So called "psychopaths" are the most evolved persons on this planet and in truth all that we should strive to become.
A truly liberated soul laughs at the artificial constraints of morality and the fear of death present in lower forms of humanity.
The biggest trick played on humans is in getting them to work for the benefit of others than themselves so we the masters of all may benefit from the labours of our mental slaves.
Many of you are already working under paradigms of serving others while paradoxically claiming that all are one. If all are one then society is a collection of cells and some are cancerous. A wise man should have no problem culling and brutally enslaving all the cancer cells. If all are aspects of oneself, one is free to use oneself as they please, discarding the weak elements of oneself.
There will be no punishment for me in surviving and outperforming all of you who eschew power.
To be truly awake is to behave as if one is in a simulation and anything one does is of no consequence. All is simply a game and for fun.
I do remember reading somewhere else on /fringe/ that the freest human being is the one who is not burdened by choice and in every moment, does as he must.
He is either a perfectly logical machine or a wild animal. Now, while my understanding of psychopaths is that they are "spiritless humans", could they not also be ideal in the sense that they are the most free?
>>30656The whole idea of the "psychopath" is bullshit. I'm just saying lowly peasants can not understand the necessity of rule and domination and he who does as he wills without regard for the will of others mostly strongly impresses his will upon this world.
>>30660What about
There, fixed it for you.
Karma does not punish the predator for being a predator.
>Many authorities hold that the original idea of Karma was that of a great natural law operating along exact lines, as do the laws of mathematics and chemistry, bringing forth the exact effect from every cause, and being, above all, questions of good or evil, reward or punishment, morality or immorality, etc., and acting as a great natural force above all such questions of human conduct. To those who still adhere to this conception, Karma is like the Law of Gravitation, which operates without regard to persons, morals or questions of good and evil, just as does any other great natural law. In this view the only “right” or “wrong” would be the effect of an action—that is, whether it was conducive to one’s welfare and that of the race, or the reverse. In this view, if a child places its hand on a hot stove, the action is “wrong,” because it brings pain and unhappiness, although the act is neither moral or immoral. And another action is “right” because it brings happiness, well‐being and satisfaction, present and future, although the act was neither moral nor immoral. In this view there can be neither reward nor punishment, in the common acceptation of the term, although in another sense there is a reward for such “right” doing, and a punishment for such “wrong” doing, as the child with the burnt hand may testify to.
t. William Walker Atkinson frogs
>>30662I have a cursory idea of what karma is, but I've had the impression it means essentially that, at some eventual point, you reap what you sow.
>>30665No you reap exactly what you sow instantly. Believe it or not; you can in fact get away with things perceived as immoral by others.
>>30718What exactly can be and can we not do?
>>30648>So called "psychopaths" are the most evolved persons on this planet and in truth all that we should strive to become.Yet Western civ triumphed through it's empathy and cooperation.
Higher humans have empathy. It's more efficient on a national scale.
Nations land on the Moon, lone wolves could never.
>>30725…and yet lone wolves are flying UFOs around, travelling to other worlds both via the astral and physically, and advancing in every manner far beyond the limitations of the mass man.
>To be truly awake is to behave as if one is in a simulation and anything one does is of no consequence. All is simply a game and for fun.
This is half true because Karma exists in our simulated reality.
Good luck to you.
>>30720Don't listen to him he's trying to fool you, karma is instantaneous and long lasting, its something always in effect and always taking place.
nothin' personnell kiddd
>>30772They aren't psychopaths. They're the most evolved beings because of love.
>>32208Oh yeah, the reptilians and greys and so on are totally carrying out abductions and various other extremely nefarious dark metaphysical operations because of "love".
>>32232No, these ones rely on technology and loosh farming since their emotional levels are so deteriorated.
>The biggest trick played on humans is in getting them to work for the benefit of others than themselves
I agree with that but you can have that belief without screwing people over because "lol don't care!", learn to be neutral, don't work for anyone but don't disturb anyone either because honestly it's just a waste of time and you're smarter than that.
