My Wizard Progress Report ☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:26:20 No. 30727
• Books read to completion (at least 95% of all of it) 1. Book of Aquarius2. Phil Hine - An Introduction to Sorcery3. Revelations of an Elite Family Insider4. Robert Bruce - New Energy Ways v25. The Book of Knowledge6. Autobiography of a Yogi7. John Baines - The Stellar Man8. John Baines - The Secret Science: For the Physical and Spiritual Transformation of Man9. Aleister Crowley - The Book of the Law10. Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya - The Extrasensory Potentials of The Mind11. Seven Success Secrets of Hypnotism12. Temple of The Black Light13. aibi14. A whole bunch of chaos magick books that I won't list individually, go read down in my book reviews about this15. Tom Montalk - Fringe Knowledge for Beginners16. Tom Montalk - Discerning Alien Disinformation17. Transcending the Matrix Control System Volume I18. Transcending the Matrix Control System Volume II19. Michael Talbot - The Holographic Universe20. Believing is Seeing21. Frank J. Kinslow - Secret of Instant Healing22. Israel Regardie - The Art of True Healing23. Sam Biser - How to Heal Disease with Salt The Forgotten Wisdom of the Ancient Mariners24. Manly P. Hall - The Secret Teachings of All Ages25. Franz Bardon - The Universal Master Key26. Franz Bardon - The Golden Book of Wisdom ( Everything below is now by William Walker Atkinson )27. The Kybalion28. The Arcane Teachings 29. The Arcane Formulas30. Vril or Vital Magnetism31. The Inner Consciousness32. Self-Healing by Thought Force33. The Science of Psychic Healing34. Memory: How to Develop, Train and Use It35. The Hindu‐Yogi Science of Breath36. Life Beyond Death
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:26:35 No. 30728
• Books with substantial chunks of it read (at least a few chapters) 1. Henepola Gunaratana - The Jhanas2. Lobsang Rampa - You Forever3. Neville Goddard - The Law and The Promise4. Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski - The Invisible Influences (read everything except part 4 which I have skimmed)5. Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski - Transcendence6. Joy of Satan7. Robert Bruce - Astral Dynamics8. James DeMeo - The Orgone Accumulator Handbook9. Who Put Bella in The Wych Elm10. Enoch Tan - Mind Reality11. Carissa Conti - Chasing Phantoms12. Manly P. Hall - REINCARNATION The Cycle of Necessity13. G.R.S. Mead - The Doctrine of the Subtle Body14. Corpus Hermeticum15. Seven Hermetic Letters by Dr. Georg Lomer16. Franz Bardon - Initiation Into Hermetics17. A great many of William Walker Atkinson's books, I don't want to mention them all, practically all of his books I have read at least some parts of them and a great many of them I have read a lot of the book but not all of it.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:28:25 No. 30730
• Books I still want to read to completion 1. Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki & J.H. Brennan - Magical Use of Thoughtforms2. Franz Bardon - Initiation Into Hermetics3. Franz Bardon - Practise of Magical Evocation4. Franz Bardon - The Key to the True Quabbalah5. Rawn Clark - A Bardon Companion6. Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic7. Hatha Yoga or The Yogi Philosophy of Physical Well‐Being8. Reincarnation and the Law of Karma9. Practical Psychomancy and Crystal Gazing10. Seven Hermetic Letters
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:28:52 No. 30732
• Books I still might read to completion but might be wasting my time if I actually do it 1. Robert Bruce - Astral Dynamics2. Robert Bruce - Mastering Astral Projection3. Franz Bardon - Original Frabato4. Various of Atkinson's books that aren't directly related to the unfoldment of occult power5. A couple books by various authors throughout my library…
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:29:59 No. 30733
• Books I do not have in any form (audio or PDF or physical copy) and want to attain: 1. Any books by John Baines that anyone can find and upload for me. I only have The Stellar Man from him.2. Any new books by Robert Bruce. I don't want to read his outdated stuff. I really want his new book that replaces New Energy Ways .3. Any occult books that someone on /fringe/ read and felt it really changed their life and understanding of reality and that I ought to keep a copy in my library.4. Any decent chaos magick books, my whole chaos magick library needs to be deleted and repopulated with only the very best books from very very best authors of this paradigm.5. All of the books recommended by Tom Montalk. If someone could just make a Tom Montalk books library with every single book recommended by Tom Montalk in it and maybe another section for books mentioned or cited by Tom Montalk but not necessarily recommended by him that would be wonderful.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:32:13 No. 30734
Quick Reviews Book of Aquarius is not really that great a book. It's not worth reading. There were a few miscellaneous details about ever-burning lamps and other occult lore that were interesting as well as a few comments about the aliens that were intriguing. Tom Montalk read this book and mentioned it in his article on The Philosopher's Stone but it is not included in his recommending reading list. The author of the Book of Aquarius thought piss was the key ingredient to making the philosopher's stone.Lobsang Rampa wrote a lot of books and I have read the summary for all of his works on bibliotecapleyades and parts of You Forver from the book itself. It's not essential reading but he has fairly good methods for practising psychomancy and developing some other occult talents. He also spews some bullshit and you'd really be better off just skipping him and reading Atkinson's books instead.The Jhanas is not a really long book. It's only 52 pages and several of those pages are just index of chapters and other stuff you can skip. It's a nice book that I probably should take the time to finish reading as it can be finished in a day no problem. It focuses on meditations and laying out a general path of development for those pursuing spirituality along Buddhist lines. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to acquaint themselves with Buddhism but it's otherwise non-essential reading.The Law and The Promise is a great book. I've only read a few chapters and need to finish this book. I think it strikes to the core of occultism which is the use of imagination to create changes in a mental universe. Applying Neville's techniques you can achieve some very potent manifesting in this world especially if you have a well developed sense of spirit apart from mind and body, the higher ego that Atkinson that talks about.An Introduction to Sorcery is a really small book. It's only 7 pages. Go and read it right away if you haven't, especially if you are very new to the occult. It will acquaint you with some useful basic concepts.Revelations of an Elite Family Insider is a useless book not worth your time. It's 33 pages and I wouldn't bother to read it. It's mostly conspiracy oriented and is probably just some guy roleplaying as an elite.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:36:32 No. 30735
New Energy Ways v2 did not impart any new knowledge at all to me as I was already doing what it talks about naturally and I already became familiar with all of its contents by reading massive amounts of information on the subject from many different sites and books. It is worth reading for someone who doesn't know about awareness meditation or the energy centres in the body. I hear there's a new book by Robert Bruce on this subject and I want to acquire it and read it. I actually skipped parts of this book when reading through it, mostly testimonial parts, while making sure to all of the actual techniques in the book. It all boils down to a series of methods for shifting around and manipulating your awareness of your body; like becoming aware of a toe, then another toe, or doing awareness sweeps around in your body, and so on. If you master the Earth element you'll be able to do all of this much more potently btw.The Book of Knowledge is an ok book for anyone that wants to unlock higher powers with haste. Some people who've read it or taken a look at it accuse it of being black magick and demonic in nature. Whatever. The author's techniques are legit. He wastes a lot of time describing chakras even though it's not necessary because you can just see for yourself with the right technique. The book as a whole is sloppily put together and paranoid in tone. If you want to start doing the practises in it while reading other books then you will find them to be beneficial. There is shit about LERM and changing one's DNA and time travel in this book that I can not confirm at this time. The author also references Autobiography of a Yogi at one point near to the end and the ARVARI program which he apparently was part of.Autobiography of a Yogi I have not actually fully-read it but I listened to the whole thing as an audiobook and read a good portion of it as a pdf. I don't like the book very much and some of the saints described in that book are known to be fakes which causes me to lose confidence in the whole book and its author. I remember when I was reading it, pausing to look up each person mentioned in the book, and finding out they were charlatans and ultimately losing motivation to read the whole book and just deciding to listen to the rest of it. It doesn't help that most of the people who take this book seriously are also New Age retards who fall for a lot of bullshit.The Invisible Influences I have read most of that book. It is a good book. I have parts of the Transcendence book as well and it's alright. If you want to learn about processing entities these are the very best books for you. If you need to remove negative entity attachments, these books are choke full of techniques for it. The Invisible Influences in particular also covers a lot of occult history and was fun to read. The author was was once a scientologist btw but rejected scientology at some point. I recommend you become familiar with the material in this book and then read several other occult books that deal with the same subject matter and identify the underlying theme. You will grasp the principle, the core of the matter, and know how it works and be able to apply it to anything.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:37:00 No. 30736
Joy of Satan steals all of its occult knowledge from Franz Bardon (at least the stuff worth reading and doing, there's a bit of Enochian and other stuff in there like something I recognize as being taken from Phil Hine as well) and throws in a lot of rambling about Satan and some National Socialist banter and occult/religious history stuff and of course the typical butthurt towards Christfaggots that is inherent in all Satanists. There is no need to actually read this book when you could just read Franz Bardon's books instead unless you want to familiarize yourself with material that is good for loosh farming the good Christian goyim. The best way to loosh farm Christians btw is to not "admit" you are a "Satanist" but strongly give the impression you are one at the same time while talking to them and to inform them of the truth that Jesus was a wizard and they are practising magick. This book is nearly 600 pages long. You could just give each page of this book a roughly one-second long glance to impress it all into your consciousness then feed the impressions to a tulpa which can process it for you.
