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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1427800882298.jpg (44.45 KB, 500x316, 125:79, 1382287243974.jpg)


Ego haters why you be hatin' so much? What's up with that shit?


Thank god! What a breath of fresh air!


File: 1427803171553.png (51.96 KB, 330x349, 330:349, 1427678350610.png)

Because people refer to different things when they say the word, "Ego!" It can mean;

>The individual consciousness behind all physical and mental faculties, the I AM-consciousness, the Real Self, Atkinson's "Ego" or "I AM"


>The lower animal impulses that promote negative qualities such as hedonism, blind hatred, egotism, STS-behavior, etc. Atkinson's "animal-mind"

There's also a third meaning, Ego as Personality; this means the social mask the spirit wears to interact with the material world; without it it cannot operate, becoming passive and vegetable-like.


the fuck is an egotism????/…..,


Attachment is Samaric and the enemy of total freedom and the path of the liberation of sentient beings.

You can enter the God realm and have fun, but it ain't enlightenment bud.


File: 1427826530656-0.jpg (43.94 KB, 523x452, 523:452, Stirner.jpg)

File: 1427826530656-1.png (38.91 KB, 853x543, 853:543, Unfree Stirner.png)


When one hates oneself, one wishes to erase itself.
Understanding that, it becomes easy to see why so many here are so eager for ego-death, becoming one with the all etc.


Fuck your enlightenment shit, I didn't get into magick to fade away from everything, I got into it to become superhuman.


ulterior motive is the mother of delusion my friend. Good luck on understanding this.

The ego is an ilusion, but you don't go attacking illusions with swords, nor even with spells.


>hating on delusion and illusion

If by insanity I derive the experiences I want, good luck with your sober truth bullshit.


It seems to me that you're operating under the paradigm that the ego is kind of like the "black" to the "white" of the spirit, and it's a matter of picking a side. There's nothing absolutely "wrong" with the ego, but it is - in the sense I think of it, and what I assume many here would agree with - a kind of filtration system for your mind. A more accurate depiction would be something like a blindfold or set of shackles. You're so happy about how comfortable the blindfold is, and how you're okay with being blindfolded because you're not a fan of the light anyway, and you're insisting there's nothing wrong with having it. The response is something like, "Well, if you really want to, go ahead…but why would you?"


Nigga, I just want to experience things which are pleasant to my consciousness, and avoid the suffering. One of the best ways to do that is to figure out what is the most fun and use your imagination and not worry about muh ego, muh illusions, muh delusions, muh dangers, etc. and just throw yourself out into to the sea of madness and joy.


Yeah, that's pretty much lifting the veil of the ego. Life becomes terribly dull when our ego filters it through things like language, culture, memories, biological impulses, etc. We live too much through our mental and emotional interpretations of reality that we miss what's in front of our faces, living instead through models we create of what's in front of our faces. It's a way of "coloring" reality and makes us selective in our pleasures rather than finding pleasure in the entire adventure: every sight, sound, sensation, and really in just the pure joy of living. I believe that experiencing love is a way of communing with God, because it equates to accepting someone or something else as part of you, which dissolves the barrier between you and the rest of creation. I think that's where things like empathy come from - flashes of losing oneself in the concern for another; flashes of God. To experience an aversion or other negative feeling about reality - including worrying about "muh ego, muh illusions, muh delusions, muh dangers, etc." - is to contract into yourself to some degree and strengthen that barrier. It's easy to think that your thoughts encapsulate the absolute truth, but they don't, they can only be limited abstractions made from a limited point of view. Just different ways of "coloring."
However, don't be too wanton with it or it could lead to negative consequences. This is why I don't think things like hedonism are a good idea, because it opens you up to taking on vices or addictions, which strengthens that selective nature and the ego's hold on your consciousness.
This is all what mushrooms showed me, so I recommend them, but of course they're not a be-all-end-all.


This enrages me. Brb, going to capitalize on this hatred I'm feeling for you to do some productive magick.


Okay, dear.


I am back. I successfully completed a cleansing ritual and was greeted by an astral anime girl for a little while and I feel better at the moment.


