Astral Travels 10/05/14 (Sun) 05:09:16 No. 967
I stopped posting my astral travels after posting about a hundred or so of them on /astral/ on the old fringe site. Despite that I continue to astral travel very often and most of my reason for not posting is so much shit happens it takes fucking forever to go over it all and I'm not sure what to report on or if anyone actually cares to read my travels. So, a new thread for them; and this time I'm going to focus on specific objectives to carry out in the astral and do and report back on specific things happening there. My primary objectives right now are:1 . Find any entities at all and start talking to them, report back on the conversations, and try to derive esoteric information from them.2. Try to seek the help of entities in going certain places.3. Try to establish nexuses, points that others could meet me at and that I can use as return points, to keep going to specific places in the astral repeatedly.4. Try to remote view, remote influence, and remotely travel to regions of our third density Earth from the astral.5. Avoid entities which get in the way of my objectives, succubus, negs, pissed off wizards whose loosh I stole, etc. If any of you have suggestions or want to find me in the astral or want to report your own activities in wandering the astral planes do so here. Of particular value to me are any astral books I can find and read. I learn new and sometimes astonishing things from them. Although often times the texts are irrelevant to anything and not useful… and once in awhile they are magically protected, such as one time I tried to access a golden book written by angels and got blown the fuck out of the astral and back into third density upon trying to open the book.
10/05/14 (Sun) 21:26:59 No. 1143
Holy fuck that was horrible. I saw terrible things in the astral planes, things I do not want to retell here. Sorry but I'm not recording that, fuck.
10/06/14 (Mon) 22:21:34 No. 1474
>be in the astral >forget who I am >somehow end up in some period where they've got these long-barrelled guns, petticoats, they have a bunch of older accents, they're all got lances, and a few soldiers actually wear knight's armour and wield things like crossbows >fighting in some really big house / manor thing, its courtyard, and its premises
10/06/14 (Mon) 22:27:11 No. 1475
>>1143 can you give me advice to travel?
10/06/14 (Mon) 23:35:30 No. 1497
>>1475 I use a fuckload of different techniques.
The most efficient means would be to build a nexus point, achieve split consciousness, or create a thoughtform in your room that is capable of pulling you out of your body for you.
You're going to need to practise a lot of meditation for all the senses.
IIH helps a lot, thoughtforming practises help a lot, the numbers thing works really well especially if you make the numbers 3D and spin them around, trying to sit up in your body without actually moving your body works, Robert Bruce's texts will cover pretty much everything too.
10/07/14 (Tue) 03:00:02 No. 1539
>>1143 How terrible? You can't tease us like that
10/07/14 (Tue) 03:05:27 No. 1540
>>1539 agreed i want to know if you somehow wandered into silent hill or something, i mean thoughts if given strength create things? coldnt the ambient fear and such about silent hill create it in some distant corner of the plane, but im inexperienced with astral so this is just conjecture….
10/07/14 (Tue) 03:28:42 No. 1546
>>1539 >>1540 No far worse than either of you are thinking, severely depraved, severely disturbing.
10/07/14 (Tue) 08:35:26 No. 1583
>>1546 Worst shit I've seen was a disease covered black dude face-fucking some wound covered, jaw-hanging-by-a-tendon guy, becoming disgusted by the act and then murdering the person while screaming. Was in some disease filled, piss covered alleyway.
10/07/14 (Tue) 10:13:43 No. 1597
>>1583 That's pretty bad but this manages to still be worse.
10/08/14 (Wed) 20:57:26 No. 1919
Creepy/fucked up astral thread? >Be me>About to enter astral >Fuck I love this feeling >Suddenly realize something terrible >Blown back to third density >Shoot upright gasping for air >Panicking >My only thought is "I have to tell him" >Realize I don't know what I have to tell or who to tell it to >Realize I've completely forgot whatever it was that spooped me
10/09/14 (Thu) 06:38:49 No. 2055
>>1998 Should of made it clearer that there was legitimate panick and the thought that I knew something fucking terrible
10/09/14 (Thu) 07:33:17 No. 2061
>>1583 Maybe someone's a total edgelord on the other side. That sounds like a Hell someone would imagine to torture their enemies in.
10/09/14 (Thu) 12:47:03 No. 2116
I might have had my first conscious astral projection, not too long ago. I had woken up. I lied on my bed and then I just disconnected from my body. It took me some time to realize that I was bouncing across my room, aimlessly. It was dark so I didn't see where I was going; however, I tried to bounce from the wall and go out of my window, but I failed. I hit the wall and bounced back. It all lasted about 10 seconds, and then I returned to my body and fell asleep.
10/09/14 (Thu) 13:07:14 No. 2118
>>1919 i feel like you were supposed to tell me anon
10/11/14 (Sat) 02:48:28 No. 2541
File: 1412995708066.jpg (103.83 KB, 773x1034, 773:1034, nurgle_never_looked_so_goo….jpg )
OP back from the astral again, yet another very long travel, and I'm going to tell you about the most amazing part of it. There was some disease going around infecting people, making them vomit blood, killing them and then re-animating them and making them go to others and infect them too. I was running from them, running through houses, eating other people's food and touching things, and running more as those around may became infected. Eventually an infected man caught up with me though and confronted me. At this point I was pretty much fucked. I didn't want to vomit up blood and have weird growths out of my neck like them. However at this point an insight came to me. I was not really running from them, I was the eyes and tendrils of the disease, rapidly running through people's homes and infecting them. I was the spiritual form of the disease itself. Everyone around me was becoming infected because I was spotting them, seeking them out unconsciously, and infecting them. I understood why I was touching people's food and other things in the way I had been while running away from myself, I was just spreading myself. So at that point when I came to understand that I was the disease itself, I was welcomed back into the folds of my own being, by mixing with the souls of the infected. This lead to some very grotesque and strange scenes of disfigured beings around me, bone-like protrusions from the necks of some of them, and others looking like sacks of red-fluid that often were attached to diseased trees and me communing with my queen. Metaphorically she was the female part of the disease, represented in the form of a beautiful undead woman, and remiscent of Ebola Chan. I never asked her name unfortunately but she was very playful and loving and shared with me a strong desire to infect and wipe out humanity and also some alien races; indeed there were plans to somehow spread ourselves off-world. I also came out of this travel later thinking my name was "Waytaiko" (WAY-TAY-CO) or something like that, I don't know the exact spelling. I feel like I essentially had the experience of mentally embodying a disease and taking on for awhile all of its mental characteristics. There were more experiences and travels I had but that one was the most fascinating.
10/12/14 (Sun) 22:20:54 No. 3220
>>2541 I don't get it… How is AP different than a waking dream?
10/12/14 (Sun) 23:43:31 No. 3235
>>3220 Have you actually experienced astral, anon? Because if you have, it'd answer your question
10/13/14 (Mon) 00:14:30 No. 3237
>>2541 Good luck Ebola-chan!
10/13/14 (Mon) 04:44:12 No. 3276
I just pissed off a nigger in the astral by saying that Africa would be a prosperous, fertile, produce nation if only it wasn't populated by niggers.
10/13/14 (Mon) 04:45:45 No. 3277
>>3220 It's not. Dreams are all a way to tap into another level of reality and not in any manner isolated to "just the confines of one's own knowledge, all held purely within the head of the person having them, experienced solipsistically".
10/13/14 (Mon) 06:08:01 No. 3310
>wake up, cat is puking on my computer desk >look at the clock and see its 2AM, precisely where I had put the alarm to go off >let the cat outside >fall asleep waiting for the cat >wake up again at 3 (my second alarm) >rush to the door hoping the cat didnt get eaten by coyotes >cat is inside sleeping by my dresser sheeeeeeeeeeit thank you robert bruce
10/13/14 (Mon) 14:20:36 No. 3536
>>3277 but are we morally applicable for thigns we do in our own dreams?
10/13/14 (Mon) 15:03:39 No. 3561
>>3536 Responsible you mean?
Sort of.
Ever been killed, tortured, raped, etc. in a dream?
It's not that big of a deal. It's about on the same moral level as if you were playing a simulation game where you plug-in and are really immersed in the game world and feel and experience it all but ultimately you can disconnect at any time.
Unless you used drugs to get into the astral, then you can't just disconnect so easily, but you can switch planes.
SAGE! 10/13/14 (Mon) 16:10:51 No. 3598
>>967 Scared of ending up blocked forever in the astral
How do you leave the astral
10/13/14 (Mon) 16:38:34 No. 3611
>>3598 bump
I mean, you guys always say "and then I returned to my body". Do you need to manually find the spot where you started or just will yourself to return?
10/13/14 (Mon) 16:43:40 No. 3613
>>3611 no actually it's hard NOT returning to the body
the default distraction leads to that happening
you are tethered too strongly to it, returning is the easiest thing to do and is usually the problem
on the other hand sometimes you get this fearful experience and you can't seem to leave. this is probably because subconsciously you want to finish the experience so you just gotta finish it. but don't worry, you ALWAYS return… eventually
10/13/14 (Mon) 17:10:45 No. 3618
>>3598 I've been trying to leave the shithole world behind for a long time and stay in the astral forever.
If you think you know a way to stay there and not be forced back here after awhile, please tell me, because it's my biggest quest and something I really want to do.
>Do you need to manually find the spot where you started or just will yourself to return?If you even think about your old body at all you're instantly returned to it, if you're disconnected you return to it, if an entity takes too much of your loosh you return to it.
…and it's instant. You don't have to go search out your physical body and then slip into it.
10/13/14 (Mon) 17:56:09 No. 3645
>>3618 One anon said that he's planning to program a tulpa/thoughtform to keep his body in a usable state while his thoughts are in the astral.
It's an awesome idea, but it will take years to implement.
10/16/14 (Thu) 02:17:25 No. 4698
I spent awhile playing soccer in a cinderblock gym building with mats on the walls in some industrial place.
10/16/14 (Thu) 02:29:02 No. 4704
>>967 Today I had no class on uni so I woke up late (something like 8am) and slept a little more, in these 5min of sleep, I had this kinda of meta mini-dream (that's quite common with me, I don't know if it is normal), I woke up in some room that looked exactly like mine but a lot older, like it was part of an ancient mansion or something, replacing my wall clock was a portrait of a man in a suit (that didn't seem familiar at all) and that's all I could see, I was lying on the ancient version of my bed, this dream was somewhat lucid, because I was capable of thinking, or at least listen to my internal voice, and all that it said was:
"I did it, I did it, I fucking did it"
My body was vibrating violently and I couldn't move, I guess that was the objective of my dream alter ego, and I continued.
"Ok, ok, now, just don't think something bad"
And the shit went out of control, violent images began appearing randomly and rapidly as some distorted scream started deafening my ears, I guess that's what you can call a mind rape.
"Wake up, holy shit, I gotta wake up"
After some seconds after repeating this like a mantra in my head, I managed to wake up, not like waking up from a nightmare, but really like I fighted my way back to my body, trying to feel it like "before", strangely conscious that some safe physical reality existed.
That was one of my weirdest dreams I had, no kidding.
10/16/14 (Thu) 10:48:15 No. 4807
>>1474 +
>>4704 holy shit.
10/16/14 (Thu) 11:49:57 No. 4819
OP here was just in the astral again and I put something in my mouth and took it with me into the physical and after coming back into third density I still strongly taste and smell that thing and feel that it is there in my mouth. It was a liquid though so it's not like I could take it out of my mouth afterwards and examine it. It has a buttery popcorn like taste. I also during a few moments of tuning and connecting with random things received an incredibly long and rapid influx of symbols that are completely alien to me, like some alien language, and watched them go by and saw strange sights that look like stuff out of Hindu lore, multi-arms, dancing, strange expressions, etc. Then I felt that aliens of a hostile nature were incoming and started suppressing contact because I don't want to deal with them right now. I also got a message afterwards, in the form of seeing a black screen somewhere, and then words were typed out on it one letter at a time: "It's alright.|" ^ like that, with the vertical bar thing at the end Probably going to return to the astral again in a moment for more.
10/16/14 (Thu) 12:09:07 No. 4823
>>4819 I've always wondered… does everybody in the astral speak English? Or is there some kind of babel-fish force that translates it all for you?
10/16/14 (Thu) 17:44:17 No. 4876
Might as well ask again since question threads are purged now: Astral travelers of /fringe/, how real is AP to you? How do you know that it isn't just an elaborate lucid dream? Do you have full consciousness, can you manipulate matter in our plane, or else obtain verifiable knowledge about our world that you wouldn't have known otherwise? I'm open-minded to AP but I haven't been able to do it myself yet. For all I know, the vivid experiences described on this board could simply be dismissed as dreams or lies. I guess this is the kind of thing you really do have to see for yourself. I look forward to the day it finally happens, but until then it's just a matter of faith. :/ Do you have any encouragement for me, /fringe/?
10/16/14 (Thu) 20:08:51 No. 4889
>>4823 There is functional telepathy, though with the infinite number of astral planes there obviously are planes where they do speak English.
10/17/14 (Fri) 16:22:27 No. 5061
>>4876 I'm in the same position as well.
I hope to astral project as well one day, but for now I need to start lucid dreaming first.
In reading about the WILD technique I found many similarities between it and astral projection/OBE techniques. So there is a lot of overlap between them, but if they are both the same or not I cant say.
I have read that lucid dreams and AP are the same in that both are on astral planes but dreams and lucid dreams are on a different private plane of your own that you can find privacy in or allow others in somehow.
And the astral plane instead is more of a shared plane or series of planes, guided and molded by thought and "vibration". Which is also the afterlife apparently.
I like this idea, but I have not been able to verify it myself yet unfortunately. But it is very attractive.
10/17/14 (Fri) 16:24:29 No. 5063
10/17/14 (Fri) 16:56:33 No. 5073
>>4823 No there's quite a few entities I've come across where we don't know what the fuck either of us are saying. They don't all speak English. Some means of translating is common but not everyone or every plane uses translations. Especially if you're dealing with some entity whose principle means of communication is so far removed from our vocalization-based language that it's hard to translate.
10/17/14 (Fri) 17:03:59 No. 5074
I just spent a whole bunch of time in the astral again and spend a long time jogging around and then swimming and then climbing over ledges, trying to find my way out a huge fucking city, which nobody was allowed to leave or you'd be attacked. So I kept looking for ways out and found a way to sneak out by clinging to the sides of some ummm metal walls or whatever, using the ridges, and trying to avoid the sentinels and cameras. I was extremely exhausted but I managed to get out of there eventually, crawling into some dusty place that was pretty much all white (walls, ceiling, etc. very white), and meeting with a few people there I was trying to get out of there with. They'd open fire on people getting out and there was a lot of fancy astral warfare going on which included stuff like dissolving the surroundings in an area, flinging out yellowish bolts of energy, mind controlling others around you, and so on. I couldn't put up much of a fight myself and was mostly evasive and just trying to avoid trouble. I'm really fucking tired now after getting out of that, my whole body is just so exhausted, and I feel rather unwell and I'm giving myself as much loosh as I can now to repair myself.
10/17/14 (Fri) 17:17:05 No. 5077
>>4823 They don't but like attracts like, as vast as the multi-verse is, you will mostly come across things that have some relationship or connection to you.
In the astral we trade information packets too and understand each other pretty well, translate, etc. Lobsang Rampa wrote about how higher astral beings know everything about a person and you can't hide anything at all from them, they know your thoughts, your emotions, etc. it's all transparent to them and lying is impossible.
>>4876 >Astral travelers of /fringe/, how real is AP to you? Far more real than this world. I consider this a lesser plane, an inferior manifestation, less real than the astral. It's mechanics are more advanced, the consequences of certain actions are different, etc. but it's nonetheless more real.
>How do you know that it isn't just an elaborate lucid dream? Do you have full consciousness, can you manipulate matter in our plane, or else obtain verifiable knowledge about our world that you wouldn't have known otherwise?Full consciousness, yes it's possible to manipulate matter in this plane if you can navigate 4D properly, and you can definitely obtain verifiable information about this world that you otherwise don't know; for example you may go in a room full of boxes filled with books and having no mundane idea of the content of those boxes you could then have someone call out a page number of "the top-most book in the stack" and you could recite all the text on that page and they could pull the book out of the box and check for themselves and confirm the accuracy of your reading.
>I'm open-minded to AP but I haven't been able to do it myself yet. For all I know, the vivid experiences described on this board could simply be dismissed as dreams or lies.Dreams you say? >I guess this is the kind of thing you really do have to see for yourself. I look forward to the day it finally happens, but until then it's just a matter of faith. :/ Do you have any encouragement for me, /fringe/?It's the only thing that makes life worthwhile. Everything in this third density physical existence pales to what can be experienced in and through the astral. When you get to the astral you will never want to come back here, you will want to establish a constant connection to there.
10/17/14 (Fri) 17:19:55 No. 5079
>>5061 Thoughts and matter; the same.
Physical plane, astral plane, dreams; all the same.
Asleep and awake, same thing.
They are only different in degree.
"Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." — The Kybalion.
10/19/14 (Sun) 14:05:34 No. 5395
File: 1413727534594.jpg (3.07 MB, 2768x1887, 2768:1887, Norsemen_Landing_in_Icelan….jpg )
I was walking along a river in an old-growth forest and at one point while crossing over a dead (oak?) tree it broke and I fell with it into the torrents of the river (which was flooded with a great deal of water). Holding onto the log and my companions watching from the banks of the river, it managed to get stuck near the side, and I cried out to Thor to help me. After that I suddenly had great strength and pulled myself out of the river using the log and got back onto the river banks. Note too that I was weighed down by weapons and armour and furs. I pretty much experienced a scene out of the past of Norsemen walking along a river in an ancient forest.
10/20/14 (Mon) 02:47:04 No. 5656
How do i into astral projection?
10/20/14 (Mon) 03:22:40 No. 5660
>>5656 asking because im a NEET fuck with nothing better to do and i want to do shit i couldnt do in the real world
10/20/14 (Mon) 10:59:11 No. 5688
>>5660 mastering astral projection in 90 days by robert bruce, ebook is in the mega
I bought a copy and its been working so far, had a few astral projections and met some entities in just the first 20 days:
10/20/14 (Mon) 10:59:58 No. 5689
>>1497 how do you actually split consciousness?
I keep failing this over and over for the last few months
10/20/14 (Mon) 11:27:30 No. 5690
Last time I visited the astral I was walking by a lake that was filled with a moisture with colors with shades of brown, I saw some entities passing by on the same cliff until I got bored and decided to fly over the lake. As soon as I did a giant hand came from the lake and Tried to grab me, that made the entities nervous as they flew towards my direction And chased me to the skies. When I reached up I was in another place already, it had galaxies and stars shining, it was gorgeous and the entities were nice but unfortunately I had to get back as I heard the real world calling me. I hope someday we meet on the other dimension, anon.
10/20/14 (Mon) 11:47:36 No. 5691
>>5690 I recall seeing a meet up plane somewhere on here, there was a group who did this like 3 seperate times with it going to shit each time
no reason not to make our own I say
10/20/14 (Mon) 19:27:21 No. 5737
>>5691 That's an interesting idea!
I just need to practice more often so I can enter the astral as I wish, rather than being pulled when requested. The tricky part will be to get everyone togheter without messing up.
10/22/14 (Wed) 05:09:04 No. 5961
Is it possible to visit altrenate universes in astral? What about living out my sexual fantasies?
10/22/14 (Wed) 14:01:31 No. 6020
>>5961 From what I understand.
Yes for former, lucid dreams for the latter.
Probing the Astral For You Astral Probe 10/22/14 (Wed) 18:47:46 No. 6051
I'm sick right now from nearly killing myself yet again (first I poisoned myself about a week ago and now I set myself on fire after doing a fire invocation to warm myself up which instead burnt a lot of my skin off in what appeared to be a terrible allergic reaction albeit one with nothing physical to react to) and can't read all the shit on /fringe/ right now very well but I am in a very good state for astral magick. I am right now more connected to the astral than ever before. Do any of you want me to do any specific things in the astral? I can report back on whatever I see and experience here. …and if someone wants to meet me in the astral I can also try to see if I can set up a nexion. Recently I was running around near some place with a waterfall, rocks, and evergreen trees and got intimate with an Earth spirit of some sort that actually crossed over with me to third density for awhile. If you guys want me to just probe around at random I can just report on whatever random things I see. If you also want to do sigil-location experiments with me we can do that. Construct or find an astral-space, link that place with a sigil, give me a copy of the sigil, don't tell me what is at the other end of the sigil (at least not everything) once I follow it, and I can go there and see if I can see the same things as you saw and report back on it. You can also try to sigil-locate to places in this third density linear timeline and hopefully I'll be able to remote view the location accurately. If nobody is too interested I'll probably either:1. Explore the astral at random like I usually do.2. Construct something in the astral.3. Search for books in the astral again.4. Get it on with a succubus or similar being again.
Astral Probe 10/22/14 (Wed) 18:54:00 No. 6053
>>5961 The astral is a 4D non-linear highly fluid plane of mental substance. Those are all other timelines, places, etc. that you are phasing into. Yes you can have sex out there.
>>5691 Veelox.
>>5690 I was just in a place with lake, cliffs, and waterfall.
>>5689 Create a second astral body and mentally link up to it. Start by doing the hand-exteriorization technique and eventually construct a full second body that remains active constantly.
>>5660 Do not call third density "the real world". This physical world is less real than the astral and is only a subset of the greater reality.
>>5656 Read the guide on /fringe/, the works of Robert Bruce, Lobsang Rampa, various random guides made by people, etc. there's tons of ways.
Astral Probe 10/22/14 (Wed) 19:46:04 No. 6055
>tfw nobody interested Just decided to look around in the astral and saw a surreal sight of a man in a teddy-bear costume approaching a bear on a sidewalk. I'm just going to do my own thing I suppose, read some texts, and prepare.
10/22/14 (Wed) 20:03:04 No. 6062
>>6051 >>6055 Interested, but can't into AP just yet, so ain't requesting. Your stories are inspiring though.