The Stellar Man I have listened to in whole as an audiobook but it was an artificial voice narrating and that caused some trouble for memory retention. I've also read random segments from the actual pdf. I probably should actually read this book in whole from the PDF. The Stellar Man has a whole chapter for each of the 7 Hermetic axioms in
The Kybalion .
The Secret Science: For the Physical and Spiritual Transformation of Man is another John Baines book that I absolutely have not been able to find as a PDF and was only able to listen to some woman on youtube read it (and she would interject with her stupid commentary, how aggravating…).
The Science of Love is yet another book by this author that I can not find as a PDF or even in audio format or anything at all and wish I could read. If anyone can get his books and upload them as PDFs for me please do so!! Robert Bruce's book
Astral Dynamics I have read random parts of. I found its glossary of terms the most useful. As I have always had natural ability in astral projection my whole life, I haven't paid all that much attention to this book. I think the easiest way to AP is to use your imagination and your emotions fervently and to not think of yourself as a mind or a body but as a spirit superior to both which can through a process of resonance inhabit any body or mind and move its will through anything. In this way you will unfold a lot of powers pertaining to astral projection and gradually learn to navigate the astral in many different ways and use it properly. If you think thoughts of limitation in a mental universe, you end up imposing those limitations on yourself, so don't do that. Also develop mastery over the elements and you will be able to do many useful and wonderful things in the astral and further your ability to connect with other minds within the universal mind. I have barely even looked at the
Mastering Astral Projection book except briefly. Maybe I will give these books a proper reading soon.
Magical Use of Thoughtforms I have only really read the first two chapters. It's a book by a woman so that makes me hesitant to read. It's also a book written by someone from the United Kingdom, the same country that spawned the abomination that is Aleister Crowley and several other disreputable occultists all of which I have not liked. All the same I want to read it though. I don't really know how it
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:37:54 No. 30737
The Book of the Law is a shit book. I listened to it in audiobook format. I do not recommend it. Thelemitefags are going to bawww that I ignored the cryptic meaning in that book but whatever, I don't have time for that shit, I'm not going to waste a good portion of my incarnation trying to decipher a message from Crowley that ultimately ends up being about sodomizing yourself while sacrificing a loli and rubbing your nipples. Aleister Crowley trolled all of his followers and farmed maximum loosh while doing so.
The Orgone Accumulator Handbook is a useless book to me. I immediately began to research its claims and found tons of sceptic material as well as material by people who are adherents of Wilhelm Reich's teachings. They are onto something, the machines do apparently produce some strange effects, but there is so much bullshit caught up in this movement that needs to be dispelled before it can move on. Reichian therapy is known to be useless and most of Reich's contributions to psychology that appeared to have any significant results were in the area of Child Psychology. He could not do fuck all to help any adults in any substantial way with his therapy methods. You read about this here and here if you feel like wasting time on this clusterfuck of misinformation. Someone else needs to take another look at Reich's work, critically evaluate it, discard the rubbish, and expand upon what has legitimacy but I suggest if you want to undertake this task for yourself you first pursue mental self-development in order to achieve a very high level of intellectual capacity or you indirectly make this happen by bringing into incarnation in a suitable setting an advanced soul that could do this work of advancing science for the benefit of humanity.
Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya - The Extrasensory Potentials of The Mind is a shit book with an intriguing name. It's all wrong, hoaxes, etc. and downright disinformation. If you research the claims made in this book as I did you will be sorely disappointed by how blatantly untruthful it all it is. I threw it under the misc folder in my library where all the garbage goes. I really should just delete it. The author is some stupid currynigger that seems to fall for every hoax under the sun and take them as legitimate.
Seven Success Secrets of Hypnotism is a small book and is only valuable to see how the mundane psychologists are doing hypnotism (very poorly). It is a terrible book and the author clearly lacks insight into the occult forces at work. Just read
Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic by William Walker Atkinson instead. If you want to laugh at how incredibly pathetic these "professionals" are and lose confidence in the shrinks this is a good read but really you're just wasting your time. It is bluepilled.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:38:54 No. 30738
Who Put Bella in The Wych Elm is a shit bluepilled book for /x/ fags into "spooky" stuff. Don't waste your time reading this.Enoch Tan - Mind Reality is another shit book by some chink who has gone full New Age retard after apparently being exposed to some Hermetic principles. Do not waste your time reading this garbage.Temple of The Black Light is an incomplete text and is shitty and is for LHP edgelords who have yet to find the true path to power. There is absolutely nothing of value in this book even if you are edgy like me. If you want to acquaint yourself with edgy but useless material, you may as well just read E.A. Koetting's stuff, then wonder why you are not really achieving fuck all with it. To be a true master of edges you must discover the underlying and amoral principles upon which the whole of reality works and exploit them towards your own sinister ends; these principles are open to anyone who wishes to wield the power for any purpose regardless of intentions.aibi is a small PDF written by someone who once posted on /fringe/. It contains within it metaphysical and mathematical proof of how to achieve Inedia. I think it's worth reading personally, especially if you have already read Hatha Yoga and Self Healing (or Psychic Healing which is pretty much the same book as Self Healing with but a few words and paragraphs changed around) by William Walker Atkinson. I personally think it's a matter of living off of astral energy and maintaining a constant influx of astral energy into the body. The feeling of wellbeing and health must be maintained strongly by the will and some thoughtforms automating the whole process then you should be able to reduce your dependency on food and attain much better health and vitality at the same time even if you eat shit food although the more your body is assaulted the stronger your will must be to counter the effects of negative energy coming in and disrupting your bodily processes.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:40:11 No. 30740
I have read a whole bunch of chaos magick books which you can find in my library. Most of them are not actually complete books but excerpts from books. I should seriously just delete them all. It's mostly garbage albeit of an entertaining nature. There is like one paragraph in one book by the Lincoln Order Of Neuromancers (L.O.O.N.) that is worth keeping because of how concisely it summarizes magick; the rest should just be discarded. I really need to clean up my Chaos Magick library of all these fragmentary texts and replace it instead with full books from the most reputable Chaos Magick authors there are… not that many of them are impressive. I feel Chaos Magick's main purpose was to break people out of old paradigms and stunted ways of thinking in order to create metaphysical anarchy that would ultimately settle into new forms. It has served its purpose and continues to serve its purpose breaking up the old thought patterns of the uninitiated whole are just finding their way into magick and the occult. For the serious /fringe/ occultist who already bears witness to occult power and has moved beyond petty doubts it is no longer necessary except as a tool of initiation. Of special importance is the idea of not lusting after results and letting go of anxieties relating to doubt and being wrong; the chaos magician does not fear being wrong and in so doing he lets himself makes mistakes and learns and progresses where others are frozen in fear and doubt and thus do not take even the first steps. He learns to adopt an attitude of fun and learning rather than fear and apprehension. The chaos axiom "nothing is true everything is permitted" is paradoxical but is the kind of saying that can introduce plasticity into the mind and help people adapt to changing conditions of consciousness. Chaos magick is eclectic and it is a meta-paradigm, a paradigm of paradigms, so it is that you find chaos magicians embedded in every other occult paradigm imaginable using whatever appeals to them individually to achieve their goals.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:40:55 No. 30741
Chasing Phantoms is a really intense book and you can not read it without all kinds of shit happening. As such I haven't progressed all the way through it yet. I highly recommend reading it however you may want to save it the very last book you read in your reading list simply because aliens will start bothering you if you read it and many things will happen to try to prevent you from reading it or to mess around with you while you read it. If you want to contact the ayy lmaos and take your boring relatively mundane life to a whole new level of madness and wonder proceed with the reading of this book.Fringe Knowledge for Beginners is an ok introductory book to all things /fringe/. It's not really that important though or insightful. If you are totally new to everything you might want to give it a read before proceeding to other books.Discerning Alien Disinformation is a good summary of the problems concerning aliens and the information they release to Earth. It is does not really dive deep into anything though.Transcending the Matrix Control System Volume I & II is just Montalk's site in book format. If you have read Tom Montalk's site, you have have read the material in this. His site is absolutely wonderful and essential reading. If you have read many of the books that I and Tom Montalk recommend then the writings on Tom Montalk's site have even more significance and profoundness. Note that I have taken a few articles as well from his site and made them into PDFs in the library because of how important they are, one of those articles being an old one too that is hidden, and thus not part of these books as it's considered outdated material but to me it's still important so it's saved in there.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:41:29 No. 30743
The Holographic Universe is a book I have read in full and parts of it I have read over multiple times. I really liked this book. As it turns out, some of the stuff in the last sections of the book are increasingly based on New Age disinformation and hoaxes and ought to be discarded. The most valuable and truthful material is at the start of the book. The book in my library is missing a few pages, the complete book can be found in HTML format on a Russian physics site linked to in the /fringe/ sticky. If someone could make a PDF of the book on the Russian site and upload it on /fringe/ for me to add to the library I would appreciate it as the filesize then would probably be way smaller than the copy of the book I have where every single page is an image instead of text. I recommend reading this book for anyone who wants to poke holes in materialist arguments for the basis of consciousness and who wants to gain an extra appreciation and understanding of the Hermetic concept of The All In All which is described in Chapter VII of The Kybalion . If you are going to read The Holographic Universe I suggest you first read The Kybalion in full, then re-read chapter VII, then read Tom Montalk's Real Dynamics article which I have saved as a PDF in the library first.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:42:15 No. 30744
Believing is Seeing is a published peer-reviewed scientific study that was conducted by some psychologists who proved mindset could change one's visual acuity. The mind alone can heal one's eyesight and restore it to perfect vision. This is a potent greenpill for someone who demands evidence and proof before proceeding due to heavy fedora scepticism but experiences tells me that you will be hard-pressed to actually get them to read it all the same as their minds are made up from the start that all is matter and things of this nature can not be done. It is 19 pages long.
