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Wizard Robes 04/01/15 (Wed) 23:42:01 No. 30686 Finally, a way to attain the proper garments of a wizard, to enhance your ritual work and spook the mundanes when they walk in on you doing the Middle Pillar Ritual or the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram or the Gnostic Pulse and so on…
S 04/02/15 (Thu) 00:05:06 No. 30693
Oh good! I found a bed doona cover that has a terrible pinestripe style heart and twirls on one side, but…. on the reverse it has a bunch of stars (some are pink though) but some of them are frikkin glow in the dark stars! This is prime wizard robe material, I thought.. so I grabbed it and I was at a loss at how to actually transform this magicial star-bespeckled sheet into something wearable.. Anyone got a picture of theirs?
04/02/15 (Thu) 00:52:42 No. 30696
>>30686 Thinking the proper garment makes you a wizard and that a wizard wears this kind of garment is part-and-parcel of the degenerated lines of thinking of this age.
Zimmer !UrGVburcew 04/02/15 (Thu) 01:19:50 No. 30703
Although like
>>30696 says, I don't really approve of special robes and such, if that's really what you want to do, you could always buy a nifty pre-made one (pic related).
They're meditation robes, but same difference.
04/02/15 (Thu) 01:25:34 No. 30707
>>30703 I meditate just fine wearing pants. I've not worn underwear in a while though. The freedom that provides cannot be gainsaid.
04/02/15 (Thu) 01:42:55 No. 30714
>>30703 >black-male/white-female race mixing propaganda in meditation robe advertisements 0/10 would not purchase
04/02/15 (Thu) 03:33:27 No. 30763
>>30696 >>30703 Being a wizard of exceptional skill and not capitalizing on the power of suggestion that your clothing gives is rather sad.
I am a wizard but I don't look it and I want to look it.
04/07/15 (Tue) 20:09:08 No. 31742
04/07/15 (Tue) 22:01:22 No. 31789
I like the idea of making my own robe. Although it would be simpler to get a simple robe from the store or some shit like that. Just pick up some ex-halloween gear.
04/07/15 (Tue) 22:47:26 No. 31796
04/08/15 (Wed) 00:10:08 No. 31805
>>31796 >vegan leather Disgusting. What reason would I have to use it over regular, better leather?
didi 04/08/15 (Wed) 01:56:14 No. 31812
>>31805 why are you here? did the books even wake you up?
Zimmer !UrGVburcew 04/08/15 (Wed) 01:58:53 No. 31813
>>31796 >I can believe its not leather!
04/08/15 (Wed) 02:11:41 No. 31815
>>31812 >waking up equals living as a bovine I'm higher than that and I'll dress and eat accordingly. Have fun limiting yourself over some misguided notions of what enlightenment is.
Austyn 04/08/15 (Wed) 02:19:33 No. 31816
>>31815 I fell the same. We're on a esoteric board, not a new age one.
Austyn 04/08/15 (Wed) 02:19:49 No. 31818
04/08/15 (Wed) 07:15:31 No. 31893
Vegan leather is fucking retarded. There are many fake leathers and guess what? They are extremely poisonous to the environment and your health. Meanwhile animal leathers treated in the proper way with natural tannins result in extremely high quality leather that does no harm at all to you. Enjoy your chromium poisoning, all of you idiots buying the wrong leather! Guess what? There are tens of billions of animals being killed every single year for food. The leather from them is mostly probably going to waste. By avoiding leather, you are not helping the Earth or animals, you are just letting a good resource go to waste. Animals also when raised in a decent enough environment can live a very happy and healthy life. Sure they will have to die and be eaten one day but wild animals also are devoured just the same except nature is way more fucking brutal than humans and they can go through sickness and starvation a lot more. All things die in the end; why not be food for other forms of life? There is a beauty in your worn out corpse being recycled and turned into more life. I support and love natural leather. t. son of a long line of leather tanners going back 300 years
04/08/15 (Wed) 07:17:45 No. 31894
>>31789 >Although it would be simpler to get a simple robe from the store or some shit like that. There are literally no stores around that sell robes around me. What you suggest is "simpler" is not even an option for me.
>Just pick up some ex-halloween gear.…and up with some retarded shit that doesn't fit the purpose at all and is embarrassing to wear?
04/08/15 (Wed) 07:22:07 No. 31895
>>31893 Seriously, if vegans give a fuck, they would wear animal leather in light of the facts.
Fake leathers, just because of the damage they do to the health of humans, animals, plants, and the land itself cause much more suffering and death to animals than anyone who wears natural leather made from animals.
Fur also is great. Don't buy furs from poached animals of rare species obviously but don't reject fur completely.
The trend towards synthetic fabrics and shit is resulting in a ton of clothing that poisons us and our environment and is ultimately bad for living organisms. At least natural clothing actually decomposes, all these synthetic fabrics, even if they do break down are going to breakdown into something toxic and we'll wish they didn't breakdown.
04/09/15 (Thu) 07:31:12 No. 32065
>>31894 A robe is just about the easiest garment to make yourself. Buy some fabric and sewing gear and work on it yourself. It will be good for you and it will have a greater significance for you than purchasing one from some costume shop.