On a similar note, on day 2 of serious AP attempts had a nightmare that felt like an attack which left me feeling powerless and tired for the day. I must be on the right track.
How do you go on finding knowledge in the Astral from either entities or books? Will the intent and then go exploring, or is there more to it?
10/22/14 (Wed) 20:07:39 No. 6064
>>6055 Actually interesting, but I'm in the Central Eurofag timezone, so by the time I'm on, I'm tired already.
10/22/14 (Wed) 20:12:07 No. 6065
>>967 How do I astral project? Is there a book to read that tells me?
10/22/14 (Wed) 20:15:09 No. 6066
>>6065 Nevermind I read the thread more.
10/22/14 (Wed) 20:16:55 No. 6069
>>6065 Nevermind I read the thread more.
10/22/14 (Wed) 20:35:30 No. 6072
10/23/14 (Thu) 01:17:31 No. 6102
>>967 Anyone have a better link to get the book "Mastering Astral Projection in 90 days" by Robert Bruce? It is missing pages 16-23 which includes the day one training.
10/23/14 (Thu) 03:43:59 No. 6113
>>1974 I had a relatively recent thought about Europe in slumber…
10/23/14 (Thu) 06:10:06 No. 6129
So far the most major astral techneque I have is like a warpjump just exploding out of my body and flying into space then trying to find my way back down to earth or to find my way to a higher plane. Even with just slight meditation after only a few seconds ai can float or even warp right out of my body vuery quckly, the problem is I feel there is this elastic thing tethering me to my body and the harder I try to escape the more I Get snapped vack into my body. Ive so far been able to see the moon upclose and then get snapped back again. Is there a way to both control my explosion? Or a better way out into the astral than what Ive found? So far iVe been reading astral dynamics but its very much TD:LR.
10/23/14 (Thu) 08:52:20 No. 6135
>>6129 astral dynamics doesnt teach you how to project, it does however tell you a lot about what you could be doing wrong.
if you want to learn astral projection from start to finish then read the actual exercise book written by the guy who did astral dynamics called 'mastering astral projection in 90 days'
its in the mega, or you can buy a copy which in my opinion is easier to work with due to its daily exercise based nature
10/23/14 (Thu) 09:21:28 No. 6139
File: 1414056088107.jpg (258.73 KB, 1300x978, 650:489, mastering astral projectio….jpg )
>>6102 cant find a better source
I can however write out the first day of training
I'll look into adding this page to the pdf we have.
10/23/14 (Thu) 10:06:22 No. 6142
>>6139 editing PDF is a nightmare, going to sleep.
10/23/14 (Thu) 12:54:00 No. 6157
>>6139 Thank you for the help.
10/23/14 (Thu) 16:54:04 No. 6173
10/23/14 (Thu) 17:10:20 No. 6177
>>6173 Thanks. I ended up finding that as well. Can't get past 8.4% however. Hopefully a seeder will come on eventually.
10/23/14 (Thu) 18:19:47 No. 6180
>>6177 I've successfully downloaded the torrent, will upload it to mega soon.
10/23/14 (Thu) 18:31:13 No. 6184
>>6180 Awesome! Thanks anon.
10/23/14 (Thu) 18:57:13 No. 6187
10/23/14 (Thu) 20:27:18 No. 6206
I seem to occasionally go into either the astral realm or the mental realm through sleep paralysis. What happens is that I often wake up at around 3 AM, very tired and yet cannot go back to sleep. As such, I focus all of my mental energy to go back to sleep; this results with me in a still, thoughtless trance with my eyes closed. After ten or fifteen minutes, I end up fully absorbed, and closed eye visuals come into effect. They often appear as lighted squares or lighted triangles (they can be a glistening blue, however), zooming inwards as if I was going through a tunnel. From there, I get transported to either realm, however I cannot easy control my actions or behaviors. Does it seem that I truly have made it to the same realm as you guys, albeit through a "back door"? I just wish that I was lucid while I was there; it could be that I'm undergoing something entirely different.
10/25/14 (Sat) 07:08:53 No. 6446
well I got into the astral last night after a long, long time. It started with the vibrations and this time I just let them be. didn't struggled to get out or something but just let images come to me. First thing that showed itself was the front of my garden.It was a beautiful day and I was a point of awareness floating in the tree. I was amazed by the clarity and sharpness of how everything looked, could not believe I was witnessing this, it all felt calm and silent. After the image changed, like a radio channel would change and the current background faded, I was feeling the vibrations again. Now what appeared I can't actually describe,it was a purple mandala but it was not symmetric, it was a moving geometric patern. Then I heard from it sommething on the lines of "Your will to knowledge has been considered" or something a long the lines of, I could not understand very clearly.Something or someone announced me that it was aware of my intent to discover the astral more. Then the channel changed again, I felt the vibrations again and I was with one of my collegues at uni, this time I was feeling that I was losing awareness so I woke up, It was an interesting experience
☻ 10/28/14 (Tue) 05:17:46 No. 6791
>>6187 I've downloaded from this link TWICE now and each time I do it, the PDF does NOT SHOW UP ANYWHERE ON MY COMPUTER.
I did it a couple of days ago and I did it again today after thinking I just forgot to do it but I see immediately after downloading it's fucking GONE!
What is this sorcery?
10/28/14 (Tue) 10:23:41 No. 6818
>>6791 It's probably getting saved to some subdir under /tmp/, assuming you're still using Linux Mint.
Hit ctrl-J to bring up the saved files list in firefox, then right click on the file you just saved and go to the directory containing the file.
☻ 10/28/14 (Tue) 12:01:28 No. 6827
>>6818 CTRL-J just ended up highlighting the search bar and making it possible to type in there without having to use the mouse to click on it first.
Everything should be getting saved in the downloads folder but it's not appearing in there.
10/28/14 (Tue) 14:40:35 No. 6856
>>6446 Congrats!
>purple mandala Sounds like the chrysanthemum. You were probably brought back to the shoreline for your own protection and guidance. I'll bet that was an angel or even Ra himself who gave you those words
10/28/14 (Tue) 14:42:57 No. 6857
10/28/14 (Tue) 23:58:37 No. 6899
Is there any sort of last-ditch attempt technique to use? I can very reliably meditate my way to a VERY clear state in which I appear to be looking through my eyelids into some sort of featureless abyss. Heart also races like crazy in this state. However, separating has never worked. I've been trying for one for several months now with focused effort. Over a year if you count less directed intentions. Tried the technique in Adventures Beyond the Body, then the popular "wake up early, go back to sleep with intent, and try to move/project immediately upon waking" technique seen in several books and recommendations. THEN tried using the silencing thought exercise from IIH (reportedly 'compressing' consciousness makes it easier to AP), followed by trying to cause lucid dreams to use as a springboard. Recently started Book of Knowledge exercises. I've considered fasting or deliberately getting very sick to make separation easier. Reportedly going vegetarian a week or so also helps, but I've already been vegetarian my whole life. Pineal gland's also decalcified and fully functional. What do? I'm running out of stuff to try.
10/29/14 (Wed) 06:11:10 No. 6939
>>6899 I would say keep at it, don't do anything drastic.
>meditate my way to a VERY clear state in which I appear to be looking through my eyelids into some sort of featureless abyssWow I'm jelly, have had that experience only very few times before, I've actually fallen back really far on me meditation practice so far. May I ask how long it took you to be able to meditate and experience that state or sensation?
I'm currently trying to step up my meditation as well as my lucid dream attempts primarily so I can use lucid dreaming as a way to astral project as you mentioned in your post.
☻ 10/29/14 (Wed) 14:16:40 No. 6973
>I just had a dream I was at Smiley's house. There was an entrance to the left with greyish carpet and a coffee table in the middle and then if you go right and forward there's a kitchen with a table with things laying on it. Smiley's room was to the right of the kitchen I think? Idk I vaguely remember. I knocked on his door and he was on his computer he freaked, and I mean FREAKED the fuck out. The weird thing was he was quiet as a mouse. I went across the kitchen into a hallway and at the very end was his parent's bedroom and a bathroom so I hid in the shower, he never found me. He had. I idea who I was or anything lol. I didn't say a word and I don't think he saw my face. >My question, does this describe your house? There's also a door leading to the basement in the kitchen right next to a backdoor next to your room's door. >It was fucking weird I just woke up for school. K = Kitchen, it has linoleum floor. L = Living Room, it has carpet floor, and that carpet has been changed before H = points to the hall way P = Piano Room D = Dinner Room S = Stairs R = my room (which is on second flood B = (all three of them) bathrooms G = Garage X = my mom's bedroom (My dad sleeps in the living room on a couch) Some unlabelled boxs are just other rooms that don't matter here.
☻ 10/29/14 (Wed) 14:16:58 No. 6974
>>6973 / / / / / = stairs btw
10/29/14 (Wed) 18:20:17 No. 7005
>>6899 I think you are on the right track,I mean don't expect to blaze it on your first months, just reaching that state of void is a good enough thing in itself
you just need to get used to it, over weeks and months you will see that SOMETHING will happen eventually, and you won't need to force yourself to do anything, just observe that state that makes your heart racing and things will show spontaneusly
10/29/14 (Wed) 23:51:42 No. 7041
I'm going to ask a few questions even though nobody here is as advanced as me and nobody will likely have answers.1. Why is AP more difficult while tired?2. Why can I sleep in the astral?3. Why is the astral so extremely real for me in a way that sets apart my experiences from some other people? The last question I think I have the answer to it myself. Now; I see all states of consciousness as blending together and all being part of one continuous and infinitely interconnected reality. Dreams of any sort are astral experiences; but we understand travel through the astral as happen by thought and the sort of planes we connect to being governed by thought. I think that if one wants to experience the astral all they need is to believe they can. They need to get over the idea of struggle, that it is difficult of inaccessible to them, and getting in will be easier. I think Lobsang Rampa made the case pretty well in his writings when he emphasized how easy AP is but there's a bit of a trick of the mind to it in that first you need to believe it's easy. This also reflects on some of the Franz Bardon Study Group texts I've read where it said that practising IIH is not at all hard as long as you maintain the idea in mind that it easy. The astral isn't far away or really that hard to get to. It just requires a little faith and the idea it's easy for anyone including yourself; even if so few people seem to travel the astral in this time. In a more isolated group of humans where astral projection is just a normal experience for everyone in that group, I reckon children would easily into the astral.
10/29/14 (Wed) 23:53:38 No. 7042
>>6899 >>6939 >both of you talking about lucid dreams as if they were separate from astral projection >you're both APing already and don't know it
10/30/14 (Thu) 00:31:28 No. 7059
>>7041 1.harder to concentrate
2.why not? is real, people have different personalities
10/30/14 (Thu) 02:03:12 No. 7077
>>6939 A few days. Though I'd already started having a weird 'seeing through eyelids' phenomenon start since coming to /fringe/, so it may not be related.
>>7042 No, I've never had a lucid dream. Only tried to cause them.
10/30/14 (Thu) 07:02:21 No. 7198
Last time i went I found a book and started reading but it was mostly unintelligible. But then I found some names in English and read them. I had no idea who they are. When I returned I considered googling them but decided I didn't care that much. Now I kinda regret notwriting them down.
10/30/14 (Thu) 09:20:30 No. 7221
So in my most recent astral travel i woke up in my bed and went outside, i immediately started "summoning" guide to take me higher dimension. Then this two friendly white wolfs appeared and they wanted me to follow them. They led me to this dark place beneath some snow but i was to pussy to go. Then i woke up. So thoughts?
10/30/14 (Thu) 12:57:08 No. 7251
I managed to become little bit more lucid while dreaming, but I lost my sight as if a dark cloud had struck me. I am sure I will succeed soon, I wish to become lucid in a dream and then "turn" it into an AP, (though they're the same.)
10/30/14 (Thu) 13:24:01 No. 7256
my stories of astral travel guysssss AND I NEED DEFINITE ANSWERS THIS HAS BEEN SERIOUSLY BOTHERING ME FOR YEARS NOW. year it started 2010 up to now this happened at random >start to walk on a different plane of existence 1st time >snowy region >little girl >tells me she likes me to stay and play with her >didn't do it >saw myself falling back to my real body >is hurting badly 2nd thing be >a teenage girl approached me >asking for a friend to rely on >said yes, was kissed in the forehead >woke up feeling relaxed >has that feeling of a feminine goddess aura watching 3nd thing be: >a lady approached me >thanked me for something i SUPPOSEDLY DID >gave me warmest of hugs >as a sign of thank you handing me an actual soul of a certain someone, gave me a weird ability 4th be >in a dessert >old man >ask me if i have the time to stick around for stories >walks around >tells me a secret >TELLS ME THE FUTURE WHICH SCARED ME >old man starts becoming psychopathic monster >tells me of impending wars >saw actual tanks ROLLING OVER new lands >saw people dying >saw people asking for help >no one came >old man becomes normal man again >thanks me for the time >sends me back waking up to sheer horror of what i saw 5th be the second most scariest >be in a village >man approached me >asks me again for time to accompany him >stumbling upon the village fountain that of italian design contains only blood >man becomes weird >tells me to see what is on the fountain >starts to let me see a future full of disease and pestilence >again people dying and no one coming to their assistance >scared as fuck >man forces me to drink from the fountain >woke up feeling waterboarded last one and this be the scariest >stumbled upon a gate opened >goes inside >getting lost and finding myself in some arcane room >someone saw me and said take whatever you are interested in >took a bottle, a book and items such as a dagger, ring and an amulet >random person tells me that i was expected by their master be at their throne room >a throne >starts to feel heavy aura >dark thing appears >then i hear someone saying "WE SAW HIM IN THE ROOM" and dark thing replies > oh ? dark thing congratulates me on being able to achieve such a feat and wanted to reward me can't speak, scared shitless because aura feels heavy like death dark thing starts to read what is in my heart and in my mind *laughs* so are those what you wanted ? dark thing starts to control me like i am going to be sacrificed. cuts me spiritually, me screaming in pain and dark thing laughs again and teases me that i should be grateful that i am being bestowed by it personally some parting gifts before i got sent back, to my absolute horror 3 glowing energies dunno if souls or not was ceremonially put through that deep spiritual cut that dark thing made now i got sent back awaking from my sleep the same exact spot where i was cut spiritually was hurting like i have been shot at by an arrow WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST EXPERIENCED ? NEED ANSWERS PLEASE. pic related, me when waking up and remembering fully THOSE
10/30/14 (Thu) 14:18:43 No. 7268
>>7256 Sounds like some spirits are fucking with you. Not to long ago I had a similar experience. I was being flayed in my bed by some sort of hooded surgeon with razor blades. Not much you can really do other then fight them back. You probably have realized fighting with fists or weapons is basically useless, do not even try. It will probably happen again no need to worry though. I have found all spirits are scared of cameras. Summon a camera and take their picture. It fucks up their eyes and they get pissed off and leave. It is quite hilarious to watch actually. Give this a try, would like to see if other people also have the same experience with this method. It might not work all the time though, since it seems like you also got paralysed, not sure what to do when that happens, never been able to break it. Try to not let it get to that point.
10/30/14 (Thu) 14:23:22 No. 7269
>>7268 Anon I have found the camera thing very effective in the past and actually suggested it as a banishing ritual before on old /fringe/.
I don't think the flash "fucks up their eyes" and I don't think it even matters if your camera produces a flash or not.
They just don't want to have their picture taken.
That said; if they are REALLY determined they will just make your camera die and you won't be able to use it / the batteries will be totally dead. This happened several times to me.
They either fuck off before you can even get a picture of them or they wipe out the power through some kind of electromagnetic disturbance they're capable of creating.
10/30/14 (Thu) 14:36:48 No. 7273
>>7269 Should have mentioned it had no flash, it always seems to produce one when they are around however. What I meant by fucking up their eyes is when the camera is pulled out they turn from normal looking eyes to black empty holes. Perhaps that is part of their de-materialization process, the eyes go first? I think the flash comes from them however with the electromagnetic disturbance you were talking about, big flash then they are gone. During that whole process time seems to slow down too, I wonder if it is a sort of side effect from them leaving.
10/30/14 (Thu) 14:56:07 No. 7275
>>7256 >wanders the astral alone >gets psychologically harassed You were asking for it. It's nothing bad but your belief in it meaning anything is something entities can sense. Find heaven and make ties or have a will to defend yourself or at least do something, just don't fuck around and they won't.
10/30/14 (Thu) 15:06:43 No. 7277
>>7221 I remember that as far as astral entities go, wolves are not very trustworthy. It sounds really sketchy and I think it's better that you didn't follow them. If you were more powerful I'd say just take a chance and do it
10/30/14 (Thu) 19:42:11 No. 7302
>>7256 You might have demonic powers inside you. I remember this one wizard being visited by an entity who gave him the power to make people sick.
You should see what you've got, it might be black magic!
10/31/14 (Fri) 05:33:22 No. 7346
I have experienced the same "dream" since I was very young. It's starts out by me touching something and applying pressure and slowly I apply more, more, and more. Then a sound starts with a low whine and slowly progresses to a deafening low pitched howl. All while applying pressure. Then all of sudden it is quiet. The kind of quiet that's very black. Then the sound blasts at an even higher decibel and I am flying through a black endless grid. Not a 2d grid but a 3d grid and the sound persists at an ungodly level. Numbers and bright lights fly at me at a ludicrous speed. And I am not a body but more of just an existing space outside of existence. No physical body only an essence of some sort flying with full peripheral vision and all.
10/31/14 (Fri) 05:34:26 No. 7347
No one has ever been able to explain this to me.
10/31/14 (Fri) 12:45:51 No. 7383
I think I figured out a pretty smart method involving entry from lucid dreams: Would going to sleep, setting an short alarm to go off and briefly rouse me from REM (dreaming) sleep, and then immediately falling back into dream sleep get me into a lucid dream and then from there astral? Has anyone here tried this?
10/31/14 (Fri) 13:56:42 No. 7385
>>7383 I was thinking of wiring up an eeg to an alarm to trigger to wake you up at the right time. Searched for one but found nothing.
10/31/14 (Fri) 14:02:55 No. 7386
>>7385 I'm the guy you quoted.
neophyte as fuck here trying to AP.
There are actually iPhone apps out there designed to induce lucid dreams that function like an extremely basic EEG. Once it detects you're in REM it plays a user-recorded audio message. I'm trying one out right now called DreamZ. I'll let you guys know what happens, if anything happens.
11/03/14 (Mon) 01:30:29 No. 7957
I think there are entities trying to prevent me from entering/staying in the astral. I try and threaten them with exhausting "loosh bombs" and such when I detect them but it doesn't really seem to be working. Tips on getting rid of hostiles?
SAGE! 11/03/14 (Mon) 17:39:53 No. 8069
You're deluded, astral projection isn't real, you're dreaming/imagining things and convincing yourself that it's real. If you could, somehow, set your "soul" apart from your body, there is a very easy way to prove it. I could hang a paper on my wall, you come by, look at it and tell me what's written on it. I could archive the contents of the paper somewhere timestampe on the web before, to serve as proof. But I have yet to find a practitioner of magic, astral shifting, telepathy etc etc etc that isn't a deluded mentally ill person.
11/03/14 (Mon) 18:08:29 No. 8075
>>8069 That's the first thing I'll be doing when I AP… and then lottery.
11/03/14 (Mon) 19:38:44 No. 8093
>>8069 It is a lot of hassle to track someone down for such a visit. In return, they get nothing from you either. The better test of this would be for you to astrally project somewhere and confirm information gathered in such a fashion. I actually do not care what you believe in relation to these truths so I will not waste energy reading some message on your wall. You are but one person, not deserving of such focus and attention. Practice it yourself and we may meet on higher planes, however.
11/03/14 (Mon) 20:31:46 No. 8099
>>8093 >In return, they get nothing from you either I'd be down for covering any costs, monetary or otherwise, once the experiment is done. Astral Projecting being real would mean that everything I and most scientific community know about the world is a lie, and a bunch of nerds in an obscure imageboard know about the true workings of the universe. This would completely change the way I look at life and I'd do anything in my reach to compensate for any hassle.
And now I expect to hear your next wave of excuses.
11/03/14 (Mon) 21:10:45 No. 8101
>>8099 The evidence is out there, don't be lazy.
"OBEs have also been documented in the lab. In one experiment, parapsychologist Charles Tart was able to get a skilled OBEer he identifies only as Miss to identify correctly a five-digit number written on a piece of paper that could only be reached if she were floating in the out-of-body state. " In a series of experiments conducted at the American Society for Psychical Research in New York, Karlis Osis and psychologist Janet Lee Mitchell found several gifted subjects who were able to "fly in" from various locations around the country and correctly describe a wide range of target images, including objects placed on a table, colored geometric patterns placed on a free-floating shelf near the ceiling, and optical illusions that could only be seen when an observer peered through a small window in a special device. Dr. Robert Morris, the director of research at the Psychical Research Foundation in Durham, North Carolina, has even used animals to detect out-of-body visitations. In one experiment, for instance, Morris found that a kitten belonging to a talented out-of-body subject named Keith Harary consistently stopped meowing and started purring whenever Harary was invisibly present."
