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Anons that derive the maximum benefit from food please describe to me:

• Your mental attitude towards food.
• The timing of your meals.
• What you generally eat.
• Suggestions on cooking books or cooks I should pay attention to.

I feel like my desire for inedia and my hatred for all food is causing my body to reject food so that no matter what I eat I derive no benefit and no matter how healthy the food it is it sickens me.

I want to augment my attitude towards food in order to learn how to enjoy food, how to make its positive aspects work as strong as possible for me, and how to make the negative aspects have practically no effect on my body.

It's kind of hedonistic and that disgusts me as I have a fear of enjoying material things but I'm starting to think this is a wrong approach which is gradually killing me. I need to learn to love these revolting manifestations of the demiurge in order to keep body and spirit together in harmony or I'm just going to keep getting sick and die surely.

I may also consider trying to engage in sex and to force myself to enjoy it in order to possibly strengthen my body further. I've never done any sexual stuff at all, no masturbation, but I have a strong enough ability with the Earth element that I am confident I could telekinetically arouse myself to orgasm… I have never orgasmed in my life btw and have no idea what that's even like. Thinking about it, it might be such a mindblowing experience (especially as I'd be taking it to a much higher potential with my magick than what mundanes probably do) that I might want to stall awhile yet before even trying it as it could potentially take me to such a high energetic level that I probably should spend another year just preparing myself with studies for what to do when I get there. I can also evoke a succubus to full manifestation and have sex with her.

Am I just giving into the demiurge or would my continued resistance against materiality just lead to a horrible and slow suicide?

I think Initiation Into Hermetics suggests that I'm supposed to do stuff like this anyways, at least the enjoying food. I really hate food and really don't want to enjoy food or have to eat it but if it's the key to making the sickness leave my body maybe I just have to adapt and do it.


After reading such books as The Perfect Matrimony and realising a lot of my shortcomings have been from desire for orgasm as Ive grown (a waste of sexual energy unless you follow more black magic aka power and destruction)I'm envious of your lack of orgasm and thought that no one has been raised that way anymore apart from some Christian guy I knew in high school who was the head boy, anxious around some people but literally could easily turn into a saint and has gone on to win awards for his engineering ability through university. Don't fall into the trap of orgasm, in my mind abstaining orgasm is true virginity (fapping to porn is basically fucking a thoughtform) you are in favour of the divine and in a perfect position to practice powerfulsex magick sans seminal release (which leads to a whole host of issues). Thanks for restoring some of my faith in humanity and don't bow into the tempters in the world who know not what they do. Restoring sexuality for many men is a long road that saves them from so many pains they've been through, me included.

Love to you brother.


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Stop eating fucking disgusting vegetables and actually eat food that tastes good like sugary foods. Eating food that tastes good to you is very important.

The mainstream hate campaign on sugar is misguided and pushed by big pharma, the true culprits are polyunsaturated fats and estrogen.

>Your mental attitude towards food.

I view food as holy sustenance.
>The timing of your meals.
Whenever I'm hungry.
>What you generally eat.
Pic. I drink 1l of pulp-free orange juice+1l of low-fat milk a day among other things.
>Suggestions on cooking books or cooks I should pay attention to.
You don't need to know how to cook to eat healthy, I suggest learning how to cook stews, stirfries and roasts.


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Try to understand that we have to submit under certain physical laws while in our current state, and that means we have to consume other living beings for our own survival. This is completely normal for STS beings and this sort of thing would exist even if the demiurge wasn't corrupted, though perhaps in different degree. We shouldn't despise or hate our current condition though, but we have have to accept that our physical vessels and our environment work the way they do because Earth is a STS planet and we are STS beings. And do understand that you are not hedonistic if your body derives pleasure from something, as pleasure does not equate hedonism; hedonism is a lower ego function that operates on negative physical degree of pleasure that is self-satisfying and self-serving. Pleasure itself is a neutral instinctual bodily function.

