an emotion" and "commands his emotions, rather than his emotions commanding him".
I should note too that I am completely above emotion in the sense that many people "want to be happy, do things to be happy, seek out happiness". I don't. I have no aversion to the negative emotions, no attraction to the positive ones. They are completely at my disposal to use as my will.
So some days I decide "today I am going to be sad" I make all my interactions with others reflect the emotion I chose. Other days I decide "I will be angry today". Another "I will be excited today, I will do everything with passion". Another "I will be happy, I will see everything as funny". Some days I decide I will respond to everyone that posts anything to me, others I decide I will only respond to a certain type and ignore say "insults" or ignore "compliments" another time.
…and I really like what I do. I am in love with all emotions. I love having these experiences. I love to be angry, and to cry, and to giggle, and feel feels with others. Every part of my life is my magnum opus, a beautiful series of experiences, I see beauty in everything.
I also see it the other way too. I examine everything from every bias, taint, perspective, whatever possible. I'll look at a really beautiful woman and thing oh how disgusting and do the same for food and a bunch of other things. I'll look at really ugly, disgusting, etc. things and think the opposite. Then I'll reset myself to appreciating beauty, and being disgusted with what is disgusting, etc.
Altogether I embody so many things at once and I feel that in pursuing this it brings me closer to God for God does all things at once and is responsible for all things, all the love and the hate, all the joy and despair; everything.
>>10290At last the mundane goyim know the truth. We are all spending every second of our lives roleplaying you dull fools. Nothing more to see here, move along, get back in line and put your head down.
>>10290>>10295I knew it! Now that this is official, I can return to my mundane life, go to work, watch television, and die as an atheist!
Thanks, /fringe/! :)
>>10295You're a wonderful roleplayer. For a moment I actually thought you were an adult who believed magick was real.
Might as well say it… The whole being farmed thing seems like the plot of a bad sci fi movie. The alien races are laughable, specially the ones that look like fucking mantises, why? If they are so advanced why the hell would they look like that, they cant even press a button or use any tools with those arms… The greys, why do they have such stupid big heads? It'd be a problem to move around with such a big thing on your shoulders, again, reminds me of bad sci fi. It defies simple logic, these creatures look like monsters that arise from peoples imagination.
I lurked moltak, read a book that sums up the whole farming deal and briefly mentions the alien races towards the end but it gives zero evidence.
Is this the same theory David Ike stands for? It looks pretty much like it. Honestly, I think is just disinfo. But I have an open mind and Im willing to listen to what people have to say about the subject.
>>10359>>10419>>10295So you speak of 'roleplay' and 'superstition'… Let me ask…
Isn't everyone a roleplayer in the end?
>Atheists roleplay as if they were the only flesh and bone, they either worship money and/or an obtuse notion of knowledge. Some may even accept the dogma of mainstream science, which is just as 'canonic' as religion. Just as the obviously false notion of progress and progressism.
>Those who believe in organized religion will worship dogmas and they will imprison themselves in them, sugar-coating their beliefs and/or institutions with glints of 'charity', 'progress' and above all, a pseudo moral sense of 'good'.
>Yet there are other 'roleplayers' who are independent, and seek to rise above all else not for egoic conquests, but for a variety of purposes pure enough to transcend the 'barriers' of the shallow shade of reality we live in.Each seeks different things, plain simple. If you want to place yourselves next to religious zealots who preach to materialism or nihilism be my guests.
…But not in /fringe/.
We don't usually moderate replies in threads. But continuous spamming needs to stop.
>>10448>The whole being farmed thing seems like the plot of a bad sci fi movie.It is a combination of factors observed at multiple levels of density.
If you care about the greys' heads so much you put too much attention in what your eyes see, regardless of how trivial that is.
There isn't going to be a book with detailed pictures about this. There aren't going to be mainstream disciplines who will study and denounce this. At least not in the inmediate future.
You also can't expect to find all truths in written down in books. Or written down at all, for that matter.
>>10448You're not getting it.
>>10455Please don't moderate replies, I don't give a shit if a whole thread becomes 100 LOL BUTTHURTs in a row. It's just when they create new threads that knock off old threads that's annoying.
