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The course of history since the beginning of capitalism, particularly through the last 50 years has seen a continual degradation from mutual participation to observation of culture, and now also a shrinking away from in-person communication as the primary means of socializing.

At the same time, the myths and memes that make up our culture have come to be driven by the need to market.

As a result, almost all human interaction now takes the form of a market, relationships between people are mediated by symbols and objects, and the image of what daily life should be in our culture isn't that of lived experience, it's the culture on the screen, which no one gets to actually live.

No matter what anyone says about "be yourself," the fact is that we're now engaged in a constant creation and projection of self, through identification with certain categories, adoption of styles, possession of objects which we identify with our persona through their symbolic value (e.g. vintage clothes worn by hipsters.)

Think about social networking sites. You're participating in a social market that has been so stripped of natural complexity that it can be analyzed numerically. You create an identity through things like your choice of profile picture, what music and movies you like, etc.

Marketing and PR have become innate skills necessary to survive in the new culture. Think about social networking again: If you want to earn money, you'd better know what is and isn't OK to put on Facebook, and you'd better have the right number of friends, because you can bet potential employers are gonna be looking.

Of course, some people just aren't cut out to be public relations gurus, and they're cast out, either falling to the lowest economic classes, or, if they have an enabler or government assistance, becoming NEETs.

And everyone, NEET or not, can feel the disintegration, or at least feel that SOMETHING is missing, even if they can't put their finger on it.

All the men on television or self-deprecating, putting themselves down like they don't deserve anything. Look at any sitcom and the main male character is a huge pussy. Even talk show host like Conan the tall guy who wastes his genetics, and Kimmel, the short elf jew.

They have no role models. And what's worse is that young girls are teasing them to all hell, with this twerking shit, and the skimpy outfits that are now accepted. Woman are told to be sexy, and men are told not to be men.

And sex - sex is a GREAT way to observe all of these phenomena. Take porn for a second. Obviously, erotic media, sexual performance, etc. have been with us for all of human history. But now, you can have an infinite number of pr0n vids, all shot in HD POV for ease of self-insertion, at the click of a button. You can spend forever looking at porn.

Sitting in your room for days on end, clicking through video galleries, fapping and getting that sweet dopamine rush. But you never actually get to live it. Nobody gets to fuck 25 different girls a day, unless you're Kim Jong Un, and it actually reduces your biological incentive to go out and socialize so that you can get laid. Sex used to be a force which pushed people together, even in the most oppressive circumstances - now we are increasingly alienated from our own bodies.

For many men, maybe even most, the vast majority of their sexual experiences have consisted of watching porn. Not imaginative fantasy, not having sex with a partner - watching porn, and imagining themselves into the life on the screen. You can't even distinguish a separate sphere of "real" sex - porn is the larger part of sexuality, and sexual encounters between people will be mediated by the expectations instilled by porn.

Literally, our sexuality is MORE constructed from marketed images than influenced by the people around us with whom we could actually have sexual experiences. To the point that actual sex between people gets scripted by these images. Not even sex is participatory, now.

How many people even know their neighbors any more? Do you really think that that's even remotely normal, compared to all the rest of human history?


You're right, OP.

I remember writing about this when I was 17. Back then, I saw that dramatic catharsis was being so overused that, instead of being a release of excessive energy, it was becoming the only place in life where deep stories were allowed to unfold.

And about how this facebook thing rips our living and complex identity out of its natural flow and stuffs it into this one representative box that kind of mutilates us.

I wrote about it, but I couldn't do anything. And then at some point I started becoming obsessed with some sexual fetish from internet images. And then I found myself browsing /pol/, even though I hate it and it feels so fake. I couldn't stop.

This is what Freud called the Eros. The libidinal force that drives humans together, into connection. It's become scattered, cheapened and conquered.

I always thought I'd be able to de-emphasise the internet, like it was an adolescent phase. But now the unreality I felt back then has overtaken all of society. The same capitalist globalism that goes outwards and destroys every vestige of diverse and autogenic lived culture all throughout the globe has turned inwards and destroyed whatever there is left of personally lived experience in its source society.