Austyn 04/09/15 (Thu) 22:08:15 No. 32146
>>30693 Sounds like proper wizard cloth
04/09/15 (Thu) 23:33:38 No. 32158
r8 my wizard robe
S 04/10/15 (Fri) 01:21:57 No. 32166
Alternatively, For those who don't want to be traditional, but want something cool and modern.. there's the 'battle jacket' I've got some punk friends, so I was inspired and made one but with occulty badges instead of band/anarchism badges.. Each jacket is unique to the owner - so nobody in the world is going to have one like yours. It looks awesome, there are two bright red patches covering my shoulders, a star and a mandala. I've had positive comments from strangers in the street. So you can fit in modern society, without looking like a reject from les miserables and yet be distinctively …. wizardly.
04/10/15 (Fri) 02:38:29 No. 32172
>>32166 All of these look awful. How do you walk with one of these on the street and not feel ashamed of yourself?
I can't fathom the damaged thought process that would lead to someone looking at the mirror wearing that thing and thinking: Yes, this looks tasteful.
S 04/10/15 (Fri) 06:23:34 No. 32193
>>32172 These are the only occult examples i found find online.
But mine does look tasteful, which is verifiable by many positive comments I have recieved when I wear it.
You're welcome to keep to walmart and ambercrombie wardrobes if you're too conservative to be on the fringe, fashion-wise. I won't judge your choice.
04/10/15 (Fri) 06:50:10 No. 32194
>>32158 >>32159 10/10, but check out my Assisi.
04/11/15 (Sat) 03:45:31 No. 32356
>>32193 that's just the /pol/ side of /fringe/ talking. Chaos magick has its roots in punk among other things so this is an amazing idea if you are already into that kind of culture. Even if many are mundane, dozens of bands already use the chaosphere in their imagery.
04/11/15 (Sat) 03:53:44 No. 32358
>>32356 More like the /fringe/ side of /fringe/. We're more hardcore and racist than /pol/ is. Non-racists are just invaders here.
05/27/15 (Wed) 19:47:01 No. 41415
05/27/15 (Wed) 20:02:05 No. 41428
>We're more hardcore and racist than /pol/ is.
Speak for yourself kiddo, some of us left our teen years behind. Once you grown up you'll look back and see how pathetic you are acting right now.
Go out and make some friends and you shall find that people's skin color doesn't make them all that different from you.
05/27/15 (Wed) 21:05:50 No. 41457
Fuck off out of /fringe/ this place was founded by white supremacists for white supremacists in order to use magick to advance the aryan race.
05/27/15 (Wed) 21:27:10 No. 41468
Just because something was founded upon ignorance doesn't mean it must remain that way.
I had lot of pleasant talks with others here that are happy to practice magick without being tied down to silly ideologies.
It's time to accept that your views are not the only ones and that /fringe/ is becoming a better board as more and more neophytes abandon the illusions of being separated by flesh and embrace the unity of being one of spirit.
05/27/15 (Wed) 21:40:08 No. 41474
Literally I do not give a single shit if we are "all one" or some alternative. I will purge the cancer cells (egalitarians, shitskins, degenerates) from my system or the system it doesn't matter which way we put it.
Ignorance? No you're the one ignorant of racial differences.
You have an ideology btw, it's called egalitarianism / marxism. Stop pretending you're above ideology when you're not.
06/05/15 (Fri) 17:01:19 No. 42768
You are a fool and a coward, you are choosing to focus upon the made up differences, it's all in your head. We are all the same, you're not superior nor inferior to anyone. Grow up kiddy.
06/05/15 (Fri) 18:51:10 No. 42783
You are insane and a materialist who thinks mind is confined to the spacial dimensions of a head rather than existing more like a field over the whole body and extending beyond it.
What is "cowardly" about confronting your suicidal egalitarian freaks trying to force everything into being equal? The cowards fail to speak up for fear of you mass men lashing out and destroying them. You're the one who is supporting the status-quo doctrines backed by your elite rulers. That doesn't take any fucking courage at all.
I am inferior to some and superior to others. You're probably daft enough to think yourself the equal of God and his angels.
06/08/15 (Mon) 13:04:42 No. 43179
>mfw these egalitarians think there's no difference between a professor of physics and a minimum wage burger flipper in terms of inborn intelligence and value to humanity
>mfw they think there's no difference between their meager levels of consciousness and a planetary consciousness BECAUSE WE'RE ALL PART OF THE ALL
why do you people even try improve yourself in any way since we're all "equal"?
06/08/15 (Mon) 13:30:10 No. 43183
My thoughts as well.
06/08/15 (Mon) 16:57:17 No. 43195
>Middle Pillar Ritual
06/08/15 (Mon) 17:00:27 No. 43196
Kek it is useless to argue about race on this website. Maybe it is the influence of /pol/ I'm not sure. I't is rather funny that how the most basic and simple things about magic gets ignored by them.
