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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1427684733270.webm (750.86 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1425019038271.webm)


Summoning Satan


friend why do you torture christ so much?

he loves u :'(


>amd drivers aren't even a problem anymore unless you're a total scrub
>theres a designated shitposting thread


Jesus Christ you Christians are creepyfuckers.



if you really want to feel edgy, we drink the blood of Christ and his body.

I think satanists can't really win vs us even in the edge part :DDDDD

How does it feel to worship my God's bitch?(Satan)


I don't worship Satan or any Christian horseshit. Satanists are just the flipside of the Christfaggot coin. Fuck your whole religion and its mythology.


Lavey faggot detected

One may wonder if the fact that there aren't many videos of people doing magic has anything to do with the fact that magic isn't real.


File: 1427739291528.jpg (42.27 KB, 320x317, 320:317, 1950s-family.jpg)

Try not to cut yourself on those edges timmy!


File: 1427745707748.jpg (55.42 KB, 485x451, 485:451, 1414889204370.jpg)

*tips fedora*


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Evocation Of Lucifer - Live Ritual



Nice gellar field failture


What are you even talking about?


Nothing happens. What a load of bullshit.


You know exactly what happened here.
Seems like >>30179 survived though, i don't know how.


What is a "gellar field failture"?


Nothing happens because E.A. Koetting is an edgy /pleb/ who needs to stop trying to bother the spirits of famous entities and start associating with more accessible manifestations of darkness.

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