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I'm trying to redpill a friend about how the jews have basically taken over society, can anyone else help me? Post proofs if you can


America gives billions to Israel in foreign aid



Seven Jewish Americans Control Most US Media


Who runs Hollywood? C'mon


Jewish Leaders of the Education Debate (gold paragraph right at the start)



Da goyim know, SHUT IT DOWN!


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There is a reason why they control everything, Jews are the next step in evolution.

Just like niggers are to whites, so are whites to Jews. They have higher IQs, own more wealth, have more power, better genes and only breed among themselves in order to conserve those characteristics.

While whites do no pose a threat to the chosen ones on an intellectual level, they have much higher numbers, which is why they must be either exterminated or dumbed down through crossbreeding with even lower races in order to keep them alienated. Once that's finished there will be no more obstacles to the Jewish rule and we'll be able to proceed with a more direct and efficient means of control.

This is just natural selection taking place.



Jews have a higher average IQ and are better than standard goyim. They have more loyalty to one another and more chutzpah.

But Jews have been eugenically bred (thus the positive traits) FROM an ugly and deranged stock, over thousands of years. They have been programmed with the Talmud to create an ugly and deranged epigenetic and cultural and spiritual system working with this stock.

It's ugly because it succeeds in, and for this reason tries to promote, scarcity and closed, stagnant systems.

Look at what Jews did to Western civilisation. They took an ascendant, amazing entity which produced more technology than any other culture for thousands of years, and which had more liberties, and trashed it. They introduced private central banking, rule by deception, and destruction of the loosely-associated trust basis on which Western civ ran.

Jews play perfectly into a cognitive blind-spot most Europeans have, which comes from their high outbreeding and design to work in social structures where high compassion, trust and openness are functional.

These flaws aside, the BEST of whites are far, far better than Jews. They are more inventive, more able to produce technical brilliance, and they have an OPEN and thus vastly sustainable vision of creation. The best whites prefer to create open systems of exploration and development, whereas Jews work as a highly co-ordinated parasite which feeds on others' creativity and tries to create a closed system.

The Jew thus always destroys, and always depends upon others. It is an evolutionary dead end. If it ever achieved its Talmudic, Messianic end of days, it would destroy its host. Its only preservation has been that it hasn't.

But the best of Whites are inventive, open, and a bit more loving. They are individualistic, which is why an intlligent white is worth so much more than an intelligent Jew. He could spawn a whole world of creation in his own image. Whites could go very far, and depend on nobody.

The Talmud evisages 'sitting like effendi' whilst the goyim toil the earth. The best Europeans (like Tesla and Walter Russell) envisage an infinitely open system of endless abundance and exploration. And were it not for Jewry and Feudalistic gentiles, they would have it already.

Also, if you compare European aristocracy and Jews, the result for Jews will be less favourable. The Jews essentially destroyed their own working class through the values they emphasised and Rabbinical eugenics. Whereas western society supported ITSELF and so needed a working class, so that the AVERAGE of IQ etc. is dragged down. Basic mathematics, Schlomo.


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Amazing comment op, it all makes sense now.


that's why jews are trying to genocide Whites


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Show him this regarding 9/11

Show him this regarding communism

Show him this regarding the slavery to the US

The talmund makes them do this, this is why they have been kicked out of more then 100 countries.
Zionism and the talmund is racism of the worst kind.. it is what hollywood (jews) often ascribe for nazis. But this is just a projection of the talmund / zionist mindset.


And of course you can´t publicly accuse them without being labeled as nazi. Is there really no other means to fight against them than giving up on society?


Yes there is, dont give up, BYPASS.
I have always said this but most so called pro white are too stubborn to listen and want build a strong state.. my advice is to dont play the game, be like water and not a castle they can invade, and build an open system AROUND the current state and starve it, to starve the central banks and the anti white tax funded system. Everyone can contribute and no one can call it "muh nazi" or "muh racist" because everyone can join but it does not feed the jew. Look into what crypto currency are doing right now, look at the emerging peer to peer economy, look at encryption, mesh networks, 3d printing, all new ways to be liberated via technology. Dont play the game and become a non socialist anarchist.. learn history and try to form real communities.


But in addition to that, we need initiatives like this


The sub treasury plan

The Wörgl Experiment

Alternative currency in use today


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This can emerge to great city states of a new renaissance, especially with things modelled like Wörgl's economical rise.

We live in times of change, change according to politicians means white genocide and socialism. But dont get too carried away with the depressing times, ride on the liberation taking place and insert your own information and memes into it. Start to build your own panarchy around this.


I'd be careful with this. This is the kind of topics and OP style that usually were used to create slide and ineffectual circle-threads to control discourse on /pol/. Even if you let the fedoras talk shit for good fun, don't let the shills have free reign. They won't stop and they don't care to.


I agree, whether you believe in this stuff or not, none of this discussion belongs on fringe IMO. Maybe the admins think it's some sort of brilliant mental exercise or they're busy with their own practice.

>I'm trying to redpill a friend about how the jews have basically taken over society, can anyone else help me?

Jews "took over" society because people kept bitching about them or groveling for their shekels instead of cultivating their wizard powers and inner virtues.

all they had to do "take over" was sell the mundane goy's vices back to him, same as any other corporate marketing team. oy veyyyyyyyyy



You're both just trying to censor because


Blew Jew lies the fuck open.