Even childhood will be detroyed, in most families. Do you think the folklore and stock of subtle cultural forms that evolved across thousands of years will get transmitted the same way now? The lack of anything else to do was one of the major drivers of that. People have this slight absence and sense of needing to do something, and then a bright idea will come to them. 'Let's talk to the kids about…'. But now, any slight absence can be instantly filled by a flood of public stimuli.

Some of us will resist. But anything that doesn't is swept along and taken in.

The grotesque commodified public sphere is invading everything. The numinous and individual web of lived private stories is being eviscerated.

There's… that. And then… work. Work to keep the whole disgusting thing propped up.

This reality is going wrong.


Oh hello there Mr. Debord.



Pity you missed the irony of reducing to its 'source' and thus depersonalising a living expression of personal experience.


There is nothing left out in the world so me personally my strategy is to turn within. I can not find beauty, love, intrigue, fun, or anything else I desire in the physical realm. So all I care about now is escaping my body and going to the astral. One day I hope to permanently vacate my body and leave an automaton behind that runs it while I'm gone.


reddit.com/r/sorceryofthespectacle tier


File: 1428005758339.pdf (2.91 MB, Michael_Talbot-The_Hologra….pdf)

post not relevant to thread but had to be here for entry to the library.


File: 1428006884731.pdf (2.68 MB, Talbot-The_Holographic_Uni….pdf)

here's the same book without the russian header.


You hit the nail on the head with that OP. I'm sure some of us have previously been video game players. There's an entire community which sprouted not too long ago named "let's plays". This kind of passive entertainment which feeds millions will turn their brain into dribble within a good 10 years of lounging.



Good post OP. Is this what "The Society of the Spectacle" is about?

The only times I've felt alive in the past 10 years:

- crust punk / hardcore basement shows that are total chaos, social boundaries seem to dissolve

- Occupy Wall Street in the first 2 months… felt real. It soon became the opposite

- Sex with a strange 18 year old I met in the park.. sex happened within an hour of initiating conversation

- The times I did Shrooms and LSD

- Riding my bike for 10 hours with almost no directions/shitty map to get to the beach. talking to strangers, getting lost, sitting around in strange places

- stealing things from chain grocery stores… feels real

- biking around the city at night, down the creepiest / shadiest neighborhoods where there is actual danger if you're white at night

- the fist fight I had while drunk

- the girl who saw me fight him and gave me the first blowjob she'd ever given that night

okay now I have a boner

Modern life is blank. months of nothing for 5 minutes of feeling alive


this is all well and good, but you, OP, have failed to even remotely tie any of this to the subject of this board. I'm not sure why you're dropping this societal critique in a board about wizards and magic.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Wall Street was cool in the beginning
Socialists wanted to rope the elite bankers
NatSoc wanted to rope the Jews (elite bankers)
SJWs of course had to ruin it


I was a video game player. My entire life revolved around it. But my parents thought it was good to take that away, little did they know it would lead me onto the path of enlightenment.


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I'm already here.


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nice dubs as reward have new meyme that promotes accelerationism

saw this connection between noisepill and le sanic meyme.: it always features clipping - harsh noise.

not to mention the names themselves are:




in short;

gotta go fast to immanentize le eschaton


Well the neets back on /monster/ managed to break the mimetic barrier again.


I feel ya OP.

I think more and more introverted people are realizing those truths these days - however they lack a way out.

You can't just go live your life as a hunter in the wild or claim some land and farm on your own - shit costs serious cash.

I might try Alaska though once I'm cut out for it and hope I can last without rangers telling me to gtfo.


Also buddhism might help some people trapped in this sideshow.

Pure land buddhism and theravada buddhism might enable those that feel like they can't deal with modern life anymore to get through it.

S. N. Goenka Vipassana retreats are on youtube as well (done with prisoners in India with great results).


Hmmm… Where have I heard this before?

No, really. I could of swore I read this someplace else…

Yeah it seems like hanging out with teenage girls who want some fux but I never really give them fux because too beta is the only thing I can appreciate lately.