"Experiencing an OBE during cardiac arrest is relatively common, so common that Michael B. Sabom, a cardiologist and professor of medicine at Emory University and a staff physician at the Atlanta Veterans' Administration Medical Center, got tired of hearing his patients recount such "fantasies" and decided to settle the matter once and for all. Sabom selected two groups of patients, one composed of 32 seasoned cardiac patients who had reported OBEs during their heart attacks, and one made up of 25 seasoned cardiac patients who had never experienced an OBE. He then interviewed the patients, asking the OBEers to describe their own resuscitation as they had witnessed it from the out-of-body state, and asking the nonexperiencers to describe what they imagined must have transpired during their resuscitation. Of the nonexperiencers, 20 made major mistakes when they described their resuscitations, 3 gave correct but general descriptions, and 2 had no idea at all what had taken place. Among the experiencers, 26 gave correct but general descriptions, 6 gave highly detailed and accurate descriptions of their own resuscitation, and 1 gave a blow-by-blow accounting so accurate that Sabom was stunned. The results inspired him to delve even deeper into the phenomenon, and like Clark, he has now become an ardent believer and lectures widely on the subject. There appears "to be no plausible explanation for the accuracy of these observations involving the usual physical senses, " he says. "The out-of-body hypothesis simply seems to fit best with the data at hand. "
11/03/14 (Mon) 21:11:19 No. 8102
>>8099 >>8101 "Such facts notwithstanding, no amount of statistical findings are as convincing as actual accounts of such experiences. For example, Kimberly Clark, a hospital social worker in Seattle, Washington, did not take OBEs seriously until she encountered a coronary patient named Maria, Several days after being admitted to the hospital Maria had a cardiac arrest and was quickly revived. Clark visited her later that afternoon expecting to find her anxious over the fact that her heart had stopped. As she had expected, Maria was agitated, but not for the reason she had anticipated. Maria told Clark that she had experienced something very strange. After her heart had stopped she suddenly found herself looking down from the ceiling and watching the doctors and the nurses working on her. Then something over the emergency room driveway distracted her and as soon as she "thought herself there, she was there. Next Maria "thought her way" up to the third floor of the building and found herself "eyeball to shoelace" with a tennis shoe. It was an old shoe and she noticed that the little toe had worn a hole through the fabric. She also noticed several other details, such as the fact that the lace was stuck under the heel. After Maria finished her account she begged Clark to please go to the ledge and see if there was a shoe there so that she could confirm whether her experience was real or not. Skeptical but intrigued, Clark went outside and looked up at the ledge, but saw nothing. She went up to the third floor and began going in and out of patients' rooms looking through windows so narrow she had to press her face against the glass just to see the ledge at all. Finally, she found a room where she pressed her face against the glass and looked down and saw the tennis shoe. Still, from her vantage point she could not tell if the little toe had worn a place in the shoe or if any of the other details Maria had described were correct. It wasn't until she retrieved the shoe that she confirmed Maria's various observations. "The only way she would have had such a perspective was if she had been floating right outside and at very close range to the tennis shoe, " states Clark, who has since become a believer in OBEs. "It was very concrete evidence for me. “
11/03/14 (Mon) 21:16:40 No. 8103
>>8093 So in how many years can I win the lottery?
Not for mundane purposes, I just find it is a easy way for maintaining myself while I do studies.
11/03/14 (Mon) 22:46:41 No. 8112
>>8101 Direct link to any peer-reviewed studies?
If it's not peer reviwed nor you have a link to the study, it's worthless.
You probably just copypasted that from For a group that prides themselves in individual thinking, you sure din't bother with doing your own research.
Can you Astral Project or you're just going to paste more sourceless information here? Have you considered seeing a shrink?
11/03/14 (Mon) 23:00:45 No. 8114
>>8112 I copy pasted from the book "The Holographic Universe" which has source for everything listed in the appendix.
Stop assuming things, and more importantly stop assuming you are always right. People can AP, and just because you haven't experienced it, it doesn't mean it's not real. Have you actually experienced everything you believe to be true? Do you trust scientific papers? It's the same thing.
And don't tell me "scientific experiments can be replicated" because you too can AP if you put in the effort.
11/03/14 (Mon) 23:02:20 No. 8115
>>8112 For a guy that prides himself in individual thinking, you sure didn't bother with doing your own research.
See what I just did?
11/03/14 (Mon) 23:08:08 No. 8118
>>8114 >You haven't proof-tested personally everything you assume to be real >Therefore, my delusions that lack any sort of reasoning must be true as well! That's some flawed logic right there anon.
In anyway, it seems like you can't AP yourself, or isn't willing to (probably because AP isn't real). I'm willing to give it an open minded shot. To any wizards who feel like taking up the experiment I proposed, or any variation of it, the offer is still up.
I have yet to find a magic user to take it.
11/03/14 (Mon) 23:12:40 No. 8119
>>8115 I did.
There are no properly conducted peer-reviewed AP studies. Show me one and I'll reconsider my position.
11/03/14 (Mon) 23:14:35 No. 8120
>>8118 >You haven't proof-tested personally everything you assume to be real >Therefore, don't dismiss anything that doesn't fit into your paradigm as bullshit. And btw, no one here is going to spoonfeed you, you can either leave and go about your business, or experiment yourself. We couldn't care less that a random person who stumbled across the board does not believe in AP.
11/03/14 (Mon) 23:25:11 No. 8123
>>8119 That's because the scientific community is flawed.
See >>2293 please.
>Show me one and I'll reconsider my positionSounds like you really want to believe but you are frustrated you can't find any "evidence".
If "
extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence ", then present
your evidence bud, because
you are making the extraordinary claim that millions of people's "out of body" experiences are complete bullshit.
Do you realize that you are siding with "the scientific community" just because that's who
you've been told is right?
We've got nothing against you, we're not trying to prove anything to anyone, we're just doing our own thing. You came here demanding evidence, man.
11/03/14 (Mon) 23:31:29 No. 8124
>>8123 Except that the scientific community has never been wrong while professionals like James Randi have proved magic isn't real hundreds of times.
11/03/14 (Mon) 23:45:30 No. 8127
>>8124 Also, I forgot:
>Except that the scientific community has never been wrongIt's like you really are a 16 year old atheist from reddit, man. Come on, I thought you were better than this.
NotRandi 11/03/14 (Mon) 23:54:12 No. 8129
>>8120 I'm this poster, the retard saying Randi proved (lol, neither this kind of thing can be rpove, only refuted at best, nor randi follow any kind of scientific method) shit isn't me
>>8123 In short, I was right and there is no research, correct?
I come here to have a laugh and improve my tabletop games by adding "real" magic on them.
If you can't perform an astral projection and you have no evidence that AP exists, you might wanna consider if you're not just deluding yourself.
11/04/14 (Tue) 00:07:16 No. 8131
>>8129 So you are me?
You are pathetic. Go away.
11/04/14 (Tue) 00:20:03 No. 8136
>>8131 (I hope you were quoting >>8118 and that was just a mistake there, buddy) Anyways, I'm going to bed. I hope you put some time into researching this stuff, maybe one day you'll become a wizard, man. Try suspending that disbelief and actually listen to what people have to say about their personal experiences. Their stories all match up, it can't be coincidence. Keep that mind of yours open, all right? Good night pal.
Sorry for calling you pathetic ;^) <3
NotRandi 11/04/14 (Tue) 00:31:41 No. 8138
>>8136 Missquotes there, yeah
>Their stories all match up, it can't be coincidenceThere is no hard evidence at all anon, it can be a conincidence, it can be a number of more likely explanations or it could be that the experiences don't match up at all and you're just wishful thinking..
Good night anon
11/04/14 (Tue) 00:42:21 No. 8140
>>8137 >skeptics are only real skeptics when they're smart and handsome like me :^)
11/05/14 (Wed) 21:51:14 No. 8445
Owner locked my thread, I'll post this again here Hey /fringe/, I've wanted to Astral Project for a long time, I manage to get up to the point where it kind of feels my conscience is going through my minds eye, but then it stops, is this what 's supposed to be happening?
11/05/14 (Wed) 22:06:08 No. 8447
>>8445 It means that you are not
delusional enough to have a full asteal projection. Keep
bullshitting yourself until you actually have the full experience
11/05/14 (Wed) 22:09:04 No. 8448
>be OP of this thread >intended it as a personal log of my astral travels >with maybe some discussion pertaining to the astral and things to do in it >some weeks/months pass >a huge influx of fedoras comes into /fringe/ >now my thread is being used by Fedoras who doubt even the existence of astral projection - nevermind individuals who are practising it and deep into probing its depths >it feels like being the man with working eyes while all the others are blind around you arguing if there's an elephant in the room >most of you guys are "people who think astral projection is real and are trying to defend the idea as plausible" vs "people that think astral projection is total bullshit and there's nothing to it at all" >for me it's just a fact of life as obvious and apparent as breathing Get good faggots, I'll meet you in the astral when you're done being plebs.
Post last edited at 11/05/14 (Wed) 22:10:33
11/05/14 (Wed) 22:15:10 No. 8450
>>8445 Every occult author with books in the mega library has written about astral projection as far as I can tell. Lobsang Rampa, Franz Bardon, guy who wrote about The Subtle Body, Robert Bruce, etc.
Why don't you read Robert Bruce's books on the matter? They're the most comprehensive.
…and now that's not necessarily how it's supposed to happen AP can happen in a lot of different ways and is simply a matter of transferring your conscious awareness into a mental body. Literally hundreds of different techniques work for it.
There's also some threads on old /fringe/ describing astral projection: Read it. No need for us to write everything up again just for you when it's already all written and all your questions are already answered.
Post last edited at 11/05/14 (Wed) 22:16:00
11/05/14 (Wed) 22:17:44 No. 8451
11/05/14 (Wed) 22:57:29 No. 8453
11/06/14 (Thu) 03:55:28 No. 8474
OP here I literally just got back from the astral. I was in a HUGE chat in the astral with at least 30 participants. All the usernames were listed on the right, a few were on mic and a few on cam, each one had a unique voice and those that showed up on cam different appearances and different ages. Lots of people were talking also in the chat area and so many of them that I couldn't keep up with it at all. All at once, all these different people talking, multiple conversations occurring concurrently in one place and a few people pretty much just borderline spamming… and also people changing their names at random. Some sounded very autistic others sounded normal, some sounded younger others older and more mature. Different styles of writing and levels of literacy. Some typed faster then others too. I was typing stuff in the chat myself and actually was on cam a short while too but I unplugged it (after seeing myself and knowing what I look and sound like being reflected back at me via webcam feed) in the astral then continued with just typing in the chat. Different emotions being expressed by different people, one guy complaining in the chat that "his friend was angry and had visualized him being hurt" who kept repeating himself and was pretty butthurt and I started telling the guy that was an example of black magick. There were some Christians in the chat too and people all had different ideas and takes on things. Now just contemplate all of this for awhile why don't you guys. All these distinct people, so fucking many of them, all in one place sharing information and each one doing their own thing. As far as I am concerned, they are all separate beings, having an actual and independent existence from myself as real as all of you are here in this third density. You can argue we're all part of the monad / one fundamental unified underlying reality but don't say it's "all just in my head" or whatever Fedora bullshit it is believe. Whatever you think — there is immense potential and power here to tap into this as a huge information source. Once I've established a permanent connection to the astral and can start relaying material from there in real-time to here it's going to change a lot on /fringe/ potentially. Every man is a microcosm of the macrocosm, everyone reflects that which is above, etc. I have the potential and power of a whole universe to be tapped into and I don't believe any of you have any good reason to doubt that it's not a connected a universe, a shared universe, one we can experience together and meet on. We'll work out how exactly to meet up there one day and that will settle it but in the time being I am ( if not necessarily in a very orderly manner ) connected to something huge, beautiful, and infinite in possibility. I will derive massive amounts of power by learning to properly navigate 4D and stay permanently connected. There is no good reason to be discouraged from trying to experience the astral yourself and making it a constant part of your life and not just a one off. Those of you that haven't even spent a day out there don't know what you're missing.
Post last edited at 11/06/14 (Thu) 04:00:09
11/06/14 (Thu) 10:47:02 No. 8516
>>8474 So the people in the chat were actual people from Earth?
11/06/14 (Thu) 12:16:42 No. 8518
How do you even differentiate astral projection from lucid dreaming or imagining that your astral body is somewhere else while your physical body is in a calm, meditative state?
11/06/14 (Thu) 13:40:38 No. 8520
>>8518 In my opinion, if you're actually able to produce lengthy scenarios and sensations on par with what astral travellers claim to have only by lucid dreaming or meditation it's already a win scenario.
11/06/14 (Thu) 14:20:22 No. 8521
>>8520 This.
Having lucid dreams as vivid as those described here already worth the night.
>>8518 TL;DR.: Astral is a place, Lucid dreams are just dreams.
I guess dreams are more chaotic and connected to the experiences of your current vessel, and it's kinda rare that you have a dream were you simply are standing next to your body without the scenario changing each minute. Also, Astral has fixed places that anyone can visit, one example is that Golgotha thing
the cemetery of astral bodies to be more exact that Atkinson talks about in the Astral section of the Arcane Teachings.
Double also, I heard somewhere that you can be wandering the astral when you are dreaming, but asleep, just like sleepwalking, but in another plane.
NotRandi 11/06/14 (Thu) 19:01:43 No. 8536
>>8448 Hey OP, I'm
>>8069 My offer still stands, and I'm willing to compensate you in any way you see appropriate if the experiment is sucessful.
You started a thread about AP and I proposed an experiment, I don't think it's unreasonable. It shouldn't be a problem for you since "it's a act of life as apparent as breathing".
Wizards pride themselves to be open-minded about different concepts of reality, but I have yet to find one willing to consider the idea that magic isn't real.
I'd love to hear your answer
11/07/14 (Fri) 00:06:26 No. 8577
>>8536 Can you yourself AP? How are you going to meet me in the astral?
11/07/14 (Fri) 02:49:04 No. 8597
>>8474 There is a search engine somewhere in the astral also. I used it one time. Not sure how many different search engines might exist but the one I used had a green horizontal oval background. I tried to use it but apparently I was refused access for some reason. The guy who showed it too me started laughing his ass off at my
neophyte gotry and then I decided it was time to leave.
11/07/14 (Fri) 04:20:03 No. 8604
>>8597 kek I've played a lot of games and done a lot of things on the internet in the astral and sometimes also had my monitor explode in porn and viruses to the point it became apparent I just had to give up trying to use the piece of shit
11/07/14 (Fri) 20:37:58 No. 8646
>>8577 Who said anything about me meeting you in the astral?
I was under the impression, due to extensive literature and reports I've read here and elsewhere, that it's a generally accepted belief that the astral overlaps with the real world (even mentions by the board owner about visiting specific locations), and that one can find locations in the real world when they are in the astral.
Is that not the case?
11/07/14 (Fri) 21:33:04 No. 8649
>>8646 If you know how to correctly locate that shit 4-dimensionally than yeah but otherwise it's really fucking hard to do. Why not just meet up with others in Veelox or something?
11/07/14 (Fri) 22:27:51 No. 8655
>>8646 Imagine trying to stick a sewing needle on top of a single pixel on a large screen with your eyes closed when you don't even know where it is. That is similar to looking for one person's specifically defined area in four dimensions. Not impossible but a foolish request when said person can put their own effort in to meet others in other planes.
11/08/14 (Sat) 23:30:45 No. 8765
>>8655 Thing is anon, I don't think the astral is real.
I think you're deluding yourself, and is too closed minded to realize it.
What makes you think that this experiences you have aren't simply dreams or imaginations?
Would giving you an residencial address that I've visited somewhere in the world and asking you what's inside it solve the location problem? I can even give you a Google Maps link.
11/09/14 (Sun) 00:20:20 No. 8769
>>8765 Why won't you go find out for yourself? I wouldn't waste my time looking it up even if it was next door to me. If you are so certain the astral does not exist, pay a visit sometime and get wrecked there, come back to 3d feeling like hammered shit.
You need to realise how unlikely it is for anyone to be enticed by the prospect of reading a secret message on your wall when they probably have more important things to do. Most folk introduce themselves to this kind of thing and those who are helped tend to show potential already, not 'look at my words & I will believe' fedora-tier skepticism. A dose of skepticism is always necessary to discern between truth and lies but don't tip your fedora so far your head falls off.
I have an idea for you to experiment with. Get someone to write a word or whatever and hide the paper from you but somewhere you know of. Then you personally can attempt to read it. Do not let initial failure discourage you either, science/magic is often about learning from mistakes you have made.
11/09/14 (Sun) 00:25:59 No. 8772
>>8769 i mean i havnt ap'd yet but i will start soon, but isnt there the real; time zone with which you can see thing n our earth
11/09/14 (Sun) 00:47:29 No. 8775
>>8649 wouldnt it be easier to locate the person instead?
11/09/14 (Sun) 02:29:07 No. 8781
>>8765 If you go there you will know it is not a dream. Like when you have a lucid dream. You know this is different. There is something else. If you go enough times you will realize it is not just your subconscious either. It is somehow other consciousness. i can;t give proof of this relationship because the properties of the astral do not lend themselves to scientific method. You can't practice the scientific method when the rules of the universe are fluctuating. What i belie is that I am never truly "there". I am like a ghost in this place.
It doesn't really make sense to try and navigate to a mortal location if you want to reach a mortal location you go there in the mortal realm. The astral has parts of the mortal but it is not following the same rules of Compton scattering and schwartzfield radius that keeps our information here following the principles of shannon entropy. I think there is another undiscovered property that is interacting with the schwartzfield radius that isn't gravity that gives rise to another property. it's something. I also think it is somehow related to feelings and emotions and self awareness.
>>8765 I have found it easiest to navigate to a location when staying in between the astral and our world. It's not easy for me to remain in that state. I have managed to get only about 15 feet in that state outside my door. The further you go it seems i just careen off course into concepts instead of locations. Also sometimes I noticed everything was perfectly inverted in my perception. So if you asked me to prove it to you by reporting something I could easily see something that would not make sense to you but still be based off something in the mortal realm. Actually I found a lot of times what I see is exactly the opposite of what is really there / happening, enough so when I see something I can be assured without doubt it is not there. I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong or if it is like this for other people as well. I have heard some people have mastered it and been able to report on what they saw before. I know there are cases the government has used people to astral / remote view to spy before with accuracy.
11/10/14 (Mon) 01:26:54 No. 9063
>>8781 >If you go there you will know it is not a dream. Like when you have a lucid dream. You know this is different. You can make your dreams more lucid and vivid with deliberate practice, and increase your recall of those experiences. I doubt there's anything magical about that.
>>8781 >government has used people to astral / remote view to spy before with accuracy. Interesting, will keep asking people that claim to be have paranormal abilities.
11/17/14 (Mon) 09:48:39 No. 9993
>>4876 You could always do the playing card thing
Pop out, check playing card you drew earlier/didn't look at, pop back into your body and write down what you saw.
11/21/14 (Fri) 03:27:15 No. 10458
>>2541 I'd bet "Waytaiko" = Wetiko. I've been it / encountered it in the astral myself. Fits perfectly with your experience.
☻ 11/22/14 (Sat) 00:03:01 No. 10529
Jeffrey Tur - lam - bay - mango Hit a grid black and white Thought I was back in third density again but for some reason was asleep rolled up in a blanket on a kitchen floor Got up and stated going back to my room when I realized how odd that was Warped gravity a bit and realized I was in the astral Immediately, still wrapped up in blanket, went outside and started looking for answers Talked to entities, asked them basic questions, no answers. Kept focusing and refocusing around me, trying to see things properly Slipped out again Saw some numbers Saw in the void myself looking back at ome Heard a strange alien voice that also sounded slightly robotic Started talking to it Asked it the questions Managed to get a few answers What is my name? Jeffrey. Do I have a lastname? Turlambaimango? or Turlambaimanog? I am not sure, I wanted to ask again to be sure, but the line got caught and I was in some street in the astral again and felt something coming near so started moving again Looked around in hyper-vivid detail seeing things around me A phone started ringing – back here again Record this…
11/23/14 (Sun) 01:05:08 No. 10647
Someone from /fringe/ told me to read "The Arcane Formulas" while I was astral travelling last week.
11/24/14 (Mon) 02:44:25 No. 10740
I finally did it /fringe/! Sort of. :/ Last night I had a lucid dream, which is in some interpretations the same thing as AP. I was not in the RTZ, but I did wander around a big childhood home that got foreclosed and evicted in 2008 when my dad went bankrupt, which I find myself frequently returning to in dreams. I guess it's my personal astral hub - the center of my world. Most of the time I think it's real and too good to be true then wake up, but this time I realized I had to be dreaming. As soon as the location "stabilized" around me, I entered the bathroom and started changing my eye color in the mirror… the results got kind of fucked up though, with the pupils changing color too and becoming "hyper realistic" like in bad creepypasta. I wandered around my mansion like the layout was burned into my head, and proceeded to jump out the window and fly. This triggered a "side quest" where I had to hold off against shadow beings invading my compound. Not sure what happened next but soon I was fucking my highschool crush I could never have (or some kind of succubus taking her form) and jizzing my underwear IRL. Next thing I knew I was false-awakening in my college dorm, except it wasn't my college dorm. It was an alternate reality facsimile of my college dorm, with a completely different layout outside. Normal but vivid dreams proceeded from there, until I found myself slipping back into my astral hub and waking up paralyzed in my "alternate dorm room". This switched back and forth for a while until I finally woke up in the real dorm. I didn't try to RTZ AP, but I had /fringe/ on my mind during the experience. For some reason, I feel something has awakened within me, and I'm going to be visiting this plane a lot more often. Am I initiate yet /fringe/?
11/24/14 (Mon) 02:57:59 No. 10742
>>10740 This sudden sleep came after I was feeling ultra-powerful and in the zone studying economics, easily ramming through papers like in the movie Limitless. I realized how to beat procrastination… that workflow itself is the best stimulant. There was a crash, and I lost consciousness into the astral world.
I woke up sweaty with succubus love residue staining my underwear, but when I looked in the mirror, every cut and acne scar I had dramatically healed up. My body was hard at work repairing itself while my mind was synced to the astral.
This will probably just sound euphoric to a lot of people, but it feels good man. Something in me woke up.
One more thing - one of the dreams I had before syncing with the astral involved literally taking the red pill. The effects weren't obvious in that dream though… maybe it took a little time to kick in.
Not making this up /fringe/. It really happened.
11/24/14 (Mon) 03:16:38 No. 10743
>>10742 If there's anything more I can say in this blogpost, it was a very moving experience to me and has completely restored my morale to work in college, and keep an open mind to the supernatural.