>>5867ok, fedora tipper here ,so
>he defends in and has completely accepted the status quo>he thinks the wizards are just joking aroundit depends on what kind of wizards
>he doesn't know the true power of his mindnobody knows
>he never went far in philosophyit depends on what can counts as far
>he doesn't realize he's a pawn of the demiurgefeels bad ,man
>he's probably an organic portalyep,can't astral project for sure
>he thinks schizophrenia is badnot that bad, it just gives amn a way stronger intellegens ,but the cost is preatty high
>he doesn't know about the alien loosh farmer conspiracyheard, and thats bullshit
>he rejects the doctrine of reincarnation without reviewing the evidence>he dismisses everything out of hand and claims there's nothing out therenot really, I kinda believe in them
>he's actually dumb enough to take psychiatric pills>he believes in mental illness>he's never seen a FNORD!>he doesn't know the difference between the spirit and soul>he actually believes in mayayep, please enlighten me
>>10712>yep, please enlighten meYou should learn how to write properly first.
sorry 4 the ad hominem bro No.10807
>>10455Difference is, science is actually verifiable by independent sources, and no one with the least bit of skepticism would take a study at face value before it has been replicated by a third party. It admits corrections and if new evidence shows up, it revises the old theory to accommodate the new discoveries.
You live in a world of make believe and pretend that this makes you a seeker of the truth. There is a large gap there.
Have you not wondered to why 90% of this board claimed to be a NEET, homeless or working on minimum wage on a thread? Or why we have a thread about depression on top of the page? Or why the board owner is a kissless virgin who believes he fights aliens with a katana?
These are not people discovering reality, these are people escaping from it.
**>inb4 fedora
>inb4 I'm escaping reality to go to a better place,which is totes real not a work of my imagination at all** No.10817
>>10807But are you sure reality is what you think it is? Are you sure you're not living an illusion of objectivity?
If the world is really a shithole with no purpose like scientists would like us to believe, why shouldn't we "escape reality"?
What is the value of "truth" and higher ideals in a mechanical/material world?
After all, at the end of the day everyone's going to die and rot, so why bother?
>to make people's life betterWhy? So you can live this "illusion of consciousness created by our brains" a little longer? What is it that makes you want to live longer? You don't want to die, do you?
>i-it-it's just muh self preservation instinct dictated by my selfish genesGenes don't dictate anything, they only code for protein. Or are you suggesting genes have a will of their own?
>no, they have no will obviously, they just tell the body [?] how to make the brain. instincts are a byproduct of the evolution of the brain: if an animal has a self-preservation instinct, he has better chances of surviving, reproducing and evolvingBut why would an organism survive and reproduce and evolve? Why should an organism strive to be better if, at the end of the day, the species is going to be extinct?
>because his genes want him to do soI thought genes had no will of their own?
You see, materialists live in a material world but like to act and think with higher ideals in mind. The very scientists that are making these claims are driven by the noble nonmaterial purpose of discovering the “truth”. What is that drives things to be better? What is that drives atoms to form molecules instead of chilling on their own? The thing that drives molecules to form cells instead of being useless lumps of elemental particles? The thing that drives cells to form organisms, tissues, colonies?
It seems that constant evolution is a “rule” of this world. Are you going to tell me that this rule is material?
See, we are not just escaping reality and deluding ourselves, we're really trying to learn something, we're trying to learn more about this “rule” that pervades every aspect of our lives, and yet that everyone seems to take for granted. We are trying to do this and more. We are not rejecting the objective laws of the universe, that would be foolish.
Are you suggesting we should do what everyone else does, not question the scientific authority, and keep being good slaves with a high salary?
If Smiley wants to fight aliums with his trusty katana, does anyone have the right to stop him? He's surely happier in his "delusion" than some office worker with a shitty family and no hobby besides watching TV.
Remember kids, science is good for figuring out physical laws, and nothing else. It shouldn't step into other people's fields. It shouldn't try to reduce everything to atoms, That is just plain arrogance. No wonder the greatest scientists were “occultists” too.
>>1081710/10 great post.
>What is that drives things to be better? What is that drives atoms to form molecules instead of chilling on their own? The thing that drives molecules to form cells instead of being useless lumps of elemental particles? The thing that drives cells to form organisms, tissues, colonies?Consciousness. Our consciousness forms out bodies and the world around us. The consciousness of us humans, the consciousness of animals, and the consciousness of the often unseen entities. There exists the conscious and the conscious-formed.
>>10817lol, so much pseudointelectualism……….
face it, magick aint real, if it was it would be all over the news and someone would have already won Randi's 1 million dollars. stop this fantasy and go get a job.
>>10853>lol sry i didnt understand ur post bro, get a job, i dont have time to "think with my own mind" and all that bullcrap… whatever ill just go jerk off and watch some tvMan, you are so pathetic it hurts. And I'm sorry for you, really.