File: 1427864596512.jpg (151.57 KB, 500x375, 4:3, jesus-lion-lamb.jpg)

Ultimate magic = realization of self as God-man/creator of reality. Ultimate cosmic power is "mundane" world experienced as creation of God-man will. Hail our White European Christ God-Man figure as ideal for the mysteries of superhuman unlimited power in merging with the deep magic Source which manifests all


I'm really happy for you, brother.


>Ultimate magic = realization of self as God-man/creator of reality.
Ultimate cosmic power is "mundane" world experienced as creation of God-man will.
Show 'nuff.
>Hail our White European Christ God-Man figure as ideal
So hailed.
>for the mysteries of superhuman unlimited power in merging with the deep magic Source which manifests all
*buzzer sound* It is not so. There merging occurs in the self and with the self. The self thus supremely controlled in can act harmoniously with all not-selfs. You are craving for the destruction of your experiencing identity. This is a craving which leads to stress.


Hold on there faggot, all that talk of the absolute and ultimate power and so on is way beyond us, we've still got to figure out how to push over vases with our minds. You in no way are anywhere close to that shit you talk about and aren't going to get there by skipping ahead on all the cool wizardry that is supposed to come first. I also find the idea of being god abhorrent and if I were God surely the first thing I'd do is make myself forget that I am God and give myself a more limited existence.


>all that talk of the absolute and ultimate power and so on is way beyond us
Speak ye for yourself. I am yet on the path to enlightenment this very moment.
>I also find the idea of being god abhorrent and if I were God surely the first thing I'd do is make myself forget that I am God and give myself a more limited existence.
You're already and infinite being anon. You just can't realized that fact yet.


Seriously, y'all niggers can't even do minor miracles, why dwell on this shit that you can't know yet?

Oy, fuck off! I obviously speak for myself but I don't want to achieve le ultimate goal. I have not the desire for it, I am too immature at this time, and so are you if you would be honest with yourself. There are infinite planes of experience above our own still to be tread and you want to just skip all that right for the absolute? Fuck that.

>You're already and infinite being anon. You just can't realized that fact yet.

I don't give a shit. I just want to read minds, throw objects around with my mind, make trees grow in strange ways, and create amusing events through synchronicity, and so on.


Truthfully I am on the path to enlightenment. You are not.


Good job being all "enlightened" when you can't do shit.

Fuck enlightenment when you can set paper on fire with your hands.


I am going to be a far superior being capable of doing things and thinking things way beyond the shit that currently fills your mind "enlightened" anon.


Go read True Initation in The Stellar Man by John Baines book.

ProTip: becoming more conscious, intelligent, powerful, etc. should be the only goal of us here at this time rather than trying to contemplate the absolute; something our meagre minds are not fit for doing at this stage of development.


>wait a sec are you trying to farm my loosh again.jpg


Shoo shoo, satan.


I think we need a purge of enlightenment faggot NEETs who aren't into cultivating personal power and expressing that power. Mastering the elements, controlling your mind, manifesting your will; these are real and hardcore challenges not for pussies who want to run away from it all.

I'm taking it one step at a time, not getting lost in the mire with my eyes held too high.


File: 1427867265021.png (116.8 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, Spurdo.png)

>muh enlightenment
>still hasn't even figured out how to occupy another body and mind for awhile and retain the memories
>can't even make lights turn off and on with his mind
>probably can't even do basic shit like AP
>has a small benis xddddd

ayy lmao


Be gone worldly devil!


You're the one stuck in the world while I'm manifesting power over it. For all your talk about enlightenment and other vague concepts far removed from your actual realization you are far less progressed than me.

God is the ultimate principle of power and pursuing power over all that is within me and all that it outside of me I am pursuing God.


Chapter III. Egoism, Not Egotism.