Secret of Instant Healing is a book written by some doctor who apparently is completely 100% ignorant of the occult. He invents his own terms for concepts that have already existed for a very long time. If you want an example of how a person can independently discover occult truths by accident and without any training or knowledge on the subject then here you are. It is not necessary to read this book, Atkinson's books on the subject of healing already covers this form of healing. I would recommend you just read
Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic as well by Atkinson.
The Art of True Healing is one of those occult books that fails to grasp the heart of the matter. It is heavily influenced by Kabbalah and Christianity and it offers rituals you can do with a big serving of dogma. I did the Middle Pillar ritual myself with a few modifications. It works. I would not recommend reading this book unless you're fond of wasting time as there are superior books on this subject to be read. If you are unimaginative and want a ritual to follow exactly or you ARE imaginative and looking for inspiration for a ritual of your own making to do to impress your subconscious you might like to take a look at this. The author is from the United Kingdom and was involved with Aleister Crowley (and the Golden Dawn) so like all British occultists he is shit. Come at me UKfags. It is just 21 pages long. This book btw used to be available on but it seems to not be there anymore and it's not even in their recommended reading although there is still reference to several other of Israel Regardie's books. It's in my library.
How to Heal Disease with Salt The Forgotten Wisdom of the Ancient Mariners by Sam Biser is a great book. You can save yourself the effort of reading it all by just taking my word on this matter; Celtic Sea Salt is the absolute best form of salt you can consume and very healthy for you. Pink Himalayan Rock Salt is also good and most salt that is not white in coloration is good for you. Meanwhile, regular sodium chloride kills you. If you can't accept that fact, then read the book and find out for yourself why this is, or try putting a fish in an aquarium with proper sea salt versus a fish in an aquarium with table salt that is just sodium chloride (with maybe some iodine) and watch the fish die. If you want to put your life on the line then try making a saline solution with regular salt and inject that into your bloodstream then enjoy dying a horrible death… you need Celtic Sea Salt or a similar quality salt if you don't want to die from your saline solution.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:43:05 No. 30745
The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall can be found as an audiobook here ( ). It is a great book to listen to and if you want to read it you can also find it in as a PDF in my library too. If you are new to the occult this is good introductory material. I listened to it while playing Minecraft. It covers a lot of philosophy from ancient times and is a Freemason text. It has no practical value for anyone seeking occult development / self-improvement except to give a little idea of what the mystery schools taught and what the initiation process may entail. It's mostly for someone who wants to learn occult history so they can be 2occult4u towards others. You don't need to read this book, it doesn't contain any rituals or techniques or anything, it's all just world history.
REINCARNATION The Cycle of Necessity also by Manly P. Hall looks neat. I should finish reading it immediately before or after reading Atkinson's book also on the subject. I put together that PDF myself out of many fragments but haven't bothered yet to give it a proper read… but I should as I will surely die one day and knowledge of the process reincarnation will help me attain better circumstances in my next life as well as allow me to linger here in this plane to help others before moving on.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:43:51 No. 30747
The Doctrine of the Subtle Body is a book about alchemy and the subtle body written in 1919. I read a lot of it all in one big spurt and found it intensely mindnumbingly boring and eventually gave up reading it. It's mostly an occult history history book, in this case rambling indepth about all the different doctrines of ancient times concerning the subtle body. I should probably force myself to finish reading it but I feel that I might just regret the time wasted in doing so by the time I get to the end of it. Yet I still wonder if perhaps there might be something more interesting contained in the pages of those books further on, if I will but press on past the stuff I read already so far. The Corpus Hermeticum is an old medieval text for Hermeticists who want to be hardcore x2Hermetic4Ux. If you want to treat Hermeticism as a religion and are afraid of new books written within the last 200 years or have a phobia of New Thought you can regard this as your holy text but The Kybalion is obviously superior to it. I have read sections of it at random but I should read the whole thing purely for the bragging rights so I too can be 2Hermetic4U and piss on the plebs. I don't really need to read it though.'Seven Hermetic Letters is a book (or series of notes that now exist in book form) written Dr. Georg Lomer that Franz Bardon once read. I've read parts of it at random. I like what I've read so far, it's pretty awesome, although it has a bit of that thing going on with it that Israel Regardie's books and the books of other shitty occultists have; dogma and unclear language. I still want to read the whole thing, it's full of exercises for occult development, and compliments Initiation Into Hermetics .
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:44:55 No. 30748
Initiation Into Hermetics is a based as fuck training-program to develop your occult powers. Read it right away and start practising. You will need to read many other books however to understand better. There are practises mentioned in this book only briefly which have entire books written on them by William Walker Atkinson and other authors. I suggest when you begin a practise in that book you then find another book dedicated just to just the subject, for example if you begin auto-suggestion well Atkinson has written an entire book on just suggestion. You should read The Kybalion , The Arcane Teachings , The Arcane Formulas , and Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic all by William Walker Atkinson before reading any of Franz Bardon's texts. I haven't read all of this book even though I should have; I've just been following the exercises and only reading up to the current stage I'm at. I think it would be wise though to read the book through in full and then re-read it again when you start doing the practises.The Universal Master Key is an ultra-based book only rivalled in awesomeness by The Kybalion itself. It is the ultimate text on ethics, development of the personality, and mastery over the elements. When you want to rise above the plane of personality and assert the dominance of your spirit and cultivate all the virtues this is the text you need. You can make permanent GAINS that will carry on over into your next life with this book. It can unlock many doors for you and enhance your life in many ways. It is truly a Universal Master Key along side The Kybalion which is also a master key. I need to re-read this book in full and someone seriously needs to make this into an audiobook already!!The Golden Book of Wisdom is very short. It's only a few pages; the few fragments of this book that survived. Franz Bardon was killed by communists before he could complete it. You should read it anyways. It talks about relative religion vs cosmic religion and does a great job at pissing off all dogmatists everywhere. Quote parts of it to mundane religious fanatics to upset them a great deal. The rest of Franz Bardon's books I've barely looked at, at all, but I want to read them all and I sure wish audibooks existed of Franz Bardon's works.