We can feel pleasure, even deliberately for the purpose of our Work, as long as we are in control and mindful of it. Thus in my way there is no need to hate something as neutral as pleasure as it can be beneficial, sometimes even necessary.

I do not masturbate, but my sexual energy is released at times during the night, (nocturnal emission). These often give me a lot of energy, except if the ejaculation was caused by a thought-form or succubi. In that case I feel drained and lethargic.

But I am rambling, rambling on! I do not think my diet is optimal and I do not say that I derive the maximum benefit from it for the time being, but I shall give my answers nevertheless!

• Your mental attitude towards food.
A necessity for survival, I do not despise it but consider it natural for me while in physical environment (STS). My body derives pleasure naturally from eating but I try to avoid eating for the sake of pleasure.

• The timing of your meals.
Whenever I feel like eating after daily fasting (10-11 hours). After my fast, the rest of the time is "feeding time" for the purpose of maximum energy gathering. I avoid breakfast, usually eating hour or two after having woken up, and I stop eating around 5:30-6PM.

• What you generally eat.
A lot of breakfast cereals (no sugar) with milk (raw), spoonful of honey now and then, sometimes two mandarins and a handful of crimson grapes. Other foodstuff now and then, but these are the daily ones I consume.


>A necessity for survival, I do not despise it but consider it natural for me while in physical environment (STS). My body derives pleasure naturally from eating but I try to avoid eating for the sake of pleasure.
I'm the poster above of you. I agree, you make a very good point here. If you see food as a form of pleasure, you'll binge on it and cause yourself harm.

This is most commonly seen in people who were as children given food as a reward and obese people.


>Your mental attitude towards food.
My hunger is an arising dependent on something(s). I will attend to its existence carefully, seeing great danger in any fault. I contemplate all the things food can do, what my body needs to operate optimally, I gather information so that my idea of what is optimal approaches optimal, and I work within my dependent-arisings to satisfy the arisings while they are present, renounce and release their dependencies when possible, and cultivate right concentration towards food (what is best for me and all?)

>The timing of your meals

All the time.

>What you generally eat.

Sugary things when the need arises (as I have not severed the dependencies on which the sugar craving arises), and keto when I am not eating sugary things. I drink distilled water only. And I've presently added raw cacao (maybe I'll add some citrus, or parsely (pineal gland foods)) to decalcify my pineal gland.

>Suggestions on cooking books or cooks I should pay attention to.

Contemplate what is best. In regard to food, seize upon one facet of the eating<->effect of eating paridigm and seek to improve it. It's a question of concentration. If you abide in right concentration you will reach a place of equanimity in due time.


>severed the dependencies on which the sugar craving arises
Sugar is good for you, craving sugar is normal.


Shoo shoo, satan.


So you don't eat fruit or honey? Silly. Sugar is just glucose+fructose, you know? No magick involved here wizard.


Get thee behind me, satan.


Get behind me, goy.


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The cleaner your body the better the connection to your soul. I recommend the "Mucusless Diet Healing System" by Arnold Ehret.
We live with the food, not from it. In fact everybody lives off prana.
A perfectly cleansed body doesn't need any food.
There is no perfect diet. It is a way of cleansing. It depends on where you stay.
omnivore -> vegetarian -> vegan -> raw vegan -> fruitarian -> liquidarian -> inedia (air, sunlight, sleep, prana…)

Humans are alchemical machines. Their energy and what they attract in their lives is heavily influenced by what they eat. And on which level they are.



The body is a conciousness antenna. The people in charge know that, this is why they poison us wherever they can (food, water, air, radiation, noise, bad media)
So we become disconnected from our higher selves.


>mental attitude towards food

Energy source, programmable like all energy. I dislike the fact that it costs money. This is the true control mechanism in society.


whenever I am hungry I eat. You can adjust your sleeping schedule using your first meal if you so desire however.

>generally eat

Candy, cookies and chips, pizza and bacon. My body is vastly superior to most of the population. This comes from programming the energy in all food I eat to my maximum benefit. Also possibly from the fact that I often never feel hunger. Paradoxically i actually seem to trim up and put on muscle whenever I overeat for long periods. I also program my body to do certain things. I drink only fluoride free water.