To some, it might appear that the suggestions concerning the recognition of the Ego advanced in the preceding chapter are calculated to encourage the quality of egotism among those accepting the advice. As a matter of fact the true recognition of the pure Ego is diametrically opposed to the objectionable trait or quality generally known as “egotism.” In egotism we find the person filled with an overweening sense of the importance and qualities of his personality. He imagines that he is not as other men, and that he is immensely superior to them, and of far greater relative importance. The egotist is wrapped up in his personality, and the things of the “Me.” It is always “me and mine” with him. And unfortunately there has been a great confusion in the meaning of the term “egoism,” by reason of the objectionable characteristics of “egotism.” The two terms have been regarded as identical, although they are as far apart as the poles.

It is only when we pass by the common acceptation of the term “egoism,” and consider it in its philosophical aspect, that we may begin to understand its real meaning. In the first place it is not connected with the attributes of personality—it concerns itself solely with individuality. The egoist does not compare his personality with that of others, for he regards personality as a something belonging to him and yet not himself. His sense of the Ego consists in the recognition of the reality of the “I” which is his real self, and consequently the things of personality fade into comparative insignificance. As an old writer has said: “Whether we try to avoid it or not, we must face this reality sometime—the reality of our own Egohood—that which makes us say “I,” and in saying “I” leads to the discovery of a new world.” As to the confusion regarding egoism and egotism, the same writer has said: “Our Ego tells us of the duties we owe others, because they are ‘I’s’ as we are.” And another old writer informs us of the ideal individual, of whom he says: “With that union of intellectual Egoism and moral unselfishness which is a characteristic of his large and liberal nature.” So you see that egoism is a far different thing from the quality known as egotism.

Egoism, as the term is used in this book, is the doctrine of the reality of the Ego or “I,” and of its recognition and realization. It is the recognition, realization, and manifestation of the “I” of the individual. It teaches that man is not merely the composite of his feelings, emotions, and ideas, but that he is a Something back of and under these mental states and activities— something that is, or should be, the Master of these secondary things. It is not necessary to accept any particular theory or idea regarding the nature of the “I” in order to manifest its powers. Whether the “I” be the “soul,” or whether it be a center of conscious energy in a world‐soul, or whether it be simply a focus of the universal energy of material science, it matters not; the important thing about it in psychology is that it is, and may be recognized, realized, and manifested. And in this recognition, realization, and manifestation is to be found the keynote of The New Psychology.

It may be objected to, that it can make no material difference to the individual whether he is able to distinguish between the “I” and the “Me” or not—that he must live his life according to his nature in either case. But this contention is not correct, for the realization of the “I” at once causes the individual to know that “he” is not merely what he thinks, feels and wills, but is rather a Something that thinks, feels, and wills, and may govern and master these mental activities, instead of being governed and mastered by them. There is a vast difference in this point of view. There is the greatest difference from the pragmatic point of view, for according to the old idea the man is a slave and a creature of his mental states, while under the new idea he may assume his rightful place on the mental throne, and make his choice as to what feelings he may wish to feel; what emotions he may wish to experience; what thoughts he may wish to think; what things he may wish to do. In short, the Egoist becomes the Master, instead of the slave. He realizes that the sovereign will of the individual resides in the Ego, and that even his mental states must obey its mandates.


The average man is a slave to his thoughts, ideas, and feelings. He is governed by inherited tendencies, and the suggestions of other minds. He allows his feelings to run away with him, and does not realize that he may regulate and govern them, changing and inhibiting them at will. He thinks that he is what he seems to be, and fails to understand that he may make himself that which he wishes to be. The average person is a mere puppet of environment and outside influences. He is moved along like an automaton. He is simply his “Me,” and does not realize that he is an “I.” He is swept from his feet by waves of feeling that he is utterly unable to repress or control, and is a creature of his own feelings and moods. He does not realize what Self‐Mastery is— the words convey no meaning to him, for he does not recognize the Self. He is mastered by the “Me,” instead of mastering by the “I.” The men who have risen from the ranks, and who stand head and shoulders above their fellows in mental achievement have invariably realized the “I,” although they may never have reasoned it out consciously—their recognition may have been intuitive. But all men and women who have “done things” have found this “I” within and beyond the “Me.”