04/02/15 (Thu) 02:45:00 No. 30749
2western5me but you could do worse than chaos and the Kybalion, even though I find it a bit overly wordy and amateurish compared to the Taoist canon.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:45:47 No. 30750
The Kybalion is the most essential book of all. If are on a sinking boat that happens to be stocked with every occult book from my library on board and only have time to grab and take a copy of just one book with you this is it. It is the true master key that unlocks all doors; when in the right hands. Inferior minds can not make use of this pearl. It is not just speculative useless occult philosophy, it is a whole new way of thinking – hermetically. By its principles you can do anything. It exists in audiobook format as well as multiple pdf copies and is widely available and recommended by occultists everywhere. I have personally read this book in excess of 7 times over and re-read and cited many passages out of it many times as well as listened to the audiobook version of it many times over too.The Arcane Teachings and The Arcane Formulas expand upon The Kybalion and are also essential reading. They cover a lot of material that the neophyte should become aware of.Vril is an OK book but there are several other books by Atkinson that cover its subject matter better. It is apparently part of the Arcane series. Read it if you are a National Socialist and want to know what Vril really is; it is very different from the retarded shit the SJW conspiracy disinfo agents claim it is. The fact this book was written before World War II helps a lot too.
04/02/15 (Thu) 02:46:31 No. 30751
>>30737 You seem to be able to exert a minimal level of critical thinking and have a nose for bullshit. I don't think magic is for you.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:47:25 No. 30752
The Inner Consciousness is an alright book that I randomly decided to read from start to finish in one big burst. I think it has been superseded however by more recent texts written by Atkinson that should be read instead of it.Self-Healing and Psychic Healing are books I have read multiple times over (especially the first one). They are essentially the same book, a few words and paragraphs changed there, mostly so that the second book could be presented an Eastern Occult book and the first one as a Western Occult book. I think these are the best books there are on healing. It describes all the basic methods, getting right to the essential core of the matter, and what is written in them actually works and can have profound effect the more able you are to implement it.Memory: How to Develop, Train and Use It is a book I listened to in audiobook format on youtube twice and read parts of in its PDF. It is a very good book. The most essential thing I learned from it is that to remember things you must become fascinated with them. If you are fascinated by something or cultivate fascination towards it and a lot of emotion (loosh) is released surrounding the event it makes a strong impression in the astral and you form clear memories. You can also improve those memories by re-accessing them and dumping more loosh into them, just be careful not to distort and change the memory, unless you're intentionally trying to revise the past Neville Goddard style. There's a LOT more it talks about in there but just knowing this alone will help you in developing better memory. The Science of Breath book is essential reading. Learning how to breath correctly is necessary for most people in this age as our artificial ways of living are fucking up our breath and our breath has a profound effect on our health. Various breathing techniques also can be used for occult purposes — such as rhythmic breathing which induces trance. Breath is more essential than water and food. You'll notice portions of this book are found reproduced in Hatha Yoga , Vril , and several other books by William Walker Atkinson.Life Beyond Death is essential reading as well. It is of particular interest to anyone into astral projection and the astral planes. If you fear death this book will help put to ease that fear and the fear will completely die with the realization of its teachings and actual self-experience of it. While reading it I experienced some strange happenings concerning aliens (a reptilian in a robe meeting me) and insights concerning etheric energy and telekinesis as well while reading a particular section of the book. All other Atkinson books… you should open each one and read the index of chapters for every book of his to know what they are all about and read at least a few chapters of interest to you or which address problems that need to be addressed concerning your self-development. I anticipate that the Psychomancy book and a few other books of his I have yet to read completely will be of great value to me.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 02:55:48 No. 30753
>>30751 Magick is REAL and GREENPILLED. Its techniques are EFFICACIOUS and can bring about PERSONAL-GROWTH. The WILL coupled with the knowledge of SPIRIT can use higher laws against lower, overcoming the pains and suffering of the lower planes, rising one's self up in the scale of CONSCIOUSNESS. All is MIND; the Universe is MENTAL!
Deal with it. I have achieved a new level of euphoria only the elect are privy to. In only a few years I have advanced my understanding far beyond the masses of mundanes. The secrets of the inner sanctum are unfolding for me, falsehood and inferiority burning away in the light of illumination. The sceptre of power shall be mine and I will use it wisely!
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 03:13:23 No. 30757
File: 1427944403182.png (145.36 KB, 1679x970, 1679:970, Screenshot from 2015-04-01….png )
Oh wow, this exists. Too bad half the books are still missing in there.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 03:25:35 No. 30759
I am organizing my library now and putting a bunch of books I don't like or don't want to read in a trash folder.
If anyone wants to help me create a new and better Chaos Magick folder it would be appreciated.
Also lists of everyone's top 5 books that I haven't already read / do not already have in my library would be of interest to me.
>>30749 >that selective perception This is all just the books too and not the endless sites all over the internet I have read.
04/02/15 (Thu) 03:30:59 No. 30761
>>30759 I said you could do worse.
04/02/15 (Thu) 03:37:43 No. 30764
>>30753 Level with me here,
I'm, by your own terms, a mundane and as such I can only acknowledge mundane things. I don't see, nor believe in, any of your magical progress and as such I can only judge your life by mundane measures.
And by those measures, you're far behind in some aspects of your life. You've no financial security or stability, no owned property nor income and haven't learned a profession in order to gain some. You only speak one language fluently and haven't mastered math past a high school level.
It's great that you're happy with yourself and I'm sure that you have learned some useful skills with your magic practice, such as visualization, memory techniques, meditation, lucid dreaming etc. But you must not ignore the more mundanes aspects of life. You may despise it's workings, but you're not exempt from it's laws.
"The half-wise, recognizing the comparative unreality of the Universe, imagine that they may defy its Laws — such are vain and presumptuous fools, and they are broken against the rocks and torn as under by the elements by reason of their folly. '
Balance is key, you are dedicating far too much energy into what you consider higher workings and not seemly enough into seemly lower, but nevertheless important, tasks.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 03:38:34 No. 30765
>>30761 I read Chaos Magick texts years ago and they now only make a small portion of everything I have read and yet you focus on them.
This list, big as it is, isn't even everything. I completely didn't even bother to write about a whole bunch of Satanic texts I read and I only briefly mentioned Lobsang Rampa even though there was still a ton of material from him I read.
What Taoist books do you recommend and why are you such a huge weeaboo xenophile race traitor (assuming you aren't a chink anyways).
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 03:48:53 No. 30766
>>30764 I am seriously fucked if I do not dedicate my time to these higher workings. I have been in a severely dysfunctional state owing to the abuse in my life earlier and have to massively repair myself in order to bypass all that damage.
I also keep many secrets that if you knew them WOULD change your perception of me a lot but I'm not going to reveal them at this stage.
Overall I am garbage and to you I just say to wait and see how things develop in the coming years for me. If anything the incredibly pathetic condition I have existed for so much of my life will serve as great contrast to the exalted condition I intend to attain.
Do you believe I should cut-out the non-essential reading in my list of things to still read and make haste with the reading of the material I consider actually necessary to my advance? There's a lot of stuff I want to read in here that may be doing nothing but delaying my ascent unnecessarily.
I should probably finish up The Law and The Promise, my reading of Atkinson's books, probably skip Rawn Clark's A Bardon Companion as I likely don't need to read it to progress with IIH, read Seven Hermetic Letters, Read Magical use of Thoughtforms, and read Franz Bardon's books and then STOP ALL READING AND PUT THEORY INTO PRACTISE.
What do you think? I know enough right now already that I could transcend the necessity of reading any further books from third density. All the other stuff is tempting to read but ultimately may be a distraction from me actually unfolding my full potential.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 03:54:14 No. 30767
Also please note that for the last year most of my time has been spent studying and trying to understand as completely as possible the workings of magick to the neglect of its actual practise and expression. I only do the occasional works here and there to test things out, tread the waters, and patch myself over just enough to continue reading. I also have a lot of my time wasted by reading /fringe/ threads, although I've cut down on that a lot, and now just don't bother to read a lot of the board as I don't have the time for it all.
04/02/15 (Thu) 03:58:55 No. 30769
>>30766 >Do you believe I should cut-out the non-essential reading in my list of things to still read and make haste with the reading of the material I consider actually necessary to my advance? There's a lot of stuff I want to read in here that may be doing nothing but delaying my ascent unnecessarily. I believe that you should read whatever you like and find useful to your life. You're the one who decides what's essential and what's not after all. There's no point in lingering in books about things you already know, nor in ignoring useful information just for the sake of 'progress'.