That and preparing for inevitable battle. And war. And genocide. And Ragnarok. And renewing the Earth after said Ragnarok.



good lord that video gave me cancer… Why even let sjws speak? It feels like we should crush them while not even recognizing their existence. Like when you're walking and step on ants without even noticing it.

Rise my fellow wizards… Rise! Become so big, you'll crush the cancer of this world without even trying.


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Not knowing the cancer is already killing it's self.



Really? That is good news… I tend to stay away from sjw related things as it is too infuriating for me to be around it.

What has happened that makes you say that? Is it for real real?


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That's for me to know, and you to find out.



I don't care enough to find out. As said in my previous post, their existence should be ignored and if you become big enough you'll crush them by default. So there's no worries, I asked of curiosity



I had to google that acronym. I'm having trouble to understand why it's a bad thing.

Isn't fighting for social justice and the greater good something every initiate should aspire to?


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Islam means 'submission', in fact, submission to the Creator.

How can such an innocent term as 'submission' be linked to a bad thing?

Why aren't everyone Muslims already? Isn't that what we should all strive for as fellow human beings?



sjw is just the term used to describe them. What they do has nothing to do with justice. If you actually look at the consequences of their actions you'll see why they're so hated around here. What they say sounds almost appealing to you actually think about it and see they're full of shit and trying to lead you towards a path of destruction.



Cancerous newfig doesn't know it has nothing to do with /pol/ and that the people that created /fringe/ were from 4chon.net/new/



hahahahahahahahahahahaha how can anyone be this new and full of shit.


Culture got subverted and now propagates degeneration

everyone knows this, and if they don't they should. so what's your point?



sjw are social justice people who are fighting social issues in ways that do NOT promote justice. they use tactics of public shaming, restricting free speech, censorship, doxing and more. they are also on the extreme end of the spectrum, and some of the stuff they get upset about is questionable (as in, picking arbitrary things to get upset over while ignoring real issues at hand)


Hey dudes I am the admin of /r/sorceryofthespectacle which was mentioned above. I can confirm that spectacular speculations are super occult and totally related to magic :-). You know like, when the radio goes all weird, or the TV talks to you? It is doing that all the time actually



Hey raisondecalcul, you're making a grave error revealing that you're from reddit on here



>Why aren't everyone Muslims already? Isn't that what we should all strive for as fellow human beings?

>Yes! Submit, goy, to your Saturn cube.

Fuck off, slave.



nice to see you here raisondecalcul



Fuck off, low-spectrum autist.



Excellent post, yet I must proclaim a statement:

>The course of history since the beginning of capitalism,

Why just the mention of Capitalism, instead of the whole structure?

Every ideology, every idea, every creation, every piece and plane that forms our reality (including humans) are not safe from this infection, either.

You name it

Communism, Anarchism, Libertarians, Republicans, Democrats, and whatever flavor of the month is next on the mind of the race, for eons to come.

If you fix your attention to one cell, instead of the whole cancer, you are missing 99.99999…% of the entire picture.

All the affected and malign ideas form a tumor, rotting and eating our reality.

And EVERY infected idea will infect OTHER ideas and minds, spreading the cancer, unless stopped.

This is no different from a Zombie infection

***From an Esoteric POV:

This follows the law of self-preservation. Humans gave so much thought and energy to this ideas, that Will and Desire were born in them. The different ideologies formed an entity that is very much capable of willing and desire, specially the Will and Desire to stay alive.

We must note:

The worst agent capable of destroying our reality is not the one coming from the outside, but the one working the machiavelic plan from the inside

Undetectable, unnoticiable, without trace.

We could start naming lots of different examples that corroborate this previous paragraph, but any individual with enough Will to Will is capable of exerting the necessary attention to test and confirm this.

**This doesn't means I am devaluing your post. On the contrary, it is a prime example of quality OC, and applaud all your effort and work invested


basing my post under the rules of correct reasoning and critical thinking, I have the right to assume the tumor, as a whole, is the cause of our rotting reality, NOT a single cell of the tumor.

Unless it is explained how Capitalism is the core of the corruption, instead of the entire structure (from which capitalism is part of) being at fault.