At least have the decency not to respond if you can't come up with a good reply…
>Undine gf
>Ghost girl gf
>Succubus gf
d-does that mean it's possible to get a monster girl gf ;_;
>>10868what other types of qt monster grills are there then
>>10868>>10870It's a big hyperdimensional multiverse out there man. If you can imagine it, it's probably out there.
>>10817Half of your reply is to things I never said. It seems like you're arguing with what you think everyone believes, not with the points I actually made, but I'll address some of what you said.
>If Smiley wants to fight aliums with his trusty katana, does anyone have the right to stop him? He's surely happier in his "delusion" than some office worker with a shitty family and no hobby besides watching TV.No, he's is free to live in his delusion. But as I mentioned, many wizards seem to experience depression, Smiley included, so I dont think running away from reality is a definitive solution for your problems or a way to achieve lasting happiness.
>It seems that constant evolution is a “rule” of this world. Are you going to tell me that this rule is material?Evolution is not a rule, it's a phenomena. And yes, there is nothing paranormal about it. Organismsstrive to survive simply because they are biologically programmed to do so. Those who weren't, died. Same thing with adaptations, organisms mutate, the less fit to the environment cant reproduce/die, the others pass their genes along. It's not really that complicated and you fail to grasp some basic concepts of evolution.
>Are you suggesting we should do what everyone else does, not question the scientific authority, and keep being good slaves with a high salary?I suggest that you stop bullshitting yourselves. Always verify scientific studies and theories that you base your views on, I've read dozens of bullshit studies with either polls too small, cherry-picking data, investments from interested parties etc.
>Why? So you can live this "illusion of consciousness created by our brains" a little longer? What is it that makes you want to live longer? You don't want to die, do you?We all have our own purposes in life. I personally like it. Illusion or not, existing is amusing. And yes, genes play a part on that. People largely overrate how good their life is, and I believe the reason for that is because pessimists die more often, favoring people with genes that stimulate optimism.
You seem to have large missconceptions about what science is and how evolution works. For someone who prides himself in searching for the truth, I expected you to be more informed about what you critique.
Of course, if you can find a study reviwed by a third party or some other form of hard evidence of the existence of magic, I'll agree with you.
>>10853Quoting Randi as if it were proof of anything is so ridiculous that I think you're a wizard trying to make sane people look bad.
>>10807>believes he fights aliens with a katanaWell, I was going to respond to seriously until I read that, now I know you're more interested in making shit up than discerning what actual reality is. He doesn't have a katana and he doesn't fight anything with any sort of swords.
…and occultism attracts broken and depressed people because healthy people are content with life and don't need to search for solutions. However, what are you to say about those occultists who after awhile do achieve ascent and become powerful and healthy people?
Most of the depressed broken people are young.
>>10877Hey faggot fedora, ontological randomness does not exist, and probabilities are predicated upon incomplete information of a system; in absolute reality nothing is random and all things are subject to causality.
"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law." — The Kybalion. (Hermetic Axiom 6)
Your theory of evolution is incomplete as it requires ontological randomness which does not exist in this universe. You should just accept this model instead: saying that organisms survive if they have adaptive behaviour is not a full explanation of what's going on. It's an overly simplified explanation that misses the point.
Also just so you know occultism has its own theory of evolution which I shall post next.
Also, there's nothing paranormal or supernatural about magick.
Oh and btw you seem to think genes are the be all end all of determining how you'll develop but are you not aware of the evidence concerning the elimination of genetic diseases from hypnosis as well as certain diseases appearing and disappearing in people with MPD as their personalities switch out?
Fuck I don't have my program for copying texts out of PDFs without the text being fucked.
Just open up a copy of The Arcane Teachings and read Lesson VI.
>>10881>Oh and btw you seem to think genes are the be all end all of determining how you'll develop but are you not aware of the evidence concerning the elimination of genetic diseases from hypnosis as well as certain diseases appearing and disappearing in people with MPD as their personalities switch out?I dont think genes are the only determining factor for everything, I said they stimulate certain behaviors. But post the studies you mentioned, they sound interesting.
>Hey faggot fedora, ontological randomness does not exist, and probabilities are predicated upon incomplete information of a system; in absolute reality nothing is random and all things are subject to causality. Your theory of evolution is incomplete as it requires ontological randomness which does not exist in this universeCitation needed for all of that. You do have sources backing your claims that there is no true randomness anywhere and that true randomness is somehow necessary for evolution right :^) ? Otherwise you'd just be talking out of your ass about things you barely understand.