I will admit however that when I eat healthily I feel absolutely amazing (energy is doing less work making missing nutrients and more work powering my bits and pieces).

>suggestions on cooking

French cook books. French people are skinny and healthy as fuck and they eat nothing but butter drenched food and wine. Their food is also very good.


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How does one program their foods? Is it a matter of intention? Do you perform subtle alchemy before you ingest the food? After? Any good books or resources to consult?


I obtained the method from Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon (I'm sure you know it's in the sticky resources).

My particular style is to move white gold energy into the food while concentrating, and visualize it passing through carrying away dark energy and washing it away into the ground, and also having the food retain a white golden radiance. I then mentally state a single affirmation as to the effect I wish of the energy (which is removing all negative elements and programming the food energy). I do this for drinks as well of course, you can even program the magnetic properties of water to continually draw in more energy to the effects you desire. I do this before consumption.


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This is what i figured. This is very helpful, thank you very much.


>sugary food
>not fucking disgusting taste-wise


>I dislike the fact that it costs money.

I should clarify that I realize having unlimited free food would create infinite niggers, but on a completely selfish level it irks me.


I think it highly probable that "a reasonably well balanced-diet providing the essential material for the body" may be all that is needed and the rest is a matter of attitude. I've tried out various diets such as yours and they did not give me positive results. Also, if I were to eat "only when hungry" I would need a hunger thoughtform or something to direct me towards eating then as otherwise I'd just not eat.

My body literally does not derive pleasure from eating food at all. The point of this thread is to try to intentionally cultivate that normal feeling of pleasure when eating food in order to optimize my body's use of the food as I reason that my distaste for food is causing my body to reject food. I eat food and it probably just sits inside of me being useless for my lack of desire for that food is messing with my body's ability to fully utilize it.

>Pleasure itself is a neutral instinctual bodily function.

Pleasure must be "an acquired habit" in my case if I am going to experience it in relation to something like eating food.

I already have the mental attitude of "food is something I must reluctantly eat, I hate food, I don't wan t to eat, I only eat to live" and it's not working very well for me and my body.

It is pretty much my theory at this time that the body doesn't really get its energy from food but rather needs prana to energize it and assimilate the food into the matter of the body. Different types of food attracting certain energetic influences also makes sense to me.

I think if I approach it with the right mindset then my body will be able to easily do away with aspects or excesses of the food that are harmful, failing to absorb those parts, and making the best use of the good parts in an intelligent way.

I don't have hunger, cravings, etc. and if I'm going to experience hunger again I will need to program a thoughtform that tells me when to eat.

>I will admit however that when I eat healthily I feel absolutely amazing (energy is doing less work making missing nutrients and more work powering my bits and pieces).

What about a diet that provides all the nutrients and but energy is wasted more on removing excesses?

It should just be a matter of gathering etheric energy into your stomach (use your astral hands to brush around the environment and feel objects around you with those hands then draw that feeling into your stomach) and programming with intentions.

That poster is not me (there are at least 3 different people using the Earth Element flag in here apparently). I have succeeded before, just to see if I could, in making myself severely sick eating a perfectly healthy meal but programming it with dark energy and negative intentions. I suggest everyone does this at least once purely for the purpose of seeing how it can effect you. I got really sick for days after doing that. I also believe if you're forced to eat with others who have attitudes towards food and your water element is too highly active at the moment you pick up their mental attitude and it effects you. If I am near a vegetarian when eating, suddenly meat is extra detestable, and I am subconsciously desiring to mimic their way of eating.

What do you think of the idea of programming your piss to remove all negative energy from the body? Is this a bad or good idea? I imagine your piss would become highly toxic.


>What do you think of the idea of programming your piss to remove all negative energy from the body? Is this a bad or good idea? I imagine your piss would become highly toxic.