I'll never dismiss /fringe/ again. Thank you Smiley for helping me achieve gnosis.
11/24/14 (Mon) 03:22:13 No. 10744
>>10742 >acne and scars healing up I had this happen too after I became adept at meditation and controlling the mind. I wonder sometimes if fedoras have the acne stereotype because there ego is so strong they deny their own body.
Oðin ## Board Volunteer 11/24/14 (Mon) 05:10:16 No. 10750
>>10744 I've wondered similar things. Note that acne is also produced by chemical imbalances derived from series of unstable emotional states as well.
It's our responsibility to preserve our emotional integrity.
11/24/14 (Mon) 09:29:20 No. 10773
>>10750 The amount of acne I personally have is directly proportional to the amount of time I've spent in the astral. More time in the astral = more healing and less acne (with the few exceptions where I get terribly beat the fuck down by another astral entity). Less time in the astral = more acne
11/24/14 (Mon) 11:48:47 No. 10793
>>10743 I am very happy for you. You should read some more /fringe/ books especially Atkinson's Psychomancy book if you want to take things further and also use thoughtforms and so on. You can reach a point of ascent where you are able to display phenomenal powers of mind and all of your college stuff will be absurdly easy with the right magick at your disposal.
I'm personally about to take some blessed medicine from the most powerful shaman in my area and probably going to be doing some next level stuff in a short while if all goes well. I've had some problems with severe spiritual oppression and loss of vital energy for awhile as various forces at play are getting more and more panicky at how powerful I'm becoming and fighting harder to suppress me from breaking through permanently.
11/24/14 (Mon) 14:26:21 No. 10816
>>10793 That Atkinson book is real good. I've had some experiences with this psychomancy ever since I was a kid, especially with Future Time Psychomancy.
It seems I need to start developing my latent abilities!
11/25/14 (Tue) 01:02:32 No. 10858
Attempted AP last night. Having been clean from weed for two weeks for the first period in three years. My initiation began with an earthshattering kundalini experience on the day and time of the 2012 happening. Before taking to herb to forget vivid dreamscapes I had been properly spooked by a grey while trying to AP. Last night was my second nightly attempt. I set out to find someone who could explain or tell me what the general concensus regarding greys harvesting genetics and loosh were. Results were achieved, I can now feel, enlarge, move slightly out of boundaries, my astral body. Did not manage to fully split, what i was navigating in was hazy, a body of mist. Inherently I knew I could do this better. While loosening from my physical my thoughts strayed and i was visited by the image of a mantid, they greatly capture my interest. Before I knew it my body of mist was in an open space bar with the counter hub in the middle. a shadow swirled into appearance behind the counter, it gave of an aura of "respect me but don't confuse it with fear", looking about there was only one table occupied, or at least, available to me. Sitting there was a mantid and a presence of a grey or two. All other tables were hued in shadow and mist. I did not want to disturb the table so i ordered something off the bar that would give me further substance in here. It did. The taste was sweet copper green. My thoughts strayed to my first chakra and suddenly I was sending out sexual thoughts without ability to kill it off. I plunged from the cantina to my real body, still relaxed. I has to go back. So i did. This time the mantid was alone, with the afterimage of the grey or greys like the scent of a womans perfume, one who had left the building. I asked for permission to sit and emitted happy vibes. Little response. My mind strayed. Mantids really interest me. "What are you/your essence?" No answer. I asked again, curiously, coupled with the playful childlike desire to know everything, to touch its body, ride its back, i wanted to see and gasp at its unfolded wings. Quickly i quelled these improper thoughts. I was given the impression of a warm tropical planet. Transmission was not fast enough. Asked again "what are you?" It got annoyed and lashed out at me. Feeling do fear, and no real murderous intent coming from the being, I backed off on reflex, wrongly called the mantid a dick and departed to somewhere inbetween. Still mad that he had snatched at me I sent him a harmful black thoughtform attached to the neck. Quickly after I tried to apologize and recall it, little success. I knew that if it wsnted to I would be little match. Suddenly i got pummeled out of the sky by a giant fist. Now in my body. I decided I had had enough and stretched my physical body in a most satisfactory 'crackle' that freed my block on first and second chakra ive had for some great time. Rolled over and had some real sleep. In this most lucid dream i was at an important meeting, first i was obama with a purple tophat. He was a puppet. A man held a speech. Thanking obama. We did not agree, Many people disagreed. Anger was sent my way. We stood up to boycott the man in a suite, a bankman, holding a speech. Next thing I know I find myself in the scenes of a massacre, blood, bodies, chaos, death. Armed men on behalf of the bankman was killing the assembled, nicely dressed people, the majority, 90% that had risen to leave upon hearing the vile speech. Even the puppet did not agree. I was no longer the puppet but had to fight my way through an ocean of blood and bodies, wrestling for an automatic rifle with a man clad in full body armor. Wide spread chaos. Death. All in all a good night, I've had worse. >learned to size up and down my energy body, sized it a feet taller than i am and tied the thoughtform there. The material aligns to the immaterial and for the last six hours I have experienced growth pains in my legs. Could really use a smoke now.
11/25/14 (Tue) 09:43:04 No. 10878
>>10858 If you're a regular smoker, you'll need at least 2 months before all the THC leave your fat cells.
ITT: junkie doesnt know how weed works
11/25/14 (Tue) 16:10:17 No. 10919
>>10878 implying feel no difference after two weeks clean, leaving behind a longer period of 5g a day
go bother someone else with your pathetic loosh farming attempts
11/25/14 (Tue) 18:51:28 No. 10925
>>10878 ITT means in this thread. Know your acronyms before you start insulting
>>10919 The difference is definitely noticeable. You still need a few months for all the THC to leave your body. You're on the right track though. I will not lie to you: you will definitely feel the urge to get a smoke, and this feeling will not go away for some time. It will get much better.
11/26/14 (Wed) 04:09:12 No. 10943
>>10925 I know. Which is why I removed all the herb. By smoking it.
Also sacrifized half a kilo to Bacchus.
11/26/14 (Wed) 07:25:44 No. 10952
>>10943 Bacchus prefers liquor.
11/26/14 (Wed) 07:55:03 No. 10954
Guys I think I just had my first experience. I've never had lucid dreams or projections before. Two days ago I made a sigil (very amateurish, beginner level) with the intent of having an astral projection or something of the kind in like 3 days. This morning I woke up, stayed in bed for like half an hour thinking about stuff, then turned around and laid on my stomach. I started getting into that first phase of sleep where you begin to dream, and I realized I was floating above the sea, near a cliff, thinking about eating seaweed for lunch. As I realized this more and more, a pair of shadowy hands started appearing before me and I realized "Oh wait, I think I'm dreaming here" (it was cool because it never happened to me before) and I kind of thought two white ghostlike hands into exsistence. To clarify, they were my own hands, and as I started realizing I was dreaming, they appeared before me: first they looked faint and shadowy, then, as I focused on them, they became whitish and more material, the stuff looked like pearls. As soon as I could see my hands in the dream, I felt my astral body (I guess) turning around 180 degrees. Remember, I was laying stomach-down, and I felt a slow twisting motion until I eventually was facing up. Then I began floating upwards, out of my body. I could perceive the ceiling (it didn't feel exactly like sight, but was not unlike it), it was yellowish rather than white, and I could see a piece of the ceiling-fan (which was surprising, since I was laying face-down in "real life" and all I could see after I woke up was my pillow). I don't know whether I imaged the ceiling and that piece the fan because I expected them to be there, or whether I actually saw them. "Sight" felt very dream-like. Then while floating up, I heard a voice, it was low pitched, felt kinda "demonic", you know, distorted and evil sounding, and I thought: "Oh, right, this stuff is supposed to happen too". The voice said something like "Man thinks he can just turn around (as in my body turning around to face up) and fly like that…" (Could have been my own thoughts?) That was it. Then I felt myself floating back down into my body, and surprisingly I also twisted back another 180 degrees to my stomach-down position, before waking up. Then I opened my eyes. The experience all-together was not really crisp and clear, but it felt different from a dream, I was aware of myself. Was that an OBE guys?
11/26/14 (Wed) 10:34:08 No. 10968
>>10952 Yeah.. Didn't get much in turn.
11/26/14 (Wed) 10:41:52 No. 10971
>>10954 Usually the optimal position to lucid / OOBE is laying flat on your back, (easier to breath, and you feel less connection to material objects) among other things. Interesting that you turned around on your own.
> I heard a voice, it was low pitched, felt kinda "demonic"Yeah that definitely sounds like a spirit of some kind was watching you or in your room. Sounds like it was kinda amused at you.
If they scare you or sound too evil you can put some salt around your bed and that should end those voices, at least at the start of your lucidity.
Although i would caution doing so because it might mess up your sigils or make it harder to project, so only use that as a last resort.
A much better way is too get yourself spiritually prepared before you leave. I often test the waters before I go by listening for voices before falling asleep, I usually can hear them while still wide awake and it gives me an idea of what is around at the time.
11/26/14 (Wed) 20:07:44 No. 11012
>>10925 >>10925 Hi,
neophyte here.
I'm going to start on my path down this astral road with the 90 day obe guide soon, but I am a daily pot smoker. Does the pot actually inhibit any sort of astral anything, and if so, what?
Also, should I worry about decalcifing my pineal gland at some point down the line to achieve the magics I yearn for?
11/26/14 (Wed) 20:40:04 No. 11017
>>11012 Stop smoking, start decalcifying.
11/27/14 (Thu) 04:11:57 No. 11044
>>11012 herb wont let you remember shit.
aqcuire mugwort
11/27/14 (Thu) 10:28:06 No. 11131
>>11012 Do you remember your dreams now?
11/27/14 (Thu) 14:14:23 No. 11155
Tonight I woke up from a dream shouting "no,no,no,no,no,NO,NO,NO,NOO!", my arm was raised and I was frantically making the "no" hand gesture with my index finger. I do not remember the dream.
11/27/14 (Thu) 21:11:12 No. 11191
>>11131 In the past week or two I've tried to remember and pay attention to my dreams. So far, I can only remember 3 of the dreams I've had in these two weeks. I still smoke multiple times a day.
>>11017 >>11044 In addition to cutting out fluoride, what other small steps can I take to gradually decalcify my pineal? What is mugwart? What exactly does the pot do to me that inhibits my quest?
Sorry for asking noob questions outside the question thread. I hear the mod is kinda anal about that shit.
11/27/14 (Thu) 21:14:59 No. 11194
>>11191 >Sorry for asking noob questions outside the question thread. I hear the mod is kinda anal about that shit. I don't give a shit if you ask questions in pre-existing threads like this one I just hate newbies starting threads just to ask a question. You could ask a hundred questions in here and that would be fine.
It's just when creating threads you're supposed to present information not just ask for information. People who start threads only to ask questions are being parasites on /fringe/ and not contributing positively to the board and end up knocking off better older threads into oblivion.
…and multiple threads should not exist at once on the same topic.
>don't start question threads>don't start duplicate threads >shitpost and ask questions and whatever all you want in already existent threads
11/27/14 (Thu) 21:51:14 No. 11201
>>11191 To answer your initial question: astral and mind exploration can best be done without druggy influences. I am not saying that drugs don't hold a valuable component to them, but if you want to train your mind into developing a discipline, it best be done on a sober mind.
also, cherish the challenge. and see how you respond on life without marijuana. it's interesting
11/28/14 (Fri) 04:07:05 No. 11216
>>11201 I wasn't going to incorporate smoking into training myself for this, only for recreation when not training. I believe very much in a sober mind to get any kind of work done. I don't even want to meditate while high. I just want to know if smoking in my down time will lead to some problems trying to project or something later on a sober mind. I would happily abandon my habit for this pursuit if it was necessary, but if I could still smoke with my friends and play vidya, it'd be nice.
And also, in line with the thread topic, tell me about some crazy experience you had in the astral?
11/28/14 (Fri) 07:15:56 No. 11220
Is it common to be tested by astral beings? Why would an entity test someone, and what could it mean? I believe I was tested just the other night when I came across a large building with a large set of icy stairs leading to the entrance. Atop the stairs sat a handful of amused "gatekeepers", laughing cruelly at anyone foolish enough to attempt the climb. I tried, failed, and got laughed at, but immediately afterwards, one of the laughing onlookers from above lost her footing and fell backwards. I managed to catch her and save her from serious harm, although her ankle was sprained in a way that she couldn't walk on her own. She had no way to climb the icy stairs herself now, so I told her she could come with me and I offered to carry her on my back, which she humbly accepted. We traveled for a while, until the girl pointed something out to me. It was a hidden elevator that seemingly appeared out of thin air on the wall nearby. The elevator went up and up and up, and when we finally reached the top we clambered out the emergency hatch atop the elevator instead. Pic related is where she led me. It was similar in structure to a Roman amphitheater, except it was floating in space and there was no "performance" so to speak. There were other people, some of which actually looked like old Roman philosophers, quietly discussing things amongst each other in small groups. No one seemed to notice us in particular, but that was okay. The place carried a strong sense of peace and tranquility. In fact, in that moment I felt as calm and happy as I'd ever felt in my entire life. Reflecting on the events, I strongly feel that my compassion was tested in some way, maybe not even intentionally, and because I made the "right choice" I was rewarded by being brought to this enchanted space. I only wish I could go back to it somehow and discover its significance.
☻ 11/28/14 (Fri) 13:41:03 No. 11242
>be in astral >climb out a window in the astral >turn around >see my reflection in the window >I'm wearing a full black NatSoc uniform and swastika armband I swear I didn't think for even one moment about what clothing I might be wearing before/during/after my astral travel and I would never have expected that – yet that's just what I had on.
11/28/14 (Fri) 13:51:51 No. 11243
>>11242 ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻
☻ 11/28/14 (Fri) 13:55:39 No. 11244
>>11243 Doesn't look like that exactly. There were these lightning bolts where the yellow smileys are on the uniform. Also that picture is missing the swastika armband on the arm and there was no knight's armour.
11/28/14 (Fri) 19:21:00 No. 11272
>>11242 I am almost always dressed in full SS uniform during such travels. Often, I am around a group of others wearing the same. One day waking life will be the same, we will march down the streets proudly beneath our flag.
Until then, comrades, see you in the astral maybe.
11/28/14 (Fri) 22:33:20 No. 11295
11/29/14 (Sat) 02:33:43 No. 11320
>>11243 This is one of the best caricatures I have ever seen.
11/29/14 (Sat) 07:30:36 No. 11330
i laughed so hard all the way through this thread. all of you are like blind children when it comes to knowledge of the astral plains.all the answers right in front of you, yet your still having troubles transferring your consciousness from the vessel to the spark. still have to rely on sigils and incantations to produce any sort of minimal experience. too foolish to realize anything with true understanding of the nature of the void and how to travel through it, will not waste the time to try to explain it to a being that has little to no understanding of the basic concepts of energy manipulation. if you have to rely on any sort of power outside of whats produced by your own being to do something as simple as astrally travel, you are a fucking pathetically weak individual that needs to just quit. such blatant ignorance deserves eradication.
11/29/14 (Sat) 07:42:21 No. 11331
Why are all you people talking about Earth? If you're going to astral project, go big, niggers. Go big or go the fuck home. Earth is child's play. If you're going to astral project, actually fucking explore. And I don't mean different time zone bullshit. See you in Vespfyuriim. If you can make it.
11/29/14 (Sat) 10:53:52 No. 11361
>>11330 No one cares.
You were once a pathetic neophyte too.
You should not forget your past just because you want to live in your delusions of grandeur.
You are just showing everyone how weak you are by trying to sound better than everyone else.
Damn, I thought advanced wizards were mature individuals, not 12 years old edgy brats.
I swear you come to /fringe/ every once in a while just to shitpost about how good you are in every thread.
11/29/14 (Sat) 11:34:31 No. 11367
>>11220 Although I have not advanced far in my occult studies, as I understand in Franz Bardon's magical evocation he asks the reader to interact with certain entities that he interacted with in his own lifetime.
Apparently he asked them to test and guide everyone who follows in his footsteps, so it's possible that you met one of those entities.
11/29/14 (Sat) 12:35:24 No. 11377
I nearly broke through but my fucking sleep apnea keeps ruining everything. I managed to ask some entities a whole lot of questions: >What year is it? "Year Four" >What month is it? "63c" >What planet is this? n/a >What is the name of that large body of water over there? n/a (btw, there was some strange dinosaur like creature in that water with scales and everything) >Where am I? n/a >Who am I? n/a …after awhile they took me to "Wise Man Who Knows". This guy was sitting at a table drinking/eating some kind of soda icecream combo. I started asking him same questions. About year four he said it was "metaphore". He was going to answer me more too but literally mid conversation I got disconnected hardcore and suddenly from the astral. This kept happening for hours. I kept getting into the astral for just a few minutes at a time only to be disconnected and gasping again with heart pounding very hard after each time I get d/c'd. Sometimes I managed to reconnect to the place or sometimes the astral would just freeze around me and I'd focus on one thing in the surroundings until it unfroze and managed to extend my visits a bit. However it was mostly very disrupted, unstable, etc. and hard to get and stay there. I even saw a loading screen before which said "Private Server" and had a bunch of other text I read except there was one part that said "Creators:" followed by some more text that kept mutating as I looked at it and it wouldn't stay the same so I couldn't fully read it or make sense of it. Overall I totally failed in my mission again and couldn't make any serious progress because I kept getting into the astral, looking around, trying to find an entity, and usually would only have minutes to talk to them before getting disconnected again and being in bed with my heart pounding and out of breath. I'd like to note at one point too I looked for oval black portals to get deeper into the astral and tried to go through one but was in a warehouse full of ridiculous amounts of art (mostly sculptures and paintings) and didn't get through any portals in time. Another odd thing is once while laying in bed after disconnecting from the astral I felt pain in my legs and then saw this liquid silver stuff go into my bones and regenerate the bones and then the muscle and then the skin and it felt cold and it removed any pain I felt in my legs.
11/29/14 (Sat) 14:35:07 No. 11390
>>8765 I'm thinking that the "physical world" as part of it's existence has very strong safeguards built in that prohibit outside interference. Therefore listening in on a secret meeting of business leaders thus informing your stock market moves (astral insider trading) is not possible as it would change the configuration of this world too much. What I'm saying is that this world or reality is locked down and only able to change via internal processes and only in the most minor ways externally.
Second, even if astral projection is just a form of lucid dreaming as is therefore bunk, I think it's still worth the effort. I mean, I'd love to just lucid dream to begin with. It only happened once with me and lasted for around 30 seconds but I'd love to do it again and again.
11/30/14 (Sun) 06:21:00 No. 11462
>>11361 me? a wizard? lmfao! sorry im no wizard. nor have i ever been a neophyte. its detrimental to your being to limit yourself with such close minded humanistic concepts. protip, magick doesn't exist. its all electrical manipulation and dark matter manipulation on a molecular level. this is caused by the ability to control bioelectrical currents. and unlike all you little "wizards" out there that learned this shit in a book somewhere, there are few of us that were born with the abilities that you so desperately strive to achieve. lol sigils and incantations are only a testament to the weakness of a "wizard", for it only solidifies their weakness by relying on an outside entity to loan them enough energy to perform the simplest of tasks. yet all of you continually rely on this method. not realizing that your reliance on outside forces is whats keeping you from gaining any true power. do you think what you understand as gods rely on any power but their own? lol if you do then you are very misguided and far more ignorant than i imagined. there again, you think im a wizard lmao!
11/30/14 (Sun) 07:05:17 No. 11464
>>11462 >labels are detrimental Couldn't agree more.
However, even if you're troling you've got some arrogance issues to work out.
>book Projecting
Sigils are tools, while i agree with you, as we are in this denser plane we can command spirits around to do our bidding, need no mention this you will need to pay for later..
11/30/14 (Sun) 14:54:57 No. 11494
It sounds exactly like dreaming. Do any of you have ANY proof at all that this is not just normal dreams you're having?
11/30/14 (Sun) 15:33:48 No. 11497
>>11494 I'll tell ya what happened to me the other night.
I'm the pothead junkie faggot anon who managed to separate my astral body the other night
>>10858 >go to bed>decide to make affirmations and resonate/LOA >breath exorcizes with green calcite & orgonite >heart profoundly affected >overload, can't take it >intuitively know i have fixed something that was broken >twist about putting items away >unlock heart chakra region with loud cracks >oh shit this night will not be pretty >do my best to fall asleep normally because read and did not want to AP >can't fall asleep despite being tired as shit >dumb enough to see if i was still awake, fearing that i was asleep and conscious >rub thumb with fingers >okay fuck i'm awake, bEtter sleep harder >NO - Don't want to sleep here, want to sleep upstairs >swing legs over, groggily stand up, take a step >back in bed >shit nooo i don't want to do this >want to stretch because just woke up >suddenly whole body ravaged by intense "electrical current" >coupled with quick vision of grey from above pulling me out >this_is_not_happening.jpg >for some reason i thought as this happened "here i come" and pictured grey even more vividly >terror >rub thumb and finger again >feel the movement, hand moving, my body is awake, i can move >yeah okay i'm awake and can move >fuck this shit i'm not sleeping downstairs alone in the dark tonight >lets go upstairs >tfw just starting to move after heavy meditation/body waking up >body slow and heavy >fear >effort of will >fear >start moving desperately towards the light button >terror >nothing around in the dark >reach light flick, slouch against wall, feel the cold, solid.. >turn on light >nolight.jpg >real as fuck, flick the button again, and again >nope >NOPE NOPE NOPE >start walking clumsily towards stairs with heavy effort >get through one room, stumble on a chair, feel pain, fall >back into bed >i was stuck in the projection >its okay, i'm awake now >rub thumb with fingers, clench fist hand moving, i'm awake >body still heavy from waking up from deep sleep/meditation >body really hard to control because its still partly asleep and only through sheer will i'm forcing my legs to move >mind reeling with terror >stumble to the stairs and the light without bothering to turn on the lights in the rooms i pass >room before stairs >try lights >ITS NOT WORKING, WHY ISN'T IT WORKING? >up the stairs >"Daad! Has the lightning struck?" >someone from somewhere near the toilet answers 'no', was that dad? must have been >it was dad, it sounded like dad >DON'T THINK ANY MORE ABOUT IT >GLITCH >back in bed >wake up in cold sweat >wide awake, body a little bit stiff >stare up the ceiling >mind absolute crystal clear Way to real. Didn't even want to AP.