"all is one"
>but muh special race
"all is the mind"
>but muh special opinions
"the unborn is unchanging"
>but muh special improvement, how can I ever be better than other people if this is true?
It is no more than repeating the same old "mundane" patterns of one-upmanship. This time by claiming to be "spiritual". Needless to say it is doomed to fail.
06/08/15 (Mon) 19:48:09 No. 43220
Fuck off with your stagnation and delusions and half-truth. You don't even understand the microcosm and the macrocosm, the One and the Many , and other basic hermetic concepts.
I may as well spew some retard bullshit to you like "if all is one, why are you even talking to me as if I am another person separate from you?"
Dumb ass egalitarian retard.
You can't pretend race is meaningless and non-existent and I don't even know what kind of special retard you're getting at by trying to dismiss opinions while shoving your own opinion into the thread.
Not every cell in the body is equal in value, not every human in the society is the same, not every planet produces the same level of consciousness, etc.
The All is the Superior of All Parts. There is no doubt that the society is more important than the man and that men must sacrifice their individuality for the collective good. Cancerous egalitarian freaks like you want to promote the cancer cells though and be as the man mowing the lawn in order that no blade shall ever grow higher than all the others. You're reducing humanity to a pile of degenerate shit in the name of equality.
…and if you truly felt all parts were interchangeable, of equal value, etc. then why give a shit about anything right? Why care if one interchangeable, equally worthless part, dies? Why exercise any discrimination to say "oy vey, don't hate on us, don't be selective, we're all equal man… but some more equal than others!"
06/08/15 (Mon) 20:00:56 No. 43221
It takes a special kind of dumb to read the kybalion and come out as a retarded feels good new ager.
06/08/15 (Mon) 20:21:18 No. 43224
Please stop being pretend fake wizards on the internet, it's giving me a severe case of secondhand embarrassment. Grow some self-awareness and stop humiliating yourselves.
06/08/15 (Mon) 22:50:07 No. 43243
Topest of keks.
06/08/15 (Mon) 22:58:27 No. 43245
Don't laugh at yourself now
Remember we r all 1<3
06/08/15 (Mon) 23:30:42 No. 43247
Why wouldn't I laugh at myself? I can do the silliest things.
>be 7
>while walking accidentally kick a rock and fall
06/08/15 (Mon) 23:43:39 No. 43250
Will you be laughing when we execute you before shoving your body into the mass grave?
06/09/15 (Tue) 00:08:41 No. 43259
Yes because fuck not feeling euphoric before the moment of your death.
06/09/15 (Tue) 00:19:38 No. 43267
Oh child, if you're going to promise something like that at least have the decency to make it happen.
06/09/15 (Tue) 07:07:25 No. 43304
[condescension intensifies]
…and at the end of the day, for all your "enlightened" attitudes, you still don't have siddhis.
06/09/15 (Tue) 20:22:23 No. 43407
while I agree about media blasting racemixing propaganda.
Is it possible they used two different races in the photo to make the product look like its for everyone?
06/09/15 (Tue) 20:25:59 No. 43408
lol good one kikestein
06/09/15 (Tue) 22:58:44 No. 43425
>implying any can be developed without moksha.
at the end of the day, for all your "siddhis" there is nothing but illusion.
06/10/15 (Wed) 02:34:22 No. 43439
Like I give a single fuck about "muh illusions mo'fugga". Good luck declaring all that you see to be illusion, I'm going to play with the "illusion", and I'm going to dominate it. It's not even an illusion, it's just relative, and not absolute. No fucking shit. Now relatively fuck off, yee mirage.
06/10/15 (Wed) 06:52:39 No. 43456
Does your need to affirm to me, again & again without me requesting your tutelage, that the world is maya (well you say "illusion" which really doesn't have the same meaning as maya but I think that's what you mean to get at) have something to do with your own lack of conviction on the matter?
Also if you have gone full solipsist retard what are you doing talking to shadows?
06/10/15 (Wed) 17:54:50 No. 43508
why are you implying so much? If you go back to read what I've wrote to you, all you'll is one instance in which I said trying to develop siddhis without moksha is useless. It is a perfectly reasonable statement, but somehow it seems to get your jimmies rustled.
06/10/15 (Wed) 19:27:57 No. 43513
What's wrong with siddhis? They may be just for fun, but what's wrong with that every once in a while?
06/10/15 (Wed) 20:06:15 No. 43514
Nothing wrong. But moksha comes first. You learn to stand still before you learn how to run. Trying to achieve the latter without the first is simply ridiculous.
"Delusion is the penalty of ulterior motive. The painful by product of the individual who is trying to develop the super physical use of sensory perceptions without having disciplined the ordinary use of them. When man moves from the known into the unknown he will certainly reflect upon the unknown his own inadequacies, the exception to this of course is the man who have mastered himself. When an unprepared man steps into the unknown he will certainly get lost in things which are not so, and It is more tragic to believe that which is not so than to believe very little. Delusion arises from internal dishonesty. Delusion is the result of an individual who wants too much too soon."
SAGE! 06/12/15 (Fri) 03:45:54 No. 43647
I come to /fringe/ for the sense of community