Well, piss is actually supposed to be highly concentrated in excess nutrients and prana as it is water moving through a living organism, and I use my piss for other purposes because of this. Solid waste seems like a better system for removing negativity.


Blah blah blah…>>30550
I stopped reading at "cookbooks"
I'd recommend early David Wolfe or Peter Ragnar if you need some sort of role model.

Cooking destroys the life force of food. That's basic knowledge. It does the same to enzymes, which will deplete your bodily enzyme stores and accelerate aging. The immune system reacts to meals that are more than 50% cooked. Some foods are excessively yin like processed sugar, which will degenerate your body faster than anything else. However, yin jing is the fluid quality of our bodies and said to be a key to longevity. Conversely, root vegetables are by the rule very yang and restorative.

The goal is to ultimately rise above the need to indulge in food, as Thoth spoke it is "bondage of the soul…"
Men who have lived to great age in the Bible were said to consume food at Noon, and if you must, again at sunrise. This is in alignment with the Vedic eating times, as digestive power is strongest then.
In the Bible it also says that thou may eat freely from any tree. In essence, our natural diet is that of a frugivore.

More important than mundane food is the fluid our body contains. The cells are immortal, only the fluid that they are in degrades. There is apt reason for the label of "mudbloods." This is the essence of everything so you should be able to figure it out, as I do not feel like diving into a discussion of the water of life for this board's amusement.


*Noon and SUNSET


>Your mental attitude towards food.
I watch how animals eat, and I think this is the best way: I enjoy food when I am hungry. I am indifferent to it if I am not.

I don't eat for "pleasure" unless the pleasure comes from the food tasting good to me as it satiates me.

I strictly avoid only a few foods that I find cause problems with my body, and certain foods I only enjoy on an occasional basis. I will not eat just because I think it tastes good, it must both nourish and satisfy me.

>The timing of your meals.

I try to eat when I am actually hungry which is usually only 2-4 times per day. I get more hungry if I've done a lot of work or exercise. I get less hungry if I am sedentary. I feel tired if I fast the whole day and exert myself.

>What you generally eat.

After years of experimenting I know what I can eat and what I cannot.

I eat a variety of whole foods, cooked or raw, sometimes more preparation-intensive meals if I have the time. Fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, legumes, and grains like oats and rice.

Variety and balance are the key. No need to nitpick over details except the source and how it impacts your subjective experience. Generally if I snack I eat a whole fruits, dried fruits or seed or nuts.

My macros veer more toward 40% protein with slightly less complex carbs and fat depending on the day. I currently maintain 10% body fat and am focusing on increasing lean tissue. On exercise days I don't discriminate against simple carbs - I once had an hour post-meal glucose tested from eating a huge ice cream shake and it was at 90 on the dot. I also supplement with vegetarian protein.

On principle I generally avoid over-processed crap and wheat and non-GM foods (due to herbicide) but I will indulge in chips, sausage, beer, liquor, coffee or certain soda if it is free of corn syrup. Their value to my subjective experience is most important. The closer to homemade the better. I indulge in stuff I like but I do not gorge.

>Suggestions on cooking books or cooks I should pay attention to.

Nourishing Traditions cookbook is a good start.

Look up cooking vids on youtube if you don't know how to cook. It's a valuable skill that gets easier in time. Simple recipes like stews and oatmeal are good to get started on a budget and make in bulk, you can google for these based on the ingredients you have on hand. Spices are your friend.

Try to find a middle ground between convenience and quality of nourishment, and go for the highest quality you can get and afford. It's better to eat what you need even if it's less than ideal than to starve yourself for only the purest of foods.

If you're concerned about purity, avoid meat except for the purest stuff. Higher-order animals get the concentrated junk they are fed, then we eat that concentrated junk their bodies absorb. I am not vegetarian though and still eat meat especially when it is raised right.

That's a nice chart, especially the suggestion for ginger beer but the BPM there is kinda high IMO, my resting is usually 50-60. then again might be different for others. I'm not an expert.