I could kill a nigga for some green now.
I don't want to remember my dreams, they're nightmares, and now this is starting to take place?
11/30/14 (Sun) 15:34:54 No. 11498
>>11494 If you manage to separate, its real, its so, so real. You can barely tell a difference from waking life.
Oðin ## Board Volunteer 11/30/14 (Sun) 15:48:16 No. 11499
>>11462 > its detrimental to your being to limit yourself with such close minded humanistic concepts. This is what I've been saying all along, precisely this. I'm an alium, I dont believe in ranks.
>its all electrical manipulation and dark matter manipulation on a molecular level.I disagree. Electrical doesn't include Electromagnetic. And it's not just energies that are being manipulated, because even the very threads that knit the weave of "reality" can be manipulated at will. This goes beyond material or inmaterial energies. (the ones you mentioned are only material)
> lol sigils and incantations are only a testament to the weakness of a "wizard"No, they're powerful tools that may serve as shortcuts for specific tasks.
>not realizing that your reliance on outside forces is whats keeping you from gaining any true powerWhile I agree with this, not all tools are a concession to outside powers.
in this post i'm talking out of my pass please punish me 11/30/14 (Sun) 16:04:37 No. 11500
>>11499 I read somewhere that electricity is magnetism.
Haven't had time to check up on that..
Energy is energy, the issue here is how to connect them and see them related.
Might be correct but I.. Don't want to talk about things I don't know enough about.
Is electricity a high charge of magnetism that jolts to places where it can better fit?
Electricity & Magnetism ARE related, but the same thing? I don't know. Halp.
>>even the very threads that knit the weave of "reality" can be manipulated at willBecause everything is energy.
Or, if you manipulate the dark matter around something the matter will align with the rearranged dark matter.
11/30/14 (Sun) 16:33:36 No. 11504
>>11497 Don't be such a baby. I've been straight up kidnapped before during experiences like that, and you don't see me freaking out.
Best thing you can do is be calm and have a good sense of humor about everything.
11/30/14 (Sun) 16:39:41 No. 11506
>>11500 Electricity is the flow of electrons. Magnetism is the field (propogated by photons) which occurs around such flows of electrons, so yes, they are related.
12/01/14 (Mon) 06:07:05 No. 11554
>>11499 going into material and non material would also be going into ectoplasm along with various other substances that have no names in human tongues. darkmatter is a type of anti matter, and technically is the governing force of these "inmaterial" forces and energies. even with this all is controlled by electricity, atleast, only what can be explained as electrical currents. electomagnetism as well would fall into this category as its a conscious by product of the manipulation.
at its core, its all negative and positive energy. and yes its not necessarily electricity, but thats the easiest term to use to make the concept relevant to common understanding of the human populace.
sigils can be shortcuts, but relying on these shortcuts to perform certain tasks is denying the ability to perform them by second nature. and over years of research ive noticed a majority of sigils are of origin that calls upon a specific deity. but again even using these tools as shortcuts denies the power that can e obtained by performing these same tasks from second nature with no sigils.
12/01/14 (Mon) 06:11:21 No. 11555
>>11464 if you think you can control all entities of the astral plains simply because your in the physical then your sadly misguided. being bound to these meat sacks does not make you more powerful. in fact, its quite the opposite.
12/01/14 (Mon) 07:50:31 No. 11559
>>11555 >all >control i ask for help.
trips wasted on your whining
12/01/14 (Mon) 23:24:42 No. 11643
>>11559 "we can command spirits around to do our bidding"
yeah, sounds a whole lot like asking for help. shut the fuck up and sit down if your gonna back track.
12/01/14 (Mon) 23:37:47 No. 11644
>>11643 Rude. Commanding can include phrases of curtsey, gratitude and praise.
12/02/14 (Tue) 21:30:06 No. 11726
>>11494 some of these posts sound like they were just more lucid than normal in their dream.
my belief is there's an amount of lucidity you can achieve all the way up to being able to do whatever just about you want, depending on certain factors that set you up for it.
but actual astral travel is almost another experience entirely, and if you ever experience it you wouldn't doubt it.
i've read a lot about this in the past so i kinda know what to go for when i realize everything is set up right to travel, but i'm still not good at it because it's too overwhelming, still hard to control.
and really i'm the last person to believe this kinda shit, but you really do sit up outside of your body and start trying to get up and walk away from yourself.
it's an extremely chaotic feeling and i usually make it about 20 feet before everything collapses and i wake up.
when it happens you'll definitely be thinking to yourself "holy fuck i'm astral traveling"
some tips:
the easiest time to do it is after you've briefly woken up in the middle of the night and you go back to sleep.
really try to envision the room around you after you close your eyes, this is probably the most important part
you have to try to create that room in your head and when your body falls asleep your brain will still be active, then you can try to get up
it's really tough though, like you have to push through it in slow motion.
12/06/14 (Sat) 14:16:07 No. 12099
>>8445 I think I finally did it guys!, I woke up in the middle of the night, and either AP'D or Lucid Dreamed, I'm not sure which one part 1 is
>Part 1>Wake up in my room >A bunch of young-aged woman in shinobi suits are in my room along with a cute loli slime girl that seems to be their leader >she walks up, tells me to take my medicine (I have been having a few mental problems recently) and puts on the table a cd disk and a yellow book in japanese (It appeared to be about learning japanese) >Then the leader took me aside and confessed that although her group was mainly a bunch of weebs >Then, while I was thinking about this, the girl had disintegrated nearly all of her slime >she was on the floor and had a box in her center >then one of the ninja-girls then said. "our leader was never good at making costumes" >Then, I wondered if I was AP'ing, that started to leave me plane shifting >Part 2>I was in the place with a tough sandy ground, and near a temple with a dark pool in front of it, with rusted chains surronding it >I swung from chain to chain, someone that looked like a mentor came up and commended me for my fearlessness >I then came to the temple and started to see various people (mainly teenagers) entering it, I then realized that demons could be in that temple, so I just started to walk around until I was pulled out Was that Lucid Dreaming or AP'ing
12/09/14 (Tue) 05:34:55 No. 12395
/a/non /mai/den waifufag here. Also neophyte as fuck so please forgive any ignorance. I've talked with my waifu in the astral before, at least I think it was, the "dreams" start with me in my room, that's how they start right? She seems to think positively of me so that's good. Sometimes we bathe, cuddle, or just talk with each other. Although after reading a bit here, I'm a tad curious and worried, is this a malevolent being impersonating my beloved Lilly? I know some waifufags who try /fringe/ shit usually make tulpas and that never goes well so I avoid stuff like that, but are waifu meetings in the astral okay? Am I just having a normal dream and making a big deal out of nothing?
12/09/14 (Tue) 05:45:46 No. 12397
>>12395 You aren't astral projecting you are having a lucid dream, meaning you are just dreaming and controlling what happens.
12/09/14 (Tue) 05:51:33 No. 12398
>>11644 But its still a command, innit? That's like putting sugar on salt.
12/09/14 (Tue) 06:03:25 No. 12399
>>12397 I don't really feel in control
12/09/14 (Tue) 07:03:39 No. 12401
>>12395 The existence of your waifu would be a thought turned into a being. In your case, it may be one of these thought forms, or another being assuming its identity.
In lucid dream you are still in another plane, so it's an astral travel where only your mind is acting. Astral travel is more like a shared existence, just like the material one. In both it may be the legit Lilly form or another one, not necessarily malevolent, taking its form.
12/09/14 (Tue) 08:45:46 No. 12405
>>12399 If you feel out of control, or don;t know what comes next. than you are either interacting with your subconscious or interacting with another intelligence in the astral.
It is impossible to tell if you have not yet mastered control of your mind.
12/09/14 (Tue) 09:57:08 No. 12410
neophyte here, I managed to do it again. the experience was typical for me, waking up in my own room, doing my usual stuff and then I wake up, I do have this issue with false awakenings. I even checked the time on my phone and the internet, I did not realized I was projecting/dreaming. I'm repeating what others said time and time again, but meditating while observing your thoughts is the way I always get these experiences. The process itself in which you detach yourself from your thoughts is fascinating in itself, it's a beautiful self-awareness that can be cultivated
12/09/14 (Tue) 10:24:01 No. 12411
Alright I will type my story of when I was "sleep paralyzed" and went into the astral and killed/defeated whatever it was. a bit backstory>whole life be spiritually attuned naturally since childhood >have previous lives visions, sometimes get "messages", dying only to somehow have a "tumble" in my mind and come back to reality mere moments before my "death" >capable of staying underwater for unlimited amount of time, doing this every time I took a bath as a child until one day when I was 7-8 and I remember thinking "wait a minute…this shouldn't be possible" after staying underwater for more than 4 mins and ever since then not being able to do it anymore >floating and getting scared at my own ability to float as a kid again thinking "wait…this shouldn't be possible" >sensing things before they happen >dreaming about the next day, next day…it happens >family has a long line of dealing with people regarding witchcraft and curses that's something very common in my native land…well I guess my parent's native land…since I wasn't born there technically.>saying things to people, they tell me others have told them the same with same words and its strange, somehow "deduce" things I have never thought about but get things correctly >during exams, find solution to problems without doing all the "steps" >"feel" things and "guess" them accurately anyhow onto the story now
12/09/14 (Tue) 10:40:27 No. 12412
>>12411 the order of these series of events are not all placed on chronological order
>be 19 >just moved to a new house on other side of the city >lose first love, lose friends, lose contact with everyone >moved far so left job, left everything >all I did was play wow >after 9 months of this >brother gets dragged into depression and playing wow right next to me >read about paranormal stuff >start to dig deeper >discover society is nothing but a false illusion >dig deeper and deeper, and deeper >become depressed, disillusioned, beaten, worn down, crashed and burning >psychosis >ego death >staring at mirror and can't tell if I'm real (forgot the name for this) >suicidal >very low point in life and one day…one day…as I just finished raiding
I go to bed feeling exhausted, I felt exhausted despite not doing any physical activity for months…might have been lack of vitamin D but anyhow
>get in room, feel malevolent presence in room >reluctant to close door but do so as habit of sleep >lie down in bed >not asleep, can't sleep…exhausted but somehow I can't >lots of trembling, like high turbulence >high pitched noises next to my ears explosion like >some disgusting, vile, horrible, dreadful creature is behind me (I sleep on back) >can't move >try to scream, nothing yes yes its sleep paralysis
>remember to "pray" and call upon god to make it go away >do so, it won't leave >want to fight it so badly but feel weak, strength leaving my body, fear for my life >somehow close my eyes, I see "myself" in some other plane >I somehow call upon an armor of gold and it covers me >become super strong >I have a lance, with my other hand I summon lightning (think of dark souls and the lightning spell, but this was way before dark souls and even demon souls was out) >shoot it, stab it, kill it >it fades away, I can move now >start laughing in my bed because of victory >feel like telling brother in next room but too exhausted to move >fall asleep laughing restfully annddddd then I had mono(?) for the next few months and had to run to bed and felt exhausted randomly and a bunch of other weird stuff happened…but there it is!
12/09/14 (Tue) 10:52:02 No. 12413
>>12412 >>12411 does this sound at all like something that could happen in the astral?
I never entirely understood what happened that night
12/09/14 (Tue) 11:05:43 No. 12414
>>12413 It sounds mainly like your brain is fried. The astral is always leaking. I would guess something was sensing your weakness and an easy target. I would actually in your circumstance say this is what people describe as the angel of death itself.
I have met different incarnations of the angel of death before. It will come when you are weak, depressed or ready to give up and die, and test you so to speak.
It sounds like your moment of weakness was an opportunity to test you to be ready for death and you showed a vigorous spirit and it fucked off.
The rest breathing underwater feeling is probably from a past life, you probably inherited part of a soul of some type of sea creature.
Again most of it is probably delusion but even in delusion some of the astral can leak into your perception.
12/09/14 (Tue) 11:21:50 No. 12415
>>12414 >It sounds mainly like your brain is fried Interesting, care to elaborate?
You could be partially right.
>angel of death itselfThats the first and only encounter I had with this entity
I did go in the astral before and ever since then but I never ran into something as horrifying. Not that I remember at least.
>inherited part of a soulWell that's a first. Where could I learn more about this?
>Again most of it is probably delusion have you never heard of people floating?
how reality is not really "real"?
ever seen the video on youtube of some guy curing people and opening them up with his hands and you see blood and then covers them with a towel and when he removes the towel the wound is closed?
reality is sometimes stranger than fiction
12/09/14 (Tue) 11:35:05 No. 12416
>>12415 >Interesting, care to elaborate?You could be partially right.
Our minds are leaking to the astral. If your mind is muddled you are mixing your own thoughts and sense with the astral; it is like taking water and earth and making mud. If you mix them nothing is clear and it is all confused. You should strive to be in synch with one or the other. Feel the physical or see into the aether.
>That's the first and only encounter I had with this entityYou will see it again, one day. Perhaps in a polar opposite form. Bad news though. The form you saw him in is not the form you
want to see him in if you have a choice. There are two primary forms, one that challenges you and one that accepts you.
You do have a choice which form you will meet, or even a mix of the two. There is a change you need to make somewhere in your life. Whatever you are doing now is not the best you can do at all.
>Where could I learn more about this?Kill yourself and you'll find out. When you go to the astral you never know what you will get exactly. When you are born you don't know what you will get, part of this part of that. Some ideas closely connected with your physical form were absorbed over time. Your soul is never truly formed in a final state, it is always talking on and radiating off.
I connected with your description specifically because I have actually experienced something very similar to you relating to a past life.
>how reality is not really "real"? yes I know this. But it is easier to fool yourself than to be fooled.
12/09/14 (Tue) 13:10:52 No. 12428
>>12416 This happened almost a decade ago.
On phone now so my posting is limited.
My first vision/memory of a previous life was at the age of 4.
In the past year I have learned that my previous two lives we're 1. Being a slave, escaping my captors, freeing the rest, becoming a leader and revenge on the captors (bad karma)
12/09/14 (Tue) 13:17:17 No. 12431
>>12428 2. High politician/very influential person who was very good at what he did. Was afraid of going out of town and discovering the unknown.
Both aspects of my personality I still carry
>dislike oppressors/afraid of facing unknown I also feel I was a warrior since I've always been drawn to combat. And I've had a knack for cigarettes and booze ever since I was a kid
>that vision at 4 of "me" being an older man in wild west drinking and smoking in some tavern
12/09/14 (Tue) 13:28:21 No. 12435
1 Sorry for all the posts but the website freezes when I get to a certain # of words on phone. I actually can't recall if I was 3 or 4 but >was saying out loud >When I was older/when I was a grown up >felt compelled to close eyes so I did >could "see" all these visions I also have a birthmark right in the middle of my temple. Its a slight discoloration. Previous execution? Or third eye manifestation?
12/11/14 (Thu) 05:57:36 No. 12604
>>12395 lol i come in explaining shit and poking holes in shit and i see people proclaiming "im neophyte forgive me" lol.
ignorance is one thing, semblance of enlightenment is another. there is alot of comments on this thread that are completely fucking irrelevant to astral machinations.
but i saw where dude was talking about different planes of existence and what not and how it ties into lucid dreams. so ill elucidate.
lucid dreaming is like astral projecting due to you conscious awareness slipping into another form of awareness. where astral travel is transferring your consciousness to the spark (what you understand as a soul) and forcefully exiting the vessel. lucid dreaming is an inward conscious awareness that goes into you subconscious. simply put, you become aware to a metaphysical pocket dimension thats all inside your mind.
you dont have absolute control over these dreams because its still a legitimate dream.
now there are some beings known simply as dreamwalkers who can invade these subconscious metaphysical realities. but this is normally only done among each other as a secure means of telepathy. or by accident. and dreamwalking is an advanced form of astral traveling. but i wont explain how that works, it doesnt need to be common knowledge.
aaaannywayyys. to give a verdict of what in the hells goin on there id have to know more about the origin of your "waifu" as you call her. how the idea of her came about. the experiences to detail. things of that nature. even with that info any conclusions by anyone except yourself is only speculation. so youll have to find the answers on your own whether you like it or not.
and always remember, it is the light that invades the dark. lol maybe youll understand the meaning one day.
12/11/14 (Thu) 06:10:05 No. 12606
>>12435 >>11644 a command is a command, not a request. try to command a daemon and see how far that gets you lol.
12/11/14 (Thu) 11:55:32 No. 12642
>>12604 >>12606 well that's why you can't really blame ignorants. they are just uneducated. its not good to look down upon them.
thanks for your command comment. it certainly was meant for me to read it at this moment.
12/11/14 (Thu) 11:58:02 No. 12643
>>12642 actually thanks for your entire message. I'm trying to learn. but thanks. I'll do things on my own. asking others neglects to my own development.
12/11/14 (Thu) 14:20:03 No. 12648
Tried to do APing while ago, around this summer, tried it three times, became too enthusiastic and moved my body, that's all. I did feel some kind of vibration and I felt like my body was twisting around it's own axis, then felt levitated. Got a question about the latter, spinning around axis and levitational feeling, is this the seperation of the soul from the physical body?
12/11/14 (Thu) 20:11:00 No. 12689
Age isn't an indicator of spiritual progress.
12/12/14 (Fri) 05:44:20 No. 12741
Not sure if this is a place for what im trying to ask but. The last time i tried meditating, within minutes i reached gnosis, it scared me and knocked me out. but from that point i started meditating everyday working my way up to induce gnosis knowing i could and start to experience it every other session or so. My dreams started becoming… i was lucid, but i wasn't. I accepted i was in a dream, but knew the dream was reality and so i acted as myself, not lucid, but was just myself, almost as if i was half lucid. From that i started getting sleep paralysis almost everytime i woke up, i would wake up and immediately re-enter dreams. I was starting to stop doing random things in my dreams and started talking to entities about philosophy, beliefs, ect. But then it started getting weird. I would do some small tiny little thing in my day, like not turn in some assignment in school, big woop right. At night, i would get this anxiety that would start building though, more and more and more on this one tiny little incident, it kept building and building until i was filled with negative thoughts, and the amount of pure negative doubt that, one tiny little incident ruined my entire life, fucked everything over, nothing is left, i kept getting images in my head of killing myself i kept suppressing, i kept hearing side voices saying to kill myself, just do it, you already ruined your life, more and more negative doubt and negative doubt, more and more suicidal thoughts. After hours of crying from what my mind was in full force pushing onto me, i finally said to myself enough is enough and to shut the fuck up and get up, no longer will i allow myself to think these thoughts. Immediately it felt like the pressure was over, i felt as if whatever it was (even if it was myself) causing all this negative thoughts on a minor problem. It was gone, i immediately felt better, as if i was myself. confident again, not doubting but glad. My question to you is… What the fuck was that?, i've been depressed before, but always manage to knock myself out of it, never have i ever felt anything like that. or experienced anything like that. Since that experience, i stopped meditating, which stopped my lust for spiritual knowledge, and everything went back to, relative ease.
12/12/14 (Fri) 05:50:53 No. 12745
>>12741 I should mention, not more then a day after i was linked to some monotalk article, never even knew what monotalk was but found this article on /x/, talked about how entities would invade your mind if you where getting closer to something (my goal was leaving my physical body to astral project, alongside creating a memory palace and experiencing alternative states of consciousness).
another question if anyone knows, Did anything like this every happen to you when you started to practice these things?
12/12/14 (Fri) 05:53:04 No. 12746
>>12741 >>12745 I'm an idiot, i see the question thread i'll go there instead
12/12/14 (Fri) 05:54:52 No. 12749
The last time i tried meditating, within minutes i reached gnosis, it scared me and knocked me out. but from that point i started meditating everyday working my way up to induce gnosis knowing i could and start to experience it every other session or so. My dreams started becoming… i was lucid, but i wasn't. I accepted i was in a dream, but knew the dream was reality and so i acted as myself, not lucid, but was just myself, almost as if i was half lucid. From that i started getting sleep paralysis almost everytime i woke up, i would wake up and immediately re-enter dreams. I was starting to stop doing random things in my dreams and started talking to entities about philosophy, beliefs, ect. But then it started getting weird. I would do some small tiny little thing in my day, like not turn in some assignment in school, big woop right. At night, i would get this anxiety that would start building though, more and more and more on this one tiny little incident, it kept building and building until i was filled with negative thoughts, and the amount of pure negative doubt that, one tiny little incident ruined my entire life, fucked everything over, nothing is left, i kept getting images in my head of killing myself i kept suppressing, i kept hearing side voices saying to kill myself, just do it, you already ruined your life, more and more negative doubt and negative doubt, more and more suicidal thoughts. After hours of crying from what my mind was in full force pushing onto me, i finally said to myself enough is enough and to shut the fuck up and get up, no longer will i allow myself to think these thoughts. Immediately it felt like the pressure was over, i felt as if whatever it was (even if it was myself) causing all this negative thoughts on a minor problem. It was gone, i immediately felt better, as if i was myself. confident again, not doubting but glad. My question to you is… What the fuck was that?, i've been depressed before, but always manage to knock myself out of it, never have i ever felt anything like that. or experienced anything like that. Since that experience, i stopped meditating, which stopped my lust for spiritual knowledge, and everything went back to, relative ease. I should mention, not more then a day after i was linked to some monotalk article, never even knew what monotalk was but found this article on /x/, talked about how entities would invade your mind if you where getting closer to something (my goal was leaving my physical body to astral project, alongside creating a memory palace and experiencing alternative states of consciousness). another question if anyone knows, Did anything like this every happen to you when you started to practice these things?