We can compare this to proclaiming a single cancer cell is killing the diseased being, instead the tumor

Ex uno disce omnes

Good vibes.



I see you're posting with the master flag, psychomance me right now and tell me the colour of my pants and shirt and some other details around me, or GTFO with your abuse of the ranking system.



>Caring for the flag instead of the content of the post.

Just finished the reading. It was worth it and made sense. The one who has to gtfo is you edgy boy

Nothinn personnel kid :^)



I didn't even read his post, I'm just that 2edgy4u.



I'm not enirely sure what you mean.

Did your parents taking away your video games help you to spiritually enlighten?

Or did their efforts not work, and you were playing video games in spite of them and then reached enlightenment through games?



The spectacle is in essence a collection of informational viruses - self-replicating errors. They spread from brain to brain via media and communication. They compete with each other in Darwinian ways, but such competition only feeds the spectacle at large. For a topical example, there's the reactionary/SJW dynamic.

During the last century or so we've seen the exponentially increasing evolution of these virii, which have been with us for centuries, and have only been magnified. The rate of cultural evolution has already surpassed the rate at which these virii can adapt (the spectacle is now shitting itself with endless replication without being able to generate anything truly novel) and has facilitated the development of antivirii.

Peak Spectacle is at hand, and the popping of the manic inflationary bubble is imminent. A wave of crushing hopelessness, depression, and doubt is going to envelop the world and nobody will be spared, from the rich to the poor. We shall all cry and embrace each other in sorrow.

Out of this depressive realism will come the pressing urgency for true change, and a vast funneling of resources on every level to expose and solve the fundamental problems of humanity instead of burying them with endless falsehoods.

As for the antivirii, they have been prepared on the down-low and seeded in the right spots. Right now they are doing their work in the body of global culture, working their way from the inside out. Those who are observant, the "early adopters" have seen this going on for quite a while, and soon critical mass will be reached.


Hi, >>44051 >>43778 here,

There's an infinite stream of hope that tells me, don't worry, after surmounting nth grade (primary/secondary school, similar thing extending to tertiary, but worse) and pretty much slaving, you know, I'll finally rest.

But now, I can see the delusion in this. I am a slave, forced into indentured servitude, to family, to society, the whole fucking System.

All that 'graduating' was not graduating outside the System, but deeper into it. My delusion just infused me with false hope when I felt despair. But no, despair was not to be ran away from, but embraced for its truth.

You know what? I'm sick of this shit.

I believe my path to Enlightenment has begun in earnest 4 years ago, when I suddenly got sick (literally too, Ramadan is a bitch) of Islam and thus first started questioning it. I sadly plateaued at being a dilettante at esotericism.

Now begins a new era for me. This cycle of hope shall never be repeated. I am a slave and I hate it, insomuch that I will work to find my way out of it.

Wish me the best. I look forward to being an Initiate as per this board's 'rankings'.


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that is an interesting way of saying we're approaching a new timewave of novelty. The increase of complexity in human society always follows some major happening, usually catastrophic. And this major happening always come after a time in which society is not really creating much, just digesting the old ideas.



It isn't just human society that follows this trend, biological evolutionary history does as well, according to the view of punctuated equilibrium that has steadily displaced the gradualist paradigm.

Here's a video that explains punctuated equilibrium theory and gives some historical context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEnO6HzS7F8


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I love Sapolsky, his a pretty cool guy and he doesn't afraid of anything. Also timewave zero.



I watched it and did a little bit of additional reading. It seems like timecube: zero to be honest. There's some legitimate insight, but there's much lost in translation and reductionist thinking.

Terence McKenna seems like someone who had an intuitive understanding and feel of cultural attractors, but he got some wires crossed when he tried to explicate.



> but he got some wires crossed when he tried to explicate.

That is because he was a druggy, psychedelics are cool up to a certain point. The impression you have of him is accurate.


File: 1434606792487.jpg (6.21 KB, 225x225, 1:1, nope frog.jpg)

maybe the government can give you all bf free gal-pals for freeeeeeeeee



thanks chris-chan


good post, op.

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