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Esoteric Wizardry


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Everything I want to achieve is already done by someone else. I can see that through the Internet. Whatever is my idea. For example I want to make a website about something. I Google it and guess what… there is already one!

Anyway, I am not competent and qualified to achieve something great, it just bothers me. But even if I were, there is nothing new I can do. And this demotivates me even more. When I was younger I thought I have some unique ideas but no… I thought I am smarter than average but… no. I am dumb. Even gypsies are more successful than me.

I don't enjoy life (not only because of above mentioned). I don't wanna have children. I don't wanna put someone else in this cruel world! I am actually surprised that only 20 in 100 000 commit suicide (which is about 1 in 5000). I also don't wanna have wife because I'm socially awkward and it will only make my life even more anxious.

I'm a nihilist and I know life is pointless and if I don't achieve something new I'd rather be dead. I don't wanna be in the eat/work/sleep/repeat shit. So tell me is it worth to live in my situation: 1. 19 y/o male 2. Don't want girlfriend/children. 3. Don't want to work just to continue my life. 4. Don't enjoy parties due to Social anxiety. 5. No hobbies, except surfing the web. 6. Don't see any point in life.

So, now I'm 19, been alive for 19 years and I still don't even know my way around the town. It's really affected my perception of reality, I feel as if I've become to a large extent a virtual-being. When I'm outside of the internet I feel myself completely ineffectual, I cannot find any tangible sort of purpose to fulfill.

From the impression I get from browsing the internet over the years, I don't think this sort of existence is unique, in and of itself.

Cognitively, I know the world is big and there are in excess of ~7billion people distributed across a bunch of countries, but part of me can't even fathom that different people exist. Like, Chinese or Europeans, they don't register as real. I mean, I know they exist, but beyond my family and the people I was forced to be around back when I used to go to school, I never interact with humans on a personal level. It seems so alien to me, knowing that other people exist. It's pretty fucked up.

It's got the point where most of my waking hours are spent sort of zoning out into derealization & depersonalization, all the while experiencing a subtle and pervasive anxiety about the very physicality of the world. I can feel my body digesting food and I can't stop counting how many breaths I take, the entire process of being in a body feels utterly mechanical & uncomfortable - I get disgusted and occasionally have panic attacks which feel more akin to some sort of pseudo-astral projection or mystical experience.

If my mind is concentrated and projected into the internet I feel somewhat fine, but once I leave my computer I literally feel dissociated from my body, as if I exist in some sort of force-field floating around outside of my body.

For a long time I've been telling myself that this is a dream, or it's not real, or existence is simply my qualia and nothing else, as in, there's no physical objects out there, my mind and its qualia is the full extent of existence. Needless to say I've been attracted to subjective idealism and solipsism. But other times I think of how I'm a system or sorts, like a machine or something. Whenever we talked about the body in school, I'd feel uncomfortable because it would bother me to think things going wrong in it.

One of the main things driving me to solipsism was that I couldn't handle the existence of other people. What if I had been them? What if I had been a normalfag obsessed with consumerist bullshit? A scary thought. So I tell myself that those people aren't real, they are phantasms, illusions, etc.

This is all a dream. A comforting thought.

My plan is to die after 22-23 hours so hurry up with the answers (if you have any)


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>Everything I want to achieve is already done by someone else.
Sleep it off op!


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Get as comfy as possible op! It's going to be a long night! Unless you can sleep it off!


Suicide is a privilege you have to earn from your higher self. You have to suffer until you reach a level of conscious development that you realize you can just pass on and you're allowed to do so.


Tell me what you were doing in the astral recently.


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When you live and outlive old desires, it is time to set your eyes higher. There are realms of attainment far beyond the mundane shit you've been looking into so far… and in the occult there are very dangerous paths to tread that can grant you the release you want from this life whether you fail or not.

>It's got the point where most of my waking hours are spent sort of zoning out into derealization & depersonalization, all the while experiencing a subtle and pervasive anxiety about the very physicality of the world. I can feel my body digesting food and I can't stop counting how many breaths I take, the entire process of being in a body feels utterly mechanical & uncomfortable - I get disgusted and occasionally have panic attacks which feel more akin to some sort of pseudo-astral projection or mystical experience.

This is a feeling many on this board are having right now anon and you're not alone with feeling it. It is a sign that your desire is taking you to your next level of being, that the gross physicality of this realm feels like a perversion to your spirit, and the more ethereal fluidity of the higher planes of existence are more suiting to you.