This mastery by the “I” opens up an entirely new world of thought, feeling, and activity to the individual. To be able to make of oneself what one will is truly a wonderful thing. To think what one wants to think, feel what one wants to feel, do what one wants to do—surely this is an achievement worthy of a Master. And it is possible to those who will take the time and trouble to acquire the art of Self‐Mastery and Self‐Expression.

We shall not dwell upon this idea at length at this point, for the idea will permeate the entire work, and will be brought out in reference to every phase of mentation. But, before passing on to the next chapter, we would like you to consider the following words of Edward Carpenter in reference to the state of the ordinary man who is ruled by his mind, instead of ruling it. Carpenter says: “We moderns…are unaccustomed to the mastery over our own inner thoughts and feelings. That a man should be a prey to any thought that chances to take possession of his mind, is commonly among us assumed as unavoidable. It may be a matter of regret that he should be kept awake all night from anxiety as to the issue of a lawsuit on the morrow, but that he should have the power of determining whether he be kept awake or not seems an extravagant demand. The image of an impending calamity is no doubt odious, but its very odiousness (we say) makes it haunt the mind all the more pertinaciously, and it is useless to try to expel it. Yet this is an absurd position—for man, the heir of all the ages, to be in: Hag‐ridden by the flimsy creatures of his own brain. If a pebble in our boot torments us, we expel it. We take off the boot and shake it out. And once the matter is fairly understood, it is just as easy to expel an intruding and obnoxious thought from the mind. About this there ought to be no mistake, no two opinions. The thing is obvious, clear and unmistakable. It should be as easy to expel an obnoxious thought from the mind as to shake a stone out of your shoe; and till a man can do that, it is just nonsense to talk about his ascendency over Nature, and all the rest of it. He is a mere slave, and a prey to the bat‐winged phantoms that flit through the corridors of his own brain. Yet the weary and careworn faces that we meet by thousands, even among the affluent classes of civilization, testify only too clearly how seldom this mastery is obtained. How rare indeed to meet a man! How common rather to discover a creature hounded on by tyrant thoughts (or cares, or desires), cowering, wincing under the lash—or perchance priding himself to run merrily in obedience to a driver that rattles the reins and persuades him that he is free—whom he cannot converse with in careless tete‐a‐tete because that alien presence is always there, on the watch.”


The same authority continues: “It is one of the prominent doctrines…that the power of expelling thoughts, or, if need be, killing them dead on the spot, must be attained. Naturally the art requires practice, but like other arts, when once acquired there is no mystery or difficulty about it. And it is worth practice. It may indeed fairly be said that life only begins when this art has been acquired. For obviously when, instead of being ruled by individual thoughts, the whole flock of them in their immense multitude and variety and capacity is ours to direct and despatch and employ where we list, life becomes a thing so vast and grand, compared with what it was before, that its former condition may well appear almost ante‐natal. If you can kill a thought dead, for the time being, you can do anything else with it that you please. And therefore it is that this power is so valuable. And it not only frees a man from mental torment (which is nine‐tenths at least of the torment of life), but it gives him a concentrated power of handling mental work absolutely unknown to him before. The two things are co‐relative to each other. While at work your thought is to be absolutely concentrated in it, undistracted by anything whatever irrelevant to the matter in hand—pounding away like a great engine, with giant power and perfect economy—no wear and tear of friction, or dislocation of parts owing to the working of different forces at the same time. Then when the work is finished, if there is no more occasion for the use of the machine, it must stop equally, absolutely—stop entirely—no worrying (as if a parcel of boys were allowed to play their devilments with a locomotive as soon as it was in the shed)—and the man must retire into that region of his consciousness where his true self dwells. I say that the power of the thought‐machine itself is enormously increased by this faculty of letting it alone on the one hand, and of using it singly and with concentration on the other. It becomes a true tool, which a master‐workman lays down when done with, but which only a bungler carries about with him all the time to show that he is the possessor of it. Then on and beyond the work turned out by the tool itself is the knowledge that comes to us apart from its use; when the noise of the workshop is over, and mallet and plane laid aside—the faint sounds coming through the open window from the valley and the far seashore; the dim fringe of diviner knowledge which begins to grow, poor thing, as soon as the eternal click‐clack of thought is over—the extraordinary intuitions, perceptions, which, though partaking in some degree of the character of the thought, spring from entirely different conditions, and are the forerunners of a changed consciousness.”