>Overall I am garbage and to you I just say to wait and see how things develop in the coming years for me. If anything the incredibly pathetic condition I have existed for so much of my life will serve as great contrast to the exalted condition I intend to attain.I see. But if in the following years your situation do not change in the way you expected will you consider that perhaps you're approaching it the wrong way?
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 04:10:57 No. 30775
>>30769 >I see. But if in the following years your situation do not change in the way you expected will you consider that perhaps you're approaching it the wrong way? I always consider alternative approaches which offer to resolve the problem but I'm not going to waste time listening to people that say it can't be done and then just falling into hopeless despair and pessimism.
I doubt you have anything of note to tell me but if you do go ahead and make a thread on here and list everything you think will help me attain all that is worthy of my desire.
If all else fails there is always the sanctity of madness to free oneself from the grips of a reality not worth experiencing within… but I don't think it will come to that as I have seen for myself the wielding of incredible powers by others and I am really sure there is in fact a way to achieve all the superhuman feats.
Austyn 04/02/15 (Thu) 05:00:18 No. 30781
>>30727 Very impressive list friend.
I was wondering what your thoughts on Gnosticism are, and if you've read some Gnostic literature what books would you recommend?
04/02/15 (Thu) 05:07:31 No. 30786
How do you force yourself to sit down and read all of this? I get distracted and can't finish this many books.
04/02/15 (Thu) 05:43:02 No. 30793
Smiley, I will comment on some of these books. >The Law and The Promise The technique is presented pretty early on and the rest is testimonial of people who've attained what they've wanted by using Goddard's technique. At the end is, I remember, an occult experience Goddard had. >Magical Use of Thoughtforms I remember I didn't particularly like this one. There's some techniques and theory and stories, but I remember it wasn't that interesting. Still worth of skimming through. >Mastering Astral Projection There's a lot of theory which expands on NEW, some trance techniques and new energy techniques not mentioned in NEW. You can skim it fast because you know how to project. >The Stellar Man Basically the Fourth/Fifth Way mixed with Kybalionic Hermeticism; actually a great synthesis. There's a lot of things I wish he would expand upon, (maybe he does in his later books), but the Stellar Man is, in my opinion, a good addition to Hermeticism, (along with the Kybalion and Arcane Teachings-series, which I hold to be basically an expansion pack for the Kybalion). You might be able to read it in a day because of how interesting it is, but it needs to be re-read multiple times. >The Corpus Hermeticum It's mostly philosophy which might as well be skipped. You should see each chapter and see if it interest you. The shorter ones are the better ones. The first text is an allegory which might have been given by extraterrestrial Ra, this one you should read.
04/02/15 (Thu) 06:27:58 No. 30796
>>30786 You seem to have a short attention spam, or a mild form of ADD. Try mindfulness meditation, cardio, fish rich diet and a strict routine over several months in order to improve it. As with anything, practice makes perfect, so the best way for you to be able to gain the concentration to read through those books might actually be forcing yourself to read bigger chunks every time.
04/02/15 (Thu) 06:43:39 No. 30800
>>30786 The best way to ease yourself into reading is to read books you find entertaining. I remember many of the fringe starting books like arcane teachings and mind power were fairly interesting for me.
04/02/15 (Thu) 07:09:13 No. 30803
>>30743 The Holographic Universe pdf in that Montalk recs folder has the missing pages.
04/02/15 (Thu) 07:15:57 No. 30804
>>30765 I was referring more to the Kybalion, but really, it's just regurgitating points the Tao Te Ching stated more eloquently, at least when it makes solid ones. The chaos texts are just there for fun.
>why are you such a huge weeaboo xenophile race traitor (assuming you aren't a chink anyways).>implying I owe any allegiance to someone like you Having seen what is offered by those who continue to propose that a racemind has value for me in this time and place, and having looked through what much of Western philosophy proposed only to find that all of the brightest minds stated outright that they either got their ideas from the East or else came to those conclusions independently, and having studied the Eastern Dharmic ways of viewing the world and seeing that they were much more closely aligned with what observation and testing confirmed to be true, I decided to go with the system that required the least amount of entertaining untrue ideas for the sake of tradition, which in my case means Taoism. I have neither the time nor the patience for artifice-dense patterns of thinking and I won't waste my time on them, certainly not for a romantic notion of race.
>inb4 you send an egregore to try and destroy my degeneracyEverything I know about you suggests to me that you haven't developed your qi in the right way to actually do damage to me. You could have been lying (I suspect this is true whether you were lying or not), but I've seen you make statements that lead me to believe that you expend qi like it's going out of style because you believe that you will either die or attain perfection, but the amount of qi required to oppose me is almost certainly more than you have even when factoring in rest, so by all means, water my loosh farm for my amusement.
04/02/15 (Thu) 09:03:26 No. 30814
>>30804 can you describe ur daily practices?
04/02/15 (Thu) 14:42:19 No. 30833
I disagree about Elite Family Insider and Book of the Law. Crowley is very easy to get usable knowledge from if you just plug in a few of the more secret documents, which you can find and may already have from one of the libraries. And things like the Book of Thoth are absolutely full of profound hermetic lore far more diverse and interesting than Bardon's books. He's a lot smarter than you realise or than people who go along with this board's culture tend to. But, yes, he did troll. Elite Family Insider is a subtle but deeply profound heuristic on how to live life and its deeper meaning. You can miss it if you're in the wrong state of mind. I have a similar list to this but less typed up for others' consumption. I do it with every book I read, rating it etc. Might post.
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 15:17:34 No. 30835
>>30803 It's 44 MB (mine is 47 MB) and both are way too damned huge. Why not make a PDF of the .ru that will be way smaller in size?
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 15:32:00 No. 30837
>>30792 What makes it appealing to scepdicks?
☻ 04/02/15 (Thu) 15:34:27 No. 30838
>>30792 I just downloaded this book (despite that it apparently can't be checked for viruses…) and holy fuck is the filesize ever big.
04/02/15 (Thu) 21:15:05 No. 30885
04/02/15 (Thu) 21:27:15 No. 30888
>>30885 That looks comfy.
04/03/15 (Fri) 02:12:40 No. 30935
>>30804 I also was mostly drawn to Taoism at first, it seemed much more intuitive to me than all of the Western philosophy and doctrine and practice. However, knowing both systems clarifies many things.
I do have a question for you though, which practices do you do? And where did you learn?
I've been thinking of going to Qi Gong classes in my city for a while but am skeptical that any masters even exist anymore, let alone charge $300 a month for a few classes.
Also, of the material I've read, such as Mantak Chia and some other guy who's a doctor (forgot his name but he wrote books on the marrow cleansing techniques as well as the less advanced ones), none of them seemed profound, although I do know truth hides in simplicity…
Anyway, what I really want to know is, you must have done the mystical interpretations of the classic texts such as golden flower, book of changes, tao te ching, so I would love your input on it all. Perhaps we should start a mystical tao thread?
didi 04/03/15 (Fri) 19:58:57 No. 31025
>>30738 got a copy of aibi in pdf please?
Sylph 04/03/15 (Fri) 20:24:51 No. 31028
>>31025!6kJzEIJb!aVVgmWAM-aP_bU_8Co43FA In the main folder (Occult).
If you somehow can not find it, then type
aibi in the search bar after going to that link.
didi 04/03/15 (Fri) 21:34:24 No. 31062
☻ 04/04/15 (Sat) 00:20:06 No. 31095
>>31062 It's literally right in my library in the sticky.
>>/1/The PDF should be renamed I think. I don't know wtf aibi means. I'm not sure what would be a better name for it. Hopefully the original author of that PDF will come around and suggest a better name for the file.
☻ 04/04/15 (Sat) 00:21:52 No. 31096
☻ 04/04/15 (Sat) 00:22:38 No. 31097
04/04/15 (Sat) 19:15:08 No. 31213
>My wizard progress report lol'd
04/04/15 (Sat) 21:53:02 No. 31237
>>31213 >a thelemite just posted near me kek'd
04/06/15 (Mon) 06:47:10 No. 31430
>>30885 Do you sleep on the floor for postural purposes? If so, have you seen quality improvement?
☻ 04/06/15 (Mon) 06:51:41 No. 31433
>>31430 Yeah. My previous mattress was totally fucked.
I also just really hate mattresses. At least one the floor it doesn't matter if half my body is off my thing there or not.
It's also for the purpose that maybe I might be able to sleep anywhere when homeless easier.
04/06/15 (Mon) 18:16:36 No. 31474
>>31433 I also sleep on the ground (by choice)
04/06/15 (Mon) 21:40:49 No. 31493
>>31474 I sleep on the floor by choice too.