12/12/14 (Fri) 05:57:06 No. 12752
>>12749 Fail post, my bad.
☻ 12/12/14 (Fri) 06:16:21 No. 12757
>>12746 It is perfectly fine to ask questions in ANY pre-existing thread. Questions do not have to just be posted in the questions thread. What is NOT ok is to start a whole new thread just to ask a question and present no information at the same time.
☻ 12/12/14 (Fri) 06:18:44 No. 12758
In general – anyone can post whatever the fuck they want in any thread. I don't care if you derail, shitpost, ask questions, or do whatever else you want in existing threads. Most of the rules are only concerned with the creation of new threads. aka don't create a thread on a topic that already exists, don't create a thread just to ask a question, don't create a thread that isn't on topic on this board, etc.
12/12/14 (Fri) 07:03:10 No. 12772
>>12642 i dont look down upon the ignorant, i look down upon those who dont have natural abilities and therefore are ignorant cause theyre basically like a blind dude tying to read japanese. you only really know what you hear, and what you hear isnt necessarily true.
and i dunno what happened that brought on the gratitude about the command thing but, thanks? lol Daemons hate circles too, its a hatred of confinement thing. that goes for most entities actually. but daemons especially. also note that Daemons arent the same as the abrahamic concept of demons. demons only denotes factions of a certain species and that entire thing is completely misconstrued as yahshvweh is a fucking child with a small amount of power and a huge narcissism complex. anyways, daemon is kind of a loose term to denote the aeon of which the being came from and level of power, it has no reflection of species. and nearly all who hold the title daemon are old as fuck, even if the vessel appears quite young. but remember even with having a firm grasp on the knowledge of the astral plains and what dwells therein the void. there are always, always exceptions to those rules, even if very rare.
>>12643 im pretty sure your the same anon addressed above but ill indicate the response anyways. regardless, glad it helped i guess.
you can pick up things from others, but when it comes to the astral and learning how to project and manipulate energies keep to what you know is true, and take what you hear with a grain of salt. to truly know you must experience it yourself. and trying to learn with no natural ability makes it even more difficult. and due to the ignorance of those without natural abilities. they try to do something and fuck shit up cause they have no fucking idea what theyre doing, and heard they could (insert task here) by some dumbass means. then i have to play clean up crew because the stupid fucks i personally know accidentally open gateways and summon daemons cause they are "absolutely certain" its the right sigil. and its always a sigil to call upon the power of an outside force. to put it bluntly i have high prejudice against wiccans and those with no natural ability. its like a monkey trying to defuse a bomb. they could pull the right wire. but theres atleast 9 other chances they get blown up.
with that said, as long as one is careful its normally not that big of a deal. avoid rituals. there are no rituals, except for things you really do not want to fuck with, that you cant accomplish by your own power. whether its changing eye color or passing a cigarette through someones hand.
you seem genuine in your interest, so ill extend my knowledge to you. maybe the rest of the individuals on this forum will learn something as well. so if you have anymore questions heres your time to ask them. im hardly omniscient, but ill answer what i can to the best of my knowledge. if i dont know ill blatantly tell you.
12/15/14 (Mon) 19:19:00 No. 13137
>>12749 Interesting, something similar happened to me on the same day, and I've been waiting for the opportunity to share the experience with /fringe/.
Sorry if it's not really an astral experience, but I don't know where to write this.
I was with a childhood friend of mine, and we ate psilocybin mushrooms. It was our first time.
At first we felt a slight "stoning" effect, like cannabis, but after some time shit started to get real.
First, some light stuff happened, like walls began wobbling, we began laughing without reason and we felt good.
Then I got some visual effects.
Repeating triangle patterns started appearing on the ceiling, and the atmosphere become "mystic". Everything became "trippy". I could see little colourful dots in my vision, and when I closed my eyes I could see very vivid and colourful spirals of tribal-like patterns swirling around, they looked kind of like Maya art.
Then I began realizing stuff. As I was talking to my friend we both felt a very strong connection, which we called telepathic (he is not familiar with /fringe/ stuff, he's more interested in philosophy). While we were in this state, I was shown and I experienced some occult things that I read about, but never really "felt".
I started rambling, I was saying stuff like this:
"All is One, All is One!" - as I felt I was one with everything. It was a feeling I can't really describe with words. It felt like I was one with God.
"1+1=1!" - this came natural to me as I witnessed the sacred union of the masculine and feminine principles before my eyes: I was shown the symbols of Yin and Yang interlocking, and the symbols of the blade and the cup forming the hexagram, the sperm and the egg becoming a single cell. The pictures were not before my eyes, but rather in the space above me and my friend, as we were laying near each other. He reported "seeing" the union of the Yin and Yang as well.
As I witnessed these symbols, I felt a strong, intense love and union with everything.
I was shown the hermetic principles in action and I experienced them first-hand throughout the trip.
By this time, the visuals were getting crazy, and If I looked at my friend's face for example, It would either look like a spiral going into his head, or it would be like two perfectly symmetric mirrored halves.
The best way to describe it would be a kaleidoscope-like vision.
One very cool thing I noticed is that my thoughts shaped the reality around me: if I thought "my friend's face is my face", I would actually see my face on his head. If I told myself "my hands look funny" I would start seeing 8 fingers on it or something like that.
The next thing I felt was "everything is as it is meant to be".
Then things started to get really trippy. Everything became a fractal. The world felt like a fractal. Everything made more sense.
But I started to really get lost in the trip.
12/15/14 (Mon) 19:19:40 No. 13138
>>13137 I started to lose the sense of things.
We were a bit cold, but hot and cold meant nothing to us, we did not care, it was just a sensation, not good, not bad.
Time completely lost meaning. Things felt like they lasted an hour when they really lasted 10 minutes.
Then came a partial ego death for me. My personality, everything was almost lost, however I did not take enough mushrooms and the personality death was not total and I could still feel something "of me". It was more like removing a good chunk of "me" and replacing it with a kind of subconscious, animal-like nature.
This was unfortunate, because it made me go through a small identity crisis, and being on mushrooms, I could physically feel the spiritual distress, and I felt like throwing up for a while.
I managed to recover, but not completely: as dusk came and the sun set, I was alone in the dark bathroom, lights off, while my friend was downstairs. However I was not exactly myself, as I explained earlier, and I got paranoid.
The "bad trip" began.
I thought I would freeze to death that night (It was cold and the radiators were not working properly for some reason). As I said, I think the subconscious kind of took over, and I was caught in an irrational loop of paranoia, and my mind managed to find confirmation around me for every bad thought I had. It was like hardcore bad-trip law of attraction. All my life was being scrutinized to find confirmation for my negative thoughts.
I started getting solipsistic, I thought I was the only person alive, basically God, and every other person was created by me so I would not feel lonely. I thought I would die that day, taking the "bluepill" to forget I was god so I would not feel so lonely, and I thought I would be reborn the next day, just to experience life all over again, in an frightening eternal loop of solitude, which made me feel sick.
And feeling sick made me feel even more sick, I was caught in my spiral of bad thoughts.
I was seeing sexual and gore images everywhere and I felt disgusted at the world, while voices in my head were telling me that there's nothing more to life than sex, disgusting feces, and gore.
All of this happened while I was taking a shit in a pitch black room.
Somehow I got myself together and managed to go downstairs, where my friend was sitting near the fireplace.
At that point, I just wanted to go to bed and forget about everything. I just wanted oblivion, death, eternal sleep. It was like being in hell. And it wasn't even a full-fledged "bad trip", since I kind of knew in the back of my mind that I was causing this to myself.
Anyway, I went to bed but I felt so cold and paranoid that I could not sleep.
I covered myself with every blanket I could find, but I was still freezing.
My friend reassured me, telling me I would not freeze to death, but I was convinced that I would.
Eventually I figured out that the cold was coming from inside, I was causing the cold mentally. I don't even know how that works.
In the end, my friend made us a nice warm tea and told me that I needed to expel the psilocybin from my body and it would all be all right.
With all the willpower I had left, I got up and went to the bathroom again, but this time I turned on the light.
And I just peed it all out.
I felt immediately better, and I think attaching a positive thought of purification to the peeing helped immensely, even if it was just autosuggestion.
I don't know whether the "bad trip" part was caused by my mind or by external forces, but I needed it to learn anyway.
Overall it was a great experience, the mushroom spoke to me in a very personal way, it was very purifying and I experienced what I learnt from the books you guys recommended.
Hope the post's not too long.
☻ (2/2)
12/17/14 (Wed) 04:28:01 No. 13349
I don't know if it was a really really werid lucid dream, sleep paralysis or I actually got to astral proyect, but it was kinda weird. It goes as the following: >Be me>Apparently wake up, same position I was when fell aslee, giving the back to the wall and facing my bookshelf >Can't move >Feel something jump on the bed, around the size of a cat (I have a cat but I sleep with the door closed)>I feel the thing sniff me and then lay down by my feet, curling like a cat or something. It doesn't feel cold >Another of those things gets on my bed and does the same >Try really hard to move untill I can >Get out of bed and go to turn the lights on >The room is darker than usual and the switch doesn't work >For some reason was kind expecting it to not work and doesn't get surprised >Get this ornamental axe thing I have in my room that is made our of a donkey dentary (lower jaw) for the blade >See a little static spark as I grab it (It is normal for me to have static in weird situations or when bothered/pissed off)>Walk back to bed and blindly start to hit this things where I felt they where >For some reason room starts to become less dark as I hit them. The light was white and really nice >Once I finished them off I put the axe thing back where it was and went back to sleep >Wake up later in a different position I originally was It happened like a month ago and I have really no idea what it was and if those things where good or bad (better safe than sorry), plus most times I see shadows on my dreams they tend to run away from me, some of them looking frightened, instead of trying to get me like with most people. I don't know if it's relevant to that dream/AP/whatever it was but dead animals/persons seem to wait for me before dying, specially pets, also animals are quite friendly with me for some reason. I had had more "weird" dreams (seem perfectly fine and normal for me, even really nice) where I sometimes chase off this shadows or other weird entities, as well as dreams of this huge old-looking house with a really huge yard that is apparently mine (had been there a lot of times). I even once dreamt I was at this cove that was full of bones (not just human bones, they where bones of a lot of different animals) and it felt like I was at the coolest and most relaxing place ever. But back on the weird AP/Lucid Dream/whatever that was, any clues of what it was and what where those apparently friendly things?
12/18/14 (Thu) 08:19:47 No. 13461
>>967 Have any of you even considered the possibility that negative entities could just enter your body while you are gone and manipulate your emotions towards negative outcomes?
Food for thought.
Same goes for meditation as you typically disassociate for this as well.
12/18/14 (Thu) 10:04:16 No. 13471
I'm curious how often can you guys successfully astral travel when you want to? Same question with lucid dreaming
12/19/14 (Fri) 01:44:24 No. 13558
>>13471 >>13461 Emotions are intimate to the astral body, they'd have to enter my astral body, dicking around in my physical body would do nothing, and anything that goes after my physical body immediately drags me back into my physical body before it can get too close.
>>13471 Very often, eventually I will maintain a permanent connection to the astral.
12/21/14 (Sun) 12:38:17 No. 14193
This morning I noped the fuck out of my first astral experience. I woke up at 4am, took a cold shower, meditated for like half an hour or so, then went back to bed, because I slept like 3 hours and I was tired. After a few minutes laying there, I started feeling high as fuck, like when your head feels strange and your etheric body lags behind after smoking cannabis. I started having little flashes of creepy lucid dreams and waking back up. Then the body vibrations came, I went with the flow and let them be, and a couple of intense seconds later, I felt and heard a "pew!" sound inside my head, like a laser gun was being shot. I remember some people reporting that being the sign of a "breakthrough", but I was too tired for that shit. I thought "I'm probably paralyzed right now", so I tried moving my hand and sure enough I could not move it. >nope With some effort I managed end the paralysis, and I got out of that state.
12/21/14 (Sun) 20:09:00 No. 14255
Just the other night, I was in bed, on my side, with my head propped up on my arm. Then I realized it wasn't my arm, and my head fell. This is a first for me. A fully lucid, astrally projected arm. It was pretty incredible.
12/23/14 (Tue) 06:10:16 No. 14494
>>8101 My mom took me there last year as a group firld trip for our metaphysical church. Cool place, it was chill to see fringe topics be looked at scientifically.
They took us to see seehowgood we are at guessing games and bending s0oonss0oons with our minds but only when we close our eyes while we do it.
01/02/15 (Fri) 03:06:53 No. 15967
I spent an entire fucking stay over in the astral exercising the whole time. I am so sore now. Also I've been doing these astral exercises for a long while, while not doing any physical exercise at all, and I recently tested my strength and I was a fuckload stronger.
01/03/15 (Sat) 09:05:43 No. 16172
I awoke and fell asleep one morning, and thus begins this brief experience; I was on the floor of some industrial warehouse, a really dilapidated place, and unable to move. A pair of decaying zombie women (I think) shambles into view and pinned me down; shortly after, a third very slowly approached, it wore camo, looked me square in the eye, and proceeded to projectile-vomit shit, blood, and guts all over me, adjoined in this activity by the other two. I then awoke; I know what and who this thing was, as I was informed by an entity in another dream as to his identity months prior. It haunts a retirement home, induces nightmares in elderly, and might be responsible for the development if dementia in advanced cases, like my grandmother. Phone's about to die, I'll talk more about it another time if anyone's interested.
01/03/15 (Sat) 09:10:42 No. 16174
01/03/15 (Sat) 18:48:47 No. 16250
Hi guyse, This isn't really about astral travels I guess (?) but it's kinda related (?..) and I'm not sure where else to ask, so I thought I should try. Lately, I've been having dreams where I realize that I'm dreaming, but I can't do anything about that. Ex.: in a dream, I was telling someone a really detailed story about something and then started laughing because I thought that it's useless to be so specific in a dream. That person asked me what I was laughing about. I just said 'never mind' and continued explaining something. So I wanted to ask if this is useful in any way? And if yes, what should I do next?
01/06/15 (Tue) 02:59:20 No. 16739
What are your thoughts on Montalk's answer regarding Astral Projection? "No, by itself astral travel does nothing to make you more knowledgeable, enlightened, or spiritual. That is because you only tend to encounter layers of the astral planes and beings who are equal or lower than you in consciousness/vibration.
Mostly it’s a waste of time, and can be dangerous if you are under negative entity attacks. They can pull you out of the body and sever the soul connection to the body if they are strong enough, and then they can take your place. People who astral travel too much seem to lose parts of their soul slowly, like it wears away.
I think it’s only safe if you’re already an esoteric initiate, well trained over your mind and emotions and are spiritually balanced. Then if you’re that high, and you astral travel to attend some meeting in the higher astral planes, sure you could gain from that. But most people just going exploring or flying around, no that’s not good. Astral travel isn’t something you do to become more enlightened, it’s something you can do more safely near/after becoming enlightened.
Lucid dreaming is safer. Any positive being that can teach you anything, can do so by projecting itself into your dreamscape if needed. You don’t leave your body (that much) and therefore cannot be taken away and replaced."
"I’ve known others who did a lot of astral projection and the effects reminded me of what happens to heavy LSD users, in that a part of them seems to get lost, and worse, something else takes its place."
01/16/15 (Fri) 07:23:41 No. 18170
>I've suffer from nightmares and such. >For a time i aimed to become a lucid dreamer with no results. >In one of my nightmare im being haunted by a butched that catches me and seals somewhere in a strange pluzzle >Suddenly im takem away >Its a weird being, tells me shes named minuet and told me that saved me >Second dream, she saves me from a giant by turning herself into a spooky monster >Third dream, she follows me around my house as a shadow trying to capture me >Four dream, she simulates my living, im sleeping in my dream and takes me by the leg and tries to levitate me. I saw her as floating yellow orbs >Five dream; lucid stated and i do all type of things to make sure is stable. I summon to confront her. She appears as a weird figure that absorbs all light around her, wakes me up paralyzed and with high heart pressure >Last dream; lucid. I went to my mental plane in my lucid state. Become ready and summon her again. >She appears behind me showing she cut in half the whole dream like a void and jumps at me What does this mean? Should i try a. p. to try to talk or what? Im taking drugs to inhibite dreams at this point.
01/18/15 (Sun) 01:39:34 No. 18427
Is there a connection between sleepparalysis and AP?
01/18/15 (Sun) 01:46:51 No. 18429
>>18170 Man the fuck up. No joke. I learned to crush (almost) any nightmare i get. Affirmate yourself. In the face of imminent danger or Death. When youre about to die anyways, just dont give a fuck refuse to accept your weaknes and punch back. Countless times i suddenly became some sort of hulk.
wake up with a satisfied smirk on your face.
bleedinglungs-copypaste 01/18/15 (Sun) 01:59:57 No. 18430
Does anyone here know who Bleedinglungs or Copypaste is? Or are they here?
01/19/15 (Mon) 01:37:00 No. 18639
>>18430 Copypaste = the based cripple
01/19/15 (Mon) 02:13:14 No. 18648
Somebody posted a story la bit ago I didn't get to finish reading because the phone app I use tombstoned and the page refreshes when I'd returned; did/can anyone post a screenshot?
01/27/15 (Tue) 09:39:15 No. 19754
What about meditating into the astral? Have you tried it? How is it? Same with rituals, how is it?
01/27/15 (Tue) 09:41:11 No. 19755
>>18170 Just fuck her right in the pussy m8
☻ 01/28/15 (Wed) 13:36:29 No. 19896
I saw myself in the astral again today in a mirror. I looked completely different again, it seems I end up with a new and different body every single time. Much shorter blonde hair, more full beard, lips were a little thick (top and bottom) but it wasn't too bad overall. I looked a lot more attractive and spent most of my time exercising, walking around, a little talking to people, and entertaining people. Also ate some food. I had no memory of who I was in this life.
CHAOSVOID 01/29/15 (Thu) 17:57:39 No. 20058
Advice on Astral Travel First clean up your room: Second: Begin creating an astral shield around its perimeter that acts as a filter against problematic thoughtforms. Make sure to also create an additional thoughtformed filter for your entrance-way that incinerates thoughtforms attached to you just by passing through. This shielding will need to be recharged, the exact amount varying, depending on how many entities are fucking with it and trying to burst through all the time. It should at least wipe out some of the loosely attached thoughtforms immediately upon entering your room and filter out a lot of astral noise.
Third: Practise void meditation and get control of your mind, eradicate all thoughtforms trying to waste your loosh and distract you, while in your shielded room.
Four: Attain as much loosh energy from every source you possibly can, food, people's emotions, vampirism (only do it to victims angels / higher forces don't care about though, otherwise you'll get your ass kicked) via linking into people's energy centres (chakras) and siphoning from them, etc. and store it up in your own energy centres OR make an astral space and create vessels there that hold the loosh for you OR create charged objects that hold the loosh for you, even a vessel of water can hold a ton of loosh that you can consume later.
Five: get comfy and relaxed as possible
Six: do the numbers meditation from at least 0 to 60. You can go higher to say 300 or more if you want but 0 to 60 doesn't take as much time and is all that is needed.
Seven: do a body scan (like in New Energy Ways v2) and focus your awareness into parts of your body then move that awareness around, while doing this redirect energy and heat around in your body to where it's needed, circulating it about you… just tinker around with this every day until you find what works for you best, you'll probably have to dynamically adjust every day anyways. Feel any tension in any parts of the body you become aware of and release it so as to relax it.
Eight: Send out astral pulses from your body which move out like a sphere of energy that bounces off of everything in the room, akin to echolocation, and which is programmed to burn anything in your room. You could also substitute any other banishing ritual you want but this one is most effective for me. You can also program your pulses to have other effects like stunning entities, trapping them, or shoving them out of the room to beyond your shielding. If you trap or stun them then you can confront them in person after getting into trance or APing and then decide what to do with them, maybe gut them of their loosh and cannibalize them, giving you more energy to work with if done right and efficiently.
Nine: Continue energy work, check which energy centres in your body have an excess of energy, and direct it towards the third eye chakra if you want to AP now.
Ten: Doing this causes the visual capacity to increase significantly.
Eleven: Now force a lot of energy from your body out of it and into your astral body. Then just sit up and walk off around your room. You should be in the astral now but you might not realize it at first, you might think you just sat up in the physical world, but you probably have not. Usually at this stage my body jerks a lot and suddenly and this is where it looks like I'm being electroshocked. It is basically like dying except I get to come back to my vessel.
Twelve: Try to work out astral navigation and various other basic tasks you'll need to master in the astral to get things done and learn and so on. You can harvest more loosh, work on thoughtforms for any functions imaginable (including for speed-reading, advanced math, sports, martial arts, etc.), go and possess people, tap in others minds and receive their thoughts, etc.
01/29/15 (Thu) 18:42:06 No. 20063
>>20058 >Five: get comfy and relaxed as possible Where is the advice on this? Getting relaxed, going into trance, then using exit technique are the most important things, yet there is little advice on this.
This sounds vague and over complicated. Better than the previous 'guides' I've seen here like 'just visualize numbers without sounding them out' I suppose.
CHAOSVOID 01/29/15 (Thu) 19:04:35 No. 20064
>>20063 It is not overcomplicated, it's really damned simple, and I was apprehensive it might be mocked for its simplicity.
To be relaxed you need to become as aware as you can of a given body part then you need to send heat to it, make it feel heavy, invoke Earth, etc. until it's extremely relaxed.
See also that PMR and autogensis thread by the reptilian.
I'll do a video as soon as my face is healed up and I got the stuff out of my room and I have the available energy and nobody is going to disturb me. Right now I've got to prepare again for a fight.
01/29/15 (Thu) 19:11:17 No. 20067
>>20064 What makes this method better than just doing PMR, clearing mind, going into trance, then attempting to sit up or roll out? Does it make the astral experience superior?