A middle ground of cooked and raw is fine. Cooking releases certain nutrients that can't be released by eating raw, and eating raw gives you access to other nutrients that are lost in cooking.


also noticed my trips. probably a sign I'm on the right path lately. lots of interesting synchronicities in life recently…


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>Cooking destroys the life force of food.


Look up enzymes and how high heat destroys them.


Agree with the half cooked half uncooked foods. Just moved from fruitarian just eating one type of fruit for lunch and one type for dinner with no breakfast (so intermittent fasting) to a new diet I've thought up where I eat almost vegan (only using raw, organic animal products from well nurtured animals meaning raw milk etc) and have one delicious cooked meal for lunch when stomach digestion is highest and always when sun is highest in the sky then chase it with a piece of fruit or 2 then at night will only eat fruit for dinner, preferably of one type depending on how I'm feeling. No nightshades = feeling wonderful :)


Plant enzymes aren't much help after they are eaten.


>I already have the mental attitude of "food is something I must reluctantly eat, I hate food, I don't wan t to eat, I only eat to live" and it's not working very well for me and my body.

My attitude isn't "food is something I must reluctantly eat, I hate food, I don't want to eat" - it's the latter, "I only eat to live".


Why do people even like ice cream, coffee, candies, chips, soda, and sweet things? All of these things I naturally hate and have always hated even when I had 0 knowledge of nutrition and all food was "just food" to me.

Yet a lot of people seem to think it's a treat instead of some revolting poison you'd rather not eat if you had literally anything else as a choice to eat first.

It tastes DISGUSTING to me and my parents would try to feed me these things and I would reject it and they would get mad.

Meanwhile the average experience for a human being seems to be of parents trying to get their kids to eat healthy and their kids rejecting the healthy food in favour of crap.

Why is everything reversed for me? Why can I not relate AT ALL to the experience of the average human?

Literally my favourite fucking food in the world is anything grown directly out of my garden and consumed moments are being picked / pulled / harvested.

Most people talk of these really bad foods as if they were some great temptation that they yearn to consume but to me it's all just cheap trash that tastes worse than shit and that I can't imagine anyone choosing to buy it and consume it.


The candy/ice cream/soda/sweet things could be that it's just too sweet. Lots of people don't like coffee unless they drown out the flavor with sweet stuff (granted that's not your forte). Chips are salty/crunchy, either of which might not be your thing.

Human tastes are fucking weird, and if you deviate from the norm everyone gets weirded out and starts trying to feed whatever to you to try and get you to "figure out" you liked it the entire time. I don't like corn or tomatos by themselves, and so I've had to go through all sorts of brands of canned stuff, different types of tomato grown in the garden, corn cooked in all sorts of different ways, just to reaffirm that no I don't like it.

TL;DR Human taste is weird


My guess is that you were rebelling against your parents. Or atleast that might be true for me.
I don´t like anything too sweet or salty. Moderate tasting is just best.


>Why do people even like ice cream, coffee, candies, chips, soda, and sweet things?
Texture and taste. They taste good, to normal people.
I don't think there is anybody on Earth that possibly dislike ice cream made properly from fresh ingredients. No, that not crap you get in a tub from the local supermarket that's chock full of additives and preservatives.


>ice cream, coffee, candies, chips, soda, and sweet things?
It acts on the brain in an identical manner to cocaine. That's why. They got their first 'hit' of it from their parents who secretly hate them and wish them ill.


Stop being a retard, please.

The claims of sugar and such being addictive is because they light up the same areas of the brain as illicit drugs.

Well, you know what else does? Drinking water, doing exercise, exposing yourself to sunlight, eating ANYTHING.

Seriously, I wish people would stop peddling this "x and y food is ADDICTIVE" with unsubstantiated claims.



Stop being a retard. Sugar is a hepatotoxin. It causes cancer. It is habit-forming and harmful.


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Let's settle this one guys.

Isolated, refined sugar is only harmful because it contains no micronutrients. It is not inherently harmful otherwise.