05/13/15 (Wed) 11:11:40 No. 38311
>Wizard Progress
>books reading
u wot m8?
05/13/15 (Wed) 11:36:28 No. 38321
You need to study them tomes to get that INT and WIS, m8!
Seriously though, reading is important. What are you implying?
05/13/15 (Wed) 11:53:47 No. 38326
>Physicist Progress
>Books Reading
that's how stupid you sound
05/15/15 (Fri) 03:43:45 No. 38698
No hate on you smiley or anything
but can't we find a person who will try book of Aquarius and let us know the result?
☻ 05/15/15 (Fri) 03:53:21 No. 38702
Supposedly there was a whole forum dedicated to it with people doing that shit for years on end until one guy completed it, swallowed the thing, and died of radiation poisoning.
I read The Book of Aquarius and we had threads about it on old /fringe/.
Also you should read what Montalk has to say about it.
It's not really a good book.
…and if you want to try the shit in that book it'll take you years to do it, with great possibility of error happening causing you have to restart, and it will cost you thousands of dollars for the lab equipment needed for it.
Are you not familiar with the stuff concerning people who boiled piss for years trying to make the philosopher's stone?
05/16/15 (Sat) 04:11:40 No. 38829
After getting through The Universal Master Key from the fringe required reading list via pdfs on a LED screen, I realized how much I hate reading on my computer. Now a lot of these books are fairly cheap, at least in paperback form, and I want to know what would be a good purchase for a neophyte interested in hermeticism and healing. The Emerald Tablet and Self Healing good starting points? I already got a cheap copy of The Kybalion and it is much more comfy to read than a pdf, more portable too. I was looking at John Baines work as well, but a few of the reviews were really worrying on The Secret Science, but damn, look at those prices!
>Are you not familiar with the stuff concerning people who boiled piss for years trying to make the philosopher's stone?
I always found it interesting how urine is a good candidate for making the stone. It's an easy material to get and in larger quantities. The process is pretty strange though. If I remember right, isn't the final product the byproduct of repeatedly distilled urine: a salt/powder, that is fermeneted with gold? Man, I should really read that book again.
>one guy completed it, swallowed the thing, and died of radiation poisoning.
Was that the first thing he did when he completed it? That's a really hasty thing to do, even if it is supposed to heal you completly . Hell, what if it wasn't really done or something? Why didn't he test the stone before he ate it? And why was the stone radioactive? Isn't it just silver, gold, and urine?
Wow, now I really want to dig deeper into this. I know the forum isn't around anymore, but do you have anymore information?
I know I'm replying to a month old post, but whatever. How is sleeping on the floor? I find mattresses to be too pricey, big, and heavy and would like to find a more compact way to sleep.
☻ 05/16/15 (Sat) 04:20:38 No. 38830
>The Book of Aquarius – Free download or hardcopy available at Amazon. Some basic theories on how Alchemy works, though I disagree with the author that urine is the key. It isn’t. What matters is the ‘urine’ given off by the raw starting mineral after it endures bacterial fermentation.
☻ 05/16/15 (Sat) 04:26:12 No. 38831
At least you have an LED screen, I have LCD which is worse for the eyes, and it's a damaged screen.
The Emerald Tablet isn't very good, just read it online or listen to the audiobook for it on youtube.
>If I remember right, isn't the final product the byproduct of repeatedly distilled urine: a salt/powder, that is fermeneted with gold? Man, I should really read that book again.
The final product is a highly radioactive substance that kills the user.
>Was that the first thing he did when he completed it? That's a really hasty thing to do, even if it is supposed to heal you completly . Hell, what if it wasn't really done or something? Why didn't he test the stone before he ate it? And why was the stone radioactive? Isn't it just silver, gold, and urine?
According to the alchemical texts you can consume it any stage even when it's not done. He consumed it in its purest form when it was done.
>Isn't it just silver, gold, and urine?
Not after it has undergone all those years of constant heating. At that point it has become a very rare, expensive, radioactive substance that you could actually sell for a shitload of money to terrorists.
>I know I'm replying to a month old post, but whatever. How is sleeping on the floor? I find mattresses to be too pricey, big, and heavy and would like to find a more compact way to sleep.
Put blankets underneath you or one of those camping mats which is what I have.
05/16/15 (Sat) 05:08:47 No. 38836
Oh, thanks. I don't think I'll get a hard copy though. Not really planning on boiling urine/blood/etc for a few decades just yet. There's a lot of quotes from other books in there though, mostly dealing with alchemy, which seems interesting. Now that I think about it, I might just try and buy most of what Montalk recommends, as he seems to have a good head on his shoulders when it comes to occult stuff.
>At least you have an LED screen, I have LCD which is worse for the eyes, and it's a damaged screen.
I started doing most of my reading on my other computer with a 1400x1050 resolution, which I now just realized is LED. However, pdfs display very nicely on it. Much better than the incredibly horrible 1366x768 glossy, trash panels you can find on most consumer laptops. I still don't understand why they even exist, reading anything on them is painful.
>Not after it has undergone all those years of constant heating. At that point it has become a very rare, expensive, radioactive substance that you could actually sell for a shitload of money to terrorists.
Huh, maybe that's what it means when it can turn metals into gold. The small amount of silver/gold you add to the stone has now multiplied its value immensely, which you then sell to terrorists for massive amounts of cash. Using the money, you buy stuff to directly/indirectly improve your overall physical/mental/spiritual health, thus "eating the stone". There, I think I have it figured out.
>Put blankets underneath you or one of those camping mats which is what I have.
Maybe I could get a nice foldable cot or something similar? But then there isn't very much room to move around, unlike a good sized mattress. Sleeping on the floor solves this obviously, but depending on how you pile up the blankets your posture might suffer.
05/16/15 (Sat) 05:20:17 No. 38839
I wrote one review with username "The Stellar Man". The Secret Science is not worth the money, there's nothing useful in the book and it pretty much repeats everything Atkinson and Bardon have said in their books. I can sum up the book for you,
>Baines reveals he was initiated into a Hermetic Rosicrucian Brotherhood (not any major or known occult society though)
>Consciousness is what determines the difference in human status; people live in permanent state of low consiousness and Rosicrucians/Hermeticist aim to raise their consciousness
>"Spirit he is, soul he has"; man is an immortal being who has a soul aka. personality - man's purpose is to achieve marriage between these two, making the "animal-intelligent" into spirit incarnate
>Human mind spawns thoughtforms almost all the time, these determining how his life will turn out; thoughtforms cause addictions and mental illnesses; "vice is an uncontrolled and excessive desire which has acquired consciousness"; most people do not think for themselves, their thoughtforms think for them
>Men should be masculine and females feminine; if a feminine man is married to masculine woman, the woman will drain the man the rest of his masculinity and turn him into a passive, hysterical being (this happens subconsciously); marriage cannot be happen through rituals or papers, only a marriage between two loving souls exist;
>Man needs to develop his Will and consciousness, keep up his health, keep positive all the time, love everyone unconditionally (He pretty much copied what Atkinson had written on Will and Science of Breath)
>You need a Master
So just read Atkinson and Bardon and you got everything (and more) that was said in the book.
05/16/15 (Sat) 05:33:47 No. 38843
Also, has anyone here read Gnosis trilogy by Boris Mouravieff? Thinking about getting those used (still going to be around $70 total) as they seem like they'd be good.
A lot of occult/spiritualist writers seem to regurgitate the same content as each other. I can imagine how disappointing it is to excitedly pick up a new book and realize it covers all the same points as a book you've previously read. Thanks for the advice too. Should I just try and get most of Atkinsons work and then branch out into other authors? I'm really not too worried about Bardon's stuff as IIH theory section is small and easy to get through and the exercises shouldn't need to be re-read constantly. UMK is easy reading even on a bad screen if you pace yourself as well. Not sure about the rest of his stuff though.
05/16/15 (Sat) 05:42:02 No. 38844
Holy shit, Montalk's Trancending the Matrix Control System is a fucking tome. I kind of want to buy it too, despite being his website in book form. Although $35 for a hardcover of that size is a steal.
05/16/15 (Sat) 06:36:50 No. 38849
Yes, I was slightly disappointed at that work and you are correct on the regurgitation. I am not sure if you should get copies of Atkinson's books, most of them are pretty short and can be easily remembered. You should download the PDFs, check them out and see if it is worth of getting a physical copy. I think you could do fine by reading only PDFs of his books though, though it can be pretty dense reading at times. . .