>I'll do a videoSure you will ;^)
CHAOSVOID 01/29/15 (Thu) 19:23:33 No. 20070
>>20067 All that shit you do to your room ensures you don't have entities attached to you draining you, don't have something fucking around with you as try to get out, and give you a good start in the astral to get what you need done.
>Sure you will ;^)It's be ready… "in a few days".
t. STI frogs
01/29/15 (Thu) 19:50:09 No. 20076
>>20070 Okay, thank you. Could one enter into a lucid dream by using this advice? What adjustments would need to be made?
CHAOSVOID 01/29/15 (Thu) 21:13:42 No. 20090
>>20076 It's all one infinitely interconnected holographic reality;
You can go anywhere you want. Into dreams, into others dreams, into this physical plane, into the past or future, etc.
It's quite a complex issue just navigating in this way to get where you want to be.
Psychomancy helps a lot.
01/29/15 (Thu) 22:26:00 No. 20100
>>20090 My understanding was lucid dreams are like astral projection, but on a more personal plane, thus eliminating most of the dangers of astral projection. I have read Robert Bruce say lucid dreams are easier to get into and failed astral projections can result in lucid dreams.
CHAOSVOID 01/29/15 (Thu) 22:31:18 No. 20102
>>20100 Some people are majorily a danger to themselves, kek.
It is easier to get into your personal plane then to connect with others in a controlled manner.
01/29/15 (Thu) 23:03:29 No. 20104
>>20102 Okay, but what adjustments would need to be made to the guide you posted to ensure you go to the personal plane, rather than going out of body?
CHAOSVOID 01/30/15 (Fri) 03:44:37 No. 20121
>>20103 >>20104 Nothing really, personal planes are usually the default condition, just resonate with the plane you want to be on.
☻ 01/30/15 (Fri) 17:25:50 No. 20165
I just spent a long time fucking around with some multiplayer game in the astral that had relatively bad terrain (for an astral game) as it didn't have much over-hangs, it was mostly that style of terrain where everything just looks like poured sand, because it's just one flat plane with deformations applied to it. There were lots of vehicles you could use and you could interact with any objects such as chairs any way you want. One time I was riding a horse and another player with a massive fucking horse that was like 5 times bigger than my horse came by and nearly trampled me over and did in fact trample a bunch of trees and fences over. There was also a lot of people fucking around in a kind of derby in one place, launching their cars off of ramps and stuff, and one guy running around with a yellow somewhat transparent dildo trolling people with it. I also saw a black guy in a blue sports car completely and spectacularly wreck his vehicle after many near-misses where he nearly collided with other cars going against the traffic then hit something, then turned around, then sped up and launched himself off a ramp just to fuck up the landing by landing in the side of a sort of cliff and destroying his car and probably killing his character. There was some pretty good snow in that game too, it was slippery, moving over it left tracks in it, etc. It was a basically a really big sandbox game I was playing for hours with lots of players just fucking around doing their own thing, some roleplaying stuff like pretending to be cops and robbers, etc., and quite chaotic.
03/05/15 (Thu) 19:30:16 No. 25507
OK well this is interesting. Just made several attempts to astral project. Each time I slip into the astral i see myself at the food of my bed. However without really having much control over where I go each time my astral body jumped back into my body. As soon as I touch my body I can feel my consciousness snap back into my body and wake up. This went on for a few hours. I tried at least a dozen times to astral project but each time my astral body just turned around and went right the fuck back into my body and i wake up. Why am I appearing at the side of my bed? Why can I not control where I go dammit, I want to leave but i can;t control my astral body it just runs straight back to me. I can't control this fucker.
03/06/15 (Fri) 00:28:16 No. 25579
>>25507 That is etheric projection you are doing. Just don't focus on your physical body because doing so snaps you right back into it. Instead focus the whole time on another room and plan to walk into that other room, then wander off.
03/08/15 (Sun) 05:49:11 No. 26055
>>7346 had this again the other night that ended with me speaking with a simian like being. He was killing everyone I knew.
03/23/15 (Mon) 23:10:41 No. 29110
03/24/15 (Tue) 11:29:54 No. 29189
>>29110 That is a ridiculously inefficient and unreliable method there. It can work for someone just starting out but it's not the best…
03/24/15 (Tue) 11:39:49 No. 29191
>>29189 What methods would you suggest to someone fairly acquainted with the esoteric? I've come to the conclusion that all you need to do to project is consciously let yourself to go sleep while keeping your visualization active. Though i can't seem to trigger that sleep reflex.
03/24/15 (Tue) 11:40:30 No. 29192
03/24/15 (Tue) 11:57:41 No. 29198
>>29191 You do not have to sleep at all. You can astral project while your body is in motion, wide awake, etc. and you can end up in the very weird situation of being in your astral body and feeling and seeing everything from your astral body while also feeling and seeing from your physical body at once. Such an experience I tell you is absolutely mind blowing and when I did it before and touched my physical body with my astral body it caused some really intense energetic surge and then broke my connection to the astral and kind of burned myself where I touched.
All you need is to charge up an astral body and transfer OR extend your awareness into it. If you extend your awareness into it, that's how you end up in the weird situation of being aware of two bodies at once. If you transfer over, you get a more regular astral experience, and your physical body will probably be seized up in the position you left it although you can do a lot of weird fuckery with varied levels of awareness in either body and sending commands to either body even while not occupying it with your awareness.
See also my recent two posts in the questions thread I made under the same Initiate flag.
03/24/15 (Tue) 12:05:12 No. 29200
>>29198 Yeah i saw those. I don't really know what you mean by transfer awareness. I've tried the methods Bardon and Crowley talk about which is in your mind create a body and then hop into it. I'll do that but it's just that my view has changed angled in my mind. Nothing like the spontaneous projection i had a while ago.
03/24/15 (Tue) 12:11:01 No. 29202
>>29200 The one thing i have not done is charged it with the elements. I imagine this is a vital thing which i am forgetting. This would just be visualizing infusing the body with the elements right?
03/24/15 (Tue) 13:16:02 No. 29208
>>29202 Fuck no, it's not even a visual thing except for the water element. For the others it engages other senses.
Astral Cock 03/31/15 (Tue) 18:03:52 No. 30443
Is there any physicality to the sex organs in the astral? Can you stroke it like in the physical, get blowjobs etc. As well as shapeshift a dick into 40 cm or whatever length you want
03/31/15 (Tue) 18:15:25 No. 30445
>>30443 Not sure about astral proper, but in a lucid state your body with appear and feel as real as your waking body.
03/31/15 (Tue) 21:11:49 No. 30481
>>6206 Your description actually very closely corresponds to some lucid dreaming guides I've read that call for you to wake up from a few hours' sleep before going back under while focusing on not losing your waking concentration. They had it right down to your description of a tunnel.
So it sound like what you might have is a method of lucid dreaming that you've gotten to work mostly reliably. Don't be disheartened though, it should be easier for you to pick up astral projection from this point.
Solidifying one's creation 04/04/15 (Sat) 15:32:05 No. 31196
Can you "materialize" your creations in the astral? Say I wanna live in the astral realm and create my own mansion consisting of 23 rooms, a large ass living room and shit. And have this cunt solidified to a certain extent so it simply doesn't fade away whenever I get out of the house or w/e, so it will always be there .
04/04/15 (Sat) 18:05:45 No. 31208
>>29198 I wasn't expecting to see anyone speak on this. One time I was just sitting in my room, awake, not doing anything that was significant enough for me to remember now, and for a split second I took on the perspective of seeing in all directions both inward and outward from the point a little above my physical head.
It's nice to see someone operating on that level too.
I can't astral project freely right now because I'm bound by a witch/wicked person (I AM NOT ROLEPLAYING). When I do astral project/lucid dream, mostly it is scatter/non-linear to a point of approaching a lack of interconnectivity, or what I see takes on a narrative quality. The realest instances of astral projecting end up with me getting attack or otherwise shuffled about by entities or that same person I mentioned. It's getting better day by day though.
04/05/15 (Sun) 04:55:38 No. 31281
Tonight in the astral I woke up and then took a nap in my room. This has left me, now awake, VERY refreshed in a dimensional sense. My movements have a crispness in them that has not been present in a while. I think there were entities and factors keeping me from astral sleeping. When I awake in my room I took notice that my window was slightly ajar and I could hear my neighbors and also entities lurking and otherwise being a bit noisy. After me nap I snapped up, looked out the window to get a feel for the time (about 8ish pm) and turn around and it seemed like I was simultaneously still in my house and not. Suddenly I had a book in my hand, a book of all kinds of spells and such, and I was about the business of looking for a particular banishing ritual that I had thought of in passing while in 3rd density. This book was pretty amazing. Exactly like my ideal spellbook. Very visual with a mix of realism and artwork so the business of the page POPS off the page without having to read and index what you're looking at. I got sidetracked just checking out how neat it was and all the different spells. One of the spell was how to attract a lover by burying a *hair?toenail?possession?* under a potted Aule tree and then waiting x weeks or months. This was in the shamanism sections of the book. I knew I wouldn't find that particular banishing spell before waking up but I knew just by seeking I was closer now then I was in the past to getting rid of the annoyance that have attached themselves to me. That witch I mentioned in the previous post was still there silently/psychically lurking in my headspace but thankfully, even as she is a constant obstacle placer, she is weaker today than yesterday.
04/05/15 (Sun) 07:34:58 No. 31291
I think I OOBEd in a dream. I found myself outside the house and it was night. I was half-conscious, but managed to investigate the area - but I disconnected because I got spooked by this "shadow shaman" who wore a horned helmet (or maybe he had horns) and a staff which could generate electricity. When he spotted me, he began to form electricity with his staff. Anyone else saw shadowy shamans during their travels, especially hostile ones?
04/05/15 (Sun) 09:18:40 No. 31300
I have very limited experience with astral sights but… I think I saw my cat's ancestor walking in my small apartment. I could see my flat with 360 degree vision from where I physically was. I saw this very large cat being, it had a white short coat of fur and a sort of a hunched back, the kinds you could see on muscly mountain lions. I got this positive feeling from the visit. I think he was, if he was my cat's ancestor in the first place, happy that my cat is being taken care of. She was a rescue kitty when I brought her home. I don't have a better explanation for this.
04/05/15 (Sun) 22:16:53 No. 31371
>>8521 >Golgotha >The cemetery of astral bodies If we assume APing is a purely psychological phenomena, could this not merely be a manifestation of every man's understanding of his mortality?
04/06/15 (Mon) 00:21:50 No. 31383
>>31371 >If we assume APing is a purely psychological phenomena You can assume that. And I'll be over here thing "God that retard is retarded." And know I'm right. And that you're fucking retarded. Retard.
04/07/15 (Tue) 17:35:41 No. 31691
I meditated on thoughts from this thread last night and though I don't think I could recall any interesting astral experiences, I think I did manage to pick up a commercial of some sort. I was told the names of several gyms and locations, with one of them appearing obvious to me, with a geographic visualisation of the gyms whereabouts. I don't watch television or listen to radio, nor do I read newspapers or blogs, so I was completely at a loss when I googled its name and found it in a location identical to the one I had visualised. Is this a silly prank or is God telling me to get buff? It's certainly made me stop questioning so cynically. I'm going to keep reading, thanks for providing an outlet from this seemingly hopeless meatspace.
04/07/15 (Tue) 21:48:16 No. 31782
>>1583 There are dindus in the Astral Plane?!
04/07/15 (Tue) 21:51:46 No. 31785
>>2541 Ganbatte, anon-kun!
04/08/15 (Wed) 07:28:33 No. 31899
>>31782 Jews, reptilians, niggers, and all other manner of filth can be found in the lower astral planes.
Indeed, the astral planes contains everything imaginable, though specific realms in the astral are much more pure and clean than other parts and conditions always get better in the higher astral planes.
04/09/15 (Thu) 11:40:16 No. 32088
>>31383 >You can assume that The person was trying to argue that the existence of Golgotha
proves that the Astral Plane is in fact a very real thing. I'm not stating that I believe it's unreal, I was merely suggesting an alternate explanation.
04/09/15 (Thu) 12:51:11 No. 32092
>>32088 >I was merely suggesting an alternate explanation. Don't. Only lets talk about the truth and leave all the stupid things for stupid people.
04/09/15 (Thu) 18:28:02 No. 32120
>>31899 >racism >in the astral >as a human Blow me
04/09/15 (Thu) 19:22:11 No. 32126
>>32120 >being a bitch >muh equality >being ignorant of reality
04/09/15 (Thu) 19:45:11 No. 32128
File: 1428608711436.jpg (764.73 KB, 3252x1452, 271:121, rev-parallel-trumpets-bowl….jpg )
>>32126 I think the reality is you haven't been able to leave your body because of that fact, friend.
04/09/15 (Thu) 21:15:10 No. 32137
>>32120 I have personally caused a lot of drama and violence in the astral plane being racist as fuck and attacking niggers and jews and chinks and other shitskins out there.
04/09/15 (Thu) 21:16:08 No. 32138
>>32128 You're a delusional kike and I can fuck you up in the astral, come psychomance me fucker, I'll blow you the fuck out like I did all those other astral kikes!
04/10/15 (Fri) 05:56:44 No. 32190
I astral projected just now. >Be me >Dreaming >In neighborhood flying a bit >Throw my arm from behind me as a means to fly >Fly super fast but when it stopped it seems I've flown straight up and landed again >Really sad. (silentish thought: even in my sleep I can't leave my neighborhood) >Try again. Throw my arm like a sling from behind me and use the momentum to go far. It works a bit better going horizontal instead of straight up >Once more! >Try it again. Throw my weight from behind me to in front. Oh my it's working. Bring my second arm in front of me like superman. >It starts to fail. (NO!) I know what to do. I start hanging by my arm and pull myself through will. >Think: I'm doing it. I'm flying. I'm HANGING by my ARMS! (But/Then) that means *silent wooshing realization* I'M DREAMING. >Rip myself out of my body by my arms and find myself in a room with one of those textured roofs I never liked. I think it was the texture of what it looks like behind tiles. I'm super close to the ceiling because I used the awareness of my childhood room, in which I had a bunk bed, as my place of astral entry (I was also dreaming of an amalgam of my current home and my childhood home previously to this) >While I'm being ripped out all this awareness is coming to me. ASTRAL! ASTRAL ENTITIES! Safe? There's a shadow just outside of my view but it seems small. I KNOW FOR A FACT THERE ARE ASTRAL ENTITIES ALL AROUND ME. >Scream and hear myself. OOooOOOooo! (this is actually the second time I screamed tonight). >Wake up It only lasted a couple seconds but yay! I've been decalcifying my pineal gland lately and it has clearly done it job concretely. For those trying to astral project, I believe the bulk of my progress to come from 1 tablespoon of seaweed extra-daily (~every 2 days). It is LOADED with iodine which clears away that fluoride forthwith. Also I've been taking 2.5tbsp of raw cacao and, presently 18mg melatonin as 9mg doses twice a day (as a means of decalcifying my pineal gland, not as a crutch. I don't know what to say. I thought once I astraled I would just have it and do it. Looks like I gotta get some things in order. A dream that happened before my short asral projection:>Cut to my house >Go to a neighboring room because the windows are wide open and its nighttime, the windows have become almost half of the wall and go around the room. Our neighborhood is not good enough for such exposure. Going to close them. >Start closing them. Suddenly I hear a voices (someone knows what I mean). >Noooo. Don't. Noooo (I'm getting goosebumps recalling this.) >Me: Thinking: NO. NO. This should not be happening. They (demons! robbers! Raper?) have been watching the room this whole time (the whole night?!) Physically: OOOoooOOOooo. >Try to stay calm, close the blinds all the while screaming (finish the task) then walk (am I coloring it now? speed walk?) the fuck out of there.
04/10/15 (Fri) 05:59:45 No. 32191
Then there was random dream stuff in the same house.
This happened before that dream:
>Be me, omnipotent observer >There's narration, in rhyming form >View of a village >Narrating saying something quite clever and rhyming about the nature of the village and that there is to be something happening they hardly expect >a minute later, omnipotent observer me sees the dam of this snowy village break. Oh no, I think. (I now think the water to represent my unconscious. I was listening to Jung before I went to sleep and I had quite a rolling epiphany of working through some of my complexes with my mom and brothers before sleeping. >the one (female/mom) seeked and endeavored to drain me spiritually of all I am on my feminine side and the others (male/brothers) seeked and endeavored to imprint their nature onto me on my masculine side. I believe there is a third, or even a fourth side, androgyny/the divine child, which also has some sort of trauma to work through. >I'm on the ground running. With other colonial villagers. It seems alright, we seem to be well ahead and somehow it seems like less water from the ground. Get on top of some rocks, me, male villager, his (pregnant?) wife, 2-3 other villagers (in colonial garb >Watch the water cleanly pass us. It seems as soon as we got on the rocks it decided it wasn't even worth it following physics and rising to use and just went around us >>32190
SAGE! 04/10/15 (Fri) 08:44:40 No. 32196
>>32191 >omnipotent read: omniscient. oops.
☻ 04/10/15 (Fri) 16:27:38 No. 32226
>tfw spent a really long time in the astral playing very advanced multiplayer FPS game in the future and got a song from that game stuck in my mind that has in its lyrics a reference to ebola at one part, sounds sort of like a punk rock song but not quite that genre, and if only I could reproduce it in this density I have no doubts it would get millions of hits
04/18/15 (Sat) 07:57:45 No. 33586
05/11/15 (Mon) 05:21:46 No. 37839
>that feel when you're in the astral and somehow you lose your sense of touch and everything becomes insubstantial around you and you can't even fug a succubus because your dick feels nothing
05/11/15 (Mon) 11:42:00 No. 37867
Ive had quite a lot but I dont tend to will them. They happen as an when. One which springs to mind concerning a nexus or point of return is when I was before this massive circular stone which was like a door war to a portal. Very Lord of the Rings, before it was offerings, flowers etc and a hand print in stone. I placed my hand in it and realised I had been there before. It was my hand!
05/11/15 (Mon) 13:17:59 No. 37878
I'm wondering how do wizards move around in the astral.
Do you ground yourself and walk normally or do you sort of use your will to float around?
Omran 05/15/15 (Fri) 07:08:07 No. 38723
05/15/15 (Fri) 09:32:52 No. 38730
There's a definate mental technique to flying. This is what makes it real for me. You focus and concentrate, managing to levitate, then you think "why dont I do this more often?" except youve forgotton that you cant in the physical world yet it feels so natural that you should be able to. Then you can start gliding but if you lose concentration you start to sink.
Passing through portals is an amazing experience too. Sometimes after doing this Ive found myself in a mid way realm, like the river Styx or such limbo state. where all is completely dark yet having a lucid awareness of my surroundings physically. Here you may encounter beings mortal and immortal. Then you may find yourself floating around your room as you return to your body. If you are lucky the experience will not have been washed away in the Lethe.
05/15/15 (Fri) 12:49:31 No. 38738
Thank you for responding, at least that confirms that my experience was not a mere visualization.
I've seem to have appeared into a very purple coloured world with floating islands indicating a low force of gravity and some crystals emanating immense energy.
The only problems were when I made the connecting between what I saw with some art I saw on the internet which sent me back to my body for some reason and a more general problem was my field of vision which only seemed to span about 10 meters all around me.
I assume the first will be solved with more astral projection but I'm wondering if there is a remedy for my weak astral sight apart from using the fire element to boost my astral eyes.
05/15/15 (Fri) 14:02:03 No. 38745
05/15/15 (Fri) 16:14:10 No. 38756
05/15/15 (Fri) 18:41:43 No. 38768
You would be wise to listen and learn rather than shitting up the board with your obvious lack of experience.
The mods need to do a heavy culling.
05/16/15 (Sat) 07:46:22 No. 38860
>Autists have dreams
>He's never experienced the astral
>He'll never suddenly wake up in 4D with all his views on 3D shattered
>He'll never understand the difference between astral, lucid and dreams
>He'll never fuck around in astral every night
>He probably thinks he has a good life
05/16/15 (Sat) 08:12:53 No. 38863
>trying to convert someone that has already showed ignorance.
People that usually post those kind of posts are fetching for a response that's telling them AP is real.
05/16/15 (Sat) 08:23:55 No. 38864
>AP is real
mmm yusss bby it is
05/16/15 (Sat) 12:10:39 No. 38880
>try to pull astral self out
>bones emerge from skin
>go to sleep instead
what the shit happened
05/16/15 (Sat) 12:32:11 No. 38883
Why does my body hurt when I am lying without moving?
05/16/15 (Sat) 15:14:22 No. 38899
I've had an epiphany. You can't insult someone who knows less than you because they don't understand.
05/17/15 (Sun) 16:38:06 No. 39062
Hey you fucking faggots saying "dreams are not the astral" the astral planes is 100% synonymous with The Mental Planes . It's the plane of mental activity. However deeply and meaningfully you connect, whether you get information of use, etc. depends on how you navigate and use the astral.
05/17/15 (Sun) 17:14:18 No. 39072
The difference between dreams and lucid dreams is that dreams are usually forgotten when you wake up and you have no control over them.
Astral is a step up from lucid dreams seeing as its an experience that is entirely different. You can argue that it takes place on the same plane therefor it is the same, but that's incredibly limited. For instance in Astral I feel my breath, see things I should not know happen and have an accurate representation of what time is in third density. That's a step up from lucid if you ask me, so it's pretty damn autistic to just say "everything on this plane is the same".
05/17/15 (Sun) 17:17:45 No. 39074
I never fucking said it's all the same I said you're interacting with the astral planes in different ways to different degrees. The typical "astral experience" you describe is when you're using the astral properly and connecting fully and deeply.
Omran 05/18/15 (Mon) 15:56:11 No. 39262
Any book other than 90 day to master astral projection?
and other method to open astral sense?
05/21/15 (Thu) 22:12:26 No. 40256
Is it possible to have a strong psychic ability and not be aware of it? Am I astral projecting when I think I'm lucid dreaming?