>Also, there's nothing paranormal or supernatural about magick.Good thing we agree on this, the rest of the board seem to think they have superpowers.
>>10879>about those occultists who after awhile do achieve ascent and become powerful and healthy people?Good for them. Depends on what you define as powerful, but yes, "magical" practices have helped people with mental disorders in the past, even though there is nothing supernatural about them. Laveys satanism is based upon that.
>He doesn't have a katana and he doesn't fight anything with any sort of swords>>8133 No.10895
>>10890Prove ontological randomness exists. Nobody has ever been able to do it. I don't think we should blindly believe you that ontological randomness is a property of this universe when absolutely nobody can prove it and all evidence and philosophical argumentation is to the contrary.
>>10890>Good thing we agree on this, the rest of the board seem to think they have superpowers.The superpowers exist you fedora faggot. They're just natural and have a cause and an explanation; everything that EVER happens is natural. "Supernatural" is just a retarded fedora fallacy to dismiss all magick by redefining magick to "that which is not possible aka bullshit" when in reality magick IS possible and NOT bullshit.
>>10890Why don't you read the posts that #8133 is a response to and realize that guy is NOT smiley?
Smiley: Why the fuck would you actually spend money on a fucking sword? FFS that's autistic as fuck.
Anon: I needed a sword so I bought one. Quite simple, really.
Anon2: >I needed a sword
Anon: I had things that needed to be cut. They were too big for my knives. I will say no more.
^ anon is obviously not Smiley
>>10895I'm not trying to prove it exists, you claimed it didn't so the burden of proof is on you.
You said that:
>evolution depends on ontological randomnessand
>ontological randomness doesnt existFor your argument to be valid you need to provide evidence that validate both of those points, which you haven't. I wont even get into the whole true randomness thing but the idea that we evolution is not compatible with a deterministic universe is laughable.
>>10897So, to clear it up, you're claiming that the guy in this pic >>7553 isn't smiley?
The way I see things from a scientific point of view.
Either consciousness is a product of the universe and a consequence of our method of deterministic rationality.
Or consciousness is a force separate from other forces originating in a yet unknown dimension.
The first case necessitates symmetry breaking from external universes. And if our symmetry is broken in this manner it is widely assumed by physicists without any evidence that it must be made by the fundamental forces we already understand such as gravity. But never will they consider there might be other forces not quantified in our universe breaking the symmetry such as consciousness. The science is biased towards familiarity without any evidence.
>>10896Sure they do superman :^)
>>10890>the rest of the board seem to think they have superpowers.I don't think 'super'powers is the right way to put it, it's more like abilities we all have and are capable of utilizing with enough training or awareness. Giants raised by pygmies and all that.
Just my 2 cents anyway, we seem to have reached the part of the argument where both sides are just interested in insulting each other.
>>10900>So, to clear it up, you're claiming that the guy in this pic >>7553 isn't smiley?Why do you intentionally misconstrue and misunderstand everything are you just retarded or intentionally manipulative?
No; I claim that the guy you quoted is some other anon that has a sword and that Smiley himself doesn't use a sword for fucking anything besides once posing with a decorative sword to mock a guy on /b/ years like he said.
>>10905Speaking of swords btw… magicians tied to the Golden Dawn do use them a lot in ritual.
>>10900>muh burden of proofNobody has to accept your original claims concerning evolution when you haven't proven the statements you made.
>genes that stimulate optimismIt's funny how you claim we are bullshitting ourselves and then believe this crap.
>hard evidence of the existence of magicWhat do you mean? You are making the extraordinary claim that people have been bullshitting themselves throughout human history practicing the magical arts and shamanism and reporting the sightings of entities like spirits, fairies and demons in every culture.
You are basically ignoring a big part of human civilization and dismissing it as superstition.
>>10919>>10920>>10921Holy shit, an avatarfag has appeared before us
>>10922My wizard hat images are limited.
>>10921is this the moomin wanderer guy?
One day I'm going to draw tons of crossover OC.
File: 1416990186318.jpg (Spoiler Image, 25.47 KB, 634x389, 634:389, New Picture1.jpg)

>>10949shit, I read those books a lot when I was little. Synchronicity much?
>>10955I have 0 interest in hang-gliding and haven't read anything about it at all and yet tonight in the astral I was hang-gliding. Then I come on here and I see this.
*major synchronicity detected*
>>10956If you out of necessity have to add meaning to it, sure.
>>10955nigga thats nice
Does fringe want to buy desert land and turn it into lush farmland using orgonite, someplace where we can farm kush?