>One of the main things driving me to solipsism was that I couldn't handle the existence of other people. What if I had been them? What if I had been a normalfag obsessed with consumerist bullshit? A scary thought. So I tell myself that those people aren't real, they are phantasms, illusions, etc.

They are very repulsive but you need to exploit the law of polarity and rest your mind on the opposite qualities. Think for a moment about them, fear those terrible negative vibes, while creating a thoughtform and focusing on it. Then rapidly alternate to the opposite pole pooling in all the negative energy and transmuting it into positive energy. Then use the thoughtform for achieving the new state of being you desire.

Those lesser developed souls are the degenerate spiritual chaff of a past age reincarnated again here. They will either experience a killing out of desire for the things they want now or else obtain those things and lose the desire for them. Then they will develop onwards.

>My plan is to die after 22-23 hours so hurry up with the answers (if you have any)

If you aren't doing this via Mahasamadi or consciously cutting the silver cord of your astral body you are failing hard and just going to be reincarnated in this shitty world. Death can only give you temporary rest but you need to progress in the here and now to really move on beyond this shitty world.

You should meditate upon a godform / perfected / ideal self and create it out of your thought. Then let it possess you. Completely give yourself up to it. Wear a superior personality.


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Sounds like if OP dies we'll lose a great imageboard shitposter and our postcount will go down a lot.

Please don't die OP, we need cybernetic organisms like you to keep the internet going strong.

I'm pretty much exactly like you except I don't want to die one year before Microsoft Hololens are released!

Check this shit out OP. It's like thoughtforming for mundanes.


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You know what show that gif is from op? It's from Dilbert! One of my favorites! Pls go watch! I used to play a couple Dilbert games as well! 10/10 tv show!


Do it OP, give in to the world and fail yourself.
Die without seeing what you're truly capable of, don't try to change yourself or your situation.

Would anyone even care if you died? Normally one person would, you. Only you can love and truly take care of yourself, noone else. If you don't want to do it nobody else will.

Why would anyone do anything? It's not like anyone would be breaking new grounds somewhere. You will never discover new continents or a new element so why bother right? It's not like your retarded ass found itself on a esoteric wizardry board that teaches how to go to what might as well be another world due to the differences between it and the 3rd density you're used to.

Why set yourself apart and do something that the majority of the population doesn't even know exists? What you really want is to just quietly die like a little bitch. Your soul is likely to disintegrate, never reincarnating again, just like the masses you find yourself so detached from.


This is stupid. It's like they're trying to digitize the imagination.


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Don't die with any regrets. Unfulfilled desires will bring you back into incarnation here on Earth. Your method of dying must be the happiest and most fulfilling way to go. Personally, I suggest killing lots of jews and shitskins and degenerates, until you die from exhaustion slaughtering as many as you can.


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feel* not "fear" those terrible negative vibes

All the disgust, hatred, etc. let it flow through you intensely and then just flip the pole by suddenly contrasting it with thoughts resting upon the opposites of those things you so hate. You will experience not an annihilation of these feelings but a transformation of them into such a pure joy your eyes will water. All the suffering of your life here is fuel for such beauty if you but consciously master this art of alchemical transformation of emotions.


Man's desires grow ever more complex and beautiful as he advances forward the scale of spirit. From a lowly animal desiring nothing but food, sex, and comfort to a man desiring increasingly abstract and strange things his wants grow more elaborate, subtle, and diverse. As old desires die out more beautiful ones will take their place, if you will but receive them. Turn to god, the universal infinite living mind, to fill you with the desires which will lead you closer to that consciousness which penetrates all things in all places and all times.


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His soul will probably disintegrate but obviously his spirit will reincarnate. Assuming of course he's not an organic portal.


Well, the internet itself is kind of a replacement for telepathy and astral travel and so on. Technology like this can either be a crutch and replacement for our own built-in functions or it can be a stepping stone in training ourselves for occult development.

Shit's going to be amazing when it comes out and becomes common and people start interacting with holograms all over the place. I'd love to program digital thoughtforms and use my skill in AI and scripting and modelling and everything to create next-level environments for sharing information, learning, etc.

Imagine if /fringe/ wasn't just an imageboard but a digital place we actually go to using our characters and in that place we mess around with holograms. Instead of PDFs on flat browsers, we have holograms of our books… and we can give lessons and discuss things with each other using far more complicated forms than just text and images alone.


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Too bad OP isn't actually going to kill himself, neither is he a regular of /fringe/.