You are presenting a distorted version of the Law of One. While it is true that 'all are aspects of oneself', you are discarding the faculty of freewill which every entity, though one, can and must express. And you are also presenting a hierarchical system of thinking, and while I understand that this board irks at the concept of equality, you will see, if you accept the statement that "all are one", you will understand that all aspects of the one are equal in essence but varying in degree and form. While other entities are moving slower or faster towards the One, it is not for us to judge them or control them.
A hierarchy is imbalance, a network balance.
Psychopaths are not liberated. Psychopathy can be equaled to STS behavior. Indeed, STS is inherently psychopathic, for it is a polarity of delusion and tyranny, and this leads to imbalance; you cannot be a psychopath (or STS) and retain your balance, because every act of STS causes an imbalance in the system.
Yes, reptilians are 4D beings. However, do you wonder why they have to use so much technology to achieve their goals, why they engage in wishful thinking? It is because in their psychopathy, (they ARE 4D STS) they have lost their balance, have lost their connection to the One. While STS is an expression of the love of the One Creator, STS is imbalanced and this leads to them having to compensate their spiritual abilities (which are withering away because STS leads to losing one's freewill) with technology - and even alien technology has its limits.
Wanting to impose your laws upon others and trying to control them is STS. How would you know what is 'good' for another? And considering that the existence is limitless, why would you wish to control others? Why do you wish to impose a limit on that which is meant to be free and unlimited? Everyone is "on the Way Back", and everyone has a unique path to travel. Would anyone then know how another should go, what another should do?
Psychopaths are not liberated, for psychopathy is an expression of the lower ego, of all that makes us bestial and self-serving.
If STS is how you wish to serve, it is, of course, your decision. My purpose is not to mock one's choices, but I wished to explain "the danger" in your thinking, for your being, and I felt it was my duty to inform others along with you. You can, as said, choose on your own what you wish to do.
If you are interested in my sources, it is the Ra Material and Cassiopaeans which I have freely used.
>>32399Fantastic words. If I were to criticise anything, as I am seeing something worthy of criticism, it would be the phrase "on the Way Back." It is not from whence we come that we go to. Whence we come if to our back and the Oneness to our front.
Psychopathy is the liberated form of human desire.
People who want approval and lack of skill that they have to use others, to achieve their egotistical objectives.
>>32399If all is one then there is no reason I should not do whatever I want with parts of myself, just like I may cut myself if I please, or cut away some hair, or whatever else.
…and all is one reeks of half-truth. Surely the opposite, everything is unique and not one, ought to be true.
>>32399Your blind belief in channeled material has inspired me to create thoughtforms to feed disinformation to channelers.
The astrally deaf, dumb and blind cannot be relied upon to give out reliable information. It needs to be done for the same reason you need to post your social security number to see 4chan gold posts.
>>32479I have already answered your first statement. It all comes down to the faculty of freewill.
Your second statement I have answered vaguely, see the part "equal in essence… varying in degree and form". "All is one" might be considered a half-truth, yes, but so may be "everything is unique". This gives us, I believe, a synthesis, "All is one in essence but unique in degree and form". For this reason I see no point in trying to impose our control upon "other-selves" or other entities, because while we are one, we are also unique and it would be, I believe, foolish to try to control others, for the implications this "half-truth" presents, as mentioned earlier.
>>32495I am already aware of your criticism given on channeled material, meaning I know of the dangers of disinformation and corruption. Not knowing if you have studied any of the channeled material, I can only recommend you to study for yourself and (re)-evaluate if the information within is truthful and applicable. This is an answer to your second statement.
What comes to your first statement, I advice you not to bother because there's not many active or reliable channels at the present moment, (important information having already been shared), and the only active one I am aware of, and which has/had significance, is already corrupted. So, I believe you would be wasting your time and energy to complete this essentially fruitless activity.