>>30742Jews have a higher average IQ and are better than standard goyim. They have more loyalty to one another and more chutzpah.
But Jews have been eugenically bred (thus the positive traits) FROM an ugly and deranged stock, over thousands of years. They have been programmed with the Talmud to create an ugly and deranged epigenetic and cultural and spiritual system working with this stock.
It's ugly because it succeeds in, and for this reason tries to promote, scarcity and closed, stagnant systems.
Look at what Jews did to Western civilisation. They took an ascendant, amazing entity which produced more technology than any other culture for thousands of years, and which had more liberties, and trashed it. They introduced private central banking, rule by deception, and destruction of the loosely-associated trust basis on which Western civ ran.
Jews play perfectly into a cognitive blind-spot most Europeans have, which comes from their high outbreeding and design to work in social structures where high compassion, trust and openness are functional.
These flaws aside, the BEST of whites are far, far better than Jews. They are more inventive, more able to produce technical brilliance, and they have an OPEN and thus vastly sustainable vision of creation. The best whites prefer to create open systems of exploration and development, whereas Jews work as a highly co-ordinated parasite which feeds on others' creativity and tries to create a closed system.
The Jew thus always destroys, and always depends upon others. It is an evolutionary dead end. If it ever achieved its Talmudic, Messianic end of days, it would destroy its host. Its only preservation has been that it hasn't.
But the best of Whites are inventive, open, and a bit more loving. They are individualistic, which is why an intlligent white is worth so much more than an intelligent Jew. He could spawn a whole world of creation in his own image. Whites could go very far, and depend on nobody.
The Talmud evisages 'sitting like effendi' whilst the goyim toil the earth. The best Europeans (like Tesla and Walter Russell) envisage an infinitely open system of endless abundance and exploration. And were it not for Jewry and Feudalistic gentiles, they would have it already.
Also, if you compare European aristocracy and Jews, the result for Jews will be less favourable. The Jews essentially destroyed their own working class through the values they emphasised and Rabbinical eugenics. Whereas western society supported ITSELF and so needed a working class, so that the AVERAGE of IQ etc. is dragged down. Basic mathematics, Schlomo.