>wanting to live anywhere near the equatorI'd rather have an orgonite farm far North or in Antarctica and grow crops whose names I know there.
"I want a series of independent studies and a peer-reviewed paper. If you can actually prove any of that shit, go up and collect your Nobel prize."
>this is what it takes for a Fedora to believe anything remotely occult No.11317
>>11285Post the winning lottery numbers.
>>11285>this is what it takes for anyone who isn't a retard to believe any theory that goes against most of what we knowftfy
I'm a fedora who used to believe in magic but didn't really cast many spells because I was a beta who was afraid. I became a fedora because I claimed that there was no proof of magic.
I'm having second thoughts for some reason. Is there a reliable way to test and see if magic is real? I want to be a wizard still.
How does one become a wizard?
>>12138start studying and meditating
>>12148Cool but where should I start anyway? There's a lot of crap out there, where's the good stuff?
>>12149The Kybalion
Initiation Into Hermetics
Mastering Astral Projection
Read those books and do what it says inside of them. The fringe mega has all of those pdfs.
>>12150He should read the arcane series as well.
>>12150What about The Book of Knowledge from the sticky (It may only be from the old sticky, though)..
That one is pretty cool
Though.. The Kybalion should be the first book read.
>he's actually dumb enough to take psychiatric pills
I recently was discharge from an involuntary psychiatric commitance. The doctor said something to the effect of "There something not right here. I can't say what it is and I don't believe anyone can." and then told me what medications he would be having me take. Anti-psychotics he prescribed me for.
That happened.
So I consented to take them I guess because the background entities who influence me wanted me to and I didn't see the harm. I've taken them, reviewed the effects, and feel I understand at more than half of there effects.
They weakened my aura, making my susceptible to attacks from background entities, made me restless, and weakened my control of my muscles. I was bright, calm, clearheaded, and coherent off the meds. On them I was stiff, spasming, restless, and susceptible to influence. It also negatively effected my speech.
The healthcare system is for lining greedy people's pockets and an outlet for people of hate to bring other people low. Full truth. There is no other reason it exists.
>>12200>the anti-psychotics weakened my aura!That means they're working you fucking nut
>>12206You don't know what you're talking about.
I just arrived here and everything seems like a load of bullshit.
>>12254Well, I'm sorry, you're wrong.
Do not expect us to spoonfeed you with "proof" and shit though.
>>12254Thank you don't come again.
>>3016what the hell is a maya
>>12255You are not better either since you are equally hostile to people who don't want instantly accept yours truth. But I guess you are fed up so its understandable.
Well its okay I'm willing to read materials posted on this board, and its not like the first time I encountered this sort of stuff. Though I don't see myself accepting what these books say anytime soon, and applying their 'knowledge', as you'd have to believe in first place to expect anything no? Like take it seriously. So they are only cultural artifacts to me.
>>12261"I don't believe but you can convince me. Maybe. *wink wink nudge nudge*"
"Reveal to me your beliefs and I might change mine *wink wink nudge nudge*"
You're being patronizing. You're bad. Believe or believe-not. Don't use the energy of other people to think for yourself. Approach subjects sincerely or not at all. You have approached us insincerely. This is the response one of your ilk (a type of people or things similar to those already referred to.) gets.
>>12265>This [and those] is the response one of your ilk (a type of people or things similar to those already referred to.) gets…in any kind of insular place.
>>12261>I'm willing to read materials posted on this board> Though I don't see myself accepting what these books say anytime soon, and applying their 'knowledge', as you'd have to believe in first place to expect anything no? Like take it seriouslyWell, it sounds like it would be a big waste of time for you then, no offence. If you were seriously looking to change your viewpoint in these issues, why not suspend you disbelief, even if it's for half hour a day at most, and do some of the many exercises posted around here? If you're looking at all this material purely from a entertainment angle you'd be better served reading RPG supplements.
>If you were seriously looking to change your viewpoint in these issues, why not suspend you disbelief
>If you are seriously looking to find the truth, why not stop all racional and critical thinking and mindlessly believe all the horseshit I'm telling you to read
>inb4 le fedora tipping maymay
>>12848You don't seem to appreciate the difference between believing and not disbelieving. When a scientist wants to test a hypothesis he assumes it and then seeks contradictory evidence in an attempt to falsify it. The scientist doesn't necessarily believe the hypothesis but if he dismissed it outright he would not be able to investigate its truth or falsehood at all.
>>5867>scientific determinismYour explanation for quantum randomness being?