The same writer then considers the subject of desires, as mastered by the Ego, as follows: “As already said, the subjection of Thought is closely related to the subjection of Desire, and has consequently its specially moral as well as its specially intellectual relation to the question in hand. Nine‐tenths of the scattered or sporadic thought with which the mind usually occupies itself when not concentrated on any definite work, is what may be called self‐thought—thought of a kind which dwells on and exaggerates the sense of self. This is hardly realized in its full degree till the effort is made to suppress it; and one of the most excellent results of such an effort is that with the stilling of all the phantoms which hover around the lower self, one’s relations to others, to one’s friends, to the world at large, and one’s perception of all that is concerned in these relations come out into a purity and distinctness unknown before. Obviously, when the mind is full of little desires and fears which concern the local self, and is clouded over by the thought‐images which such desires and fears evoke, it is impossible that it should see and understand the greater facts beyond and its own relation to them. But with the subsiding of the former, the great Vision begins to dawn; and a man never feels less alone than when he has ceased to think whether he is alone or not.”

In this somewhat extended quotation from Mr. Carpenter, will be seen clearly the idea of Egoism as opposed to Egotism— the mastering of the personality by the individuality, rather than the undue importance attaching to mere personality which is the basis of egotism. Mr. Carpenter’s remarks, while uttered in connection with an entirely different subject, nevertheless convey a vital message in connection with The New Psychology, and accordingly we have reprinted them in this work feeling that he has stated the matter in a most forcible and clear manner, in words likely to be remembered by those who read them.


>Guy 1:"mushrooms helped me reach my point of view"
>Guy 2:"I had to summon a weeabo bitch to help me calm down"

I. I. I… don't even. Where is the basic bitch white girl flag?


>Where is the basic bitch white girl flag?

I have never even heard of this but if you post a suitable image to make a 16x16 icon out of I can create it and add it.


File: 1428287686218.png (3.41 KB, 16x15, 16:15, shopping.png)

Done. There is no better flag for Basic Bitch White Girl.





File: 1428294951196.png (29.77 KB, 512x503, 512:503, Untitled.png)

It's not like I wanted you to notice me or anything.


Were you deriding one of us or both of us with this post?


>because it equates to accepting someone or something else as part of you, which dissolves the barrier between you and the rest of creation. I think that's where things like empathy come from - flashes of losing oneself in the concern for another; flashes of God. To experience an aversion or other negative feeling about reality - including worrying about "muh ego, muh illusions, muh delusions, muh dangers, etc." - is to contract into yourself to some degree and strengthen that barrier.
Read up on Mahayana ideas of the break down of territoriality, a good introduction is in Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving-Kindness by Chogyam Trungpa (A lot of the slogans are hard to undertake unless if practicing Mahayana but the understanding of territoriality and how to break it down in the first third or so of the book is really illuminating)


So smiley about that Basic Bitch White Girl and Shaman flag, huh?


I don't have a decent Shaman icon, I made a whole bunch before, and they all sucked.


ugg boots
more like
ugly boots


I just deleted my posts. I made the Basic Bitch White Girl flag. I don't know what flag would encompass all of shamanism in its myriad forms and not suck.


It's a boot. It's longer than it is wide. Maker here.


>16x16 icon
>File (hide): 1428287686218.png (3.41 KB, 16x15, 16:15, shopping.png)
>16x15, 16:15


>longer than it is wide
You mean higher/taller than it is wide.
ehhh.. seems like it worked anyways.. you still should have made the canvas 1 pixel bigger on the height.


It just said shopping from the source I copied it from. It is merely and absolutely a coincidence.

Don't be bootbothered. It's done and I did it well. Don't be that peripheral decision maker. I like you not when you do that.



this nigga gets it

>ego mask masterrace


File: 1430192821668.gif (908.47 KB, 500x276, 125:69, narp4yM9vt1tts3f4o1.gif)


>ego mask

Silly humans! Tricks are for kids!



your girlfriend is for kids

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