/fringe/ is more than capable of handling one thread on this topic. And it is esoteric. Obviously if it all gets out of hand with lots of threads they will be deleted. But this thread is good.

Janitors deleting stuff and people asking for censorship. Fuck off using the same tactics that messed up /pol/. /fringe/ works fine and we don't need excessive rules or whatever. We just keep any troublesome issue to one thread so it doesn't spill out into the whole board.


post 12




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There is a place called pol to post stuff like this. I have no issue with people believing jews rule society and talking about their ideas about that. My only issue is that this sort of thing doesn't belong on fringe. This place is to discuss other types of stuff. Pol is the place to discuss the jew stuff.




all jokes aside, this place has been /pol//s toilet (Along with many other boards on 8chan) for a while


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Here's basically undeniable proof of how jews rule the U.S. They are literally creating hell on earth and have inverted all the natural laws of nature that will help lead man and woman to happiness and progression. If your friend looks around himself and wonders why the world is so chaotic and meaningless, then he's ripe for this info, as it simply makes it all clear as to why things are the way they are. Good luck, OP. Report back.

1. http://thezog.info/list-summaries/ (This is a huge list of what they run in America, i.e, everything of consequence and everything that affects the human mind.)

http://www.jta.org/2009/10/05/fundermentalist/at-least-139-of-the-forbes-400-are-jewish (shows how jews make up at least 40% of America's billionaires, and are only 2% of its population.)

2. http://www.angelfire.com/rebellion2/goyim/je1.pdf (This is a book by Dr. Kevin Macdonald about how jews began to dominate the intellectual, political, and cultural world of the U.S. throughout the last 100 years, slowly but surely taking power away from the White ruling class and coming to dominate.)

Basically, the jew isn't numerically powerful enough to rule another country by physical force and in the open, so instead he does so by proxy, by taking over the institutions of culture, and thus rotting the minds of the populace into stupid fatties with no dignity or identity (spiritual death), and thus easy to control. If the jew continues to succeed, the world, or at least White countries, will be one big mix-raced, globalized, all-the-same Brazil that likes to be entertained on touch pads and buy things, all the while the jew is sitll on the top. It's a grim future.



Take a hike, kike!


The redpill has left me depressed and as an empty shell, my mind being weathered by the truth of this reality and how it has been totally hijacked.

There is a lot we could do to stop this, I'm sure- but no one can raise a hand or voice without being publically shamed, lose your job/social standing, and/or actually be killed.

Not like whites have the will to do anything, anyway.

They (jews) with assitance of SJWs and other traitorous cowards are destroying our past, present, and future. And they will get their way through silencing tactics, subversion, and tantrums.

What everyone knows but won't admit, is that it's over. We lost. We let our gaurd down, and now they're just tying up loose ends.

It was over in 1945. Check and mate after our last gasp. Enjoy watching the final pillars fall only to be forgotten.


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A few angels have shown us the way… Beckoning us to choose not the easy path, but the righteous one.

>*This man took on an entire army of masonic agents, and only asked that you listen to him.



I agree with this so heavily.

Its over.



this story made absolute fuck-all sense and was an obvious failed coverup of a man-hunt.

fucking comic book THE INVISIBLES… read it.


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>The redpill has left me depressed and as an empty shell

happens to everyone, me included, but with the years this knowledge served me as a shield against society bullshit, i grew stronger.

There are two types of knowledge: Rabbit Hole Knowledge(which will make you "suffer") and Balls Deep Into The Queen Of Hearts Cunt Knowledge(which will make you based as fuck), your mission in this life is to get to this level of knowledge.




Most of /fringe/ fully agrees with the redpill provided by /pol/ and on these 2 boards you have all the information focused




> higher IQs, own more wealth, have more power

> higher average IQ and are better than standard goyim.

Do you not realize that the current state of mental health for the majority of the population has been deliberately crippled?

People are ignorant and stupid because of serious efforts in effect against their well being, put in place by this cancer of humanity.

This shift in "evolution" is purely based upon hate, undying greed and corruption. An invisible war against humanity.

There is absolutely nothing natural about this selection. It is completely deliberate and has been in motion for centuries.


If you can get your friend to watch some David Duke videos, he pretty much lays it out. He's spent like 30 years exposing the jews, and he's so good at it that they put him in jail for it.

His stuff is redpilling even me, and I've been into this /pol/-tier stuff since long before /new/ existed.


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>better genes




pls point to balls deep knowledge

i keep getting sucked into rabbitholes of disinformation



chemical and psychological WARFARE has been waged on our normie comrades. Rip.


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It's not like i needed sleep anyways


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Go back to POL



>All those chemicals on her face fooling you into thinking she has naturally healthy looking skin ahahahahah

>wearing lots of red to induce your passion

>posing like a child to make you believe she is innocent and virgin

thats some grade A shilling there bro


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Go back to /pol/, you cucks aren't welcome here.


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Seems like you're lost, but don't worry, i got you.




gtfo mundane prick


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>If i start calling him names i will surely scare him off!



Just derailing this thread like your kind derails other threads.


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Nothing is derailed, announcing a thread derailment to make the posters lose hope and interest in such is an old unspoken tactic that works really well.

Anyways, thanks for bumping.


>nothing even slightly esoteric in this thread

I'm as /natsoc/ as the next 8chan guy but come on, this is /fringe/.

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