The mundane types who are "addicted" to sugar are simply answering their body's cries for nutritious sweet foods with chemically isolated, nutritionally void junk food. this is the addiction and formed habit that is harmful.

Over time none of the nutritional needs the body is crying out for by the craving or "addiction" to sweet is never fulfilled by naturally sweet whole foods like raw honey, maple syrup, fruits, certain tubers and so on, and the body eventually succumbs to metabolic disease and cancer.

Replacing the sugary junk with nutritious, traditional food and drink solves the problem and alleviates any unnatural cravings.

For example, cane sugar comes from sugar cane, a natural plant which contains trace minerals and vitamins and is essentially benign to the body to consume. By itself it's actually a low glycemic sweet drink.

Refining of sugarcane produces isolated cane sugar and a byproduct, molasses.

Isolated, refined cane sugar contains no other nutrients and is essentially a pure chemical. When consumed in quantity, it spikes the blood sugar beyond any natural level and generally wreaks havoc.

Molasses on the other hand is all the concentrated nutrition that was stripped off the sugar. It contains a large amount of all the vitamins and minerals from the sugarcane and is very good for you if you are deficient.

Listen to your own body and experience everything for yourself. Don't believe every internet 'expert'.


>Isolated, refined sugar is only harmful because it contains no micronutrients. It is not inherently harmful otherwise.

Nope. Not true.


I have experimented with a intermittent fasting diet.

I eat nothing for breakfast, and for lunch I'll each something very light. Maybe some nuts or some dark chocolate. Eating throughout the day is just to maintain blood sugar levels for productivity.

I then eat most of my calories at night. I eat at a slow pace over about two hours. I think this approach is superior as you avoid the lethargy in the day time from consuming a big meal. But you are also using the lethargy at night time to help reinforce your sleep pattern. Wizardry at its most basic, but effective, putting the constraints of our current form to work to further our will.

I have thought about going into a ketosis diet, but I do not currently have the living situation to accommodate such a diet, but I think ketosis would probably be more effective in this area. It would also decrease the need for consumption of food during the day for that blood sugar boost.


>Nope. Not true.

Oh, I get it now.

You didn't provide any evidence as to why it's "not true" not because the factual assertions were incorrect, but because you don't want anyone to learn that glucose is not inherently harmful.

got to keep that sweet, sweet arcane dietary knowledge to yourself, eh? don't want any other up and coming wizzards getting healthy and taking your loosh after all….

you've got to keep them in fear of the food they eat and the air they breathe. there's only room for one eye at the top of the aluminade pyramid.


In no manner have I ever decided to do things opposite to my parents just for the sake of some retarded rebellion, the very idea of which always made me cringe as a child. If my parents ever demanded I did anything good for myself I'd do it right away.

I just want to be fucking healthy and am sensitive to an unclean environment, bad foods, etc.


Evidence doesn't make something true or not true retard. It being true or not true does.
>He can't even into absolute reality


shit I knew there were shills posting.

look at his misdirection and adhominem tactics here >>31409 >>31332 >>31189

schlomo is trying to keep us down guys


I eat 2.5tbsp of raw cacao powder in butter/water for breakfast to decalcify my pineal gland. Then I take some melatonin for the same reason.

Later I'll eat something. Presently I've been craving literal carbs for some reason so I'll eat whatever carbs I can get my hands one.

When that subsides I will eat keto at my leisure.

And also 4 eggs every day for cholesterol for testosterone.

I drink about 1.25-1.5 gallons of distilled water a day. Tap water is physical and spiritually poisonous. That is why I drink distilled water.

Intermittently I'll drink blended frozen broccoli + a tablespoon of seaweed. This brings three benefits. The in broccoli fiber is good for digestion. A compound in broccoli florets called sufluorophane supresses the action of estrogen on DNA or something. And the iodine in the seaweed further works to decalcify my pineal gland and also supports endocrine health.

That's my diet in a nutshell. It is a work in progress but I think it is more good than bad currently.

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