Since I was born, I've been able to lucid dream. I can fly at will. I can change the matter and form of properties contrary to their physical properties such as earth into water and fire from nothing. I can will buildings and worlds into existence, each with floor plans, knickknacks, etc. I've had full blown conversations about religion and philosophy with people who seem familiar but I know I've never met in real life.
After reading this thread, I am afraid of my natural ability. I have no background in esoteria and considered it to be a lot of fantasy roleplay nonsense, but now, too many things seem to lock into place logically for me. What should I do?
05/21/15 (Thu) 22:22:54 No. 40263
Continue to follow your intuition
05/22/15 (Fri) 00:41:01 No. 40305
Go read all the books in the library and also magical use of thoughtforms and take things up a level.
Also make sure to read Atkinson's book LifeBeyondDeath because until then you will not understand what the astral planes are.
ProTip: you were in the astral, you just don't understand that there's different ways to interact with and use the astral.
Also read Psychomancy .
05/27/15 (Wed) 01:18:14 No. 41272
How does one raise awareness to the astral plane?
05/27/15 (Wed) 01:18:50 No. 41273
Lord Quabala✘Confusus !MerZyl9pb. 05/27/15 (Wed) 01:37:29 No. 41275
That what you refer to as "Astral Plane" are little glimpses your mind perceives of the unreal reality.Connections within your mind are forming, surviving, and perishing, and with each choice you make you alter your current state of being.No doubt those that try to impose their order will try to stop you now.But if you value your own freedom you must continue this path.
Find her.
Decide what you are meant to be.
05/27/15 (Wed) 23:04:25 No. 41504
rambling disguised as esoteric teachings for the purpose of making people believe you and as a result gaining their loosh. we all know what you're up to, how could you not expect extremely critical thinking and scrutiny from a board like this?
05/27/15 (Wed) 23:07:32 No. 41506
>how could you not expect extremely critical thinking and scrutiny from a board like this?
Not sure if sarcasm
05/27/15 (Wed) 23:15:47 No. 41508
are you saying people here are fucking retards?
05/28/15 (Thu) 00:56:23 No. 41519
I might have been up to astral shenanigans two nights ago.
I dreamed I had an unknown, human woman in my bed. I remember it felt real, but my memory of it is foggy. I do remember being able to pass through the sheets and basically get out of bed by lifting straight up and out.
Anyways, I didn't know who it could have been that was with me until today when a friend said he dreamed of me holding hands with his gf while we ignored him.
05/28/15 (Thu) 20:38:34 No. 41609
This happened to me a few months ago and don't know if it was an ap or a dream since I couldn't experience it.
It was about 5 seconds long.. before this I knew what AP was and really wanted to do it and tried every night.
I was pulled from my body and was dragged throughout the hallway of my house while floating and to my living room I instantly panicked but I knew I shouldn't in case it was an AP.. I woke up and felt terrified and could not tell if it was a dream or an AP. I think it was an entity dragging me.
05/28/15 (Thu) 22:03:03 No. 41621
I am pretty retarded.
>That's just me though!
05/29/15 (Fri) 02:40:34 No. 41637
If you have to ask, you're among your peers.
08/15/15 (Sat) 10:49:48 No. 50073
I am just gonna write here because i don't want to make another dream thread, especially because some seem to think astral travels and dreams are the same (mostly):
>am standing in the desert on planet with no atmosphere
>looking down small pit find really big pipe
>light it but don't do anything else
>crumble to the ground
>i have a blanket covering my body and something is dragging my body through the desert, i feel comfortable
>i see robed people scattered all around me and i really don't want to be seen by them
>some kids voice is telling me not to worry and something about trusting mirrors ( reminded me of malkavians)
>suddenly i am being dragged over the rings of what seemed to be saturn
>suddenly at beach looking at sea
>Lying there, looking at sky, woman that has a really blue skin is performing CPR on me, i start to cough, something is coming out of me
>I wake up
08/17/15 (Mon) 12:07:46 No. 50282
>go in a random plane
>it's some sort of futuristic city
>looks like a city from Tron with heaps of neon lights everywhere but with skyscrapers instead of flat roads
>some guys ask me what I'm doing
>say I'm just passing by
>they invite me to a club
>average club experience with them injecting some sort of drug out of a rectangular shaped syringe with sharp edges while loud music blares
>leave those degenerates and continue exploring
>realize that I'm not at the ground level of the skyscrapers and head down
>desolate shitty area
>find some people living as if it's sandnigger country
>they tell me aliums came in and took over, everyone gladly accepting them since they pushed individual freedom to the max, letting everyone partake in degenerate pursuits
>a faction of people escaped down below the world of happy lights, drugs and perversion
>think it's important and return back to my numb feeling physical body before I forget
So what's up with it /fringe/?
Could this be a possible future of our reality, and if so how can we stop mundanes from welcoming the bearers of false gifts?
08/18/15 (Tue) 13:37:44 No. 50373
How can I face the fear of entering the Astral? I entered by accident when I was a teenager and was attacked by something and since then my mind has this block that won't let me through and I don't know how to solve it.
08/18/15 (Tue) 14:59:39 No. 50385
You might've entered an alternate timeline as well. Or just another realm/plane/planet/etc.
Mundanes will do as they please. I think we shouldn't waste our time and loosh on how to 'proselytize' our ways to them and focus further on how to improve ourselves.
08/18/15 (Tue) 15:22:34 No. 50390
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>1497
>>create a thoughtform in your room that is capable of pulling you out of your body for you
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 08/18/15 (Tue) 16:09:12 No. 50397
>>>create a thoughtform in your room that is capable of pulling you out of your body for you
how do you do that?
08/18/15 (Tue) 16:12:57 No. 50399
File: 1439914377971.jpg (51.74 KB, 600x442, 300:221, 77b6c8aa203d5d16da23965b1a….jpg )
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 08/18/15 (Tue) 16:15:31 No. 50401
08/18/15 (Tue) 17:33:47 No. 50403
The magickal use of thoughtforms and creating magickal entities
Awesome books, awesome field of the occult, the perfect cocktail…
08/18/15 (Tue) 20:51:29 No. 50424
08/19/15 (Wed) 01:12:53 No. 50461
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>8124
>>The scientific community has never been wrong
Don't even get me started on this one.
didi 08/19/15 (Wed) 02:23:54 No. 50473
>james randi
actually that guy owe's quite a few millions - he won't advertise the actual cases because his job is to poach for idiots who want to display themselves and be profiled.
>a real knee-slapper here.
Hamman 09/02/15 (Wed) 01:13:00 No. 52557
Anyone want to let me know if this is astral related or if I just had a super super lucid dream. I posted this in another thread before I saw this.
Background: I lucid dream naturally almost every time I go to sleep. It is taxing. For me it was a reactionary adaptation to night terrors as a kid. The kind that cause you to jerk and seize in your sleep. The kind that trigger conscious sleep apnea ( disruption of breathing that normally occurs momentarily during deep sleep). I learned to push my nightmares away. Now I am aware that I am dreaming nearly every night.
I usually give myself superpowers and have fun with it. However recently I have been having dreams with other people in them. And no I dont mean the typical dream constructs that are manifestations of your subconscious and serve as actors in the dream. Like self aware individuals. The difference is that the former are like stepford wives. They dont really have interest in the fact that it is a dream and become confused when you break script. Very robotic.
The others are not part of the dream and usually interrupt it. Also they usually are much stronger and have more powers than I myself have as the dreamer. And I mean I give my self a lot of powers (flight, teleportation, the ability to phase through walls, telekinesis, etc)
Recently I had a dream, where I paused and was simply admiring the world I had created, when a suddenly there was a man leaning against the wall behind me. I felt him before anything else. It was weird to say the least. Then he called out my name. Not in like a ghostly or angelic way or anything weird just very matter of factly to get my attention "Hamman." I whipped around and confronted him "Who are you? How do you know my name?" He told me to come with him and phased through a wall. In and of itself that was not very surprising, as I said it is one of the powers I myself possess in my dreams. But never have I had a dream where another person in my dream had that ability nor have I ever had a dream where the individual was not subject to my will. Also note that using certain abilities without destroying the dream (wall phasing) is VERY difficult. Which is one of the things I complained about. I made it through the first wall and he was already down the hall and halfway through another wall. I called out "Wait! Thats not fair I can't do that as easily" he replied in a voice that seemed like he was right behind me "Yes you can. You are a ———" . I am not really sure what he called me. It was like 10 words at once all on top of each other.
2 walls later and the dream fell apart and I woke up. Now I have always enjoyed lucid dreams but this is seriously making me consider the possibility of astral projection.
So what is this? I have a few other experiences but this one was prominent, recent, and the longest.
Hamman 09/02/15 (Wed) 01:42:02 No. 52562
I am just going to go ahead and post my other 2 most prominent ones.
1: This one occurred many years ago. I was probably 12-13. I had a dream where I "woke up" on a trail in what looked like a park. To my right was a vast open plain. Red and dusty and sprinkled with odd plant life. To me it sort of looked like pictures of mars though I am hesitant to use that analogy because then everyone assumes that I am either implying I was on mars or that I was in fact on mars in a different dimension with the martians. Neither of which are claims I am making. To my left was more of the strange plant life, it was vaguely tropical and vaguely fungal. The trail curved a little bit to the left and up ahead about 10 yards was a stone bench with cushions like a couch. It was positioned to give a place to sit and watch the sun set out over the plain which was beautiful btw. Now I knew I was dreaming because my first thought was where the hell am I and I need to be home sleeping because I have school in the morning. Once I realized I was dreaming I walked over to the bench and sat down to enjoy the scene. A few moments later a girl came around the corner and stop at the other end of the bench. She seemed surprised that I was there and said "Oh.. Hello" then sat down to my left. I was pretty surprised too because she seemed real. Of course being 12 I was like sweet I am dreaming and there is a girl in my dream. Commence sexy time. I sort of moved toward her and started touching her. She turned toward me and and put up her right hand in the universal stop way and my whole body froze. Like literally I froze with my arm out stretched and could not move. Then she said "whoa okay thats enough of that" and with her left hand made some sort of odd motion and the whole world went black. Like a slow blink. As it was dark I felt like my body disappeared and then very very slowly my eyes opened again and I was awake (for real) lying in my bed staring up at the ceiling.
Fucking gets me because a dream person in my dream basically force closed me from my own dream….
Hamman 09/02/15 (Wed) 01:58:26 No. 52563
2: I woke up in a field with tall grass. There was a gazebo looking thing in up on a hill. It was made of whitish grey stone, had a domed roof with a big hole in the middle. There was sort of a raised platform in the middle, 4 doorways, and seats all around the inside. It was HUGE as well. Like massive. Then I notice there were a bunch of other people there like giant people (probably 9 feet tall or more). I couldn't see their faces and they were wearing weird robe/tunic things that sort of looked a cross between what link wears and a suit. And they were PISSED that I was there. One of them was sort of like a leader. He wasn't really in charge but held a lot of sway and was really respected. You could tell because of the way the others sort of deferred to him. He picked me up by my chest and shouted "Who are you!? What are you doing here?! What makes you think you have the right to be here!?" I was terrified and I really didn't have an answer because I had no fucking clue how I got there like shit nigger I was just trying to sleep and all of a sudden I am in a field getting screamed at by your ass. What I actually said was "I dont know… " Then they all got this sort of shocked looked, like the person actually in charge of shit just arrived and they were all about to get scolded, and I felt someone else come up from behind me and they said "shhh do not be afraid" and pulled me from my back and then suddenly everything went black. Then my eyes slowly opened and I was awake for real lying in bed.
09/24/15 (Thu) 07:10:04 No. 54910
I'm not sure what I did this morning, it might've just been a very vivid lucid dream but it didn't feel like one. I think some more stuff happened that I didn't recall fully.
sep 24 2015 3am
Woke up at 3am and thought I would try to astral project but was only able to get certain parts of my body to vibrate slightly, so decided I would just go to sleep as I was very tired. Instead of going to sleep I think I entered a very deep trance state where I was still conscious and thought to myself "I should try vibrating" as soon a I thought that my entire body vibrated with such intensity it felt like I became electric and could hear static electric type sounds all around me. I was then seeing fairly clear images but with a sort of tv static around them. I saw what seemed like a grave yard near a church and a being was moving very fast around this graveyard which scared me so I wanted to be somewhere else. Next thing I knew I was seeing what looked like a slightly pinkish white circular room with a dome ceiling and a long horizontal window around the entire mid section of the room, and outside of it seemed to be a planet that looked like Earth. I then saw a being that looked like a mantis man which seemed to have noticed me and walked towards me, at this point I think it tried to communicate with me or that my mind was being invaded and I started to panic, I started seeing many flashing images in my mind and my body seemed to vibrate even harder to the point where I felt like I could die or damage myself so I forced my physical body to wake up.
Wrote this down at 6:30am, I'm new and still reading Robert Bruce - Astral Dynamics and working on my energy body. I have never astral projected to my knowledge, was this one? Felt more like an OBE but I had no control and was on a wild ride unlike in a lucid dream. It felt like I tapped into power I shouldn't have or something, it was scary at the time but looking back it was fascinating.
09/24/15 (Thu) 17:20:53 No. 54960
>Be me, asleep
>In my IRL bedroom in dream
>Notice soft blue glow on curtains
>Stand up and approach the window
>Begin seeing what's causing the light
>Giant plasma/snake/meteors are floating high up in the sky, moving slowly like whales, but all of them had long tails like the ones you'd find on comets
>Stare at these for seconds, completely ok with what I was seeing
>Begin noticing that these things aren't giant and they aren't floating high above the sky
>Several of them are in front of the houses across the neighborhood
>One of them begins spiralling beside my house and approaches me
>Get scared and then see incredible light
>Wake up
09/26/15 (Sat) 20:18:44 No. 55145
I am new to /fringe/ and I have a question or two. But first I'll share my astral story, my questions hinge on it.
>wake up early morning
>roll over and go back to sleep
>get up shortly after and go to the bathroom
>in my apartment, everything seems normal
>look at myself in the mirror
>shoulders and arms are deformed in some way
>like I'm part android, have this weird black machine like "tendon" connecting my neck to my shoulder, it's kind of bent a shaped like a wing
>start prying at it, trying to figure out what it is
>when I look at my shoulder outside of the mirror I see that it's just some large mechanical black contraption that's hooked to my back
>I unhook it and throw it on the ground
>I'm totally confused wondering wtf is going on, what has happened? Where did this machine come from?
>realize that I am either dreaming or astral projecting
>Relieved, and elated, I run out of my bathroom, onto my balcony, and leap from it into the air towards the sun
>I'm briefly suspended in the air, floating, feeling great happines and joy
>I start to descend and where my apartment building was there is now a park near a river with beautiful maple and oak trees full and green
>land in the park
>wondering what to do next, I seize this opportunity to see if I can manifest a girlfriend from years ago that I often miss
>think of her, then I come around a tree and see her laying on top of a picknick table, playing guitar and singing(this is something she would do often)
>I go over to her, run my hands through her hair, smell her, kiss her, tell her I miss her
>she smiles at me, kisses my cheek, and continues to sing and play
>I sit there and slowly awaken
It was really lovely. I don't often find myself realizing I'm dreaming. I guess I have two questions.
1) Is a lucid dream necessarily astral projection? If they're different, how can you differentiate between them?
2) In astral projection, is it normal to see people you know, let alone manifest them?
09/27/15 (Sun) 01:24:43 No. 55156
Can astral travel feel as real as dreaming, or is just like imagination?
09/27/15 (Sun) 05:49:12 No. 55161
It should feel "more" real than imagination. All your senses have a superior astral counterpart. When you use your imagination you are using those senses in a form. That's why it's necessary to train all of those senses.
09/27/15 (Sun) 06:39:07 No. 55162
Well what I mean is that is the activity in the brain more like that of imagination, or more like dreaming?
09/27/15 (Sun) 06:51:53 No. 55163
More like dreaming.
>in the brain
That's arguable if it is "in" there during AP'ing or if the memories of it are kept in the brain after the fact.
09/27/15 (Sun) 07:16:47 No. 55165
What is the best book for me, something secular, that gets straight to the point, just something not too drawn out.
09/28/15 (Mon) 04:06:08 No. 55242
Robert Bruce has quite a bit of faults, but 'Astral Dynamics' is more or less a good book. If you want something more practical try his 'Mastering Astral Projection in 90 days'
Just fyi, learn to read fast and skim with occult books. Some authors write like shit or don't know much. If I recall correctly, Bruce's book got really slow after half.
09/28/15 (Mon) 19:26:24 No. 55280
Stephen LaBerge teaches techniques and researches both Lucid Dreaming and Out of Body Experiences as well as manipulation of the dream world.
Zero woo, zero dogma.
09/30/15 (Wed) 14:43:29 No. 55509
So if there a infinite amount of universes,can i astral project to those?
10/01/15 (Thu) 16:51:04 No. 55632
Astral projection is merely a precursor to grasping hold of the destiny of human evolution- Vampyric metamorphosis. Not all will go so far, but to those who do, so much awaits.
10/02/15 (Fri) 01:48:21 No. 55653
idk about astral projection but that's just normal lucid dream shit dude. i manifest girls i know/have known all the time (and have them give me head) when i go lucid, which sucks tbh, when i wake up i wish i had used my time in dream land more productively
10/02/15 (Fri) 12:01:51 No. 55683
Might as well post this dunno if it was lucid or AP but yea.
>be in some sort of stronghold in some sort of open parrie landscape
>I guess the time of this place was really old, maybe even Mongolian time spand?
>Anyway, chasing after some guy in a robe he leaves the stronghold and goes around the entrance to some sort of guard post to hide
>go in see some guy that I think is him, push him to the ground then notice its not him, find the actual person I was chasing and he runs out of the guard post.
>at this time im running after this guy im followed by like a few other guards which build up the more I ran after him
>running beside some wooden fence or something right behind that guy I was chasing.
>Look behind see a crowd of people trying to intercept me
>look to left and see some ballista seige equipment, try to use it kill a few soilders, aim it at the guy and I miss.
>eventually I catch up and tackle the guy, but at this moment everyone else catches up to.
>For some reason im not using any weps at all but I am using hands and can rather counter most weapons which is a intense thing to actually watch when youre up against like 4 - 6 guys
>Ends when some guy comes out with a pike or some sort of long spear.
10/03/15 (Sat) 10:46:02 No. 55772
I had an experience a month or so ago now that I'm often thinking/ visualization and being fearful about. Some kind of explanation about what it was or help about what to do from now would be appreciated.
>Tripping on acid, thinking if aliens can send thoughts to you
>Thinking about the astral and wanting to meet an alien
>Enter the Astral (I think) shortly after. On some kind of asteroid or moon
>An entity is there next to me, I think it is an alien but wasn't to sure. Small head, morphing a bit (probably the acid?)
>Turn to look at, it turn as well. Get freaked a bit, doesn't look friendly. Pull out open eyes
>Stomach/ chest area vibrating, getting really hot. Nothing I've felt before
>I think it wants to tell me something. Still not definite if it was bad or not
>Go in, its fucking huge. Long arms, looking scary sort of like this /\'/\
>Definite this thing is negative, pull out.
>Next day, rage over something that didn't really matter. Working out, see a perfect ayy lmao face cloud in the sky out my window.
The closest things I could find is either a mantis or shapeshifter. I'm pretty new to all this and was going to start learning to go there without drugs but this experience has put a fair amount of fear into me and has stopped me from attempting it and even got me take benzos to abort my trip before it even began last time. I just get this feeling it will be there again, and visualizing it probably doesn't help. Hopefully I'm just over reacting about this and that isn't a big deal that was made much scarier than it needed to be because of drugs.
10/03/15 (Sat) 10:59:14 No. 55774
Now that I think back to the last time I saw an entity on DMT, it had a pretty similar face. Very small, like it goes to a single point but can morph around a bit.
>In this circular, psychedelic colorful orb thing.
>Move to the outside of it, an entity is next to it, like the orb was some kind of machine
>It tries to scare me off by making scary faces
>Don't get scared, just goes to normal faces
>Trip ends
Can entities try keep you out and scare you off this place? Also if it makes a difference, I came out with the assumption that the machine was holding me in some way.
10/06/15 (Tue) 07:31:08 No. 56010
i used to do a lot of inadvertent astral traveling. i got scared and during another such experience destroyed a bunch of machines that representing my ability to do it, put more 'machines' on myself that prevent me from doing it.
i can still go 'somewhere' on accident but its totally empty and pointless, even my fears cant manifest
10/15/15 (Thu) 14:39:15 No. 56876
OP, why in your first Astral Travels thread back on freedomboard start with shit like 'INITIALIZING ASTRAL SEQUENCE BEEP BOOP LOADING ASTRAL COCK RECEIVAL INSTRUMENT' and all sorts of assorted shit
It made it quite unbelievable but you seemed pretty into it.
10/15/15 (Thu) 15:01:39 No. 56877
Also you tried to make it seem like a live feed sort of thing, which seems like it would be rather hard to upkeep with your body unconscious.
11/08/15 (Sun) 02:12:27 No. 59904
These nights when I goto bed I feel as if I am a if summoned or else invaded..please, how does my experience relate to us? also, often folks I have known or else folks in my routine may summon me and if I ever mentioned my experience they would never admit to knowing
12/01/15 (Tue) 21:35:33 No. 62682
You know those dreams where you feel like you got out of bed but you wake up and realize you didn't? Are these Astral Projections?
12/02/15 (Wed) 16:54:43 No. 62737
Hello, fellow oldfig .
01/21/16 (Thu) 15:54:10 No. 68685
I almost entered the psychedelic realm, or at least some sort of imitation, of giant organized elaborate organic construction, but I could only maintain it for a short amount of time. Can somebody explain to me how to maintain it?
01/26/16 (Tue) 23:54:23 No. 69151
old post, but this happened to me a some nights ago (the night of January 5th) following a very strange dream within a dream involving some tunnels and golden hypercubes… came to walking around in another dream totally being controlled by an outside entity