Excellent post, yet I must proclaim a statement:
>The course of history since the beginning of capitalism,
Why just the mention of Capitalism, instead of the whole structure?
Every ideology, every idea, every creation, every piece and plane that forms our reality (including humans) are not safe from this infection, either.
You name it
Communism, Anarchism, Libertarians, Republicans, Democrats, and whatever flavor of the month is next on the mind of the race, for eons to come.
If you fix your attention to one cell, instead of the whole cancer, you are missing 99.99999…% of the entire picture.
All the affected and malign ideas form a tumor, rotting and eating our reality.
And EVERY infected idea will infect OTHER ideas and minds, spreading the cancer, unless stopped.
This is no different from a Zombie infection
***From an Esoteric POV:
This follows the law of self-preservation. Humans gave so much thought and energy to this ideas, that Will and Desire were born in them. The different ideologies formed an entity that is very much capable of willing and desire, specially the Will and Desire to stay alive.
We must note:
The worst agent capable of destroying our reality is not the one coming from the outside, but the one working the machiavelic plan from the inside
Undetectable, unnoticiable, without trace.
We could start naming lots of different examples that corroborate this previous paragraph, but any individual with enough Will to Will is capable of exerting the necessary attention to test and confirm this.
**This doesn't means I am devaluing your post. On the contrary, it is a prime example of quality OC, and applaud all your effort and work invested
basing my post under the rules of correct reasoning and critical thinking, I have the right to assume the tumor, as a whole, is the cause of our rotting reality, NOT a single cell of the tumor.
Unless it is explained how Capitalism is the core of the corruption, instead of the entire structure (from which capitalism is part of) being at fault.
We can compare this to proclaiming a single cancer cell is killing the diseased being, instead the tumor
Ex uno disce omnes
Good vibes.