On Bardon, I did a mistake of buying copy of IIH and I rarely read it. You can just read the small theory part and check out the exercises and that's it, no need for physical copies.
Mouravieff is pretty good, actually. He presents Fourth Way in a complete manner (unlike Gurdjieff and Ouspensky who are good reads though) and Gnosis-trilogy has a lot of nice pictures and concepts. Really unappreciated author he is.
I really like John Baines and Mouravieff because they present systems of spiritual evolution mostly without magic, which is very different to most material on /fringe/. Same with Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy.
05/16/15 (Sat) 06:37:26 No. 38850
Also, HypsoConsciousness,
>Basic premise: man is unconscious and this causes him stress; stress is the reason behind all sorts of disease and unhappiness
>Five types of learning; unconscious learning which is based on conditioning, imitation and influence; unconscious reflective learning happens when individual reflects something in a low state of consciousness, these two states change the subconscious but not the conscious mind; conscious learning happens in a higher state of consciousness but it lacks the reflective quality that happens in conscious reflective learning; these are surpassed by superconscious reflective learning, which happens in a very high state of consciousness; these three shape the conscious mind to different degrees
>like in temperature, there are different states of wakefulness; different people live in different degrees of consciousness
>man has two identities, "I" which is the real personality and "we" which is the personality made by the society
>the "I" can be developed by conscious reflective learning happening in a high state of consciousness; everything that the individual consciously adapts becomes truly his own; on the other hand, unconscious learning shapes and strengthens the "we" which ties him more closely to the robotic society and norms around him
>man may know without comprehending; man may think without meditating/contemplating; the difference here is between unconscious learning and conscious reflective learning
>conscious thought is subject to rules of logic, social norms and reason; unconscious thought is subject to "illogic", egotism and repressed emotions; above these two is supraconsiousness which is more free and conscious
>subconscious/unconscious must be transformed by mental hygiene and mental discipline, like teaching a bad-behaving kid to act properly
>one must be present in the present moment (joke not intended), because the only real existence is NOW; "to-be" is to be in now, "to-not-be" is to be in the past or the future
05/16/15 (Sat) 06:37:38 No. 38851
>proper body control (relaxation) develops the mind and raises consciousness
>techniques presented in the book;
>Yogi Complete Breathing done standing (breathing affects the mental states and mental states affect the breathing, if you control your breath you control your mind!!) (Science of Breath here)
>The first of the Seven Minor Yogi Exercises done each morning (without the cleansing breath part)
>slowing the breath and making it quiet to ease the mind
>looking forward yet imagining your eyes face your brain and holding them still, not focusing on anything else but the eyes facing the brain; this should be imaginative and no physical pressure should be used on the eyes; helps to relax and develops concentration
>looking at objects and trying to visualize more and more details each time
>"body scanning" until you become entirely conscious of the part of the body you are scanning on (becoming absorbed??)
>mental void; lying or sitting, close eyes and focus on them; stop the fluttering of the eyes until all tension is gone; then fix your attention on breathing, on your thorax, breathe normally until you identify perfectly with your mind; then visualize the color black until it vanishes; you should feel energized after the exercise, not sleepy, though this can be used to fall asleep
>when doing something with your body, like walking, pay full attention to it and try to stay in the present moment; slow down if possible; this re-educates the motor skills
>other Yogi Breathing exercises to develop proper breathing style
>read without making a sound but while moving your lips, tongue and jaw; exaggerate the movements to gain volitive control over your speaking; repeat but this time pronounce aloud
>speak with a pencil between your teeth, trying to make the sound as clear and precise as possible
>speak aloud and articulate exaggeratedly and pronouncing each syllable; make a slight but unnoticeable pause between each syllable; this makes the words more clarified
>read tongue-twisters
>speak syllabically, articulate correctly and feel your articulation by focusing on your mouth to develop "vocal consciousness"
>maintaining consciousness of the "I" and rejecting identification with perceptions and emotions NOT coming from the "I"
>concentrating on a image with written "I" and joining the middle finger with the left thumb at the tips; breathe deeply; later you can use only your fingers to attain consciousness of the "I"
>do some movements mindfully before sitting down; write down a problem, being mindful of the movements of your hand; then try to think solutions to the problem
>speak to yourself aloud as if explaining to someone a problem that bothers you; reason aloud and try to find a solution; use vocal consciousness here, mentioned above
>failure is a mental attitude
>how to avoid bodily tension:
>1. practice optimism
>2. do one thing at a time
>3. not to seek to always win
>4. to concern oneself with doing things for others, and not to isolate oneself from others
>5. do not criticize others, try to understand them
>6. avoid idleness and daydreamer
>7. practice patience and tolerance
>8. let off steam (channel emotions into creative activity)
>9. Possess one's own philosophy of life (be dedicated to your ideals)
>11. Possess a sense of humor
>12. Enjoy the simple things of life
>a high level of wakefulness means to be more awake than usual
>a high level of consciousness means attaining and shaping the mature "I"
05/16/15 (Sat) 06:40:48 No. 38853
Oops, forgot the number ten, which is "practice tidiness"; the physical environment affects the mind, thus a messy room makes a messy mind!
05/16/15 (Sat) 08:34:44 No. 38865
This sounds quite good. Have you found the techniques effective and is there much more to it than what you've written?
05/16/15 (Sat) 08:35:26 No. 38866
Funny how esotericism is just the same red pilled self-improvement advice written in a different way.
05/16/15 (Sat) 08:58:35 No. 38869
I skipped some theoretical parts and did not explain thoroughly all the exercises. I cannot comment on all the practices, not having practiced them, but I understand their purposes.
Esotericism is the ultimate self-improvement, when you think of it, but I wouldn't say it's quite the same thing. Casual self-impro be like "become a better you and enjoy your life!" while esoteric self-impro be like "become the best you, enjoy your life and transcend everything, bro!"
05/16/15 (Sat) 12:47:49 No. 38886
It is, it just lets you use non degenerate ways to produce happiness.
05/16/15 (Sat) 12:49:13 No. 38888
Sure, it is not really about it, but I've began to enjoy life more fully when I turned into esotericism after years of unsatisfactoriness with everything. Now that I understand more and am capable of more, many things give me pleasure even if I don't ask for it.
Think of living more fully every moment of your physical life, with more consciousness and actual purpose. That is enjoying this life, in my opinion.
So, my quality of life has improved even if I haven't deliberately pursued such improvement and that's because I have pursued something higher; I don't think I would have had this improvement if I had pursued "mundane goals" or "mundane self-improvement". . .
05/16/15 (Sat) 12:50:50 No. 38889
Exactly. Enjoyment is a result, not a goal.
05/16/15 (Sat) 13:05:33 No. 38890
I'm afraid I didn't make myself clear, the type of happiness I received was akin to what the sick quads described.
I am happy from the improvement I produced but happiness if merely a byproduct of my achievement.
Also check my trips.
05/16/15 (Sat) 13:07:26 No. 38891
woops ignore the trips bit, was following the wrong board's post numbers and got confuzzled
06/22/15 (Mon) 22:53:07 No. 44665
Sorry for replying to a post months old. Chiming in on behalf of eastern texts.
The Wisdom of Lao Tse by Lin YuTang:
Some Taoists sects work closer to the primitive, or the law of nature. By learning from good Taoists texts, they have provided me clues to building a more subtle and less personality-based paradigm. This has brought me much peace and simplicity.
The above book is, as far as I can tell, a careful translation of texts from the Tao Te Ching, with each poem supplemented by mysterious passages from a great disciple of Lao Tse, Chuangtse. To the reader, I would love to share the experience of this text with you. Chuangtse is a storyteller.
Vipassana Meditation
This school teaches a Buddhist meditation technique to anyone who applies. Courses are standardized through recorded dialogue. I recommend this for two reasons, first is that it got me on a 2 hour a day meditation cycle because the returns are in the moment, and second, by practicing I learned that Buddhism is not a belief or an intellectual framework, but a manner of living.
Why is this a text recommendation? Buddhist texts make no sense without the practice. The technique works by objective observation of the mind-matter phenomena, so there is direct contact between the more volatile, conscious mind with the underlying law of nature. In other words, once you've established your practice, you learn by experiencing nature, with no risk of misinterpretation or the hassle of intellectualization. Hugely useful, so flexible, and so beneficial is this technique!