If you are on this site, here on /fringe/, you are way ahead of the curb. If you are willing to ignore social bullshit, ignore women, and dedicate all your time to learning the occult here and then practising it (beyond the basic meditations and shit you should do every day) when you're done your studies you're going to be a fucking AMAZING wizard. If you are only 19 years old and have already found this thread (I didn't know a single fucking thing about the occult at your age) then imagine how much wiser and powerful you will be by the time you are 30.

You might be an inferior piece of shit right now but so was I at your age. I did not believe I could solve my problems because there were no mundane solutions to those problems. Turns out though you can fucking do MAGICK and become really fucking intelligent and overcome your limitations.

Why the fuck are you wasting away this opportunity OP? You are one of the elect few, the elite, who know that /fringe/ even exists. Of the billions of people out there, all wasting their time away on petty things, fate has brought you to the one place where you can learn to become superhuman and develop way beyond the stunted potential of the masses.


"Anon" (I know who you are) your mind appears to be comprised mostly of the content of television. Are you not ashamed at this fact?


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2spooky4me, how do you know what I know?


>neither is he a regular of /fringe/.
i actually am


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>Are you not ashamed at this fact?
It deals with society and the art that is. I am not ashamed of art.


>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.


if you were you'd know of the possibilities of magic and would be practicing, transmuting your shitty emotions into something else through alchemy.
wizards here can succeed in the world with ease, most of use chose to become NEETs and dedicate our lives to the Great Work.

you are at most an armchair magician


i said i was a regular i didn't say I was enlightened, I'm clearly not


what exactly is stopping you then from becoming something more than you are now?


Why the fuck are you replying to yourself?


because I can't be arsed putting my flag on for every post


Why are you?


I did, I tried so hard but in the end it doesn't even matter.


Ok, whatever.

*is repulsed*


>linking park quotes
I think I just got loosh farmed


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If you payed attention you would see the deeper messages.


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I'm not replying to myself. I am bf you are b1.

How many books have you even read?


>If you payed attention you would see the deeper messages.

I don't need to receive lessons from such an inferior medium Ms. 2Deep4Me.

I don't want the trancebox dreaming for me.

It feels like I'm being molested by your videos, grafting on someone else's imagination onto my subliminal sphere.

I don't want that.

The music you post is also cancer to my ears.


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Check my dubs!


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top kek
People aren't happy! Even at the surface of society I feel. It's all just bubbling up.


this, glad someone else recognized this is a shitposting thread


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For what? You know nothing about me, or my life. You can think you do. However you do not. I have nothing to answer to you for. I've done nothing wrong. Make all the assumptions you want in the world. Paint a picture in your mind. Whats it to me? Whats it to you? You take things and run with it? What do I care? You don't know me.


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>For what? You know nothing about me, or my life.

Actually I do.

>You can think you do.

Your name begins with E.

>However you do not.

I do. See above. Trying to respect your privacy here but that should be hint enough for you to realize I KNOW.

>I have nothing to answer to you for. I've done nothing wrong.

You're a little disappointing is all, especially for someone of your age. It's a shame you were held back so much in life by such shitty circumstances. You've got to hurry up and make up for lost time if you want to join us in the astral. Irk, there's more I wish to say, but I don't want to spook you too much.

>Make all the assumptions you want in the world. Paint a picture in your mind. Whats it to me? Whats it to you? You take things and run with it? What do I care? You don't know me.

I know you and you do care. I probably should hold my silence though. Have you even … oh nevermind, too compromising for me to say.

Can you please answer one thing for me though? Are you in the habit of writing your name in print or in script right now? Why do you write it on newspaper?


One more thing, this year is very critical for you, and you won't be open to much new ideas after it. So take advantage of it to impress upon your mind the highest messages you can receive from the best quality sources (not television).

Considering your gender, it may already be too late for the most part, and you may just have to roll with the plan set for you already.


Why did* I should say, as "do" in that context implies habit, which I have not established about you.


I don't watch tv.


How did you become acquainted with all this material from television then?


>powerful wizard
>can't handle tv clips
Thanks for the laugh anon.

>most of us chose to become NEET
Choosing to be a failure is a whole new dimension of pathetic.


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OP I recommend going outside and siting your ass down and looking at the birds and the trees. Once you stop wishing to kill urself go back inside and resume your day.

And remember out of darkness there can only come light.


>thinks he's a powerful wizard
>justifies wasting his time on television clips instead of staying disciplined and studying and practising

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