06/23/15 (Tue) 02:06:06 No. 44685
07/27/15 (Mon) 23:54:54 No. 48082
>The author of the Book of Aquarius thought piss was the key ingredient to making the philosopher's stone.
>This continues the long tradition of alchemist intentionally misleading the innocent fools without mentor ship into drinking piss or ammonia
08/04/15 (Tue) 14:43:29 No. 48825
that isnt what the author said at all mate, i dont think he has the complete idea but he lays out the basics pretty well.
all living things contain life force.
of a substance there is the volatile salt, the involatile salt, and the spirit.
the life force is attracted to the salt; which is attracted to the spirit.
by passing the spirit through the salt the volatile salt becomes fixed and has life force concentrated within it.
you can use any bodily fluid from any living thing - even fruit, the author recommends piss to practice with because it isnt hard to come by.
the best substances (that already have the most life force in them) are:
2.bone marrow
5.anything else
08/04/15 (Tue) 19:57:38 No. 48860
Good collection OP. Read some of Gurdjieffs material.
01/16/16 (Sat) 15:10:17 No. 67982
01/25/16 (Mon) 05:47:24 No. 69024
I was really hoping this progress report would have been more practice-orientated. Like, what you did today or yesterday. Books are fine too.
What makes a good occultism book from a bad one though? Is it just personal experience versus what they're saying?
01/25/16 (Mon) 21:32:36 No. 69058
Good books are not overly speculative, neutral in tone and presentation, are formulaic and concise, stick to clearly laid out principles and are logically self-consistent. Like anything from Atkinson.
Shitty books are bogged down in dogmas, fail to get at "the thing in a nutshell", are biased with either an edgelord tone or its opposite love and light hippie shit, go on and on without actually presenting much information because the author is clueless.
Real magick is a fairly neutral force that responds to the proper exertions by anyone. The same force that heals is the same force that kills.
Another thing to look for is what I call the "subjectivity barrier". Any true occultist has passed this barrier. If you read a book and they're positing it could be or is "all in your head", "all subjective in nature", the author has yet to have an experience to prove to him thoughts can be shared and magick can manifest overtly and objectively. The psychological paradigm is mundane except in the cases of certain obscure early top psychologists who went much further than others in studying stuff like the plenary trance and so on, ultimately discovering magick.
Older books from pre-WWII are better than newer books. Back then people had to really think things through and study a lot before publishing. Since it's easier for anyone to write a book now and mix a bunch of retarded speculation and quantum woo and so on, lots of shit gets outputted.
Books that look like TimeCube and have lots of smileys, exclamation marks, different coloured texts, bigger texts, CAPSLOCK, and generally look schizophrenic are usually going to be shit.
Books with lots of citations, laid out in a respectable manner, and produced by people who have studied or practised for decades are pretty much always better.
Any books that are overly vague, mystical, cryptic, etc. are shit.
Books that present the many different theories on a matter properly, explaining each position, where the author clearly understands them all and isn't misinterpreting other groups, and is neutral are good.
Books that use very clear terminology and use glossaries, define words clearly, etc. are good; there's some books you might read where you have no idea what the fuck the author is trying to say since he uses terms without defining them.
It's not just personal experience versus what they are saying. I can tell a good book right away, even if I have to eventually re-read it again a year later, and experience it all again in a new way in light of my new understandings coming out of practise. There's a lot of Atkinson books I've re-read and upon going over them again there's so many things that never stood out to me before, things often mentioned briefly, which take on a massive new significance to me.
I don't like to talk about magickal operations and practise due to the four laws of the magus and just a paranoia about thought-interference from others. If I'm going to take about my experiences, it'll be when the thing in question isn't part of some ongoing operation, but something done and incorruptible, safely in the past. I do post about stuff I am doing or have done at random though all over /fringe/ just not like a log kept all in one place.
It gets boring also saying stuff like "made thoughtforms of numbers, again, they were more clear and dynamic today" when it's been some practise I've been doing now for years and steadily getting better at. It would be similar to constantly telling people how many push-ups I did today. Not worth taking the time out of my day to write up about it. Better to stick announcing specific important break-throughs.
Now that I think about it, I should probably make a new thread and outline an "occult achievements chart", with specific goals for people to accomplish that they should note the day they "unlocked that achievement".
Dynamic Thought - Book Review 03/18/16 (Fri) 21:57:53 No. 72663
My thoughts on Dynamic Thought :
I felt it was necessary for me to read, it brings together many different concepts Atkinson talks about into one over-arching theory, and gives me lots of ideas.
I think he might have been wrong about what he said about gravity.
The various propositions he has made besides that seem sound.
Matter is actually substance, attraction works along the lines of desire/emotion, all force is mental in its origin, the whole universe is a mental body, individual men are like drops of mind in an ocean of mind, at once part of the ocean and yet individuated from it. Men are constantly radiating thoughts to others which propagate in various ways and can be sensed. He made an interesting comment in the book about how nerve force is different from electrical energy, yes they are similar, but he pointed out something that sets them apart. If anyone else knows what passage I'm referring to, it's near the last few chapters, and you may want to read on it and comment o nit.
He lays out his criticism of the materialists and makes a pretty good case for why the idealist conception of the universe is more reasonable.
Everything has mentality, is alive, feels, makes choices, etc. in various degree from the most base matter to the minerals to the plants to the animals to men.
A lot of Dynamic Thought is also redundant with what Atkinson writes in many of his other books.
Is there anything else I should say? I think that's about all I want to say. I feel the whole book could be condensed a lot by focusing on just the stuff that is special to this book and pruning out what Atkinson covers in other books.
The excerpt in the OP is good enough for most people to read without reading the whole book I guess. I recommend just reading the first two chapters and them skimming the rest of the book for some of the other neat stuff mentioned if you don't want to read the entire thing through very carefully like I did.
03/18/16 (Fri) 21:58:18 No. 72664
An excerpt from Dynamic Thought which summarizes the whole book:
>In this book the writer will advance a very different theory of the Universe of All‐Things from that of Modern Science, although he feels that his theory may easily be reconciled with the most advanced views of that school.
>In the first place, as he has stated in the first chapter, he does not hold that the Universe, as we know it, is self‐sufficient, but he recognizes a Something back of all phenomena and appearances, which Something he calls “The Infinite.”
>And he differs very materially from the views of those who claim that Mind is but a property, or quality, or something proceeding from Matter or Force, or Matter‐Force, or Force‐Matter—according to the views of the respective schools. He takes an entirely different and opposite position.
>He holds that all that we call Matter (or Substance) and Mind (as we know it) are but aspects of something infinitely higher, and which may be called the “Cosmic Mind,” He holds that what we call “Mind” is but a partial manifestation of the Cosmic Mind. And that Substance or Matter is but a cruder or grosser form of that which we call Mind, and which has been manifested in order to give Mind a Body through which to operate. But this view he merely states in passing, for he makes no attempt to demonstrate or prove the same, his idea being that it forms a different part of the general subject than the phase of “Dynamic Thought,” to the consideration of which this book is devoted.
>He also differs very materially from the Materialistic school in his conception of Force or Energy. Instead of regarding Force as a distinct principle, and as something of which Mind is but a form, he walks boldly out into the arena of Scientific Thought, and throwing down his gauntlet, proclaims his theory that “There is no such thing as Force apart from Life and Mind”—“All Force and Energy is the product of Life and Mind—all Force, Energy and Motion result from Vital‐Mental Action—all Force, Energy and Motion is Vital‐Mental Force, Energy and Motion.”—“The Mind abiding in and permeating all Substance, not only has the power to Think, but also the power to Act, and to manifest Force and Energy, which are its inherent and essential properties.”
>He also takes the position that Mind is in and about and around Everything. And that “Everything is Alive and Thinking,” And that there is no such things as “Dead‐Matter,” or “Blind‐Force,” but that all Substance, even to the tiniest Particle, is permeated with Life and Mind, and that all Force and Motion is caused and manifested by Mind.
>He holds that all forms of Force, Energy and Motion, from the Attraction of the Particles of Matter, and their movements in response thereto, up to the Attraction of Gravitation, and the response of the Worlds, and Suns, and Stars, and Planets, thereto—are forms of Mental Energy and Force, and Action. And that from the tiniest atom, or particle, to the greatest Sun—all obey this Great Action of Mind—this Great Force of Mind—this Great Energy of Mind—this Great Power of Mind.
03/19/16 (Sat) 02:59:33 No. 72677
>Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist.
03/20/16 (Sun) 07:08:42 No. 72726
didn't anon with chaos star said that this list is useless crap or something like that?